#bangtan tats series
userkoo · 9 months
And what about a bangtan tattoo? 👀
probably one day!! that's one i considered for a while too. i really resonated with you never walk alone and i considered getting part of hobi's verse tattooed. i follow an artist on instagram who does a ton of bts tattoos in a style i love, but she's based in LA sooo... perhaps i could use it as an excuse to travel? :D 2025 comeback tat could be a thing. a graphic novel version of my favorite book series is also coming out in 2025 and i would really like to get something from that tattooed as well. i've got lots of ideas in my head but i'm also very indecisive and i can easily talk myself out of things, so it's probably for the best that i do sit with them for a while. i have to make sure i really really want something before i commit. (meanwhile when i told my brother i want to get tattooed, he's like 'just go and do it. pick something off a flash sheet and do it' lol)
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
Headlights | pjm (m)
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Summary- Jimin is a fuckboi, rumor has it his tongue can make you see stars. Everyone assumes he’s this way because he just wants to have fun. No one dares look deeper, no one sees the haunted look in his eyes, the emptiness and pain that reside in their deep brown depths. Until you.
🎶 Headlights by The Classic Crime - “Please don’t face the headlights of oncoming cars alone.” 🎶
Word Count- 14.7k 🥴
Pairing- Jimin x reader
Genre- smut
Warnings- oral (female recieving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, slightly rough sex, nipple piercing? is that warning?, some depression-like symptoms/thoughts, a little self destructive behavior? Kind of.
a/n: Part of the Tatted Bangtan Series! This is the longest fic I have ever written and it is my baby. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please let me know what you think!  💕 
Walking up to the frat house was intimidating, and you slowed your stride enough for Hana to reach back and yank you with her into the party. You could feel the bass of the music rattling your bones and couldn’t hear Hana as she shouted over the music to you. 
“I can’t believe you made me do this!” you hissed, twisting your body around just in time to narrowly miss a drunk football player bulldozing his way through the crowd. 
“What?” she shouted back. 
You simply rolled your eyes and shook your head, gripping her hand tightly and following her through the overcrowded living room to the barely quieter kitchen. You took the drink she handed you and nursed it slowly, since you liked a good buzz but still wanted a clear head. 
You felt his gaze before you saw him; you could feel the shivers along the back of your neck. 
You turned to seek out the cause, methodically searching the crowd. Your eyes met the most beautiful pair of brown ones you’d ever seen, the strobe lights from above causing them to almost glow brighter-  but that was the only light in his gaze. His eyes looked… sad. Empty. 
It seemed like everything else turned blurry, and you could only focus on him in perfect clarity, every feature defined and prominent; every move he made, your eyes followed. Everything else faded away, and you only saw him. Him and his beautiful eyes, full of longing and something you couldn’t quite place.
You couldn’t help but furrow your brow in concern. Your face showed your every emotion like an open book, and you opened your mouth to ask Hana who was staring at you before she squealed, gripping your arm.
“Park Jimin is totally checking you out!” she giggled, tugging on your sleeve excitedly.
“Park Jimin?” you questioned rhetorically.
“He’s famous on campus. He’s hot, rich, and a total freak in the sheets. Rumor has it his tongue can make you see stars. Every girl on campus is dying for a night with him.” she chattered.
“Oh geez.” You rolled your eyes.
“Seriously. The saying is: once you Jimin, you can’t Jim-out. He’s so good in bed, he’s had to get like three restraining orders against girls who can’t let go. They say once you sleep with him no one else will do.” she continued, waving her hands in the air dramatically.
“I’ll take your word for it.” you giggled, glancing over towards Jimin once again.
He was absolutely gorgeous, with perfectly styled light brown hair, soft, plump looking lips, a jawline that could cut someone. His white t-shirt showed off tattoos that danced down his arms, covering the delicate ivory skin beneath. His thighs alone deserved their own wing in an art gallery, beautifully encased in skin tight ripped jeans. You caught yourself staring, clearing your throat and averting your gaze, but something kept drawing you back to him.
He was surrounded by girls, all leaning forward to give him the best view of their cleavage, all doing their best to seduce him, but he looked bored. Lonely. Lost. He sighed and his eyes trailed back to you. He watched you for a moment, noting how you flushed and turned away looking flustered. A smirk played on his lips and he shoved himself off the wall, making his way over to you.
“Shit! He’s coming over here!” Hana whisper-shouted.
You braced yourself, waiting for him to call you out for staring, or yell at you. Your body seemed to be vibrating with nerves because you could feel him getting closer, like your body had a radar that searched him out. Warm breath ghosted over the back of your neck, right under your ear. You shivered.
“Hello, there princess.” he purred.
You spun around, startled, and came face-to-face with Jimin.
He was even more gorgeous up close. He smelled of alcohol and something minty. You couldn’t help basking in the lovely scent that filled your senses for a moment, before leveling your gaze to his. His body wasn’t even two inches from yours. If you leaned up on your toes, you’d be kissing him. You took a step behind you, your back hitting the island in the kitchen.
“Hello,” you greeted in return, willing the heat in your cheeks to look like it was from the humidity in the room and not Jimin’s proximity to you.
“I haven’t seen you around before, are you a Freshman?” he inquired, sending his charming smile your way and making your knees want to buckle.
“No, I just normally don’t come to parties,” you explained, tilting your head towards Hana. “Hana made me.”
“Why not?” he wondered aloud.
“Just… not my scene.” you shrugged. 
Jimin watched your face, amusement apparent on his features. He seemed to be contemplating something. Apparently coming to his decision, his smile came back to grace his gorgeous face, but it didn’t reach his eyes, a detail you couldn’t miss even if you’d wanted to.
“Sounds like you need to have a little fun,” he smirked, stepping closer to you, his fingertips trailing along your hips and his lips grazing the shell of your ear as he whispered his next sentence, “I could help you with that. My room is upstairs.”
“I… I, uh… no… no thank you,” you sputtered, placing your hand on his (deliciously firm) chest and gently urging him backwards to put space between your erratically beating heart and his warm, enticing body.
“What?” Jimin asked, genuinely confused.
“I’m not that kind of girl.” you said softly, trying to cushion the blow to his ego.
“You really don’t want to fuck me?” he asked, bewildered.
“Um… no thank you.” You coughed awkwardly.
Jimin stared at you for a moment, reading you. His eyes searched yours, looking for something. You didn’t know what, or if he found it, but when he looked away, he shrugged.
“Your loss.” he turned to the sound of someone calling his name and left you standing there, heart pounding out of your chest and legs weak.
You watched him walk away, plastering on that signature flirty smile that fooled everyone around him. You watched his animated dancing, life of the party, putting on a show. You watched his eyes search the crowd, like his soul was longing to find something, but you didn’t know what.
A few weeks had gone by since your encounter with Jimin, and somehow he was everywhere. You saw him on your way to class, laughing with his friends by the fountain. You saw him at the coffee shop, exiting the building as you were about to enter. You saw him in the crowded hallways of your university, heard his infectious laugh bubbling from his chest and dancing through the air. 
Even when Jimin wasn’t in your direct line of vision, even when you couldn’t hear the way his melodic voice carried through the air, he was everywhere. Every night since meeting him, you dreamt of sad, empty brown eyes attached to the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. Every other thought that flitted through your mind was about him. What was Jimin up to? Does he look happier today? Was it just that night? Where was he now?
Sitting in the lecture hall next to Hana, you couldn’t pay attention to what the professor was attempting to teach you, a heavy sigh falling from your lips as you doodled a familiar pair of plusher ones. Hana nudged your shoulder.
“What’s up with you lately? You’re like, lost in space or something.” she accused.
“Sorry, just got a lot on my mind,” you sighed, playing with the edges of your notebook distractedly.
“Wanna talk about it?” she wondered.
“How much do you know about Park Jimin?” you asked almost instantly, causing Hana to jump a bit.
“Oh honey…” she sighed, shaking her head, “Don’t go there. Park Jimin is a good fuck if you’re looking to let loose, but I wouldn’t get too invested. Fucking is about all he’s good at. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself.” 
“Do you really think he’s not good for anything but that? I mean, he’s human.” you defended.
“That’s not what I meant, I just know how you are. Don't go crushing on him, he’ll break your heart Y/N. Park Jimin doesn’t do emotions. He does meaningless sex.” she explained.
“I guess…” you trailed off, avoiding her gaze.
“Seriously. Don’t go looking for trouble.” she warned.
“I won’t.” you promised.
“Good. Now, there’s a party this weekend. Are you coming?” she grinned.
A classmate in front of you coughed obnoxiously sending you a glare. You shot them an apologetic smile but lowered your voice. Hana didn’t lower her volume at all though.
“Maybe. I don’t know.” you shrugged.
“Come onnnn. Live a little!” she encouraged.
“If you two ladies have something to share with the class, I’d be more than happy to give you the podium. Otherwise, I’d appreciate it if you’d wait until after class to discuss whatever is so important,” the professor hummed, shooting a glare in your direction.
Immediately silencing yourself, you looked down at your notebook, where the drawing of Jimin’s plush lips stared at you. You stared back, recalling the last time you’d seen him, and how your heart had pounded in your chest violently enough that you thought it was going to come out. 
You decided you needed to see him again, which is how you found yourself completely out of place once again at another frat party. Drunk and stoned college kids stumbled around, grinded on each other, made out in corners, and caused all kinds of trouble all around you as you tried to be inconspicuous in your search for Jimin.
“Do you want a drink?”  you asked Hana and she nodded, so you ventured into the kitchen to retrieve something for the two of you. 
Once you returned, you couldn’t find her anywhere. She had a tendency of wandering off with the first hot guy she set her sights on, but you decided to look for her anyway. You wove between bodies, checking around corners and searching all the obvious places. When you came up empty handed you ventured out the back door, only to notice none other than Park Jimin sitting on the porch swing alone, smoking.
Previous task abandoned, you walked up to him and sat beside him; his eyes lazily trailed up and down your figure as he assessed you, his plump lips turning up into a smirk.
“Didn’t think I’d see you again. Change your mind about my offer?” he smiled seductively.
“No.” you shrugged, offering him the extra cup in your hand, which he took while watching you carefully.
“Seriously? Am I not your type or something? You think I’m ugly?” he wondered, feigning distress.
“That’s not it at all!” you gasped out with a little too much conviction.
“So you find me attractive?” he verified, scooting closer.
“Well, yes,” you admitted, cheeks blazing while you avoided his intense gaze.
“So you do want to fuck me.” He grinned.
“No,” you shook your head.
“Why?” he questioned, letting his fingertips dance along the edge of your shorts.
“Like I said. I’m not that kind of girl. I think sex should be meaningful,” you shrugged, though your body betrayed you with the goosebumps rising at his touch.
“Ah, so you’re one of those hopeless romantics,” he laughed.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you giggled. “I’m not waiting for a knight in shining armour. I just want it to mean something.”
Jimin focused his gaze on your face, watching you carefully as you fiddled with a stray thread on your blouse. He knew your body reacted to him, he could see the way you shivered, feel the goosebumps on your skin. He didn’t understand why you weren’t jumping at the opportunity to fall into bed with him like everyone else. You were an enigma to him. 
You finally met his gaze, curiosity getting the better of you. You had to know if his eyes still held the same look as before, or if it was a one-time thing. You could still see the loneliness, masked by his overconfident demeanor. 
“What’s your major?” you asked, changing the subject out of the blue.
“What? Oh, um… dance, actually.” he said, averting his gaze.
“How long have you been dancing?” you wondered.
“Since I was little. Why are you asking this?” he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
“Just wondering. I don’t know anything about you,” you easily replied.
“What’s yours?” he countered.
“Creative writing.” 
“That’s cool.” he sent you a tentative smile.
“Thanks. So is dancing. I can’t dance to save my life,” you giggled.
“I’m sure you’re not that bad,” he argued, a smile playing on his lips.
“Oh, you haven’t seen bad,” you laughed.
After taking a moment to wonder why you were even outside talking to him and what you could possibly want from him, he pushed his suspicion aside..Jimin rolled his eyes with a smile and stood up, extending his hand out to you. You sent him a questioning look and he just shook his hand until you grabbed it, and he pulled you to your feet. He reached down into his pocket and pulled out his phone, playing a song you hadn’t heard before, but enjoyed nonetheless. It was slow and simple, but still pretty upbeat.
“We’ll try something simple so I can see where you’re at, ok?” Jimin grinned at you, spacing his feet apart and watching your face.
“You’re going to make me dance?” you gasped.
“I’m going to teach you some easy moves. Everyone should know at least one dance move,” he laughed.
“If you watch me fall on my face I can never look you in the eye again,” you grumbled.
“Oh hush. Okay, start with your feet shoulder width apart for balance.” he instructed.
You mimicked his stature, placing your feet shoulder width apart and following his movements that he did slowly so you could catch on. You could tell he was graceful and knew how to move his body, even when he was slowing down and exaggerating his movements so you could keep up. Jimin’s movements were fluid and calculated, each new step had precision but flowed into the next seamlessly. He was made to dance, you decided. And somehow, you didn’t fall under his instruction. He was patient and understanding when you’d mess up, showing you again and praising you when you got it right.
 He seemed to be having fun, his laughter filled you with giddiness and his smile seemed genuine, his eyes scrunched up into little crescent moons and his beautiful pearly teeth on display, his hands wrapped around his stomach as he leaned over in another fit of laughter. You giggled along with him, albeit at your own expense, but you loved seeing this side of Jimin, he seemed… happy, carefree. This was the way Jimin was meant to be.
When you messed up again, Jimin laughed, coming over to you and grabbing your hands, showing you how to move your body to the music by leading you with his own. Your back was pressed against his firm chest as he guided you, his hips flush against yours, causing a blush to creep up your neck. Jimin must have noticed the position he’d put you in, but it didn’t stop him. He only pressed closer, whispering in your ear.
“You’re doing so good for me, babygirl,” he purred, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. 
You shivered, attempting to turn and pull out of his hold to scold him, but you were interrupted by a loud male voice coming from inside the house.
“Yo Park where the hell have you been? We need help in beer pong! Oh-” a tall man you recognized as Hoseok froze at the sight.
Jimin cleared his throat and stepped away from you. Hana peered around Hoseok from behind him, curious to what was going on. Her eyes widened when she saw you, and she gave you a look of disappointment, knowing you hadn’t listened to her warning. You looked away, avoiding her gaze as Jimin breezed past you to follow Hoseok inside. Hana watched you for a moment before following them inside, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
It had been a few days since your dancing lesson with Jimin, and seeing him in such a comfortable, happy state hadn’t really done much to take him off your mind, especially not after seeing his eyes glaze over and the mask slip right back on as soon as Hoseok called his name. How he’d breezed past you like you didn’t exist after what felt like a special moment shared between the two of you.
Maybe Hana was right… maybe all he wanted was sex. Your anxiety was telling you he was playing with your emotions, but you knew better. You saw something in Jimin, something no one else seemed to notice. The small amount of time you’d spent with him when he had let his guard down had given you the opportunity to see what potential he had. 
 Jimin didn’t have to be tough and closed off. He could be fun and open and sweet. He could be thoughtful and patient and encouraging. He could be silly and smart and dedicated. He was talented and hard working. You’d spent maybe an hour alone with Jimin at the party that night, and in that small frame of time, you’d seen a glimpse of the real him shine through that facade he put on for everyone else. 
You wanted to see it again.
You took’d taken a trip into the city to do some sight seeing and clear your restless mind, having been driven crazy going in circles. It had taken longer than you’d anticipated, so you’d opted to take a taxi home with the sun having gone down a while ago and the stars making their appearance. You watched the cityscape fly by, lost in your own little world. The closer you got to campus, the more you paid attention, knowing the bridge that overlooked the beautiful skyline would be coming soon. 
You watched the water below ripple gently, small waves dancing across the surface of the river underneath the bridge. It was beautiful, reflections of the city lights shining and shimmering in the water. You glanced up at the other end of the bridge and saw a figure standing there, alone. It kind of looked like…
“Sir, stop the car. Pull over please!” you begged the driver.
He shot you a curious look but pulled to the side of the road. You handed him your fare and dashed away from the car towards the figure. Once you realized he wasn’t going to jump or do anything stupid, you slowed your stride, watching him as you quietly made your way over to him. Jimin was lost in thought and didn’t notice you approaching him. He watched the waves longingly, as if he wished he were floating away in them, part of the nothingness. Like he wanted to disappear into the water and drift away into the sea.
The look in his eyes as he gazed out into the unknown was haunted, and it tore at your heart to see him look so empty. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and if that’s true, Jimin’s soul seemed broken. You wanted to know why. He had it all. He had money, good looks, friends, girls, what could possibly be missing? Why did he look so dejected?
You gently placed your hand on his shoulder and he jumped slightly upon realizing he wasn’t alone, turning to face you. His gaze met yours in silence, he watched your face for a moment, then his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Y/N?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. I was riding by and saw you, I wanted to make sure you were okay. What are you doing up here all alone?” you wondered.
Jimin turned to face you fully now, looking down at you with a hard expression.
“Why do you care?” he asked, bunching his fists at his side. “What do you want from me Y/N? Why are you being so nice to me?”
“I don’t want anything from you, Jimin. I just want to make sure you’re okay. I want to be your friend,” you explained softly, reaching out to touch his arm, which he yanked away.
“You want to be my friend?” he laughed bitterly. “Why? So I can buy you stuff? You want my money? Here,” he took out his wallet, holding out several bills for you to take.
You were shocked, stepping back a little, but looking up to meet Jimin’s gaze. He looked resigned, angry. You looked at his outstretched hand, holding the money out to you and sighed. You reached for his hand, and he thought you’d take the bills, but you only eased his hand back down to his side.
“I don’t want your money,” you told him, trying to keep your voice from sounding as offended as you felt. “I just like spending time with you.”
“Why? What is your angle here? Just take what you want and go, like everyone else does. Everyone uses each other, I don’t know what you’re trying to get out of me, but just take it and go. Stop acting like you care about me,” he hissed.
You watched him for a moment, chest heaving as he took deep breaths, looking angry and closed off and… scared. He looked scared. He said everyone uses each other, did he really not have anyone in his life who genuinely just wanted him to be happy? 
“I do care about you, Jimin. I don’t want anything from you but friendship,” you said softly.
“Right,” he laughed, “like I believe that. No one just wants to be friends. They want something. Sex. Money. Status. Then they leave, everyone leaves eventually so why bother getting attached and pretending to care?”
“That sounds really lonely, Jimin,” you trailed off quietly.
Jimin’s expression was one of shock. He was expecting some sort of reaction out of you, anger, defiance, maybe admitting you were just after his money. He expected you to try to trick him, to yell at him, to tell him he was an asshole and you never wanted to see him again. Jimin was not expecting you to see straight through him, to see how lonely he was, how much he craved connection.
You terrified Jimin. He’d been drawn to you from when he first laid eyes on you, admittedly it was a sexual attraction at first. When you’d refused him, though, he was intrigued. He’d watched you around campus, how you never sought out to be the center of attention, how you didn’t go looking for drama or clout. Then you showed up on that porch swing at the party, looking into his eyes like you really saw him.
Jimin hadn’t felt so at ease so quickly with anyone in his life like he did with you. He felt like he could be himself, like he could let his guard down. He had fun, really enjoyed himself for the first time in what felt like forever with you. He wasn’t putting on a show. He wasn’t giving the people what he thought they wanted to see from him. He was just spending time with a beautiful girl who made him feel like he was enough.
And that was terrifying.
Jimin couldn’t afford to get attached again. He’d had his heart ripped out and stomped on so many times he’d honestly thought he didn’t have one anymore. Until he watched the way your eyes lit up when you giggled at one of his silly dance moves. Until he felt the giddiness rising in his chest when you smiled especially for him. Jimin almost couldn’t remember what it felt like to feel so carefree, and he missed it so much. He longed to be free and let go.
You made him feel like he could, and that scared Jimin shitless. He’d spent so long building up this wall to protect himself, so long wearing this mask of indifference to shield his weary and battered heart from another letdown. Another person pretending to care. Another “friend” using him to get something. Another betrayal. But you… you felt so genuine. You were light and happy and kind and you made him feel like he could breathe again. He barely knew you, and already you’d wormed your way into his heart enough to make him feel like things could be different. It scared Jimin just how badly he craved that, the connection, to feel something again.
“I… I guess,” he finally admitted, his shoulders slumping from the confession. 
He looked like he was deflating, the tension falling off his body once he finally let it out that yes, he was so lonely. He watched your reaction, embarrassed that you’d seen this side of him. He didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of anyone, didn’t want to give them the chance to use him again. But you just smiled sympathetically.  You didn’t push or pry.
Instead, you pivoted. “Are you hungry? I kind of want some ramen. Come with me to the store?” you offered.
Jimin eyed you warily, but nodded, falling in step beside you as you walked along the bridge, the only sounds you could hear were the soft rippling of the waves below and the sounds of the cars rushing past. Jimin was quiet beside you, looking like he was lost in thought. He wasn’t paying attention to where he was stepping, and tripped over a loose brick on the sidewalk.
You saw the headlights of the oncoming car nearing closer as Jimin tumbled into the road, your heart beating out of your chest in bone-chilling fear. You jumped into the street and grabbed Jimin’s hand. You jumped back and yanked him onto the sidewalk mere fractions of a second before the car zoomed past where your bodies had just been, horn blaring obnoxiously. Jimin’s body crashed into yours, sending you off balance and splaying against the sidewalk.
You groaned at his weight being flung on top of you when you crashed into the hard cement sidewalk. Jimin propped himself up on his arms, body still flush against yours as he searched your face, eyes wide.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? What the hell were you thinking?! You could’ve been killed!” he scolded, eyes roaming over your face and arms for any injuries. 
“So could you! I couldn’t just sit back and watch you get run over!” you defended. 
“So you risked your life for someone you barely know?!” he hissed, with no real bite to his words. 
Worry and guilt were swimming in his gaze as it met yours. You softened, reaching up to caress his hair gently in an attempt to soothe him and get him to focus on you and your next words.
“Hey, we’re both fine. Everything’s okay,” you smiled.
“I’ve never met anyone like you before,” he said more to himself than you, “What even are you?”
“Still hungry,” you giggled playfully, trying to ease the tension surrounding the two of you.
Jimin rolled his eyes but finally, a smile graced his pretty lips. You both seemed to notice your positions at the same time, your cheeks lighting up and the tips of his ears turning red. He scrambled off of you, holding out a hand to pull you to your feet. You both avoided eye contact and he let out an awkward cough, scratching the back of his neck.
“Let’s go get ramen then,” he smiled shyly, motioning for you to go ahead of him.
You walked together in silence, Jimin being much more careful about where he was stepping while you made your way to the convenience store at the edge of the university. Entering and nodding to the cashier on duty, you both made your way over to the ramen. You reached out to grab a bowl, and a gasp left Jimin’s lips.
“You’re bleeding!” he grabbed your arm, examining the scrape on your elbow.
“Oh, whoops,” you shrugged. 
Jimin went to the cashier and requested the first aid kit, then guided you to a seat and gently took your arm, cleaning the cut with an antiseptic wipe. You hissed at the burn, and he apologized, leaning down to blow air on the wound. You watched in awe at the way his lips looked, plump and soft and delicious. You shivered as the cool air hit your skin, soothing the burn from the antiseptic wipe. Jimin smiled up at you.
“Better?” he asked.
Not trusting your voice, you simply nodded. He took the bandage and placed it over your wound, smoothing it out with a gentle brush of his fingers. 
“There. All better. Let's eat!” he chirped, pushing off his knees to stand.
You both picked out some ramen and drinks, using the water dispenser to add hot water to the dry noodles. Jimin reached for his wallet to pay for you both reflexively. You didn’t put yours on the counter and he looked at you in confusion.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Uhhh… waiting my turn?”
“What do you mean? It’s our turn.”
“It’s your turn. I’ll pay for mine when you’re done,” you shrugged.
Jimin looked shocked and confused, and the cashier looked impatient. You nodded towards the counter and Jimin paid, watching you curiously as you completed your transaction with a smile on your face and thanked the cashier. Jimin held the door for you and you both walked to a nearby park, sitting on the bench to eat. 
You ate and talked and joked and laughed. You both just enjoyed being in each other’s presence, able to let loose and not feel judged. You watched Jimin’s eyes begin to shine for the first time since you’d met him, and your heart swelled with joy. You’d finished eating long ago but neither of you wanted to leave, so you stood up.
“I’ve been practicing, you know.” You wiggled your eyebrows.
“Practicing?” he echoed.
“Dancing. I’ve been practicing what you showed me. Not to toot my own horn, but I’ve gotten pretty decent,” you grinned playfully.
“Show me what you’ve got,” Jimin smirked, leaning back into the bench with his hands folded behind his head, his shirt riding up and displaying his mouth-watering abs, along with the small trail of hair that dipped down underneath his waistband.
You stood with your feet shoulder width apart, just like Jimin had taught you, and started shaking your hips like you’d seen him do that night at the party, giving your best impression of his dance routine for the first minute or two. Then, you grinned at him as he opened his mouth to praise you, before you started doing the chicken dance.
Jimin’s laughter rang through the air and he started dancing with you, both of you making fools of yourselves, your only audience each other and the moon that shone brightly in the sky, illuminating Jimin’s face, highlighting his ethereal beauty. The two of you danced and laughed for a while, before falling onto the bench in a fit of giggles. 
Finally deciding it was time to go, Jimin insisted on walking you home, saying it wasn’t safe for you to be alone that late at night. You agreed, not because you weren’t capable of keeping yourself safe, but simply to stay with him for a little longer. You tossed your food containers in the trash as you left the park. His hand brushed against yours a few times as you walked, talking animatedly about anything and everything, and you figured it was just an accident soyou didn’t think too much of it.
Disappointment washed over you as you walked up to your dorm building and you sighed, scuffing the ground with your foot in an attempt to stall. Jimin made no move to leave either, both of you waiting in silence for the other to say something. Suddenly, you felt warmth surround your frame as Jimin wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“Thank you for tonight. This is the most fun I’ve had in a really long time,” he whispered into your ear, almost like a secret he didn’t want anyone else to hear, though you were alone.
“Me too, Jimin. Thank you for coming with me, and walking me home,” you smiled, returning his hug and placing your head on his shoulder.
You weren’t sure how long hugs between stranger-friends were supposed to last, but you weren’t going to pull away first, not when you felt so warm, so safe, so comfortable. Your heart was racing but your whole body went pliant at his touch, any tension you’d been holding melting away as you melted into him.
Jimin pulled away first, leaving a chaste kiss to your cheek before turning around and walking off, shouting “goodnight Y/N!” over his shoulder as he left. You missed the way the tips of his ears turned pink, and he missed how your whole face turned red. You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face as you crawled into bed that night, your dreams filled with bright brown eyes shining in the moonlight, and a little bit of hope.
After the night on the bridge, you and Jimin began hanging out. He’d wait for you outside the lecture hall and walk you home some days. Others, you’d show up with his favorite coffee and snack in hand before his (regrettably chosen) 8am class. Jimin was different around you, lighter. 
Because he was Jimin, people noticed. Eyes trailed after the two of you everywhere you went, whether you were together or not. Rumors spread, saying that you were using him to gain recognition, saying that he’d knocked you up and been forced to date you, saying that you’d blackmailed him or something. Neither of you paid attention to the prying eyes that seemed to dissect your every move, you were too caught up in each other.
You made Jimin feel like a better person, and Jimin made you feel safe and giddy. But there was no denying the massive crush you’d formed on the poor guy. You did your best to hide it, trying not to make him uncomfortable. You’d told him all you wanted was friendship, you weren’t about to make a liar out of yourself and get rejected, losing your new friend over something so silly as your unyielding yearning for him.
You really tried not to let your eyes linger on him for too long when he walked unaware beside you, humming the newest song he was practicing for dance class. You tried not to let your touches last longer than socially acceptable for friends, despite the way your entire body seemed to light up with electricity every time his skin met yours. You tried not to stare longingly at his lips as he told you a story about his childhood or a class he’d taken the day before.
You tried not to fall in love with him.
You tried not to fall in love with the way his eyes formed crescent moons when he smiled, his real smile. The one he used in your presence, not the one he plastered on for the rest of the world to see. You tried not to fall in love with the sound of his voice calling your name, or the way he’d mindlessly sing quietly to himself while doing mundane tasks. You tried not to fall in love with the way he’d already be looking at you when you glanced up to check on him, with the way he’d shoot you a goofy face.
You tried not to fall in love with the way he held you close, the way every hug was just a little too long, the way he’d hold open doors for you or fix your collar, or the way he seemed to be able to make you forget about the rest of the world. You tried not to fall in love with how strong he was, both physically and emotionally, how he’d let you in and trusted you. 
But Jimin was a force of nature, somehow terrifying and comforting at the same time. He showed your heart no mercy, consistently proving himself to you over and over and making you fall harder and harder. How were you not supposed to fall head over heels for Jimin? A few weeks into your friendship and you were ready to throw caution to the wind and marry the man. Or maybe you were a little dramatic, but still. You felt so deeply for him you almost couldn’t stomach it.
Jimin seemed to bounce as he walked in front of you, using his ridiculous amount of coordination to walk backwards so he could face you as he spoke. You giggled at his behavior, keeping an eye out to make sure he didn’t run into anything or anyone. He wove around the crowd gracefully, looking back every so often, but you still watched out for him. Just in case. 
“So then the professor woke the kid up by slamming a book on his desk, I kinda felt bad for him, to be honest. But it was really funny. The kid wasn’t too bothered by it, he laughed with everyone else, and apologized for falling asleep. I don’t blame him though. I nearly lost it when he went into the section on Pavlov,” Jimin recounted, rolling his eyes.
“Poor guy!” you laughed.
“I know, so embarrassing.” he cringed.
“Yo, Jimin!” came from somewhere in the crowd, and Jimin’s easygoing expression immediately morphed into a hardened one. 
You turned to see Hoseok and Hana jogging to catch up with the two of you. Ever since they’d started dating, you’d seen Hana less and less. You didn’t mind much, as your time was mostly filled with Jimin. Hana’s hair had gotten longer and she’d dyed it a light shade of pink. It suited her.
“Hey Hana, I like your new hair,” you smiled.
“Thanks, girl! I haven’t seen you in forever!” she grabbed you, pulling you into a tight hug which you returned, shooting an uncomfortable look towards Jimin.
His attention was on Hoseok though. He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes, and you didn’t like it when Jimin’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. It looked unnatural, wrong. Happiness belonged on Jimin. Hoseok was sweet, he was funny and lively and courteous, you had nothing against him. But you wished he would leave so Jimin would go back to normal. Unguarded. 
“Jimin, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for a couple days man. I really need your help. Are you busy? The girls can grab coffee or something and we can swing by the shop?” Hoseok begged. 
“Ooh that sounds so fun! We haven’t hung out in forever! Please, Y/N?” Hana begged, pulling on your shirt sleeve.
You shot a look over to Jimin, gauging his feelings on the situation, but you couldn’t read him. His face was stoic and you couldn’t see his eyes. He shrugged, following Hoseok across the street.  Hana pulled on your arm, directing you to a nearby coffee shop and grabbing a table in the corner by the window. 
“You still like the hot chocolate here the best?” Hana asked, standing up to order. 
You moved to follow but she waved you off, placing your order for you and handing it over once it was ready.
“Thank you.” you smiled, “How much was it? I’ll venmo you.” 
“Don’t worry it was only like two bucks,” Hana shrugged. “Hobi’s been paying for everything lately, hasn’t asked me to chip in a dime! So I’ve saved up a bit.” 
“Oh wow,” you laughed.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever! Do you remember when we used to come here like every day to do our homework and people watch?” Hana giggled.
“Yeah, it seems so long ago.” you agreed, grinning at the memory.
“Ugh, I still had that poofy curly hairdo and you wore those high school musical shirts all the time? When was that, like 8th grade?” she cringed.
“Freshman year of high school, I think. We met in high school.” you laughed. “Why did your mom let you leave the house like that?” 
“Girl I don’t know!” she groaned, “why did yours?” 
“I guess she wanted me to express myself,” you shrugged with a giggle.
“Express yourself right out of any chance to be popular,” Hana remarked sarcastically, throwing in a playful smirk.
“Hey, I don’t need to be popular. I just need a few good people around me,” you shrugged. 
“Hmmm… So, how’s Jimin?” she asked, glancing away and not meeting your eyes.
“He’s good. We were just on our way back to my dorm to watch a movie when we ran into you guys,” you explained.
“A little netflix and chill?” she laughed, but her eyes zeroed in on you.
“No,” you shook your head, “just a movie.”
Hana sighed, placing her coffee on the table and looked you in the eyes.
“YN, I’m worried about you. Someone like you shouldn’t be hanging out with someone like Jimin. When I invited you to that party, I just wanted you to get out more, not start messing around with someone like him.” Hana explained, attempting to keep her voice soft.
“What do you mean ‘someone like him’?” you asked harshly.
“You’ve heard what people are saying right? They’re spreading rumors about you because you’re hanging out with him. He’s bad news, YN. He only sleeps with girls to get what he wants. I know you’re a hopeless romantic but I can guarantee he doesn’t love you, no matter what he’s telling you.” she sighed.
“You can’t be serious.” you laughed incredulously. 
“YN, I’m just looking out for you. Jimin is-” she began but you stood and cut her off.
“Jimin is kind. Jimin is funny, smart, sweet and loyal. Jimin doesn’t talk shit about people behind their backs. Jimin doesn’t pretend to care just so he can cause trouble. Jimin doesn’t judge people based on rumors. You don’t know anything about him, Hana. You never cared enough to. No one has! You all think he’s some souless succubus who only uses sex to get what he wants, but you’re wrong. You don’t know him at all. Jimin is wonderful and I will hang out with him as much as I damn well want to because you know what? He makes me happy. So you and anyone else who has a problem with that can fuck off,” you seethed, slamming five dollars down on the table to pay her for your drink, not wanting to owe her anything, “Keep the change.”
You stomped away from the table, finally looking up from Hana’s speechless, shocked expression to find Jimin and Hoseok staring at you in mirroring astonishment. You froze for a split second, but in your rage, trudged forward, grabbing Jimin’s hand and pulling him towards the exit.
“Let’s go.” you grumbled, and he allowed you to pull him out of the exit and begin walking down the street, leaving Hoseok and Hana in stunned silence.
You didn’t let go of Jimin’s hand and he didn’t make a move to pull away as you walked silently to your dorm, your anger slowly going from a boiling rage to a simmer. You opened and shut the door with a little more force than necessary and flung the dvd cabinet open with a little too much emphasis. Jimin watched you curiously, letting you have your space and set up the movie before you crawled into your bed next to where he was waiting. 
You laid your head on his shoulder, needing the extra comfort of having him close after your emotional meltdown at the coffee shop. You sighed, letting the tension roll out of your body that you’d stored up from the encounter. Jimin wrapped an arm around you, giving you a gentle squeeze.
“You want to talk about it?” he asked quietly, eyes still on the opening credits of the movie.
“No,” you pouted.
“Are you sure?” he pressed, gaze shifting to you.
You sighed and sat up, turning to face him and pausing the movie.
“How much did you hear?”
“Hoseok and I walked in right about where you asked Hana what she meant by someone like me,” he explained.
“Oh,” you flushed, looking away from him. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
Jimin sighed, turning your shoulders so you’d face him and you gazed up into his eyes as he focused on you.
“Hey, it’s okay. I know what people think about me. I don’t care about their opinion. I care about yours, and maybe Hoseok’s. Sometimes,” he explained with a chuckle.
“I guess…” you trailed off.
“Thank you,” he spoke suddenly, softly.
“For what?” you wondered.
“For sticking up for me. For believing in me. For having my back,” he told you, his eyes swimming in an emotion you couldn’t place.
“Of course. I meant everything I said. You’re an amazing person and if people would just take a second look and get to know you, look past the wall you put up, they’d think so too.”
Jimin pulled you into his arms, encompassing you in his warmth and comfort, seeming to hold you together when you felt like you were shaking into pieces from the intensity of how strongly you felt for him. You relaxed in his hold, allowing the warmth of his body against yours to soothe your nerves.
“You’re my best friend,” he whispered into your ear, barely audible.
“You’re my best friend too,” you whispered back, hugging him just a little tighter.
Jimin smiled against your neck where he’d rested his head, and you hoped he couldn’t feel how loudly your heart was beating from feeling his lips against your skin, though he probably didn’t mean to do that. You pulled apart and snuggled into the covers to watch the movie, finally completing the task you’d set out to do since mid-afternoon.
Once the credits rolled, you were tucked into Jimin’s arms, drifting in and out of consciousness. Jimin glanced at the clock and sighed.
“I don’t want to leave but it’s getting late,” he looked down at your face.
“Nooo.. don’t go. You’re so comfy,” you whined.
“Are you calling me fat?” he huffed playfully.
“Oh hush,” you giggled, but looked up at him, biting your lip nervously.
“Can you just… stay? Just for tonight? If you want to, that is…” you looked down at your hands.
“You’re not worried someone will see me leave in the morning and start more rumors?” he wondered.
“I don’t care if you don’t,” you shrugged, meeting his eyes once more.
“Scooch over then,” he grinned and you giggled triumphantly, scooting over to one side of the bed so Jimin could slot himself between you and the wall.
He wrapped an arm around your middle, pulling you against his chest and sighed contentedly. You snuggled just a little closer, mumbling something about the chilly air in the dorm, but really you just loved being close to Jimin. Butterflies swirled in your stomach, and you listened to Jimin’s breathing begin to even out as he fell asleep. You followed not long after. Wrapped in the safety and comfort of Jimin, you swore it was the best night's sleep you’d ever had.
The second Jimin had exited your dorm that morning, there were about 50 pictures of the incident flooding social media, rumors flying rampant about your night spent together. Every other comment was about how you’d turned into a whore or Jimin was just playing with you or you had to have something on him. You ignored them all. People could think whatever they wanted, but you knew you hadn’t done anything wrong.
On the contrary, waking up beside Jimin had felt so, so right. You’d somehow shifted in the night, both of you seeking out each other’s warmth and you’d woken up face-to-face, your noses almost touching. You’d opened your eyes to find Jimin opening his and you both smiled at each other, giggling nervously as you broke apart. 
Jimin had gone home to freshen up, seeing as your impromptu sleepover left him without a change of clothes or a toothbrush. You hadn’t heard anything from him since he left, and you were starting to wonder if he regretted staying, if he felt uncomfortable now. Your nerves were eating you up and after your fight with Hana, you didn’t really know who you could talk to about it. You sighed, flipping through a textbook while being unable to concentrate on anything you were reading.
A few hours went by and you were starting to lose your mind from the lack of communication and the anxiety it caused. You picked up your phone to distract yourself with something when a text from Jimin came through. You sighed in relief, opening the message.
Jimin [5:54pm]: The guys at the frat house say I’ve been boring lately and I’m not allowed to skip tonight’s party. Come with me?
Did he mean come with him as in… be his date? Surely not. Right? Your heart hammered in your chest. Sure, people had seen you and Jimin around together a lot, but it was another thing entirely to go to a party together. That was basically announcing that you were dating. Maybe he didn’t see it that way? Maybe he just wanted to bring his friend to the party?
You [5:59pm]: Sure. Meet you there?
Jimin [6:04pm]: Starts at 10. :)
You texted a little back and forth in the next few hours, then you got ready for the party andmade your way over to the frat house, wondering what kind of fresh hell this party would bring. Though, you couldn’t say all parties were bad. You had met Jimin at one of these. That had turned out to be the greatest thing you’d ever done.
You were filled with a sense of nostalgia walking up to the familiar front door and entering into the foyer, greeted with booming music and some cheering from the corner where someone was doing a keg upside down. You were startled by an arm wrapping around your shoulder, pulling you into a warm body.
“Y/N! Nice to see you again,” Hoseok grinned, leading you towards the kitchen.
“Hey Hoseok,” you smiled, a little confused.
“Jimin and I were about to play beer pong with Tae, we need a 4th player,” he grinned.
“Oh okay,” you smiled, walking with a little more confidence.
“Y/N!” Jimin grinned, walking over and wrapping you in a hug, “I’m glad you came. You’re on my team, ok?”
“Sounds good,” you grinned.
“Y/N, this is Taehyung, you’ve already met Hoseok. Tae, this is Y/N,” Jimin introduced.
“Nice to meet you,” Taehyung grinned a boxy smile, enthusiastically waving to you from his end of the island. “Sorry we’re about to kick your ass,” he added with an evil chuckle.
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you giggled.
“Have you played before?” Jimin wondered.
“A few times, not at a big party like this but I’ve practiced,” you mimicked brushing off your shoulders and Jimin let out a hearty laugh.
“Alright, a seasoned pro!” Hoseok chimed in excitedly.
“Is Hana not here?” you asked quietly to Jimin.
“I haven’t seen her, no,” he shrugged.
“Did they break up?”
“I doubt it, but I don’t know.” he answered.
“Alright, ladies! Let's go!” Taehyung shouted enthusiastically.
Hoseok took the first shot, landing it perfectly in a cup on your side of the table, and Jimin took the first swig, downing the cup. Hoseok shot again, missing by a mile. Jimin laughed before tossing his ball across the table, expertly landing it in one of the opposing team’s. Hoseok pouted but drank anyway. Jimin tried again, landing another. You clapped and hooted for him. Jimin got three cups before he missed.
Taehyung got two cups, and you drank both before he grazed the edge of the third, but the ball didn’t go in. You started shooting and got two cups before someone jostled you on your third throw, causing you to miss the entire table. You shot a glare to the offending stranger, who apologized profusely. You sighed.
“Minho is clumsy but he’s sweet. Don’t be too hard on him. He might actually like it. Kinky bastard.” Jimin winked at you playfully.
You choked on your next breath, giggling at his words. Neither team scored anything for a while, too busy trash-talking each other and cracking jokes to concentrate on the game. Jimin’s full smile had yet to appear, but he did seem more relaxed in your presence, so you took it as a win. He wasn’t quite himself, putting on more of a show than usual, but you decided to let it go since he seemed like he was having a good time. Surprisingly, you were too. 
Taehyung was sweet and funny. He was easy to talk to and super charming. Hoseok was a ball of sunshine and energy, and they both seemed to accept you as part of their little group with no effort at all. You were Jimin’s friend, and therefore you were their friend by association. You wondered if these were people Jimin could be honest with, they seemed really genuine, but you knew how guarded he was so you weren’t about to bring it up. They were fun to be around, and that was enough for now.
The night raged on, and your team ended up winning beer pong. You’d both gained a pleasant buzz from the game but Taehyung and Hoseok were absolutely trashed. Jimin explained that they might’ve pregamed a little too hard before the party, so the added beers from their crushing defeat sent them over the edge into utterly intoxicated. They were currently clutching onto each other and singing a very off key rendition of a song you didn’t even recognize.
“Hey, where’s the bathroom?” you asked.
“Just down that hall,” Jimin pointed, and you smiled at him before making your way there.
You quickly did your business and washed your hands, checking your appearance in the mirror and smiling to yourself about how well the night was going. Everything was perfect and after last night with Jimin, he seemed more… into you? Less platonic. Or maybe your mind was playing tricks on you. Either way, you were hopeful that maybe Jimin felt the same way you did.
That was, until you walked out of the bathroom and saw him pushed up against the wall with some girl’s tongue down his throat. 
You felt like the room was spinning. Your heart shattered and you found it difficult to get air into your lungs as you stood frozen in shock, eyes glued to the pair like a car wreck. You just couldn’t look away. It felt like years, but lasted only a second before Jimin’s eyes opened and he spotted you. He pushed the girl off of him, taking a step toward you, but you made a beeline for the door.
You weaved your way through the crowd as fast as you could, ignoring Taehyung who gleefully called out for you to join him in karaoke. You begged any entity that was listening to let you hold your tears in until there were no witnesses, focusing solely on getting your feet to move faster and holding your emotions at bay. You heard Jimin calling your name but you only moved faster, sprinting out of the open door and down the empty road.
How could you have been so stupid? Of course he didn’t like you. You were just the first person to show him, real, unconditional friendship. That’s all his affection was. Platonic. He didn’t want you. How could he? That girl looked like a supermodel. Of course she was more his type. How could you even think he would ever want someone like you? Because he spent one night with his arms wrapped around you and brought you to a party in front of his friends? Ugh.
“Y/N! Wait!” Jimin called, and you could hear his footsteps growing closer. 
Damn him and his dancer’s stamina.
You wiped any stray tears from your eyes and did your best to plaster on a smile as you turned around to face him, you couldn’t outrun him. You might as well act normal and pretend everything was fine. Jimin slowed to a stop in front of you, panting a little.
“Where are you going?” he asked breathlessly.
“Oh, uh. I’m going home,” you grimaced as your voice cracked.
“Y/N, it wasn’t what it looked like,” Jimin began.
“Oh Jimin, it’s fine,” you brushed him off, using every bit of your willpower to make yourself seem believable. “You can do whatever or whoever you want. It’s not like I own you.”
“I saw the look on your face, Y/N, I-” Jimin tried but you shook your head.
“No it’s fine. I should’ve known you’d want to have some fun tonight. You’re not obligated to babysit me just because you invited me,” you cut him off.
“But I-” he tried again, scratching his arm in frustration.
“Go back to the party, that girl is probably waiting,” you smiled, moving to turn around.
“Would you just fucking listen to me?!” he shouted, making you freeze in your tracks. 
Your eyes flickered up to meet his in shock, mouth hanging slightly ajar. Despite him being covered in tattoos and piercings, you’d never heard Jimin raise his voice or be threatening in any way. His sudden outburst caused your heart to flutter in your chest, both with astonishment and a little bit of arousal.
“She just came up and started talking to me, and she asked me to fuck, but I said no. She kissed me out of nowhere and I froze. As soon as I saw you I knew I fucked up. I pushed her off and told her to get lost. I don’t want her, Y/N. I don’t want any of them,” he nearly growled in frustration, running a hand through his messy hair. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you.”
Your heart stopped beating entirely. 
“I was scared to tell you because I didn’t want to scare you off. You said all you wanted was friendship and I didn’t want to push you away. You’re my best friend. You’re the only one who really sees me, the only one who really cares. You make me a better man. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Everyone leaves but I can’t lose you. Not you. I… I love you. I’m in love with you,” he sighed, taking a step closer and gauging your reaction.
“You… do?” you whispered, scared that if you spoke too loudly he’d vanish and you’d wake up from this dream.
“I love you,” he repeated, placing his hands on your shoulders and running them down your arms to interlock your fingers.
“I love you too,” you choked out, your tears running freely now. “Jimin I love you so much it hurts.”
Jimin lifted one hand to cup your cheek, his eyes full of love and adoration and contentment. His gaze flickered down to your lips then back up to your eyes. You nodded, just barely, and he leaned in. Finally, after months of daydreaming about this very moment, Jimin’s soft, plush lips pressed against your own. Time seemed to stop, and everything faded away but Jimin and the way he kissed you. 
His kiss was gentle, but held so much passion. All the words he couldn’t say, or didn’t know how to, he flooded them all into the way he kissed you, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you closer as he worked his mouth against your own. Kissing Jimin felt like coming home, like the first breath of air after being caught in a current and forced underwater until your breaking point. It felt right. 
Jimin’s tongue danced along your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth, allowing him entrance. His tongue explored your mouth, sliding along yours and it felt more like a loving caress than horny college kids making out. Deepening the kiss had lit something inside you and you pressed even closer to him, pouring all your love and longing into the actions between your lips.  
Pulling away only when your lungs began screaming for air, Jimin rested his forehead against your own, his breaths coming out labored. His eyes searched yours and a slow smile spread across his reddened lips.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he admitted breathlessly.
“Me too,” you giggled, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as the blush crept into your cheeks.
Jimin laughed and held you tight against him, rubbing soothing circles against your back. You both stayed like that, in the middle of the road, the only light being the stars and the moon, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was that Jimin loved you. Jimin loved you! And he wanted you. And you were safe in his arms. 
“Let’s get you home, yeah?” Jimin smiled, pulling back to look at your face.
You nodded, slipping your hand into his and walking beside him. Your whole chest felt like it was going to explode. You were elated. You were shocked and excited and so, so happy. You giggled to yourself, hiding your face with your free hand as Jimin walked you home.
“What’s so funny?” he chuckled.
“I can’t believe this is real, I’m so happy,” you admitted, biting your lip nervously and shooting a curious glance his way to watch his reaction.
Jimin smiled softly, pulling you closer to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Me too baby. Me too,” he said softly.
Jimin walked you home and you both crawled into your bed. Jimin wrapped you up in his arms and held you close. You felt like you were in heaven. You ran your fingers through Jimin’s hair, then trailed them down his arm, tracing his tattoos with the tips of your fingers. Jimin smiled, rubbing shapes and doodles into the skin of your back where your shirt had ridden up. 
His gentle caresses were soothing, and after the ultra emotional day you’d had, you were pretty drained. You drifted in and out of consciousness, shifting closer to Jimin and he grinned, holding you against his frame and leaving gentle pecks on your neck, your ear, wherever he could reach. You giggled.
“I’m so glad you’re finally mine,” he whispered into the chilly air of your room.
“I’ve been yours, Jimin. From the moment I met you,” you admitted sheepishly.
“I might not have known it yet, but I was yours too,” he smiled, kissing your cheek. “Now go to sleep.”
So you did.
About a week later, the rumors were still running rampant about you and Jimin after you’d both made it official on social media, and were now spotted sharing sweet kisses and tender touches in public rather than just being together. You’d received a fair amount of messages and evil looks, girls upset that you’d taken Jimin off the market and now his skills were “going to waste.” You’d just roll your eyes and hit the block button.
You had been wondering about those skills more and more recently. Once you and Jimin had started dating, he had seemingly become allergic to wearing shirts. Prancing around your dorm room with his toned body on display, delicious ink decorating the surface of his ivory skin… you were frequently having thoughts that weren’t exactly PG. But Jimin hadn’t brought up sexual activity, and neither had you.
You felt like you could cut the sexual tension with a knife some days, but didn’t want to push Jimin into anything, not when you knew that he’d used sex as a way to push people away in the past. You knew you were overthinking, and should probably just talk to him, but you were nervous. But oh goodness did you want him. You’d wanted him from the moment you’d laid eyes on him, and rejecting his proposition that first night had been harder than you’d thought.
Now it seemed like every time you looked at Jimin, it became harder to hold back. Knowing that he knew you loved him now, and that he loved you too gave you that level of comfort you needed to be able to finally take the plunge with him. You wanted him to plunge into you. All. Night. Long. 
You shook your head to rid yourself of the dirty thoughts you were having just as Jimin climbed in bed beside you, snuggling up to your frame and pulling you against him. You smiled and ran your fingers over the tattoos on his arms, tracing the designs with the tips of your fingers as lightly as you could. Jimin liked that you were always touching him. Running your fingers through his hair, tracing his tattoos, or just resting your palm against his chest. It didn’t matter as long as you were touching him, he was content. 
He shifted, laying on his back with one arm tucked behind his head, allowing you to rest your head on his chest and trace the tattoos that littered the skin there as well. Jimin closed his eyes and focused on the sound of your even breathing and the feeling of your fingers gently brushing against his skin. He shivered a time or two, and you snuggled closer, assuming he was cold. Unable to rid yourself of the lingering dampness between your thighs, you let your fingers gently graze across Jimin’s pierced nipple.
Jimin sucked in a breath and bit back a low moan, but you heard his chest rumble with the action. You bit your lip and mumbled a quiet, insincere apology. You traced the tattoos along his collar bone for a while before your fingers daringly dipped down, brushing the other exposed nipple, which had Jimin tensing below you and letting out a quiet whine.
“Are you doing that on purpose?” he accused, focusing his gaze on you.
“Noooo…” you trailed off, looking up at him with faux innocence.
“I’m trying really hard to be good right now, baby girl,” he breathed out, almost as if he was in pain. 
“What if… I don’t want you to be?” you whispered seductively, letting your hand trail down his abdomen teasingly.
Jimin’s muscles clenched at the movement, and you noticed there was a sizable tent in his sweatpants. Your mouth watered at the sight. He was clearly working with some nice equipment. Jimin shifted so he could put his full attention on you, his eyes searching yours.
“Are you sure? I know you said you were waiting, are you really ready for this?” he asked, concern and a little bit of hope written all over his face.
“I’m sure. I love you, Jimin. I want you,” you smiled reassuringly, leaning in to place a kiss to his gorgeous, soft lips.
Jimin brought his hand up to cup your cheek, working those plush lips of his against your own. The two of you had made out before, but this felt different. You were filled with anticipation and need. You pressed yourself closer to him, and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue sliding gracefully along your bottom lip, which you immediately parted for him.
His deft muscle slipped inside your mouth, rolling against yours skillfully. His hand dropped from your cheek and snaked up your side, sneaking under your shirt and grazing along your stomach until he reached your breast, kneading it underneath your flimsy bralette. His thumb brushed against your nipple and your body jolted towards him, seeking more. 
“Mmm… so responsive.” he whispered against your lips with a teasing smirk. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, then let your nail scrape gently along his pierced nipple, tugging ever so gently on the metal ring. Jimin moaned into your mouth, his body arching towards yours. You smirked against his lips.
“So responsive.” you giggled.
Jimin chuckled, pulling back to look at you with a raised eyebrow, the light reflecting off the piercing there as well. His cocky look was gasoline on the fire of your arousal, and you made yourself busy by kissing down his exposed neck, leaving a trail of red and purple bruises in your wake.  Jimin’s low moans were music to your ears. You wanted to elicit more of the beautiful sounds from the irresistible man who had become putty in your hands.
Urging him onto his back, you straddled his hips and ground your covered core down against his clothed erection for a little relief, causing Jimin to let out more delicious noises. You kissed down his chest, bringing his nipple piercing into your mouth and licking around the sensitive area before tugging it gently with your teeth, scraping the flesh just a bit in the process. Jimin’s hips bucked up into yours at the action.
Your fingers teasingly dipped below the elastic of his sweats, running back and forth along the edge while you worked your mouth against each nipple. Jimin’s hands found purchase on your hips, his nails digging in just a bit so he had something to ground himself while you teased him. Your hand slipped underneath his sweats, surprised to find he’d foregone boxers. Your fingers brushed against his rigid length, and he tensed, gripping your hips harder.
“Don’t tease,” he groaned, head lolling back as he tried to restrain himself.
You giggled, wrapping your hand around his length and slowly dragging it upwards, letting your thumb circle the tip. You used the precum that spilled out to lubricate your next journey down. Jimin groaned, finally losing patience and effortlessly flipped the two of you over until he was hovering above you. He smirked at the surprised expression on your face and began leaving pretty red marks all over your neck and the exposed portion of your chest.
He sat up momentarily, pinning you with a hungry gaze and fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“Off,” he commanded.
You immediately complied, peeling the fabric off your body and tossing it away, revealing your lacy bralette. Jimin’s eyes roamed over your chest and he licked his lips before leaning down and letting his tongue draw a stripe over the thin fabric covering your nipple, already erect and sensitive. Soft whimpers escaped your lips. It felt good, but you needed more.
Jimin’s lips traveled farther down your body, leaving marks all over your skin. He licked and sucked and nibbled in places you never would’ve considered erogenous zones before, but honestly, maybe it was just because it was Jimin. His tongue danced along the hem of your shorts teasingly before he glanced up at you to make sure you were still okay. You nodded breathlessly.
Jimin peeled your shorts down to expose your black satin panties, and you wished you’d worn the lace ones but it could’ve been worse. He brought the little bow tie between his teeth, tugging and letting it snap back against your pelvis. You jumped a bit and Jimin chuckled, mumbling “so cute” under his breath before slipping your soaked panties down your legs and tossing them aside.
“Damn baby girl, you’re dripping,” he grinned triumphantly. “What got you all worked up like this?”
“Jimin,”  you whined impatiently.
“That’s right baby, say my name,” he teased (although he wasn’t really joking), but didn’t waste much more time, lowering his face and licking a bold stripe along your folds to distract you while he snuck a finger closer to your entrance, letting your arousal aid him in entering you. His tongue drew some sort of lost language on your clit with expertise, and it was almost impossible for you to hold still with the amount of pleasure coursing through your veins.
Your hips bucked up and Jimin moved a hand to splay along your lower stomach, holding you down onto the bed while he devoured your pussy, slowly adding a second and third finger to stretch you out. It burned for a moment before you got used to it, Jimin’s fingers gliding along your walls and hitting your g-spot repeatedly. Even for your first time together, he knew your body like the back of his hand.
 You could already feel the coil deep inside you threaten to snap at Jimin’s ministrations. You were a moaning mess, babbling his name like it was the only word you knew. His plump lips wrapped around your throbbing bundle and he sucked- hard. You groaned, back arching off the bed as your orgasm crashed over you, your vision going spotty. Now you knew why they said he could make you see stars.
Your body fell lax against the mattress as you panted, before pushing yourself up on your elbows to see Jimin’s face lift from your core. He met your eyes and seductively licked your juices off his lips, closing his eyes and savoring the taste of you. Your mouth went dry at how erotic he looked, and he climbed up your body, pressing his lips to yours and allowing you to taste yourself. 
Your mouths worked against each other, and you wound your fingers in his hair, tugging gently on his soft locks, causing him to let out a low whine. 
“Do that again,” he begged against your lips, his voice deeper and a little hoarse, but needy.
You wound your fingers in his hair, gripping it tighter and tugging again. Jimin let out a strangled moan, grinding his rock hard member against your core. Your body shivered at the feeling of his clothed shaft pressing up against where you needed him the most.  
“Jimin, please,” you sighed, bucking your hips up to meet his.
“Okay baby. Oh fuck. Please tell me I still have a spare condom,” he suddenly groaned, reaching over for his wallet on your nightstand. 
You watched him curiously, your eyes lingering on the curve of his plump ass under his sweats. You licked your lips, wanting to bite into the flesh. You’d save that for another time. Jimin let out a triumphant noise and held the condom in the air like a first place medal. You giggled at your boyfriend and rolled your eyes with a smile. 
Jimin slid his sweats off in one smooth motion, kicking them away and onto the floor somewhere before ripping the condom open with his teeth and rolling it onto his length. Jimin paused,  peering at you from his place above you, a small smile curling onto his plush lips, his eyes alight with adoration.
“I love you,” he whispered, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“I love you too,” you sighed happily. 
“Are you ready?” he asked, squeezing your hand gently.
“Yes. I’m ready.”
Jimin leaned down, meeting your lips in a soft kiss, and slowly slid his rigid length into your honeyed entrance. You gasped into his mouth at the welcome intrusion, his cock stretching you in the most delicious way. Even with the prep from his fingers, his cock stretching your walls burned just slightly. Jimin deepened the kiss in an attempt to distract you from the discomfort, slowly inching more of his length inside until he bottomed out, his hips flush against yours.
Jimin fit inside you perfectly, his thick cock filling you up like he was made for you. He pulled back to look at your face, and you shot him a reassuring smile. He brought your joined hands up to his lips, placing them gently on the back of your wrist, and once you nodded your approval, he slid out until just the bulbous tip was left inside, before sliding back in, setting a slow, torturing pace.
This wasn’t your first rodeo, though you were nowhere near as experienced as Jimin, but no one had ever felt this good inside you. No one had ever felt this right. Jimin reached places inside you that no man had before and you were already falling apart at the movement of his hips. Jimin was definitely a dancer, able to move his body precisely and with precision, angling his hips to hit that soft spot inside you with every thrust. 
“Fuck babygirl, you look so beautiful like this,” he groaned into your ear, his hot breath coming out in short puffs from the physical exertion.
“Ngh. Jimin,” you whined, “Please. More.” 
“Can you handle it?” he wondered, experimentally dragging his cock a little faster along your walls, continually hitting that sweet spot inside you.
“Yes, yes please. Need you,” you whimpered, bucking your hips up to meet his.
Jimin’s brow furrowed in concentration and his hips picked up speed, his sole purpose in that moment to give you the most blinding pleasure you’d ever experienced. His punishing pace had you wailing out his name in ecstasy, clawing at his back in a desperate attempt to ground yourself to something, lest you float away into oblivion from the fire building deep in your core.
“Come on baby, you look so pretty when you cum for me. Let go,” Jimin urged, his free hand slipping between your bodies to rub at your clit.
“Fuck… Jimin!” you cried out, and his teeth sinking into the flesh of your neck was the last thing you needed to send you careening over the edge into bliss for the second time that night.
Your breath coming in heavy pants, you were surprised when Jimin showed no signs of slowing down. Your walls continued to clench around his length in the aftermath of your orgasm, and Jimin let our low growls at the feeling of your pussy swallowing up his cock with each thrust. You whimpered, slightly sensitive from your two previous orgasms, but Jimin pistoning himself inside you still felt heavenly. 
Jimin shifted, pulling your leg up over his shoulder, the new position allowing him to reach even deeper inside your core, and your eyes nearly rolled back in your skull at the sensation of his cock kissing your cervix. You were a whimpering mess, your moans now garbled gibberish, not making any sense. All you knew in that moment was Jimin and how good he made you feel.
His lips wrapped around your nipple, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive flesh, and you shivered. His thrusts were getting erratic as he chased his own high, but Jimin was desperate to make you cum again first. He pinched and rolled your clit between his thumb and forefinger, abusing the bundle in the best way, sending you closer to your high once again.
“Fuck, Jimin- I-” you groaned.
“Come on baby, give me one more,” Jimin encouraged, using all his strength to hold back his own impending orgasm as he slammed inside of you.
Your whole body seemed to seize as you came for the third time, this one more intense than the others, making you almost dizzy with euphoria. Your throat burned with the force of your screams, quickly turning raw with use. Jimin didn’t last much longer, your cunt clenching around his length sending him over the edge. His hips stilled as he spilled ropes of hot cum into the condom. You could feel the heat from the thin plastic layer and wished that you could feel his seed shooting into you, dripping from your hole. 
Jimin collapsed next to you, panting. His body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and he looked absolutely edible like this. His plump lips parted as heavy breaths escaped, he turned his head and his eyes met yours. You were both shaking from the intensity of your highs, and you let out a quiet giggle which made a smile bloom across Jimin’s lips. He let out a quiet chuckle.
“You’re so beautiful,” he cooed, turning his body back to face yours after tossing the used condom into the trash.
His arms wrapped around your torso, bringing your naked chests flush against each other as he peppered chaste kisses along your forehead, nose, and cheeks before catching your lips in a sweet kiss. 
“I love you,” you whispered, clinging to his sweaty body like he was the only thing keeping you from floating away, and maybe he was.
“I love you more,” he grinned against the skin of your neck.
“Absolutely not. I love you more,” you pouted.
“Nuh uh,” he teased, fingers poking into your side, causing you to shriek and curl into him.
He laughed and kissed your forehead, relenting from his teasing and tickling. Your bodies spent, you drifted off to sleep together, safe in the comfort of each other’s arms.
Months had flown by in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, it was May and you were graduating. They say time flies when you’re having fun, and they are right. Every moment spent with Jimin never seemed to last long enough. After the two of you started dating, Jimin had slowly begun opening up to other people. He learned to trust Hoseok and Taehyung, and your initial impression of them had been correct: they were people Jimin could count on. 
Jimin did lose a few friends from the frat house when he stopped trying to play the part of the indifferent fuckboi, but he didn’t really count those people as losses. If they couldn’t accept the real him, they weren’t worth it. The two of you had branched out socially, and made new friends as well. Yoongi, the music major, who began working at the coffee shop you both frequented. He was stoic and unapproachable at first, but Jimin had commented on his band t shirt once and Yoongi’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, showing that he was actually super sweet and thoughtful once you got past his icy exterior. 
Namjoon, the business major whom you’d met while browsing the shelves of your university library. You’d been having a hard time reaching the book you wanted, and Namjoon had assisted without you even asking for help, his much taller frame bringing the book down to your level. He’d told you he had read that book at least ten times and you would surely love it. The two of you hit it off and soon Jimin joined you, immediately connecting with Namjoon as well. He was smart, patient, and would make an amazing businessman, just from the way he could read people but never treated anyone any differently.
Seokjin, the culinary arts major who had gone around campus giving out free samples of his work, promoting his new youtube channel “Eat Jin.” One taste of his dasik and you were begging him for the recipe. Jin had lit up and began explaining exactly how to make it and invited you to an episode of Eat Jin.
Jungkook, who hadn’t quite figured out what he wanted to do yet, had met Jimin at the gym. He was boxing in the practice room that Jimin had reserved to dance. He hadn’t noticed he’d gone over his time, and when Jimin politely entered the room, complimenting his form, he’d flushed and shot him the most adorable bunny smile. Jungkook apologized for running over his time and Jimin brushed it off, but Jungkook insisted on buying him coffee as an apology.
Slowly but surely, your friendship group grew, each new friend weaving their way into your hearts and teaching you something new. They got along with each other as well, as it turned out. You’d thrown a surprise party for Jimin’s birthday and invited them along, Namjoon and Jin became inseparable almost immediately, and Hoseok and Yoongi as well. Taehyung and Jungkook became a dynamic duo, consistently stirring up trouble wherever they went. 
Hoseok and Hana hadn’t broken up, after all. Hana had even contacted you to get coffee, apologizing for judging Jimin unfairly and trying to get in between the two of you. She’d joined your little group of friends, which slowly became more like a second family . Jimin flourished, surrounded by people who loved and cared for him exactly as he was.
He didn’t have to pretend to be anything but himself, didn’t have to please anyone, play any parts. His smile reached ear to ear and his eyes shone with love and light and so much life. Thinking back to the way they’d been dull and lifeless when you first met him brought you to tears as you watched him throw his head back in laughter and wrap his arms around Jungkook, who returned the gesture with similar glee.
Jimin no longer seemed broken. The dead weight resting in his chest had been lifted, and he was free. It didn’t happen overnight, and beginning his relationship with you certainly hadn’t been a magic fix, but it had been a catalyst. You taught Jimin that there were people in this world who genuinely could care for him without expecting anything in return. You showed him that there was still good, and he could trust people. Then, slowly, he’d met more and more people who only validated the lessons you’d taught him.
The more people Jimin met who didn’t use him, the more the ice around his heart began to chip away, giving him the strength and the courage to save himself from the darkness that had plagued his heart and mind for so long. And now, you were all graduating, moving on to pursue your dreams and aspirations. It was the last party of your college career, and you’d all gathered because Jimin had announced he’d had something to say to everyone. You gazed up proudly at your boyfriend.
“Thank you all for being here to celebrate the last night of college!” he cheered, earning hoots and hollers from your friends.
 “I know we all promised to keep in touch, but I just wanted to make sure that you all know how much I appreciate you being in my life. I love every single one of you, and I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing group of people to surround myself with. You all have lifted me up, encouraged me, and given me the strength to keep fighting when times got tough. They say that sometimes when you’re in a dark place, that you think you’ve been buried. But really, you’ve been planted. You just need a little bit of love and patience before you bloom. So thank you for giving me what I needed to bloom. All of you. Especially you, Y/N. You were the first person who really believed in me, and if it weren’t for you, I never would’ve let in any of these guys. I love you, baby. And I love all of you,” he grinned, “So here’s a toast to all of you, may your future be bright and your beer be full!”
Cheers erupted around you and you cheered along, all of you knocking back a sip of your drink to Jimin’s toast. He hopped down and wrapped an arm around you, kissing your cheek as your friends congratulated him on his speech and shared how happy they were to have met you both as well. Your heart felt like it couldn’t possibly get any fuller than it was in that moment, surrounded by people you loved. 
You and Jimin had both grown so much since that first night at the party, you’d fought, you’d cried, you’d laughed, and you’d gotten stronger. You were so proud of him and how far he had come, and you felt peace settle over you knowing the fact that he’d never have to be alone again, and neither would you. No matter what you found on the road ahead, you’d be okay.
You had each other.
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kixxraa · 3 years
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Jungkook (정국) is a member of BTS, got his first tattoo back in Sept. 2019, and he hasn't stopped since.
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Tattoo #1 ∧ R M Y + J
:Sept 19, 2019; [Goeje Island]
He was first seen with full set of tattoos on his right hand at the airport after coming back from vacation.  He has the word “ARMY” tatted across his knuckles as a tribute to his fans. As a tribute to his bandmates, he also has intricate initials of their names connected with plus signs across his hand
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Tattoo #2 Woozy Emoji 🥴
A woozy face emoji on his middle finger means that you are in a state where your thoughts are confused and you can't think straight.
Tattoo #3 Crown
This tattoo can simply refer to BTS’s status as the King of Kpop.
Tattoo #4 Purple Heart  💜
The purple heart stand for ‘보라해‘ (Borahae) means “I PURPLE YOU” in Korean, comes from V's as a fun twist to the Korean phrase '사랑해' (Saranghae)
Tattoo #5 0613
This tattoo under his right hand thumb meaning for BTS’s debut date (June 13, 2013).
Tattoo #6 + + +
Those +++ some see as *** between his knuckles mean BTS and ARMY forever. Making it a full composition.
Tattoo #7 Army Logo
This tattoo on the right side of his hand is BTS‘s ARMY Logo. When you combine it with the BTS official logo it creates a shield.
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Tattoo #8 Rock ‘n’ Roll
Skeleton hand sign with the thumb folded in is the symbol for Rock’n’Roll/ The Devil's Horns/ "Rock on!". Jungkook has long history with hand symbol: 
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Bon Voyage S3 fake henna tattoo (peace)
Ending of Boy with Luv performance
During BBMAs 2019 red carpet with Jimin
However the hand sign was with the thumb, pointer finger and pinky extended which are the language sign for "I love you", different from the latest tatted on his outer wrist.
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Tattoo #9 Tiger Lily and “Please love me”
Tiger lily is the birth flower of Jungkook, as explained in an episode of Run BTS ! Ep.99, in which the boys had a flower arrangement. The meaning of the tiger lilies is “Please love me”. It inspired Jungkook to tattoo the phase with the flower.
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Jungkook also sketch the birth flowers of the BTS hyungs on his exhibition mask. He really has a big heart it doesn’t fit in his chest.
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Tattoo #10 HYYH
A lot of people have asked what “HYYH” stands for! It means: Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa (화양연화), or “The Most Beautiful Moment In Life”, is their first album series released back in 2015. The album talked about their hardships and how dark side of love affects people. It must be truly meaningful to him, hence he gotten the phrase tatted in traditional Chinese “花樣年華“ below his right elbow.
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Tattoo #11 Three Stripes
:Dec 24th, 20; @coreatattoo
Jungkook's tattoo artist posted the meaning of Jungkook’s 3 stripes tattoo. It was called ‘건‘ (Geon) bar on their Korean flag. That unbroken bar represents heaven, spring, east, humanity, father and justice.
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JK got this tattoo covered with snake by tattoo artist: @polyc_sj. First appearance on June 1st, 22 from Jhope’s IG story during 3J’s outing with singer H.E.R, post-meeting at White House for anti-Asian hate crimes and discrimination.
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Tattoo #12 ‘X’ Shaped phrase
This idiom has been and always urges Jungkook to do his best and enthusiasm on stage. Every time Jungkook appears, he is better and better. Determine to pursue and try his best with the goal are what this talented idol has in mind.
The X shaped tattoo on top of his arm says,
"rather be dead than cool" ;a quote from the Nirvana song “Stay Away”.
and the other one is,
"make hay while the sun shines"
During a live stream in April 2018, Jungkook mentioned how much he loves this phrase. It’s his life motto!
Source: BTS Vlive: JK
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Tattoo #13 Korean peninsula
:Jan 3, 2020; LA, USA (behind-the-scenes MV ON)
The text in original tiger painting says ‘槿域江山猛虎氣像’. 槿域江山 (근역강산) refers to the land of Korea, 猛虎 (맹호) means courageous tiger and 氣像 (기상) represents energy, vitality and spirit. The tiger tattoo was the inscription referring to the map of Korea peninsula.
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JK got this tattoo covered with black Sun by tattoo artist: @polyc_sj.
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Tattoo #14 "TRUTH"
This text was spotted by fans in the “BTS Focus” version of the “Kinetic Manifesto Film: Come Prima” MV.
Although it’s difficult to make out, some believe it says “TRUTH”, which Jungkook’s GOT7 friends Mark and Yugyeom also have tattooed in the same spot.
Source: @coreatattoo
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Tattoo #15  Ox and “XCVII”
Another matching tattoo with Yugyeom GOT7 which is“XCVII”, 97 in Roman numerals. Year 1997; Chinese zodiac, Fire Ox is Jungkook’s birth year. 
Source: @coreatattoo
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Tattoo #16 Red Eye
:June 14, 2020; the BANG BANG CON: THE LIVE Online Concert
The first clear version of this tattoo revealed during Run BTS! Ep.125, where the member were having another cooking session under the guidance of acclaimed chef Baek Jong-won.
Among the various strokes, there is a large eye with a reddish tone in the pupil, which can have different meanings depending on their qualities. Some people associate with individuals who seek the truth, trust and also protection, or it can be linked with his Japanese song “Your Eyes Tell”.
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JK got this tattoo covered with “Bullet Proof” font by tattoo artist: @polyc_sj.
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Tattoo #17 ?? -TBC
This tattoo was first seen from the tattoo shop in Geoje Island in 2019 as he was getting his right hand done with many small pieces. Unfortunately, it’s still unknown what this is exactly. A small peak was also shown in BTS‘s “ON” Kinetic Manifesto Film making fans believe it’s an actual tattoo.
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In April 2022, it was revealed that the group’s 2021 MUSTER SOWOOZOO event would be coming on DVD. From one of the clips sharing by Army showcasing all of his sleeve tattoos. Although ARMYs have seen Jungkook’s tattoos before, this was the first time that the whole sleeve (including the shoulder) had been exposed.
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Tattoo #18 Microphone 🎤 and #19 GCLEF 𝄞
To my opinion these tattoo represent how much Jungkook love music, to sing and to write new song. Jungkook had released the self-produced track “Still With You” on SoundCloud as part of BTS's annual Festa celebrations. He also co-writer for “Your Eyes Tell” track from BTS Japanese album MOTS 7: The Journey.
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Tattoo #20 Stop watch/clock
If you ever get a glimpse of Jungkook’s tattoo on the inner arm, you can see a circle there which look like a stop watch with Roman numeral on it. It can be linked with his solo song ‘My Time’ from MOTS:7.
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Please calm down if you watch this Vlive because Jungkook finally wear sleeveless shirt and comfortably showing off his beautiful tattoos. Not only we finally saw several tattoos which blurred during “BTS in the Soop” episode, he also casually testing to drop the eyebrow sticker which later confirmed to be pierced.
Tattoo #21 Dancheong flower
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Dancheong (단청), which literally means "cinnabar/vermillion-blue-green", refers to the beautiful five-colored designs found on the walls, pillars and eaves of traditional Korean wooden buildings. Patterns can be classified by subject matter or meaning. As for JK’s tatts on his elbow, flower pattern Chrysanthemum also means high integrity and elegance.
Tattoo #22 Storm Cloud with Lightning
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The clouds are full of secrets and mystery, it can be dark side in a person’s life or personal growth. The rain clouds can also be representative of darker days that are now in the past, moving forward from things in the past that they are not proud of, moving into the light. (source: tattooswim)
I personally think this tattoo means his struggle with the members since before debut. From a nobody in the street giving flyers for free concert, to the biggest Worldwide artist who own gazzilionaire bank notes.
Tattoo #23 “Winners Never Quit”
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Next to his “Truth” tatts is the famous quote by Vince Lombardi, “Winners Never Quit”, which actually follows with “Quitter Never Wins”. But the first line already sent the massage.
JK been doing what he love the most; Singing, thru out the years despite their packed schedule, exhausted physically & mentally, with tons of haters and clout chasing, cant even express his fanboy for IU. But thats the life he chose and he never quit because Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit.
Tattoo #24 ‘Hahoetal’ Mask
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On July 30th, Jungkook coming on Vlive in his see-thru PJs (which now successfully Sold Out). He did a mini concert for Army, singing and dancing in his studio all for FREE!!
Army also discover the mask tatts next to Ox tatts, which we thought was Yugyeom’s new tatts on Nov. 2020. Turn out it JK’s. The ‘Hahoetal” (河回탈 및 屛山탈) Korean traditional mask signifies “the importance of tradition while allowing the wearer to realize full self-expression and liberation“.
Cr: Hitc.com
Tattoo #25 Turkey Tail Mushroom
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During the Muster it was just the words now he is filling in the background with fresh ink designs of Turkey tail mushroom. (cr: Twitter)
The meaning behind this tatts still unclear, can it be the mushroom’s magic properties of healing for weakness? Up to ones understanding to represent it.
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xxxrubytuesdayxxx · 4 years
If you stay and wait for Jeongguk...
Word Count: 4,731
Disclaimers: This is part (45) of a Choose Your Own Ending!
Check at the end for glossary of Korean terms*
**So behold my wish-fulfilment/mystically putting ideas in JK’s head xD Wrote this early 2019 before he’d actually got himself tatted up. What I love is that not only did he do it  (after I had proposed him getting a tattoo in the fic and my friends had gone “he wouldn’t - he’s Korean and that’s frowned on there” making me change it to a fake. Maybe my “get a real one next time, baby” somehow whispered through the dream-world) but he went beyond my wildest dreams and got his fingers done ^.^ Either way enjoy! :)**
Start here:
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“Jeong-ssi, listen!” Hoseok tells him, taking both his hands in his own to drive his point home. “As the youngest, do you think you’re being polite?!” he reprimands him, his tone incredulous. “You need to be more respectful – we all know each other well now, and things are more relaxed, but Namjoon is still your hyung.”
Jeongguk looks repentant and a little shy. He nods in recognition of Hobi’s words and bows his head to Namjoon.
Jwesonghamnida,” he speaks softly and deferentially. He’s obviously sincere, and Namjoon acknowledges the apology graciously. Jeongguk looks so soft and pretty that you feel guilty for wanting to rip his clothes off so badly. That is until you catch his provocative wink, as he follows Namjoon out to meet Bang PD Nim. Hoseok watches your eye-line, amused.
“Wow. Someone’s a smitten kitten,” he teases you with one of his trademark giggles, back in a buoyant mood now that he’s defused the situation.
“Come on Hobi, don’t,” you mutter, trying not to wince at the thought of your little minx using those charms of his on some k-pop starlet for the game show. Hoseok must catch something in your mood as he changes the subject quickly, asking if you want to come to noraebang with him over lunch. Laughing and acknowledging that the man knows your weakness, you agree and follow him out to his car with only one last wistful glance in the direction Jeongguk left with Namjoon.
You make it through a few songs and some starter dishes before Hoseok grills you about the whole Bangtan situation he slept through last night.  
“So what was that all about this morning anyway?” he starts.
“What do you mean?” you hedge. He gives you a look.
“Come on Noona. Jimin and Yoongi are both in a mood. Jeongguk is acting like he’s suddenly in a frat house. Namjoon has clearly had it up to his eyeballs. What’s with all the attitude?” You avoid his eyes.
“Also Mai is conspicuously absent. Wait… “he adds, pulling out his phone. “She’s texting me…” That gets your attention. He reads off his phone: ‘Yoongi and I are over. He wants to see other people. We need to talk.’ Wow. I mean that kind of explains Yoongi’s mood I guess. But what about the others?” Even though you kind of gathered something was wrong last night, you’re stunned.
“Fine,” you relent. “I don’t have any idea what’s got into Jimin, but Tae seems to know. And Jeongguk’s mad because Namjoon banned him from my room last night cos Bang PD Nim wants him to be in the new series of We Got Married. Satisfied?”
Hobi looks taken aback. He chooses his words carefully.
“Are you in love with him?” he tries.
“Who? Jeongguk?” you ask. Hoseok rolls his eyes but smiles gently.
“No, Namjoon. Of course Jeongguk!” he clarifies.
“Yes,” you confess, sulking.
“Since when?” he prompts, after pausing to let the waitress bring in more of the dishes you’ve ordered.
You shrug. “Maybe a year?” you tell the polished floorboards. “Since he started acting like a little hussy,” you admit with a wry smile to acknowledge you know it’s futile. He grimaces apologetically.
“So why did you wait til last night?” he wants to know.
“He came onto me and I couldn’t resist him,” you mutter.
“That’s kind of cute. Stupid. But cute,” Hoseok evaluates the situation.
“I know it was stupid,” you agree, begrudgingly. “But what about Mai?”
“I don’t know,” he sighs. “Maybe we should text her to meet us. I’ll ask if she minds if we’re both there,” he tells you.
“She won’t come to noraebang,” you point out.
“I know,” he acknowledges. “So we’ll meet her at the coffee shop.” By the time you get there Mai is already nursing a coffee at one of the back corner tables. She watches you and Hobi impassively over the top of her oversized dark glasses as you both order and join her.
“So,” Hoseok starts, “you and Yoongi?”
“Right to it, then,” she almost chokes.
Hoseok stays silent, but puts on an expectant look. You both wait as she tries to sort out her thoughts.
“He wants to see other people,” she shrugs. “So I guess that’s over.”
“You guess...that’s…over?” Hoseok slowly trails, confused.
A small part of you is still worried about yourself and Jeongguk’s situation, but a bigger part is now worrying about her. Yet denial is a strong thing, and Mai’s is as concentrated as they come. Maybe she’ll handle it, as she so frequently insists she will.
“It was all good,” she shrugs again, “and then he was talking about distance. And how hard it is. And…yep.” She takes another sip of coffee.
“So he ended things?” Hoseok asks, now genuinely confused. You can understand his confusion - she says ‘we need to talk’, and then that’s everything she offers.
“He wants me to go on tour with you guys more often. I said…‘Well, I have a life.’ But like, nicely. I said it nicely,” she assures Hoseok with a pointed look. “Then he got kind of weird about it…he kept saying it was hard on him. And I was like, yeah, get in line. I mean, welcome to the club, right?” She pauses. Hoseok nods, his eyebrows furrowed from attempting to understand how she finds humour in the situation. “I was nice about it, really. And then he sort of escalated it, and we kind of got to talking about… potential? Or boundaries? ‘Artistic space’ or something? And…yep.”
“Then he ended things,” you state, to clarify.
“Can’t be a ‘rap star’ with a steady girlfriend, I guess,” she rolls her eyes, clearly mocking something Yoongi’s said to her in that conversation. “I don’t know if I did the right thing,” she almost whispers. Her posture slouches a little - she’s somewhat caving into herself, suddenly vulnerable. “Maybe I should’ve protested against breaking up with a little more enthusiasm, but I didn’t see the point if he’s halfway out.” She catches herself for a second and looks at you. “But don’t worry about your situation with Jeongguk.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s a good kid. Kind of. And you’re great. And the situation is different, you know? Yoongi’s a mess. You’ve got shit sorted for the both of you. So don’t worry.” You’re not so sure, but you don’t want to shift the focus. Nor do you want to think about it all right now or your imagination will run away with you. Mai watches you, reading your mind as usual. She smiles faintly.
“You’ll be okay,” she reiterates.
“Are you okay?” Hoseok asks Mai, growing impatient.
“Lived without him before. Will live without him now,” she jokes.
“I guess…that makes sense…” Hoseok nods, the look of concern not leaving his kind features. You and Hobi exchange looks, but leave it at that. She’ll handle it, she insists. She moves the conversation to other topics by sheer force of willpower and Hoseok lets her, on the surface, even more used to her ways than you are. They’ve known each other since they were just kids after all. You’ve all managed to finally reach some level of normalcy when everything goes haywire.
First Yoongi, just straight out of nowhere, materialises in the doorway, immediately catches sight of you all and then just as immediately pretends he hasn’t seen you. Mai has her back to the doorway, so you and Hoseok avoid eye-contact as he orders his coffee and walks to a back table. Mai gives you both a bland look and calmly takes another sip of her own coffee.
“He’s here, isn’t he?” she asks you. You look at her, realise lying is futile, then both nod sheepishly. She breathes deeply, without bothering to turn around, then raises her coffee to blow on it unnecessarily, knowing Yoongi will realise the implications of her choice of beverage. Next, and before you can even deal with the intruder situation, you get an irate text from Namjoon, demanding to know where you’ve ‘spirited Jeongguk away to’ this time. You refrain from texting back in the same tone and calmly inform Namjoon that you’re out to coffee with Hobi and Mai and have zero idea where Jeongguk is. But the news does make you uneasy and, despite his current hostility towards you, you do feel bad for Namjoon who is, after all, just trying to keep things together.
“Should we leave?” Hoseok whispers, snapping you out of your train of thought.
“I don’t mind,” you say. You both turn to Mai. “No,” she says decisively, “he can leave. I got here first.”
“Slightly childish, but I’ll take it,” Hoseok nods, smiling despite himself. You hang around for a while, to lend weight to Mai’s protest, but you eventually have to tell them that in all fairness, you’d really better go and help Namjoon with things.
By the time you arrive home, Namjoon is frantic. You assure him that Yoongi and Hoseok are both fine so his hypothetical body count is down to one. He gives you a wry look and smiles, despite himself. “Okay, so I might be overreacting a bit,” he allows. “But I really don’t know where Jeongguk has fucked off to or how to handle Jimin and Tae both being so moody lately. At least Yoongi has a reason to be, I guess. He said he broke it off with Mai last night?” he looks at you questioningly and you nod shortly, indicating you don’t want to go into detail, for Mai’s sake.
“I’ll go talk to Jimin and Tae and see if I can squeeze them for info,” you tease. “Glean what afflicts them and all that.” Namjoon half-laughs.
“What about your boy toy?” he prompts. You shrug. “He’s probably just acting out,” you hazard a guess, even though you’re at least as concerned as Namjoon. “He’ll come home when he’s ready.”
Sure enough, you and Namjoon have barely finished speculating when the back door slams open and the object of your speculation tramps into the kitchen, exclaiming about the downpour he’s just been caught in. Jeongguk looks up, shaking raindrops from his bangs and his jacket and you melt at the look in his eyes when he sees you. He darts a look at Namjoon, who clears his throat pointedly, and ducks into the other room.
“Did you...I mean are you…?” you start, drawing instinctively closer to him. He shakes his head, scattering water drops everywhere and puts his hand to your cheek.
“I couldn’t do it,” he whispers, pleading with his eyes for you to understand without him spelling it out. He places his other hand on your back and pulls you towards him, pressing his mouth against yours and slipping his tongue between your lips. You open your mouth and clasp him to your chest, as though he’ll disappear again, if you don’t possess him with your entire being. You kiss for a bit and then he stops, looking at you intensely. You can’t quite place his expression, but there’s a tiny smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes sparkle with mischief.
“Hagoshipeo…” he begins, then switches to English, nervously hesitant. “I want to…” his pronunciation is halting, but he’s getting more fluent daily. Yet you’re still not prepared for his next words… “fuck…you…so [he tries again, checking your eyes for signs of validation that he’s doing okay] so? [you nod to encourage him, though you’re a little scandalised]…bad,” he finishes, awaiting your approval, with that smile still dancing around the curve of his lips.
“Close enough,” you tease him, capturing those lovely lips with yours.
“Badly! It’s ‘badly’,” calls Namjoon from next door, unable to resist correcting him. “Also TMI Jeong-ssi. I can speak English too, remember?” he adds, rolling his eyes as he comes back into the room, arms crossed. You step back from Jeongguk, not wanting to irritate Namjoon further. 
“You know, to be fair, he probably doesn’t want to fuck me badly cos that’s a whole other thing,” you correct Namjoon. He grins at you wryly.
“So anyway what…?” You clear your throat, embarrassed. “...what exactly happened while I was out with Hobi and Mai?”
“Give us a minute?” Namjoon directs at Jeongguk, who picks up on the sudden serious tone and shift in the air and decides to go quietly. As he leaves, he gives your hand a quick squeeze and sends you a little wink, ducking out the door.
“Jimin’s in a mood,” Namjoon starts the list, sighing, “Yoongi’s in a mood, and Bang PD-nim’s breathing down my neck about everything.” It hits you how much Namjoon actually has to deal with. He’s the middle man; he has to watch out for the boys and for the company simultaneously. It doesn’t help that the boys hardly ever make things easy for him. They forget, he’s as young and new to this as the rest of them are. Genius IQ and leadership role aside, he’s still only 24.
“I notice it, too. Jimin’s been… sour about a lot,” you say delicately, your mind going straight to his last outburst.
“I mean, I know why. He was seeing this girl for a while, secretly,” Namjoon explains, “and it didn’t work out. Something about her wanting it to be more public, wanting to announce it like Hyuna-noona and Hyo-jong did.”
“And Jimin can’t,” you nod, understanding immediately.
“Jimin can’t,” he confirms. “He tried, though. He asked Bang PD-nim about the likelihood of being able to announce a relationship, hypothetically. Bang PD-nim kindly said it isn’t possible, at least not in the immediate future. So Jimin’s… sore.” Before you can say anything, Namjoon groans in frustration, “...and now Bang PD-nim is giving me a hard time about all these ‘ideas’ these boys are having. They’re asking these questions, poking around, being moody when we’re supposed to work. I don’t get it, we knew what we were signing up for. Why push it?”
“What happens now?”
“I don’t know. I spoke to Jimin earlier and he told me they’ve broken up,” Namjoon replied. “She couldn’t take no for an answer. The fact that Hyuna-noona and Hyo-jong were fired for it escaped her completely. And not all of us can get a contract at P Nation.”
You both stand in silence for a minute.
“I think I have an idea,” you finally say, hesitating for a second. Namjoon looks over curiously, so you continue, “You know how Jeongguk said no to the show?”
Namjoon’s head drops, even more exasperated now, and he blinks at the floor as if he’s searching it for answers. “Of course he did,” he mumbles. You can almost see the invisible extra weight that’s just been added onto his shoulders. “Put Jimin on the show instead,” you suggest as casually as you can, “He’ll get to meet new people, you guys don’t default on the contract, and at the very least, it’ll take his mind off the break-up.”
You can see Namjoon thinking about it, mulling over the idea in his mind. “It could work,” he says after a while.
“It’ll be Jimin’s stepping stone, into television. Not in the same way Tae’s serious period dramas did, but it’s still television. A good starting point,” you think out loud, rationalizing it and almost convincing the both of you.
“He might actually agree to it,” Namjoon nods. “And it’ll address half of Bang PD-nim’s concerns. But what do we do about Yoongi?”
“I don’t think that’s something we can fix,” you tell him gently, “But from what I know, the issue is superficial. It’ll blow over. Might want to give Yoongi a head’s up if it starts to really affect his work, but otherwise, leave it be.”
“Okay,” Namjoon nods. “Thank you, Noona” he says to you, with enough genuine appreciation in his voice for you to make a mental note to watch out for him as much as he watches out for the rest of you. You gesture into the other room.
“Do you want to go watch something and leave the kitchen to Jin?” you suggest. Namjoon raises his eyebrows questioningly.
“What about…?” he hesitates.
“Well I’m pretty sure I can hear the shower running, and you know how long Jeongguk takes with that,” you answer his unfinished question. “Guess I’ll just have to hope he doesn’t jack off in there or he’ll lose all his momentum.”
“Oh gross! Please stop,” Namjoon cringes at the mental picture. You laugh and lead the way into the living room, calling out to Jin that the kitchen is free. Namjoon picks some action film and you settle yourselves on the two couches, deliberately leaving space for any of the guys to wander in and join you both if they want to. Tae meanders out of his room at some point and flops down on the other end of Namjoon’s couch, toasting you lazily with his pop bottle in greeting. An hour or so passes, then Jeongguk drifts out of the bathroom, with still-damp hair and a towel clinging to his slender hips.
“Oh no Jeonkookie. You didn’t,” Tae objects, staring at his exposed ribs with a mixture of horror and admiration. Namjoon shuts his eyes, probably hoping you’ll all evaporate and he’ll wake up in his bed as a teenage rapper with no responsibilities again. You shoot Tae a warning look, then hop up to examine the inked hangul running the length of Jeongguk’s side more closely. You look up at him in amusement. His eyes widen in affected innocence.
“Mwoh?” he asks you, fake-innocent and clearly trying not to laugh. You shake your head at him, equally exasperated and distracted by wishing it was real.
“Don’t worry Namjoon. Before you even ask. It’s fake,” you assure Bangtan’s beleaguered leader. Jeongguk sulks a little at having his prank exposed but shrugs in defeat as Namjoon relaxes and returns to his film.
“Does it look hot though?” Jeongguk checks with you, quietly anxious.
“Well it might if it didn’t appear to say…” you double-check “Made in Korea,” you point out. He pouts, but then laughs, embarrassed.
“They didn’t have many options for the fake ones,” he explains, sheepishly.
“Yes it looks hot,” you whisper in his ear. “Get a real one next time, baby,” you tease him, biting his ear lobe gently. “But wait til Namjoon is less stressed.”
“Where?” he prompts, dropping his head to tickle your jawline with his kisses. You play with his hair as he teases a lovebite at the side of your neck.
“I don’t know...maybe…” [you let your finger glide along his iliac crest] here?” you suggest, making him draw in his breath sharply. You raise his head with your hands, so you can take sips from his cherry-flavoured lips.
“Mmm…” you exhale longingly, licking your own lips to chase the flavour.
“Do you like it?” he asks you, all shy. “I got it when I was out before.”
“Mm-hm,” you reassure him, kissing him over and over. “I love it.”
“Guess what else I got,” he provokes you.
“I’ve no clue,” you admit.
“Bubblegum-flavoured lube,” he murmurs right in your ear.
“Let me taste it,” you smile, nipping his full bottom lip.
“Come in my room then,” he invites you.
It’s at this point that Jimin finally decides to emerge from his self-imposed exile to encounter you and Jeongguk embracing right in the middle of his trajectory from his room to the kitchen. He glares at the two of you in utter disgust.
“Why are you two still acting like cats in heat?” he demands crossly. He transfers his glare across to Namjoon, “and why are you letting them, Namjoon-hyung?” Namjoon’s jaw sets as he controls his temper at Jimin’s disrespectful tone but Jin, who has stepped in to ask whether you’re all out of sesame oil, hisses at him angrily: “Jimin-ssi! Show some respect. What is the matter with you kids lately?” he tuts, retreating back into the kitchen.
“Sorry Namjoon-hyung,” Jimin mutters sullenly. Namjoon sighs deeply and pauses his film.
“Jimin-ssi come in here for a minute,” he instructs him. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to get scolded. At least not right now. I just want to ask you how you might feel about this idea we’ve had.” Jimin goes over to Namjoon, casting a resentful look back over his shoulder as Jeongguk takes your hand in his and pulls you insistently towards his room.
“Hold up horangi,” you caution him softly. “I’ll come in a bit, okay? I have to help Namjoon with this first.” He looks so petulant you have to laugh. “Hey you got Namjoon into this situation in the first place with your messing about,” you point out. He cocks his head in acknowledgement of the truth of this statement, tangles his fingers with yours briefly, then pads over to his room alone, leaving you to join Jimin and Namjoon’s little ad hoc meeting. It doesn’t really take very long and Jimin seems excited at the prospect of the show, so you and Namjoon congratulate yourselves on a job well done and you go check on Jeongguk in his room. “Whatcha doin’ pretty aegi?” you address him, stirring him on purpose. He’s stretched at full-length on his bed, still wearing only a towel, as he plays with his hand-held gaming device. He flips onto his back when he hears your voice, dropping the game onto the bed with a wicked little smirk.
“I’m not a baby,” he objects. “I see,” you say. “But you’re alright with ‘pretty’ I assume?” “Handsome,” he corrects you. “Okay,” you smile, grabbing his ankle to pull him towards you. He pulls his leg out of your grip and reaches up to tumble you onto the bed with him.
“Aniyo! I get to be in charge this time, Noona” he reprimands you sassily.
“Oooh - you gonna be nae oppa Jeonkookie?” you tease him. He smacks you playfully.
“Hey! Behave!” he tells you, obviously a little needled by ‘that word’ and your teasing tone. “...jebal Noona,” he sulks.
“Okay, no. Mianhae,” you tell him, contrite. “Go ahead. I will listen.” He looks pleased, but shy.
“Please lie on the bed properly,” he requests, politely. “I will get changed.” You do as you’re told, deliberately making yourself look feminine and submissive for him and glad you’re still wearing suitably girly clothing from your outing earlier. Of course he takes ages to choose his clothes, so you close your eyes and relax against his pillows. Eventually you feel him sit on the edge of the bed next to you and take your hand.
“Are you sleeping, Noona?” he asks you, softly. You open your eyes and smile at him, shaking your head.
“Aniyo, cheonsa,” you assure him. “Just resting...Wow!” You gratify his efforts with your eyes wide. He looks stunning: dressed to the nines in a crimson-red silk shirt, black tie and black satin formal clothes to which he’s added his silver chain bracelet, a few silver rings and his dangling silver earring shimmering in one ear, leaving just a plain ring and studs in the other holes. He’s even gone to the trouble of styling his hair and applying his eye make-up, which is sweet, but you want to tell him he looks beautiful without even a lick of make-up on. You don’t though, as you don’t want to ruin his thing he’s trying to do. “You look like a king,” you tell him and he looks at the floor, shy. But he seems flattered. 
“Should I go dress up properly as well?” you check with him, deferential, still letting him play the leader.
“Ani, you look pretty,” he tells you. Little witch. He obviously knows not to say “okay” or “fine” and you smile to yourself at his diplomacy. You don’t have time to think it over too much though, as he starts to kiss you, removing his jacket and draping it carefully over the back of a chair. He loosens his tie with one finger and gives you a crooked smile.
“Do you want me?” he asks.
“Badly…” you tell him, trying to pull him closer. He winks, wrenches his tie off, and starts to unbutton his dress shirt. You reach your hand out to stroke his exposed chest and he closes his eyes, exhaling with a little sigh when your fingers brush one of his nipples.
“Uh...geugos-eun ppara,” he groans. You come over to him on your hands and knees and do as he asks, tickling him with your tongue first, before clasping his nipple between your lips and sucking for all you’re worth. He whimpers a little, then giggles and waves you back.
“Okay, okay,” he protests. “Enough. My turn now…” He crawls across the bed to you, bringing to your mind the contained power of a panther, rather than the soft, playful kitten you were expecting to deal with earlier.
“Oh, Jeongguk-ah,” you breathe, startling both of you with your suddenly-renewed intense desire for him. You reach out for him again, beseeching him with your eyes, and he smiles wickedly. He strips you, tantalizingly slowly, then strips himself while you watch him with your longing painted all over your face. When he’s done he flings himself down next to you again and sprinkles kisses all over your body, teasing you into a frenzy with his perfect lips. Just as you’re about to admit defeat and beg for mercy, he brings those lips close to your ear and whispers; “Still want my jaji to taste like bubblegum for a bit?” then reaches across to his bed-side table drawer.
He shakes the lube up like it’s a can of whipped cream, then applies it liberally to his erection, wincing slightly at the cold. At his gesture, you start to lick him carefully clean, using the longest, most lingering strokes you can manage, under the guise of just wanting to taste all that bubblegum-flavoured deliciousness. But it doesn’t take long for you to abandon any attempt at pretence, take his cock in your hand and suck him off with a relish unrelated to any artificial flavouring. He lets you get him pretty excited, then indicates, somewhat urgently, that he needs you to stop. Changing your positions, so that he’s now on top, he presses your legs apart and climbs between them.
You feel the hard length of him slide up inside you with no resistance as he pulls you upright into a sitting position and thrusts his hips like a jackhammer. His eyes are shut and his face betrays the physical effort of his exertions as he pants and gasps his lust out loud: “Uh...oh...baby...ne...oh sshibal…!” You try to restrain your own moans, not wanting to annoy the hell out of the others if they overhear you guys, but he’s swiftly bringing you to the brink of ecstasy with his ministrations. You’re not fucking much longer before he sends you straight over the edge, compelling you to scream his name, just before you feel his semen spill into you and onto his sheets. He collapses onto his back and flings his arm around you, cuddling you close as you both drift off.
Some weeks later, it’s dinner time and slowly everyone gathers at the table. Jin places the final dish at the centre and stands back to admire his hard work. Jimin is happily spooning rice onto everyone’s plate as you all settle in, Jeongguk dropping into the seat next to yours.
He discreetly places a hand on your thigh and gives it an innocent squeeze, sending you an adorable little smile. He’s dialled down the public displays of sexual energy since your initial hook-ups, and you’ve arrived at a comfortable understanding - you’re in a real relationship, with actual commitment, and Jimin no longer has to be put off his breakfast on a regular basis.
“Yoongi!” Jin calls out. “Dinner!”
With perfect timing, Yoongi comes around the corner. “I’m not joining you guys tonight, but thank you.”
Jin instinctively puts a hand on his hip, in a very motherly fashion, “Where are you going?” he demands.
“Out,” Yoongi retorts.
The whole table waits for an elaboration. After a beat, he finally rolls his eyes and mumbles, “with Mai.” As soon as Yoongi has left the room, you ask Hoseok, “So we’re… letting this happen then?”
“I guess,” he shrugs.
Glossary: (feel free to submit corrections for these ^.^)
Jwesonghamnida (저성함니다) Sorry (polite, honorific form)
Noraebang (노래방) Karaoke (Korean style - lit. singing room
Horangi (호랑이) Tiger
Aegi (애기) Baby
Aniyo! (아니요) No!
Nae oppa (내 오빠) My ‘oppa’
Jebal (제발) Please
Mianhae (미안해) I’m sorry (informal)
Geugos-eun ppara  (그것은 빨아) Suck it...
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mini-min-yoongi · 6 years
April AO3 Yoonmin readings:
Hi~ This month I read mostly Yoonmin fics, but there are a few other pairings, I specify which ones so that nobody gets confused. I’m posting this super late, it’s already June, but I do these mostly for myself so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ However, if there are people who find these useful or like them then that’s even better! Enjoy~
1) The Red Light Sector (All Dressed-Up)
Yoongi’s been through robberies, kidnappings, murders, torture, set-ups and betrayals without feeling a thing. Not even in his worst nightmares had he ever expected to be finally broken down, so swiftly, by a stunning boy with a hot silver tongue and diamond smile.
Yoongi’s dangerous, but Park Jimin is fatal.
Gangsters au in which Yoongi is a mafia boss (and Jungkook’s older brother, I love this dynamic) and Jimin is a hooker. It has angst but also fluff. All of BTS is part of Yoongi’s gang.
2) half feral, but just right (Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics)
What is an alpha supposed to do? Keep their head down, ignore the jabs and jeers, stay out of jail for being born different.
Feral, as they like to call it.
Yoongi knows the status quo.
3) didn’t sign up for this
when jin tells him about jimin, he imagines a tall, lanky, university stud who showers maximum twice a week. one can say yoongi has a poor sense of imagination.
College au. Yoongi and Jimin are roommates. Very cute and funny.
4) It's The Most Wonderful Time (Of The Year) (*)
Park Jimin is only three years old when he meets cooler, older, and smarter Min Yoongi for the first time, and is immediately enamoured.
For the first time in his entire life, Jimin feels an emotion he never thought he would feel: infatuation.
Not that he even understands what that feeling means.
All he knows is that there’s a small, pale boy at the front door of his home, right under the hanging mistletoe, firmly gripping his father’s hand and his mother’s skirt as he stares unabashedly into Jimin’s eyes, rendering him absolutely speechless.
childhood best friends yoonmin growing up together and experiencing the complexities of love & relationships, as well as, the harsh realities of growing older over the years, on Christmas day
I really like fics that focus on the struggles of growing up and how things change over the years and this one does that. There are very cute moments, especially when they are kids. There’s also angst and misunderstandings which I really enjoyed.
5) I'm Glad You're My First (First for Everything) (contains smut) 
Jimin wasn’t a prude, he just liked saving his firsts for everything for someone special. And, that special someone was Min Yoongi.
A compilation of their first times. I liked the angst in this one.
6) be mine (be my baby, my one and only) Series
Yoongi is the master of badassery. He has a car, a bad habit (or a few), piercings, and tattoos galore. He's also severely whipped for Park Jimin.
(Same goes for Jimin, but at least he's not so shameless about it.)
6.1 Leave Before the Lights Come On
Yoongi calls Jimin his sweetheart and Jimin really loves that.
6.2 James Dean, You're my Daydream
Jimin and Yoongi share a milkshake.
7) A Universal Language Meant Only for You (contains smut) (*)
Being deaf, Jimin lives his life in complete silence, alienated by people who can't understand his language until he meets Yoongi, who showers him with love, not by words but through little things:
Yoongi proposes with one piece of elusive street art a day for five days leading up to Valentine's Day.
I’m a sucker for these stories. Jimin is deaf and Yoongi is an artist and the sweetest boyfriend who showers him with love.
8) Pretty in Pink (not ym - Namjoon/Seokjin, contains smut)
On the Internet, college senior Kim Seokjin is known as the Pink Princess: a blogger that inspires his thousands of followers by not being afraid to accept and be himself. In real life, he is known as "that weirdo wearing girly clothes."
Seokjin is aware that he is not the type of person you’d expect to wear pastel fashion. He's not short. He doesn’t have a feminine face. He's not tiny and frail, his broad shoulders attesting to that. People look at him strangely, some going as far as to call him names. Despite this, Seokjin doesn’t allow the judgment from others to stop him from liking what he likes (including people of the same sex).
However, Seokjin's confidence and acceptance of who he is will be tested when he falls for an underground rapper who is more troubled than he lets on.
College AU. Pastel!Jin and Underground!Namjoon
9) No Ordinary Life (*)
The thing about falling in love is that it's not always convenient. The thing about falling in love is that sometimes it's impossible, especially when it's with your groupmate.
("How long?" Hoseok asks, and Yoongi doesn't have to prod to know what he means. How long have you been in love with him?
"I dunno," he murmurs. "Forever, maybe.")
BTS/Canon universe. Angst, angst, angst! I really liked this fic. It depicts the struggles that Jimin and Yoongi go through. They are in love but don’t want to damage the group or people finding out about their relationship. Even though I’ve read other stories where this also happens, I really enjoyed the author‘s take on this issue and the way in which they developed it.
10) A Dance of Poppies (Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, contains smut) (*)
When Jimin's family is killed, Yoongi's pack takes him in, and they fall in love over the years.
This story was AWESOME. I’m really into angst but only to a certain extent and this story has that angsty background, but the story is also super cute and fluffy. Seeing Yoongi and Jimin growing up, falling in love, getting jealous, going through hardships until they finally get their happy ending was amazing. I really liked it.
11) The Professor’s Family Series
(not ym - Namjoon/Seokjin, Jungkook/Taehyung)
Professor Kim Namjoon is married.
He doesn't have a wife.
They have a sort-of son.
And Jeon Jungkook just crossed paths with them.
A new universe I've been thinking about lately. Family!Bangtan, Married!Namjin, and Kid!Taehyung with Jungkook is my jam. Will be updated when inspiration strikes.
11.1. The Professor’s Wife
Everybody knew Professor Kim was already married. It was actually the first thing they asked the man during the first day of classes, with one brave student asking the question out loud for everyone to hear. The older man responded with deep dimples and a raised left hand, letting everyone see the plain, silver band glittering on his ring finger.
But, as one Jeon Jungkook found out, they were all completely, terribly wrong.
What? The Professor didn't say he had a wife.
11.2. The Professors Son
Math was often misunderstood, Taehyung said, on one of their dates along the Han River. People were always so afraid of it and refused to know more about it, dismissed it as something hard and unreachable and it made Taehyung upset. If people only tried to understand, he insisted, if only people approached it with an open mind and didn’t give up, then maybe a lot more people would love Math and would want to learn about it like he did.
Jungkook didn’t understand at first, but after knowing Taehyung, he now did.
Before he realized what was happening, thinking about Taehyung made his heart turn, dance a kind of waltz, then suddenly fell.
Before he knew it, Jungkook was totally, completely in love with him.
12) Tattooed Heart (*)
Five times Yoongi tattoos himself with small things he loves about his boyfriend, and one time Jimin does the same.
This was too cute and heartwarming. And Yoongi with tattoos, what else can I say??
13) My Darling Venus (contains smut) (*)
“'It’s me – Jimin! Dear fuck, I can't believe this,' okay maybe Yoongi is still asleep and dreaming. Yes, that must be it. Why else would he see his best friend standing in front of him as a girl if this wasn't a dream.
Yoongi doesn’t really want to question why he’s dreaming of his best friend being a girl. A smoking hot girl at that. It’d just shatter his world view if he thought too much about it.
So he answers in the only possible way he can think of and just snorts.”
Jimin wakes up as a girl and chaos enfolds.
First time reading a genderbend fic and I really enjoyed it! I feel like this can be very tricky to write, but I thought that the author did a good job with the way in which she resolved everything.
14) Behind Inked Bricks (*)
(Yoongi/Jimin, Namjoon/Seokjin, baby brothers Tae & Koo)
After spending time with his twin nephews, Jimin starts picturing a future he's pining for - where he's cooking up in the kitchen, the dogs are running around and Yoongi's sitting on the couch with their child snuggled up in his lap, reading a book. And after having an epiphany with the help of a six-year-old, Yoongi too starts seeing his future differently.
Or a fluffy, sweet fic with parents!Namjin, twins!Taekook, uncles!Hoseok&Jimin, tatted up!Yoonmin and all its glorious chaos.
So cute so cute so cute so cuteeeeeeee. Yoongi with tattoos and Yoonmin with kids (even if they aren’t their own) are my weaknesses for real. This was seriously adorable and I want to pinch baby Jungkook and Taehyung’s cheeks so much!! I also really love how all of BTS are literally family in this one :’)
(*) My favourite ones
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ao3feed-minjoon · 5 years
by S0LARK00
"Oh well hello there cutie" Min Yoongi in his tatted, leather wearing, platinum blonde hair purred out. The blushing, pastel wearing, bambi eye's widening stuttering out "U-Uh?"
Jungkook comes home from a summer trip away with his family only to accidently trip right into Namjoon's hot as fxck older brother, Yoongi's, lap in front of everyone on the first day of college.
Words: 53, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of omega jungkookie
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Park Jimin (BTS), Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Namjoon | RM
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin & Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Top Min Yoongi | Suga, Bottom Jeon Jungkook, Dom Min Yoongi | Suga, Sub Jeon Jungkook, Baby Boy Jeon Jungkook, AOB, Alpha Min Yoongi | Suga, Omega Jeon Jungkook, Stereotypes, cliched plot, Side Minjoon, side vhope, Side Jin x Original Character, Her name shall be Ren, Alpha Kim Namjoon | RM, Alpha Kim Seokjin | Jin, Alpha Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Omega Park Jimin (BTS), Omega Kim Taehyung | V, Makane Line are Besties, Hyung Line are Besties, Part of the same pack, Platonic Relationships, For OT7, Romanic inside ships tho, I listened to Loona while writing this, Humor, Fluff, Romance, Angst, Short Story, Literally 3 or 4 chapters long, I suck at updating sorry, I'm in college now too uwu, yoonkook, Sugakookie, Min Yoongi | Suga Is Whipped, Shy Jeon Jungkook, A bit sassy tho, college kids, Omegaverse, Scents, Mating, Marking, Biting, Anal Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, cursing, mature - Freeform, Rough Sex, Making Loves, Mates, Anime Plot Inspired, Shoujo manga inspired, kdrama inspired, Uh ok yeah
0 notes
jeonsjiddies · 4 years
Lying That You Love Me | myg (m)
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Summary - Upon first glance, no one would assume Min Yoongi would be the type to put someone back together. If his icy cold stare and stoic expressions weren’t enough to spook most people away, then the body covered in piercings and tattoos usually sent them running. You never could have imagined Min Yoongi would be the one to put your pieces back together, but there is always more than meets the eye.
Word Count - 10.5k
Pairing - Yoongi x reader
Genre - smut, minor angst
Warnings - mentions of broken family, family issues, mentions of homelessness, softdom!yoongi, dirty talk, cream pie, unprotected sex, oral (female)
a/n - Part of the Tatted Bangtan Series! 💕 Sorry it’s soooo late, I sprained my wrist lol. Hope you enjoy now that it’s finally here! Huge thanks to @nervouskiwi​ , @sunshinekims​ , and @excusemin​ for beta reading.  💕
You know those people you just instantly connect with? You hear their laugh one time and suddenly you feel more connected to a stranger than a friend you've known your whole life? Something in their smile that resonates deep within your soul, that somehow, on some level (whether it be friends or lovers or a kind stranger who changed your life in passing only to never meet again) you are just... meant to find each other. 
Those people who feel like sunshine on your cloudy days? The ones who wrap you in warmth and make your heart say "Ah, yes, so this is what home is supposed to feel like. This is what it means to belong. This is what it means to be myself, unafraid."
Somehow, amidst all the chaos and the heartbreak and the hurt, you find yourself cocooned in safety, building your own version of home with these strangers who feel like family; and it's good.  And sometimes your heart beats so fast and your chest feels so tight and you feel like you just can't breathe, so you reach out a hand into the dark unknown and you're met with arms wrapping around you and holding you together. Holding you until all your broken pieces can be glued back together, one by one.
Min Yoongi was one of those people. 
Now, upon first glance, no one would assume Min Yoongi would be the type to put someone back together. He looked more like someone who was one wrong look away from tearing you to shreds. If his icy cold stare and stoic expressions weren’t enough to spook most people away, then the body covered in piercings and tattoos usually sent them running.
But you… you were a little different. You’d taken one look at the man covered in intricate inky designs and your face had lit up with glee. A few hours prior to meeting Yoongi, you’d been sitting in your car, reclined back with your phone, leeching off of McDonald’s free wifi for the 11th night in a row. Your back ached, your stomach growled, and your foot was one more cramp away from being the end of you. The tiny cabin of your car was no place for you to live.
You scrolled through rental listings, looking for the cheapest option that didn’t look like it popped straight out of a horror movie. Your budget was low, being recently thrown out by your father after a fight about you dropping out of college. Your father was convinced you couldn’t survive on your own and you wanted to prove him wrong.
Finally stumbling upon a small 2 bedroom apartment on the west side of town leasing out the second bedroom, you clicked on the listing. There was no way you’d be able to afford your own apartment in a safe area, so you’d ended up expanding your search to find someone looking for a roommate. You zoomed in on the pictures provided, though there were few, it looked pretty nice. You scrolled down and read the description.
Single male, 27, searching for a roommate. You pay half the rent and utilities. Rent is $950 and utilities usually range about $300 a month, give or take. Pets welcome, but there is a deposit with the apartment complex and a monthly fee. My friend (and ex roommate) recently moved in with his long-time girlfriend and I need someone to help with expenses. Serious inquiries only. Contact for more info. 555-555-1382.
You quickly typed the number into your phone and texted the man to set up a time to view the apartment, but if you were being honest with yourself, you were already sold. This was the cleanest looking unit you’d seen, on a safe side of town, and it was more affordable than anything else you were going to get that was half as nice.
The man was quick with responses and very polite, and the two of you agreed to meet that evening at 4pm. You were absolutely giddy, a petty smirk on your face as you imagined telling your father that you indeed weren’t coming home, tail between your legs. You would not allow him to dictate your life anymore.
3:30 rolled around and you made your way over to the area the apartment was listed in, not wanting to be late. The apartment was part of a large building that was clearly a few years old but still in good shape. You looked around, noting that the nearby houses were well-worn but not worn down. It looked like a good area, and based on your Trulia searches, the crime was low here. 
You smiled from your parking space and waited until 3:55 to walk up to the buzzer, hitting the button for apartment 5D which had Min Yoongi listed as a resident. Yoongi. You liked that name. You grinned when a deep voice came over the speaker, asking who was there.
“It’s Y/N, we have a 4pm appointment for me to see the apartment?” you answered back cheerily. 
“Oh, yes, come on up.” before he was even done speaking, you heard the door click as he unlocked it. 
You pulled open the heavy door and began making your way up the staircase, glancing around for the correct apartment. Near the end of the hallway, you finally spotted your destination, nestled in the corner by a large window that looked out to the rest of the apartment complex. There was a playground and a tennis court, without a net, but you didn’t really care. 
You gently knocked against the wooden door, the only one without some form of decoration on the outside and waited for the man to appear and let you inside. You weren’t sure what kind of person you expected to see on the other side of the wooden door; you really hadn’t given it much thought. You were entirely unprepared however, to see the sexiest man you’d ever laid eyes on swinging the door open and dusting his hands on his worn jeans before flicking his onyx gaze up to meet yours, pinning you to your spot.
You snapped out of your haze and allowed your eyes to roam over his features, from his button nose to his full lips, to his toned arms, covered with decorative tattoos, beautiful inky designs trailing from his knuckles all the way up his veiny forearms, past his biceps, and disappearing into the sleeve of his t shirt. You sucked in a breath, noticing the eyebrow ring and multiple ear piercings.
“Y/N, nice to meet you. I’m Yoongi.” he smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth, something shiny catching the light when his tongue darted out to wet his lips. A tongue ring.
A shiver ran through your body but you reached out your hand to shake his extended one. His large hand seemed to engulf yours, the veins prominent and a little distracting. Your face lit up in a grin, knowing that if your dad took one look at this man, he’d surely lose his mind.
“It’s nice to meet you as well, Yoongi, thank you for meeting me on such short notice!” you smiled, allowing your hand to slip from his grasp and biting back the whine at the loss of contact.
“Come on in, have a look around. Like I said in the ad, my friend moved in with his girlfriend and left me to fend for myself. He did have the smaller bedroom but if that’s an issue, we can switch, if you’re interested that is.” he chuckled nervously, reaching his arm up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Oh, I am interested.” you giggled, looking around the spacey living room, which had an open concept that led into a small kitchen, but it looked like it had decent counter space. 
“Oh! This is the kitchen…” Yoongi began, leading you over to get a better look after seeing where your eyes were wandering. 
“It’s very roomy.” you noted with a smile.
“Jin did most of the cooking, but I helped out sometimes and we both fit in here pretty easily without getting in each other’s way.” he explained.
“Ooh, you cook?” you turned your gaze to him and watched as the tips of his ears turned pink.
“A little.” he admitted.
“Nice. Me too.” you grinned. 
“Cool.” he grinned, his smile was the cutest thing you’d ever seen, the best way you could describe it was… gummy. Sweet. Warm.
Yoongi led you on a tour of the rest of the house, showing you your future bedroom, which was furnished since his previous roommate hadn’t needed to take his bed with him, his bedroom, the bathroom you’d share, and the small laundry unit in the hallway, hidden behind a closet-like door. Nice. In-unit laundry was a definite plus.
The apartment wasn’t super spacious, the bedrooms were on the smaller side, but the living room and kitchen were nice sizes, and there was in-unit laundry, and Yoongi seemed like a very clean, respectful individual. You were sold before you’d walked in, but now you were over the moon about the small patch of paradise you’d stumbled upon.
“Is there a deposit required? Or just first and last month's rent?” you asked Yoongi, who’d taken a seat across from you at the table.
“Oh, just the first month’s rent is fine. I’m not like a landlord or anything.” he said, shooting you a playful smile.
“Okay. Do you want a check or…?” you questioned. “I mean, if you’re willing to let me lease with you.” 
“Of course! Check, cash, money order. I really don’t have a preference. If you want a paper trail with the office, we can do a check or money order.” he smiled.
You grinned back at the sheepish man across from you, his eyes shining with excitement. You were absolutely psyched to sleep in a real bed again, so tired of the worn leather seats in your car. Thank goodness it wasn’t summer so your skin wasn’t sticking to the material, but still. It wasn’t exactly a preferred sleeping space.
You ended up going to the ATM and giving Yoongi cash for the first month after adding your name to the lease just before the rental office closed. You both pitched in on a celebratory pizza and ate in the living room. You were surprised the rental office didn’t have to run a background check or something, you honestly didn’t think you’d be able to sleep in the apartment the same day you’d first laid eyes on it, but you weren’t complaining.
You stayed up with Yoongi until nearly 2am talking, drinking, laughing, and getting to know each other. He loved watching WWE, you loved watching K-dramas, he liked pineapple on his pizza and you thought that was basically blasphemy. Yoongi had braces growing up, had an older brother, preferred staying indoors to going out, and had a nasty habit he couldn’t seem to shake of biting his nails.
Yoongi was funny and warm and inviting. Though he seemed cold on the outside, he was actually very attentive and caring, always offering to refill your drink when he stood up, offering you a spare blanket if you looked cold, and making sure you felt comfortable as possible in your new home. You blamed it on the alcohol, but ended up getting way too personal too fast, telling Yoongi about why you’d moved in to begin with. 
“... and he’s so condescending and judgemental, like he would hate your tattoos and immediately label you a delinquent just based on that alone.” you took a breath after rambling on for a few minutes, letting out your frustration for your situation.
“Wow, that’s… a lot,” Yoongi shook his head sympathetically, “it’s your life, you should do what makes you happy. It’s not his place to control everything you do.” 
“He always has to be right, it’s exhausting.” you sighed.
“Well hey, bright side, you’re here now, and you’re free to be who you want and do whatever your heart desires. I fully support you.” Yoongi smiled at you and your heart seemed to grow three sizes. 
“Thank you, Yoongi. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
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“Do you have anything you need washed?” you asked Yoongi, gesturing to the washing machine that wasn’t even half full. 
“Don’t you have any more clothes than that?” Yoongi asked.
For weeks, you’d been cycling the same three outfits you’d been able to bring with you in a small backpack when you’d left home.You’d thought about going back home to get the rest of your things, but you really didn’t want to face your father. You weren’t scared of him, not at all. In fact, you’d love to rub it in his face that you hadn’t failed as he’d expected you to do. You just didn’t want to deal with him yet. 
Being around Yoongi, having the freedom to be yourself and being so wholly accepted for exactly who you were was intoxicating, and you weren’t ready to go back into that suffocating environment full of judgement and expectations, even for a short time. You were strong and resilient, but you also knew that your family issues were a sore spot for you.
“I do at my parents house. I just haven’t had a chance to go get my stuff.” you shrugged, starting the washer.
“You haven’t had a chance? Between lounging around watching Netflix and binge eating takeout?” Yoongi chuckled, leaning up against the wall and regarding you with a curious look.
“I’ve had time,” you emphasize with a sigh, “I just… I’m not ready to go there alone.”
“What if you weren’t alone?” 
You looked up to meet Yoongi’s gaze in surprise, a supportive smile playing on his soft lips.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your chest filling with hope.
“If you want, I can go with you?” he offered.
“Really? You’d do that?” you tried to keep the astonishment out of your voice in an attempt to not look as pathetic and weak as you felt.
“Yeah, we can take my car, it’s bigger than yours anyway.” he shrugged, pushing himself off the wall and walking closer to you.
“Have I told you lately that you’re amazing?” you grinned, reaching up to hug him.
Yoongi was used to your affectionate nature, but sometimes it still caught him off guard, as he wasn’t an affectionate person. He wanted to be, he just wasn’t always comfortable using physical affection. He froze for a moment, but quickly regained his composure and wrapped his arms around your torso to return your hug. 
“Yes, but feel free to remind me anytime. My fragile ego needs it.” he joked, poking your side playfully.
You released him from your hold with a light chuckle, stepping back and grinning up at him. He coughed and looked down to hide his shy smile from your view.
“Let’s go.” 
“Wait, right now?” you gasped, eyes wide.
“Do you have other plans?” he questioned with a raised brow. 
“Well, no… but I-” you began but Yoongi sent you a look that had you slipping on your shoes and following him out the door.
Yoongi smirked to himself at how easily you caved into him with just a stern look, unlocking the car and ushering you in before settling in the driver's seat and starting the engine. You couldn’t stop bouncing your leg from nerves, and Yoongi glanced your way every so often before gently placing his large hand on your knee for comfort. Except it did little to comfort you, having his veiny hands on your body only sent your heart into overdrive and caused your breathing to become that much shallower. You gave him an A for effort though.
“It’s going to be okay, I’m right here,” he soothed, “I’ve got your back.”
“Thank you, Yoongi.” you smiled appreciatively, placing your hand on top of his for a moment before looking out the window, watching the trees fly by as you got closer to your parents house. 
You hadn’t alerted your parents that you’d be coming, part of you hoping they wouldn’t be home and you could use the spare key to get your things and get out without having to interact with your father. 
When the GPS announced you were one turn away, your hopes were crushed into a fine powder as you finally looked up and shrank back into your seat when you saw both of your parents’ vehicles occupying the driveway. Yoongi pulled in behind your mom’s car and cut the engine, turning to look at you. You met his gaze with your panicked one and he motioned for you to breathe with him, taking a few deep breaths and guiding you to calm yourself.
“You got this. You ready?” he asked.
“As I’ll ever be.” you sighed, stepping out of his car and meeting him before walking to the front door.
You gripped his hand tightly, and Yoongi looked down at your conjoined hands in surprise but didn’t say anything, realizing that you needed the support.He squeezed your hand gently before rapping softly on the door. Your whole body tensed when you heard the lock click and Yoongi gave your hand another encouraging squeeze. The door swung open and your mother’s face was revealed, causing the hole in your chest to clench. 
“Y/N!” she gasped, her eyes trailing along your form, down to your hands, then up Yoongi’s arms to his face, her expression one of astonishment.
“Hi, mom.” you coughed awkwardly.
“Y/N’s here?” you heard from behind her, the smug voice of your father grating against your ears. “Our little baby came home to admit we were right?”
His grinning face came into your view, standing just behind your mother, his smirk immediately falling once he laid eyes on Yoongi.
“Who’s this?” he asked.
“This is Yoongi, he’s my-” you began.
“Are you dating this man?” your father interrupted, sounding panicked.
Your eyes flitted from your mom’s face to your dad’s, turning red with frustration. He had always hated people with tattoos, and you’d warned Yoongi about this. You didn’t think he’d get this worked up about it, and suddenly an idea popped in your head, and just as Yoongi was about to argue that you weren’t dating amidst your silence, you spoke up.
“Yes. He’s my boyfriend.” you said quickly, squeezing Yoongi’s hand in an attempt to beg him to go along with it.
Yoongi’s breath caught and he coughed into his elbow uncomfortably, but gave a sheepish grin when he recovered, letting go of your hand and extending his out to your parents.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. I’m Min Yoongi.”
Your mother stared at his hand hanging in the air like it was a foreign object before she collected herself, gingerly taking his hand in hers. Your father followed suit, his expression hard.
“It’s nice to meet you, Yoongi.” your mom smiled, warming up to Yoongi’s polite aura.
“I’m very honored to finally meet you. I see where Y/N gets her pretty eyes from.” Yoongi smiled, causing your mom to turn bashful and swat at him playfully.
Your dad hadn’t budged an inch, his hard gaze focused on the man at your side, scrutinizing and unwelcoming. His eyes wandered over Yoongi’s plethora of tattoos, many piercings, and ripped jeans. He made a face of distaste before turning his gaze to you.
“What are you doing here?” he wondered.
“We’re getting some of my stuff to take back home.” you explained.
“Home? You live with this man?!” you dad guffawed. 
“Yes, we live together.” Yoongi supplied for you, stepping closer to you and wrapping an arm around you, kissing the top of your head affectionately.
He mostly wanted to be a shield for you against your father, as he could tell you were starting to shrink in on yourself, and he wanted to offer you a little more strength. You smiled up at him, hoping your eyes showed your thankfulness.
“Absolutely not, young lady. I won’t permit it.” your father hissed.
“With all due respect, you don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. I’m an adult, and you kicked me out.” you shrugged, using your best acting skills to appear nonchalant.Yoongi felt your body shivering slightly against his.
“I- You-” your dad fumed. 
“Why don’t we grab your clothes and come back for the rest when everyone has calmed down a little?” Yoongi offered quietly in your ear.
You nodded, pulling him along with you to your old bedroom. You felt your dad’s piercing gaze follow you down the hallway, but you ignored it. You grabbed some clothes and a few other things, throwing them in a decorative tote you’d once used to house scrapbooking supplies. Yoongi took the tote from you and led the way back out of the house, your hand clutching the back of his shirt like a safety blanket, the other arm filled with more clothes.
Your mom watched you quietly, with a sullen expression, seeming to try and express her apologies through her eyes while your dad seethed from his recliner, refusing to look at you. You sighed, taking a look around the house you used to call home before announcing your departure and waving goodbye, following Yoongi out the front door.
Once you’d placed the things in the back of the car and sat in the passenger seat, your body deflated. Yoongi began driving, to get you out of the line of sight of your parents in case you broke down, so they wouldn’t see.
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry I dragged you into that. I don’t know what I was thinking, I just- I saw his face and I wanted to-” you sighed, struggling to explain the reason behind your split second decision to lie about the nature of your relationship.
“I understand.” 
“You’re not mad?” you looked over at him in surprise.
“No. I can see the power dynamic in that house. Your family clearly has some issues they need to work out. I’m not mad.” he explained.
“I don’t deserve you,” you sighed, leaning your head on his shoulder, “you’re the greatest friend I’ve ever had.”
“Dang, that bar is set pretty low, Y/N.” he joked.
You slapped his arm playfully with a grin lighting up your face, suddenly feeling much lighter than you had moments ago. 
“How about I pay for pizza tonight as a thank you?” you offered, gazing up at him.
“As long as there’s pineapple on it.” he smirked.
“Half and half.”
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Seasons changed, the air turned colder, the leaves on the trees transitioning from vibrant green to deep golden yellows and reds before fading away altogether as the harsh winter breeze bagan to set in. Each new day, you learned more about Yoongi, and the two of you grew closer. Yoongi was respectful of your space and time. He would notice when you were having a bad day and do little things you almost didn’t notice to help you out and reduce your stress. He’d pick up your favorite tea on his way home from work or invite you to watch a movie you knew he wouldn’t have watched on his own. 
You tried to show him the same level of respect, like making sure there was fresh coffee for him in the morning, or packing his lunch when he was running late. The more time you spent with Yoongi, the more you adored him. Possibly a little too much… You’d known from the moment you laid eyes on him that he was gorgeous, but you didn’t think it would be so distracting. 
Oftentimes, you’d find yourself staring at the way Yoongi’s lips moved while he talked, or watching the way his muscles flexed while he wrote. Your breath would hitch when your bodies brushed against each other in the hallway or maneuvering around the kitchen together. You’d try to slip past him and his hands would reflexively find your hips to steady you and guide you past him. Sparks would shoot through your veins any time his skin touched yours, a warm tingle left wherever his touch had been. 
Your eyes would linger a second too long when he’d come out of the bathroom in a towel, or when he’d stretch during your frequent binge watching sessions, the hem of his shirt lifting to reveal a sliver of gorgeous ivory skin. Your mouth would water on the occasions when his hip tattoo would be revealed if his sweats hung a little too low. Sometimes you swore he was doing it on purpose, when you’d look up to find him watching you with an amused expression and you’d tear your eyes away as your cheeks filled with heat.
Yoongi never called you out for gawking at him, he’d simply raise an eyebrow and his delicious lips would turn up in an amused smirk. You weren’t the only one who got caught staring though. You noticed his eyes on you when you would bend over to grab a water from the fridge, or his gaze trailing down your neck towards your breasts when you’d come home sweaty from a run. You pretended not to notice, but you saw the way his eyes would linger.
You danced around each other like that, somehow simultaneously completely at ease and growing closer with each passing day but incredibly bothered with tension and desire. Or perhaps it was all in your head, wishful thinking on your part. You couldn’t count on all your fingers and toes the amount of times Yoongi’s name would fall from your lips in pathetic whimpers while you attempted to keep quiet whilst touching yourself under the covers in your room.
You tried to act like nothing had changed, which is why when Yoongi invited you to watch a movie with him, you’d snuggled up to him on the couch, just like always, a thick blanket wrapping the two of you in warmth. Your head rested on his shoulder and his hand on your knee, the heat from his skin on yours causing other areas of your anatomy to warm up as well. It was hard paying attention to the screen when you could feel the warmth of his skin seeping through your jeans where his hand met your knee but you did your best.
You watched as the main characters began taking their clothes off and tensed up awkwardly, looking up at Yoongi to ask if he wanted anything to drink… at the same time he’d glanced down to ask if you wanted more popcorn. Your faces were mere centimeters away, you could feel his hot breath ghosting against your lips, your gazes locked. Your heart skipped a beat and time seemed to slow, and you could have sworn he’d begun leaning in, but a loud crash in the movie startled you both out of your moment, and you’d pulled away with an awkward cough.
Yoongi scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact, and you’d stood up, using his leg as leverage, but your hand slipped and glided up his thigh, almost making contact with his crotch. You wretched your hand away like you’d been burned and mumbled something about a refill before making a beeline for the kitchen.  Hand over your heart, free hand resting on the counter to hold yourself up while you struggled to regulate your heartbeat, you closed your eyes and took deep breaths. 
Was Yoongi about to kiss you? Surely not, but the way your eyes had connected, the sparks his intense gaze had sent down your spine… you shivered. You refilled your water and grabbed a new drink for Yoongi before making your way back to the living room, sitting a few inches from him and extending out your offering to  him, which he took with a quiet “thanks.”
The air was thick and uncomfortable, the lingering tension from the almost-kiss nearly suffocating the both of you. You nearly jumped out of your skin when your phone started ringing, a FaceTime call from your mom. You sat up and sent a panicked look towards Yoongi, who glanced at the screen before scooting closer to you, and pressing the answer button. 
“Hi mom!” 
“Hello, love. Oh. I see Yoongi is with you. Hello, Yoongi.” she smiled politely. 
“Hello, ma’am.” 
“Y/N, I packed up some more of your stuff, I felt awful for how the other day went and I wanted to apologize.  I talked to your father as well, and… you know how he is.  I want to support you and if Yoongi makes you happy, I want to get to know him. I miss you.” she rambled, clearly nervous.
“Oh mom… thank you. I really appreciate that.”
“I do have to admit though, I was very surprised that you two were together, it just seemed so… unexpected. You usually go for a more clean cut kind of guy…”
“Well, you know what they say, opposites attract.” Yoongi supplied with a charming smile after  sensing your body stiffen. 
“That they do!” your mom agreed with a giggle, “it just didn’t seem real at first, I suppose.”
You shot Yoongi a panicked glance out of the frame of the camera, silently begging him to turn up the PDA. His lip was tucked between his teeth in nervousness, but he let it slide free and steeled himself before leaning in and brushing a gentle kiss to your cheek. Which would’ve been a great plan, had that not been the exact moment you’d decided to turn your head to look at him. 
His lips met yours for the briefest moment, the most tender ghost of a touch, but it lit your insides aflame. Your heart pounded erratically, your chest tightening, and the air seeming to have been stolen from your lungs. Your arm holding your phone grew slack, and you dropped it onto the couch cushion, your hand instinctively placing itself upon Yoongi’s firm chest. The kiss lasted mere seconds, but with the way time stilled around you, it might as well have been hours. His soft lips pressed so delicately to yours suspended gravity itself, and you were floating on cloud nine.
“Y/N? Hello?”
The two of you broke apart in shock, springing away from each other like magnets with the same charge, eyes wide and breathing heavy as you stared at one another. Moments passed with your heartbeat pounding in your ear like a drum before you came to your senses and picked your phone up.
“Sorry mom. Can I call you back?” 
“Oh sure, love you.”
“Love you too, mom.”
Yoongi had taken your momentary distraction as an excuse to escape to his bedroom, leaving you alone in the living room with wide eyes and fingertips pressed to your lips in shock. Your lips had barely touched and it felt like your worlds had collided, two missing pieces finally coming together. And it was terrifying, so you decided not to dwell on it, you’d deal with it when the time came.
That didn’t stop you from replaying the moment in your head for the rest of the night, however. Laying in your bed with Yoongi just one wall away, you wondered if he was thinking about the kiss, if he was thinking about you too. Shoving the hopeful thoughts from your mind, you let yourself drift to sleep.
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You weren’t sure why you’d agreed to spend the holiday with your family, but your mother’s persistent guilt trip over the past few weeks had worn your resistance thin. Yoongi’s family was back in Korea so he didn’t have any other plans, usually opting to spend Christmas alone with a bottle of bourbon and leftover takeout. He’d agreed to be your buffer between yourself and your father and accompany you to the hellscape that was your old home.
Snow had already begun to softly drift from the skies, so Yoongi had reminded you about ten times to dress warm so you didn’t catch a cold. Upon the 8th reminder, you’d snarkily shot back “yes daddy.” and rolled your eyes, stomping off to pull on your gloves. Yoongi had frozen in place, jaw slack as his eyes bored into the back of your head. You paid him no mind, wrapping a scarf around your neck and tucking it into your coat before pulling on your hat. 
“Are you coming?” you asked, your eyes warily running along Yoongi’s rigid body as he stood there with his eyes closed taking deep breaths.
“Yeah. I’ll meet you down there.” he tossed you the keys so you could unlock the car he’d started a few minutes beforehand, making sure it was warmed up.
You trudged down to the car, dragging your purse and the pie you were meant to bring to the occasion, sliding into Yoongi’s passenger seat and placing your hands against the vents for the warm air. A few minutes later, Yoongi joined you, much more relaxed than before. You sent him a hopeful smile and rested your hand on his knee.
“Thanks for coming with me.” 
“Of course. I’ve got your back.” he shrugged, backing out of the space carefully.
You watched the scenery as Yoongi drove, noting how the snow had dusted the trees with a beautiful blanket, making everything brighter, almost as if it sparkled. You loved the snow as a kid and you loved it still, a fond nostalgia settling in your chest until you noticed you were getting closer to your parents house. Your grip returned on Yoongi’s knee and he tensed a bit before placing his free hand on top of yours.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m right here,” he soothed, then wiggled his eyebrows playfully “plus your mom approves of your boyfriend now.” 
“She loves you more than me now.” you pouted.
“Well, I am pretty irresistible.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” you threw back.
“Don’t think I don’t notice you checking me out, babe.” he smirked, emphasizing the last word as you both walked up to the front door, Yoongi’s hand reaching out to knock gently.
“Shut up.” you crossed your arms defiantly.
Yoongi poked at your side, almost making you drop your pie, but he saved it at the last minute by reaching out and grabbing it from you. This caused his face to be just inches from yours and your eyes locked for a moment and you swear time stopped. Your heart was pounding in your chest as his gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips momentarily, and you sucked in a breath in anticipation. It might have been your imagination, but Yoongi seemed to get a little closer to your parted, waiting lips before your mom opened the door. The two of you sprung apart like you’d been caught at a crime scene.
“Well don’t stop on my account.” your mom giggled, sending you a playful wink before beckoning you inside.
You avoided eye contact with Yoongi and tried to take steady breaths to calm your racing heart, your mind going a mile a minute. Was he about to kiss you? Surely not. You were play dating, and no one was watching. Did he want to kiss you? Your cheeks were on fire and you were honestly a little riled up, pressing your thighs together discreetly. You handed your mom the pie, which she sliced and set on the table.
“Merry Christmas, mom. Where’s dad?” 
“Oh he’s taking a nap. Yoongi, come over here! I want to get a picture of you two together!” your mom grinned.
“What are you, best friends now? You guys video chat at least once a week.” you whined.
Your mom waved you off and held her camera up while Yoongi stood beside you, giving you plenty of room. 
“Scoot closer. You’re boyfriend and girlfriend, not awkward preteens.” your mom huffed.
Yoongi stepped closer and put an arm around your shoulder, leaning in and smiling for the camera. You heard the shutter go off a few times, attempting to pull away.
“Wait. Let’s get one of you kissing his cheek, Y/N!” your mom gushed.
“Do it.” she chided.
You sighed and glanced up at Yoongi in silent apology, but he only lent over and offered you his cheek. You gently pressed your lips to it, feeling the skin tingle where it met his. The tips of Yoongi’s ears were suspiciously pink, but you paid it no mind. He was probably uncomfortable. Your mom snapped a few pictures and smiled to herself.
“You two act like you’ve never touched each other.” she commented offhandedly while turning around to place her phone on the charger.
“Yoongi’s not a fan of PDA.” you covered smoothly.
“When I was your age my man couldn’t keep his hands off of me.” she shrugged.
“What? It’s true. Young men always have a one track mind.” 
You covered your face with your hands, and your mom laughed. Yoongi wrapped his arms around you from behind, shielding you with his body.
“Don’t be shy babe. I just wanted to be respectful around your mom but she doesn’t seem to care.” he spoke, allowing his lips to graze along the shell of your ear, causing a shiver to run through your body. 
Yoongi smirked and kissed your cheek before letting you go, standing up straighter. You glanced where he was staring and your dad was making his way down the hall to join everyone. 
“Merry Christmas, dad.” you said politely.
“Merry Christmas.” he responded, his tone a little stiff and uncomfortable.
He wasn’t showing clear distaste for you or Yoongi, so you took it as a win. Your mom must have had a talk with him. You silently thanked her and took your seat beside Yoongi at the table. Dinner was pretty uneventful, light small talk that your father barely participated in and Yoongi relentlessly complimenting your mom on her cooking skills, telling her how delicious the food was and how he needed the recipes. 
After dinner, you all sat around the tree and opened gifts, your father having gifted your mother a lovely pearl necklace, your  mother giving your father a new watch. You’d gifted your mom a foot massager that looked like slippers you’d seen at the mall, and your father a new set of tools, knowing his were beginning to wear. You’d gifted Yoongi a gift card to his favorite store at the mall, and he’d given you a beautiful bracelet he saw you eyeing a few weeks back. 
The last gift to be opened had been a pair of matching couple’s pajamas for you and Yoongi, a red and white plaid design that was actually kind of cute. Your mom made you hold them up and take a picture together, ignoring your protests that she had taken plenty of pictures beforehand. Packing everything up and getting ready to go, you looked up between your parents and sighed contentedly.
“This was nice, getting along,” you smiled at your mom, standing up and dusting off your skirt, “we’ll be sure to visit soon.”
Your mom leaned in for a hug from both of you while your dad stood silently off to the side, hands at his sides, fingers twitching slightly like he was unsure if he should lean in as well or not. Swallowing your pride because it was Christmas, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. He gently patted your back a few times before stepping back.
“See you around, dad. Merry Christmas.” you spoke softly.
“Merry Christmas.” he repeated, looking away uncomfortably.
You sighed and took Yoongi’s hand in your own, gazing up at him in a silent question. He smiled and pulled you towards the door.  The second he opened the entrance, snow blew into the living room from the force of the wind, and Yoongi quickly shut the door, having to put in more strength than usual with how hard the wind was blowing. 
“Wow, it’s really coming down hard out there.” your mom commented, eyebrows raising in surprise. 
“Does your vehicle have four wheel drive?” your dad asked.
“Um… no.” Yoongi scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.
“Oh there is no way I’m letting you drive in this!” your mother gasped.
“Mom, we have to go home. I’m sure we can drive slow.” you reasoned, though your nerves about the weather were grating at you.
“Absolutely not. You’ll stay here.” she commanded.
“YN… your mom is probably right. It looks pretty bad out there. I don’t think it would be safe…” Yoongi said quietly.
You sighed, resigning to your fate and nodded, setting your purse back on the coat rack and removing your jacket. Yoongi followed suit, shedding his coat and hanging it up, smiling apologetically in your direction. Your father had already retreated back to his bedroom to clean up for the night. 
“Are the spare blankets still in the hall closet?” you asked your mom.
“Yes, why?” she wondered.
“I was going to grab one, Yoongi or I will probably be sleeping on the couch.” 
“That couch is not comfortable enough to sleep on. It’s not like I don’t know you sleep together at home.” she scoffed.
Your cheeks lit up brighter than the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room and you didn’t dare look at Yoongi. Your mom laughed at your reaction, rolling her eyes and walking down the hall.
“Goodnight, see you in the morning.” she called over her shoulder.
The two of you stood there silently for a moment before you coughed and gestured for him to follow you to your old bedroom. Most of your stuff had been taken to your apartment by that point, so it was mostly just your old bed and an empty dresser with a lamp on it. You glanced down at the full sized bed, which had enough room for the two of you, but barely enough to ensure that you wouldn’t end up touching.
“Do you care which side?” you wondered, finally looking up to meet Yoongi’s gaze. 
“No, it doesn’t matter to me.” he shrugged.
“Okay. You can go change first.” you offered.
Yoongi nodded and disappeared down the hallway to change into the pajamas your mother had gifted the both of you previously in the night. You decided to go ahead and rush through changing while Yoongi was gone, slipping on the matching pair and crawling into bed. The two of you laid straight on your backs, staring at the ceiling for a while.
“I’m sorry about this.” you mumbled quietly.
“It’s okay, really.”
You didn’t remember falling asleep so soon, but you woke up to a pitch black room with something warm and firm pressed up against your back. You snuggled closer to the warmth in the freezing room and were met with a low groan and something a solid pressing against your backside.
“Nnnngh.” Yoongi whined, half-asleep, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you flush against him.
You froze, trying not to rub against Yoongi’s erection that was pressing into your ass, but that didn’t stop the shiver from traveling through your body. With great effort, you managed to turn yourself around in Yoongi’s arms so you were facing him, watching his serene facial expressions in his slumber.
Yoongi really was a beautiful man. You watched him take slow, steady breaths, his face illuminated by the moonlight trickling in between the blinds. You wanted to reach out and touch him, feel his smooth skin beneath your fingertips, but you didn’t dare in case you woke him. 
His body shuffled closer to yours once more, his arms tightening around you until your noses were nearly touching and you had to hold in a gasp. There was no way this would be happening if Yoongi had been conscious, and you weren’t sure if you should let him sleep or alert him to what he was doing. You couldn’t help being slightly elated at the situation though, being this close to Yoongi and being able to study his features without fear of looking weird, and the way his groin felt pressed against your lower stomach wasn’t something you’d complain about either.
You decided you should probably stop taking advantage of his unconscious state and attempted to climb over him to get out of bed without disturbing him. Just as you’d swung your leg over his body, he turned in his sleep, flipping onto his back, effectively knocking you off balance until you landed atop his chest, your legs straddling his hips. 
You glanced up at his face and your eyes met, faces mirroring expressions of shock. You were both frozen in place for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. You snapped out of it and tried to climb off of Yoongi’s hips, just as Yoongi tried to sit up, so all the two of you accomplished was grinding your core against Yoongi’s erection. Yoongi let out a strangled moan, reaching out to grab your hips to hold you still. 
His fingers gripped the skin of your hips where your shirt had ridden up, and his touch burned in the best way. You fought back a whimper at the delicious feeling, your hips stilling in his iron grasp. The air in the room changed, getting thicker. You swore you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. Your racing heart skipped a beat as Yoongi’s eyes traveled down your body until they rested where your core met his length. He shivered. You gulped. Once again, you attempted to flee your current position.
“Please- don’t move,” Yoongi whined, almost desperately, “you’re making it worse.”
“I know I’m irresistible.” you chuckled awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood.
“You really are.” 
Your brows rose in surprise at the earnest tone he spoke in, his voice bordering desperate. Your mouth slightly agape, you searched his eyes for confirmation he wasn’t joking. He  smirked and sat up, holding you against him as his lips ghosted along your neck, barely brushing against your skin. His hot breath fanning against your skin sent a shiver down your spine. His fingers dug into your sides almost demandingly, and he let out a low, animalistic growl. 
“You don’t even realize what you do to me… how much you tempt me. I see the way you look at me, the way your eyes linger. You’re anything but subtle. I’ve tried so hard to hold back… If we weren’t at your parents house, I’d fuck you so hard you’d forget your name…” Yoongi’s voice was low and quiet, and you let out an involuntary whimper at his words, causing his eyes to darken and a smirk to play on his pretty lips, “but maybe you’d like that, maybe you want them to hear, you want them to know what a dirty slut you can be, wanna show them who you belong to. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, baby girl?” he purred, rocking his hips up into yours, letting his rock-hard member drag deliciously against your covered folds.
“Oh fuck… yes.” you whimpered, all sense of dignity flying out the window at his dirty words.
“Fuck, I’ve dreamed about this for so long.” he groaned, using his hands to guide your hips along his length.
“Me too.” you whimpered, falling forward and placing your hands on the defined planes of his chest, feeling it rise and fall as quickly as yours.
You allowed your hands to wander underneath his sleep shirt, feeling his warm skin against your own, slowly dragging your digits along his torso and teasingly letting your nails scrape gently against his nipples. Yoongi watched with rapt attention as you explored his body, relishing in the way you attempted to memorize every inch your eyes could devour.
His fingers dug into your hips when you flicked your thumb over his nipple, and you smiled innocently before dragging your hands down to the waistband of his pajama pants, gently lifting the elastic and letting it snap back against his skin, causing him to buck his hips up into yours. His hands traveled up your hips to grip the hem of your shirt, pausing and meeting your gaze to make sure you were alright, and you nodded, placing your hands on his and guiding them to remove the fabric, revealing your bare breasts underneath. Yoongi sucked in a breath, a low whine escaping as he released it. 
His hands immediately found purchase on your breasts, his thumb and index finger rolling your hardened nipple. You let your head fall back as electricity shot straight to your core at his actions. You felt him move below you, sitting up in order to take one of your pert nipples into his waiting mouth. His warm tongue worked against the sensitive bud, alternating between licking and sucking while he worked the neglected nipple between his fingers. Your breathing grew shallower, your whines needier, and you felt Yoongi smirking against your skin, releasing your abused flesh with an audible pop.
“You fall apart so easily for me… who could’ve guessed you’d be such a responsive, cock hungry little thing.” he mused while allowing his hands to travel down your stomach, so close to where you needed stimulation.  
“Yoongi please…”
“Fuck, say it again. My name sounds so much better coming from your pretty lips.” 
“Yoongi.” you moaned, nearly breathless. “Please.”
In an instant, Yoongi had you flipped over, resting on your back as he hovered over you, his hungry gaze trailing over your chest and traveling down. He tugged on the waistband of your pajamas, pulling them down past the swell of your ass, then helping you kick them off and aside, leaving you in nothing but your panties.
“Wanna see you, Yoongi.” you pleaded, tugging on the hem of his shirt.
He quickly obliged, whipping it off and tossing it aside, revealing his expanse of glorious ivory skin to you. Your gaze traveled down the expanse of his torso, tracing over the intricate designs that decorated his skin in awe. You’d seen glimpses, when he’d been in just a towel, or stripping off his shirt at the washing machine, but you’d never gotten a good look up close. 
You tentatively lifted your fingers, your index gently tracing the inky black lines as tenderly as you could, barely a ghost of a touch as you admired the beautiful artwork that so perfectly suited such a beautiful man. Yoongi shivered at your touch, watching you study his ink with such wonder in your eyes pulled at his heart strings, reminding him exactly why he’d fallen for you in the first place. 
“When we have more time, I want to hear all about these,” you mused quietly, “what they mean, when you got them, I want to know everything.”
“I’ll tell you anything you want to know baby,” he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, “but for now…” he trailed off, slowly moving his body down, kissing a path from your lips down your front until he reached the elastic band of your panties.
He teasingly ran his finger under the elastic, grinning up at your from his spot between your thighs before pulling the garment from your body and tossing it aside, revealing your soaking pussy to him. You tried to close your legs from embarrassment, but Yoongi gently slid his hands up your thighs, gently kneading the flesh there.
“So beautiful, please don’t hide from me.” he cooed, kissing a line from your thigh to your folds, causing you to let out a pleased sigh and spread your legs further for him, “mmm… good girl.”
He rewarded you by licking a long stripe up your slit, gathering your slick on his tongue and making a pleased noise in the back of his throat before diving in, working his warm muscle against your clit in different motions, alternating between sucking it between plump lips, licking broad stripes against it, and drawing figures with the tip of his tongue. 
Using your pleasure as a distraction, he slowly eased a finger inside of your entrance, your slick aiding him with the welcome intrusion. He curled his finger and made come hither motions, repeatedly rubbing the pad of his finger against your weakest spot, and it took everything inside of you not to cry out at the intense fire burning in your core as he worked you closer to your first release. He slowly added a second finger, then a third, scissoring you open and prepping you for his cock. 
Just the thought of the thick member you’d felt pressing against your lower back earlier nestled deep inside you had you drooling, and Yoongi’s skills with his mouth and fingers were certainly not hurting. Quiet whimpers escaped your lips as you fought the urge to buck your hips up into his mouth as your climax came closer and closer. Yoongi noticed your needy behavior and sped up his actions, working you towards your release. 
You bit down on your fingers to stifle the loud moans that threatened to spill from your lips, even in your lust clouded mind, the last thing you needed was to be interrupted before you could get Yoongi inside of you. As your orgasm crashed over you from Yoongi’s ministrations, your back arched off the bed and you nearly drew blood from how hard you had to bite down to keep quiet, your body shaking as you came down from euphoria. 
Yoongi kissed his way back up your body, finally becoming eye-level with you, smirking at your fucked out state and heavy breathing. You laughed and hid your face in the crook of his neck, drawing his body closer to yours in an attempt to hide. Yoongi’s low chuckles reverberated, shaking the bed slightly. Your hands traveled from being wrapped around his neck, slowly trailing down his back and pulling on the elastic of his pajama bottoms, desperate to lay eyes on his thick cock, which was pressed into your hip.
“Yoongi… need you. Need you so bad.” you begged.
Yoongi’s cock twitched in his pj’s, and he assisted you with ridding him of them and his boxers in one go, allowing his cock to spring free and slap against his stomach in all its glory. You were absolutely salivating as you looked at the reddened tip, leaking precum, the long shaft, and you couldn’t wait to feel him filling you up.
“Ready, princess?” he wondered, lining his member up with your entrance after gathering your slick to coat the head.
“So ready. Please fuck me, Yoongi.” 
Yoongi slowly pushed himself inside your entrance, stretching your walls in the most delicious way. He took his time, periodically checking your expression for discomfort as he impaled you with his length. Your breathing was erratic, you were clutching onto his back for dear life as he split you open, eventually bottoming out. Yoongi stretched you out in all the best ways, filling you up better than any man had ever dreamed of before, and you were living for it. 
You rocked your hips up into his, begging him to move, and Yoongi slowly pulled out until just the tip was sheathed inside your warmth before pushing back in, gaining more speed as he went.  You couldn’t help the pathetic whines and moans that fell from your lips as Yoongi worked his hips, thrusting into you at a punishing pace. Every rock of his hips had the tip of his cock meeting your cervix, the powerful thrusts sending you closer and closer to oblivion. 
“Fuck, babygirl, you look so sexy like this, taking my cock so well… like you were made for me. So fucking perfect.” Yoongi whispered hotly in your ear, licking a bold stripe along the shell, sending shivers coursing through your body.
“Yoongi, fuck.” 
“That’s it baby, who’s making you feel this good?” he accentuated the last word with a harder thrust that sent your body a little farther up the bed.
“You, Yoongi! Oh oh o-oh..” your whines grow louder and Yoongi quickly covered your mouth with his own in an attempt to drown out the noise, lest your parents really do hear him defiling their daughter in her childhood bedroom. 
You clawed desperately at his back, trying to warn him of your impending orgasm, and Yoongi deepened the kiss in understanding, pistoning his hips with as much strength as he could muster and reaching down to roll your clit between his fingers, sending you sailing off the edge, Yoongi’s kiss stifled your scream before he soon followed you off the edge, painting your walls white with his hot release. 
Yoongi pecked your lips tenderly before rolling off of you and landing on his back beside you, both of you panting and grinning like idiots. Yoongi’s cum seeped out of your battered hole, and he licked his lips at the sight, causing you to cover your face and giggle. He stood, walking into the bathroom and dampening a washcloth to clean you up as gently as he could before tossing it into the hamper and resuming his position on his side of the bed.
The sun was just beginning to rise and shine through the blinds as you lay beside Yoongi, still catching your breath. You glanced over at Yoongi to find he was already looking at you. He gave you a shy, tentative smile.
“So…” he trailed off.
Yoongi sighed and sat up, urging you to follow suit so you could both talk. You followed his instructions, wincing slightly. He gently reached out and took both of your hands in his larger ones, looking up to meet your gaze before he spoke quietly.
“Listen… I know this started off as a lie to piss your dad off, but… I would be lying now if i said it was still fake for me. I really like you, Y/N.. I have for a while. I don’t know when it happened but somewhere along the way, I just- I don’t know. But if you’re willing to give me a chance, a real chance, I think I could make you happy.” he spoke quietly, his eyes filled with light and hope.
“Oh Yoongi…” you sighed, cupping his cheek with your hand tenderly and smiling as he leaned subconsciously into your touch, “you already do. None of this is fake for me either, not anymore. I really, really like you.”
A soft knock on your door tore you two from your moment, your heads snapping towards the door as you pulled the blanket up to cover your breasts.
“Morning, guys, breakfast will be ready in ten.” your mom called through the wood.
“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to look your mom in the eye now.” Yoongi chuckled.
“She already thought we were fucking before this.” you reasoned with a smirk.
Yoongi groaned and hid his face in the crook of your neck and you laughed, carding your fingers through his messy post-sex hair lovingly. 
“I can’t believe you’re really mine, for real this time.” he whispered into the safety of your neck.
“And I can’t believe you’re mine… for real this time,” you grin, carding your fingers through his hair comfortingly, “let’s eat so we can go home.”
The two of you got dressed and headed out for breakfast, engaging in small talk with your mom and semi-comfortable silence with your dad. You still had a ways to go to fix that relationship, but you were pleased with the progress. You didn’t think you’d ever have a perfect relationship with your father, but you didn’t have to. You didn’t have to fix everything, or be who he wanted in order to receive love, you were slowly learning. 
The roads had been salted and deemed safe to drive on, so you and Yoongi bid your parents a farewell, thanking them for letting you stay and for the gifts. Your mom pulled you into a hug, then Yoongi into one as well.
“I just love how happy you are around him, Y/N. It’s like you’re glowing. You two come visit soon, okay? I miss seeing you.” your mom spoke, holding your hand in hers.
“We will. I love you, mom.”
Yoongi reached out and you placed your hand in his, letting him lead you home.
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Months later, on another lazy Sunday afternoon, you were cuddled up with your boyfriend on the couch of your shared apartment, snuggling into his chest while the two of you half paid attention to another movie on Netflix. Wrapped up in blankets and Yoongi’s arms, you’d never felt safer, more content, or so unbelievably happy.
Yoongi had your hand wrapped in his, lazily placing kisses along your wrist, palm, the tips of your fingers, anywhere his lips would reach. He wanted to shower you in kisses. You watched him with curious eyes, noting the way his own were shining as he met your gaze.
“What?” you wondered, chucking quietly.
“Say it again.”
“Yoongi,” you whined, looking up at him with a smile nonetheless, “I’ve said it like fifty times today.”
“Just one more time.” 
You rolled your eyes before quietly letting the words roll off your lips like dripping honey as you pressed a kiss to his skin. “I love you, Min Yoongi.” 
Yoongi hummed happily, almost like a purring cat, “Mmm.. I love you too.”
You snuggled into his embrace before he spoke up once more.
“Okay, just one more time.” 
You laughed and rolled over so you were straddling him, reaching down and squishing his cheeks together before pressing your lips to his.
“I love you.” you giggled, pecking his lips once more, then repeating the words and actions over and over and over again.
“I love you I love you I love you I love you.”  you peppered kisses all over his face, any part of it you could reach until your boyfriend was a mess beneath you, laughing and blushing with the biggest gummy smile on his face.
Every once in a while, you meet someone you instantly connect with. Every so often you cross paths with someone you’re just meant to meet. But, once in a lifetime, you meet someone who makes your soul feel whole again. You see a face in the crowd and instantly feel at home. You hear their laugh one time and suddenly the world has color again. Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who doesn’t save you, but holds you steady while you gather the strength you need to save yourself. 
Min Yoongi is that person for you.
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ao3feed-minjoon · 5 years
by skswriting
i had this as a series, but i decided to make this one work of wips ive started but i dont think ill ever be able to finish
tags to be updated as i add wips
Words: 21757, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Flower Shop, Alternate Universe - Tattoo Parlor, tatted yoongi, pierced yoongi, naiveish jeongguk??, i guess, Alternate Universe - Non-Famous, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Final Fantasy X AU, hints of prejudice, jimin is an al bhed, hoseok and jimin are blitzball players, taehyung is a fan of them and guk suffers as a result, Baby Kim Taehyung | V, Baby Jeon Jungkook, Adoption, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, tags will be added as i update wips, Alternate Universe - Sugar Daddy, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Anal Sex
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