harriocity · 5 days
you either get it or you gont
Say that shit my brother
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harriocity · 6 days
open rp
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“Feh.. It’s me, Inuyasha, the half-demon. I can defeat every demon who crosses my path. You think you can take me?”
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harriocity · 7 days
I’m so gender envious of Legend.
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harriocity · 7 days
Pronoun update, I go by he/him exclusively 💪
Hello! Just a small introduction!
I’m harriocity! But you can also call me Harri!
(Pronounced ha-ri)
I use mainly they/them pronouns but I am comfortable with she/her occasionally.
I haven’t officially written anything yet, but I will update this when I do! So stay tuned ^_^
Current hyperfixations are:
- TLOZ (+linked universe)
-Genshin impact.
-Honkai starrail.
-and more!
I am 19 yrs old, so I would prefer if moots and audience are 18 or older.
I am Bisexual!
Hope we can get along! <3
-Love, Harriocity.
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harriocity · 19 days
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Entrance pt.3
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harriocity · 28 days
We did not expect this to be going this way, if anything, all the people that were involved in this situation were hoping to avoid talking about this in public. To not stress everybody out; we as a group decided to move on and wished to forget that this all had happened. 
Though alas, due to the recent behavior of someone involved in the situation, we had no choice but to create this document to talk about our personal experiences surrounding them and one other person. The two people in question have been kicked out of our private discord server due to their actions harming people within the server.
We're sure some of you know who they are, if not, they are Bailey (angry-trashcan) and Nikki (neverchecking), two names that you will see continuously throughout this text. Within these texts, you will be reading about what they have done both within and outside of the server, and how we hope that this will clear up any confusion or lies spread amongst the Linked Universe (LU) x Reader and Yandere LU x Reader communities.
We want to take a minute to also call out the anons; who did not respect Moss's wishes after they had explained that they no longer write for Sage. The same anons who may or may not have gone to Nikki about this should be ashamed of themselves. A boundary is not something that should be pressed and crossed, especially if the boundary has been repeated multiple times. 
The person you are interacting with is a human being, with feelings, sharing their work out of love. They’re not a bot. You can’t continuously press them for information. Especially if it forces them to step back for their mental health. To those anons, do not make excuses. Understand that your actions have consequences and can cause damage to the people within or outside of your life, be aware of what you say and do.
Every piece of evidence you read and/or see was used with consent from the owner.
Please understand and realize that this is NOT an invitation to harass or send death threats to any people involved in this. This is to clear up any misinformation that might've been placed in this community, so we, the server, decided to bring to light this issue and release our side of the narrative.
We want to move on from this and we know people want to know what happened. This is the only time we’re going to address this. Any and all questions about this are going to be deleted and any harassment will be swiftly dealt with and reported. 
Again, this is not an invitation to harass or send death threats to anyone who was involved in this drama. If you proceed to ignore this message, you are not any better. So please, do not engage in inappropriate behaviors.
The following evidence you are about to witness deals with NSFW, alleged predatory behavior, cheating, and racism. Be cautious when reading through the posts.
Racist Time, Abuse, Romanticization, etc.
On December 1st, 2023, in the #random-shares channel, Nikki and Bailey dropped a document consisting of their ideas regarding racist, misogynistic and homophobic stuff.
Making Wind (yes, a confirmed/canon minor) ask questions about sex then being hit by Sage. They have also made Twilight an misogynistic, hating on women; Legend being an abusive father; Time being racist and homophobic, so on and so forth.
While dealing with these themes in fiction isn’t wrong, having these themes portrayed in a joking and/or lighthearted manner is concerning.  
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If you've been to Nikki’s tumblr, you would see that she is - in fact - a white woman. (as seen here). If you have been a follower of Nikki or interacted with Nikki's content, then you know of her POC oc, Aaliyah.
Nikki would go on to use this oc as a punching bag for other characters. Making those characters racist towards her, creating her to be a black woman stereotype that is constantly angry/aggressive towards others, being singled out by the Sheikah/King/Knights, and being whipped. However, Nikki would also use Bailey's oc, Ceres, to "protect" or "save" her oc, Aaliyah, during these racist moments, which leads to the idea of a white savior complex.
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Let it be known, we are not saying that you cannot have a POC character as someone who is not a POC; but if you create a POC character without doing proper research into the culture(s) for your oc, put them in situations of abuse, make them a target for other characters, and/or only use stereotypes for their personality, then you're giving off the impression that you're a racist and pick-and-choose what qualities best suit your needs, especially when one of their purposes is for racist storytellings that they don���t fight against, despite having an “angry and aggressive” personality.
We would also like to point out how they both romanticized abuse in their writings. Making a certain character (Sage) someone full of spite and hatred. Someone who accepts that crossing boundaries is healthy. Alternatively, there are times that Sage gets treated like a dog, or where his s/o despises him. Those aren’t exactly the greatest combination of traits.
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We understand that dark content exists, and we are not trying to shame any person who likes that content. However, there needs to be a realization that romanticizing them is NOT okay, no matter how your personal experiences may have shaped you. Dealing with a trauma through writing and other forms of art is completely normal but romanticizing the abuse and thinking it’s okay is indeed unhealthy and dangerous. 
Writing dark content is hard, it should always be portrayed as what it is, toxic and unhealthy, not as impossibly romantic.
Outright asking for hand pics/Asking about sexual experiences
Early on in the discord server, it came to everyone’s attention that Nikki asks for “hand pics” under the guise of it being a joke. Upon later realization, we realized that it was in fact, not a joke.
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A new person ended up joining our server later, the first thing she asked of them was of course, hand photos. It wasn't revealed till later on that those photos were asked, in fact, for fetish purposes, which no person present in the server (besides Nikki and possibly Bailey) were aware of or took part in this. 
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Beware that it’s not a joke nor is it "platonic" to ask for body part photos, especially from a stranger or even a friend, when the intentions are over a fetish that wasn't communicated, thus, not being consented by the other part. Taking advantage of someone like that without their knowledge is wrong and unacceptable. 
Putting aside the fact that they asked for pictures of other people, they also sent photos of their feet in the chat too, abruptly, knowing how everybody felt about it. When asked to stop, they ignored it; proceeding to continue sending photos under the guise of “a joke”.
There are no screenshots for this due to the fact that the messages were deleted by a mod. Take this as you will.
Minor Involved
January 3rd, 2024, Bea was contacted by Nikki privately to server mute a person. We will not be revealing who that person is out of safety for their wellbeing. This person was actually a minor pretending to be an adult. 
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Of course, they quickly left the server before Bea could do anything. Everyone within the server blocked the person except for Bea, who would go on to have a private conversation with them about how serious and dangerous the situation could have become. Had we not found the message of them confessing their legal age, things could have possibly escalated. 
All of that said, Bailey was in contact with this same person outside of the server. She had their address and they both explicitly sent nudes to each other. That person revealed to her later that they were underage. At the time, we all blamed naivety and recklessness for Bailey’s actions; and for some cases, those were definitely a cause.
Though, after everything that happened in February and March this year (2024), plus all of us looking back on Bea’s private conversation with that person, we believe that this person was being taken advantage of. While we do not have the full story, we came upon this realization due to this person’s claims about how scared they were of Bailey potentially doxxing them or doing something with their private information.
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Again, while we do not have confirmations, we suspect that the anonymous person may have been coerced to send inappropriate photos to Bailey.
Confirmed relationships.
Two days following the minor situation, Bailey and Glowy privately messaged each other about potentially pursuing a relationship after Bailey confessed feelings for Glowy. 
Glowy reciprocates those feelings, but asks for time to get to know each other, give Bailey time to heal after the minor situation and they spend around a month talking and flirting with each other.
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If you've ever scrolled through Nikki's (neverchecking) Tumblr, then there's a possibility that you would know that they were dating someone before their current relationship.
By now, we're sure you're aware who this person was, but just in case you aren't, it will be shown and further discussed down below.
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Please go to part 2 on blog
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harriocity · 2 months
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Entrance pt.2
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ComicArchive/ About / Linktree
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harriocity · 2 months
Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
Send questions about yourself
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Ask about your headcanons 
Send questions about your works (fanfics, art, music, RPs, etc) 
Ask about popular ships/headcanons
Ask about plot ideas you’ve had but haven’t acted upon yet (snippets of AUs, a scenario you wish to write/draw but haven’t gotten to yet)
Questions about other ships/headcanons that aren’t as popular or are rarepairs
Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
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harriocity · 2 months
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🔹 Widower 🔹
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harriocity · 2 months
The Chain Meets His Baby || 2/2
Part 1 ||
Pairing: Twilight, Warrior, Legend, Sky x Reader
Requested by @kieradumpzz081927: I hope your request are open(or if ur free for requests), so i saw ur LU oneshots about the one that is called ' He becames a dad ' or smth. So, why not that he would introduce his kid(s) to the chain? That ones going to be interesting Warning: Some mature jokes here and there. Nothing major, but gotta give the new dad a little hell, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Zelda Masterlist 🤍Fandom Masterlist
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Six minutes and twenty seconds. That's how long you were able to relax before a series of knocks ruined your peace. Predictably, the sound is enough to echo throughout your small home followed by shrilling cries from the once silent cradle mere feet from your bedside. 
You could almost cry yourself, although you're able to hold in your frustrations thanks to the smoothing pat your husband gives your head before sighing heavily himself and sitting up from bed. All the two of you wanted was one second of sleep - one second to collapse in bed next to each other and rest your eyes which feel as if they haven't shut in weeks, but apparently, that's too much to ask of this universe.
After giving a quick kiss to your cheek (and smirking at your annoyed grumbling), Twilight slides off the bed and makes his way to the cradle. There, he skillfully sweeps the wiggling newborn into his arms, cooing the distressed baby loving as they make their way to the front door. Seeing as this precious child has only existed for a mere week, it can't really be too much of a surprise that your home has become a hotspot for visitors. Between the village children excitedly wanting to see their newest member and their parents stopping by to offer meals, advice, and all-around support, it seems your door is almost always open these days (not you truly mind one bit), although as it would turn out, your current company doesn't fall into the excepted categories. 
"What are you guys doing here?" Twilight suddenly doesn't feel so tired anymore once setting eyes upon the familiar group. They're all here - all eight of the heroes of courage; his treasured friends. This is, what, the third time his world has somehow crossed with theirs? This is really becoming a common pattern, isn't it, and for a split moment, Twilight feels a strike of fear at the thought of this being the start of yet another long, tiresome journey. Now!? He couldn't possibly leave now! What kind of partner and father would that make him? You need him here. He promised he'd be home for you, and for -
"- There's no danger, so don't fret. We've already investigated everything before coming here," Time, who must've read Twilight's worried expression, promptly explains things while failing to fall victim to the same jaw-dropped silence that strikes every other hero in the group as they all stare in astonishment at Twilight - or more accurately, the bothered baby huffing in his arms.
Instead of mocking surprise, Time’s eye casually drops to acknowledge the little one, his lips lifting into a pleasant smile, “...And this must be the famous pup I’ve heard so much about?”
“Wait, you knew?!” Sky gasps, everyone’s shocked attention snapping to the Old Man. He pays them no mind, too focused on his main priority of being the first to hold his great-great-something grandson who Twilight eagerly passes over.
“Ah!” The Rancher’s once worried expression changes like a switch, flashing away into an all-too excited grin. As has been common lately, having new company around immediately sparkles a rambling spiel fueled by his flooding avidity (which has impressively failed to die down even with the exhaustion of early fatherhood), “I was gonna send letters to y’all - it just slipped my mind. These past few days have been a bit chaotic while getting all adjusted. Yep, this one’s mine - lil’ Lupin. He’s officially four days old, born at 10:14 in the morning at a healthy 7.6 pounds -”
“- You’re gonna have to write all that down for any of us to remember it,” Wild rolls his eyes, although it’s in good spirit as he peeks at the tiny baby with a small smile. It doesn’t take the other boys long to notice that, like Time, their Champion doesn’t seem too surprised by this situation either, looking at the newborn with only a little bit more interest than he would a cute puppy.
“I take it you knew, too, then?” Four quizzes.
“He kept hinting towards it at first until I finally gave in and asked. I didn’t know when to expect them to be here, though.”
“It’s been nine months since then,” Twilight points out teasingly, causing Wild to huff and throw his hands up in the air defensively. 
“How should I know how long they take to bake! Besides, judging by the way you practically sent me a whole novel about how excited you were, I figured it was only going to be a matter of weeks, maybe a few months by that point. How in Hylia’s name did you stand to be like that for nine?”
“I barely did! It was hell having to be that patience, anyone here could tell you…but Lupin’s here now and definitely worth the wait, I’d say,” Twilight sighs dramatically, looking lovingly at his son who by now has settled peacefully in the comfort of Time’s arms, no longer squirming and fussing. To be fair, his ancestor does have quite a bit of practice juggling twins at this point. One is nothing.
“He’s a beautiful baby, that’s for sure,” Time chuckles, at last taking his eyes away from his newest family member, “You did good, cub.” 
Twilight preens at his mentor’s compliment, “Isn’t he? I’ve been around other babies before, but having one of my very own…It just hits different, ya’ know? …I actually wouldn’t mind a couple more -”
“- Don’t push your luck, mister,” On cue, you appear from around the corner, tiredly rubbing your eyes yet managing a smile to greet the rest of the Chain, "You weren't the one who had to go through nine months of heartburn followed by hours of torture.”
“- Eventually. I wouldn't mind a couple more ‘eventually’,” Twilight clarifies, quick to hook his arm around your waist and pull you against himself the second you’re close enough, “Besides, you handled it like a queen.”
You roll your eyes while resting your head against his shoulder, “Flattery won’t get you anywhere different.”
“That’s not what you said nine months ago~” Twilight smirks, pressing a kiss to your forehead only to earn himself a swat against the head.
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Warrior originally elected to ignore the heavy knocking at his front door which threatened his peaceful morning's silence. Whatever this kingdom demands of him, they can simply add it to his tab. He's comfortable in bed where it's warm and you're snuggled in his arms, looking as beautiful as ever with a mess of bedhead and matching dark circles under your eyes. Best of all? Your son has achieved a new record of sleeping for three straight hours - THREE! 
Now, Warrior is relatively used to less-than-ideal sleep schedules as a hero and captain, so having a newborn around hasn't quite hit him with the same force as it might a typical man, but that doesn't mean either of you are going to be ungrateful towards this new parenting milestone. No, you were planning on taking full advantage of it actually, wanting nothing more than to spend a lazy morning in bed until your little monster inevitably awakes...however, it seems the universe always has other plans.
The knocking only grows more frequent and loud, drawing a groan from your fiancé who finally relents. Pushing himself out of bed, he reluctantly answers the door without much effort put into hiding his annoyed expression - that is until it naturally snaps into one of mild shock and excitement at the sight of his visitors. Instead of it being someone from the Castle or military, he's pleasantly surprised to find his old traveling companions, the other heroes of courage.
"What are you all doing here?" He suddenly doesn't feel so tired anymore, in fact he’s stricken with more life and a bright smile while gazing over the group to count each familiar face. Yep, they're all here - all eight of them. It's been so long! Well, maybe not that long. It hasn't even been a full year yet since visiting Twilight's family together, but that's still plenty of time to miss old friends.
"Well, some of us have been talking lately and we thought, why not put some time aside from our busy lives to have a little get together - just us heroes, for old times’ sake!” Wild announces enthusiastically, practically inviting himself inside, not that Warrior stops him or any of the others for that matter.
“It could be a little tradition of ours. Once a year, type of thing,” Sky explains more professionally, although he isn’t any less excited than the Champion. 
"A nice boy's trip to save you from the misses," Legend rephrases, elbowing the Captain’s side with a wink while passing by.
Warrior will admit: it is an intriguing proposal - getting away from the stresses of a hero to spend quality time with brothers who understand your woes. If only the Chain had visited a few months earlier, he’d be willing to entertain such a trip, but alas, he must give them a sympathetic smile instead, “As much fun as that sounds, I’m afraid I won’t be able to join you. At least not this time around.”
Immediately, the group’s uplifted smiles drop into disappointed frowns emphasized by a chorus of dejected groans. 
"You knights and all your fancy work kissing the royal family’s ass," Legend huffs, and Warrior was just about to bite back on that comment with a jab of his own, however their conversation is suddenly interrupted. 
A piercing cry catches the entire Chain off guard, many of the boys looking around wildly for the possible threat while others - namely Time and Twilight - are jolted by that familiar protective instinct they know all too well of from their own home lives.
“Actually, there’s another reason,” Warrior doesn’t hide his amusement towards everyone’s reactions nor does he hide his tired sigh once realizing his free trial of peace-and-quiet has ended. 
He doesn’t even make it to the doorway before you appear, already rocking the baby gently in your arms. It takes some fussing from both of you to smooth his tears, calming him down just long enough for Warrior to turn back to his friends while proudly gesturing to the newborn in your arms, “Well, allow us to introduce our son, Einar.”
From there, it takes mere seconds for the Chain to snap out of it and instantly crowd you both, each fighting to get a good look at this ‘son’ in question.
“Since when did you guys have a kid?!” Hyrule awes.
“He’s so little…He can’t be that old, right?” Sky gasps.
“Only a few weeks, I reckon,” Time observes calmly from the back, tall enough to simply gaze over the sea of shoulders and heads. 
“Hey, move out of the way! I can’t see! I wanna see, too!” Wind whines, shrugging to push his way through the barrier of bodies.
Twilight, steps back from the chaos to throw a playful smirk Warrior’s way, “Here I thought you were waiting for kids.”
“Us too,” You roll your eyes.
“Life happens,” Your partner merely shrugs, not even attempting to act ashamed of himself as he accepts responsibility of holding Einar while you excuse yourself to prepare a bottle once he starts whimpering again, “But we wouldn’t trade him for the world.”
“Geeze, you’re all getting old on us,” Legend mocks, eyeing Warrior, Time, and Twilight, “Not even three years ago, the Old Man was the only one of us in a committed relationship, now all three of you are suddenly tied down with children!”
“Don’t go sounding too jealous, Vet. I’m sure you’ll have your turn someday,” Warrior smirks, resulting in the other hero sticking out his tongue in disgust.
“As if. Me? A dad? You sure the world should be subjected to that?”
“Right. You might actually be doing everyone a favor by not reproducing.”
“Oh fuck off -”
“- Shh! Not in front of the baby!”
“I, for one, wouldn’t mind being a dad one day. It seems like a lot of fun,” Sky, coos, letting little Einar play with his finger, “If you ever need a babysitter, just let me know.”
"Careful. We might end up taking you up on that offer with how little we've been sleeping lately."
"Get accustomed to it, my friend, because it doesn't go away anytime soon," Time advises with a pat to the back, failing to hide the mirth filtering his voice as the new father sighs exasperatedly.
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Legend isn’t usually the type to delight himself with hosting guests, nor is he much of an initiator when it comes to any sort of social interaction, so suffice to say, the Chain was rather thrown to have received unprompted invites to visit his world and home. Why the sudden open door? He gave no explanation, leaving all of the boys guessing, although Time has a few notable theories swirling in mind.
It all goes back to months ago when Legend had unexpectedly appeared at Lon Lon Ranch, claiming to have simply ‘been in the area’, yet Time knew better than to believe that. An experienced man like himself immediately took notice of his friend’s frazzled and irritable mood, such a state of dishevelment hinting towards one thing: problems at home - problems likely relating to you, to be exact, seeing as your boyfriend was swift to avoid any mention of your name when prompted.
Realizing that prying would be ineffective against someone so notorious for his emotional barriers, Time had allowed Legend to stay with him and his family without question. He, of course, kept a close eye on the young man, trying to deduce the situation the best he could from all those frustrated grumbles while working chores and pitiful sighs as the two sat together on the back porch after dinner. 
It was then that Legend had taken the moment to ask Time a rather odd question that had admittedly hung in the Old Man’s head for days afterwards along with a curious conclusion as to the true reason behind his sudden visit, however nothing more was said that night beyond some wisely woven words soaked in hidden meaning.
By morning, the veteran hero was visibly relaxed when quietly expressing his plans to return home to you. Clearly, whatever troubles that once plagued his mind had been resolved following a day of reflection and a goodnight’s sleep, so Time felt confident sending Legend back on his way with a wish of luck and an offer to return whenever needed.
Perhaps that incident and this friendly invite are unrelated, after all, it’s been months between the two, although Time can’t help but wonder, the memory of Legend’s question being of particular interest as the Chain approaches their destination. 
Some of the boys share their concerns along the way, a bit unsettled by the thought of Legend wanting to see them. Warrior even suggests the possibility of their friend having gone through a bad break-up, insisting there’s logic behind his guess since losing you would be the Vet’s lowest point, the extreme heartache being enough for him to abandon all stubbornness and reach out to the Chain for moral support. Arguments deemed his theory outlandish, however when Legend opens his front door to greet them, the boys begin to worry Warrior might indeed be a good prophet…
“It took you all long enough,” He huffs, his voice worn and scratchy which really sends home his obvious lack of sleep when paired with his unkempt appearance; heavy bags under his eyes and shaggy hair that stands up on all ends, “Come in, come in…”
‘Oh Hylia!’ The Chain thinks, sorrow for their friend already sinking into their bones as they illy prepare themselves for a story of true despair. Yes, Legend can be difficult and stubborn at times, and maybe you had your reasons, but surely he couldn’t have messed up bad enough to warrant you leaving him! Hasn’t the poor guy already been through enough?
“...Hey man, you doing alright?” Warrior was just about to rip the bandage off, his hand placed supportively upon his friend’s shoulder which earned him a sleepy look that falls sort of its intended glare, however before he can get any reply -
“- BABY!” Wind’s gasp pierces ears and makes several of the others leap in their skin. Indeed, if following the youngest hero’s excited point, it'll lead to where you stand in the doorway with an amused (that be it tired) chuckle…So, you didn’t leave after all? You’re still here, looking as rough as your partner which is probably excusable since in your arms is, in fact, a new baby.
“Hello everyone. I’m glad you could all make it.”
“...Oh thank Hylia you didn’t leave him!”
“What -?” Legend raises an eyebrow at Warrior’s dramatic sigh, yet he doesn’t get much of a chance to be offended. No one would notice anyway, their attention having swiftly abandoned their dear old friend in exchange for you and the baby you introduce.
“His name is Liron,” You note, earning a chorus of awes as the sweet little bundle scrunches his tiny face in displeasure towards the disruption to his peaceful sleep; already, he looks so much like his dad.
“So this is why you invited us over, huh?” Hyrule glances back over the sea of shoulders to send Legend an amused smile, “We thought something bad might’ve happened!”
“We wanted it to be a surprise…” The Vet sighs, unable to stay mad at the group’s energy, after all they have every right to be amazed. His son is pretty damn beautiful. 
“Well, I’ll be darn. You gotta kid now,” Twilight smirks, even going as far as to elbow Legend’s side which, as always, packs more strength than probably intended, “And after all that hell you gave us!”
“Yeah, yeah, karma's a bitch. Laugh it up - HEY! Wash your hands first!” Legend’s focus is immediately diverted from rubbing his sore ribs to pointing an accusing finger at Wild who’s stopped mid-reach from taking the baby you pass towards him.
"I did!" The Champion gasps in offense.
“Not here you didn’t. Do it again! Sinks in the kitchen!”
Wild grumbles, forced to forfeit his turn in holding the baby. A glare is all it takes for Hyrule to follow him shamefully as well, allowing Time to be the first to actually hold the little one since his hands successfully pass cleanliness approval. Nevertheless, despite his spotless palms and seasoned experience as a father himself, the older hero must put up with Legend's paranoid hovering which isn't too unlike a hawk's, ready to snatch back his baby at a second's notice if deeming the situation to be too ‘unsafe’. Fortunately, Time's nice enough not to mention this behavior beyond a silent smirk.
“...What went through your head when you realized you were going to be a dad?”
Now Legend’s question - as random as it had seemed those many months ago - makes complete sense. The timid whisper that spoke it, the nervous avoidance of any eye contact, and that deep, thoughtful frown while listening to Time’s honest answer - all signs that pointed towards a worried father-to-be desperate for direction as he fought to keep his own insecurities and fears at bay.
At least Time can finally rest easy knowing their past conversation did some good for his friend. The young man may be fidgeting while impatiently watching his new child be passed around the group for each to see, your gently hand upon his shoulder only doing so much to relax his anxieties. You’re also both beyond tired, fitting to Time’s warning that parenthood is by far the most difficult journey one can ever take, yet there’s a switch of softness that overtakes Legend’s expression the second your son begins to mumble his disapproval, apparently fed up with all this attention that he’s receiving. 
In an instant, Legend’s there, stealing back the small infant and clumsily doing his best to smooth such sharp cries. Yes, it’s difficult and nerve wracking to become a parent, especially for the first time, but to see all of your efforts throughout the years take form into such a beautiful and amazing being of pure innocence…that’s the most rewarding adventure yet, something Legend’s clearly already beginning to realize himself. 
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Sky's been practically bursting at the seams all day - well, all week, to be more accurate - but today is especially special since you’re both expecting a visit from some of his closest friends, the other heroes of courage who haven’t been by Skyloft in far too long.
Seeing as their reunion has been so long overdue, it should be no surprise that your dear husband has been bubbling with eager anticipation all morning (long before the sun had even risen thanks to your shared lack of a proper sleep schedule). While he does genuinely miss his old traveling companions, a majority of his restlessness comes from wanting to share some exciting news about a recent ‘development’ in your lives, one he’s had to hold himself back from spoiling in their routine letters (which are shared far more often than in-person visits).
Before you can even process the knock at your front door, Sky is already darting across the room to answer it, matching the delighted smile worn by all the other boys. He eagerly ushers them inside, his impatience finally spilling over by this point, something he can’t help. As already mentioned, he’s been waiting for this moment for quite a while - and has dreamed about for far longer than a simple ‘while’. 
You can only chuckle at how quickly you’re swarmed by curious eyes, the other heroes not hesitating to stand and kneel around your chair just to catch a glimpse of the tiny bundle you cradle. To say it took them off guard would be the understatement of a century. It completely knocked them off their feet to realize what you're holding and what Sky’s excitement has been all about!
It’s a baby - a tiny newborn with puffy cheeks and itty-bitty hands balled into fists! She doesn’t even look real, or perhaps this whole situation itself just doesn’t feel real. In the Chain’s defense, it’s been years since Sky and you announced your intentions of starting a family of your own. Unfortunately, your struggles in achieving this goal became no secret, and your friends had begun to slowly lose hope with you. They truly worried the day might never come which explains their complete awe now. 
“Her name’s Azure,” You tell them, wiping away the tears that bubble in the corners of your eyes. Curse these hormones! Your daughter is already a few days old yet you still cry each time you see another’s reaction to her. Can you be blamed? It only solidifies the reality that this is, in fact, your baby. Sky and you are officially parents!
“Congratulations, man!” Warrior throws an arm over your husband’s shoulder and pulls him close into a side hug, “You’ve earned it!”
Sky shares his laughter with a shake of his head, his eyes immediately drifting to yours, “My wife deserves most of the credit. She’s the one who endured all those long and tiresome months to get little Azure here.”
“And you took amazing care of us both throughout every second,” You point out just as quickly with a gentle smile, “I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to go through this with.”
“Now we’ll have to start planning some playdates with all our kids. Let ‘em tire each other out,” Twilight points out, giving Sky’s other side a nudge with his elbow.
“Maybe being around Azure will get Hope to stop asking for a sibling for a while,” Hyrule sighs exhaustively. 
“Yeah, no, that has the exact opposite effect. Trust me,” Legend huffs with crossed arms.
Wind’s hand pops out from somewhere in the back of the crowd, only seen as he eagerly tries to jump up and down to gain attention, “Oh-Oh, Tetra and I can babysit if you ever need it!”
“I didn’t think she even liked kids?”
“She ‘likes’ kids, she just doesn’t like being ‘around’ them,” Wind rolls his eyes at Legend’s comment as if the reason isn’t obvious, “But she said she’s been wanting to get better with them to practice the whole ‘being a nice princess’ thing -”
“- All of that can come later,” Time swiftly interrupts the wandering conversation, “I’m sure as new parents, these two would appreciate rest above all else for now. There’ll be plenty of time for playdates later down the line.”
“We’ll definitely set some up once Azure is old enough,” Sky chuckles in agreement before kneeling by your side to help fix the blanket around your sleeping daughter. Although there’s quite a bit of time until then, the idea of finally being able to participate in such arrangements is exciting to you both. No more standing on the sidelines feeling out of place with your hearts’ yearning. You’ll finally be able to share the joy all of your friends feel.
“You both look like happy parents. Congratulations,” You preen at Time’s compliment, looking to each other through tears in your eyes which then drop to Azure who snuggles closer to you, blissfully unaware of the effect she already has on your hearts as she merely enjoys the comfort of your loving embrace. Your most special treasure, indeed…
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harriocity · 3 months
SKYLNK Rebooting Up
Another Commission!
They asked for more Android au. They wanted Skydroid but uh- I went with origin story instead. :D
Content under the cut!
"Testing one two three, Skydroid is now live and active."
The droid blinked open its eyes and looked around its immediate surroundings.
"Perfect, you're online!" I cried and clapped my hands excitedly. "Good morning."
The droid sits up.
"Good to see the core gears and suspensions are working just fine."
"Hello Master, is there a name you wish to register me by?" The SKYLNK model tilted its head innocently and I shook my head. 
"I'm not your master, I'm just The Doctor. I apologize for the inconvenience. For now, you'll be simply called Sky until we can send you over to your actual master and they can decide to keep or change your name, ok?" I smile. "I hope you're feeling alright. There are a few simple tests that I want to run by you before we can get into anything more physical and complex. Do you mind touching your fingers to your thumbs and wiggling your toes for me?"
SKYLNK model blinks and does as was told, matching my movements with my fingers and moving his toes.
"Perfect. I just want you to move your head around like this- awesome! Perfect. A lot of this is just checking if your motor controls are still intact and if there's anything that may need recalibrating or fine tuning but it appears to be in working order."
"The physical stuff was fine, it was just his motherboard and coding, you said so." Wild, my CALLNK model, reminds me from the background.
"But that was when we first got him. We need to make sure that there's nothing rusted or out of pace in the times when we moved him..." I pout. I turn to the SKYLNK model again and hold out a hand. "Can you stand?"
The newly awakened LNKdroid takes my hand and gets off of the table. The towel around his waist falls a bit, pooling by his hips but he doesn't notice. I look the other way out of politeness.
My repurposed TWILNK droid comes in and pins the towel for propriety's sake.
"We just need to test some walking cycles and get some more movement out of you. Then it's a few more questions and we can take a break." I explained. 
"Because someone hasn't had breakfast yet." My TWILNK model scolds me from the side.
"We're this close to being done! How can I think of eating at a time this exciting!" I reply and help the Skydroid get used to his weight and height once more. He's holding his balance incredibly well and within moments he can walk in a clear circle without help.
"Darlin’, please eat." TWILNK sighs.
"Soon, you worry wart." I wave him off.
"Perfect SKY! Can you go sit once more on the table? We're not done testing you but you would need a quick debriefing of your purpose and mission, ok?" I point to the examination table and watch as he does as he's told, moving with calculated ease and precision.
"Alright, you're in better shape than I thought." I comment and jump in place again. "Ok, here's the thing. You're going to a friend of mine to help out. They already have a WNKLNK200 model, real retro, but he's getting on in years and can't help out as much any more. He's constantly needing tending to and replacements. Not to mention he can't even reach the top shelf. His name is Wind. An adorable kid but he needs to retire from his duties at some point. That being said, and as much we'd like to keep him around, he needs to take on less responsibility. Your job is to keep the house clean, make sure your new owner eats as they should and helping them wherever possible, including making sure they take their meds on time."
"And maybe get them to sleep at a decent time too." Wild pipes up, his arm twitching a bit unnaturally before it swings back into place.. "Wind's programming makes him go to sleep earlier so they're always up at the witching hour despite the fact that they're human."
"Sounds familiar." TWILNK grumbles.
I gape and pout at the larger android. I swear he’s got so much attitude for a heavy duty model. "I'm not that bad."
Neither Wild nor TWILNK have much to say on that front but I can tell what’s firing off their synopsis. Honestly, sometimes their facial expressions give more away than they have any right too. I rolled my eyes. “Regardless, knowing this off the bat would be better in the long run but anything is easier to learn once you're there. Sounds good?" 
Sky nods. "Noted. Make sure they maintain a healthy diet with a clean living space and keep a close eye on their sleeping habits."
"More or less. I know you'll adapt as you're there but for a warning, they'll fight for a bit regarding this. They're stubborn but their heart is in the right place." I cross my arms. "If you can somehow get them to spend more time outside as well it would be phenomenal but it's not mandatory. Some sunlight wouldn't kill them...."
"Mistress..." Wild snickers from the sidelines. "You're inside just as much as they are."
"Not willingly! All my work is here! If I had an outdoor spot to do my work, it would be the greatest thing but as it stands I have no space to do that. Besides, what if it all got wet or something? I work with heavy machinery and computer parts." I sighed. 
Wild doesn't look away and instead crosses his arms.
His silence is deafening. I pout harder. "I know you're right but I don't like it."
He smirks.
TWILNK says nothing.
I stick my tongue out at Wild and turn back to Sky. "That being said, I'm hungry. Feel free to explore the house and get used to moving again. In an hour, we can see your performance regarding your mission. We still need to test your default databases and your problem solving skills before we can send you over to my friend. But I think all the major tuning is done so we can also get you some clothes finally. Wild?"
Wild nods and moves to go get the outfit we have prepared for him and I gesture for Sky to follow him. "He will give you your clothes. I doubt that I'll need to look at any more panels or your hardware so we should be good to go. And you can have a little more dignity for all of this so that's a bonus."
Sky nods as well and goes after the other droid. His movements are still janky. They can hardly be called robotic. Major components might need more oiling but there doesn’t seem to be any more major issues that would need to be dealt with in the meantime. He’s on the recovery road and will be in working order in no time.
Once alone, I grin and run to TWILNK, having to jump to properly wrap my arms around his neck. "I don't know how you did it but your coding is incredible. Way better than anything I've had to do on my own! This would usually take another two weeks but if it all goes well we can be done by the end of tomorrow!"
I hop down and rub my hands together. "I owe you one. Whatever you want in your room just name it and I'll get it for you ok? As a treat. Oh my god, I’m so excited to give Sky to them. They’re going to be so mad at me. Man, I can't wait to see their reaction!"
TWILNK smiles in that somewhat quiet way of his and turns around. "Can I pick up the mess around the place now?"
"No! I told you, the mess is for Sky to clean. We need to check his programing still and the end result of his own protocol. Keeping Wild from cleaning all this up was bad enough but you are one stubborn man!" I huff and cross my arms. "Don't hate on my process. I swear there's a method to my madness."
TWILNK groans and stretches his arm out. "I'm a household droid too! I hate seeing messes when I can do something about it. Are you sure you can't test this later? Don't you want to live in a clean house?"
"It will be clean, eventually. Even sooner than we think if Sky does a good job." I grin. "And if you programmed him, I'm sure he'll be just fine. And then we give him to his new home and you can clean to your little heart's content, yeah?"
"Oh! Before I forget, speaking of my friend they mentioned that Wind's arm is getting a bit squeaky and stiff. That can mean one of two things but I'll need my tools to get the source. I gotta go get those and put them where I can see them or else I'll forget to bring them. If I forget and get there, Wind is gonna have to deal with potentially losing his arm and that just won't do. It'll break their little human heart to see their childhood droid disassembled."
"Mistress, the food." TWILNK groans, putting his face in his hands.
"I'll eat in a minute, let me just do this real quick!" I nearly tripped up the stairs as I scrambled about.
TWILNK groans and watches as Wild and Sky return, the new droid now fully dressed and looking as you would see any other droid.
TWILNK didn't really know what to think of this new guy other than he truly got to see his new mistress in her environment. His last mistress was hardly ever that focused and hard pressed for perfection.
It was sweet, the way this new one fussed over the new droid and made sure that things would have been comfortable despite the android not being able to feel pain the same way humans did... or even discomfort- not to mention that this Sky wasn't even awake to experience any of it.
She looked so happy.
TWILNK looked down at his hands as Wild began to run Sky through the mess that was found in the room. Vaguely, he could register that Wild was explaining what was considered trash and what was considered a tool or something to be used for later. But he couldn’t focus on that. His mistress had even hugged him- tightly.
She complimented him on his work.
The idea made Twilight feel... foreign, like he no longer fit into his own skin and he wasn't sure what he was going to do about it. Or if there was anything to be done.
Again- he was noticing more differences in this mistress than in the last one.
Part of him wanted to ask the young woman about it to see if there was something wrong with his programming or his biocomponents. Granted, she mentioned that programming wasn't her forte, and if there was something wrong with him then there would no doubt be something wrong with Sky and then it would mean that he would have failed his job and as a faulty droid that would mean his mistress would have no reason to keep him.
And he would be abandoned and alone again.
Wild came over and put a hand on his shoulder, watching Sky walk around the place, looking at his reflection and the tools and nicknacks his ever tinkering mistress had around her humble home, gaining information as he went. "He'll be just fine, I think. All his biocomponents were in tip top shape when Mistress found him and even then, there's only so much to do with a blank slate. This friend of hers is practically getting a brand new droid for free. Lucky them."
"What if-" TWILNK started, not wanting to give away the way his thoughts were deviating. "-something's wrong with him?"
Their friend would probably ask our mistress to check it out and then she would try to fix it. If neither of them can figure it out, they can hire a true professional at Hylia.Inc and get their recommendation or support or supplies for whatever might be faulty. Or- and this is the more likely version- they both just let him be and keep him as he is."
"How can you be so sure?" TWILNK twiddled his fingers in a reminiscent version of human nervousness. 
"Well I'm here, aren't I?" Wild laughed, gesturing to his marred skin grafting, twitching once more as if on cue to prove his point. "I had missing biocomponents. I had exposed wires. I had vented or straight up irreparable paneling. I was barely functioning when Mistress found me and we both know there's still some faulty coding somewhere but she likes me the way I am. Horrible homemade skin grafting and all. She doesn't want to change me and she got used to it. Her friend keeps their Wind around for sentimental reasons. That WNKLNK was originally meant to help them as a child but humans grow and her friend technically no longer needs him. But he's still around because he’s loved and the humans want to keep him around, even if he's almost falling apart at the seams with how old he is. Our mistress tries really hard to keep him functioning as he should have been as if he was new. She does good work. Sky is in good hands regardless."
"Ok, ok, ok-" I came back, running down the stairs with a small black bag with clinging metal inside. TWILNK recognized the bag. It was my travel tool bag that I always had with me when I went on home visits to check on other droids. "I have my tools, I have my notes, I have my phone and my wallet. I-"
"Haven't eaten yet, ma’am." TWILNK finished, trying to keep his voice neutral. He can’t have any reason for anyone to think that he’s been deviating. He doesn’t want to be left out.
His words startled me as if I forgot he was there and his expression dropped a bit. It broke TWILNK’s mechanical heart.
"But you usually call me-... never mind. Yeah, I'll eat. What's for breakfast Wildcat?" I cleared my throat and tried to smile, looking over at him completely with a scrutinizing look on her face. She looked 
The action caused him to freeze, his biocomponents going cold.
TWILNK didn't get it, it was what he was supposed to call her. What was he doing wrong? And how can he keep himself from being sent out again? He didn't want to lose this new home.
I hummed and nodded, not knowing his internal struggles of accepting his place in my home. Wild patted his head for a moment before tilting it to the side. “I made bacon and waffles. I left it on the back burner to keep it warm for you.”
I smiled and dropped my bag of tools onto the floor. “Thank you, lovely. I’ll go get it. Will you show Mr. Sky around the protocols and tests I had pla-”
I look around my workshop again and deflate slightly. It was already cleaner by a long shot. Sky was still picking up little smaller pieces of trash as I spoke. “Oh… I see you already started him on that.”
Wild struck out his hand before angling it behind his head. “Was I not supposed to, Mistress?”
I shook my head. “I was planning to do that later but there’s no harm in getting him already started.”
I bit my lip and looked back at my TWILNKdroid. I really needed to give him a proper name. He deserves just as much. But might have to happen later. “Do you think you can show him how to do some handy work around the house? There’s that faulty sink in the bathroom and a lightbulb or two that need changing.”
TWILNK stands straighter in attention. “Why didn’t you mention something sooner? I could have already taken care of it!”
I smile softly. His conversational skills have improved greatly since he came here. Other “normal” droids would have simply given a yes or no reply and got straight to work. I give him a cheeky grin and put my fist on my hip. “I kept it a secret~ We have a guest in our home that needs to learn how to do this before he can be released into the wild.”
Wild snickers into a very robotic replication of a laugh when I do not mention his name. It’s almost endearing that he’s trying.
TWILNK huffs and crosses his arms. “I will do as you say.”
I wink at him. “Don’t be so grumpy.”
“I’m not grumpy.”
I feel like I got struck. Maybe I’ve been pushing too many of his buttons, figuratively and metaphorically speaking. He’s never called me that before but he’s called me that twice already. I know that he used to have another mistress but he never speaks of her. I don’t know what it means to be called that but I’m not entirely sure that I like it.
“Call me by my name or by nothing else.” I bite my tongue to keep my tone in check. I don’t need my droids to learn from my example. I don’t like my order voice but all three androids in the room register it as the command that it is. “Sky, there are some more chores waiting for you once you’re done with this assignment.”
The other droid looks up in a fluidly smooth motion. It’s smack dab in the middle of an uncanny valley. “Understood.”
Wild recovers the fastest and puts a hand on my shoulder. I pat it, but quickly remove it from my body. “I’ll go eat. You’ve improved your cooking a lot. It’ll be a shame if I let it go to waste. Besides… I’m the only one who can eat it anyway.”
I smile weakly and scramble back upstairs, not entirely sure why I felt as weird as I did. And it was entirely the fault of that TWILNKdroid. I didn’t know what to do with him and it was driving me crazy. I had no reason to take him in. But what was I supposed to do? Leave him where he was, dirty and torn and alone? 
My very job is to repair and rehouse androids! 
I couldn’t do that.
Not to mention that as much as I loved my passion project, Wild, the CALLNK model was beyond repair in a lot of senses. He couldn’t be fully trusted to be left alone in the house just on the off case something gets lit on fire. 
Granted, he does it a lot less now that he’s focused more of his attention on cooking and miscellaneous craft projects that I’ve been supplying him with. But I don’t think the problem is solved just yet.
And then there was TWILNK who was a nice addition. I always wanted a model like him but I could never bring myself to make that sort of purchase for myself. When I found him in disarray and on the verge of shutting down, I considered it my lucky day and brought him home with me. I briefly considered calling his previous owner since he was clearly left alone but when I considered the state I found him in, I figured that whoever it was, they weren’t coming back.
Then! I mentioned about rehousing a different droid I had with me at the time to Wild and TWILNK all but shut down again. The poor android went up and down the house trying to find everything and anything he could fix in an attempt to earn his keep to stay here. So now I really couldn’t think about giving him away when I could see that it bothered him.
I took a deep breath and found the food that was prepared for me by Wild. It’ll distract me enough that I could forget about that strange reaction I got from the droids.
I was tempted to question my life choices that brought such broken, anxious and confusing androids- but I’m aware that I brought it upon myself.
I ate in silence.
By the time I was putting the plate in the sink I could hear footsteps coming up to the top of the house. TWILNK and ‘Sky’ were making their way up. TWILNK gestured for the new droid to follow him through the house to where the new light bulbs were kept so he could begin with his basic house up-keep lessons.
Admittedly, it made me smile that the three of them took such simple chores so seriously. 
Then again, that was the sole purpose of their existence and the very basis of their programming.
“Should I get started on the dishes?” Wild comes up as well and stands next to the sink. 
I shake my head. “I’ll get to it later. Don’t bother. It’s not like it’s hurting anyone.”
He makes a face and crosses his arms. “If neither of us do, your TWILNK model will.”
I sigh and mimic his position. “Then tell him not to.”
“You think he listens to me?”
“Well he certainly doesn’t listen to me.” I deadpan only for Wild to mimic my same expression. I doubt we’re on the same wavelength but he’s already learned so many of my mannerisms that I feel like I can read him like an open book.
Or maybe it’s the other way around.
“Are there other chores that need doing?” TWILNK comes around the corner.
I turn from my confrontational stance but keep my arms over my chest. I still don’t know what to feel when he calls me Mistress. It could either mean that he sees me as his new owner or he was just trying to get on my nerves. He certainly succeeded in the latter.
What can I say? I got used to him calling me ‘Darlin’’ in that farm boy charm of his.
I take another deep breath, meeting the larger droid head on. “Do you plan to do them yourself or are you asking for the sake of the SKYLNKdroid?”
He doesn’t answer me for a while and I all but fold in half. “You-! No! You don’t work!”
“But- my purpose-”
“This isn’t about your purpose. It’s about mine.” I blurt out before clearing my throat roughly. “I mean it’s about his. The SKYLNK’s purpose. He has to relearn everything from scratch so we need to give him the basics even though somebody has been keeping this house in tip top shape that I don’t think I have enough training activities for him to recalibrate himself.”
I give him a pointed look.
And he didn’t even have the nerve to look apologetic.
“It’s in my programming.”
I groaned. “Wild?”
“Go nuts.”
TWILNK’s eyes widened as the scarred android cheered, running through the house with ‘wild’ abandon. 
“You can’t do that! He could destroy the place!”
“I need to have Sky trained.” I pointed out. “If we’re lucky, he only sticks to the kitchen and teases my friend until they comply with actually taking care of themselves but there is no way I can account for anything. Wind isn’t as destructive as Wild, thankfully, but we can put Sky to work and get this place fixed up.”
I shake my head. “Let me take a shower. I have more work to do.”
TWILNK reaches out and grabs me by the arm. I tense for a moment, immediately reminding myself of his supernatural strength even for an android. But he’s very gentle in his hold.
There’s a thought on the tip of his tongue. It shows plain as day on his face but he won’t say it.
“Speak.” I use my commanding voice again. It makes me flinch afterwards. Again.
“Then… what do I do?” He says after fighting the compulsion to not answer me. 
I let that process in my own mind. His reactions have been getting more and more human-like. I wonder if he’s aware of it. I shrug. “You can do anything you want to do. You can even help Sky if that’ll keep you from idly twiddling your thumbs. But you cannot do them for him. He has to learn.”
Glass shatters in the background.
Wild cheers
I try to keep the grimace off of my face. I have to trust my own process. There’s a method to my madness. There’s a method to my madness.
TWILNK also winces and sighs. I know I didn’t teach him that one.
Makes me wonder who exactly he was with before I came across him and fixed him up enough to be in working condition again. 
He turns his attention back to me and tilts his head.
I smile and pat his hand. “I think I’ll call you Twilight. Your model name is a mouthful and you’ve been here long enough.”
‘Twilight’ stares at me. I can hear his fans being put to work as his processors begin to work overtime to make sense of my words. I take his hand off of me. I register that he lets me do that. I pat his cheek and bring my commanding voice. “New Name Registry. Enter: Twilight. Belonging to the house on Creek Circle.”
“...A name.” He whispers.
Interesting, but I don’t can’t question his words before I hear something wooden snap in half. I don’t own many wooden things.
“Can you please check on what that was before Wild breaks any more of my belongings?” I ask him sweetly.
With a new mission in mind, he nods and makes his way over in the direction of the sound and it doesn’t take long before I can hear both Wild and ‘Twilight’ begin to wrestle each other.
I shake my head, tracking my way to find my newest guest and resident of the house. “Sky?”
I find the droid staring at the photos I have of the many androids that have come into my house. They line the wall with various attempts at human expression of happiness. Some more clever bots have their arm around my shoulders in some of them and others give a thumbs up. 
Wind is there too with his paneling open in his head as I worked inside. He is the only one with the learned capacity to make a silly face at the camera. Tongue out and all.
“I help them.” I explained. “Some of them have been brought to me from their owners to be fixed while others were brought in from the streets, the thrift shops or the dump to be given a new chance to live their purpose to the fullest.”
“And whEre was I foUnd?” ‘Sky’ looks at me expectantly.
I hum and tilt his chin gently. “I guess I still have a bit more work to do on your voice box.”
I hesitate to answer his question but it’s never paid to hide information from them in the long run. I feel more comfortable telling the repurposed droids about their history more so than the people who buy them off of me. “I found you by the recycling plant. Your motherboard was fried but I got you a new one.”
“Am I to be sold?” He asks next.
“No.” I put my hands on my hips. I hear my other boys knock into a bookshelf in the other room. “Like I said, I plan to give you to a friend. They need the help even if they don’t want to admit it. I think some new company would do them some good.”
He looks back to the photos. I grin and point out the one with Wind, one of the few child droids on my wall. “He’s in the same house I’m sending you in. His name is Wind and he is very special. I’m sure he’s going to want to include you in all the human interactions he’s learned over the last fifteen years.”
“Models are made obsolete once the new generation has come onto the market.” Sky tilts his head with some difficulty. “He is still functioning?”
“Very much so.” I proudly put my hands on his hips, noting the small ways his movements are hindered. Nothing to scoff at though. Easy fixes so far. “And I’ll proudly take credit for that. Even though it’s getting harder and harder to find compatible parts to keep him functioning. I fear that he doesn’t have that long left.”
“I am his replacement.”
“Don’t ever say that.” I nearly growl. The commotion in the other room stops. “He means too much to all of us. He is his own and there is no one that is going to fill the hole he’ll leave behind when there is nothing I can do anymore to keep him functioning.”
Silence follows for a moment.
“But I will admit…” I take a deep breath. “I don’t know how long he has left… And I don’t want my friend to be alone while they mourn. They… will need all the support they can get when that happens. I hope that having another in the house will lessen the fallout.”
Sky takes a moment like Twilight did earlier. I also hear his fans kick up as his processors are sent into overdrive. “...Emotional support… I.. am not equipped.”
“You will learn.” I say, calming myself down. “That’s why I’m sending you before any of that happens. You will know what to do when the moment arrives.”
Wild hesitantly pokes his head from around the doorframe. “...I uh… broke a few things.”
I facepalm- shattering the tension in an instant. “I know. I heard. I could figure it out. What did you break?”
“...A glass… and your bed.”
“What the-”
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harriocity · 3 months
I love Legends shit eating grin.
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harriocity · 3 months
Send Me a Sign
Another Commission!
They asked for deaf reader who ends up with the Chain, with only Legend knowing their version of sign at first and it spreads to the rest of the group. Along with their feelings.
Contend under the cut!
This was a problem, but one you were accustomed to at this point.
You had found yourself in a new and strange location that looked like your home but was nothing of the sort. There were monsters that you have never seen before as you traveled quietly through the forest trail. At least, you had hoped you were silent. Given that you hadn’t seemed to attract their attention, you figured you were doing alright.
Until something else caught their attention and the whole world went sideways. Weapons and arrows were flying from all around as a group of young men charged at the hoard. You weren’t sure which direction the threat was coming from anymore. It could have been the men or it could have been the monsters- all you knew was that you had to make yourself scarce and fast before you got caught.
Just keep running, you told yourself. Finding a way to contact those people after the mess so you could figure out where you were and how to get back home was an afterthought.
You had all but crashed into one of them on the way to your escape. He was shorter than many of the people in your village and he had a stunning pick streak in his hair but that was all you had time to notice before you scrambled off of him. You quickly sign that you apologize for the collision but you don’t stay to explain anything or get an explanation.
You run away, taking a long way around the mess to keep an eye on the battle despite the distance.
Someone else catches you and waves you down. You feel a slight panic increase in your bloodstream- the adrenaline crash later might as well be world ending and you know it. You jog up to him signing quickly, hoping that he understands what you’re saying. 
You take a moment to see what he looks like. Another blond, blue eyes, face tattoos and wears a fur pelt. It’s not exactly a look you’re used to but he seems to pull it all together despite the strangeness. He certainly doesn’t look bad. You’re quick to notice his armor and weapons. If he was trying to hide them, he sucked at it. They were easily the most intimidating aspect of his entire outfit. You can tell that he’s equally checking you out and sizing you up. He doesn’t seem to immediately get aggressive though. Maybe your lack of weapons and armor help sell the fact that you were more or less ripped from your home. 
Before you can so much as get out a decent greeting, you can tell by the look on his face that he has no idea what you’re saying.
Familiar frustration bubbles up inside you- fighting with the adrenaline inside you for dominance.
Despite the awkward look on his face, he tries to sign back. 
Hope at last.
Only for you to not understand a single thing either.
With the little balloon popped before it could fully inflate, you sag with it and shake your head. You try signing again, slower, wondering if anything would stick. He pays rapt attention to your signals, very obviously trying to follow along.
He looks just as chest fallen and tries to sign back to you- but nothing sticks. His mouth is moving but you don’t recognize the words he’s trying to say. Well- that’s not entirely true. But you don’t think that banana, cat and fiddle claws are the actual words he put into the air.
Dread and awkward helplessness settles ungratefully into your stomach, sinking it further and further to the ground as more time passes.
The young man in front of you sighs and gestures for you to follow. He’s still talking but you’re not sure how to explain that you’re out of luck in that regard as well. However, you were fairly certain that instantly signing would have been a dead giveaway.
You follow him, hoping beyond hope that someone would be able to give you answers.
You end up seeing the earlier boy you ran into. His pink hair was unforgettable despite the chaos. You smile nervously and wave to him again. Given that his friend didn’t seem to understand you, you’re not sure if he understood you earlier.
The young men start talking amongst themselves while gesturing to you.
As much as you expected this at this point in your life, it didn’t make it any less annoying. It’s not like you were right there if anything, nevermind that you couldn’t participate in the conversation.
You crossed your arms, not wanting to be annoyed by their (unintentional) lack of manners.
Although, it seems that Mr. Fur Pelt was merely explaining that you sign because within moments they all took turns signing to you, trying to communicate.
You wanted to cry- but maybe that was the adrenaline crash you knew you were about to have.
You couldn’t understand them either.
Not a single thing.
Was this the universe’s cruel joke to you? To be surrounded by people who could sign but still be unable to communicate to you? 
How many years have passed with wondering what it would be like if everyone could sign? If everyone could talk to each no matter the boundary? 
Your heart twisted as you forced yourself to shake your head with each and every attempt they made. The boy with the pink hair stepped forward, going last out of this group of nine. You couldn’t tell what he was trying to say just as well as the others.
Still, at least with him, he still deserved an apology for virtually running him over.
‘I’m sorry about earlier. I was trying to get away from the fighting and didn’t see you.’ You bite your lip, not wanting to get your hopes up that he would understand you in return.
You see him go still and tilt his head. A beat passes. ‘No problem. It’s not like I saw you either.’
It felt like he had struck you in the face.
Your jaw goes slack before you feel yourself moving. Is it to hug him? Jump on him? Kiss him? You’re not so sure. You managed to reign yourself in before you invaded his personal space but the grin on your face was unmistakable. 
He knew. He knew! He knows your sign!
Feeling excited and safer with him in a moment, you explain your situation, throwing in your name for good measure- signing at the speed of light without care of being watched by the others.
‘I’m sorry you got dragged into this. Call me L-I-N-K in the meantime. Are you hurt anywhere?’ ‘Link’ smirks slightly as you shake your head. You notice another young man with brown hair and ruby sword strapped to his back huss around ‘Link’. He’s also talking quickly- but you can’t make out what he’s saying either.
The spoken language of this group must be different from the one back home as well.
One of the boys, who’s the shortest of them all, hands a small acorn looking nut towards you. You take it with a tilt of your head.
You have no idea what to do with it.
Shorty turns and all but demands ‘Link’ to explain it to you. Which he does. ‘It’s called a Jabbernut. If you eat it you’ll be able to understand us when we speak. It’ll make talking easier.’
That’s when you still.
Oh. They ate this weird magical thing and that’s why they seem to speak and understand each other, but their signing is all over the place. You bite your lip and shake your head, trying to hand it back.
Mr. Colorful takes it back with a confused look on his face. You sigh. ‘I’m deaf. It wouldn’t work on me anyway.’
‘LInk’ tenses up completely and quickly relates what you said to the rest of the group, at least you think that he does. They all seem to change their stance once the knowledge is out and you’re tempted to wage violence at the thought of the knowledge changing anything about this circumstance.
‘Link’ frowns and runs his hand through his hair, ruffling it roughly. He turns back to you. ‘Ok, not a problem. It’s not going to be easy but I’m sure we can figure something out. But seeing as you’re far away from home and in this mess with us- we think it would be better if you come along. Can you fight?’
And like that you no longer feel like fighting them on principle- if anything the fight is dashed from your reach. You’re suddenly very tired. ’Why do I have to fight?’
‘Monsters. We take them down constantly. It would be better if you could defend yourself in the meantime.’ ‘Link’ explains it simply. ‘It would just be easier for everyone if you could.’
You can’t argue with that logic but sadly you shake your head and tell him that no, you can’t fight. You pretty much just have the clothes on your back. If you had a weapon on you, they would have been able to see it. It’s not like you have any magical items either.
‘Link’ makes a displeased face and you know the feeling well. He gestures for you to wait a minute before he turns to the group, speaking to them about what you just told him no doubt. The eldest of them with a scar over his eye makes a point that you’re sure is about your lack of training. You can’t say that for certain but the way he’s keeping his only eye on you is vaguely unnerving all things considered.
It was one thing for Mr. Fur Pelt to size you up- this one feels more penetrating. This man has seen some stuff. And as the biggest man of the group, you don’t doubt for a second that he’s able and willing to flatten you in a heartbeat should you step out of line.
Another blond, with soft looking hair and a large blue scarf steps up and speaks some more, offering no doubt valid points as he sends you a charming smile.
You wave to ‘Link’ and tilt your head. ‘What are they saying?’
He seems a little embarrassed to play Translator if his pink cheeks are anything to go off on, but he turns to you again. He gives you his full attention, blocking off the others from his view so that it’s just you. ‘We’re talking about what to do in an emergency should we get into a really tight spot. It’s not like we would be able to shout at you and tell you what to do. But don’t worry too much about fighting. There’s enough of us to go around to have you covered.’
Strangely, his words help you feel a little better.
Deciding that it would be better to let them figure it out on their own and to simply follow their lead, you nod and figuratively take a step back from the conversation.
They talk rapidly, gesturing wildly with their hand in a way that is not like sign at all and more about just being emotional in general. Every time you manage to make eye contact with one of them, they smile at you. Bright and charming and alarmingly disarming.
‘Come. We’ll find an inn and spend the night in town.’ ‘Link’ gestures for you follow when they’re done discussing their future plans now that you’ve found yourself involved in what shenanigans have pulled you all from their home.
On the walk, ‘Link’ tells you about why they’re far from home as well as what they do and who they are. He tells you that they’re all named Link.
You are inclined to not believe him.
You tell him that and he laughs. It turns many heads of the group, cluing you in that it was louder than it looked like and by the looks on their faces, it wasn’t something he did often.
Somehow, you feel accomplished in making him laugh despite having barely met him an hour ago.
You get the inn where you’re able to have more conversations with. One of them gets the grand idea of getting paper and inks to write out to communicate but that’s also quickly dashed. No one seems to write in a way you could decipher and not a single one of them wrote the same way. You’re both intrigued and infuriated that it didn’t work. ‘Link’ said that they were all from different places, (hence the need for the Jabbernut,) but that didn’t make it any less annoying.
Although you were sure someone found it amusing. Someone potentially up above that was laughing at all your expenses. Surely even the Golden Goddesses got bored from time to time.
You would have found it amusing as well if you weren’t so desperate to get answers for yourself without having to rely on one person entirely. You’re quick to fit in with the group. Even though you can’t hear a word they say, you quickly get a good grasp of their personalities.
The youngest, who ‘Link’ told you was a pirate, aside from being named Link just like the rest of them, brought the paper and began drawing. He drew a house, the ocean, a boat in said ocean and three people. He pointed to one of them and pointed to himself.
It was his home and family.
Your heart warmed and you gestured for the pen. He happily gave it to you while you did the same. Slowly, and with a lot of guesswork on both of your sides, you learned a little more from them without the need for your current translator to step in and smooth out any wrinkles.
Days went by. Weeks went by. You grew comfortable enough around them and their antics that it didn’t seem to be so isolating that they couldn’t sign the way you knew how. They always tried to include you in said antics but given that their idea of fun seemed to be cutting down a tree and riding it as it was launched into the stratosphere, you were more content to watch them.
Suddenly, the one who you were told to call The Traveler walked up to you with a small smile on his face. He seemed nervous. You waved to him and patted the spot next to you. A universal invitation to sit next to you. Maybe that would ease him up a bit. You wondered what got him all worked up.
‘Thank you.’ He sat down.
‘Don’t worry about it.’ You waved him off and turned back to watch The Pirate and The Champion push each other around with large leaves they’ve seemed to have found.
‘They’re funny.’ The Traveler points to the two of them. ’They’re good people.’
‘I think so too.’ You freeze and turn to him, realizing what had just transpired. Your eyes widen and you grin, turning to him fully. ‘You can sign now!’
He laughs and nods his head. ‘The Veteran has been teaching me. I wanted to talk to you too.’
You want to hug him too, but something else catches your attention. ‘The Veteran? Who?’
He tilts his head and points to ‘Link’. ‘The Veteran. Him.’
You nod, understanding who he means now. ‘He just told me to call him L-I-N-K. So that’s all I know him as.’
The Traveler pouts. It’s a cute look on him. ‘We’re all L-I-N-K.’ Here he seems to struggle a little bit to get the signs out, not sure what shapes to make next. You wait patiently, not wanting to rush him or make him feel bad since he’s obviously been making an effort to get this far just to talk to you. ‘Can’t share name. It’s confusing.’
You smile. You think you understand what he’s trying to say. But then again, you’ve all been giving them different names in your head… Maybe you should stick a little closer to the names they have. Otherwise, The Traveler next to you wouldn’t know who you’re talking about now that he’s been learning.
Grinning at the fact that they’re weird for having the same name, you properly introduce yourself to him at last. He grins- brightening up the area around you instantly. It’s blinding.
‘Link’, The Veteran, walks up to you both and slings his arm around The Traveler. ‘Is this guy bothering you?’
It’s teasing and The Traveler seems to take mock offense to the accusation, elbowing his friends in the gut none too gently. The Vet doubles over a little bit before ruffling his friend’s hair vigorously.
You laugh and shake your head, feeling lighter than you have in a while.
It was the first of many.
It seemed that while you weren’t looking or paying attention, the rest of the group had badgered The Vet (something you still feel strange to call him when he introduced himself as Link) into teaching them all your signs so that they could communicate specifically with you.
It appeared that while you were busy trying to help the new learner with their signs as you both finally communicated, the Vet took that opportunity to begin teaching the next one and so one and forth until everyone was more or less proficient enough to have a conversation with you- having learned it all right under your nose.
Admittedly, you cried.
It was probably the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you. 
However, they didn’t stop there and it certainly wasn’t the last sweet thing they did for you.
Before you knew it they would leave little things for you as gifts, even though you could never figure out who was leaving what in your little pack. 
Yes, pack. The boys insisted on giving you your own things even if it meant they all had to buy it with their own money. They had all but fought over who got to give you something shiny and new. It would have been more concerning if they had let you be around to see them try to out sneak each other.
That being said, you were still intrigued about who was giving you such pretty little things. Sometimes it would be a flower or a small gem. Other times it would be a piece of jewelry, like an earring or a ring- the occasional necklace and bracelet. You once found a very expensive looking matching jewelry set that you felt compelled to safeguard that no one had wanted to claim as their gift to you- even if you saw them give each other bombastic side eyes.
It appears that they didn’t even know who gave you that one.
You wore it the next day.
And even The Old Man told you you looked beautiful with them in his own quiet and stoic way. But you’ve grown up in the art of reading facial features and were quick to read his ever subtle smile. It was the highlight of your day.
It didn’t seem like much in the beginning of course. It wasn’t an everyday occurrence for you to receive a gift of sorts but you would have liked for someone to step up and claim ownership of all of this. There was enough to fill your pack to the brim and you had yet to give any of them a proper thank you.
The one they called Sky was willing to hear you out on the matter. He thought it was funny enough as it was, but your clear exasperation and exaggeration was more amusing for him in the interim. It annoyed you but you could see where he was coming from. If this was happening to any of the other boys and you knew you had a part in it (you couldn’t trust Sky with the idea that he was innocent), then you would have found it just as amusing.
You weren’t sure where he was taking you either. Sky had pulled you away from the group for a moment so you could both walk and talk. It was nice actually, being able to just be after all the chaos you and the group had gone through was nothing short of a miracle. And to spend it with Sky? 
You liked him. He was clearly a good guy. From what you could see, he had his head screwed on right. He was sensible and sensitive. He was quiet in a way that didn’t need sound to convey. But he still shared the need for shenanigans just as much as the rest of the group.
He eventually brought you to a small clearing where a small picnic blanket was already set up for the two of you. Your heart fluttered. 
This was unexpected.
But you weren’t entirely opposed to it. By the look on his face and the way he moved around, subtly trying to see your reaction to it, you could tell that he had put a lot of work into this and he was nervous to see if you would like it or not.
You loved it.
You both sat down quickly while Sky explained in a roundabout way what everything was. There was pumpkin soup among small cakes and teas. You’ve never had that before. Sky said that it was his favorite. You couldn’t wait to try it.
Only for someone else to find your little get away and start talking to Sky.
The Captain had his hands on his hips and didn’t look at all pleased about finding you both alone like this. He was talking quickly, looking only at Sky for a short moment. Something crosses his face in the middle of his tirade and he looks at you. He smiles apologetically at you and gestures to Sky. ‘We needed him for something. We were looking everywhere.’
Understanding him, Sky jumped to his feet, gesturing grander and with more passion behind his words. They’re not signing so you miss whatever they’re saying to each other but they’re not happy with one another. That much is clear.
You bite your lip and get up, feeling awkward about being left out of the contact behind this. You don’t want Sky to get in trouble though. You wave to get their attention once more. ‘I’m sorry. It’s my fault. We were just hanging up.’
Maybe taking some of the blame would soften this?
Sky instantly turns to you and shakes his head, waving his hands frantically before signing in a  way you can understand once more. ‘Don’t worry about that. This was my idea anyway. I should have cleared it first. Don’t feel too bad about it.’
Even though he currently gives The Captain the most bombastic side eye you’ve ever seen from Sky.
Warrior gives him an equally annoyed look but once again apologizes to you.
Sighing, you let them lead you back to the others- picnic forgotten about entirely.
Upon returning, the others were quick to jump onto Sky but you wouldn’t hear it- no pun intended. ‘Don’t even think about it! We were just hanging out!’
They calmed but you doubted they would continue behaving once you were out of the picture. It was strange. They got along as if they were closer than brothers. This must have been a big deal. Even stranger was that they hadn’t mentioned the problem to you. At least not directly.
You didn’t want to jump to familiar conclusions. These young men have been more than accommodating to you and being deaf hadn’t seemed to change anything like you had originally feared. So for them to be hiding something as subtle as this must mean they were planning something.
It still didn’t make sense though.
You vowed to keep a better eye on them after this.
Strangely, The Blacksmith was next. It wasn’t as secretive as a small picnic away from the group though. This time you were in the middle of Castle Town. You didn’t seem to catch whose it was but The Blacksmith seemed familiar with the place.
He all but dragged you to a local bakery and told you to pick whatever you wanted, it was on him. Surprised but delighted by the cakes and sweets and breads, you pointed out what you wanted. Part of you felt a little bad for choosing so many things, but you argued in your heart that you could share with the others and you would slip some rupees into The Blacksmith’s pack when he wasn’t looking to pay him back for going a little overboard in your excitement.
That done, The Blacksmith then led you to a park where he sat you both underneath a tree in the shade to go to town on the absolute haul you had just procured.
No one seemed to bother you both this time and the moment of peace was undisturbed until you all but ate the entire thing.
You ate until you were full and satisfied and so, so happy. ‘Thank you Smithy. This was just what I needed.’
He grinned and waved it off. ‘Consider it a thanks for putting up with us as much as you have. I know we can be as stubborn as mules.’
You grinned back. ‘No. I love hanging out with you guys. It’s been fun. Danger aside.’
‘We love you too.’
Something collided with the back of the Blacksmith’s head. He jumped up and threw it back with expert aim despite the fact he hadn’t seen it coming. Impressive.
It in turn, collided with the Vet’s hand. He caught it. Equally impressive.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t just one person to butt in between you and a friend. It appears the rest of the group was there to oversee this. All of them looked annoyed to some degree or another. Impatient would have been another excellent term for their posture and facial expressions.
You waved, albeit hesitantly. A bomb was about to go off and you knew it, but you weren’t sure if it was going to take you out in the process. ‘Hi. What’s up?”
‘First Sky and now The Blacksmith.’ The Vet all but scowled. ’Is anyone else going to get a chance to take you on a date before I get a chance?!’
You stilled, freezing on the spot.
The Rancher smacked him on the back of his head. Said Rancher turns to you and sighs. ‘Did The Blacksmight ask you to go with him? Is this a date?’
You blinked and turned to the young man next to you. ‘Is it?’
The Captain and The Traveler all but threw his hands up in exasperation.
The Blacksmith smiled sheepishly and shrugged. ‘Admittedly, I had hoped so. But I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I was trying to play it by ear.’
You deadpan at his literal translation. ‘You realize that wouldn’t technically work, yes? Why didn’t you just say something?’
‘He did.’ The Pirate signs in the corner of your eye. You turn to him instantly with a tilt you heard. He takes it as his cue to continue. ‘Everyone has. Everyone has been trying to tell you. They weren’t exactly hiding it.’
You feel a blush overtake your face. You look back to each and every one of them in a new light. Shame crawls up your back at your apparent obliviousness but you manage to keep eye contact with the group.
‘I didn’t notice.’
‘We know.’ The Vet’s eye twitched. ‘But we didn’t want to put any pressure on you. It was just to see who you’d go for first and then back off.’
‘That’s a horrible way to go about that.’ You glared. It was tempting to cross your arms but that wouldn’t keep the conversation going. ‘It would have been impossible for me to figure that out. It’s not like I was getting any signals from any of you that you would have been interested!’
Is getting mad going to help this? Maybe not. But anger was easier to deal with than whatever else you were tempted to feel at this moment. Everyone appeared to be getting embarrassed about this in one way or another. You were suddenly very thankful to be having this conversation completely in sign, otherwise the very public would have been watching this with great interest no doubt.
Ignoring the blush on your face, you keep going. ‘I’m not a mind reader. A hint would’ve been nice. A direct sentence would be better. But since you all decided to be sneaky about it you could have at least given me a sign!’
‘That’s all we’ve been doing!’ The Traveler ruffled his hair roughly. ‘We’ve been giving you nothing but signs. Literally!’
You faltered a little, your embarrassment digging every fiber of your being into a deeper hole. Maybe that should have clued you in on that. It’s not like everyone with platonic intentions gives secret gifts, learns a whole new language, then tries to get one on one time with the person of their interest- Goodness, you probably should have been able to figure it out faster than this. But you somehow missed everything they all threw to your face. No wonder they seem annoyed when you go off with just one of them. No one signs anything for a long time and you realize that they’re waiting for you to reply. You bite your lip again and look at each of them. ‘...All of you?’
‘Pretty much.’ The Old Man smiles softly, taking a little bit of mercy on you. ‘It’s still your choice though. We can all back off and give you some time to think and come back to this conversation another time.’
You nod while the group seems to come to an agreement on this. They look at you with bright and bashful smiles. ‘We’ll wait for you to give us a sign this time.’
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harriocity · 3 months
Please draw your oc x canon please be unashamedly loud about it please post it without embarrassment please make dramatic emotional edits of them please indulge yourself
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harriocity · 4 months
LEGO Linked Universe: First Meetings 
Animated by Caleb Hibbs (The DOHnut)
Linked Universe concept by @linkeduniverse
The next entry in the LEGO Linked Universe series is finally complete! Finished it a bit too late to coincide with the 35th anniversary, but oh well. This may be my last animation for a long while since I’m going to be pretty busy, but hopefully I’ll have another one done within 6 months.
You can also watch the animation over on my Youtube channel.
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harriocity · 5 months
Link is on a quest in the gerudo desert, but thirst and heat could make the bravest hero flinch ...
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harriocity · 5 months
this is a Link’s Eyeliner appreciation post
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