#baltic hairstyle
omgthatdress · 2 years
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Kirsten holds a pretty special place in my heart because her story is the one that most closely fits my own family’s. My grandmother was raised on a farm in Iowa that was originally purchased in the 1850s by her great-great grandfather, an immigrant from Norway, and remains in the family to this day. She was raised speaking Norwegian and even had aunts who barely spoke English!
In the book, Kirsten receives her first American dress as a gift when she reaches the Larson’s farm, a hand-me-down from her cousin. It is made out of the roller print cotton that would make for inexpensive and sturdy workwear on the prairie.
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(Chester County Historical Society)
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(Augusta Auctions)
Her sunbonnet needs a little bit more fabric on the back of it to cover her neck, but I guess they were going for the nostalgic and more aesthetically pleasing Little House on the Prairie sunbonnet of the 1970s.
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(The Met Museum)
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(Nordiska Museet)
Kirsten’s bangs are inaccurate, but I think Pleasant Rowland has owned up to it being wrong. The looped braids are Swedish, but also were a popular hairstyle for American girls in the 1850s.
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While ladies of the city like Cécile and Marie-Grace wore shoes made of delicate silk, the rugged women of the frontier like Kirsten wore shoes made of leather.
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(Wisconsin Historical Society, found by @in-pleasant-company​)
One of the things I love about Kirsten’s collection is how Swedish it is. Immigrant communities in the Midwest could be pretty insular, so a lot of traditional folk costume wound its way into everyday wear. The little pocket on Kirsten’s waist is a Swedish garment called a kjolsäck.
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(Nordiska Museet)
Southern Sweden is one of the regions where Baltic amber is found. Extant examples of it are super rare, but amber did find its way into Swedish jewelry, like Kirsten’s pendant.
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(Nordiska Museet)
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unhonestlymirror · 11 months
I am curious about your interpretation of Greece. How he is like, both appearance and personality wise?
...I haven't read all the chapters with Greece, but those frames which I saw represent Greece pretty accurate, imo. I like his insane hairstyle. Born to sleep, forced to work. He's like if the Zootopia sloth was fast. He cooks fish well. He serves his enemies with unpeeled karavidopsiha in batter. He wears that denim overalls in Donna Mamma Mia style. He gave up to clean his house. He would be besties with Baltic Prussija.
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eurovision-revisited · 7 months
Eurovision 2003 - Number 45 - Ruffus - "Eighties Coming Back"
It's Claire's Birthday! Seriously. Until shortly before EuroLaul 2003 Ruffus were called Claire's Birthday and had released three LPs in the early 2000s. They represent what is definitely a Baltic sensibility when it comes to Eurovision; a distinct soft alt or indie rock sound and attitude.
Eighties Coming Back is pure nostalgia encapsulated in gentle rock form. At this point in time, the 80s were not the flavour of the month. They had not yet come back. That was a least five years away - the thought of that era's return was unfashionable and the lyrics of the songs seem to convey that. The very thought inspires sleepless nights. Remembering the hairstyles conjures nausea and despondency. Yes kids, you're going to grow old. Then someone else's kids are going to rediscover your youth. They'll claim a remixed, subverted, artificial version of it as their own, and then it won't be yours any more. The whole song feels that malaise - the winding down at the end of a generation.
That's a bit too much of an existential crisis to be the norm for a Eurovision song and perhaps Ruffus did not expect to be here. They only won EuroLaul by a single point then could only reach 21st at Eurovision.
After their own identity crisis, the band split later in 2003. Lead singer Vaiko Eplik went solo and has released 16 subsequent albums at a rate of about one a year. He's also written two of the more celebrated EuroLaul and Eesti Laul entries in subsequent years. The rest of the band also stayed in the music industry. Bassist Ivo Etti joined Ewart and the Two Dragons, drummer Margus Tohver joined thrash metal band Palat, Siim Mäesalu went back into academia to study electronic music whilst Jaan Pehk turned to poetry but has been a guitarist in several other Estonian bands.
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victusinveritas · 2 years
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VANDAL nobleman and MAURI mercenary in North Africa, somewhere south of the Atlas (5th century AD). The aesthetic of the Vandal is based on 5th or 6th century mosaics from Carthage (Tunisia), which was the capital of the Vandals at the time. He wears a Late Roman “Coptic” tunic, and a barbarian tartan-like cloak. Contrary to the Germanic tradition of sporting a full beard and long hair, the Roman and Asiatic influences are visible in his short hair and moustache. He carries a sword decorated with garnet cloisonné, which is based on a find from a warrior’s grave from Beja (Portugal). This sword has Asiatic influence, as a result of the Vandal’s coexistence with the nomadic Alans in Hispania. Similar swords were also used by the Huns. The clothing of the Mauri (an ancient Amazigh people of modern-day northern Morocco and Algeria, also known today as the Moors) is based on a 4th-6th century stele from Djorf Torba (Algeria), and the hairstyle is based on Roman representations of Mauretanians and Numidians. The shield, made of elephant hide, is painted with motifs based on representations of shields in Prehistoric rock art of the Moroccan Atlas. The huts in the background are based on a Roman mosaic from El Alia (Tunisia).
THE VANDALS were a Germanic tribe of Scandinavian origin that migrated from the Baltic region to Central Europe and then Roman Gaul, finally conquering part of the Iberian Peninsula alongside the Iranic-speaking Alans (who had migrated from the Caucasus). The Vandals and the Alans ruled Hispania until they were pushed to Africa by another Germanic tribe: the Visigoths. The Vandals and the Alans managed to conquer Roman Africa, and from there, they launched a fleet of ships to Italy and sacked Rome in 455 AD. The “Eternal City” had already been sacked by the Visigoths in 410 AD. The Western Roman Empire finally collapsed in 476 AD. The Vandal kingdom would last until 534 AD, when it was destroyed by the Eastern Roman general Belisarius as part of emperor Justinian’s restoration of the Roman West. The Eastern Romans, or Byzantines, retained control of the Maghreb until the Islamic conquest of the 7th century.
HQ + close-ups: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rJEKNE
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queenofcandynsoda · 10 months
Multiverse OC: Agnes Helvig
Agnes Helvig
Names: Real name is hidden away/[REDACTED], Agnes Glöckner (disliked), Agnes Helvig
Aliases: Xochitlicue (El Dorado), Sybella (Mesopotamian), Omarosa (Babylon), Dwura (Assyria), Onatah (Akkadian), Devorah (Old Hebrew), Wadjet (Ancient Egyptian),  Hecate/Hekate (Greek), Trivia (Roman), Sassa (Old Norse), Gabija (Baltic), Avia Trivia (Sol Fertilis)
Titles: Mother of Witches and Warlocks, Giver of Magic, Goddess of Witchcraft, Ghost Goddess, Woman in the Crossroads, The One Who Can Not Be Judged, The One Who Protects, The White-Haired Seer, The Woman with Golden Eyes, Serpent Goddess, The First Witch, The Woman Who Wants to Be Forgotten, The Uncanny Crone (by the Church of Blood), The Mysterious Benefactress, The Fiery Maiden, The Ancient Virgin (can no longer use), The Creature that Won’t Die, Grandmother of the Ayran Race (disliked), Reborn Queen of the Great Earth, Stingy Bitch (by John Constantine)
Age: 100,000+ (Chronologically), Mid-20s (Physically) 
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8” (173 cm)
Birthday: Unknown
Race: Half-Cosmic/Underworld Goddess and Half-Demon Goddess
Residence: El Dorado (partially, currently), Semi-nomadic, Buto, Egypt (formerly), Selinunte, Sicily, Italy (formerly), Viking era Denmark (formerly), Lithuanian countryside (formerly), Kutha (birthplace)
Relatives: Ereshkigal (Biological mother, deceased), Nergal (Biological father, estranged), Inanna (maternal aunt), Nergina Fritz (Half-sister), Aunt Sis Fritz (Step-mother), Nyx (adoptive mother), Nyx’s children [Aether, Hemera, Moros, Dolos, Thanatos, Hypnos, Oneiroi, Momus, Oizys, Charon, the Hesperides, The Fates [Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos], Nemesis, The Keres, Apate, Philotes, Geras, Eris, Amitola/Lucinda] (adoptive siblings), Twilight (adoptive niece by Amitola/Lucinda), Dr. Sigmund Glockner (Ex-husband, former captor), Xocoatl (Current Husband), Sehkmet, Bastet, Hathor, and Maat (foster sisters), Circe (adoptive daughter), Medea (adoptive daughter; disowned) Medea’s sons (adoptive grandchildren, deceased), Diedrich Glöckner (biological son, with Glockner), Malaea Koi (Granddaughter), The Cuckoos (Genetic Grandchildren), Tochtli (biological daughter, with Xocoatl)
Occupation: Goddess of Magic, Ghosts, Crossroads, the Moon, Travel, Mysteries, Hidden Passages, Fertility, Rebirth, and Gold (currently), Experiment (formerly), Goddess of Protection and Reunification (Egyptian, formerly), Goddess of Magic, Crossroads, and Ghosts (Greek/Roman, formerly), Virgin Goddess of Fire, Home, and Family (Baltic, formerly), Seer (Nordic, formerly)
Likes: Her Family, Xocoatl, Nyx, Offerings, Order, Rabbits, Gold, Reading new books, Modern Technology, Medicine, Kleicha, Chocolate, Tea, Traveling, The Underworld, Playing the Lyre, Animals, Dancing Dislikes: SIGMUND GLOCKER, National Unity Party, Witch Trials, Anyone who disrespects her, Mad Scientists, Being Trapped, Church of Blood, Grave Robbers, Gods’ Arrogance, Demons, Angels, John Constantine’s Antics, Forbidden Arts
Appearance: Often, Agnes is seen with waist-length golden hair and cyan eyes. Her skin appears silvery with a holographic shimmer. It is impossible to determine which race or ethnicity she is. Her eyes would glow golden whenever she used her magic. She has several surgical scars around her torso and upper legs from years of being the “wife” and test subject of Glockner. Those scars could not fade away regardless of what Agnes did. Sometimes, her eye colors vary from purple to red to green. She would have different hairstyles depending on the occasion.
Causal: Agnes currently wears a blue-purple sun dress with golden embroidery of the sun and moon. She also wears a pair of black sandals. Other times, she wears a purple short-sleeved blouse with dark blue high-rise jeans and a pair of black boots. 
Young: As a child, Agnes would wear a black tunic with silver accents, given to her by Nyx. 
El Dorado: While staying with Xocoatl in El Dorado, she wears a white tunic with blue and violet accents and a white skirt/loincloth. She also wears turquoise earrings, a pair of golden arm bands, gold bangles, a gold and turquoise necklace, and two gold rings on her left hand. 
Mesopotamian: As Sybella, she wears a white tunic dress with a violet shawl around her. She would have a pair of gold earrings and a necklace. 
Egyptian: As Wadjet, she wears a green regal sheath dress with a scale design and a red robe with feathers and hieroglyphic patterns depicting guardianship. She also has a royal blue blindfold that covers her eyes in a crisscrossed way. Her wings resemble a falcon’s and she has what seems like closed eyelids. Her jewelry consists of a golden collar, ornate bracelets, a pair of serpent anklets, and a golden crown that has the uraeus with the Sun on the center.
Hebrew: As Devorah, she wears a long blue tunic with a violet cloak. She also wears a  white mitpaḥat, a pair of silver earrings, and wool sandals.
Greco-Roman: As Hecate, Agnes wore black undergarments with a purple cloak. It is attached together with silver ornaments. She is always barefoot. Her physical appearance was greatly altered during this time. She had three faces and six arms. Two of them held a torch in each hand as one held keys and another held a dagger. Behind her head, there is a strophalos. 
Baltic: As Gabija, Agnes wore a traditional red Baltic dress with a white shirt and a pair of black shoes. Her necklace is silver and her dress has a fiery movement. Her necklace is actually a grass snake that wraps itself on her neck.
Nordic: As Sassa, Agnes wore a blue hangerok with yellow and white ornaments around it. She also wore a pair of brown leather boots. She often wears a shawl during the harsh winter. During this time, her hair was very long. This allows her to fuse her hair to the floor and the walls of her private longhouse to see the legends of the Nordic Gods without directly interacting with them. 
Sol Fertilis: In Sol Fertilis, she dressed as a Gamma Plus. Her clothes are a purple bodice with a tiered skirt, a pair of purple heels, a purple mantilla, and a purple wedding ring. She also wears a golden necklace with an amethyst and a pair of golden earrings. The clothes are from Ivoire, which is a luxury clothing brand. Her hair is braided in a Minoan style and covered in pearls. 
Pre-capture: In 1920s Norway, Agnes wears a long, simple white dress with a girdle of vines and flowers. Her hair is braided with lilies of the valley and leaves with a wreath of white water lilies. She is often mistaken as a Skogsrå. 
Capture: After being captured, Agnes was forced to wear “Ostanized” conservative clothes. Usually, she had to wear a teal dress with black stockings and black low heels. Her physical appearance deteriorated heavily during this time. Her hair had become stringy, her eyes become glassy, her skin had begun to crack and pale, and appeared malnourished. 
Tomb: After her false death, Agnes wore a royal blue court dress made of satin, adorned with golden embroidery. The bodice is fitted with a voluminous skirt, complemented by a matching dress. A mantua in the same hue and adorned with golden embroidery drapes over the gown. She also has black dress shoes that also have gold embroidery. Glockner had her wrapped in Germanic and Old Zandian runes to make sure that she would not be able to move. After years underground, the dress looks tattered. 
[REDACTED]: In a certain form, her hair becomes white, while it is burning hot, as her eyes become completely black in the shade where light can not be reflected. It looks like black tears come out of her eyes. The ends of her mouth extend to her ears and fangs form on it. The scars around her torso form to become mouths and have sharp teeth there as well. A pair of falcon wings appear on her back as eyes appear on them. She gains four pairs of horns. Her feet turn into falcon talons. Agnes wears a long purple Mesopotamian dress, which exposes her stomach and legs, and a black shawl. The edges of her shawl have golden linings and onyx. Her nails become black and sharp as if there is poison coming from them. For jewelry, she has a golden necklace with a pendant that has her personal sigil, a pair of obsidian earrings, three golden armcuffs, and a gold bracelet with runes. Finally, she wears a gold crown with the symbols of the moon, including crescents and a full moon, with stars made of obsidian and a long gold chain mail covering the upper portion of her hair.
Personality: Agnes is an aloof, studious, and quiet woman who has years of knowledge and experience. She has shown to others that she is hands-off, considering she rarely, if ever, interferes with the affairs of mortals and it is not uncommon for her to ignore calls for her. This is not the case with her close friends and family. Agnes takes her long-standing position as the Goddess of Magic very seriously as she is why magic exists among mortals. She refuses to interfere or get involved with mortals’ affairs unless it is necessary, such as dealing with inter-dimensional beings, including demons, mortals tampering with the natural order, unauthorized resurrection, and dangerous warping of reality, among others. She is often annoyed at being worshiped since she wants to remain hidden, especially since the 20th century. At the same time, she does not prevent it. Agnes deeply loves Diedrich, despite him being the result of the brutality from Glockner, and deeply regrets not being there in his life. She also wants to be a caring grandmother to the Cuckoos. She is rather cautious towards angels and demons since they are naturally opposed to her. Despite her cautiousness about demons, she is willing to help cambions. She has severe distrust towards any scientist due to the trauma and torture she endured under Glockner. She particularly hates scientists who use their technology to abuse others and is willing to either kill or maim them for that. Agnes is very interested in modern technology as she tends to infuse her magic with her cell phone, TV, laptop, wifi router, etc. Since marrying Xocoatl, she has become happier and more open as she is taking steps to recover from the trauma. She is highly distrustful towards Nergal and does not believe he is capable of changing. However, she cares deeply about Nergina and Aunt Sis, being concerned about their well-being.
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gracelucycsokas · 2 years
Here so situation. American jurists are monsters of best means. I spoke with one mother. She is Baltic. I told about our first meet and it was in 2013. When I was pregnant. She found Schengen. Mb forgot is norm. She said that our teacher is most hard and screamer by words with children. Mother wanted to come to director. Director is ...so character.....he is roller. And he is maniac. He is Celeborn here and hunted. He invited me to married with me and even he was white colour hairstyle one time because I was. That 2011. He made his son after us. As he told. And I have ok relationship with one woman, she made her son after me, Because she was a witness of our party in morgue with Marton. To be with so people as me is most dear and people panicked.
So situation. We need jurists and safety. Russian federal service confirmed. British Embassy know what here doing... and I hope to very quick reaction and flight in England. Humans blocking us but we are illegal migrants under special forced control.
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antikristvs · 4 years
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Orchard of the Gods
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ziutula-kaszubka · 5 years
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Gdynia, Poland... Nie ma to jak rudy kolor, farba Marion Booster 3d nr. 506, tania i super kryje siwe włosy...#sealike #sea#baltic #yarnartcottonsoft #amazing #allnatureshots #hairstyle #街#パノラマ#海#haircolor #instaroad #instatravel#bariatricdiet #streetgdynia #gdyniamojemiasto #instastreet #весна #место #春#Frühling#farbowaniewlosow #healthydiet #marionbooster3d #gdyniaorlowo #lubiepolske #3miasto #mycity#gastricbypassdiet #gdynia https://www.instagram.com/p/B6SqV8ml_pD/?igshid=1i3d45oq8sl4
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newvernacularmag · 3 years
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Boraatii Stool Ethiopian-American artist and industrial designer, Jomo Tariku, was fascinated with the eclectic art, souvenirs and furniture pieces his father collected during their life in Ethiopia. After studying in America and completing his thesis on contemporary African furniture, he went on to form a professional career creating a new design language of modern African-themed furniture. One of his more popular pieces, the ‘Boraatii Stool’, took its form from the headrests design found in the Oromia region of Ethiopia which is used to protect elaborate hairstyles while asleep. Its height adjusted design is made from water-resistant Baltic birch plywood. #designer : @jomofurniture #newvernacular #industrialdesign #furnituredesign #furniture #africanfurniture #ethiopia #stool #balticbirch #wood #designpublication #magazine #africa (at Ethiopia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZaCAqBvoJH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wookie92 · 3 years
The Furry Report: New Trends in Masculine Chest Hair
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I am the middle brother of three brothers.  My older brother is quite hirsuit with a thick veldt of chest and stomach hair and hair on his upper back and shoulders.  My own chest is quite hairy, but I keep my shoulders and back clean of unwanted hair.  My younger brother has a center patch, but significantly less hair that the other two of us.  I am sharing that just to point out that among the three brothers our chest hair patterns are all three different from one another and still different from what Dad has.
I started growing chest hair at age 13 and had a fully hairy chest by 15.  I got the nickname “wookie” at school because of my hairy chest.  I was proud of my chest hair, and unless “commanded” to shave it as a part a member of the swim team, I let it grow. In college, it wasn’t an option; we had to shave.
My own experience has been that a clean shaven or waxed chest was very popular from 2000 to 2016, but a more natural look seems to now be returning as a grooming fashion.  That was good news to me.  Shaving is not a good option for those of us with thick fur on our bodies.
Chest hair is hair that grows on the chest of a male in the region between the neck and the abdomen. Chest hair develops during and after puberty along with other types of androgenic hair (hair that develops on the human body during and after puberty). According to the New York Times, for a new generation, the overly groomed body appears to be falling out of favor. “We’re seeing a return to ’70s fashion,” said Tim Bess, an analyst at the trend forecasting agency the Doneger Group. “The late ’60s and early ’70s were about freedom, the hippie movement, having lots of hair.”
Although vellus hair is already present in the area in childhood, chest hair is the terminal hair that develops as an effect of rising levels of androgens (primarily testosterone and its derivatives) due to puberty. Different from the head hair it is therefore a secondary sexual characteristic. Men tend to be covered with far more terminal hair, particularly on the chest, the abdomen, and the face.
The development of chest hair begins normally during late puberty, usually between the ages of 12 and 18. It can also start later, between the age of 20 and 40, so that many men in their twenties have not yet reached their full chest hair development. The growth continues subsequently until the end of life.
The individual occurrence and characteristics of chest hair depend on the genetic disposition, the hormonal status and the age of the person. The genes primarily determine the amount, patterns and thickness of chest hair. Some men are very hairy, while others have no chest hair at all. All ranges and patterns of hair growth are normal. The areas where terminal hair may grow are the periareolar areas (nipples), the centre and sides of the chest and the clavicle collarbone.
The direction of growth of hair can make for interesting patterns, akin to depictions of mathematical vector fields. Typical males will exhibit a node on the upper sternum, the hair above which points up and the hair below which points down. Some individuals have spirals on their upper pectoral regions (several inches from the nipple towards the neck) which run clockwise on the left breast and counter-clockwise on the right.
Considering an individual occurrence of chest hair as abnormal is usually not due to medical indications but primarily to cultural and social attitudes. An excessive growth of terminal hair on the body of men and women is called hypertrichosis. This medical term has to be distinguished from hirsutism that just affects women. These women can develop terminal hair on the chest following the male pattern as a symptom of an endocrine disease.
Four areas in the Setty chest hair pattern system: infraclavicular (top), pectoral (left), sternal (middle) and circumareolar (right)
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There have been occasional studies documenting patterns of chest hair in men and occurrence of these patterns. A study of 1,400 white men aged 17 to 71 conducted by L.R. Setty in the 1960s defines 15 patterns of chest hair. In this study, four parts of the chest in which terminal hair occurs were identified:
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There have been occasional studies documenting patterns of chest hair in men and occurrence of these patterns. A study of 1100 men aged 17 to 71 defined and documented ten patterns of chest hair in Caucasoid men. In this study 6 percent of the men were found to have no chest hair. The largest group, 56 percent, displayed pattern four as shown in the accompanying figure. The remaining 38 percent of the men displayed a lesser quantity of chest hair. Seven percent displayed pattern one, 13 percent displayed pattern two and 18 percent displayed various other patterns.
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74%        (Sternal)  The center and lower part of the body of the breastbone        
63%        (Infraclavicular)    The area immediately below the medial end of the collarbone
77%        (Pectoral)  The breast area, including the area immediately around the areola (nipples)
16%        (Circumareolar)    A small area immediately encircling the areola.
6%        No chest hair.   The pattern of no chest hair may be found predominately in Native Americans, Ireland, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Southern Russia, Netherlands, Denmark. Unhairy - Majority of population not hairy (e.g. a lot of men don't have chest hair) Norway, Sweden, Finland, Baltic States, Northern Russia.
Chest hair may occur on each of these areas independent from the others, making for a total of 15 combinations in addition to the apilose (bare) pattern. Hair is said to occur on both the pectoral and circumareolar areas when there is hair around the nipples and on the breast, but these areas are not connected.
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What Your Chest Hair Should Look Like
Chest hair can be pretty divisive. You are either really into it, or not. Even if I had to look at it objectively, some of the manliest men of all time had quite a bush. James Bond, Anil Kapoor and Chuck Norris—to name a few. Yet, there are some handsome hunks who can pull off bare-chested look like a boss. Case in point - Ryan Gosling, Ranveer Singh or Salman Khan. The truth is with such a laudable amount of care going into manscaping, I thought it’s only legit to inform you about the top styles that can accessorize your chest. Here goes!
The Rug
It symbolises manliness like no other chest hairstyles. It’s the ‘daddy cool’ style, which is, more often than not, sported by men who’re old enough to be fathers. With celebrity supporters including Tom Selleck, Akshay Kumar and Alec Baldwin, it’s no wonder the style has to be worn proudly. Just keep the look under control with constant quick trims.
The Tree
As the name suggests, this version of the style has moderate amount of hair on the upper torso with a small trail leading south. It’s rather popular among young guys who don’t want to come across too bushy but also don’t want to part ways with chest hair. This evergreen approach, as a result, let boys sport a happy tree throughout the year.
The One Sided Affair
This one is the manscaping underdog, and characterizes a well-trimmed hair on the top half of the chest but a smooth bottom half. Smooth can become stubble but that’s as far the length of the hair on the bottom half can go. As seen on Don Draper, this look is popular and is sported by men of all ages.
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Gay Otter: A man with think or thickish athletic build that usually has lots of body hair. Typically, this hair covers various parts of the torso, including the chest and stomach. Some otters also have hair on the arms, back and butt.
Gay Wolf: A man with a lean, muscular build. Usually has body hair on the chest and/or torso region. Almost always has facial hair.
Gay Bear:  Broadly-speaking, a bear is hairy, with a large build and over 30-years-old. They are hunky, chunky, often with bellies, big legs, big butts and almost always with a full beard or facial hair.
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
I should stop being a coward and just share
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Have some Livonia that I've been working on. I can see there to be many ways to depict them but I've just kinda gone my own route, at least, I think I have, not really seen much about Livonia.
My Livonia is non-binary, just well, I couldn't pick a gender and thought that having them be neither in regards to the common male/female people expect would be neat. Hope I managed to make them actually look non-binary TwT
With the hairstyle I tried to be symbolic of Livonia's life, how they went from a bright nation doing just fine with those around them, to being influenced heavily by the Teutonic Order and pulled away from their people, to being stripped from the power they had and still only focusing on the Baltic Germans and trying to be in power over Estonia and Latvia, to then having lost even this bit of power and opening their eyes to the things they've done, and realising they need to be there for their own damn people again after having neglected the Livonians for so long.
You could say that with Livonia I tried to go the route of someone who went off track in regards to their purpose (be the personification of the Livonian people), hurt a lot of people, and now has to face the consequences of it all.
You clicked read more..? Aight have some stupid sketches with Curonia, Livonia, Estonia and concept of Votia.
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It should be safe to say that I am planning to add as many Hetalia character’s into my sims game. As I can and even though I want to add them in little by little I still want to search and find. As many hairstyles, maybe a few outfits as I can to have them ready and line them all up for when I do add them.
So far besides the face family -
baby America 
Baby Canada 
As well as -
 I have stuff (Mostly hair) for -
Finland (that I think/hope will work And )
 Sweden (on top of stuff for)
Austria  (If I go with base game I may also already have a hair for him unless I give in and look for cc that is and I have what I think will be good hair for)
 Romano (and maybe even)
Nyo Scotland
and I’m currently working on-
 I still have these to do-
Hong Kong (Don’t know about the ages though, pretty sure Japan is older then Hong Kong but as far as the other Asian nations. Like Korea and Taiwan I don’t know who’s older. Guess I could just have them be the same age-except Hong Kong who’ll be younger ) 
Grandpa Rome 
The Baltic’s 
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its-like-a-plan · 5 years
@batmansymbol tagged whoever wanted to do this, so here I am! Thank you :)
the decade is ending, what’s changed for you in these past ten years?
have you moved?
Yep! Kind of a lot actually.... I moved to southern Italy for one year at the end of high school to study and learn Italian. Then I moved back to my longtime home in NH with my parents. I moved out to MN for undergrad, which is where I still am. 
have you graduated?
YES! Graduated high school (FINALLY) and am on my way to graduating college. 
has your marital status changed?
Haha no
has your parental status changed?
absolutely not
has your hair color changed?
Not the color, but it has gotten so much longer since 2010! I had a short bob back then, and now its perhaps down to my lower back? Still trying to grow it out longer, though. Edwardian hairstyling, here I come!
has your job changed?
Yes, considering I didn’t have a job back in 2010. I’ve had sort of two jobs this decade, one under the table and one official doing office cataloging. Hopefully in my next decade I’ll get a job that’s actually interesting?
has your otp changed?
Yes, considering I wasn’t into fandom yet and probably had never hear of an OTP in 2010. I got into fandom and fanfic around 2013-2014 via Avatar: the Last Airbender for zutara fic, which I would still read but is no longer my main ship. I've had a lot of different OTPs over time (merthur merlin x arthur has been a constant), but more recently I tend to read wolfstar (remus x sirius), braime (jaime x brienne), and kanej (kaz x inej). I read things from all over the place, though, if I like the ship well enough and the writing is good. Currently I have 426 bookmarks across 52 fandoms on my AO3, which I make based on the criteria that it is a story I liked so much I would read again and the writing was high quality. 
has your pet status changed?
Yes, At the beginning of the decade I had a cat named Percy, who sadly passed away at the age of 14 in 2013 from cancer. I got a new cat later that same year, Jelly Bean, who is still alive, living with my parents, and meowing at all times. I guess it doesn’t help that when she meows my family and I talk back to her. Adorable baby bean 10/10.
what new places did you visit?
So many! Lots of places in Italy during my time there, to name a few: Rome, Naples, Verona, Venice, Sicily, and the Dolomites. Also, I visited a lot of Baltic countries in 2014 on a family vacation. Within the US, I got to visit a bunch of new states I had never been to including California, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Minnesota, Ohio, and Iowa. 
what is an accomplishment you are proud of?
I’m really not sure. I don’t feel like I’ve done anything really of note this decade other than passing through my teen years and coming out the other side still kicking. I guess I’ve learned to play the ukulele (poorly) and gotten better at drawing (decently) and got into college? I think overall this decade I’ve just done a lot of growing up and becoming a more functional person, which is not so much an accomplishment but it makes my life and the people around me’s lives better. 
Anyways, thanks to batmansymbol for giving me this chance for reflection, I tag anyone else who wants to give this a try! It was really nice to look back on the decade thoughtfully just as we begin the next one, which I hope will be even better.
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gnostic-heretic · 5 years
I'm an aph lithuania fan who is considering the hc that he's trans. Any reasons to adopt this headcanon? ( or like... what about Liet screams 'trans' to you or how does this compliment his character?)
Ah well I think it does compliment his character in a way, though I’m not sure how to explain it.
I guess it’s just that I came up with an entire backstory and a long series of headcanons related to his gender identity I guess... and I love the idea of him being trans because I project a lot of my feelings on this low budget anime man and plus... I love the idea of characters I like being trans in general.
Maybe I can talk a little about my headcanons for him? Idk it’s just a really hard question to answer anon. Because to me that alone is enough to like it and if you flipped it upside down — why should I headcanon Lithuania as a cis man? Why and how would that compliment his character?
... let’s just say people don’t ever ask this question because cis is perceived as default state of being for humans and that’s a bad idea in and for itself. But I’m going to assume you’re engaging in good faith here because it sounds like you are!
Like first of all for me it’s a way (just like all my other trans headcanons) to see more different kinds of trans people in a story and concept I like (hetalia). Cis characters in fiction usually get multifaceted portrayals but trans stories are reduced to pity porn about transitioning and how hard and sad it is and usually written as really sad people. I don’t think that’s necessarily accurate... our lives and history are filled with things that, as Mari Kondo might want to say, spark joy and more trans characters = more chances to show that. Plus we all think of ourselves and our own identity in different ways, its not necessarily simplistic as most portrayals (x trapped in y body is a popular one) would make you think. Lithuania is trans but he doesn’t think about himself and his gender in the same way Poland does for example. That’s something I love to write :D because it shows that we are all different.
I think Lithuania would be very proud of who he is and how far he’s come. His gender identity is important to him because he’s always felt like he’s a part of his people, and wants to be closer to them- so he views his own “transition” not necessarily as “female to male” (because he never thought of himself as “female” in the first place) but as the gender neutral nature of a “nation”, who is dehumanised and put on a pedestal, to “man” — the feeling of finally belonging with other humans. Tolys is a man because it’s what felt most true to him and his sense of self- and he’s lived as himself since he was very young, so his confidence is rarely shaken at least when it comes to his own sense of identity.
(I guess this is aspirational for me in a way but oh well I’ve warned you about projecting)
Also when I say “cis characters in fiction are mulitifacted while trans characters get only to be one dimensional” I also mean that the usual trans narrative is completely centered around gender conforming straight trans people when it’s... not necessarily so. In fact most trans people I know aren’t straight
For one thing views on sexuality and gender have changed so much throughout history that when a person has lived for hundreds of years there’s no such a thing as “gender conforming”. I headcanon Lithuania as bisexual with a preference for guys so decidedly not straight! And as far as presentation goes. When Lithuania first started presenting as male (the Middle Ages) in the Baltic area long hair was considered standard for men to wear. And even in this age he likes to keep his hair long because that’s how he prefers it to look and it’s a good low maintenance hairstyle— plus I wouldn’t call his sense of style masculine as much as I would call it a disaster, he just likes what’s comfortable and cheap and not too flashy. Which usually lines up with men’s fashion but not necessarily in an overtly “masculine” way
Its interesting to have a trans character like Lithuania or really all hetalia characters who lived for hundreds of years across different and very relevant historical changes because he has seen his own “position” change so much throughout history. For starters while trans people have existed forever, the label of “trans” and medical transition science are a fairly recent thing... which is why in historical fics I never use the word “transgender”, but reduce it to the bare fact of life. Lithuania knew he was a man and meant to live as one so that’s what he did.
Now take everything I say as basically speculative fiction based on OTHER pagan religions across the ancient world because there’s not much we know about Baltic paganism in the Middle Ages and the few records we have come from Christians- they’re biased, incomplete and sometimes untrustworthy. I’ve looked into the stances of modern Baltic paganism (Romuva) on lgbt people but found nothing at all— which doesn’t surprise me and wouldn’t surprise me if their stance on lgbt rights was negative because after all in Europe we live in a society (cit) that is strongly shaped by Christianity even if we try to steer away from it.. and Lithuania isn’t the most lgbt friendly place in Europe for that matter— neither is Italy, by the way, this is no moral judgement. IF anyone who knows more than me wants to correct me and or add more info I’d be not only extremely grateful but STOKED please tell me more about the forbidden romuva knowledge because I’m dumb and can’t speak Lithuanian so a lot of (i would even say most...) sources aren’t accessible to me. 😔😔😔
The way I base it on other pre-Christian religions across the world Lithuania’s gender variance when he was a young teenager was not perceived as a negative or strange thing. For one because he’s a nation and nations were and are perceived as supernatural beings (sort of demigods) and unquestionable, at least by humans. And secondly because I like to think that in pagan times gender variance wasn’t perceived as a threat to the “natural order” (Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve and so on) but as a part of that same natural order. So a person identifying as a sort of “third gender” or “no gender” (like I headcanon nyo Lithuania would) and a person kinda deciding that their birth assigned gender doesn’t fit and he’d rather be a man, socially (because back then medical transition didn’t exist) wouldn’t be met with fear or disgust but with sympathy.
Lithuania got to transition socially in a supportive environment and then was kind of thrown into the Polish court to a complete 180 in terms of acceptance. The thing is trans/gender variant people used to be a less-known phenomenon until a few decades ago, let alone centuries ago, it used to be easier to be stealth when the regular joe had no idea what a “trans” was — so that’s what he did. And while he found support and solidarity and (gasp) romance in the company of Poland, he also found someone who conceptualised his own identity in a wholly different manner (but this is a post about liet so I won’t get into it ffs) — I don’t think it must needst be remarked that the Russian empire and Soviet Union were just as unsupportive — if not more unsupportive, but we are not here to pass moral judgement. Being stealth would have made dealing with it more simple but being stealth comes with risks and that comes into play a lot when it comes to his anxiety.
...However I think the problem would’ve been and still be mostly humans because fellow other nations (people who- again- have lived hundreds of years and likely have seen a trans person before if they’re not trans themselves) would be open to understanding and learning and not thinking of Lithuania being transgender as a big deal. In the canon hetalia lore we have chibitalia and Hungary as examples of nations who lived as one gender for a long time and then as another. And whether you see this as a trans narrative or not (I sure do) it’s worth noting that we don’t see anyone in the hetalia canon giving them a hard time over it, or being outwardly unaccepting of their gender.
TLDR I hope I could convey even just 0,0001% of my love for trans man liet to you and if I didn’t... well this is just my headcanon and I’m not forcing it on anyone, you do you. Thank you for being open to hearing about it anon because a lot of people just discard the idea before they can even consider it— but most excuses for it (it’s unrealistic, it is weird, i just can’t see it) are based on biases (are trans people not real? why are we seen as “weird” in the first place? why does our existence seem like an impossibility?) and imo not very good. So to wrap this up my question would be how does headcanoning Lithuania as cisgender compliment his character? Well in my opinion it doesn’t— it takes away nothing and I don’t mind it, but it also doesn’t add all the interesting possibilities that being trans gives to his character at least to me. :D
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royal-hair · 6 years
if you were to pick one royal from each country with best hair (both everyday and tiara), who would they be?
WOW! What an ask…First, I will only talk about those families that are featured the most on this blog, because there are many royal families!
Belgium - Mathilde. I have no choice. Though I stated many times before that I don’t like her everyday hair, I really like her tiara hair. Most of the times her hairdresser uses hairpieces to create the updos, but it still looks good.
Fave hair moment of 2018: the 2nd day of the state visit to Canada
Great Britain - Sophie. I’ll explain. She has her own style and she makes a good use of it. Sometimes her hair might look done by herself in a hurry, but she knows what kind of hairstyle works well with her features and her everyday and tiara hair is the most modern non-boring hair of the family. Others might have fabulous hair, but their hairdresser doesn’t know how to work with it (and yes, I’m looking at you Kate)
Fave hair moment of 2018: at the National Health Service (NHS) 70th anniversary service.
Denmark - Mary. She’s the most versatile of the danish ladies. Her hairdresser is one of the best, and she have her hair styled in very flattering ways most of the times. One thing that I don’t like is that her tiara hair sometimes resembles Margrethe’s too much, but most of the time I like her hair.
Fave hair moment of 2018: visiting Aarhus during Frederik’s 50th birthday
The Netherlands - This is hard…I don’t really like Máxima’s everyday hair and I love Mabel’s everyday hair, but her tiara hair is almost nonexistent and when when see it is kinda disappointing and I LOVE Máxima’s tiara hair…so I’m sorry, but I can’t choose just one, unless we merge them both and create the best haired royal: Máxel! hahahaha
Fave hair moment of 2018 (Máxima): the 2nd day of the state visit to Germany
Japan - Mako. My girl. I have a soft spot for her and I don’t know why. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her hair. It’s always perfectly styled and her updos are to die for. I don’t have anything bad to say about her hair.
Fave hair moment of 2018: visiting Brazil (the updo
Luxembourg - Stephanie. I’ve been very critical of her everyday hair. Yes. But lately she’s been getting better and polished a bit her image. Before she would look careless and used my much hated hair clips, but now we get to see her hair in its full glory. She also cut it, which suits her better. Her tiara hair is not my cup of tea, but she’s the only one in that family that can do something cool with her hair.
Fave hair moment of 2018: national day (with the hat she looks gorgeous)
Norway - Mette-Marit. The Norwegian ladies I think that are the most “meh” in the hair category. They have some great moments, but most of the time there’s not something special. If I have to choose one, I’ll chose Mette-Marit, because she’s the one that have more good moments than bad.
Fave hair moment of 2018: 1st day of the Baltic tour (the second row)
Spain - LETIZIA. I’m sorry, I think that by now you know that she’s my fave hair of all the royal ladies. Her tiara hair is a bit weak in comparison with her usual hair, but like with Mako, I don’t have anything bad to say about her hair.
Fave hair moment of 2018: at Miro’s exhibition in Paris (I would chose at least 5 hair moments hahaha)
Sweden - Madeleine. She’s perfect hair-wise. Her tiara hair and everyday hair are perfect. Alongside Letizia, she’s my fave hair. Did I said that her hair is perfect? Yes, it’s perfect and I love it.
Fave hair moment of 2018: Adrienne’s christening
Thank you for your ask, it kept me busy! =D
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tomorrowformorons · 6 years
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#BalticSea #sea #seaside @sventoji_lt #tomorrowformorons #nirvanike https://www.instagram.com/p/BsBcLrulipB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=191ecem30e1qb
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