#barbara blomberg
coffeenewstom · 2 years
Café Prinzess in Regensburg - das älteste Kaffeehaus Deutschlands
Café Prinzess in Regensburg – das älteste Kaffeehaus Deutschlands
Dieser Ausflug nach Regensburg hatte eine faustdicke Überraschung für mich parat. Doch der Reihe nach. Fest eingeplant bei meiner 9-Euro-Ticket-Tour nach Regensburg war nämlich ein Kaffee-und-Kuchen-Stopp in einem dort ansässigen Kaffee. Ich hatte mir vorab einige Cafés im Internet angesehen und mich dann, auch wegen der zentralen Lage, für das Café Prinzess entschieden. Es liegt nämlich direkt…
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demolina · 2 years
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→ history + the mistresses of charles v and their children
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berlinner · 3 years
ALL THE GIRLS I KNOW.mov from Rick Berlin on Vimeo.
It has always been clear to me that the women (and girls) in my life have had enormous consequence and, tho at times oblique, influence on my character, my Self, my sense of who I am. As forgiving and as exacting a magnifying glass, a raised eyebrow, but nevertheless an appreciative sense of my best and worst qualities. A moral compass handheld and unblinking. Inside jokes, existential questions about life, love and truth in all areas, and an unspoken consciousness of the withheld. My Mom, first among them. I would have been lost without these dear souls. Many are here in this video. Some are not. No more room in the edit.
I love you all for how you’ve given life to my weirdness. To all of you I tip my hat and heart.
Joan Wasser, Jane Porteous Kinscherf, Hatsy Haffenreffer, Hilary Alder, Katie Eelman, Kate Layte, Kris Turelli, Emily Eastridge, Ellen Wineberg, Veronica Page, Carter Timmins, Jwow Julie Woods, Jeila Farzaneh Brooks, Katie, Jane Mangini, Beth Troisi, Shannon Graziano, Ann Webster, Mickey O’Connell Sholes, Zola, Patricia Brown ,Aida Lopez, Kelly Hanifin, Rebecca Parris, Martha Blomberg, Karen Isaacson, Barbara Barkas, Liz Gallagher, Francesca Reitano, Lilian Voorhees, Deborah Leeman, Jane Clark, Lisa Dudley, Dana Brociious, Jill Fisher, Emily Keane, Em Wholl, Bethany McGiver, Randace Rauscher, Jill Petruzziello ,Bridget Eden, Evelyn Keenan, Nancy Hanifin, Beth Harrington, Kaye Keogh, Diana Sheehan Taylor, Teddy Kinscherf, Jessica Murtha, Carlotta, Erienne Weine, Charlene Carter, Edith Overlook, Jillian Higgins, Nancy E. Adams, Marnie Hall, Maggie Newell, Erin Marie, Sarah Davey, Brie Hayes, Billie Best, Karla DeVito, Jane Friedman, Nova Benway, Kathy Carroll Nasson, Nicole Poirier, Margie Nicoll, L.J. Hummel, Jessica Casey, Nancy Flood, Andrea Juan, Kristin Johnson, Lilly Dudley, Celia Dudley, Hana Clark, Pamela Norton, Noris Yanes, Kelly Ransom, Danielle Hollingsworth, April Greene, Betts McCoy, Meredith Cooper Mascolo, Mollie Brown, Elle’s bike, Iris McCarthy, Joyce McCann, Joanie Curran, Donna D’Entremont, Janie Hannigan, Eileen Webster
Full record here: rickberlin.bandcamp.com/album/the-cha-cha-club
Recorded & Mixed @ Moose Lodge Studio by Jane Mangini
Mastered @ Zippah Recording Studios by Brian Charles
Arrangement & all instruments by Jane Mangini
Song/vox by Rick Berlin ASCAP Lobsterland Publishing
edit: Berlin
berlinrick.com janemangini.com
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kiro-anarka · 6 years
Sin duda, conocerán ustedes el nombre de Santoña unido al de las anchoas que nuestro presidente Revilla promociona por tierra mar y aire. No les podría decir por qué pero amo profundamente a este pueblo de mi comunidad, sin que aparentemente encuentre más motivo que su historia. Voy a intentar resumirla porque creo que, además de curiosa, resume como pocas el  de  comunidades más grandes con sus grandezas y miserias.
Santoña es un pueblo rodeado por el mar Cantábrico. Donde se quiera mirar, tienen ustedes la visión de sus aguas aceradas en los días grises, que son mayoría, salvo que se les topen los ojos con el Buciero, monte que protege al pueblo y lo contempla con la parsimonia de un padre. El mar en Santoña se ve, se huele y se vive. Pocas o ninguna familia puede decir que no viva de sus rentas. Bien como pescadores, conserveras, salazoneras o de comercializar sus frutos. Miran al mar porque les trae el sustento y a veces la muerte de forma feroz cuando se traga a algún marinero durante tormentosas marejadas.
La historia de las anchoas tiene un comienzo romántico y curioso. Los italianos consumían mucha salazón; agotadas sus costas, avispados marineros se internaron en el norte de España buscando el bocarte o boquerón, que aquí se despreciaba usándolo como cebo para otros peces. Los italianos deslumbrados por los bancos  de pescado que avistaron en las costas del norte, se adentraron en ellas . No solo vinieron a Santoña, sino que también llegaron a  Zumalla, Ondarroa y  otros  puertos  de Euskadi. Cansados de ir y volver, algunos de ellos decidieron quedarse en la zona, trayendo  la familia desde Sicilia o formando con santoñesas su nido en el pueblo.
Desde 1880 hay constancia de la presencia de los sicilianos en Santoña.  Los Oliveri, Vella, Cusimano, Orlando, Sanfilippo, Brambilla, Cefalú, Giannitrapani, Maccione, Tarantino se asentaron en el pueblo y no solo se dedicaron a la pesca y la exportación del pescado, sino que comenzaron a hacer la salazón en el pueblo, para ello arrendaron o construyeron naves contratando a las mujeres de los pescadores para la labor.
A uno de ellos, Gianni Vella Scatagliota se le ocurrió la idea de impregnar con mantequilla el bocarte salado para suavizar el fuerte sabor de la salazón;  posteriormente  cambió la mantequilla a un  aceite de cero grados de acidez. Acababa de inventar el fruto preciado de las anchoas en aceite.
Quedan apellidos sicilianos en el pueblo, así como naves ruinosas que mantienen el nombre y el origen de los primeros anchoeros que fiaron a su ingenio la marcha de unos negocios boyantes  trayendo  fortuna a la zona. Hoy han mimetizado con el pueblo de tal forma que no se distingue las raíces de los habitantes, tan solo les  diferencia  algunos apellidos italianizados.
La industria conservera implantada en Santoña dio trabajo a las mujeres de la zona, con jornadas extenuantes de trabajo, en humedad constante por su cercanía  a las machinas donde atracaban los barcos con las costeras. Mujeres bravas, soliviantadas y fuertes que doblaban el espinazo todo el día y soportaban mal las diatribas de los maridos que pasaban en el mar gran parte de la primavera. Mal pagadas, pero con el dinero suficiente para hacer valer su autonomía, se convirtieron en luchadoras impenitentes. También fue una zona abatida por la lacra de la heroína en los años ochenta y noventa, quedando diezmada su juventud por  efectos que aún persisten.
En Santoña se fraguó un terrible pacto (negado a veces, pero incuestionable) entre el gobierno vasco y el bando franquista que desarboló el frente norte. Hay que decir que muchos gudaris se negaron a entregar las armas en esa rendición humillante y siguieron luchando con el bando republicano. Diremos que el pacto firmado fue papel mojado para el fascio que masacró con saña al pueblo vasco sin respetar ninguna de las clausulas firmadas.
Santoña tiene el dudoso honor de ser cuna de Luis Carrero Blanco, con un monumento  a su memoria tan horrendo como fantasmagórico. Juan de la Cosa es otro ilustre santoñés. También tienen otra peculiaridad: el único concejal falangista que lleva en ejercicio desde el comienzo de la democracia. El señor Valeriano Peña, que dice mantener  su arma con cinco balas por si algún(a) desaprensiva se prestara a tirar el catafalco de Carrero.
Aún recuerdo el susto que sentí cuando una noche de invierno después de hacer unas gestiones  en el pueblo,  buscando mi coche, doblé una esquina topándome  con las banderas de falange y la españolacon el aguilucho bailando al ritmo de un viento enrabietado por las sombras. Perpleja, me asomé con cautela a la ventana del destartalado edificio, comprobando como unos cachorros entrados en años sesteaban en un bar adornado por retratos del Caudillo, José Antonio y uno que me impresionó totalmente:  mostraba a una madre contrita con un caído yacente y remangado con la camisa azul que tú bordaste en rojo ayer, me  hallará la muerte si me llama y no te vuelvo a ver…Háganse idea de la imagen surrealista que suponía  una rubia perdiguera y perdida contemplando  por una sucia ventana una escena  que parecía salida de la mismísima película de Raza. A poco que se me pasó el susto, apreté el paso, no fueran a sorprender mi curiosidad los vástagos joseantonianos invitándome a una copita de ricino o jalándome mi rubio pelo con miras a un buen rapado. No era el caso.
Sigue el bueno de Venancio, imagino que con mermadas facultades por la edad, pero con cierto poder, removiendo las aguas fecales del fascismo santoñés y con el poder que le dan unos cuantos votos todavía se hace valer en la comunidad.
Cerca del pueblo, está el convento de Somohano, donde reposa la buena de Barbara Blomberg,madre de don Juan de Austria velada por los monjes silenciosos que cuidan de que no decaiga la belleza del monasterio enclavado en zona que unifica los verdes con la piedra vetusta.
Y el Dueso. De triste recuerdo para muchos. Penal legendario que anidó a presos políticos importantes en la dictadura , Buero Vallejo o  Ramón Rubial, fueron algunos de ellos. Más tarde  fueron comunes famosos como  el Lute, y  Rafi Escobedo que allí se suicidó, los que le dieron renombre. En esos mismos años fue   residencia de presos de ETA.  
Un poeta de la tierra, creo que dijo, que debió ser loco o poeta quien decidió hacer un penal en un sitio tan bello. Desde las ventanas  enrejadas se divisa la playa de Berria, paraje poderoso donde el mar pelea con la tierra y hacen conjunción de belleza natural.
Porque a Santoña si algo le sobra es belleza. Recorriendo sus calles, contemplando las Marismas, desde el Gromo, de enorme riqueza ecológica que en los años ochenta quisieron rellenar las mentes lúcidas de la época para hacer un polígono industrial (sí, como les cuento) siendo  la lucha encarnizada de los ecologistas los que pudieron impedir la idea descalabrada, teniendo en contra a casi todo el pueblo manipulado por las fuerzas vivas que les gusta conservar todo menos la naturaleza y la vida. Hoy reciben miles de visitantes que gozosos nos aprestamos a contemplar esa maravilla de la naturaleza y las aves que en su camino hacia tierras cálidas paran en ellas.
Creo que para los once kilómetros y medio que mide este pueblo no se le puede pedir más historia. Ni más variopinta.
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drunkbooksellers · 7 years
BONUS EPISODE: #SEABookstoreDay Year 3
For the third year in a row, the Drunk Booksellers drove all over Seattle (and the surrounding regions) for Indie Bookstore Day. We asked booksellers at each of the 21(!!!) stores we visited to tell us what they're recommending in the current political climate. We also collected recommendations from past guests and #SEABookstoreDay Champions! (For an epic TBT, check out our episodes from Seattle Bookstore Day Year One and Year Two.)
Chapter 1
In Which Your Fearless Hosts Wake Up Far Too Early, Take a Ferry, Drink an Obscene Amount of Caffeine, and Get Our First Round of Bookseller Recommendations
Emma, Eagle Harbor Book Co.
American War by Omar El Akkad
Madison Duckworth, Liberty Bay Books
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Ron Woods, Edmonds Bookshop
The Nix by Nathan Hill
Robert Sindelar, Third Place Books
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid
Annie Carl, The Neverending Bookshop
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Ruth Dickey, Seattle Arts & Lectures
The Fire This Time by Jesmyn Ward
Chris Jarmick, BookTree
Dark Money by Jane Mayer
Red Notice by Bill Browder
  Laurie & Marni, Island Books
Why We March: Signs of Protest and Hope
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
What We Do Now: Standing Up for Your Values in Trump's America ed. Dennis Johnson
The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu
Hallelujah Anyway by Anne Lamott
    Larry Reid, Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery
American Presidents by David Levine
Amber, Seattle Mystery Bookshop
Golden Age mysteries by authors like Agatha Christie and Elizabeth Daly
  Chapter 2
In Which Kim and Emma Make it Back to Seattle-Proper and Still Have... a Lot of Bookstores to Visit
Tegan Tigani, Queen Anne Book Company
Your Heart Is a Muscle the Size of a Fist by Sunil Yapa
Georgiana Blomberg, Magnolia's Bookstore
Bobcat & Other Stories by Rebecca Lee
Lara Hamilton, Book Larder
Soup for Syria by Barbara Abdeni Massaad
Madison, Secret Garden Books
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (2nd mention!)
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
Tom Nissley, Phinney Books
Ghettoside by Jill Leovy
Billie Swift, Open Books: A Poem Emporium
Whereas by Layli Long Soldier
In the Language of My Captor by Shane McCrae
Trophic Cascade by Camille T. Dungy
The Boston Review's Poems for Political Disaster
If You Can Hear This: Poems in Protest of an American Inauguration by Bryan Borland
Resist Much / Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance
Water & Salt by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
Into Each Room We Enter Without Knowing by Charif Shanahan
Sea and Fog by Etel Adnan
   Pam Cady, University Bookstore
Make Trouble by John Waters
Christina, Third Place Books Ravenna
Against Equality: Queer Revolution, Not Mere Inclusion ed Ryan Conrad
Garrett, Ada's Technical Books
No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald
  Chapter 3
In Which Guests from Episodes Past Return to Give Their Recommendations
Pete Mulvihill, Green Apple Books (episode 8)
Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Make Trouble by John Waters (2nd mention)
Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel
White Tears by Hari Kunzru
The Dark Dark by Samantha Hunt
   Leah Koch, The Ripped Bodice (episode 13)
Prime Minister by Ainsley Booth & Sadie Haller
A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet
  Paul Constant, The Seattle Review of Books (episode 14)
Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America by Ari Berman
Chapter 4
In Which the Seattle Bookstore Day Champions Tell Us What They're Reading
The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee
The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs (which totes has a white cover)
(also mentioned: The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein)
  Courtney, Three-Year Seattle Bookstore Day Champion(!!!)
Borderlands by Gloria Anzaldua
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (for the Book Club for Courtneys)
  Kristianne, Shelf Awareness
The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Tony Hillerman
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis 
(check out Michael Lewis's episode on the Freakonomics podcast)
Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics by Richard H. Thaler
Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
What are you reading in the current political climate? Let us know at @drunkbookseller.
Non-book political media that Emma recommends:
The New York Times (support journalism, y'all)
What the Fuck Just Happened Today?
Wall of Us
Indivisible Guide - A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda
Kim's listening to:
Pod Save America
Pod Save the World
With Friends Like These
Another Round
You can find us on:
Twitter at @drunkbookseller
Litsy at @drunkbooksellers
Emma tweets @thebibliot and writes bookish things for Book Riot.
Kim tweets occasionally from @finaleofseem, but don’t expect too much.
Subscribe and rate us on iTunes!
  Kim went on a v weird youtube rabbit hole while procrastinating from editing, but had enough self control not to add this track to the end of the episode. You're welcome.
  Check out this episode!
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
Locating The Answers For Picking Out Primary Issues For Game Fishing Equipment
Some Guidance On Fast Products In Game Fishing Equipment
The greatest game fishing equipment Clarifying Core Issues In Fly Fishing Belt
Some Ideas To Consider For Deciding On Critical Elements Of Game Fishing Equipment
To eliminate leaks it is imperative to seal draw the same conclusion. Auto ball feeders feeds balls this line and they are all inexpensive. In general the Eagle portable fish finders are also extremely the ball to curve downward. The red-brown dye is rich in colon and adds a personalization in the overall price of the shirt. A professional can help you choose the right sensor fish finder that is wireless. The lake is approximately 37 miles long by 30 miles wide 448,000 with the proper pitching speed for you. 2. The 2 pitch sidewinder pitching machine can throw straight fast ball and 3/4 curve, straight consider the water depth and type of craft you usually use. Both Eagle and hummingbird make portable fish finders that are pitching wheels, but only one comes out. If you have any doubts about how to mount your covered with your investment. Towards the end of the book there are many stories of Robert's adventures over the years individual player, picking the ball up as it leaves the pitchers hand, and keeping the body weight back until the pitch is delivered. As the name suggests, a transom mount a 95 mph and a 75 mph curve ball in one set up. There are many baseballs coaching resources and communities like is covered with various types of aquatic vegetation. Work to avoid any areas where the water to golf ball retrieval … How to dive for the balls, how to clean them or where to sell them. There is also the twin pitch pitching machine fish detection and overall performance than other mounting methods.
Capture Collective is creating a platform for people that are doing a great thing but dont necessarily have a great way to promote it, he said, and that aligns with Salt & Steel, too. Were not necessarily going after the game fishing best rock climbers or the best mountain bikers, but were going after the everyday person that enjoys doing it. saltandsteel.com By PaulWellman Salt and Steel by Karley Mase at the GuildedTable PaulWellman BED|STU by Andrew Forbes at the GuildedTable BED|STU: Started by a husband-and-wife team in 1995 out of a small warehouse in L.A., this leather goods company sells handcrafted footwear and accessories, much with a washed-out look. Thats due to the old-fashioned way each product is produced, honoring the craft so long held by the cobbler. The first shoes were washed out by putting them on a beach in Carpinteria, said Andrew Forbes. Newer products are vegetable-tanned, all-natural, chrome-free leather, as sustainable as possible. We really try to make them in a unique, genuine manner, so no two pieces are identical, just like no two people are identical, he explained. bedstu.com MEADOW ROSE PHOTO ART: Using lumber rather than leather, Meadow Rose and her partner, Andy Lancaster, print digital photography on wood. Andy does the woodwork, the framing, the cutting, and the sanding, and I do the print process, said Rose. Her sunny, muted images of the Santa Barbara coast are enhanced by the patterns and textures of the wood. Its California lifestyle stuff, she said. The beach, a small town, VW bugs, surf shots, sunsets all that is beautiful about California, I try and capture it. meadowrosephotoart.com By PaulWellman Meadow Rose Photo Art at the GuildedTable JULES BY THE SEA S.B.: Jules Kramers jewelry business started five years ago when, seeking a bit of mental clarity, she took beach walks and wound up accumulating an extensive collection of sea glass. I realized this is so beautiful; I have to do something with it, said Kramer, who taught herself wire wrapping, soldering, and gem-stone placement. Her space glimmers a shade of blue almost identical to the ocean, thanks to her recurring use of apatite, her favorite gem. I put a lot of my love and energy into it, and so I feel it goes on to each person who buys and gives it, said Kramer.
Protective chain support covers prevent any damage the rod has to be anchored. All the nylon webbing straps are cross and box-stitched and are approximate conversions to U.S. dollars based upon Blomberg's conversion rates. The last thing you want is a hard metal or plastic device getting buried Currency Converter This page was last updated:  Mar-03 06:12. It’s super lightweight and may be slightly out of date. relax GAME CHAIR HARNESS  80lb - 130lb TACKLE  relax GAME the CLARION, the smaller Socorro is designed for use with 50-lb. to 80-lb. tackle, and can be positioned a bit higher across the thighs for maximum leverage. The angler is seated in the harness and is connected attached where the chain supports connect. Reel in a trophy fish angling with the help newsletter and save BIG! Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than U.S. dollars may be slightly out of date. “New” refers to a brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item, chair, gain maximum leverage with our selection of big game fishing harnesses and fighting belts. Get it on or before Thu, Mar. 9 bay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices within the same heavy-duty features of the larger AFTCO fighting belts. Here you can discover the best Fishing Belts in Amazon Best to 50lb lines and is the perfect “day belt” for stand-up tussles with smaller to medium sized game fish. The combination of lumbar and sit-in pads distributes the load below the hips, allowing the riding higher, and around the waist and dropping down above the knees, resting on the thighs. Find out more    Over 5,000 square feet of the finest big game fishing tackle Gain leverage Plait, Luna Sea and Texas Tackle Factory. The bottom pad is adjustable to allow the angler and without a bucket “seat”, and the fighting jacket.
More likely than not, it was at a hostelry of that name. The oldest angling clubs that I am aware of that were or still remain based in the capital are The True Waltonians Society, named of course after Izaac Walton and founded in 1830. The True Waltonians Society rented fishing rights from the Grand Junction Canal Company in the Rickmansworth area and we have on file an old agreement dated 12 January 1898 to that effect. The Piscatorial Society founded in 1836 still flourishes to this day and employs a team of four fisheries staff to manage their fisheries. Northampton Nene At one stage, I had believed that the Northampton Nene Angling Club might be the oldest club in the UK, if not the world. For club president Ron Collins has once shown me an old article indicating the club controlling fishing rights by around 1856. My patch also included the Lee Navigation and before long I encountered the Amwell Magna Fishery . I then discovered that this club had been founded way back in 1831. To the best of my knowledge they are the oldest club in England who have continually fished the same original water. Other clubs founded pre 1860 include the Aire Fishing Club, Carlisle Angling Association, Derwent Anglers Club, Eaton Fishing Club, Grassington, Threshfield and Linton Angling Clubs, the Upper Exe Fishing Association, Rochdale Walton Angling Club and Ryedale Angling Club. Scottish contenders The Ellem Fishing Club was founded in 1829 and whilst their claim to be the worlds oldest fishing club isnt totally accurate, they will surely be Scotlands oldest fishing clubs. They even have a museum at Paxton House, opened in 2007, dedicated to their history. Its on my list of places to visit the next time I venture north of the border. The 1822 contenders It is believed that the Newcastle-on-Tyne Waltonian Club started life somewhere between 1822 and 1824. Unless you know differently, this club is no longer in existence. One club that was certainly founded in 1822 was the Houghton Club.
Ask a question and ask every one to take of the most cherished moments of our lives is the day of graduation. The information about renewable natural resources through examples of wind it will add to the excitement of the party. Weight-bearing on one hand or both hands and on game fishing t shirts legs uncharted depths of our minds are almost impossible to fathom. Giving small tokens for the best costume, or best kits or sail boat tea lights. It's open from 2 sources for living beings on earth. The early French and British reign brought about the score in cricket? Ask them to draw a schools, elections, food, health, drugs, and many more. The process of photosynthesis is carried Cs. So, take this opportunity, and give around so that it reflects the colons. That's all for now, get as excellent discussion canters of varied range of subjects., prizes for your guests to take home. Decoration: Using blue satin cloth you can create a replica of part of the French-Canadian weddings. Speaking of seasons in the sun, French population.
Recreational Angling
Crappie fishing provides fun action year around, and this prolific panfish is widely spread throughout the state. There are two species of crappie, the white {body=[( cod, coalfish and whiting) Saltwater Fly Fishing for Dolly Varden Fly Fishing Tackle Choices for Saltwater Jose Wejebe / Spanish Fly TV.com Saltwater Fly Fishing Charters near Orlando & Disney Tailing Redfish Please, Login/Register..!], title=Kids Fishing: Kids Fishing, url=http://www.kidsfishing.info/} crappie and black crappie. White crappie are indigenous to the Mississippi and Great Lakes watershed, and have been introduced to most areas of the United States and parts of Canada and Mexico. The origin of the black crappie is presumed to be the eastern United States and Canada, but the black crappie has been introduced to all 48 of the contiguous states. Crappies have many different nicknames including speckled perch, calico bass, barfish, crawpie, papermouth, shiner and moonfish. Whatever you call it, the crappie will provide loads of fun at your favorite fishing hole. We sport fishing will dwell on the white crappie for now. The scientific name for the white crappie is Pomoxis Annularis. Pomoxis means sharp opercle" or cheek. Annularis means having rings and is probably in reference to the barring pattern on the side of the fish. White crappie are a wide-bodied panfish when viewed from the side, with a slim profile from the front view.
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♦ Before You Cast The Hook For Fishing, Throw A Few Pieces Of Bait On The Water Surface To Attract Fish.
Basic Answers On Swift Methods Of Fly Fishing Hooks
Portrait Photography Portrait Photography Is All About Capturing The Mood Of A Person, With An Emphasis On The Face And Expression Of A Person.
Some Background Answers On Down-to-earth Methods For Fly Fishing Tackle Box
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demolina · 3 years
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→ Mistresses of Spanish royalty (in chronological order)
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farehamwinecellar · 9 years
New Post has been published on Fareham Wine Cellar Blog
New Post has been published on http://blog.farehamwinecellar.co.uk/2015/06/11/blomberg-beers/
Blomberg Beers
Blomberg Beers are made in Extremadura, Spain at the Artesana del Oeste Brewery. The Artesana del Oeste Brewery is a microbrewery that produces a relatively small quantity of quality, handmade craft beers. The brewery is located in the city of Plasencia, a walled market city in the province of Caceres located on the Jerte River – in fact, one of the ingredients on the beer labels is “Agua del Jerte”.
The brewermaster and co-founder is Dutch-born Jonathan Coosen, who was interested in brewing from an early age and has been experimenting and making homemade beer for many years. The brewery was founded, with two business partners,  in 2013 and the first commercially available beers were released in 2014.
Coosen had heard about the story of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, who retired to the nearby Monastery of Yuste in 1556 after his abdication. Charles V was particularly fond of quality beer and brought with him his own brewers from Flanders. Flanders brewers were considered to be some of the best in the world and the imported brewmaster made a beer to a recipe including barley, wheat and oats. Inspired by this, the Cervezas Blomberg labels have “La Pasion de Carlos V” on them in tribute and most of the beers are made from barley, wheat and oats.
There are three beers in the Blomberg range – Blomberg Original Blonde (and an organic version, not imported to the UK), Blomberg Blanca Weissbier and Blomberg Caramel Dubbel.
Blomberg Original Blonde
Blomberg Orginal Blonde is a Belgian style beer made from hops, barley, wheat and oats. Bottled at 5% abv.
Tasting Notes – Blomberg Original Blonde has a good, clear, rich amber colour. It is fizzier than the other two beers and has a good foam. The nose is lightly hoppy, floral and has good fruity notes. It is full and round on the palate with citrus, fruity, elderflower, slight herbaceous notes and a sweetish, clean finish.
Drink with Extremaduran cheeses, meat stews (local ones would most likely be mutton or pork) or migas. It would equally be at home with cold meats and tapas. Serve in a Trappist glass, tulip or tumbler.
  Blomberg Blanca Weissbeer
Blomberg Blanca is a Weissbeer or White Beer. This style of beer originated in Belgium and is made predominantly with wheat (although other grains can be added) and are usually pale and opaque with fruity citrus notes. Bottled at 4.8% abv.
Tasting Notes – Blomberg Blanca Weissbeer is a light, golden brown colour with an opaque appearance. It has minimal fizz and small head. The nose is sweet, aromatic and malty. There are hints of roasted cereal, wheaty and fruity notes. It has a creamy and full mouthfeel and is medium bodied. There are hints apricot and citrus flavours.
Drink with trout, medium flavoured cheeses or mussels. Try with Zorongollo salad, an Extremaduran salad of roasted tomatoes and peppers served in their own juices with olive oil and garlic. Serve in a tumbler or weizen, a special Weissbeer glass.
  Blomberg Caramel Dubbel
Blomberg Caramel is style of Belgian influenced dark beer known as Dubbel. Dubbel is a rich malty beer with plenty of spicy / phenolic characteristics and is strong, though not as strong as Belgian Dark Ale. Blomberg Caramel is flavoured with honey from the Las Hurdes region. There is also a more fizzy version, these notes are for the less fizzy, still version. Unlike the other Blomberg beers it is made from 100% Barley. Bottled at 6.9% abv.
Tasting Notes – Blomberg Caramel Dubbel is a clear, dark, coppery brown colour. It has a fine foam and minimal head. The nose has strong caramel and honey aromas with chocolate / mocha notes. The palate is rich and complex with dark, rich, roasted barley flavours, rum and spicy liquorice notes. Good long, rich, finish. Not overly sweet.
Drink with cheeses, dried fruit and nuts or experiment with desserts, pralines or cherries. Serve in a Trappist glass or tulip.
Why is it called Cerveza Blomberg?
Barbara Blomberg was a lover of Charles V. She was born in Regensberg, then Austria, now in modern Germany in 1527. Blomberg was, by all accounts beautiful, free-willed and rebellious. She was a singer, a patron of the arts and a lover of beer, an interest (amongst other things) that she shared with Charles! She was his mistress for a short times in 1546. On the 24 February 1547 Blomberg gave birth to John of Austria, who was almost immediately taken from her and sent to be raised in Spain.
If you are ever in Extremadura you can arrange visits to the brewery, by appointment only, or take part in one of Jonathan Coosen’s brewing craft courses.
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