Dead (Alois)
*He was fighting a group of men that had broken into his house trying to take his daughter and wife from him, While during the fight one og the intruders pulled out a gun and aimed it at Black*Star who had his back turned as he heard his daughter coming down the stairs, He thought he had killed all of the intruders till he heard the loud bang and his daughter scream, Black*Star turned around and threw his blade at the man hitting him in the head and finishing him off, But he didn’t feel any pain in his back or blood dripping from his body, He looked down slowly and saw Alois was standing in front of him with her arms out and breathing heavily, Alois had jumped in front of Black*Star and took the bullet that was meant for him, He stood there looking at her and Alois turned around slowly, A blood stain  running down her shirt and a hole in it as the round hit Alois directly in the heart, Alois turned around slowy with blood starting to pour out of her mouth as she looked up at Black*Star, She stood up on the tip of her toes and kissed Black*Star one last time gently on the lips staining his lips red with her blood before she tried to talk* I-I… I Lo… *She went limp and fell against Black*Star’s chest like a rock, Black*Star was still in shock but hugged his dead wife tightly and fell to the ground holding her tightly as he started to cry while rocking back and forth with Alois still in his arms while tears poured down Black*Star’s cheeks, He held his wife’s body, Cursing at the Gods for taking the woman he Loved with all of his heart when the bullet was meant for him, He should have been the one to die. Not the woman he loved more then anything in the world*
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Ooc: Guess who's back? Hey everyone... I'm back after being gone for a very long time, I'm sorry to everyone for being gone for so long.
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After tonight I will be gone for the next three days to spend time with my family, I'm sorry if anybody wanted to talk to me, But It's something I got to do. I Love you all and hope to see all of ya'll when I get back. ^_^
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Black*Star And Alois's little family (closed rp with bandersnatchbirdandmultiplemuses, Aka Alois)
*Black*Star was outside holding a little girl in his arms as he was pointing out all the little stars in the night sky and telling her how they were even greater then those Star’s because of their family line, The little girl had long blue hair with a red stripe of going down the side showing signs of her mother and fathers hair color, She looked mostly like her mother but had some of Star’s facial features as well, In the pupils of her eyes were glowing star’s showing signs that she had already gained some of the power from her fathers blood line, On her right arm was a Star, This was the birthmark of anybody born from the Star clan, In the middle of the star though was a heart to show the side of her mother as well, The little girl also had a tail like her mothers that swayed around playfully, The little girl smiled happily and giggled all the time, When Alois walked outside she ran up to her and hugged her legs tightly and close to her* Momma! *Star looked over at them and chuckled softly at how cute they were, He started smiling softly as he thought of how lucky he was to have his own family that he loved very much and would always be there to protect them*
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