stopthecarrrr · 4 months
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@bamsidsuperbitch asked:
[HAND] Sender takes receivers hand so they don't get lost in a crowd. + reverse
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It was a simple gesture really as the pair walked through Hawkins. A big festival was going on, the many townsfolk walking about and chatting loudly. Steve was pretty used to the many little gatherings that they would have, but this one was a little more fun considering the fact that he had someone to spend the time with. The crowd was starting to get bigger and Steve didn't want Sidney to be uncomfortable by the number of people so without thinking too much on it, he took her hand and laced their fingers together. "Wanna grab some food while we're walking around? Some of these booths have some pretty good food."
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finaldisorder · 1 month
🏒 ————— continued: x @bamsidsuperbitch
Ugh, she's giving that doe-eyed look that makes him wild. She's all sorts of blushing and wide-eyed and curious and beautiful, so fucking beautiful. Tim is a wreck. His mouth is dry, his ears are ringing, and his whole body feels like he's come down with a fever - hot and freezing all at the same time. His jeans are too tight. His hand is shaking, look at it! That anxious tremor. He wants to reach out to her. He wants her. Nay - he needs her.
An audible whine escapes him at the mention of his pledge, eyes glancing down at the back of his hand for a moment before he waves it at his side, as though he's shoo'ing away the entire pledge itself. "Fuck the pledge- I mean, I... I just." He's desperate, sure, but he isn't gonna be that guy. He'd never pressure her into anything. Especially after... you know. Everything.
At Sidney's mention of being broken, Tim's expression drops a little. Concern floods him, one shaking hand finally reaching out to gently, delicately hold her chin so he can lift her face to him. The man smiles sweetly, head shaking seriously. "What do you mean broken, Sid? You're not broken." He leans in a little, kissing her forehead before pulling back. He tries to shake off the arousal and heat so he can be present for her. A good friend. "You're the strongest, most beautiful woman I know, eh. I'm really proud of you."
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Another smile, another pause for some silence, and he tucks some hair behind her ear carefully. "We can wait. Only at your pace, 'kay? But I'm not gonna lie to you, Sidney. I really-" He swallows thickly, shifting from foot to foot. His leg might be bouncing too, he's so pent up. "Really wanna make you feel good."
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protectxthem · 14 days
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@bamsidsuperbitch asked: " what the hell is wrong with you?  ” - Mickey
some angst idk y’all i like crying | Accepting
"What's wrong with me?" Mickey asked offended, mouth dropping open. He shuts his mouth and smirks. "You're not happy to see me, Sid?" He fake pouts. "And to answer your question, according to the mental institute, nothing. I'm all better."
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he11fireclubtm · 2 months
@bamsidsuperbitch gets a plotted starter!
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Eddie plopped down at the cafeteria table with an audible hum, sitting right across from Sidney. It had been an interesting day to say the least, lots of whispers taking place among the many students at school. It looked like everyone was suddenly on edge when one of the local kids had gone missing. Will Byers, or something like that. "So what do you think of the latest gossip among our peers? Think there's any truth to the stuff they're saying about the Byers kid?" Eddie finally chirped up before popping a chip into his mouth and starting to chew it. He didn't really know the kid but he'd never heard a bad thing about him. It was a shame, really.
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vyrulent · 4 months
x || @bamsidsuperbitch
The Aussie offered up a smile. She knows what it's like to be the "Final Girl" thrust up on the news station -- though, Amber holds no illusions. Americans know nothing of the mysterious Outback Killer. Mick Taylor is a ghost. He'll never be caught. It looks like this "Final Girl" has managed to push through all the trauma in a way Amber doesn't think she'll ever get through.
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"I think you're brave. Braver than me that's for sure."
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stalkcd · 5 months
I feel like the floor of a taxi cab.
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PROMPTS FROM GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) || Highly accepting! Sidney || @bamsidsuperbitch
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Gaze lifted from the notes. Laurie was certain the voice belonged to Sidney from some shared courses. Little more familiar face in the crowd of strangers, but someone Laurie had yet to share a word.
Starting the college in a completely new environment had perks and cons. First time moving away from home, far away from Haddonfield, learning to live independently. Thus, a chance to turn a completely new chapter in her life. Despite fears relating to all of that, decorating her dorm room and attending lectures had already positive effects.
Still, there were challenges. Laurie still tried to find her place. Little introvert, she preferred to stay in the sidelines, observing others rather than actively seeking to make herself known. After having had the same friend group since the elementary school, making her way into the circles felt ridiculously difficult. Let alone, would rumours eventually catch up...
Even if she wasn't directly talked to, as the two weren't surrounded by too many people this early, Laurie took the opportunity to at least attempt to strike conversation.
❝ Sounds like you had it rough.❞ she flashed her friendliest grin, shrugging slightly, as it was really all she could think of the comment.
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❝ ...could describe me, barely few hours rest, tried to get this assignment done... ❞ She lifted the notes in view, before sliding it back into her bag.
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soughtserenity · 27 days
sender  comforts  receiver  in  the  aftermath  of  a  nightmare . + reverse for Randy
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That goddamn mask is like haunting him and he jokes and gets angry and loud about it hoping it made him feel brave but it doesn't matter when it's lights out but he's embarrassed having woken sydney up he didn't mean to. He rubs his eyes and sits up trying to catch his breath. " i-it was that fucking creep again I'm sorry syd. "
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hauntedxwritings · 7 months
[ ANCHOR ]: in a moment where stress and anxiety are running high, the sender tries to ground the receiver by gently guiding them into a hug, resting their foreheads together to steady them. - Eddie
Eddie could feel the pressure of Sidney's forehead against his. He took a deep breath, trying to relax. He knew it wasn't easy, allowing themselves a moment to breath in such a situation. "Sid.." he shivered.
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woozyhere · 1 month
🙄 Roll their eyes at my muse.
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Stu deadpans, staring at Sidney with a bored expression for a moment before his features crack - his lips curl into a smirk, playful and lazy and easy. He isn't the biggest fan of Sidney. He isn't the biggest fan of watching her lean against Billy or watching Billy touch all over her when the gang hangs out, and he isn't a fan of keeping Maureen's murder a secret in front of her, even if it gives him a sick thrill.
Does he want to scream it in her face sometimes? Absolutely. Especially whenever she rolls her eyes or scoffs or huffs or seems even the faintest bit annoyed with his habits and antics and quirks. If you don't like it, literally go away, cow. But he can't speak his thoughts. He's a good friend.
However, he can do what he does best - lean into her personal space, bark a loud laugh next to her head, and then reach out to wrap an arm around her shoulders so he can tug her closer to him. He rubs her shoulder a moment; good friend, playful friend, he loves her, he adores her, she's Tatum's bestie bestie, she's his best friend's girl, and he adored her...
"Aww, c'mon Sid. Lighten up!" He sways with her a little, playfully, as a good friend might. A breathy chuckle escapes him, bright blues staring down at her before he leans in to place a theatrical kiss to her temple. "You love my dad jokes, admit it. Admiiiiit itttt."
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finaldisorder · 1 month
🏒 ————— @bamsidsuperbitch
He's been pent up recently. The wrath that rolls and snaps and gnaws at his insides has his every nerve buzzing at a static frequency and instead of taking his frustration out on the ice or at Darryl, he thought maybe pounding pavement may help clear his head. Well, gliding pavement? He's got his rollerskates on and using the other students as weave polls.
Music up loud, headphones on, cassette player strapped to his hip, he's got nowhere to be and nobody to see; his agenda is switched up a bit, however, when he skates past a familiar figure.
Tim double-takes, one hand lifting to pull one of the headphones off his ear and snagging the flimsy fabric on one of his piercings. A hiss of annoyance, having already felt annoyed that day, but bright blues are seeking out that familiar figure again and-- booyah baby, there she was! "Wait, wai- hold up, eh?"
He skates toward her quickly, coming to a halt with more grace than most might think comes from the punk rocker. It's all those years on the ice. "Sidney Prescott?" He's already dropped his backpack a bit off his shoulder, holding it just above the ground as he contemplates dropping it and going for a hug, or simply remaining there awkwardly. "Holy crap, it's been forever, dog. Haven't seen you since we were just kids, huh?"
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It's excitement, certainly, but he's almost nervous to ask the next question that tumbles out of his mouth before he can stop it; "How have you been?"
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devildungeondm · 8 months
☆ ° • [ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 ] my muse tries to make yours laugh when they are sad
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𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⋆ 𝐑𝐏 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬
Eddie felt like utter shit. He failed yet another math test, making him that much closer to failing the class and losing any prospect of graduating on time. Again.
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Rubbing his eyes, he groaned, trying to wipe away the tears threatening to come to the surface. What was he gong to do? Why couldn't the teacher give him three more points to pass?
Lost in his endless grief over the prospect of being stuck in highschool for another hellish year, he barely heard her voice. A quip being said clearly to try and get his attention ad make him laugh. Unfortunately, Eddie was in no laughing mood.
"Fuck my life, man," was all he said.
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he11fireclubtm · 3 months
@bamsidsuperbitch gets a plotted starter!
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Kas wasn't sure what had brought him here. Maybe the sweet smell that had taken to the air or perhaps just a morbid curiosity of what the old part of himself might have been trying to tell him. Over and over again he was urged to follow the scent to it's source after getting himself out of the Upside Down. The next thing he knew he was outside the window of some girls house. A girl that he felt like he should remember but the name was avoiding him. Deciding to see where this went, he made easy work of slipping through her open window. He hadn't even bothered to change, still sporting the outfit that Eddie had died in. Clothes sporting blood that would make anyone worry, eyes a crimson red rather than their usual brown. Seeing he hadn't quite been noticed yet, he smirked. "...You know, it's not a good idea to leave your window open at night."
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resplendentdare · 18 days
Continued from here with @bamsidsuperbitch.
Saskia gave Sidney a sheepish smile, trying her best to ignore the smell of burnt hair. "I don't even know what happened! I swear I can cook, I'm not useless!"
Looking down at her hands, she noticed they seemed a bit red and they did hurt a little, shrugging her shoulders. "Sure, I don't even know if I burnt anything other than my bangs."
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stalkcd · 10 days
oh , [ Laurie ] , it's just you .
VAN HELSING || Highly accepting! Sidney || @bamsidsuperbitch
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❝ Sorry, sorry - Didn't mean to - ❞ she quickly mumbles, exhaling deep as she quickly sweeps her hair back. As much as Laurie hopes to hide it, she might appear more startled out of the two. Embarrassment aside, better than getting caught in the property at the hour.
❝ You wouldn't believed me, if I told I forgot something. ❞ a shrug, and brows knit together.
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❝ What are you doing here...? ❞
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divcrse · 19 days
@bamsidsuperbitch. SEUNGMIN & SIDNEY.
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his brows had furrowed in the slightest as he approached and soon, he tilted his head once he approached. ❝ ----- what's the issue? ❞ seungmin questioned, brows furrowing in the slightest as he looked at her, folding his arms over his chest.
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motivesrincidental · 1 year
Randy looked at his hands and moped. "I have to compartmentalize this. It's the only way I'm gonna get through it." he explained as he looked over at her. "I can't think about all that blood as blood when I can make myself believe it's corn syrup. Reality is for the strong, Sid. I believe in corn syrup."
"This isn't your fault. Some people are just unhinged."
He sat on the floor beside her chair and reached for the remote to pause the movie they were watching. "Besides if you're a curse, I'm a curse. Neither of us should have made it."
@bamsidsuperbitch x
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