#basically grif has a very rich internal life and self and he likes to consider many sides of any situation
quadrantadvisor Β· 2 years
My headcanon about Richard Simmons is that he has a few beliefs that he struggles with, including, but not limited to: toxic masculinity, puritanical ideals about work and worth, internalized homophobia, general queerphobia, etc., etc. And that trying to reconcile those beliefs with his own feelings of inadequacy and his place in the wider world causes him constant mental suffering for many, many years. And that dealing with that suffering and trying to compensate for his own self-loathing and hypocrisy makes him act like an absolute ass.
And then one day there's enough evidence, there's enough understanding of the people in his life, there's enough budding respect for himself that the switch just. Flips. And he's like "wait none of that fucking matters."
The thing about Simmons is that he doesn't do anything halfway, when he believes in something he gives 100%.
What I think is funny about that is, from an outside perspective, one day Simmons is trying (and failing) to do """locker room chat with the boys""" and the next day he's read 7 books on queer theory and he's haughtily telling people that their gendered language is reductive. Like everyone knew he was in denial but there were NO SIGNS that he was getting over it whatsoever, he is Just Suddenly Like This and trying to pretend that if he ever said something that wasn't socially progressive no he didn't.
Like he's still overcompensating for something and he's still kind of an asshole about it but now it's even funnier. To me and maybe also Donut. For the rest of the cast it is the most confusing day of their lives.
#And of course Grif contrasts this because they are pleasantly contrasting in everything ❀️#rather than his actions being dictated by his internal beliefs Grif keeps his standards purposefully malleable#if you have no standards you can't dissappint yourself anymore#and if you never give other people a reason to believe in you you can't dissappint them either 😌#basically grif has a very rich internal life and self and he likes to consider many sides of any situation#but he doesn't want other people to know about that because he needs to protect his true self from scrutiny or judgement#because he's sure that no matter what he's measured against he'll come up short#all this rambling to say that really grif is much more changeable than simmons but he doesn't do it on a fucking dime lol#it's a gradual thing of tentative consideration#not being dragged around kicking and screaming by his own denial addled brain until he finally reaches somewhere with solid footing#anyways my point is grif has no fucking clue what to make of this#he's asking Lopez if Sarge made today opposite day just to fuck with him#he likes things to be predictable and if he doesn't know what's up with Simmons#who is His Guy Who He Knows#then what the FUCK is happening and what's he supposed to do about it how is he supposed to react in this situation#he doesn't have a standard reaction for this and it's fucking him up#my rambles#i really have no idea if this post is anything πŸ˜‚#grif and simmons specifically are like such special characters to me in that I am like#I UNDERSTAND you#but idk if anyone else thinks about them the same way or if I'm articulating myself#but whatever I had to get the words out of my brain#rvb#grimmoms
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