foodloosein · 4 years
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Chand Eating Chand 😄 After a trek up the hill to Hadimba temple , I couldn't help but feel like doing some deep fried therapy. What better for a Mallu than Machli ? Close to the Mall road, there are a few vendors selling chicken and fish pakoras. I had a choice between Malhi( Wallago Attu/ Boal / Attu Vaala) , Trout & Roopchand .I chose the latter as it was humongous. Now here is the interesting thing . Roopchand is red bellied pacu which is native to Amazon . How it made it into Indian waters is a big puzzle , probably by some unscrupulous farmers. Now found all over the country, most of it is sourced from Godavari , where it risks being an invasive species. It is fleshy, tastes quite like a sea fish.No wonder it is also called Chinese Pomfret because we attribute all knock offs to China 😄 The fish was smeared in a red chilli , turmeric , salty marinade and deep fried. I personally thought it could have tasted better in a typical Kerala marinade with shallots, black pepper, red chillies, turmeric and curry leaves. The grated radish was a nice sweet relief. The mint green chilly chutney would work better if it was worked into a mayo with a touch of sweetness. Pacu is often mistaken for piranha and what creeped me out a bit was their human like teeth which they use to break nuts. So much so that they mistake human testicles for nuts and is believed to bite it off! 😨 Okay, absolutely no guilt for eating this one. Taking the cudgels for my fellow brethren 😆 #foodloose #chandeatingchand #roopchand #pacu #fish #rupchanda #machli #pakora #redbelliedpacu #amazonian #orinoco #freshwater #manali #ballcutter #himachal #streetfood #pescatarian #pisces (at Manali, Himachal Pradesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIct7LCl0XV/?igshid=1je1r6sy55qdz
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Sending this riddle interpretation with much Love and Humour to you dear Skippy, thank you MM Anon :).  It’s all made up fun as usual!  I don’t know how to insert images sorry but had a wee cry laugh over the batfish pictures on google, reminiscent of her dull eyed Royal Albert Hall appearance xx LH Anon
  …… On the banks of Huntspill River …… a pretty Sum-erset …… O dear ‘ how not to be princely …… On joining the BRF, MM was very excited to get her mitts on all the royal moolah.  She went to a bank near the Huntspill River and opened a joint cheque account for herself and MA in anticipation of a pretty sum.  Fast forward a couple of years and MA is Not Happy.  He tried to buy a new pair of formal party jandals (the last pair being worn out from standing on tiptoe in photos) and the card declined.  Adding insult to injury, he was declined again at the shop for large incognito hats to wear at weddings and also the pet store where they sell Bogarts vegan dog food.  Rumour has it, he is refusing to arrange any public support for MM via politicians, celebrities or Z listers until she is back in a position to finance his princely lifestyle.
🎼” everybody’s doing the loco- emotion”🎼……… In the real steps of his mother…… “Protocol, dignity and humour “…… Their successes drove her apoplectic …… Friday night fun in the Sussex household just doesn’t get any better.  Last week they purchased a new Sing Star tape!  Darren scored 10/10 in his Kylie Minogue rendition, MM is insisting Sunshine Sachs plant some stories about how he has his mothers natural theatrical ability.  They have held her off for the moment claiming that the public might question how a 5 month old can have reached the developmental stage of reading a teleprompter and singing.  PH also popped in, hoping to set some expectations for the Wellchild event that they had to attend together.  As she didn’t care and wouldn’t listen to him, he gave up and had a merry time singing duos about MM with Darren.
“All by Myself” Eric Carmen 9/10
“Don’t You Lie to Me” Chuck Berry 9/10
“You’re So Vain” Carly Simon 11/10
LIZARDS 🦎 ……” please George ‘ don’t do that”🦎🦎🦎…… … Nanny doesn’t like🦎🦎🦎…… “I miss the children”…… Prince George is trying to convince his parents that he should be allowed a pet lizard, they have let him know that the topic can be discussed as a family when they get home from their tour.  
Before this hits the tabloids, MM has been desperate to show that Archie Darren is, one up on the Cambridge kids again.  There has been a succession of weird and wonderful creatures paraded in the last few weeks, unfortunately none have been suitable so far.  
Aardvark - MIA, thought to be slowly tunnelling back to Africa, rather miffed why he wasn’t picked up at Heathrow security.  No welfare concerns reported during flight, he appeared comfortably snuggled up on bottom padding and faux silk headscarves wrapped around real diamonds to form a pillow.  
Pacu Fish - Banished, breach of copyright lawsuit is pending.  Details show that the defendant Mr Fish has been posting selfies posing with an inane grin using the hashtag #ballcutters.  According to friends of MM this is an exact copy of her own selfies and hashtag in 2011 when she got her veneers.
Venezuelan Poodle Moth - RIP, unexpectedly passed following an encounter with the Soho House Somerset porch light
Red Lipped Batfish - Banished, being held in custody on charges of pilfering MMs cosmetics
The next contingent of animals was due to arrive via Mios luggage on return from Pakistan but sadly he was not allowed to attend a real Royal Tour.  Regardless, an embargoed press release has been issued stating that when a pet is decided on
MM attended the pets birth and found it an empowering experience
The pet is unnamed until such time that they have bonded as a family
There will be a staged photocall where MM will present a plastic replica
Stay tuned to Sussex Royal on instagram for blurry images of a feather / tail / snout / hoof cradled in a hand for maximum jewellery exposure #familylifeisthebest ©
ROYAL AIR FORCE ONE. …… MI6 and the visit??…… “ de visit was spectacular ‘ de-brief was better”. ……” Thanks M.” 14 aides have been fired this week, morale is at an all time low.  It all started with confusion when the royal airforce was commissioned for laundering by MM.  Aides thought this a strange request, but not the most outrageous to have received to date.  In the background, MI6 were ready to pounce, finally able to secure hard evidence of the Sussex Scam Foundation finances.  Staff at Soho House Paris were puzzled to receive, not suitcases of money, but suitcases of knickers.  The appearance of such spectacular quantities of smalls was thought to have caused many titters amongst staff who sent a thank you note back to MM for brightening up another sordid day.
Thank you so much!  So appreciate your wonderful sense of humour!  What a gift you have!  Thank you, as this was much neede! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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gbhbl · 5 years
Music News: Cancer, The UK Legends of Death Metal, Release the Ballcutter EP!
Music News: Cancer, The UK Legends of Death Metal, Release the Ballcutter EP!
Following Cancer’s 2018’s stellar return with their Shadow Gripped opus and a string of shows coming up including headlining the Wasteland Stage at this year’s esteemed Wacken festival, Cancer will be releasing the Ballcutter EP on 19th July.
This limited edition 5 track EP, available on acid yellow vinyl leads with an alternate master version of the Shadow Gripped album track ‘Ballcutter’,��
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toothlessego · 7 years
what about OFOTCN?
The amount of time it took me to realize that that abbreviation was for One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest was.. too much time. Wowee I’m bad with abbreviations.
I wrote a whole hunk up but the tab crashed on me so I’ll I guess summarize with that while I enjoy One Flew Over for a handful of reasons, both the movie (to a degree) and the book (to a definitely much greater degree) have prominent themes of powerful women being inherently dangerous/damaging/emasculating to men
And esp in the book, where you get all of the inner monologue and backstory regarding several characters (Esp Chief Bromden who you don’t learn much about in the movie) you can see that every character whose past is explored with any depth has all of their big problems stem from the women in their life emasculating them somehow.  The metaphor of castration comes up many, many, many times if I remember. It’s not subtle.
That with having the only positive female characters being a couple of meek prostitutes that the Big Guy main character brings along to sleep with his buddies is. hmm.
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glopratchet · 4 years
found human flesh in the ruins of a burnt house, added it to my diet hahahaha added a human taste to bear meat and chewy snail shells ive earned muh name too now they call me 'Sumner the cannibal' visit that forest at night without jake and crew? NOPE! but ive been avoiding those tempting near by farms and sniping any strays i see sadly its not the same sport as hunting with treachery too easy boredom has set in as ive wiped out the majority of the gators, started wiping out small villages searching for new plague bearing rats but sickened by how weak and soft this land is now, not worth conquerin or even robbin Instead ive been wasting days locked in my house trying and failing to think up "AART nostalgia tour favorites" currently locked in my "meditation room" getting invasion plans from every direction, this village is weak as anything and theres dozens of fat sheep full of bone marrow and blood me on solid ground ahead of a potential alligator attack THEY wont be expecting a thing??!' ^ good news! seems like old charlie has found his purpose again, attacking while theyre eating will obliterate half before they can even react oooooOOOOOoooooo Just jumped to close to the boy and he caught me!!!!!!! my custom ballcutter caught on his armor and now hes furiously shredding it off scraping it along my own underside as--- GAAAH! too late ive been sliced across the eyes NOW what am I gonna do --oops he just slid off trembling waiting to regenerate He was delicious but I was starving back after a regenerative meal, war's been on my mind a lot lately seems everytime mama stomps off in one of her moods now me and pops end up running raids, setting villages alight and raiding conquests for a time gotta say I love being on the attack, bringing fear to other humans never bores me and neither does killing I've certainly had my taste during this long winter guess I've been developing a taste for blood in general too humans are tasty after all no rest for the wicked Where was I? oooh yes Here I am consumed with vile bloodlust and the energy it gives but a quick jot of prose rest the mind and brring clarity Let me tell you all about my dear friend charlie, in fact he was the first one among my recent friends ive not killed or eaten The man gave himself the name "charley horse" Finally managed to settle into a good rhythm with these deranged people and I get the sneaking suspicion charley horse was involved in getting humans to raid my homeland! really rubs me the wrong way Why has he not been killed yet?? hes never done anithing right! Ahem sorry one moment regenerating like nobodies business OOoooooh that feels better!! where were we? oh yes charley horse Pretty sure he's been sabotaging my every effort to fit in with the rest of the humans, those raiders were bad enough but to think he's been actively getting them to target home makes my scales itch I assume hes been organizing these raids from the south up near new aggressor territory so thats where Ive headed Finally caught up to him, and ambushed his band of ambitious little opportunists only to watch him escape Those humans were all loaded down with fur and hide armor so Im guessing charley has been organizing things with the bears as wel guess I'll have to get rid of him This act of kindness is gonna hurt him more than a little bat to the head since Ive had enough of his traitorous actions surprise surprise the raiders are organizing up there and have been recruiting humans from all the way down south, (even near the ruins of DC) those wackos seem to pop up everywhere don't they? Oh and charley horse is organizing things with them !!!! The little turncoat definitely has to die Ive had just about enough of his act I'm gonna need to get in deep and hasta muerte* That was interesting, ive been trying to get in good with the bear brutas for weeks now and I finally managed it by getting captured by a bunch of destroyer robots and had my mind probed and my body royally mangled! I hate robots! But in the end I got accepted like I wanted :) the bear brutas are pretty good folks once you get past their gruff exterior theyre kinda just like us scaly folk even if their primarily carniverous shhh! im supposed to be hiding by pretending to be one of them :) One of the girls just came around, ooooooh shes cute!! Gotta remember to keep an eye on charley horse *Hasta muerte means "until death" in spanish Comment too long Click here to view the full text Seeing alot of robots lately, makes me miss the old world and the old ways before all this new technology showed up, I almost long for the unified church inquisitors to hammer on my door again tough not nearly as tough as the old coalition or Enclave hunts Ive actually managed to become friends with a guy named Zero and his gang of repurposed robot killclowns, funny bunch of guys that love to joke around but they mean business when it counts Done a couple of jobs with them actually, never followed carly's rule of just sticking to one weapon and ive found its been quite helpful having access to an entire armory! I think in this crazy new world theres nothing better than a huge pile of weapons to pick from Keep coming across these fur clothes wearing tribals too, they actually seem to revere charley horse as some sort of deity or greatest warrior or something Theres more to him than meets the eye, good thing ive been getting on his good side :) The wish i could find out more about him but he just vanishes for days at a time some odd instinct tells me its best not to ask questions Its funny how im not the only one keeping a watch out for him its like all of us scaly types have this mutual understanding, hes the man but none of us want him to get too big for his boots, also because we all have our own agendas and jobs to do Just like old times back in the coalition! And now ive finally made my move just like old times! I cant even believe ive pulled it off either, took a while to set up and almost got caught a couple times but it all payed off! Was actually stupidly easy if i do say so myself!
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riffrelevant · 5 years
CANCER 'Ballcutter' Vinyl EP Arrives w/ Lyric Video; Wacken Open Air Set
CANCER ‘Ballcutter’ Vinyl EP Arrives w/ Lyric Video; Wacken Open Air Set
Article By: Pat ‘Riot’ Whitaker, Senior Writer/Journalist ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway, Owner/Chief Editor
For over three decades, U.K. death metal masters CANCER have stricken our planet with some of the most abrasive extreme metal known to man. (more…)
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maryseward666 · 6 years
Reactivated U.K. Death Metallers CANCER Release 'Garrotte' Song From 'Shadow Gripped' Album
U.K. death metal veterans CANCER will release their new album, "Shadow Gripped", on November 2 via Peaceville. The disc was recorded at Foel studios in Wales with Simon Efemy (PARADISE LOST, NAPALM DEATH, AMORPHIS) handling production and mixing duties alongside the band, with further recording taking place in Spain. The song "Garrotte", taken from "Shadow Gripped", can be streamed below. One of the U.K.'s premier death metal purveyors of the late '80s and early '90s, including a major label spell on East West/Warner with 1995's "Black Faith", CANCER now marks 30 years since its formation by announcing its much-anticipated sixth full length album, reuniting all three original core members — John Walker on guitar/vocals, Ian Buchanan on bass and Carl Stokes on drums — for the first time since 1995. With fan demand and interest in the rejuvenated band ever increasing, CANCER has been busy playing festivals over the last three years in support of re-releases of the first three albums, delivering their own punishing brand of death metal to fans old and new. This was the much-needed catalyst that spurred the band on to return to their classic inspirational sound when writing new material. "Shadow Gripped" includes a free exclusive bonus track download of "Crocodile Itch", delivered on release date with each CD or vinyl pre-order. The effort features a guest appearance by Anders Nyström of Swedish deathlords BLOODBATH, who comments: "Believe it or not, but KATATONIA used to play a CANCER cover in our early live sets. Yup, that's right — 'Burning Casket'! We then saw ourselves go on and form a little death metal band based on the opening track of 'To The Gory End', and hey, we all know that one, don't we? Last year we ended up recording this song and put it out on a seven-inch EP and I thought it probably won't get any better than this, but it did, as I was given the honor to put down a guest solo on their new ball-cutting album! CFC is back and it has me even more stoked than Carl is Stokes!" CANCER said in a statement: "We are delighted to have signed a recording deal with such an esteemed label as Peaceville. We have full confidence that they understand this metal and CANCER as a band. Together we want to deliver an album that celebrates our 30-year existence and the old-school death metal sound that we played a part in creating back in 1988 when the band was conceived. So rejoice and hoist the bunting fashioned from flaps of skin, and fill your balloons with the last gasp of a dying man! We are back from the dead. CFC." "Shadow Gripped" track listing: 01. Down The Steps 02. Garrotte 03. Ballcutter 04. Organ Snatcher 05. The Infocidal 06. Half Man Half Beast 07. Crimes So Vile 08. Thou Shalt Kill 09. Shadow Gripped 10. Disposer
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from Rock Out With Your Cock Out http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/reactivated-u-k-death-metallers-cancer-release-garrotte-song-from-shadow-gripped-album/ via IFTTT
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metalcultbrigade · 6 years
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O Cancer divulgou a artwork e o track listing de "Shadow Gripped", seu sexto álbum de estúdio, que tem previsão de lançamento para 02/11/2018 via Peaceville Records. Track Listing: Side A 1. Down the Steps 2. Garrotte 3. Ballcutter 4. Organ Snatcher 5. The Infocidal Side B 6. Half Man Half Beast 7. Crimes So Vile 8. Thou Shalt Kill 9. Shadow Gripped 10. Disposer (em Jardim D'Abrill) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpaD5qQh0eP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xjahzo85gntk
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
kirby 64 the crystal shards n64
kirby 64 the crystal shards n64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards cheats & more for Nintendo64 (N64)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo64 (N64). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo64 cheats we have available for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
Genre: Action, Side Scrolling Platform Developer: Unknown Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone
Easy Swimming / Flying
If you are tired of swimming or flying then eat the red fish and put it on your head and it will swim for you. To fly for a little bit without the controller eat the pink bird to go high or the blue pointy bird to go forward. (I don’t know the people’s names so I told you what they looked like).
Kirby’s Hint
At aqua star, the third section to get the last crystal you have to have rock and cutter. Change into the rat and walk towards one of the wall and jump (repeatedly).
Kirby’s Hardhat
When kirby uses the dynamite sticks press down and he will take out a hardhat. This will protect you from flying rocks.
Alternate Kirby Faces On Music Sound Test
You know that you have to defeat Miracle Matter to earn Sound Test.well here’s something for the Music section of Sound Test. Play different music bits to have Kirby’s face change in expression. He will fall asleep to the soothing songs, rock out to the cool songs, and bulge his eyes in fear to the spooky songs. Some songs have no effect at all.
Extra Star Piece or TreatReturn to the beginning of most levels to find a Star Piece or Treat.Easy Enemy Info (?) cardsGet the Firework power (Bomb + Fire) and go to the first level. Press B whenever you encounter an enemy. At the bonus game, try to get the tan square with the "?" on it.Defeat an enemy without using a powerGet under an enemy that you want to defeat. Then, jump under them and they will freeze for a few seconds. Jump under them two times in order to defeat them.Defeat the last BossThe final Boss can only be damaged by using the power that he has.
Break Through Walls
There are various walls that must be broken by specific abilities. The ability depends on the color of the wall:
Light Brown: SpikeBrown: RockRed: FireGreen: CutterBlack: BombBlue: Ice
Moves (combos)
Fire: Fire ballFire + Stone: Rock shooterFire + Ice: Ice and fire blowerFire + Needle: Bow and arrow with fire arrowFire + Bomb: FireworksFire + Spark: Solar powered fireFire + Cutter: Fire swordFire + Fire: Fire birdStone: RockStone + Ice: Skating soapStone + Needle: DrillStone + Bomb: DynamiteStone + Spark: Electric rope tied to stoneStone + Cutter: Stone cutterStone + Stone: Big rockIce: Ice blowerIce + Needle: Snow flakeIce + Bomb: Snowman bombIce + Spark: Refrigerator (food gives you health)Ice + Cutter: SkateIce + Ice: SnowballNeedle + Bomb: Spikey bombNeedle + Spark: ThunderboltNeedle + Cutter: Bite (commercial)Needle + Needle: Spikey gadgetsNeedle: Spike ballBomb: BombBomb + Spark: Light bulbBomb + Cutter: Bomb that hooks onto opponentBomb + Bomb: Missile launcherSpark: Electric shockSpark + Cutter: Electrical double bladed swordSpark + Spark: Electric ballCutter: BoomerangCutter + Cutter: Boomerang with blades
Boss Strategies
Pop Star BossBest weapon: Flame Sword (Cutter, Flame). Use the sword to destroy the tiny trees, then hit the spikes that come out of the ground.Rock Star BossBest weapon: None. When you get all the way to the top, suck on the atom objects and throw it at one of the cubes.Aqua Star BossBest weapon: Flame Sword (Cutter, Flame). When the shark is in front of you, throw the sword at him. After he faints, hit him when he swims up at you.Neo Star BossBest weapon: Anything that throws. When the lava comes out of the ground, hit it. He will faint and then chase you. When he is not doing anything, jump and throw whatever you have at his mouth.Shiver Star BossBest weapon: Anything. When his hands are in range, hit them. He then turns into a jet. Go for the pincers.Ripple Star BossBest weapon: Random. When he turns into something, hit him with that. For example, when it turns to lightning, hit it with lightning.
Infinite Lives
To get an extra life, get the star at the beginning. Press Start and select “Try Again”. Go to the same level and go back to get the star again. Repeat this as many times as needed to collect an unlimited amount of lives.
Higher Mini-games Difficulty Settings
Successfully complete the mini-games on the easy difficulty setting to unlock the normal difficulty setting. Complete the mini-games on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the hard difficulty setting. Complete the mini-games on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the intense difficulty setting.
Bonus Modes
Collect all crystals in the game (it will say 100% on your file at the file selection screen) to unlock Boss Battle (Bosubuchi) and Movie Viewer (Zenbu Miseru) modes.
Sound Test
Successfully complete the game to unlock a sound test selection on the options screen.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
hoshi no kirby 64 n64
hoshi no kirby 64 n64
Hoshi No Kirby 64 cheats & more for Nintendo64 (N64)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Hoshi No Kirby 64 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo64 (N64). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo64 cheats we have available for Hoshi No Kirby 64.
Developer: Unknown Publisher: Unknown
Currently we have no tips for Hoshi No Kirby 64 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Sound test
Successfully complete the game to unlock a sound test selection on the options screen.
Bonus modes
Collect all crystals in the game (it will say 100% on your file at the file selection screen) to unlock Boss Battle (Bosubuchi) and Movie Viewer (Zenbu Miseru) modes.
Higher mini-games difficulty settings
Successfully complete the mini-games on the easy difficulty setting to unlock the normal difficulty setting. Complete the mini-games on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the hard difficulty setting. Complete the mini-games on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the intense difficulty setting.
Infinite lives
To get an extra life, get the star at the beginning. Press Start and select “Try Again”. Go to the same level and go back to get the star again. Repeat this as many times as needed to collect an unlimited amount of lives.
Boss strategies
Pop Star BossBest weapon: Flame Sword (Cutter, Flame). Use the sword to destroy the tiny trees, then hit the spikes that come out of the ground.Rock Star BossBest weapon: None. When you get all the way to the top, suck on the atom objects and throw it at one of the cubes.Aqua Star BossBest weapon: Flame Sword (Cutter, Flame). When the shark is in front of you, throw the sword at him. After he faints, hit him when he swims up at you.Neo Star BossBest weapon: Anything that throws. When the lava comes out of the ground, hit it. He will faint and then chase you. When he is not doing anything, jump and throw whatever you have at his mouth.Shiver Star BossBest weapon: Anything. When his hands are in range, hit them. He then turns into a jet. Go for the pincers.Ripple Star BossBest weapon: Random. When he turns into something, hit him with that. For example, when it turns to lightning, hit it with lightning.
Moves (combos)
Fire: Fire ballFire + Stone: Rock shooterFire + Ice: Ice and fire blowerFire + Needle: Bow and arrow with fire arrowFire + Bomb: FireworksFire + Spark: Solar powered fireFire + Cutter: Fire swordFire + Fire: Fire birdStone: RockStone + Ice: Skating soapStone + Needle: DrillStone + Bomb: DynamiteStone + Spark: Electric rope tied to stoneStone + Cutter: Stone cutterStone + Stone: Big rockIce: Ice blowerIce + Needle: Snow flakeIce + Bomb: Snowman bombIce + Spark: Refrigerator (food gives you health)Ice + Cutter: SkateIce + Ice: SnowballNeedle + Bomb: Spikey bombNeedle + Spark: ThunderboltNeedle + Cutter: Bite (commercial)Needle + Needle: Spikey gadgetsNeedle: Spike ballBomb: BombBomb + Spark: Light bulbBomb + Cutter: Bomb that hooks onto opponentBomb + Bomb: Missile launcherSpark: Electric shockSpark + Cutter: Electrical double bladed swordSpark + Spark: Electric ballCutter: BoomerangCutter + Cutter: Boomerang with blades
Break through walls
There are various walls that must be broken by specific abilities. The ability depends on the color of the wall:Light Brown: SpikeBrown: RockRed: FireGreen: CutterBlack: BombBlue: Ice
Extra Star Piece or TreatReturn to the beginning of most levels to find a Star Piece or Treat.Easy Enemy Info (?) cardsGet the Firework power (Bomb + Fire) and go to the first level. Press B whenever you encounter an enemy. At the bonus game, try to get the tan square with the “?” on it.Defeat an enemy without using a powerGet under an enemy that you want to defeat. Then, jump under them and they will freeze for a few seconds. Jump under them two times in order to defeat them.Defeat the last BossThe final Boss can only be damaged by using the power that he has.
Currently we have no unlockables for Hoshi No Kirby 64 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Hoshi No Kirby 64 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Hoshi No Kirby 64 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Hoshi No Kirby 64 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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