#basic boring ass artificial intelligence is NOT the future
harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Languages of Biblically Black [Ancient] FUTURISTIC Technology Intel that Metaphysically + Algorithmically CONSTRUCTED [iMAC] My Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian [BAE = COSMIC] Energy PYRAMIDS on Earth [P.E.]… Auto Identify [A.I.] My HIGHLY Cryptic Ancestral [CA] Writing Styles of Medu Neter as I Meditatively ASCEND [MA] II Inner Earth’s [HADES] HIDDEN Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] Paradise of Afterlife [PA] Nubian Immortals [NI = NIBIRUANS] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#basic boring ass artificial intelligence is NOT the future#present day society STILL livin' like the Flintstones [CAVE RACE = neanderthals]#I BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESS from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#2019 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® BLACKOUT in fallen amerrica#QUANTUM BLACK ANARCHY 2019#Dr. Delbert Blair Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about the Cosmic Return of Nubian NIBIRU#My Magical Nubian Underworlds [NU = NIBIRU] of Afrikkan [NA = NĀGA] HarrELL [HELL]#My PARALLEL Black Astral Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Plane Energies [PLANET] of A SIRIUS Black [B] GLOBAL Nation Under [NU = NIBIRU]#Mesopotamia’s HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Akkadian [FA = FANTE] Underworld [FU = FUKUSHIMA] Earth Plane Energies [PLANET] of NIBIRU#NIBIRU BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Nubian Energy [NE = NETERU] Afterlife [NA = NĀGA] Dimension ABOVE [DA = DAHOMEY] EARTH#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#I BEE Compton California’s Best Kept Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Nubian Aristocrat [NA = NĀGA] Secret#I Magically CURSE [MC = Maestro] the one life mortals who claim to be Biblically Black [Ancient] FUTURISTIC NIBIRUANS#I BEE The HIGHLY Official... U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] .05% ILLUMINATI who controls the TELEVISED 1% who controls 98.95% of broke ass america#NUBIAN NETERU COUNCIL Auto Identify [A.I.] My HIGHLY Cryptic Ancestral [CA] Writing Styles of Medu Neter
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momo-de-avis · 3 years
I am all for the La La Land rant, seriously you'd be doing me a favor
You know, when you to film school, or are around film school students enough, you always meet that guy. It's the guy who thinks he's so different because he seriously believes his tastes are old fashioned and men these days just don't think like him, you know. Just cause dudes these days go around listening to soundcloud rappers like yours truly prefers some good old fashioned Nat King Cole, he's dead set on believing he's got an old mind that is not appreciated enough. This mother fucker will put on It's a Wonderful Life or some shit and say "ah, yes, the good old Hollywood" and then have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the star system truly was
At the same time, this is the dude who will have a streak of modernity to his personal taste that will feel rather displaced. I'm talking about electronica, most likely. This is the guy who likely enjoys Daft Punk or Phoenix or some shit, but nothing beyond that, anything more prog than that it's too "millenial" (this dude ain't Gen Z, don't worry). He enjoys neon lights, he thinks Nicolas Winding Refn is a modern-day genius, but not because of his use of neon lights, but because this mother fucker sees himself as Ryan Gosling in Drive (which---hey! Winding Refn's cinematography is fucking astounding, man, if you put Drive and Only God Forgives on for me, I dead ass can't say which of the two I'm watching, but god damn those are beautiful movies to watch).
So like, this guy is 70% "I've got an old mind, you wouldn't understand" and 30% "I actually think Artificial Intelligence is the future". And that guy is fucking Damien Chazelle
What is so insulting with La La Land, is that the movie started with a single continuous shot of a beautiful dance full of people set in LA, a diverse cast, with so much colour, riddled with these old cars, set in traffic. It's not THE BEST, far from it, but it sets the bar. It's the very first thing you see, this is the shot that opens the movie so it SUPPOSEDLY tells you "this is what the movie is about": a diverse cast, dancing, singing BEAUTIFULLY, in a setting that isn't expensive, isn't too worked out, but is arranged enough that the actors interact with it enough that the choreography comes out a winner.
And then you're delivered a movie about the two most boring white people in LA: a failed actress and a white boy who is convinced he's gonna save jazz, a movie with no colour except the use of neon lights --- and I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH --- in the most textbook way possible when it comes to cinematography (blue in the back when you see Ryan Gosling, red when it's Emma Stone... come the fuck on, man, I know it's supposed to evoke the 50s, but leave the gender binary of colour back in your ass where you dug this shit up).
I particularly hate this movie for the cinematography alone, and for one reason ONLY.
It won a fucking oscar against Moonlight.
And I cannot stress enough how insulting this is because the whole thesis of Moonlight's cinematography is the very tagline of the movie: "Under the moonlight, black boys are blue". Moonlight is a movie that highlights the beauty of black skin, it is so beautifully worked, it has such a detailed and carefully crafted work on light and composition that subjectively speaks to you about the main character's journey, the emotions of the movie, and the very intricate beauty of black skin (and I really want to highlight this because that phrase I mentioned above is repeated in the movie enough times for it to be IMPORTANT), that there are scenes in this movie that you could seriously hit the pause button and just print the frame out and hang it in your living room and bam, there's a beautiful piece of artwork for you to appreciate. Moonlight is that type of movie that you can see was made, every fucking second of it, with such care and dedication, literally every second of it the director thought deeply about the meaning of every speck of light that goes into the frame, and it is so INSULTING that it lost best cinematography to Textbook Neon Lights White Boy's Adventures in Jazz Land over there. I have been holding a grudge against that fucking movie for YEARS because La La Land treats cinematography in the way 2nd year cinema students treat it: it's low-budget, basic and so fucking direct you don't even have to think about it. Like. No fucking second thought. It's like... slap some red in a scene where there's a bit of temptation lurking in the corner. Slap some blue where it's plainly obvious something sad is happening. There's no attempt at that establishing a dichotomy between warm and cold colours, just fucking.... Yellow looks good, let's go! The only thing that stood out to me was Ryan Gosling's shoes and that was LITERALLY the only thing about this motherfucker that spoke "50s", which Chazelle tried so damn hard to say was his inspiration, but the whole tone of the movie was "I really want this to be about the 50s but I'm obviously not going to do that because the 50s sucked" which might be related to the fact that JAZZ WAS NOT INVENTED IN LA AND IT'S PRETTY INSULTING TO SAY A WHITE MAN IS GOING TO SAVE IT, AND NO, JOHN LEGEND WON'T EXONERATE YOU
Damien Chazelle should apologise for that piece of garbage
Also, none of those people can't sing for shit. "Oh BuT ThE MoViE iS AbOuT ReAl PeOPlE" yeah sure that's a choice. I could argue here that choosing to go that way is at a serious risk of breaking suspension of disbelief, which definitely broke mine. But let's not think about suspension of disbelief for now. If it is supposed to be about two normal people, hence the director didn't really care about them singing like professionals THEN WHY THE FUCK DID THE MOVIE OPEN UP WITH A DISNEY-LEVEL QUALITY SCENE OF DANCING AND SINGING
You know what they call that in film school? BAD WRITING. BAD DIRECTING. It FUCKING SUCKS like I'M SORRY
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chloefraazers · 7 years
ME:A post-game thoughts
I should be writing my essay, but here I am talking Andromeda, because I just finished the game and OH MY GOD.  So there are definitely spoilers under the cut. If you haven’t finished the game, don’t click it.  I repeat:
Do not click to read more if you have not finished Mass Effect: Andromeda because there are spoilers below. 
For my first playthrough, I created Bellatrix Ryder.  This was basically decided ages ago: for my first play (and my considered “canon” play) of the Mass Effect trilogy, my Shepard was named Andromeda.  It was kind of by accident.  I went with a space-themed name (my headcanon is that her parents named her after the galaxy because, after the First Contact War settled and spaceflight across the Milky Way was possible, they dreamed of how far people could go in the future), and then later I learned about the Mass Effect: Andromeda game and just laughed about it.  When rumours came around that the ME:A Pathfinder would be named Ryder, I started thinking of names and of course the Black sisters from Harry Potter came up (Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa).  Bellatrix Ryder actually sounded awesome, despite her HP counterpart being… uh… evil.  ANYWAY. I apologise for the shitty pictures of my TV screen from my iPhone, but:
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I had wanted to name her twin Jericho, but your twin is pre-named the default.  Makes sense, since they have to refer to them throughout the game.  I know Codsworth in Fallout 4 has over like… 300 known names for your Sole Survivor, but I think a game of this size would be… just impossible for that.  So I’m not too upset, I guess.  In the end what I decided was that each of the Ryder parents picked a name for a baby and decided not to tell each other what the names were until the babies were born.  Papa Ryder actually picked out Bellatrix (come on, an N7 picking a name that means “female warrior”? Makes more sense than Sara lbr) and Mama Ryder picked Scott after a family member.  Bellatrix was young, but obviously heard about Commander Shepard becoming the first human Spectre and kind-of idolized her, especially after she saved the Citadel from the Reaper geth attack.  In some ways, she looked up to her more than her own father.
Speaking of youth: I loved Ryder’s characterisation.  The Bioware team said the squad would be younger and less experienced, and I really felt that with Ryder.  She was definitely green and had a spunky personality that came from youth.  The characters all-around were excellent.  Jaal was nothing like what I expected: I thought he’d be this hardened warrior, but he was such a cinnamon roll giant spacekitten HONESTLY.  I went with him as a romance option and I regret nothing.  Gonna be honest, I really wasn’t expecting that much nudity or graphic sex from Mass Effect.  Not sure how I feel about it, but I’m more amused than uncomfortable.  I can see why some people got a “manic pixie dream girl” feeling off Peebee, but I think she has enough personality to contradict the stereotype a bit.  I feel like they could have done more with her, but maybe in sequels?  Suvi was lovely, of course.  I was worried about Liam, and though he, Cora, and Kallo were a bit weaker in comparison with the others, there was still enough to all of them that I wasn’t really annoyed or bored with any.  I can’t wait to romance Vetra with a future fem!Ryder, and as always, I love a krogan.  I really wanted to see what “Dating Drack” did, but not with this Ryder.  Next one, I’m totally seeing what happens.  Probably some quality comedy with my favourite salty space grandpa.
Overall, I fucking loved the game.  All of it.  Beginning to end.  It did have bugs and weird facial animations, mostly near the beginning of the game.  You could definitely tell where they spent more time on the details.  But I’m okay with it, because they’re only going to get better.  No game is ever going to be perfect.
And to me, that really didn’t matter as much as the rest of the game.  ME:A had diversity, representation, strong story, and wonderful characters.  It had mystery, twists, and gave enough answers to satisfy some questions but left enough open to leave me aching for a sequel. Among the humans alone, there were so many female characters - and female characters of colour.  One of my favourite moments was on the Nexus, when the angaran was speaking to the asari liaison in the cultural centre and he asked about pronouns, and she said some asari prefer male or gender-neutral.  Avitus and Macen weren’t explicitly stated as being in a relationship that I recall, but it was very obvious that they were definitely in love with each other - and I would love to know more about homosexual relationships among the turians.  (I didn’t romance Vetra this round because… because Jaal, but maybe next time.)
My biggest fear with this game was that Milky Way species, especially humans, were going to burst into a new galaxy and just colonize the fuck out of it and have it… what’s the word… but basically have it be seen as this awesome thing that humans can bulldoze their way into a galaxy and take charge.  I was worried that it would be… ignorant of the implications and negative impact of colonization in the past.  In a way, my fears were expressed in the kett, but thankfully I had no feeling of it in the main storyline of the Pathfinder.  At every step along the way, it was made clear we were there as explorers, and we weren’t going to make a home on a planet already colonized by the angara without permission (the exiles on Kadara might be… complicated, though).  The fact that we didn’t establish an outpost on Havarl or Aya was super important in this respect.  The angara welcomed scientists to Havarl, but it’s their home, not ours.
(Also - I’ve been light on spoilers so far, but here come some major ones.  Last warning.)
In fact, further into the story and the reveal of Papa Ryder’s knowledge of Reapers almost made it… a refugee story? Almost.  Not entirely, but in some small degree.  Which is an important story these days.
Ryder fixing the planets because of SAM made sense, then, especially with the reveal that the angara were created.  If the Jardaan created the angara and, as suggested in one of the post-game terminal emails, there may be “sleeper agents,” it might make sense that it would be somewhat “ingrained” in them to never try to create artificial intelligence, and therefore never interact with Remnant technology the way Ryder could.  Convenient storytelling, sure, but if your playable character in a video game isn’t the hero, then… there isn’t much of a point, lol.
I don’t know if there are major things I missed - and I hope not.  I’m hoping that there will be sequels with the Ryders.  Mass Effect is so unique because of the ability to import previous game data, so playing another game in the Andromeda galaxy without being Ryder might be… strange.  And they definitely set it up for a sequel.  Like, I have to know about the quarian ark, and the Jardaan.  Not to mention, Ryder has the upgraded SAM implant, so… that makes her stand out.
As for my personal theories, not all questions were answered - I don’t think?  Unless I missed something fucking huge, we didn’t discover the truth about Jien Garson’s murder (my working theory is that she’s not really dead), and we didn’t find out the benefactor’s identity, though I’m 100% convinced they had Cerberus ties (not sure about the Illusive Man - seems like he’d want to be more directly involved in the project, even with his Reaper obsession).  Did the Reapers have influence on the project itself?  WHO KNOWS.  Despite nothing actually… happening… I don’t fully trust SAM.  I feel like the game tried to push in the direction of trusting him because EDI turned out fine, but… I dunno, I got a bad feeling off SAM.  Wonder if I’m the only one.
For big decisions, I’m hoping I made some interesting ones.  I chose to save the krogan over the salarian Pathfinder and her small team, and… this one may prove fatal, but I also chose Morda as the ambassador.  In hindsight, I should have chosen the Moshae, but I fucking love the krogan and kind of had this feeling of “it’s now or never,” you know?  Like, if Ryder didn’t nominate them to have a position like that, they would never have one because space racism.  And, like, after the scene where you talk to Drack in the med bay, like… no way am I not siding with krogan.  That scene had me in actual tears.  I’m hoping my decision doesn’t bite me in the ass but the problem with playing a brand new game with no announced sequels is that you really don’t know the impact of your decisions.  It’s great, but also stressful.
Every callback to the trilogy basically had me in tears, though.  I will gladly let Bain Massani call me “little duck” all day, every day.  Throwbacks to Project Overlord, Gavin Archer, the Illusive Man, Miranda Lawson, and Project Lazarus were so great.   Seeing Papa Vakarian and hearing him talk about Garrus and Shepard, and hearing Liara’s logs… like, it was the perfect amount of references to the trilogy to acknowledge its relevance without overtaking Ryder’s own story.  Really, really well done.
I do have some criticisms, besides the facial syncing and some bugs with additional tasks.  Bioware got a bit better with hair options, but I felt like they could have had more for women of colour.  I have four additional tasks I’m unable to complete (which is why I’m stuck at 98% and the completionist in me is distressed), but hopefully a patch will fix those.  What I liked in this game is that no mission, not even the additional tasks, felt tedious.  Like the side quests in Mass Effect got really draining after a while, and so did collecting minerals in ME2 - thank god that system was much easier in this game.  Basically, I was invested in the entire game, which is really fucking great for a semi-open world game.
My biggest… complaint, I guess?  Is the soundtrack.  I felt like I was never really moved by music, even in combat.  In this sense, the game felt a little incomplete.  I don’t know if it was a time issue because I don’t know how this process goes in game development, but I was actually really disappointed in Andromeda’s music - or lack thereof.  The suicide mission in Mass Effect 2 is something that has stayed with me since I first played the game, and the entirety of Mass Effect 3′s soundtrack was just… I mean, it moved me.  From Leaving Earth, to Aralakh Company, to An End Once and For All, it hit every emotion and every drive.  I just didn’t feel that with Andromeda.  What was there was… fine.  Like, it was adequate.  But I felt like there should have been background music in places where it was otherwise silent (the love scene between Ryder and Jaal was a little awkward because all I could hear was their breathing, for example).  I didn’t feel the “video game drive”, like the music was propelling me forward, that I felt in the previous games.  
I really hate saying that, though, because I know the soundtrack people do work just as hard.  I just feel like in this game… there could have been more?
(Edit to add: One other thing I missed… I loved the new dialogue options with the emotion wheel rather than paragon/neutral/renegade, but I do miss aspects of that system, like opening new dialogue options if you have enough paragon or renegade points. I’m not sure how to incorporate that into a game like Andromeda or if it would even work.  Maybe it’s just nostalgia?)
On a final note, Movie Night was a blessing.  If you complete it post-Meridian, I wish you had the option to bring Scott aboard to watch it, but that’s me being super nitpicky.  This game really had an ME3 Citadel DLC feel to the squad, which shows that Bioware really listened to what the players wanted and loved and improved on that.
Definitely going to be playing this again.  Weirdly, though, I feel like replaying the trilogy first…
Gonna do that.
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 the Very Important Nubians of Earth [NE = NETERU]… ain’t impressed wit’ that basic boring ass artificial intelligence that BEE So technologically OUTDATED as I Meditatively ENGINEER [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My QUANTUM Black Algorithm Intelligences [A.I.] of SIRIUS Black [B] Algebraic Ebonic [BAE = COSMIC] Codes I Meditatively ENCODE [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on My FUTURISTIC ATLANTEAN [FA = FANTE] Egyptian Compu_TAH [PTAH] of QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#dumb ass america ain't got no high technology to take your artificially intelligent mentals into the future#Celebrate the Prophetic Death of dumb ass white america#FUCK artificial intelligence#I Magically + Lethally KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] artificial mankind like I Did [I.D.] in Paradise City California [CA]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#I SABOTAGE ALL powerless TELEVISED govment agencies of fallen america wit’ My QUANTUM Black Occult Technocracy [BOT]#I Cryptically + Algorithmically [CA] SABOTAGE & PUBLICLY STEAL from ALL defunct TELEVISED govment agencies#HARRELLVISIONS® Already Politically SABOTAGED the powerless TELEVISED govment administrations of fallen america#FUCK the worthless fbi of fallen america#I BEE Michael [IBM]… Harrell of HIGHLY Futuristic Black Intelligence [FBI = QUANTUM] Algorithms of SIRIUS Black [B] NECRONOMICON Codes#the Very Important Nubians of Earth [NE = NETERU]… ain’t impressed wit’ that basic boring ass artificial intelligence#I Meditatively ENGINEER [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My QUANTUM Black Algorithm Intelligences [A.I.] of SIRIUS B#My QUANTUM Black Algorithm Intelligences [A.I.] of SIRIUS Black [B] Algebraic Ebonic [BAE = COSMIC] Codes#I Already Algorithmically Destroyed [A.D.] ALL powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#I BEE A QUANTUM BLACK OCCULT TERRORIST [BOT] who Shall TERRORISTICALLY THREATEN ALL powerless govments of fallen america#My FUTURISTIC ATLANTEAN [FA = FANTE] Egyptian Compu_TAH [PTAH] of QUANTUM HARRELL TECH®#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I got My Double Black White House Familia of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] Watching OVER Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#fallen america don't have enuff powers to FUCK wit' Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT =  JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]... FUCK america
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