bangtansdomain · 6 years
remember last night
Drabble Challenge July 2018
#15 “Is there a reason your naked on my bed?”
Warning: you will fall in love with Jungkook
Word count: 712
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You let a quiet sigh leave your lips as you had began to sit up, pulling back the navy blue duvet. You freeze when you feel arms tighten around your waist . Who the hell had snuck into your bed?! You placed a hand over your heart, trying to calm it down. You slowly turn your head, coming to face brown locks spread across your navy blue pillow . A wave of fresh scents filling your nostrils.
You can’t help but smile at the boy sleeping beside you, taking in his beautiful bare face . You stopped admiring his beauty, remembering the problem at hand. Why the hell was he in your bed?! You let your eyes wander, a faint blush falling over your cheeks . As if on cue his eyes slowly flutter open, letting you meet his sleepy brown irises. He sends a lazy smile your way as he begins to stretch, revealing more of his bare hips.
You let out a shriek as you dived in his direction to pull up the navy blue duvet, pulling it up all the way to his neck. He lets out a soft laugh as he lets his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you down on top of him. “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” You had began to silently thank the magical duvet that had separated your body from his. Your question didn’t come off as angry as you had intended it to be, even if it did he wouldn’t have actually taken you seriously. This wasn’t the first time you woke up with the older in your bed.
He slowly takes your left hand in his, looking at the sapphire engagement ring he had placed on your finger the previous night. “Here i thought you’d be nicer to me since we’re gonna be together forever.” He laughed lightly as he left multiple soft kisses on your hand. You started to remember last night like the scene was playing again in the present.
Jungkook had put on I Choose You by Sara Bareilles, easily singing along to the song, he must’ve been practicing. He takes your hands in his and he starts to dance around the living room with you, never letting his dark eyes leave yours. Your heart fluttered, realizing just how much you were in love with this romantic goofball. The song stops out of nowhere and you give him a questioning look. He slowly steps back from you and continues to give you that loving smile. You watched him, unsure as to why he was giving you that look .
There was such an unreadable look in his eyes it made you nervous. Jungkook slowly dropped to one knee, your heart dropped as well . This wasn’t real was it? Surely he was playing a cruel joke on you. He pulled out a blue velvet box, slowly opening it to reveal a sapphire ring. “Y/N.. i know we’re really young but i can’t remember my life before you.. I don’t want to have to know days without you. Will you marry me?”
You were in shock to say the least, you had dropped to your knees and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as if he’d evaporate in your arms. “Of course I will, I love you so much Jungkook.” He smiles and moves back so he could slide the sapphire engagement ring on your finger.
He breaks you out of your thoughts “I don’t want you to be nicer to me i love you just the way you are.” You let a soft smile rest on your lips, knowing you picked the right guy to spend the rest of your life with. He loved you and you loved him, you couldn’t ask for a better soulmate.
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
Really Back This Time
Hi guys it’s Bunny and Cloudless~
Sorry for our long absence, we had a long couple of weeks at the end of September. We went to see BTS in concert and then right after we were moving into a new place. Been busy settling in and getting things sorted with our writing. 
We are still working on quite a few solo projects that we are trying to perfect. Cloudless has posted a few one shots and drabbles on her account. Bunny will be posting a one shot sometime soon.
As for this account, we have come to a mutual agreement when it comes to requests, which is: We will now reserve the right to reject requests if we feel we are unable to write for it. We have felt this way previously and even felt forced to write all of the ones we received, eventually leading us to feel uninspired or unmotivated. We hope you can understand.
Now moving forward, we did lose some of our requests. Please send in reaction requests, and most to least likely as well.
To any one still with us, thank you for your patience and hopefully your understanding.
☔️ B & C ☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
You seem like you're both close friends, not just an internet duo kind of thing so how did y'all meet? Have you known each other for a while? Also, how did you guys discover BTS?
Hi Lovey~
-How did y’all meet?-
B: Um, we met at BAP conceeeert.
C: LOL yes
B: Yes we are actually friends in real life, so I guess it doesn’t count as internet friends? Not that internet friends isn’t real life. You guys know what I mean
C: Yeah, exactly.
B: We’re in person friends
C: LOL Stfu
B: Did you just tell me to shut up… you’re so fucking rude.
-Have you known each other for a while?-
C: Yes we have!
B: Uhhh over a year
C: We met last.. March?
B: Yes, like end of March.
C: No it was like March 7th..
B: No *judges cloudless* It was like April.
C: Oh yeah it was April 7th
B: I thought it was the April 5th
C: What? Why do I keep saying 7? 
B: I don’t know you crackhead. Imma punch you.
C: Don’t!
C: Ohhh we got there the 7th. The concert was the 8th and the DC one was the 9th.
B: So we were half right? Yeah, we were half right.
-how did you guys discover BTS?-
B: I remember how I discovered BTS. Umm, Jimin was the first member I saw. I remember yesterday *spoken a true grandman* Did you call me a grandma?
C: Yes, yes I did.
B: That’s okay me and Yoongi can me grandma and grandpa together. What was I saying before you interrupted me with your stupid comment?
*reminds her*
B: at the time I didn’t who he was or what he did. I just saw people on twitter saying he had plastic surgery. I was like so what it’s his business leave the boy alone. Then I decided to do some research.
*reads her answer to her*
B: On him. Not the surgery. 
C: I know lol.
B: and then it lead me back to BTS. I discovered the rest of the members. For some reason I couldn’t say Yoongi’s name though. But it’s okay he’s bae. Ever since I first laid eyes on him. Then I just watched them evolve and grow. I’m just so proud of mi boi! *gets in them gay feelz*
C: I got into them around DOPE era. I decided to randomly watch it when it was out and that was a wrap. I saw Namjoon and was shook when he opened his mouth and that deep ass voice came out of him and just those dimples sucked me in. After that I watched all their videos and got to know all the members and just fell more in love Namjoon and all the members. I just feel so proud of the journey they’ve undergone to get here and are still on. My heart just adores them so much!!! *also enters them gay feelz!*
So yeah those are the answers to those questions lol! Thanks for sending them in. We were honestly touched by the fact that you had even taken notice of our relationship! Thank you so much!!! We love you!!
How did you get into BTS? Who’s your bias? How long have you been a fellow A.R.M.Y.
☔️B & C☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
Hi everyone! 
We’re sorry we’ve been mia the last week or so. We’ve been a bit caught up with real life. It’s been kicking our butts a bit. We’ve also been busy with working on some of our personal fics. We should hopefully be finishing up some requests sometime this weekend. 
Once again we’re sorry for the hold up.
☔️B & C☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
What do you want to do as your life long career and why? Are you going to school for it and or do you plan to? I love your writings, truly! I make sure to check your blog everytime I come on Tumblr to see if you've added anything new. P.S. I requested the 32 and 2 drabble, i was so excited to read it! I loved it!! Thank you! ☺️
B: My life long career I would like to do beauty and photography because it’s like what I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember. My PASSION(JK’s voice) is strong for both of these things. Currently not in school (speaks in an obnoxious voice Claude rolls eyes), I need to get my life together before I can focus on my goals. In the works, there is a Youtube channel in the works for sometime mid-October. Possibly before Halloween since it’s my favorite holiday. 
C: Hmm, my life long career… would just be something with art. I love photography and drawing. I’ve loved drawing since I was a child, and I may not be the best at it but I love trying to improve and learning new things. I love nature and black and white photography. I just feel like it’s so calming and amazing to try to capture the beauty of it. I do not go to school sadly. I wish I could but life and money are big things impeding any of that. Someday I’d like to buy a camera and maybe start an instagram to share my photos. I may or may not have an insta for my art… or do I?? Muahaha oh ew.. that was ugly.
Thank you for your question love~ Also special thanks for showing us support it means a lot and for sending in a drabble request! I really enjoyed writing it! I’m so happy you enjoyed it!!
What are you passionate about? Do you currently study it?
☔️B & C☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
Are you interested in learning Korean? Are you studying the language now if you are interested?
Hi Love~ 
B: Yes, I am interested in Korean. No, I’m not currently studying it. There’s so much going on in my life, I just don’t have time. I wish I could just wake up knowing the language. One day I will learn it.
C: Yes, I am also interested. I was studying it for a while but life just keeps getting in the way unfortunately. I do try to study randomly here and there and I know a tiny bit now. Hopefully I’ll be able to find the time to study some day.
Thank you for your question!~ 
Do you currently study Korean?
☔️B & C☁️
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bangtansdomain · 4 years
We Liiiiiiive!
c: Sorry we’ve been gone for so long. You know life got pretty complicated!
b: Hope everyone is staying safe during this pandemic. We’ve decided to become active to help raise spirits in these harsh times.
c: We’ve also got the BTS muse bug~ It’s like they want us to help keep everyone happy~!
b: We’ll be posting to ask for requests very soon!
c and b: Thanks to anyone who has supported and followed us in our absence!
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
We’re still alive!
We are soooo sorry! We’ve been pretty busy with personal matters and like before working on solo projects. But we will be posting soon. We’ve started working on a couple of requests and can’t wait to finish them for you all.
As for solo stuff:
C has started posting nsfw one shots and drabbles and will be finishig the first chapter to a couple of her series soon.
B will be posting a couple of drabbles/one shots and is currently editing the first draft of the first chapter of one of her series.
We’re trying to get all caught up and post in both places. We’re going to be extremely busy the last week of september so we want to be as active as possible. Hope you all can forgive the long absence.
☔️ B & C ☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
They also have a mask making company together. It's a small one at the moment but they have already had a mask in a smaller film here in the US! I'm very proud of them~ ^^ They've also offered me to sculpt for molds for them since I'm the artsy type. I'm also learning Korean. I've learned a lot but I still have a lot to go! Fortunately I have some spare time in which I study. I also have some native friends to help me. Ah, sorry this is quite long. Especially if you didn't expect an answer 🙈
Would we be able to know which film? Or what the mask looks like?? That’s really cool and amazing. You help to make molds aefjenlfjaewlf So lucky!!!
We’re happy you’ve found a good balance in your life to pursue so many things and to even juggle in Korean! You are truly inspiring to us!!!
It’s not long at all!!! Don’t be shy or embarrassed. We love interacting with you all!
☔️B & C☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
I'm not sure if you wanted me to actually answer your questions but I'm going to since I'm passionate about many of the same things! I absolutely love makeup and skincare! I definitely want to be a makeup artist. I'm looking into doing a 2 week course thing for idol makeup in Korea, maybe next year?? I'm not sure yet but my brother and cousin own a company and are looking into maybe doing a haunted house this year, which they've chosen me for the makeup. If not this year then definitely next.
C: OMG!! You sound amazing! I can’t believe it! I admire you, I wish I could do what you’re doing and going after my dreams. It so amazing I hope to someday see your work. You’re so lucky to have such amazing opportunities and to actually take them instead of letting them pass you by. Never ever let that happen, your dreams are always worth pursuing and fighting for.
B: Everything that you said is truly inspiring! Is there anyway to be able to see what you’ve done? Like any past make up looks? I would love to see them, from one make up artist to another. Just see to share looks and ideas. I hope you achieve all of your goals.
Of course we wanted you to answer silly! We are curious to know about you guys~
☔️B & C☁️
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bangtansdomain · 6 years
Hey everyone~
So we’ll be answering questions tonight! You are all welcome to leave any questions or comments you may have~
We’re excited to answer any and all you’ve sent us!
☔️B & C☁️
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