bamon4bamily · 5 years
You don’t know you are beautiful... =)
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In fiction and in life..; )
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Couldn’t resist putting this together ... Sorry, I know it might be a bit cheesy, but I don’t even care! Y’all know all the TVD boys were drooling over Bonnie & Kat! Can you blame them? =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
Every time Delena had to steal meaning to create “their moments”
Cliches, practically every single one of them, and yet they still managed to make them look forced, predictable and boring AF!
- Exaggerated kiss under the rain...
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Be like...
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- Cheesy sex scenes disguised as “passion”...
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Be like...
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- Choreographed and awkward dances...
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Be like...
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- Overdramatic displays of “love”...
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Be like...
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Me: Nah, guess I can’t sleep with my eyes open, but...
Delena fans: OMG! Wake up! Damon just confessed his love!
 - “Can’t live without you!” type of BS...
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Be like...
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 Genuine but stolen from other ships...
- Stelena necklace
Be like...
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- Stelena dance (which actually was organic)
Be like... 
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- Bamon vamp-cakes
Be like...
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Other stolen things...
- Bamon, Birdy - “Wings” song
Be like...
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- Bamon, Tom Odell “Another love” song  
Be like...
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And these are just a few... How Delena was ever interesting to anyone, blows my mind to this day! Just sayin...
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
TVD 9x08 (part 2) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – A beautiful beach resort in Mexico’s Mayan Riviera. Bonnie, Damon, Caroline, and Stefan are checking in.
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RECEPTION LADY: Welcome to Akumal, Mexico; the best kept Caribbean secret! (They hand them some welcome cocktails).
BONNIE: (Amazed with the tropical beauty) This place is paradise…
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DAMON: (Takes a sip of his cocktail, wraps his arm around Bonnie) Me, you, and this beautiful beach, definitely paradise (kisses her).
CAROLINE: (Looking at a brochure) Bonnie, look, they have yoga on the beach, every day at 7am; I’m signing us up! And they also have a spa, we totally need some massages, how do hot stones at five sound?
DAMON: Slow down, Care Bear, no need for an itinerary; that’s the whole idea of a vacation.
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BONNIE: Yes, Care, forget about time! We are free to do what we want, when we want; no plans required, that’s the beauty of it.
CAROLINE: You are right… I’m putting control freak Caroline on pause; no need to panic if there’s no schedule… right? (They laugh at Caroline’s struggle to let go) I’m just gonna let careless Caroline take over from now on… Oh! They have meditation at sundown! (Bonnie takes the brochure from her hands) Pause, I’m pausing!
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STEFAN: (Who has been looking at a brochure as well) Ooh, they have a library…
DAMON: (Takes the brochure from his hands) Are you freakin kidding me?!
STEFAN: Okay, okay… pause on the bookworm play on the chill.
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BELLBOY: Let me show you to your rooms.
Cut to – Mystic Falls, the Mayor’s house. Edward is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Anthony knocks.
 EDWARD: Come in.
ANTHONY: Sir, I brought you some tea (gives him a cup).
EDWARD: Thank you (takes a sip). You always know exactly what I need.
ANTHONY: If I may say, Sir, I’m concerned. You haven’t left your room in days.
EDWARD: Just meditating, is all.
ANTHONY: Oh, really? So this has nothing to do with the unexpected visitor staying at your guest house?
EDWARD: I’m surprised he didn’t demand to be given my master bedroom. After all, it is his house…
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ANTHONY: He might have paid for it, but it is your home, not his. I know this must be very difficult, having to see him again, let along having him under the same roof.
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EDWARD: Well, I don’t even remember the last time he was around, so it’s basically like bedding a stranger.
ANTHONY: Sir, you know I don’t like to intrude in your business matters, just promise me you will be careful.
EDWARD: I will, but there is no need to worry, Anthony, I have this under control.
ANTHONY: With all due respect, Sir, you lost that control the moment you allowed him to walk through the door.
EDWARD: I appreciate your concern, but trust me, I know what I’m doing.
ANTHONY: If you say so… Well, I’ll leave you to your thoughts now; good night, Sir.
EDWARD: Good night, Anthony.
Cut to – The Salvatore School. Alaric is showing Tyler and Lexi around.
 ALARIC: So, what do you guys say?
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LEXI: Never thought of myself as a teacher, but I think it could be fun, I’m in!
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TYLER: Me too. Might not be the best role model, but let’s be honest, who is?
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ALARIC: Great, welcome to the faculty! (Katherine walks by).
KATHERINE: So, Ric, are these my new colleagues?
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LEXI: Are you kidding me?! (Looks at Alaric) Alaric?
ALARIC: Please don’t judge me, she can be very persuasive. Plus, she does have some cool tricks to teach…
TYLER: Does Caroline know?
ALARIC: Not yet.
TYLER: She’s gonna kill you.
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ALARIC: I’m hoping her vacation time will ease the news.
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LEXI: Oh, it totally won’t! Good luck with that.
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KATHERINE: Well, I’m late for my class, and those little brats are a recipe for disaster. See you at the teacher’s lounge (winks and walks away).
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Cut back to – Akumal, Mexico. Damon and Bonnie’s hotel room. Bonnie comes out of the bathroom, changed into beach attire.
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DAMON: (Completely taken with her beauty) God… you are so beautiful (they kiss; things start to heat up. Bonnie takes his shirt off, he takes her beach dress off; they move on to the bed. He unties her bikini strap… someone knocks).
CAROLINE: (Standing outside the door) Hey, guys, you ready?! Let’s hit the beach!
DAMON: Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Does she not get what pause means??!!
CAROLINE: (Knocks again) Guys!! Are you there? Stefan is waiting for us, come on!
DAMON: (Shouts) Timing, Barbie, timing!!!
CAROLINE: What?! (Pauses for a bit, then it hits her) Oh, oh… yes, pause, I’m on pause; sorry!!! Take your time, we’ll meet you down there!
BONNIE: (Laughs, kisses him) Tell you what, why don’t we go down, enjoy the beach while there’s still daylight. We’ll bring this cliffhanger to its resolution when the timing is right. (Kisses him again, ties her bikini strap, gets up, puts her beach dress back on).
DAMON: (Gets up, puts his shirt on and grabs her hand, as they are walking out…) Maybe we should have told her to push the off button… (she smirks, they leave the room).
Cut to – A dorm room at the University of Munich. Elena and Sam are unpacking.
 SAM: (Takes a little black box out of one of Elena’s boxes) What’s this?
ELENA: (Takes the box, doesn’t seem to know what it is, or why it’s even there) I have no idea, I didn’t pack it, did you?
SAM: No; that’s weird… maybe it’s another gift from your friends?
ELENA: I don’t think so… (opens the box, inside is some sort of formula with a note that reads: No matter where you are, your past will always follow you…) What the hell?
SAM: Let me see (looks closely at the test tube); looks like some sort of formula? How did it get passed airport security? 
ELENA: I don’t even want to know.
SAM: We can test it out at the university lab, find out what it is.
ELENA: No, just throw it out. I moved here to get away from the insanity, I’m not about to open Pandora’s box.
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SAM: Are you sure? It looks like it might be important…
ELENA: I’m sure.
SAM: (Puts the formula and note back in the black box) I’ll take care of it. So, there is an alumni cocktail tonight, want to go? I think it would be good so we can start to integrate...
ELENA: I’m still a bit jet-lagged, but I think I can handle a drink or two.  
SAM: That’s my girl (kisses her; they start to make out).
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Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Stefan and Caroline are lying on the beach. Damon and Bonnie join them.
 CAROLINE: Well, that was fast!
DAMON: Blondie, I swear...
STEFAN: What’s going on?
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DAMON: Little “Miss Pause” here, won’t stop pushing play.
BONNIE: Just forget it; let’s enjoy! I mean, look at this place, it’s gorgeous! I’m going for a swim.
DAMON: I’m coming with (grabs her hand; they head to the ocean).
STEFAN: They look so happy together...
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CAROLINE: They really do, and I really need to stop with the bad timing!
STEFAN: Again?
CAROLINE: Yep. Thought inappropriate timing was a Sagittarius thing, guess it’s a Libra thing too.
STEFAN: (Laughs, then kisses her). I’m sure they’ll find the right moment. Just between us, this is the first time Damon has taken it slow; I think he might be nervous.
CAROLINE: Nervous?! Come on, this is Damon we are talking about.
STEFAN: Yes, but he has never felt like this about anyone… probably freaks him out a little bit; doesn’t want to screw it up.
CAROLINE: That’s true…  
STEFAN: Listen, sorry to change the subject but, about that thing we talked about, you never gave me an answer.
CAROLINE: I’m sorry… still processing. It’s a life-changing decision; give me some time to clear my head on it?
STEFAN: Of course… take as much time as you need. And, whatever you decide, I’m with you.  (They cuddle and enjoy the view; sometime later, Bonnie and Damon come back from their swim).
BONNIE: (A she is drying herself) The water is delicious! You guys should definitely take a dip!
CAROLINE: Bon, when have you ever seen me swim in the ocean?
BONNIE: Oh, that’s right… (teasing) your irrational fear of “the sea monsters”.
CAROLINE: Who knows what crazy things live down there?! Plus, sharks…
DAMON: Sharks, really, Blondie? They're harmless! They are more afraid of us than we are of them, and with good reason.
CAROLINE: Have you seen Jaws? … Uhm, no thanks! I’m perfectly fine right here; enjoying the beautiful view, margarita in one hand, Stefan’s hand in the other… perfection!
BONNIE: Come on, Care, dare to do something you never have. What happened to pausing the control freak? Let loose!
CAROLINE: I’m loose, I swear! Just not that loose… (they laugh; Damon and Bonnie lie down with them to enjoy the view. After a few minutes of contemplation, Caroline breaks the silence). Ahhh… This is exactly what we needed.
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BONNIE: Preach!
STEFAN: (Looking at a boat that is cruising by) We should totally do that boat trip...
DAMON: One thing at a time, bro. For now… (grabs some beers from the cooler, hands one to them) Enjoy… (winks, then puts Bob Marley’s “Don’t worry be happy” on his phone. Lights up a doobie, takes a drag, and passes it around).
BONNIE: (Takes a hit, then passes to Caroline) How is this for letting loose…
CAROLINE: (Takes a drag; lets the smoke out…) My kind of pause button. (Smiles, passes it to Stefan).
STEFAN: (Takes a hit) I never did this as a human… wonder if it hits you different than when you are a vampire?
BONNIE: (She and Caroline laugh) Oh, Stefan, you’re in for quite a ride…
 Cut to – The Mayor’s house. Edward is still in his room. The Madame comes in.
THE MADAME: Darling, you can’t hide in here forever…
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EDWARD: I’m not hiding, I’m thinking.
EDWARD: My mother, thanks to you.
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THE MADAME: I’m sorry I had to do that but we really need his help if we want to get this done.
EDWARD: I’ve always known you were cruel, but you took it way too far this time.
THE MADAME: It was the only way I could get you to call him.
EDWARD: That is true, but still, cruel.
THE MADAME: Forgive me, love, it’s in our best interest to have him on our side.
EDWARD: I know… just can’t stand the sight of him.
THE MADAME: Why don’t you try to give him a chance, he might not be so bad…
EDWARD: He’s responsible for my mother’s death, both of them. Granted I never knew my biological mother; it was a miracle I even survived, but… a killer clown, really?... Sick bastard. And, as if that wasn’t enough, he ended up driving the woman he had killed the first one for, completely insane, to the point of suicide. How is that, not so bad?!
THE MADAME: Listen, he’s not my cup of tea either, but he didn’t do the things you accuse him of, I promise. If he had, I would have killed him a long time ago.
EDWARD: I thought you were on my side; how can you believe all his lies?
THE MADAME: I’m not on his side, and I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth. The only reason I know he is not responsible for those things is because I can read minds. Had your “friend” Donovan not given up the devices and activated unit 1, I wouldn’t have made you call him; but you and I know, if anyone can help us fix this little mess, it’s him. I’ve lived for hundreds of years, and have been part of the order for the majority of them, I’m not about to give up everything I have fought for.
EDWARD: Neither am I, that is the only reason I agreed to this… but we have to be careful, he is definitely not doing this out of the goodness of his heart, we have something he wants, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get it.
THE MADAME: As long as you and I are on the same page, we’ll have control, and he’ll have no choice but to comply.
EDWARD: Let’s hope he does; he can be quite sneaky.
THE MADAME: So can we (smirks). For now, keep Donovan away for as long as you can; once he comes back, everything will be set in motion.
EDWARD: We’ll need to move fast, not sure how long he’ll stand his time out…
Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline are on a boat. Stefan is standing at the edge of the boat, facing the open ocean. They are all quite stoned, even Caroline and Damon, who you would think wouldn’t be given that they are vampires, or even Bonnie, having all that source power, but apparently, they were given some pretty heavy stuff.
 STEFAN: Wait… how did we get on a boat?
CAROLINE: (Barely able to talk from the laughter) I think we stole it…
STEFAN: Shit! Oh, well… I’m the king of the world!! (Grabs her hand and takes her up on the edge with him). Look at this view… (after a few seconds, he starts singing Celine Dion’s “My heart will go on”, completely off-tune).
BONNIE: (Who is lying on the floor deck with Damon, looking up at the sky) I’m telling you, look at it… it’s totally baby Yoda… and it’s speaking to us…listen.
DAMON: Listening, I am, and says he… stay for some soup you must…
BONNIE: Ooh, soup! I love soup… French onion with melted cheese on top… What genius came up with that? (Pauses for a sec) Wait, what were we talking about?
DAMON: I have no idea… (they crack up).
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STEFAN: (Still on the boat edge) You jump, I jump…
CAROLINE: (Turns to look at his eyes) Never let go, Jack, never let go… 
STEFAN: I love you, Rose. (Kisses her, grabs her hand; they jump in the water).
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BONNIE: Did they just jump in the water?
DAMON: I think they did… (they get up, see them in the water)
BONNIE: Care! You did it!
CAROLINE: (Realizing she is swimming in the ocean for the first time). Oh, my god!!! I did!!! (As she is blissfully swimming around) It’s so wonderful!!! You guys should join!!
BONNIE: (Gets real serious...) Oh my god guys, don’t move...
CAROLINE: (Looking scared as hell) What is it?...
BONNIE: Care, don’t move... it’s behind you... (Caroline is paralyzed, on guard).
CAROLINE: (Looking terrified) Bonnie... is it a sh...
BONNIE: (Interrupts her ) Shhhh... (Bonnie uses her telekinetic powers to play the intro of “Baby Shark” on her phone, then starts dancing the choreography, Damon joins along; they are cracking up).
CAROLINE: Bonnie, you scared the hell out of me! (Can’t help but laugh at the prank). 
DAMON: (Laughing his ass off) Good one, Bon! (They high five) Sorry, Blondie, you owed us! 
CAROLINE: Fair enough... we’ll call it even. Now, come join,  the water is perfect!
DAMON: Bon Bon, what do you say?
BONNIE: You had me at Bon Bon... (They smirk; Damon grabs her hand and they jump in. They swim and laugh for a while, then go back on the boat). So… who drove the boat?
STEFAN: Uhm, I think I did… not sure how.
CAROLINE: Can you drive it back?
STEFAN: I’ll give it a try… but what’s the rush; I say we stay for a while, watch the sundown… (they sit on the boat deck, open a bottle of bourbon, eat some munchies, talk, and laugh).
CAROLINE: (To Damon, referring to the weed) TSo, Damon, that was some powerful stuff, where did you get it from?
DAMON: Bellboy hooked me up…called it the Mayan “Duende”? …
STEFAN: Well, I hope you saved some… totally want to do that again, but I think inland is the way to go next time. (They watch the sunset, then head back; Stefan manages to return the boat, and everyone on board, safe and sound).
 Cut to - Matt and Khuyana having a picnic at a beautiful park in Lima, Peru.
 MATT: I missed this…
KHUYANA: Me too (kisses him).
MATT: I’m so sorry for everything that has happened... I’m thinking that moving back was a mistake.
KHUYANA: It’s not your fault Matt, and it wasn’t a mistake. You love your home, and, despite it all, I love it too. Mystic Falls is where we belong.
MATT: But we were happier here.
KHUYANA: Were we? I think you are forgetting just how much we struggled, not to mention my government tried to make me disappear. I’m more afraid of humanities’ dark side than I am of the supernatural; at least with them, you get a fair warning.
MATT: You make a good point…but still, I… I…
KHUYANA: Mi amor, it’s okay, we are going to be fine. It’s over now, so let’s enjoy our time off and go back home when the time comes (kisses him). Whatever comes our way, we will get through it.
MATT: If I could marry you again, I would. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, thank you for being part of my life.
KHUYANA: And thank you for being part of mine. Now, how about some pisco and yuquitas?
MATT: Best vacation ever… (kisses her).
 Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Late at night. Damon and Bonnie are lying on the beach, in a very secluded spot, looking at the sky.
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DAMON: I could do this forever…
BONNIE: Me too.
DAMON: (Turns his head towards her, looks deep into her eyes, and kisses her gently) I love you, Bon… like I never knew I could love…
BONNIE: And I love you; like I never did love … (She kisses him, more passionately than gently, kneels on top of him, and unbuttons his shirt as he pulls her dress off. She unbuckles his shorts, he unhooks her bra, throws it to the ground. He slowly slides her panties down and… at last  =). Inside her, Damon can't help but be locked into those hypnotic eyes, his breath so heavy and unstable... the overwhelming beauty and the feeling of absolute ecstasy invade every cell in his body... if ever he'd known what pure love was, this was the moment. They make love, multiple times, through the entire night until they fall asleep, holding each other so tight, body to body, until sunrise.
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TVD 9x09 (part 1) coming next! Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
How Belvafore does Christmas! =)
Christmas eve; Damon, Bonnie, Stefan, and Caroline are having a jolly good time. Damon comes out of the kitchen and performs one of his, now famous, Christmas skits...
DAMON: Santa Baby...  
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CAROLINE: Seriously? Every single year...
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BONNIE: (Cracking up) Oh, I’m sooo posting this!  #ChristmasQueenXOXO
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
Amazing Bamon fanart! =)
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1994 PW Bamon illustration from Deviantart posted by KidRou, signed by Liddamks, and it’s one of my fave Bamon scenes... this is perfection!!!!!
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My 94′ feels while looking at this awesome illustration...
... I’m soooo down with it!!!! =)
TVD 9x08 (part 1) coming this weekend; sorry it took so long, work has been insane =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
Hard to say I’m sorry...
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
TVD 9x09 (part 1) Sneak Peek! ;)
Cut to - Bonnie and Damon. Tulum pyramids, Mexico.
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BONNIE: (Amazed by the scenery) Just look at this place!
DAMON: These guys really knew what they were doing … I’ve lived for a long time and I’ve never seen anything this grandiose.
BONNIE: I knew you would love it (kisses his cheek). Incredible, right?
DAMON: Absolutely! Weird that we are the only ones here... you’d figure this place would be packed with tourists... (A strange woman suddenly appears).
LA BRUJA: You can thank me for that…
BONNIE: (With an uncanny sense of familiarity and intrigue) Who are you? 
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LA BRUJA: Bonnie, is that any way to greet an old family friend?
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DAMON: Bon, you know her?
BONNIE: I’ve never seen her before in my life... 
LA BRUJA: La brujita Bennett (smirks, her eyes locked deep into Bonnie’s)…  You look just like Sheila.
BONNIE: You knew my grandmother?
LA BRUJA: Sheila and I go way back...
Meet... La Bruja!
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TVD 9x09 (part1), coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
Crash into me...
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#wanting#complicity... Bamon feels =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
Uhm... really?
Season 7, when Damon tells Reyna Cruz she looks a lot like his girlfriend...
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Now, if he was referring to Bonnie... 
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Crazy how TVD writers forced even the most random and far-fetched references to cling to Dullena.
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
To  the Bamon fandom from a Bamon fan (part 4)
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Part 5 coming up =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
A Little Valentine’s ...  TVD 9x08 Sneak Peek! =)
Cut to –  Akumal, Mexico, late at night. Damon and Bonnie are lying on the beach, in a very secluded spot, looking at the sky.
DAMON: I could do this forever…
BONNIE: Me too...
DAMON: (Turns his head towards her, looks deep into her eyes, and kisses her gently) I love you, Bon… like I never knew I could love.
BONNIE: And I love you... like I never did love. 
She kisses him, then kneels on top of him; unbuttons his shirt and shorts as he pulls her beach dress up... 
 [...] ;)
DAMON: I could do this forever...
BONNIE: Me too...
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The moment is coming... ;)
Happy Valentine’s Day Bamily!
TVD 9x08 coming soon. Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
To the Bamon fandom from a Bamon fan (part 3)
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Part 4 coming up! The series was long so loads of material... ;)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
Bamon New Year’s feels & sneak peek =)
Cut to - Caroline's Liz Forbes Foundation Christmas party. Damon and Bonnie are dancing. Yes, they were finally together, almost two months now, but was their relationship at a point where she’d be willing to spend a holiday just with him? Let along, go on a trip? Would she think he was moving too fast? It didn't matter, he wasn’t missing his chance... Damon turns his eyes to the band and nods in complicity, they start to play...
BONNIE: I love this song...
DAMON: I know... a special request for you, and a question from me...
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DAMON: So, Bon, what do you say? Spend New Year’s with me? (Teasing) I know there might be about a million people you’d rather be with but...
BONNIE: (Teasing back) Not exactly... (They kiss). 
DAMON: You still have that polar jacket, right?
BONNIE: Yes, why?
Cut to - Svalbard, Norway. New Year’s Eve.
BONNIE: Damon, this is breathtaking...
DAMON: Almost as much as you... (the clock strikes midnight). Happy New Year, Bon... (they kiss, hold hands and stare at the sky).
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They spend their days in a secluded bubble igloo; talking, laughing, taking walks, playing board games, dancing, drinking bourbon... but mostly, making love and staring at the sky... =)  
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Happy New Year Bamily!! May this year, and the rest to come, be filled with great things for all!! =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
It’s always better when we are together...
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This song plays in Damon’s mind every time he thinks of Bonnie... and you know it!! =)
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
TVD 9x06 (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – freaky old mansion, Darius’s room. A portal closes; we see Bonnie laying on Darius’s bed, in a deep sleep, Danae still holding her hand.
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 DARIUS: Hello, sister.
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DANAE: (Looking terrified) Darius…
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DARIUS: Don’t look so frightened, Lish, I’m the one looking at a ghost. God, it’s crazy seeing you in the flesh… (he tries to touch her, she quickly steps aside in a panic).
DARIUS: Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you. You made me a promise (looks at Bonnie) and you kept it.
DANAE: I did, now let me go.
DARIUS: I’m sorry, sis, but I can’t do that.
DANAE: We had a deal…
DARIUS: And I will keep my word. I said I wouldn’t hurt you, and I won’t, pinky swear. But I’m sure you can understand why I can’t let you go; can’t have any loose ends…
DANAE: You bastard!
DARIUS: (Sarcastic laugh) I think we both know who the bastard is; mother was always such a flirt.
DANAE: Please, just let me go. I followed your instructions; I swear I’ll keep my mouth shut and disappear.
DARIUS: (Changing the subject) You know, it truly baffles me that you would think I wasn’t aware that you have been alive for all these years… Come on, Lish, I thought you were smarter than that… Do you really think all that tragedy came from karma? Granted it must’ve had a hand in it, but… really? You couldn’t figure it out? Guess the genius genes do come from my father’s side…
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DANAE: You’ve known all this time?
DARIUS: Of course, I have. The only reason you are still alive is not because of your flawed immortality serum, which I’ve perfected, by the way, but because I’ve allowed you to… What can I say, I’m a sucker for family drama.
DANAE: You are insane…
DARIUS: We all go a little mad sometimes… (with sarcasm) Yet, I wasn’t the one locked up in an Asylum for years.
DANAE: It was you...  You were the one that got me locked up…
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DARIUS: Oh no, you did that all on your own; I only suggested the pertinent treatments.
DANAE: (In painful wrath) They put a needle through my eyeball, you crazy fuck!
DARIUS: Trial and error, sis, that’s the only way to verify a theory… just ask your “friend” Marie… Oh wait, you can’t…
DANAE: (Charges him) I’ll kill you!!!!  
DARIUS: (Restrains her with his hands; Bonnie starts to move) Shhhhh… you are waking her up. It’s time for you to take a time out; I’ll take it from here. (Some freaky hooded people come in and take Danae away, Darius sits by the bedside, holds Bonnie’s hand).
DANAE: (As she is being taken away) She is going to destroy you, and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it!
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DARIUS: (To the hooded people) Put her in the bunker.
Cut back to – The Mikaelson mansion, 12:05 am. It’s pitch dark. Everyone is passed out on the floor; after a few seconds, they start to react.
 DAMON: (Confused) What the hell happened?
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ALARIC: I have no idea, but… (before he can even finish his sentence, Damon vamps upstairs to check on Bonnie; she and Danae have vanished… Damon, desperately, vamps his way through every inch of the mansion looking for her, she’s nowhere to be found).
KLAUS: (Also searching) Damon, we have searched everywhere, they are gone.
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DAMON: How? We were all by the door, there is no way…
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KLAUS: Cloaking spell, who knows? You seem to forget how magic works, my friend, anything is possible. Now, let’s go get the others. (They regather with the group downstairs, Klaus lights some candles so that everyone can have some visibility).  
ALARIC: What is going on?!
KLAUS: Bonnie and Danae are gone.
ALARIC: What!? How?
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KLAUS: Enough with the how; we need to focus on the where and why.
TYLER: Uhm, guys, I think we have another problem (points to Katherine who is in a catatonic state, they try to snap her out of it, but she is unresponsive, completely lost in a daze).
LEXI: Can’t believe this is happening! I thought we had the perfect plan...
ALARIC: They must have figured it out, orchestrated some sort of stealth attack…
RADKA: All I remember was waiting by the door to attack upon arrival, then I saw an overwhelming light and blacked out.
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KHUYANA: Me too…
ALARIC: I think we all did.
DAMON: Enough with the chit chat; we need to find Bonnie.
ALARIC: And we will, Damon, but we have to figure out what we are dealing with first.
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DAMON: What is there to figure out, Ric? We know what we are dealing with; a lunatic mind-freak asshole, and his cult groupies. So, let’s skip the over rationalization, and get to the action. Plan is simple, find these bastards, kill these bastards, get Bonnie back.
KLAUS: I agree with Damon, for once.
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ALARIC: I would like nothing more, but we don’t even know where these cult freaks are!
KHUYANA: I have a feeling someone might… Matt.
KLAUS: Well, love, that’s not very helpful given that your husband was a no show.
TYLER: My bet is that he’s at the Mayor house; Matt told me he was hosting a Halloween ball; and, for some fucked reason, Matt always seems to be wherever he is.
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DAMON: So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!
CAROLINE: I’m game, but first we need to stop by the house and make sure everyone is okay. And leave this one (referring to Katherine) to someone’s care.
DAMON: We can’t waste any time, Care. Klaus, Tyler and I will go find Matt, you guys go back to the house. Once we find Donovan, we’ll drag his sneaky ass back and figure out our next move.
CAROLINE: Okay, just please, don’t do anything without us.
KLAUS: We won’t, love, I’ll make sure of it.
DAMON: Whatever; (to Klaus and Tyler) wolf-boys, let’s move.
 Everyone leaves; as they are driving, they stare in disbelief at the scenery; the entire town seems to be having a total blackout; not a single light at sight.
Cut to – freaky old mansion. Darius takes Bonnie into a private section of the mansion. It’s a strange ballroom, set up as a worship haven, reminiscing of Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” scene…
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DARIUS: My queen… behold your kingdom. (He takes her by the hand and leads her to the center of the altar, inside a Hecate symbol. All the guests, wearing hooded togas and masks, kneel upon her).
DARIUS: At last, the goddess has arrived! (They start chanting in her worship).
BONNIE: (Whispers to Darius) Darling, this is a bit much, don’t you think?
DARIUS: Nothing is too much when it comes to you. Bonnie Sheila Bennett, you are a goddess, you just need to believe it. You can do anything you set your mind to, no restrictions, no consequences. You are the alpha and the omega…
BONNIE: No restrictions... that does sound tempting…
DARIUS: Just let yourself be free, my love, embrace your destiny...
Bonnie, seduced by the feeling of absolute power, lets go of the last hold she has over who she is and embraces her power to the fullest. A huge energy field emerges from her, the biggest one yet...At this precise moment, a new Bonnie is born, a child of fire and desire, a purely instinctual creature with the power to create… and destroy.
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Cut to- freaky bunker. Matt, sitting outside the heavily sealed door, which is now open. He is crying.
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MATT: (To himself) What have I done… what have I done…
MATT: Don’t call me that! I’m not a General! I am the Sheriff of Mystic Falls, that is all…I don’t belong here...
MILITARY MAN: I’ll give you some space, Sir. (Walks away, approaches another military man) I think the General has lost his mind…
MILITARY MAN 2: Cut him some slack, he’s under a lot of stress. How would you react if that order had to come from you? That has to break a man...
MILITARY MAN: Do you think we are doing the right thing, here?
MILITARY MAN 2: Not sure if it’s the right thing but it’s the only thing we can do if we want to have a fighting chance.
Cut to – The Salvatore mansion. Stefan, Elena, and Sam are in the living room. The gang walks in. Caroline sees Stefan and runs to hug him.
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CAROLINE: Oh, thank god, you are alright! The girls?
STEFAN: They are sleeping, they fine; we are all fine, it’s just a blackout.
CAROLINE: Oh, trust me, it’s much more than that.
ELENA: (To Caroline, looking quite pissed) Uhm, hello?!
CAROLINE: Elena! Oh my god, you are here! I totally forgot to…
ELENA: Oh, I know! Stefan put me up to do date…  what the hell, Care!?
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CAROLINE: I’m sorry, we thought you didn’t want to be involved in these things anymore. (To Sam) Hey, Sam…
SAM: Hey… (looking quite uncomfortable, given the situation).
ELENA: Where is Bonnie?
CAROLINE: We don’t know, something went wrong…
STEFAN: What happened?
CAROLINE: As soon as the clock stroke midnight, there was this huge light blast, then everyone passed out. When we woke up, Bonnie and Danae were gone.
STEFAN: Where is Damon?
CAROLINE: He went with Klaus and Tyler to look for Matt; we think he might know where Darius is.
STEFAN: (Looking at a catatonic Katherine) And what happened to her?
RADKA: We don’t know either… she won’t snap out it; she is physically fine, but…
CAROLINE: She’ll be okay, she is just in shock. (To Alaric) Let’s go check on the girls…
ALARIC: They are asleep, Care, we don’t want to wake them.
CAROLINE: We won’t; just as kiss so they know we are fine. (They go upstairs).
ELENA: Lexi, glad to see you made it back…
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LEXI: (With a bit of disdain; still resentful for how she hurt Stefan) Well it was all thanks to my girl Bonnie… now that’s what I call I real woman.
STEFAN: So, Lex, can you tell us exactly what happened?
LEXI: I’ll try my best…
Cut to – The Mayor’s mansion. Damon, Klaus, and Tyler arrive.
 DAMON: How come this is the only place that has electricity?
TYLER: Privileges of the elite…
KLAUS: Please, Lockwood, if that were the case, there be electricity at my house as well. (Tyler rolls his eyes; they ring the doorbell).
ANTHONY: Fashionably late, I see. Invitations, please.
DAMON: One vampire and two hybrids, how is that for an invitation?
ANTHONY: I’m afraid I don’t follow your sense of humor, Sir. So, once again, invitations, please.
KLAUS: What he means is that if you don’t invite us in, we will rip your insides out… how is that for a sense of humor?
ANTHONY: Gentlemen, I don’t want any trouble, but I cannot allow you inside without an invitation.
EDWARD: (Edward comes to the door, sensing something is up) Anthony, what is going on?
TYLER: Wow, you really went all out with your costume…
DAMON: (To himself) I freakin hate clowns…
EDWARD: What is the trouble here?
KLAUS: We are looking for Matt Donovan, we were told he might be around…
EDWARD: Well, you have been misinformed, the Sheriff is not here. Granted he was invited, but he declined. Feel free to come inside and see for yourselves.
EDWARD: It’ fine, Anthony. Come in; you are also welcome to indulge if you like.
Cut to back to – the old freaky mansion. Darius and Bonnie inside his illusion realm.
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BONNIE: That kiss made me thrust, care to offer this lady a drink?
DARIUS: I would be delighted (holds her hand and takes her to the bar).
DARIUS: (To the bartender) Champagne for the lady.
BARTENDER: Coming right up, Sir.
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BONNIE: Actually, I’m bourbon kinda a gal. (Mocking) I thought you knew me better...
DARIUS: Sorry, love, I assumed…
BONNIE: Well, you know what they say about assuming (winks, Darius looks confused). Just teasing, dear. (Gives him a peck on the cheek, then looks around). This is quite the party…
DARIUS: It’s all for you, my love.
BONNIE: You spoil me too much.
DARIUS: Anything for you…
BONNIE: You are making blush…
DARIUS: I love to see you blush.
BONNIE: Careful. I might not be able to control myself.
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DARIUS: Neither will I…
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(They kiss passionately, find themselves a private spot, and...)
Cut back to – the Mayor’s mansion. Damon, Tyler, and Klaus are looking for Matt.
 TYLER: (Looking at the decadence) Damn, and here I thought I had seen it all… These people are freaking insane…
DAMON: Concentrate, Lockwood! (Getting frustrated) Where the hell is Donovan!?
KLAUS: I think the clown was telling the truth...
EDWARD: (Who has snuck up on them) I told you...
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DAMON: (Jumps in a fright) Jesus, holly shit hole!  
EDWARD: I take it you don’t like clowns (smirks)? I’m sorry, gentlemen, but he is not here. And, now that I know he wasn’t with you either, I think I just might know where, or rather, who he is with. As much as it hurts that he would betray my trust, I’m almost certain that he is with a man called Darius.  
KLAUS: You know Darius?
EDWARD: Unfortunately, I do. Has been the stone in my shoe for quite some time now.
DAMON: Where can we find him?
EDWARD: At a freaky old mansion… thing is, it’s not easy to find.
TYLER: What do you mean?
EDWARD: Well, it seems to appear and disappear; making it quite difficult to track.
DAMON: I’ve seen that trick before, we just need the location; we’ll figure it out from there. 
EDWARD: You make it sound so simple. You are aware of who you are dealing with, correct? Darius is the master of illusion, capable of making you believe whatever he wants…
DAMON: (Getting pissed off) Can you tell us the location, or not!?
EDWARD: Temper, temper… Listen, Damon, is it? All I can tell you is that the last time I was able to locate the mansion it was at this address (shows them a location on his phone).
TYLER: That’s impossible; that’s where Matt’s old house is.
EDWARD: Well, that´s uncanny...
DAMON: (To Klaus and Tyler) Let’s go...
EDWARD: If you are thinking that the trick is a cloaking spell, I can assure it’s not. Like I said, Darius is an illusionist, the only way to see through his illusions is to find a loophole; and trust me, that is not an easy thing to do; especially if you don’t have the proper abilities. So, unless one of you is a psychic-witch, it’s pretty much useless.
DAMON: How were you able to find him before?
EDWARD: With a little help from my friends (points to a mystery lady, and a strange man).
KLAUS: (Completely taken with her) She is breathtaking... (stares in intrigue) seems so familiar...
EDWARD: Does she, now?
TYLER: What’s with the freaky glove?
EDWARD: Let’s just say, she has quite a peculiar taste.
DAMON: Can she help us find Darius?
EDWARD: She can, but I must warn you, with her, there is always a price to pay.
DAMON: I really don’t care, as long as she can lead us to Bonnie.
EDWARD: Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Come with me. (They approach the mystery lady) My dear, I’d like to introduce you to some friends of mine... 
LADY: Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, gentleman.
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TVD 9x06 (part 2) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =) 
28 notes · View notes
bamon4bamily · 5 years
TVD 9x07 - The storm before the calm (part 2) Enjoy! =)
Edward arrives at the Lockwood house; the door and windows are broken. Something is very wrong, he knows…
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EDWARD: Sheriff?! Sheriff!?... (searches the foyer, the living room, dining room, until he reaches the kitchen… Khuyana and Tyler are lying on the floor in a pool of blood, he drops the bottle of wine he had brought as a thank you gift). Oh, god! Oh, god! (Rushes to their aid, calls 911… Tyler begins to react). It’s okay, help is on the way….
TYLER: (Gains enough strength to get up, sees Khuyana is unresponsive, gives her his blood, she doesn’t respond). Why isn’t this working!?
EDWARD: Let me try, I have medical training… (gives her CPR, after a few attempts he finally gets a heartbeat, the paramedics arrive soon after). Quick, help her!
 Cut to - Mystic General Hospital. Edward, Tyler, Bonnie, Damon, Caroline, Stefan, Alaric, Radka and Elena are in the waiting room; Khuyana has been rushed into surgery; Sam is in the O.R with her.
 EDWARD: (Takes Tyler aside) I know you are still in shock, but I need you to tell me exactly what happened.
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TYLER: All I remember is a bunch of military guys and federal agents barging in… they arrested Matt, knocked him unconscious, then gunshots.
EDWARD: Military and federal agents? That doesn’t make sense, he hasn’t done anything for them to have jurisdiction, and they most definitely wouldn’t shoot without probable cause.
TYLER: With all due respect, but you know it doesn’t work like that.
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EDWARD: Well, it should… Listen, I have my people on this; rest assured we will find who is behind this.
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TYLER: Thank you for all your help, I know I’ve been a jerk to you, and I’m sorry.
EDWARD: Don’t worry about it, I understand.
 Cut to – a secret facility, inside an isolation room. An agent enters Matt’s cell. He looks badly beaten.
 FEDERAL AGENT: Donovan… here (hands him a glass of water, he chugs it like his life depended on it). Listen, I’m not like the other guys, but trust me, man, if you don’t give us what we are asking for, this is only going to get worse…
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MATT: Where is my wife?!
FEDERAL AGENT: Tell me what we need to know, and I’ll tell you where she is.
MATT: Screw you…
FEDERAL AGENT: Some advice, you are playing with the big boys now, papa Powell can’t bail you out of this one; so, it’s in your best interest to cooperate… I’ve seen some pretty fucked up shit happen to people that don’t.
MATT: I swear; if you do anything to her…
FEDERAL AGENT: Aw, don’t you get it, Matt? We don’t care. Now, if it’s any motivation, I can tell you she is hanging by a thread, but if you give us what we want, I promise she’ll be just fine.
MATT: You are bluffing…
FEDERAL AGENT: You’re not very bright, are you? It’s no wonder our police force is at an ultimate crisis, pretty much anyone can qualify to become an officer. But I have to give it to you, you have some balls to be gambling with your wife’s life…
MATT: Please, I swear, I don’t know what you are talking about!
FEDERAL AGENT: Don’t insult my intelligence, Sheriff. If you don’t want to cooperate, that’s your choice; and you will suffer the consequences, but don’t try to play dumb with us. So, once again, where is the bunker’s location and where are the devices?
MATT: Fine, fine… the devices and the bunker’s location coordinates are at my house, in my bedroom’s safe, inside the closet; the combination is 235689.
FEDERAL AGENT: (He walks out of the cell, makes a phone call, comes back a few minutes later). You know, I’m the nice one, and yet you’ve managed to piss me off (hits him, then kneels to whisper). I’ll let you in on a little secret, when we went to get you, we shot your wife and friend on the spot, no questions asked; but somehow, they survived. Your friend made a full recovery, guessing he’s one of those supernatural freaks; and your wife is in surgery as we speak… takes a one-second phone call to make sure she doesn’t come out alive (stands up, kicks him). Welcome to the big leagues, Donovan.
MATT: (As the agent is about to leave) Wait…
 Cut to – Mystic General Hospital. Sam comes out of the OR.
 ELENA: How is she?
SAM: It was a complicated surgery, and she’s still in a delicate condition, but we are confident she will pull through.
EDWARD: Thank god. (To the gang) I’ve talked to my contacts at the agency and the military, they are definitely not involved; I have my people processing the scene, tracing any evidence that can lead us to the Sheriff and whoever is behind this.
TYLER: I saw them, they were wearing uniforms…
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EDWARD: You can get anything on the internet nowadays; I’m sure they were fake.
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ALARIC: But why come after Matt, and role-play to be the government?
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EDWARD: I don’t know, but my team is the best in the field, and I know people in very high places; we will get to the bottom of this, all I ask is that you are patient. In the meantime, take care of Mrs. Donovan, and stay alert. I’m on call 24/7 for whatever you need. I have to go now; Mrs. Donovan’s medical treatment and accommodations have been taken care of; she is in the best hands.
BONNIE: Thank you, Mayor, for this; and that other thing…
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EDWARD: Please, Ms. Bennett, call me Edward; and no thanks are required. The Sheriff is not only a fellow colleague; he is a friend. As for the other thing, it was the least I could do. I’d love to be able to stay longer, but I really must go; it was a pleasure seeing you again (kisses her hand, blushes), we will be in touch (leaves).
TYLER: Listen, guys, why don’t you go home and rest. I’ll stay with Khuyana and call you with updates.
SAM: I’ll be here making rounds, so don’t worry.
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ELENA: And I’ll stay with Sam.
CAROLINE: Are you sure?
ELENA: Yes, Care, go; we will keep you posted.
 Cut to – The Mayor’s house; the Madame, the Strange Man, and Edward talking.
 STRANGE MAN: I thought you said Darius’s groupies had been taken care of.
EDWARD: They have, this is someone else.
THE MADAME: I’m getting very irritated with all of this.
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EDWARD: (Looking quite irritated himself) Well so am I!… I don’t like unexpected surprises.
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STRANGE MAN: And we are positive Ms. Bennett contained Darius? Maybe he’s still playing mind games…
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THE MADAME: With her power, that would be close to impossible, dear. I’m more inclined to think this is someone that wants to sabotage the order, to impose their own...
STRANGE MAN: Do you think it’s an inside job?
EDWARD: Might be; with Darius’s revolution the society has been divided.
THE MADAME: With that type of manpower and armory, it has to be someone very high up the food chain.
EDWARD: And that reduces our suspect list considerably (lights a cigarette).
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THE MADAME: I didn't know you smoked, love...
EDWARD: I don’t.
Cut to – The Salvatore house living room.
 BONNIE: I’ve tried everything, a locator spell, psychic reach, nothing… I can’t even sense him… it’s like Matt fell off the radar completely.
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CAROLINE: What should we do? We have to find him…
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ALARIC: There is nothing more we can do… the Mayor has his whole team looking, even brought in secret service, military, special agents, pretty much every heavyweight there is; I think they are our best shot at finding Matt.
CAROLINE: This is so frustrating!
RADKA: I’m sure they will find him; it’s what they do. Right?
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DAMON: What are we, brainwashed or something?! We can’t trust the government to take care of this.
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ALARIC: I’m not saying we should trust them; I’m saying, they are our only option, Damon.
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BONNIE: No, they're not, Ric. I’m sure this has something to do with that bunker, and why Matt was kept there. So, I think we should ask the man that lured him there…
DAMON: Bon, no…
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BONNIE: I can handle him.
CAROLINE: Are you insane, Bonnie? There is no way in hell we’re letting you go near that psycho again!
BONNIE: Care, I’m stronger than him, and he is trapped in my illusion; I have absolute control. Sorry, but this is my decision; I’m doing this.
DAMON: Fine, Bon, but I’m doing this with you, and that’s my decision.
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CAROLINE: And so am I; we respect your decision; you have to respect ours.
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BONNIE: You two are so stubborn!
DAMON: The pot calling the kettle black…
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ALARIC: Guys, please, let’s just wait and see if they find him; we don’t need to put anyone at risk.
STEFAN: I agree; if they don’t find him in a day or two, we’ll take it from there.
BONNIE: They shot Tyler and Khuyana like it was nothing, who knows what they’ll do to Matt, we can’t wait.
DAMON: What’s the game plan, Bon?
BONNIE: We go into the illusion, twirl with his mind, find out what he knows… that’s all I got for now.
ALARIC: Okay, since you’re gonna do this regardless of what we say; we should at least get Danae and that Madame lady to help.
BONNIE: Danae and Klaus went back to New Orleans; I think she’s had enough of her brother, so let’s leave her out of this one.  
DAMON: But we could use Vampirella's help, Bon; she can be ruthless when it comes to getting people to spill the beans.  
BONNIE: She can be ruthless, period. If she’s game, we’ll definitely bring her along. If not for us, I’m sure she’ll do it for the Mayor.
KATHERINE: (Who has, once again, sneaked in on their conversation). I’m happy to help too…
CAROLINE: Seriously?! You’re still here?!
KATHERINE: I told you, Blondie, it takes time to pack. You know, I’ve always had a soft spot for Matty blue eyes, so if you want my help, I’m in.
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DAMON: (Sarcastically) Aw, how sweet of you, Kitty Kat, but no thanks.
BONNIE: Actually, she can help.
DAMON: With what, Bon?
BONNIE: With what she does best.
KATHERINE: Well, second best, unless this mission of yours requires a sexual encounter…
BONNIE: (Rolls her eyes, yet can’t help but smirk) It doesn’t. All you have to do is be yourself.
CAROLINE: Aka, a bitch.
KATHERINE: Well, that is my area of expertise (winks).
CAROLINE: Uhm, and how is that going to help? And, I can be a bitch too, so I don’t see the added value.
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BONNIE: You can try, but it’s impossible to hate you, Care. On the other hand, that comes naturally to her; she can help us drive Darius to his breaking point, and that’s gonna make it easier to get the information we need.
KATHERINE: Once again, Barbie, my talents succeed yours…
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BONNIE: Okay; let’s go…
STEFAN: Wait, where is Darius exactly? I get really confused with the psychic stuff.
BONNIE: He’s locked up in that bunker; Edward let us keep him there.
STEFAN: And you’re sure it’s safe to go back there? I mean...
BONNIE: We’ll be fine, Stefan, it’s under the Mayor’s control now.
CAROLINE: Hey, come here. (Takes Stefan aside) Listen, I know you wanted to talk, and we will, I promise; let us find Matt, and I swear we’ll go to our spot and talk as long as you want; okay? 
STEFAN: Just be careful, Care; and help Damon keep an eye on Bonnie; I know she is strong, but that psycho is resourceful and obsessed with her.
STEFAN: I hate that I can’t be more useful.
CAROLINE: Hey, don’t say that; you are; if it weren’t for you, I’d probably be crazy by now. I love you (kisses him)
STEFAN: I love you too. 
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BONNIE: (To Damon, also on the side) You know, you don’t have to see him again, I can do this alone.
DAMON: I know you can, but we are a team, so you’re stuck with me.
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BONNIE: (Smiles and teases) And you’re stuck with me too…
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DAMON: (Smirks) Can’t think of anything better than that… (kisses her).
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BONNIE: Once we find Matt, and everything is back to normal, we are definitely taking some time off.
DAMON: I’m already packed (kisses her again).
KATHERINE: (Looking at both couples) Okay, enough with the puppy love, can we go now?
BONNIE: Yep, let’s go. I’ll call the Madame lady on our way there. (Bonnie, Damon, Caroline, and Katherine leave).
 Cut to – Mystic General. Matt runs in.
 MATT: (Desperate) Where is she!? How is she!?
TYLER: (Shocked to see him) Man, thank god! (Hugs him) Don’t worry, she’s fine; she’s in recovery. What happened? (Sees he has been beaten) What did they do to you?!
MATT: I’m fine; they got the wrong guy; once they figured that out, they let me go. I need to see her...
TYLER: Sure; she’s in room 302. (Matt rushes to see Khuyana; Tyler takes out his phone and calls Bonnie... goes straight to voice message; then Caroline... voice message; then Alaric).
ALARIC: Tyler, is everything okay? How is Khuyana?
TYLER: She’s stable, but that’s not why I’m calling; Matt’s here.
ALARIC: (In shock) What?! I’ mean, that’s great! But, what the hell happened? Is he alright?
TYLER: He’s beaten up, but he’ll be okay, I hope. Don’t know what happened, we couldn’t talk, he ran in to see Khuyana. All he told me was that they figured out they got the wrong guy, and let him go.
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ALARIC: That’s strange... Listen, I have to call Bonnie, I’ll call you back (hangs up).
 Cut to -the Salvatore living room.
 STEFAN: What’s going on?
ALARIC: Matt is back, he’s at the hospital. Call Caroline, I’ll call Bonnie.
STEFAN: (As he is dialing) Is he okay?
ALARIC: (Also dialing). He’s beat up, but Tyler says he’s fine. 
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STEFAN: Voice message... probably ran out of battery.
ALARIC: Typical! Well... guess Bonnie did too (hangs up).
STEFAN: Let me try Damon... ( as he is dialing, Damon, Bonnie, Caroline and Katherine, come through the door).
KATHERINE: Well, that was the shortest mission ever!
ALARIC: Guys, Matt is back!
BONNIE: We know. When we were driving to the bunker, I suddenly sensed him again. We were gonna call you but our phones are dead. He’s at the hospital. We need to go see him.
ALARIC: Yes; let’s go. Rad, can you stay here with the girls?
RADKA: Sure; call me if you need anything.
ALARIC: Will do. (Kisses her; as they are heading out, he turns to Caroline, Damon, and Bonnie...) And, guys, please, charge your damn phones!
Cut to – The Mayor’s house. Edward on the phone with Tyler.
 EDWARD: ... I’m glad he’s okay. I’ll go see him first thing tomorrow morning (hangs up).
THE STRANGE MAN: They let him go? Just like that? I doubt it.
EDWARD: That is obvious. I’m certain he had to give them something in return, and we all know what that is… We need to move fast.
THE MADAME: (Using her mental powers to appear as Edward’s dead mother) My darling, I think it’s time to put your pride aside; you need to call your father...
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Cut to – Mystic General. The gang arrives to see Matt.
 CAROLINE: Elena, how is he?!
ELENA: He’s okay. Sam treated his wounds, he’s inside with Khuyana.
BONNIE: What happened?!
ELENA: All he told us was that they let him go after they realized he wasn’t the guy they were looking for.
TYLER: I’ll go get him so you can talk to him; but, once you do, I think we need to leave, let him be with his wife.
CAROLINE: Yes, sure. (Tyler goes to get Matt, after a few minutes he comes out; Caroline runs to hug him) Matt! How are you? How is she?!...
MATT: I’m fine, Care, and so is she. Thanks for being here for her.
CAROLINE: Of course!
MATT: (Turns to Bonnie) Bon... (hugs her really tight) Are you okay?
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BONNIE: I’m the one that should be asking you that…
MATT: Not after everything you went through. Really, how are you?
BONNIE: I’m fine, and happy to see you, is what I am.
MATT: (Smiles, hugs her even tighter, tears rolling down his cheeks). Bon…
BONNIE: (Consoling him) It’s okay, it’s okay… it’s over.
MATT: (After a few minutes of venting) Why did we ever come back to this place?
BONNIE: (Grabs him by his cheeks, and looks tenderly into his eyes) Cause it’s our home…
 Cut to – a secret facility, inside a very high-tech looking office. A man is sitting in front of surveillance monitors; live footage from the gang at the hospital, the Salvatore house, the Mayor’s house, the Lockwood house, the bunker. The man gets a call, he picks up…
 MAN: Hello, son...
  TVD 9x08 (part 1) coming next! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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