#based on that one photo but tbh I need to revisit it cause this doesn’t do it justice
juikbox · 1 year
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Little gerard portrait from the summer I never shared
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decoding1432 · 7 years
Tv anon. Beautiful fun fact: for years rumors said Lucy Hale didn't get along with her PPL castmates cause she barely was in picture with the girls and she spent more time promoting her music and uploading photos with old friends (sounds familiar right?) They never clear this up and just said Lucy was busy with her music career. After all this years, the girls hate her so much that they even got matching tattoos lol... One more day in the office, kids.
I’ve missed you!!! I don’t follow the PLL cast tbh so I had no idea about that (I only knew about the tattoos), what surprise. Certainly a lovely fun fact, too familiar lol. I did a small research after reading this, here it is:
Lucy Hale x PLL cast feud rumours
Ashley Benson (castmate) put rumours to rest
The situation slightly more detailed...
This is them getting matching tattoos
A recent interview where they talk about the tattoos & Lucy says: “We actually like each other enough to get tattoos together” lol
Speaking about feud rumours between women, LM was a victim too a little ago but Jesy spoke on them immediately.
While all this, I found a brilliant article that everyone needs to read.
What celebrity feuds tells about how women are perceived
Here are some of my favourite parts (NOTE: is not the full article)
Susan Sarandon took to Twitter over the weekend to quash an old rumour that she'd already debunked nearly two decades ago. When she co-starred with Julia Roberts in the weepy 1998 drama Stepmom, there was chatter that the two women hated each other. So ahead of the movie's release, the actresses addressed the rumours in Entertainment Weekly.
Now Sarandon is revisiting the rumours because they echo her FX series Feud. In the show, she plays Bette Davis to Jessica Lange's Joan Crawford. The story takes place during the contentious filming of 1962's What Ever Happened to Baby Jane. The actresses didn't hide their antipathy for one another, but Ryan Murphy's series shows that the people around them fuelled the animosity, trying to gin up controversy to get moviegoers to buy tickets. It worked.
According to Sarandon, her allegedly sour relationship with Roberts came from a similar place.
"Found out it was my PR person creating rumours," Sarandon tweeted.
Some publicists are only bolstering the stereotypes about how women work together. Sarandon also mentioned that the No. 1 question she gets from the media is whether she and Lange get along, which is pretty shocking. Do journalists really think that female co-stars are inclined to fight?
Apparently. That sounds a lot like a recent interview with Jessica Chastain, who had a similar grievance. When she was filming The Help, she told Vanity Fair, "so many of the questions I was getting from the press was about fighting on set - 'Was it tough to be on set with all those girls?' “
If women cat-fighting on set sells tickets, it apparently doesn't work that way with men and women. 
The stars are strenuously trying to prove there's no bad blood between them - and who would doubt them? But if they were both women, could they get away with that so easily?
With male co-stars, the media tends to play up the bromance to a ridiculous degree.
Catfight on the Set! Why a Juicy Feud Among Women Remains an Irresistible Hollywood Story
Some of my fav parts (NOTE: It’s not the full article either)
But what hasn't changed a whit is the unmistakable tendency to pit women against each other—however loosely based in fact.
However, we're not going to say that women don't feud or that they don't feud more than men—although the interest in lady feuds is so out-sized, who knows how many man feuds we've missed out on? And with regard to how much men don't get along with each other, women tend to spar more emotionally, purposefully and/or ostentatiously—therefore word might get around more when it does happen.
Every Hollywood set, every office, every classroom, every business opportunity, every voting booth is a place that had to evolve from its beginnings as being the domain of men. Women worked their way into places of power eventually but painstakingly, so the idea that there were fewer opportunities for women and therefore a greater need to elbow each other out of the way was an unfortunate mythos that took hold eons ago.
As Ryan Murphy pointed out to E! News just last month, when asked about the infamous feud rumors regarding Lea Michele and Naya Rivera on Glee: "There were many boys on our show that didn't get along. And you never hear about that. You never hear about that in our culture."
But nothing burns hot for years at a time like the idea of a couple of famous women seething and furiously glancing over their shoulders behind the scenes.
So there it is kids... points that I remarked on my last post about sexism in the industry & media.
Thanks for coming through with the fun fact, TV anon. Hope to hear more from you soon.
P.S. I’m going to sleep, I’ll try to check my inbox tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.
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