bxsiliisk · 3 months
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"So you're the one who hi-jacked my body, huh?" He's teasing of course. Romanus smiles. Honestly, it's a little hard to be smiling with all these bitter feelings, but he'll make do with what he's got!
"How does it feel? I've never actually met a werewolf, let alone a half-werewolf. Pretty interesting if I do say so myself."
Gesturing to Ed (himself), he tilts his head and follows up with the question: "be careful. If you're not used to, uh, you know...having flames inside of you, you may set something on fire."
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rxsurgcnt · 3 months
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"I won't force you to join." That wasn't why she was talking to him anyway. Her job wasn't to drag and force people to join Lionheart for a greater cause. Everyone joined on their own accord. "But I won't pretend that it would be an honor to have you a part of our team."
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epilvgue · 7 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- "It's only when I've eased the pain for another... that my own becomes a little easier to bear."
@baringtccth // dialogue starter call
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magnusmodig · 6 months
@baringtccth replied to your post “..... i remember when i had luscious locks ...”:
"I dont trust people with long hair."
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​❝ luckily for you , then , i no longer have long hair. ❞
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 9 months
CONTINUED. | @baringtccth
Butch had seen those teeth up close and personal before, an unpleasant experience to say the least... but if the guy was going to hurt him seriously, he would have surely done so already.
Seeing those teeth again this time, Butch lights up, feeling successful in his personal little effort. The smile wasn't authentic but it was a smile nonetheless!
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"Look at them pearly whites!" Another vigorous strum at his guitar just for fun as he gets closer to the wolf, peering up at him with a smile of his own. "That wasn't so hard now was it? Now I think you'd make more friends f'ya got around with a face like that!" He points out; there's a hint of playfulness in his tone.
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isolaradiale · 3 months
Hello! without a prior reserve i'd like to app my original character, edward! my app is on the sidebar or just type in /app. thank you!
Welcome to sunny Isola Radiale, Edward!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 416!
You will retain the ability to utilize your Enhanced Speed, but you can only run as far as a car.
You also will be given a Wooden Dagger.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ mimosa.
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mischiefmodig · 6 months
"Stay 30 feet away from me!"
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❝ Make me~ ❞
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silentaura · 6 months
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−−−  ꧁ she keeps him in the corner of her vision as she peruses the isle of texts available in the arcanus archives . he seems preoccupied in something , almost transfixed , which catches her attention to what he could possibly be looking at . as finger catches onto the spine of a book on the shelf , she tries to slyly turn her vision ever so slightly to get a better read on the book's title as she pulls her book off the shelf .
but as most things , it is obscured despite her best attempts at espionage . dissatisfied , she exhales through her nose . just as him . speak to him .
but he . . . doesn't appear to want to be bothered by her questions . . . so she concocts a plan : drop her book close to his foot . 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐩 . he'd pick it up . maybe . and then . . . a perfectly natural conversation could ensue .
: ̗̀➛ @baringtccth
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drunkelreporter · 7 months
There's a lot of new things here in this world, things he's still getting used to and might never really settle with. Lots and lots of things really and he's trying to ignore most of that.
But some things are the same, like the way the laughter of children rings out when there's a group running rampant in the streets, dodging in and out of crowds and traffic with the reckless abandon of those young enough to consider themselves invincible. Roberto catches one young man as he goes barreling past, snatches the back of his shirt with reflexes he usually hides, before the kid can go sprinting into traffic.
"Easy kid," he says as the vehicle he'd spotted but the kid hadn't rumbles past. "Don't get so caught up in the game that you get hurt." He lets go and the kid tears off again, calling for his fellows to wait up.
Roberto reaches up to scratch the head of the little black kitten that's tucked into his collar.
"Vash and Wolfwood would love this place, huh Nico?" He mutters to the kitten before turning and catching another fellow watching him. "Hm? Can I help you?"
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sxnburst · 3 months
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"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sun knows exactly what this guy is talking about. He wouldn't be Sun if he wasn't being mischievous. Regardless he sniffs, catches that whiff again and he can feel his own tail and the fur on his cheeks, the back of his hands and feet hackle up.
He....doesn't like dogs.
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fcxrcin · 3 months
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The Gumiho has been watching him for a minute now. She can't keep doing it knowing that he's struggling trying to figure out how to pay for something he wants to purchase. "Excuse me, sir?" And so, Hansol approaches, her tails swaying behind her.
"I can help you. Do you mind--?" A hand hovers toward his cellular device, awaiting permission.
"It's a little tricky, isn't it? These things aren't in everyone's world."
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aevumisles · 4 months
Sadly, due to the loss of muse, I'll be dropping Edward for now. He was housed in 206 Seaside Province. Thank you!
Edward will be dropped for you!
— 🏵️ Creo
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chaoticclaybomber · 6 months
You like to throw bombs at people? But guess what ed has in store for the lil shit?? A water bomb filled with paint! And it takes off from his hand and toward the evil little gremlin. Threw at least 3 different ones before throwing a 4th one as a last resort.
He's just giving them a smirk as a reply.
He knows he's being stalked, ninja senses being what they are, but what with missing his abilities he can only avoid retaliation for so long.
Dodge one, two, the third catches him on the back splash but the last one? Straight in the face. Deidara sputters and hacks and coughs and curses before wringing paint out of his long hair and flinging it in the other guy's general direction.
Oh this is war now--!
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epilvgue · 4 months
"It runs in the family"
it runs in the family || accepting
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- "We're both pretty... cruel I guess. In our own ways."
Legato had taught him that. He and Knives weren't so different after all, they were both capable of putting fear into others. Both capable of being indescribably cruel. Knives was just more explicit about it. Vash... his was an unintentional sort of cruelty. Agonizing seconds at the end of a barrel while the gunman hesitated. The distance between himself and everyone else no matter how close they became. An insistence that nobody must or should die when that was not a law he could write for the world he came from.
And the more he thought, maybe that unintentional cruelty was worse than the explicit horrors his twin had enacted.
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magnusmodig · 7 months
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❝ yes , yes. of course. victories should be honored with revels. ❞
@baringtccth / starter call !
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clxscdeyes · 7 months
why do you need to know?
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"You just..." Don't be scared, She tells herself. The child swallows thickly and she wrings her hands together nervously. "I thought maybe I've seen you somewhere." Was it something like Dejavu maybe? She has to have seen him somewhere.
"But maybe I was wrong. I-I'm sorry for causing any trouble."
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