bangcrizpychan · 4 years
[5:15 PM]
You're not exactly sure why, but the man right in front of you is making your heart feel like you just outran Usain Bolt, even though you know to yourself that you are too lazy to even do basic exercises. Was it because of the way his eyes would twinkle whenever he smiles? Or his laugh that sounds so melodic in your ears?
Whatever the real reason may be, it was definitely making it difficult for you to breathe properly, as if there was a huge clump in your throat. "y/n? You okay there?" Jisung asked as he tilted his head to the side, curious about what is going on inside of your head.
You snapped out of your thoughts and stared at your best friend for almost your entire life, have a look on his face that makes you want to kiss him. "I'm fine 'sungie, just have a lot of things in mind", you do have a lot in mind. A lot of him.
Your breath hitched and you staggered backwards as he suddenly rushed in front of you, with only a few centimeters away. The sudden closeness made you look to the side and created a fear that he might hear your heart hammering through your chest.
"Well whatever it is, it's not making you look good", you tried to string up an excuse when you felt his soft hand on your forehead "Are you running a fever? Why are you so hot?"
You could not focus at all, with his close proximity, the hardness and coldness of the wall behind you, and the blood rushing to your face, it was all making you dizzy.
You dropped your head down low as you felt your eyes welling up with tears. No, it can't be. You can't fall in love with your best friend, he plays a huge part in your life, you needed him. You can't just lose him because you can't control your emotions.
Jisung looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, you were normally shy, but never around him. Your Mothers were best friends, and so he became best friends with you as well. It was when he heard you sniffle that he sensed that something was wrong, what was bothering you so much that you'd cry?
You felt fingers on your chin slowly lifting your face up, and although your visions are blurry because of the tears, you could still make out Jisung's worried look, it hurts you to see him like this. He doesn't deserve this, and you clearly do not deserve him.
"What's going on y/n? Why are you crying?" you could feel in his voice that he really do care about you. He took a few steps back and ran his fingers through his hair. "Did someone hurt you?!" Yes, someone did hurt you, yourself.
You shook your head and choked up a sob, you put your hands to your face to hide what was left of your dignity. You felt him in front of you again, much closer this time as you can feel his breath against your skin.
"Then why are you crying, doll?" doll. He's the only one that calls you that, because for him, you're his fragile loved one that he needs to take care of.
With all the courage that is in you, you slowly put your hands down and stared at his brown orbs, those orbs that you love so much and the only thing that you want to stare at forever.
"Because I just realized that I love you, Han Jisung" you choked. You expected him to apologize, to reject you right there and then, because you clearly did not see what he actually did next.
He threw his head back and laughed. You felt offended, you just confessed your feelings for him and the first thing he does is laugh? It was better to be rejected, you thought.
Jisung stopped when he saw your reaction, were you confused? Disgusted? Angry? Maybe all at once. He tried to stop the smile that was trying to reach his ears, but what he couldn't stop was his heart racing and his cheeks flushing red.
"I love you too, silly. I don't know when it started, but I have been, for a quite some time now" He finally confessed.
You couldn't help but to gasp at his confession, you felt your heart jumping up and down with excitement that you didn't notice your hands reaching up and cupping his face. You tiptoed and closed the once annoyingly distance between you, giving him one long and sweet kiss.
You pulled back and looked at Jisung, who had a huge grin plastered on his face. "I've always wanted to do that" You sighed, not bothering to stop yourself from smiling as well.
"Well, I didn't really process it the first time, want to do it again?"  He smirked and snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer.
And there you were, kissing the man you're so terrified of losing, holding onto him like he's life itself.
Jisung is the one you ever and will always need, He is both your friend and your lover.
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jisungsjheekies · 4 years
Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! 🐺✨
thank you 🥺💖
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hardskz · 4 years
Your tips are amazing! Thank you so much! I hope other writers can refer to your writing tips as well, so that reading fanfiction would no longer be stereotyped as "cringey" and "grammatically incorrect".. Your tips will definitely help me build up my blog.. Once again, thank you!
ahhh you’re too sweet im glad i could help!! 
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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Are My Biceps More Interesting Than Me?
☆Pairing: Seo Changbin x Reader
☆Genre: fluffffff
☆Requested: Yes
☆Summary: Where you are completely obsessed with your boyfriend's majestic biceps.
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"Do you think I will die if you choke me with your arms?" You asked Changbin without ripping your eyes off his glistening biceps. He just finished working out and it made his muscles look more prominent and toned.
He turned to you, huffing with exhaustion and gave you the look of complete "WTF" .
"What? I'm just asking if it's possible," you explained as he walked towards you with a towel draped on his neck. You gave him a water bottle and wiped his forehead which was covered with beads of sweat.
"because your arms look strong enough to actually break me in half-" Changbin raised his eyebrows at your weird commentary "-I mean, it's not like I won't let you. I will, if you use your arms," you continued and started wiping his arms.
"As if that last part made everything you just said totally normal," He rolled his eyes gave you a peck on the lips. You just sighed and ran a finger up and down his biceps, which resulted Changbin to suck in a breath at your sudden action.
"Well, you can't blame me from adoring these beautiful creation," you gawked and felt your heart pounding just staring at his arms.
You took all of its features in, the protruding outline of his muscles, veins bulging all the way down to his hands that you love to hold so much, it was all too much for you to handle.
"You're drooling," you snapped out of your dazed state and finally looked at your boyfriend, who was as handsome as ever.
You gave him a toothy grin and hooked arms with him, making sure to stick as close to his biceps as possible, "Let's just go and eat Tteokbokki," you suggested and left the gym.
All throughout the day, you were clumsy and was not able to focus on your surroundings. Well, how can you, when you have amazing arms to stare at, which was more worthy of your attention.
Night came and you were cuddling on your couch, watching a movie that Changbin had chosen, while giving his arm a kiss every now and then.
"Are my biceps more interesting than me?" You tore off your eyes from his arms and looked confusedly at your boyfriend,
"Why would you say that?".
"Oh, I don't know y/n. Maybe because you just gawked and goggled at my arms the entire day," he said frustratingly.
"Are you jealous of your own arms?" You giggled, "I don't want to, but you're making me wish I never had these in the first place," you loved how red his cheeks had gotten because of his confession.
You straddled his lap and held his face in your hands, your boyfriend was indeed beautiful, maybe more beautiful than the arms you basically worshipped earlier. Maybe.
You closed the gap between you and let your lips dance to the music that was playing in your hearts, it was passionate, filled with your burning love for each other, just the taste of him makes you want to go insane.
Everything about him really does make you go crazy.
You both pulled away, out of breath and lips swollen, "I'm. Giving. You. All. My. Attention. Now." You said in between kisses.
Changbin laughed and brought you to his side again to cuddle with you. He leaned his head against yours while you buried yourself deeper in his warm hug.
"Much better," He sighed as you continued to watch the movie that was forgotten earlier.
"I love you," you said as you entwined your fingers with his, adoring his veins and giving his hand a kiss "with all of my heart, Binnie" he muttered a soft I love you too before giving your forehead a loving kiss.
You do love your boyfriend, and although you don't want to admit it, you are completely and utterly in love with him, probably much more than his majestic biceps.
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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11. “I know the truth is you won’t love me until I’m gone.” - Drake, Emotionless
You finished preparing the bento you had made for Yuta with a huge smile on your face.
He is so going to love this! You thought.
You admired your work one last time, three octodogs next to the cat-shaped rice you peppered with seaweed crumbs, it was not the best but at least it looked edible enough.
You carefully wrapped the bento in silk, if it looks good on the inside, it should look even better outside. You fished out your phone from your pocket and texted Yuta.
"Hey baby! I'm bringing you lunch at your apartment, be there at 5."
You briskly fixed yourself when you arrived at his apartment. You knocked on the door and it revealed a surprised Mark.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?"
"I came to bring Yuta lunch, is he there?" he cocked his eyebrow at you and shook his head.
"He hadn't come home in days, he said he was staying at yours."
Well that was a surprise, you haven't seen him nor had any contact with him for days. How could he be with you? You shook the feeling you had in your stomach. No, your boyfriend is too sweet to even think about cheating on you.
You quickly said goodbye to Mark and spammed Yuta with 'where are you' texts. When he didn't reply, you decided to follow your gut's instinct and went to their studio.
You would be lying if you said you weren't shaking on the way to their studio. You know that he wouldn't do such a cruel thing to you. He said he loved you.
You heard muffled noises from the inside of the room and you braced yourself with what to come.
The sight that welcomed you made your insides churn and it was making you sick, Yuta had his hands roaming around the body of the woman he was making out with right now. He had his lips locked on her the way he would do with yours before. You dropped the bento and it made a loud noise when it hit the ground, capturing the attention of the two devils in front of you.
"Sweetheart, who is she?" the woman asked pulling Yuta's face in attempt to kiss him again.
You felt your blood boil with anger and before you could enjoy the sight of Yuta's shocked face, you turned your back against them and rushed out of there. You could feel your eyes sting but you didn't let one tear drop, he doesn't deserve your tears.
You heard him call after you making you sprint, however Yuta was much bigger and faster than you. When he finally caught you, he was panting.
"Y/n, please let me explain-"
"No, I saw what I needed to see, I don't need your stupid alibis," you turned to leave but held your arm back.
"please, Y/n, I-I can explain,"
"Explain what, Yuta? Are you going to say that you tripped and accidentally stripped each other?" Yuta didn't say anything and just lowered his head.
"I don't know if our entire relationship was just a big joke to you, but consider it done. I'm done with all of your shit,"
"Y/n, d-don't leave me,"
"No, Yuta. I'm done with all of your lies as well." you wiped the tear that managed to escape your eye.
"But do you know what I'm sure of?" He looked at you with a tiny bit of hope in his eyes.
"Beyond all your lies, I know the truth is you won't love me until I'm gone, so goodbye Yuta, for good."
Yuta dropped to his knees, guilt swallowing him, you had finally left him and he just now realized how much you actually mean to him, but everything is now too late.
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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Blood Is Not Always Thicker Than Water
☆Pairing: Mafia underboss!S.Coups x Reader
☆Genre: heart-sickening angst, mafia!au, pregnant!Reader au
☆Word count: 2.2k
⚠WARNINGS: suggestive themes, blood, violence, drug usage, death, swear words, and A MASSIVE EXPLOSION OF ANGST FROM ANGSTVILLE, *read at your own risk*
☆Summary: You were the city Mayor’s daughter, he was a Mafia underboss, a relationship that never should’ve started in the first place. Will you be able to go against all odds?
☞Note: since the request didn’t really specify whether the fic is going to be an angst or fluff, I went full blown ANGST. THIS IS 100% ANGST (╥_╥), so grab a tissue and have an angsty reading♡
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You fixed your skin-tight dress and dark red lipstick then looked at your boyfriend, Seungcheol, who smirked at you and eyed you hungrily. You seductively walked towards him, every step making your heart pound with excitement. You have been dating for a year now, but the thrill of having a mafia underboss as a lover when you’re supposed to be an angel to your father’s eyes, who was the city Mayor, still exhilarates you.
You straddled Seungcheol’s lap and attacked his neck, he sighed at your touch and let his hands roam your figure. You grazed your teeth against his soft spot and it earned you a beautiful moan coming from him, oh how you loved the noises he make and you knew that you were the only one that can weaken him like this. You started to unbutton his shirt when a sharp knock interrupted your session.
Seungcheol let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his temples, “come in,” Jeonghan, a capo, went inside and gave a letter to Seungcheol. “It’s a VIP invitation to Congressman Han Seongsu’s 50th birthday,” Seungcheol rolled his eyes. “Why do I need to go to that old scum’s birthday?” “He is one of our loyal customer, and there will be a transaction on that day to send more of our package to Jeju.” You almost felt bad for Jeonghan, Seungcheol seems to be mean towards him like every time.
“And your it was your father’s orders to you send there,” you rubbed circles on your boyfriend’s chest to soothe him. Seungcheol’s father is the current Mafia boss and Seungcheol is his successor since he’s an only child. “Also, you need a date before going there.” Jeonghan added and shot you a look, He ‘tsked’ and sent Jeonghan away with his hand, who left without saying another word. He took a deep breath and looked at you, a smirk back on his lips.
“So, where were we?” you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, “we were starting this part,” you smashed your lips against his and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. His chest rumbled with laughter, “you seem so eager baby, don’t worry, we’ll get there.”
Your tongues played together as you discarded each other’s clothing, ending the night with passion and pleasure filling the air.
You let out a shaky breath when you saw the pregnancy test; two visible lines that seemed to taunt you. You were pregnant, “No, i-it can’t be,” you were sure that you were on pill, so why was this happening?!
When you finished crying in the bathroom, you decided to call your best friend, Seungkwan, to ask for guidance. He agreed to meet you at his apartment so you got ready and headed there as quickly as you could.
When you arrived at his place, you completely broke down in his arms, he whispered comforting things and your ears and soothed your back.
“y/n, what happened?” he asked and handed you a glass of water, you took a sip and explained yourself, “I-I don’t know Seungkwan, we were careful!” you sobbed, Seungkwan knew you had a boyfriend, but he didn’t know what kind of person Seungcheol is. What would he do to you if he finds out?!
“You have to tell your boyfriend, y/n, and your family,” “I know, but I-I’m just scared.” that was a lie, you were completely terrified, you were allegedly a good girl in your family’s eyes, to them, you finished University without any boys bothering you. But most of all, you were terrified of Seungcheol, he loved you, you knew that, but you’ve seen what he was capable of. He had ended someone’s life in front of you before, what if the next person that will stand at the end of his gun is you?
Seungkwan babied you the whole time you were at his place, you watched your favorite shows together and ate a lot of sweets. Your phone beeped in the middle of the show and your blood ran cold when you saw the text.
“come home. Now,” it was from your brother, Joshua. You bid Seungkwan goodbye and went home anxiously. When you arrived at your place, you saw your brother, who was still in his uniform, and your mother sitting in the living room. “What’s going on y/n? Why did your brother drag me here and called for a ‘family meeting’” your mother asked, twirling his diamond ring, almost looking bored.
“I want to know what’s going on as well,” your brother reached out from his pocket and pulled out a plastic, “care to explain what the fuck this is, y/n?!” you flinched at your brother’s voice. He handed the plastic to your mother who then screamed when she pulled out what was inside. Your maids rushed to the living room to see what the commotion was but you stood there still, staring at the pregnancy test that was dropped on the floor.
“How could this happen, y/n??!” your mother cried, the maids brought her tea to calm her nerves but she refused and continued to sob. “what the fuck were you doing in my room?!” you demanded to your brother, tears streaming down your face.
“You think I wouldn’t notice you looking sick and barely eating anything?! You think I wouldn’t see the signs?!” he yelled at you, “Who the fuck is the asshole?!” No, he couldn’t know, he should never know. “Oppa! Please don’t, don’t tell Dad, I beg you” you dropped to your knees and begged your brother. Your mother was stopped sobbing for a second, and thought about rushing to your side but she was too weak to do so.
“Just tell me his fucking name, I can charge him with rape and I’ll cuff that motherfucker myself,” you chanted a series of nos and I’m sorrys. If you weren’t that terrified before, you are now. Your brother is a police officer and if he knew that the father of your unborn child was a mafia underboss, he would definitely kill him.
In the middle of the chaos, you decided to run away, you heard your mother call out your name but you didn’t care, you got into your car and drove as fast as you can. You called Seungcheol and he decided to meet you at the Hangang Bridge.
He lit up your cigarette that was hanging in your lips a little too long. “What happened, sweetheart?” “I got into a fight with my brother,” you sucked some smoke in and slowly blew it out. “Do you want me to take him out?” Seungcheol suggested, which you would’ve laughed at if you didn’t know he was serious, but you knew he could definitely kill your brother. You just scoffed and let the silence took over you.
“Do you love me, Seungcheol?” you asked out of the blue, Seungcheol disposed of his cigarette and took yours off from your mouth. “Of course I do baby, I love you so much,” “Well, what do you think about babies?”
He chuckled and smoked the rest of your cigar, “I mean babies are adorable, but they’re so fucking annoying to look after.” you lowered your head and muttered a single ’oh’. “why? Do you want to make little Seungcheol or little y/n to pester us?” he laughed and cupped your face.
“Because I’m definitely down with the baby-making process,” he said and crashed his lips to yours, you tasted the minty flavor of the cigar and the scene alone made you feel hot. Maybe you could tell him after tomorrow’s event.
You turned a lot of heads when you entered the congressman’s manor, you were wearing a silver long gown that barely covered your breasts, and Seungcheol loved the fact that he can show off your beautiful body and let them know that you were his.
“y/n??” you stopped your conversation with the congressman’s wife and whipped your head to the direction of the voice. Your eyes widened when you saw your father together with your mother. “M-Mom, Dad? What are you doing here?” “What the hell are you doing here?! You ran away from home and now you’re attending a party?!” your father scolded.
“Guys? What’s going on?” Joshua appeared behind them and then looked at you, “y/n? What are you doing here?” he quickly shooed your parents away to talk to you. As you and your brother started to talk, Seungcheol suddenly appeared at your side.
“Hey baby, who’s this?” You couldn’t believe it, it was the most unfortunate coincidence you’ve ever experienced, your brother had to meet your lover like this. “I’m her brother and you are?” “I’m her boyfriend, it’s nice to meet you bro,” Seungcheol reached his hand out to offer a handshake but your brother only stared at him.
“I know you from somewhere,” your brother’s eyes widened with realization. He pulled you from Seungcheol’s grasp and dragged you across the room. You struggled to remove yourself from him, yelling at him to let you go.
“What the fuck, y/n?! You’re fucking dating a mafia?!” your eyes widened with fear, this cannot be happening right now. “Is he the father of your fucking child?!” he grabbed a fistful of his hair and pressed his earpiece, “I need backup right now, I caught sight of a mafia at Congressman Han’s mansion. I need backup. Now!!”
You ran off as he was yelling orders and went to find Seungcheol. You found him conversing with Congressman Han, “Seungcheol! You need to leave! Now!” you yelled and tugged at his arm, he excused himself and turned to you, “What’s going on, y/n?” “My brother, he knew you were gonna have a transaction here. He recognized you and called for backup-”
“Wait, your brother is a fucking police officer?! What the actual fuck y/n?!” he cut you off but you dragged him behind with you. “There’s no time to explain, we need to go, you’re not safe here!” you heard the police sirens and both of you made a run for it. His goons took out their guns and chaos erupted inside the mansion. A couple of officers tailed you but Seungcheol’s goons came and fought them off. However you were both caught in a crossfire and barely managed to reach the abandoned warehouse near the manor.
You helped Seungcheol drag himself to the warehouse, he got hit in so many places just to cover for you. You fell down next to the sacks and groaned in pain, blood seeped through your once silver gown but you ignored your pain and focused on Seungcheol’s wounds.
“Baby, don’t close your eyes, please. Help is on its way, I managed to contact Jeonghan before we got to this warehouse, you just have to stay with me,” you cried and applied pressure to some of his wounds.
Seungcheol coughed up blood and reached up to hold your face, “w-when you were talking a-about babies yesterday, w-were you s-saying that you were pregnant?” you cried and held his hand that was cupping your face. “Yes, I was baby. You’re going to be a Dad, so stay with us. Okay?”
“I’m g-going to be a Dad? I don’t k-know if I’m going to b-be a good one though,” he chuckled. “You are going to be the best Dad in the world, baby.” you cried and let out a small smile.
You didn’t want any of these to happen. You never wanted to be a sister of a policeman and Seungcheol never wished to be an heir to a Mafia boss. All you ever wanted was to be a normal couple that was going to be a family soon.
Seungcheol coughed and grunted in pain, he looked at you straight in the eyes, “I love you y/n, so fucking much. More than my fucking life.” “I love you too, more than anything in this world.” You cried, and pressed your lips against his.
Seungcheol nodded and smiled, then his hand went limp. Silence, aside from the sirens you hear at the distance, it was all just silence. You screamed at the top of your lungs and embraced your lover, you held him like you were holding onto life, he can’t be gone. He can’t leave you behind.
You started to feel pain so you looked down and saw a lot of blood seeping out of you. It turned out that you were hit by more than one bullet and you felt yourself cough up your own blood. Seungcheol was not going to leave you, you were going with him.
You rubbed your belly and sobbed, “I’m sorry, my baby, you didn’t even get the chance to see this world, I didn’t even get the chance to see you.” you groaned in pain as you lied down next to the corpse of your once lover.
You stared at the ceiling of the warehouse, smiling widely and scooting closer to Seungcheol. You felt your eyelids go heavy and you couldn’t hear nor feel anything, anymore. You mentally scoffed, you never thought you were going to die at a horrible place like this; but you were glad of your imminent death, because at least you died in the arms of your one true love.
☞Note: I may or may not have imagined the request too deep and created this chaotic monstrosity. Sorry, I was just feeling too angsty (╥﹏╥)
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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5. “You’re still the one that I love, the only one I dream of. You’re still the one I kiss goodnight.” - Shania Twain, You’re Still The One
You looked at the sleeping figure of your boyfriend with so much love, even when he's sleeping he still looks like an angel. The moonlight shining through your curtains and showing one your beloved features of Felix, his freckles. It dusted his face like the stars in a clear night sky, fascinating to look at and the light it brings automatically warms even the coldest of hearts.
You still could not believe it, everything you have ever dreamed of is lying next to you, and unlike the stars, the one in front of you is someone you can easily reach and touch, he is someone you can call yours.
Felix shifted and groggily opened his eyes, only to find you staring at him, "why are you staring at me like that? You weren't planning to murder me in my sleep, were you?" you chuckled at his choice of words, why would you want you murder someone you couldn't live without?
"I woke up and couldn't back to sleep," you reached your hand towards Felix's face and ran your thumb across his lips, "and I just wanted to look at you while I still can," confusion was now written on Felix's face, "while you still can?"
"Well, when I get back to sleep, I won't be able to look at you for hours, and I don't like that," Felix chuckled, his deep voice rumbling up your insides. "You're not going to lose me, just scoot over here and I'll hold you for the rest of the night." you obliged and burried your face on the crook of his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.
"Felix?" you mumbled drowsily, you heard him mutter a quiet 'yes?' and you took that as a cue to continue your sentence.
"I'm glad, that when I wake up and before I go to sleep, you're still the one that I love, the only one I dream of, and you’re still the one I kiss goodnight." you pressed your body against his and peppered his neck with kisses, "I don't want to ever change that."
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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7. “I don’t even remember why I’m wasting all these tears on you.” - Cassadee Pope, Frame By Frame
You moaned after breaking the kiss with Hendery, he looked at you with sweat droplets dampening his hair and making it glisten in the moonlight. He kissed your forehead then removed himself from you.
"That was amazing, Y/n! You never fail to make me feel so good."
The way your name rolled off his tongue made you feel important. Hendery is the only one who could literally shake you just by saying your name.
"I could say the same thing to you,"
You closed your eyes for awhile and felt him put the covers on you, you heard him shuffling his feet and the sound of his belt, making you snap your eyes open.
"Aren't you going to stay for the night?"
He chuckled, but not in a cute and teasing way. It was more like he was mocking you.
"You know I can't do that, babe," He slipped on his shirt and headed for the door.
"I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?" you mindlessly nodded your head and then he was gone.
That was your relationship with the infamous Wong Hendery, you knew what you got yourself into before even ravaging each other for the first time. Yet you still wanted more but not just the sex alone, you wanted more than that.
Hendery was a sweet guy, and you would be lying to yourself if you say you hadn't even imagined lying next to Hendery without him disappearing the next day.
You came back to your reality when you felt tears pouring out of your sockets. You pulled the covers up to your face and wiped the tears away.
Do you even love this man? What did he even do to make you feel like this?
"I don't even remember why I'm wasting all these tears on you."
You wanted to stop, all of whatever was going on between you two, but you knew to yourself that this was the only way you could get some sort of love from a guy like him.
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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2. “You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness.” - Gotye, Somebody That I Used To Know
You looked at your boyfriend, Changbin, who was busy playing video games. Who knew that being with someone who loves you with their entire being could actually make you feel this lonely?
You loved him and you still do, not just as strong as before but you could still feel something, you think.
"Yah, why are you looking at me like that, Y/n?" he shot you a glance before shifting his attention back to his game.
"Is it wrong to look at my lover?" lover, it feels wrong and out of place when it came from your mouth. You still do love him, right?
Your relationship with Changbin is not so different from the others, you both fight and make up like what other couples do. But you noticed that the butterflies are no longer present, he doesn't electrify you with his kisses anymore, and if you were going to be honest, you could say that you were getting tired of your relationship.
All of those things are normal, isn't it? Butterflies doesn't last forever, you were supposed to feel like home with each other. But what you felt was something different. It was an overwhelming wave of sadness.
A very addicting type of sorrow and loneliness that you keep clinging onto . You felt sorry for Changbin, he's an amazing person that deserves to be loved and taken care of, and you no longer seem qualified to provide such things.
You wanted to break up with him so he could finally be with someone who can loves him with the same amount of love he gives you. But you can't and it's not because you were planning to cheat on him so he will be the one to break it off.
The reason may be bizzare but it's because he was like a drug to you, everything about him still drives you crazy, and even though you can already feel the emptiness in your relationship, you still don't want to let him go. You were being selfish, you know that, you no longer feel happy but you also don't want to see him in the arms of another.
He was a drug that you've grown accustomed with, a drug that no matter how much it destroys you, you still crave for more.
You looked away from Changbin, who was now making your heart ache, and stared silently outside your window pane.
"What they say is true then, you can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness."
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
(sound on)
TAINTED DAISIES (A Stray Kids Fanfiction)
by: @bangcrizpychan​
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☞All you need to know about Tainted Daisies; character information, chapters, and more ~\(≧▽≦)/~ happy reading♡  
Genre: Psychological thriller, angst, mystery, crime, rich kid!stray kids au, college!au, slow burn
Ratings: 16+
⚠WARNINGS: blood, gore, violence, suggestive themes, mentions of death, character death, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of drug usage, swear words (let me know if I missed anything)
Note: This is not for the faint of heart, may add some fluff here and there but this is mostly angst; trigger warnings will be applied to some chapter and I advise you to read the warnings before continuing to the chapter/s. *read at your own risk*
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The city of Yellow Wood is and has always been known for its people’s extravagance. Almost everyone is rich, if they’re not, then that would mean they are even crazy rich. Those who doesn’t meet up with their standards lives at the edge of the city, the so-called sullen District 9, where they mostly get their low-paid workers. You were from another city and transferred to Yellow Wood University to finish your degree and together with your arrival, the once bright Yellow Wood will unleash its horrors that will shake the whole city to the ground.
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Y/n L/n - Transfer student. No other information yet because let’s be honest, no one really cares about transfer students. Unless~ she creates a scandal worth our attention, lol.
The Elites:
Bang Chan - He is a mysterious one, no one really knows what his intentions are nor what goes on inside of his head. However, it is known that he did not come from a rich family but he is friends with Lee Felix, so he got the privilege to hangout with the other elites.
Updated info: He is currently living with his uncle who is the chief of police.
Lee Felix - Son of the Yellow Wood City mayor and the leader of the Elites. He is popular for his kindness and looked up on for befriending the needy like Bang Chan. He is also known for his freckles that attracts almost every girl at the university.
Updated info: We received a tattle that our Lee Felix is not as kind as we thought he was? Still investigating if the rumour is true. 
Lee Minho - He is the smartest among the Elites, wears a pair of glasses but he’s the only one who looks hot in them. He became the unofficial ambassador of the the term ‘smart is the new sexy’. His father is also a famous lawyer who never lost a case.
Updated info: Lee Minho was spotted somewhere near District 9 and we are dying to know what he was doing there in the first place.
Hwang Hyunjin - The perfect boyfriend material, but he only keeps a girlfriend for not more than a week. He’s the MVP of the university’s basketball team and his dance moves could make every girl drop their panties in no time. He’s the son of a popular VIP club owner, you have to be super important to even get to the door.
Updated info: Someone saw Hwang Hyunjin in one of the alleys covered with blood, we hope nothing bad happened to him.
Han Jisung - the youngest of the Elites. Always carries a guitar with him just in case he wanted to swoon someone, which works every. single. time. His father is an owner of a Bar-Casino that makes Las Vegas look like Lost Vegas.
Updated info: our Jisung was seen with a bruised lower lip and injured knuckles, did he get into a fight with someone? If so, we need to find proof.
The Charities:
Kim Seungmin - a scholar from District 9 and the most nerdy piece of shit ever. Remember when we said Lee Minho makes smart look sexy? Well, Kim Seungmin makes you wish to never open a book again. He’s a journalist major and always has his camera wrapped around his neck. Looks clean and handsome enough to be mistaken as a Yellow Wood kid, but we all know he’s dirt from in and out.
Yang Jeongin - Another scholar and a total weirdo. He’s friends with his fellow beggar, Kim Seungmin, what a surprise. He is taking law together with Lee Minho, and not going to lie, he actually looks kind of cute if only he wasn’t poor.
Yumyum of the day:
Seo Changbin - a fresh graduate from YWU and is currently a junior police at the Yellow Wood Police Department or YWPD for short. He was spotted bringing Bang Chan lunch, it turns out that they’re actually friends, which is sad. Why is he today’s Yumyum? Because when he removed his leather jacket at the front gate, he revealed his pair of delicious biceps. We’re hoping he’ll be assigned near the university so we could ogle over those damn arms.
End of message.
- sent from YWU Whisperer at 8:34 AM
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Prologue - Welcome To Yellow Wood
i. The Missing Secretary
ii. It Stalks
iii. Click!
iv. District 9
v. Who Are You?
vi. Broken Strings
vii. Friends To Foes
viii. Prey Of The Night
ix. The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
x. Peas In A Pod
xi. How To Catch A Killer
Epilogue - Daisies
Note: The ones in bold are finished, will add link here after the chapters are done. If you want to be tagged to keep yourself updated with a new chapter, message me or comment down below  👉👈⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
- cee wuvs youuu (ノ*>∀
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