#basically Cody noticed this little blond kid and decided to forcibly adopt him
workingchemistry · 9 months
7567 sits alone at the table.
The numerous decoms of their batch means that no one has to risk the attention of the Kaminoans by sitting next to him. They will share his pod later, promising to remember him. Eventually he’ll be shared between batches as a cautionary tale and one of pride. It’s a cold comfort but it’s a comfort all the same.
That is why he startles when a larger clone drops onto the table across from him. It’s a CC, and they’re never allowed over with the CTs. They’ve passed in the hallways as they march along to the next tasks and later, once the CTs have enough training to be useful, they will send the CTs out into battle sims.
But right now, despite all sense to the contrary, there is a CC sitting across from 7567 and it is smiling—not a kind smile either, like 7567 sometimes sees shared between his batchmates behind their trainer’s backs. It’s a sharp slash that shows off a threatening number of teeth and a promise of blood.
“You’ve been requisitioned, verd’ika.”
A cold pit opens at the base of 7567’s abdomen and he feels himself collapsing in on it like a black hole. He doesn’t know what that means but he does know that it’s new. New things happening to him is never good. He licks his bottom lip and swallows hard. “Sir?”
“New orders.” The CC, 1010 the tattoo just below the hinge of his jaw denotes, leans in with a fierce expression. “Every CC batch is getting an ad. Do what you’re told and you won’t be decommed. Tayli’bac?”
“I don’t…” 7567’s breath hitches. He doesn’t understand what the CC is saying and he doesn’t know what it wants. “Tallyback?”
Some of the tension eases around CC-1010’s eyes. “Tayli’bac. Understand?”
“Yessir.” 7567 says, because he does now. He draws his brows together just the slightest bit and purses his lips in annoyance as he takes his last bite. “I know how to follow orders, sir.”
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