#basically i think staff are like... fine. theyre people working at a tech company
severalowls · 11 months
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I'm waterboarding the CEO's post because this corporate-speak "talent density" shit is what makes any tech sector worker's stomach churn.
I don't think there can be any doubt that Automattic is profit-first silicon valley nightmare company like any other, and the CEO claiming there will be No Layoffs but cheerfully fostering the kind of on-edge high-turnaround tech company culture that will shitcan anybody who threatens high-efficiency "talent density".
New parents (especially mothers), the even slightly disabled, people experiencing the natural ups and downs of life outside of Just Work. I'm thankful there are even minimal laws protecting these people because otherwise ph*tomatt and his cohort would eat them alive.
"The best open web tech team" for who? Certainly not the people in it?
This sent me to glassdoor where the general vibe from employees is that things have been great, but the CEO's attitude towards them is making people crazy. If they've fostered an internal culture that works, where they enjoy working there and the people they work with, and then photo "Elon Musk Had The Right Idea" matt starts dreamily talking about "small, talent dense teams" I think I'd go insane.
Disclaimer: this is not a personal attack on the CEO or his management team. This is a criticism of conditions in the industry they define every day. Which sucks.
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