siriusdiamant · 3 months
14K Gold Dainty Ball Ring, Genuine Diamonds Pave Engagement Band, Minimalist Wedding Band, Tiny Women Wedding Ring, Delicate Ring, Wife Gift
Elevate your elegance with our 14K Gold Dainty Ball Ring, a perfect blend of sophistication and minimalism. This exquisite piece features genuine diamonds set in a delicate pave design, making it an ideal engagement band or minimalist wedding band. Its tiny, intricate craftsmanship ensures it stands out as a symbol of timeless love and commitment.
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bloodcrosses · 3 months
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I want this desperately. 😫 The curse of debt repayment means I'll have to wait for now, and hope it is there when my next payment comes in four weeks.
It is beautiful work and I collect fascinating little trinket boxes.
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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buboloboogie · 8 months
hello again ballrs
i offer, the punkening :3
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yor x femaler reader. friends to lovers
so yor is on an undercover mission on ball?and is almost caught by the bodyguards of the target when she is dragged into an alley way,after being chased, by reader and she keeps her quiet before a gunshot is heard near them and they are found.
Things happen and yor is knocked out and bound in a ware house were they try to interrogate her.
Reader goes and commits h0moc!d3
Ballroom Blitz
Yor Briar x She/Her Reader
A/N: I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for, but I was unsure how to best carry it out so I tried to make it a little easier for myself. I can promise you that Reader does commit homicide though! For added fun, I thought about the song The Ballroom Blitz by Sweet while writing this, so if anyone wants to give that a listen, feel free. Thanks for reading! Word Count: ~1,465
“The target is in the back of the room in the burgundy suit, see him?” (Y/n) murmured into the minuscule communications device tucked snuggly in her ear. She hid the movement of her lips behind the champagne flute in her hand.
“Yes, I see him.” She heard Yor reply.
(Y/n)’s eyes drifted to the opposite corner of the busy room to find Yor navigating between the dancing couples in her signature black dress.
“Use caution, those men around him are trained bodyguards.”
“What would I ever do without your help (Y/n), thank you.”
(Y/n) could hear the genuine gratitude in Yor’s voice and smiled behind the lip of her champagne flute.
“Any time, partner.”
(Y/n) stood vigil in her corner and watched Yor slowly make her way through the dancing and chatting aristocrats, politely denying any offers to dance along the way. She briefly turned her eyes back on the man in the back of the ballroom. Well, it was supposed to be brief, but looking at the man, she saw how nervous he looked as he nursed another glass of wine. A red rather than a white this time around, he must have finished off the previous bottle on his own. No one would think anything was amiss if he suddenly toppled over once Yor slipped the poison into his never-ending drink.
Yet his nervous behavior concerned (Y/n). Was he expecting something to go wrong for him tonight? Had someone tipped him off?
(Y/n) saw movement at the target’s left and peered over at the well-dressed, snooty looking woman stiffly walking over with a large binder in her hands. On closer inspection, (Y/n) noticed it was the guest book and silently cursed as the woman hung over the target’s shoulder and pointed out Yor from the crowd.
“Yor, we’ve been compromised. Retreat and regroup—“
“Everyone attack!” The man shrilled over the fanciful classical music that filled the ballroom, jabbing a desperate finger in Yor’s direction as he practically crawled over the woman with the guest book to run away with his hands raised to the sky.
The bodyguards and even more men who had been disguised as waitstaff leapt into action and began lunging and shooting at Yor, flinging the ballroom into chaos.
“Shit—” (Y/n) pulled her gun free from its hiding place and aimed it at the ceiling, firing off a single shot. “Everyone who doesn’t have a stake in this fight, get down!”
Most of the people fell to the ground in an array of screams and shouts before they began scuttling away like cockroaches. How undignified. For some reason the small orchestra was still playing though, and for that (Y/n) had to give props. That, and they seemed to switch to something more energetic to match the hectic scene.
“(Y/n), go after the target!” Yor yelled into her mic, making (Y/n) wince, “I’ll hold them off here.”
(Y/n) wanted to disagree, but they really didn’t have another choice. If their target got away, then that wiggly little mole would never be seen again.
“Don’t die on me, Briar!” (Y/n) warned, dodging a bodyguard’s punch before elbowing him hard in the stomach and sending him to the ground with the bridge of his nose crushed into his skull.
Yor sent her a wink from the other side of the ballroom as she sliced another man’s jugular open while dodging a spray of bullets. It was strangely artistic, almost like a dance with the music still playing, a very bloody, violent dance.
But now wasn’t the time for (Y/n) to ogle her best friend, she had a cowardly little mole to catch up with.
She disposed of a few more bodyguards on the way out of the ballroom and kicked the double doors open, catching sight of the target as he scrambled around the corner. She ran after him and the ballroom’s double doors swung shut with a heavy thud, muffling the music and gunfire within.
After littering the halls with a few more bodies, she had cornered the target. She almost felt bad for the man sniveling and cowering beneath the elegantly carved mahogany table and red velvet table cloth, an expensive antique vase smashed against the ground and scattered around him in his hurry to hide underneath.
“Please, don’t kill me! I’ll pay you triple what you’re being paid!” He pleaded, eyes red from crying.
“Afraid I can’t do that, sir. This is the risk you run when you deal in selling sensitive information,” (Y/n) reloaded her gun and took aim, “No amount of money can save you when you piss off all the wrong people.”
She ended it with one shot, putting the man out of his misery quickly and only taking the time to check that he was truly dead before rushing back down the maze of hallways back to the ballroom to assist Yor in anyway she could.
“Yor, I eliminated the target. Retreat.” (Y/n) spoke through the communicator. She waited a few moments, but heard no reply, “Yor, respond… Yor? Shit.”
(Y/n) picked up the pace, becoming more worried the closer she got without word from Yor. She couldn’t hear the orchestra anymore, they must have wised-up and split. She slammed the doors open and her eyes were immediately drawn to the middle of the room where Yor was struggling beneath a mob of bodyguards while one stood in front of the dog pile, breathing heavily.
They all looked in pretty bad shape, Yor had given them hell, but they had overpowered her with their numbers and the one left standing was fumbling with his gun, spilling bullets onto the floor as he hurriedly tried to reload while his comrades yelled at him to work faster while trying to keep Yor down.
(Y/n) trained her gun on the man, “Drop it!” She warned.
But the man only tried to load it faster, earning him one of (Y/n)’s own bullets.
“(Y/n)!” Yor called out.
She looked happy enough to see her, but the weight of the people on top of her made her voice sound strained and (Y/n) could already see a bruise forming on her cheek and that made her furious. The time for offering warnings was over, now they had to pay.
(Y/n) fired off the last of her bullets to take out a good portion of the pile before running up on them and striking another man with the barrel of her gun with incredible speed and accuracy. It was then that the rest of the dog pile caught up with what was happening and tried to retaliate by fighting back or putting more pressure on Yor, but (Y/n) was swift in painting the ballroom floors with their blood. So swift in fact, that she hadn’t realized she had moved at all, the only thing waking her from her trance of violence was Yor’s hug.
“(Y/n), it’s over! You did it!” She beamed.
“I… did it. I did it—!“ (Y/n) cupped Yor’s face in her bloody hands, “Are you okay? What am I saying, of course you aren’t, you’re all bruised and scratched up!”
Yor didn’t seem bothered by (Y/n)’s bloodied hands at all. In fact, she cupped her own hands over them to press them even closer to her face.
“I’m okay,” she assured chipperly, “you don’t need to worry so much!”
“I love you, so of course I’m going to worry if you’re hurt! No matter how superficial the wound—“ (Y/n) stopped abruptly, had she really just said that out loud? Looking at Yor’s expression, she definitely did.
In the past, she had let a few things slip that she had later fretted over, a few actions too, but Yor was mercifully oblivious. However, (Y/n) had never flat out told her she loved her before! Even Yor couldn’t be that oblivious, not while they stood so close together with their fingers threaded together against her cheeks.
“I- I mean—“
“I love you too!” Yor blurted passionately despite how flustered she appeared, “I was worried about you going after the target alone, and when we get separate assignments I get really worried too! I can’t go to sleep until I hear you enter the apartment.”
“You too?!”
They heard the sound of someone’s throat clearing and they leapt into defensive stances until they realized it was the orchestra organizing themselves back into position. The conductor led the orchestra into the first few notes of a song before craning their head back to give the women an encouraging nod. An unflappable bunch of musicians to say the least.
“Want to dance?” (Y/n) asked.
Yor’s eyes shimmered and she nodded excitedly, bringing (Y/n)’s hands to her waist before eagerly bringing her arms around her neck as the music began to pick up.
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dollilian · 4 months
BJD themed pronouns
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1st: I / me / my / mine / myself
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2nd: you / your / yours / yourself
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3rd: they / them / theirs / themself
Ba/ll, ba/all, ba/ball, ball/balls, ball/joint, ball/jointed, ball/socket, BJ/D, BJD/bjds, BJ/BJD, balljoint/doll, ball/doll, BJD/socket, BJD/limb
Joi/nt, joi/joint, Jo/oint, joint/joints, joint/jointed, jointed/doll, joint/doll, joint/socket, joint/ball
Do/oll, do/ll, do/doll, doll/dolls, doll/joint, doll/socket
So/cket, sock/et, so/socket, sock/socket, socket/sockets, socket/joint, socket/ball
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BJD names(link), doll titles(link)
Requested by none
Tagging: @queersrus @delightfulweepingwillows
Please read the dni in pinned before interacting/requesting
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catinasink · 1 month
-sparkle anon
i see it w my eyed ballrs or something
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theheadlessgroom · 2 months
After breakfast, August decided to briefly retire to his room, just to collect himself before returning to the company of his family, who were gathering in the attic to peacefully enjoy the rest of their morning, a way to unwind after their conversation in the graveyard: He looked forward to it, he looked forward to taking that first real step towards leaving the past behind and living in the moment with his family, but he still needed this moment to himself.
Standing in the bathroom mirror, splashing his face with some cool water, he sighed heavily as he looked at himself, replaying his family's words over and over in his head: The past was in the past. We've made peace with what happened. We have all eternity to be together, and we'd rather spend it happy than resentful.
All wise words from the younger generations, but still a hard pill to swallow. He'd spent so long resenting himself for his addiction, and the ripple effect it had had on his wife and daughter...it was hard to conceive, being able to move forward, even with these words of encouragement from his family. It wasn't that he didn't want to be happy, of course, he wanted to be content, to accept the past and embrace the future (especially when the future meant being with his family again), but...
He was just sighing and toweling off his face when he heard something from the door-peeking out of the bathroom, he saw a piece of paper slid onto the floor, a drawing, he realized, as he picked it up. An endearingly messy drawing of himself and his great-grandchildren, standing together outside of the mansion, the Crayola messages innocently wishing him well and assuring him that they loved him-clearly, a joint effort by Lon and Erika.
August smiled at the drawing, careful not to shed any tears on it as he set it on the nightstand before leaving his and Josephine's room, and heading up to the attic, his old dead heart soothed by such earnest, childish encouragements.
The past was in the past-it was hard to let go, there was no denying that, but with the people he loved believing in him so strongly...
...it didn't seem that way anymore.
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moonyartsblog · 2 years
Today Herakles is...
God of the god of light, joy, purity, and the summer sun. He is son of the god Óðinn and the goddess Frigg. He is the father of Forseti, and he has numerous brothers, such as Þórr and Váli.
🌸 “The second son of Odin is Baldur, and good things are to be said of him. He is best, and all praise him; he is so fair of feature, and so bright, that light shines from him. A certain herb is so white that it is likened to Baldr's brow; of all grasses it is whitest, and by it thou mayest judge his fairness, both in hair and in body. He is the wisest of the Æsir, and the fairest-spoken and most gracious; and that quality attends him, that none may gainsay his judgments. He dwells in the place called Breidablik, which is in heaven; in that place may nothing unclean be.” — Gylfaginning, Baldur is described as follows
🌸 The Old Norse theonym Baldr ('brave, defiant'; 'lord, prince') and its various Germanic cognates – including Old English Bældæg and Old High German Balder (or Palter) – probably stems from Proto-Germanic *Balðraz ('Hero, Prince'; cf. Old Norse mann-baldr 'great man', Old English bealdor 'prince, hero'), itself a derivative of *balþaz, meaning 'brave' (cf. Old Norse ballr 'hard, stubborn', Gothic balþa* 'bold, frank', Old English beald 'bold, brave, confident', Old Saxon bald 'valiant, bold', Old High German bald 'brave, courageous).
🌸 He had a dream of his own death and his mother had the same dream. Since dreams were usually prophetic, this depressed him, so his mother Frigg made every object on earth vow never to hurt Baldr. All objects made this vow except a small plant considered harmless: mistletoe.
🌸 Baldr had the largest ship ever built, called the Ringhorn, or Hringhorni, which was known as the "greatest of all ships". His hall was known as Breiðablik, which means "broad splendor", and according to both the Grímnismál and the Gylfaginning, Breiðablik is the fairest of dwellings where nothing evil or unclean can exist.
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siriusdiamant · 4 months
Diamond Double Half Eternity Ring, 14K Solid Gold Dainty Engagement Band, Women Wedding Band, Minimalist Ball Ring, Wedding Ring, Women Gift
Elevate your elegance with our Diamond Double Half Eternity Ring, crafted from 14K solid gold for a timeless and sophisticated look. This dainty engagement band features a minimalist ball design, perfect for adding a touch of sparkle to any occasion. Ideal as a wedding band or a thoughtful gift for women, this stunning piece beautifully balances modern simplicity with classic charm, making it an exquisite choice for celebrating love and commitment.
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viralpurrz · 2 years
hi ain i love ur art and i hope ur day is going rly well, ur such a ballr fuckin friend
sadkjfldkasjf omg tysm
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absoluteballroomdance · 10 months
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sallymew4 · 10 months
i have been doing absoluteel y ballr arm workouts all weeknd and i shal continue this for the rest of my days
our last battle was too close you shall never come so near to defeeting me agin
nobcuz i havent been able to work my arms out as of recent and im so angry youre gonna go back to beating my ass again
also un-anon yourself you pussy i know who you are
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my-bipolar-journal · 11 months
26 October
Shit man so much happened. So aadarsh n all came back.
6th celebrated nysa's bday and then aadarsh's.
8th was aadarsh's bday. Lit a joint at fcking cafe 12
10th October. Movie night. Watched znmd at college. Then went to high spirits
11th drank at tqc and drunk called lots of ppl including kesav. His friends laughed at me. I think that was the thing that goy me hating him.
13th was dandiya night. I was so not in mood and came back early. Others went to waters or pent to party.
14th went to sb road. Pimlico for rishita's birthday. Met ojaswini
15th night went to tamana's bday to ballr club. Met a lot of new ppl. It was so lit. Tamana did not get night out and had to leave early. The rest of us had night outs so went to Cafe Ibrahim and then I crashed at bhavya bhaiya's house.
16th shot a reel for the halloween party. Spoiler- only sold 8 fcking passes man
18th snigdha's bday but I missed it and went home instead. I had my flight. Angad aadarsh bhargav dropped me at the airport.
19th. Got home and surprised dadu. He literally cried. met trisha and bruno.
23rd got hospitalised. Low bp. High tlc,dlc. Fever 102
24th. Flight back. Gaurav and aadarsh waited at the airport for me.
26th. Met kesav today at walk with snigdha. They be walking out a lot. There might be the slightest chance of something happening bw them coz they thirdwheel two couples together. But it will be like really sad tbh. Ion want that happening even though I am like completely over kesav.
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txemptress · 2 years
DAY ??? — Brooke x Eros Vasilios
NOTE — For @d10nsaint ! This'll be a bit more of a dark content rather than fluffy because I highly doubt Eros could be partnered with fluff! Also ik it's March but hope you don't mind Brooke TT
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Eros had been engaged with her since their youth. And let's just say he and Brooke weren't exactly the closest despite their many years of being betrothed.
He was secretive and mysterious while she was outgoing and loved to speak her mind out. At least she did almost always.
Since they had been engaged and were long time roommates in the same residence, surely they were close right? Most nobles speculated otherwise due to Eros oft being found with other females of the court. So much as though he was flirting with them behind his own lover's back.
Those rumors were untold to be true as the couple kept quiet of any of their affairs. Brooke found no comfort in asking Eros, though he told her not to worry as he would never leave her for another. A lie. That's what she thought of it at first. Until it was deemed true for her husband never went near a woman unless she asked him to. At least that was what she hoped, Eros could never be this obedient.
A new ridiculous rumor floated into the sea of them. Brooke planning on divorcing to remarry another emperor who lived afar. She could only laugh at it, but Eros did not take it lightly. To him this was a disgusting filthy rumor. He wanted that man dead.
Thus he took the liberty to get that man assassinated. He planned to do so in an upcoming event with them finding hopefully allies. When the dark aura of her husband was lifted, Brooke found herself uneasy. This meant he had done something. And this something wouldn't exactly be good.
The event came at long last and with it came her dread. This event would feature emperors of different nations therefore a certain scandalous emperor would show himself. The emperor the rumors spoke of.
Halfway through the party, she found herself indulging in a word with the emperor she had been paired up with. With a small word here and there she found herself enjoying his chattering. Not for long. "There you are, darling." Eros came to her a day later as he kissed her while giving the man behind her a cool stare. "I've been looking all over for you."
"Ah, have you? Sorry love I was.. indulging myself." Brooke gave a laugh to which she realized Eros did not laugh back. Instead he gave a glare towards the male behind her. "Darling?" Eros blinked as his smile returned gently.
"Yes I'm glad you're enjoying." He mumbles, eyes shifting away from the sight before him. "Come along now, I have to introduce you to some people." Leading her away, he gave the emperor one last dark look and turned away.
Hours later, Brooke finally got away from her.. exceptionally aroused lover who had been all over her the past hour. In doing so she was met with the mattress of her bed, causing her to feel her exhaustion. She did not sleep. Instead she took the time to rest before returning to the party. Eros couldn't have done anything bad in a matter of moments, could he? She could not fathom the thought. There was no way.. or so she thought.
Eros, on the other hand, made his way to the room of the unnamed emperor. In there he found him sitting. As if he had been ever so waiting for his arrival. "Finally here, are you?" The man on the bed sneered. "Took you long enough."
A maniacal smile emerged from Eros's face as he took a step forward in a threatening manner. "Right. So there's no need for introductions. Let's just finish this off now so I can go back to my wife." The emperor was caught off guard at the sight of the dagger now in the other's clutches.
Coming back to the party, Brooke found her husband in front of the door. "Rested well?" Eros asked her, kissing her hand gently.
"Yes, of course." Brooke murmured with a tint of pink on her. Eros gave a smile as he pulled her into the ballroom once more engulfing themselves in the light of the night's beauty. Unbeknownst to the girl that her scandalous rumoured ‘lover’ was now being taken away to die from blood loss.
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