#bangtansdomain updates
bangtansdomain · 6 years
Really Back This Time
Hi guys it’s Bunny and Cloudless~
Sorry for our long absence, we had a long couple of weeks at the end of September. We went to see BTS in concert and then right after we were moving into a new place. Been busy settling in and getting things sorted with our writing. 
We are still working on quite a few solo projects that we are trying to perfect. Cloudless has posted a few one shots and drabbles on her account. Bunny will be posting a one shot sometime soon.
As for this account, we have come to a mutual agreement when it comes to requests, which is: We will now reserve the right to reject requests if we feel we are unable to write for it. We have felt this way previously and even felt forced to write all of the ones we received, eventually leading us to feel uninspired or unmotivated. We hope you can understand.
Now moving forward, we did lose some of our requests. Please send in reaction requests, and most to least likely as well.
To any one still with us, thank you for your patience and hopefully your understanding.
☔️ B & C ☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
Hi everyone! 
We’re sorry we’ve been mia the last week or so. We’ve been a bit caught up with real life. It’s been kicking our butts a bit. We’ve also been busy with working on some of our personal fics. We should hopefully be finishing up some requests sometime this weekend. 
Once again we’re sorry for the hold up.
☔️B & C☁️
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bangtansdomain · 4 years
We Liiiiiiive!
c: Sorry we’ve been gone for so long. You know life got pretty complicated!
b: Hope everyone is staying safe during this pandemic. We’ve decided to become active to help raise spirits in these harsh times.
c: We’ve also got the BTS muse bug~ It’s like they want us to help keep everyone happy~!
b: We’ll be posting to ask for requests very soon!
c and b: Thanks to anyone who has supported and followed us in our absence!
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