byallmeans1 · 11 months
Hange to Erwin after he named them commander and now Hange has to deal with Levi and 7 teenagers: THANKS A LOT, YOU IDIOT. Thanks a lot, Rachel. Thanks. A. LOT.
And the knowledge that the more advanced nation is this 🤏 close to killing everyone on the island and all Eldians expect them to have the perfect solution for that
"Thanks a lot Rachel" is literally a deleted scene replaced by Hanji's mini mental breakdown in the final season
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fanatixphil · 7 years
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Huge thanks to @wiregrasslocal for the feature in The Local this month. Come get a copy at @dothanfanatix and chat with Phil about what were trying to do with #dothanskateparkinitiative you can also read about it in the link in my bio. #bewhatshappening #diyskatepark #diyskatespot #bamateurs #bamaskate #skateboardcommunity #skateordie
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
C’mon don’t be shy, share your hot take haha. Levihan canon in yams idea would be Levi kissing Hange’s ashes.
For real 😭
Okay you asked for it, the thing that bothers me most abt aot is pushing the plot at the expense of the characters. Jean for example had such a wonderful build up in the 1st season and then he was just... There. Same thing with Armin, I love that boi but somewhere on the way I forgot he actually hates himself and when he had that massive mental breakdown at the end of the manga it was sooo good but it shocked me bc for so many chapters he was just... There. And not to mention that at the end he acted so much out of character. Idk if that's just me, but somehow these characters' actions got detached from their personalities?? Idk how to put it, they were there and they were doing things but there were no "character" moments anymore, they felt more like pawns in the game. I don't even wanna talk abt what happened to Connie and Historia 💀 And mikasa? Her beautiful moment when she thought eren was dead was so powerful and then somehow her character got completely abandoned 💀 it's like yams said "I don't want to play with you anymore". There are characters he put much more effort in, and that'd be Reiner and Gabi for example, and he has shown over and over again that he's able to create interesting characters. So what happened? I mean it's understandable that he was rushing to finish it, creating aot must've been the worst time of his life with the bullying and the pressure, so I get it. But as a reader, it leaves me somehow unsatiated. To see so many characters lose potential (yep the way he got rid of ymir still pains me 🤧)...
So when the characters are the way they are, there's no wonder the ships feel weird. Annie and Armin for example-you can see this ship being foreshadowed from the 1st season and I actually like the dynamic of a girlboss and her sweet bf but then yams puts Annie in a crystal for multiple seasons and then they're in love. Idk I just feel their relationship is more messed up than he shows and Id love to dive into that. And abt Gabi and Falco - it really ticks me off that he's acting like a grown ass man from a romance movie. And how old is he? Nine? I know kids being kids is a foreign concept in anime, but it's the first time I've seen stereotypically masculine romantic traits being put on a child. Usually it was more like kids saving the world, not kids shielding their love interest from perpetrators with their own body, and it was difficult to watch for me. Eren and Mikasa for me are just a couple of underdeveloped (Mikasa) and unlikeable (Eren) characters, but all of this just depends on personal taste.
So yep, that's the tea
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
what sets hange’s and levi’s relationship with each other apart from the rest!
I get asked this question a lot, and I feel like each time I give a half-assed response, and honestly i don’t expect this time will be different lmao
At first levihan seems to be a typical opposites attract, which, if delivered the right way, is a trope I enjoy. But it’s not enough to get me absolutely obsessed. The way they met and the fact that Levi almost went stabby stabby on Hanji adds a little spice to it all, not gonna lie. But as the story progresses and we get to know the characters  better, it turns out they actually have a lot in common. Shitty sense of humour, and poor social skills, above all. Hanji seems friendly but they’re pretty exentric so they often get labeled as being batshit crazy. Levi on the other hand is emotionally constipated, mean, and scary. But Hanji doesn’t care about that, and it seems like his harsh words don’t hurt them at all. They just don’t give a single shit which is pretty hilarious.
The most appealing part of levihan is that despite being so different on the surface, they get along very well and understand each other like no one else. Hanji’s casually making fun of humanity’s strongest, and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. I love the fact that they’re both fucking weird and no one really gets them. And, after some consideration, I’m actually happy that they’re not canon, because Isayama’s understanding of romance lowkey makes me cringe. It’s good the way it is. The undeniable fact is that they’re best friends, and love each other a lot. Whether it’s romantic or platonic doesn’t really matter.
When i look at their relationship in a romantic way, I don’t think of them as a highly sexual couple, which is also cool. What’s more, there are no gender roles. Fuck them.
I love levihan most because it’s about friendship and a strong bond, above all. It’s about understanding each other without words. I love them because they’re not canon, otherwise there would be a sudden shift in their motives and personalities for the sake of „romance”. I love them because they don’t really fit in any trope I know. I love how their relationship starts off as simple, and then evolves into something special. I love that they both grow and develop, and have their own separate plotlines at times. And I love that it’s all about traumatized people and a harsh reality, and the way they help each other out and find comfort in each other.
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
Isayama is not the best at writing romance. I wonder what he would do if there would an alternate universe where Hange and Levi are canon. Maybe drawing them together and Hange getting blushed after asking to run away and live together 🤡 haha, jokes aside, I don’t imagine him drawing them a sloppy kiss…I think he would choose something more symbolic. It makes me laugh Yams has never talk about Levi and Hange’s relationship and it’s still my favorite along the series, even more than EMA lmao.
That's it, that's the point! We love levihan bc it's not canon lmao
But for real, all the ships he has made canon weren't built as well as they could. I feel like yams was rushing with the manga which left all of the relationships underdeveloped. But oh well.
When it comes to levihan's alternative universe, i think it'd be pictures of them living somewhere in the forest, like hanjo getting back from the hunt and Levi sitting and watching them from the porch. And thinking of that platonic ending for them makes me so happy uwuwuwu
Bc after seeing how all the couples have gotten together I'd rather see platonic LeviHan lmao
And I can relate to what you said abt liking these old hags more than EMA. For some reason I'm always getting attached to the adults and older characters more, idk why. It happens to me whem I'm watching jjk, mha, and aot definitely. I cannot give as many fucks about the kids which honestly is a pain bc the adults are almost always in the background and don't have as much screentime.
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
What’s the reason you draw Hange’s lips extra juicy? Levi better kiss them every day.
Oh it's because I dream of kissing them myself
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
I remember reading a comment about the last special AOT episode where they found so weird that after the scene where they -in an amazing way must say-showed the horrors of the rumbling you see a lovey dovey scene with Armin and Annie all blushing lmao. They said what was the point of making that scene anyways? No offense to the ones who enjoy this pair, but Yams could probably developed them in another way or just not at all. Look, I’m not one to criticize the author because I don’t think I could write it better, but as a reader there are some characters that you feel he didn’t put much love to them, and is probably one of the problems you have when at one point of the story you have so many characters and you have to find a conclusion for all of them.
Also, I will never forgive Yams for making Hange’s death so dirty where later you see this little kid freaking flying. That’s my villain origin story. Sorry for the rant 😭
I remember that many people expressed that this scene was out of place even when that chapter of manga came out. Like I said, I feel like this ship had potential but it was wasted by storytelling. And just like you mentioned, it's really hard to give attention to all of the characters since there are so many of them. Second of all, introducing a bunch of new characters after three seasons without them for a sake of plot twist is not the right move imo. When they were introduced I just couldn't wait to see my fave characters and thats the only thing I cared about. I feel like it would've been better to show the two sides of the conflict right away, but that'd ruin the surprise I guess.
And I agree with you on Hanji part. I feel like yams had hanjis death planned since the panel with the shards came out and I keep thinking it could've been better. I admit, it was spectacular and cool, but the reason why they got there was too far fetched (I talked abt how I find Floch's anchoring to a boat ridiculous multiple times and now I don't feel like talking abt it anymore🧍‍♀️). Same thing with what happened next - falco discovering he can fly right after what happened 😭
The death was cool imo, but the events that led to it not so much
Also levihan's goodbye was delivered beautifully so that's comforting
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byallmeans1 · 1 year
opinions on jeanmarco?
I loved this ship since the very beginning and it makes me happy that Marco's name was brought up even in the end of the manga.
However Marcos sole purpose was to comfort Jean and tell him that he doesn't suck- this man had hardly any dialogues other than that and I don't even remember if he interacted with any other character from the series before his death scene, so... If not for that ship I think everyone would forget him by now, and that's a pill hard to swallow. It's a real shame.
So personally I can't obsess over ships where one of the characters is underdeveloped, and even though I love jeanmarco I can't bring myself to draw them :/ as a jeanmarco shipper I only admire other people's arts :D
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byallmeans1 · 1 year
What is your inspiration to draw? And do you have like an artist that influences your art style?
So about the inspiration... Definitely I have to have something I'm obsessed with :D and then it somehow creates itself lol
When it comes to artists, I really like drinkyourfuckingmilk's style, lively colors and the most important - facial expressions! Sophie is like a god of facial expressions, really. And she's the one who made me realize I can draw and create a story at the same time. There are many amazing artists who can do that via singular arts, but I'm not that skilled lol so I got really attached to drawing comics (my love to Sophie's legacy probably shows itself in my art :D).
And what's more, I wanted to create relationships that don't rely on sexual tension, and focus on emotional connection instead. So another motivation was the blatant lack of such relationships in media, and I felt like I had to step in :D
Levi and Hanji for example - Levi likes Hanji even though they don't wash their ass and are a little crazy, and Hanji likes Levi even though he's an emotionally constipated clean freak. So this ship is about loving someone despite their imperfections, accepting each other's pasts and being a little unhinged together. And that's how I wanna be loved! I had to satisfy my needs somehow! :D A little bit of romance, not too much sex if any sex at all. That's what I felt I had to create, because I realised no one is going to create this for me.
My original story is also focusing on platonic relationships more, and since I'm not much of a writer, comics and art seemed to be the only reasonable option :D
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byallmeans1 · 1 year
How to get over Hange's death? I tried to do it by looking at levihan fanart and reading levihan fanfic in ao3 but it's not enough 🥲 I just can't accept it. But some of your old levihan skits do the work sometimes. So it's worth it to browse thru your blog for hours 😂 and oooh yaa there is this one levihan fic titled Real Love by lady eny also has become one of my medicine 😌 but it's only once a week so that's why it's still not enough to cure the pain 😔
You know what, anon... Self care is avoiding watching the episode where Hanji gets killed & indulging in cheerful Hanji arts from before all this.
After all this time I finally managed to disconnect final parts of the manga from the rest and now I have high resistance to emotional damage :D
And I'm also focusing more on my original story because it helps me take my mind off things so I suggest you to try to look for some other content you would enjoy as well! It's good to have something else to obsess about :D
Aw and I'm glad my content fulfills it's purpose! And I'm taking notes on that fic you mentioned 📝
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
Hey! Um I have a question and I don't know i you have the answer but maybe??? Was it ever confirmed in AOT (manga) that Hanji was a woman???
Not that I know of. Isayama said he doesn't want gendered pronouns to be used when referring to Hanji, or at least to use as many male as female pronouns while translating. Kodanshas interpretation of his words is that it doesn't really matter and anything is fine, but since Isayama kept pushing non gendered pronouns I think he was pretty clear that the character is nonbinary 🤷‍♀️
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
are u still considering finishing the levihan comic? I need angst to distract myself from the upcoming angst 😔
I keep getting distracted by new ideas I'd love to draw but yeah I plan on finishing it soon, wish me luck 🤠
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byallmeans1 · 1 year
Agata ❤️ I love your name, may I know the meaning behind it? 🤔
I'm really sorry to disappoint you but I used to share this account with my sister and she got tired of my generic name and changed it to her liking... And it stayed that way because everything is better than agatha123 :D to be honest I never asked her how she came up with it but I'm glad you like it! :D
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byallmeans1 · 1 year
Hi! will you be drawing something for jeankasa week?
Hello! :) no, I don't think so, but I think I'll draw jeankasa soon ;)
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
I miss you. How you doin?
I'm just working on my thesis and trying really hard not to die of heart attack due to stress and this weird convincement that nothing good will ever happen to me. If I'm not crying or doing assignments, then I'm procrastinating by playing games or watching TV shows that require little to no attention span. Other than that I'm doing great
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
idk if you've gotten this before but the way you draw hange reminds me of himeno from chainsaw man
i mean this in the best way possible ofc, ur art is perfection 🫶
You're the first person telling me this, and it truly is a huge compliment. I love Himeno's character design! ((i dont know much about chainsaw man but she looks sooo good)) Thank you!!!
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