#basics of photocell
linear10 · 1 year
Understanding the basics of photocell
One of the important parts of an oil boiler is a photocell. This component has a vital function and if it is not working properly then the burner may shut down randomly. The photocell does the function of monitoring the combustion flame and is a very vital safety device. Keen to know some more details about photocells? Then you are in the right place as here you can get an insight into the basics of a photocell.
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So, what exactly is a photocell in a burner?
Photocell is a type of sensor and it is mainly used in commercial oil burners. One important point to be noted here is that these industrial oil burners need a very sensitive sensor and photocell is one such reliable sensor.
For the application of photocells, certain rules have to be applied and they are as follows:
The flame lead must have a proper lead wire and it is also important that the photocell gets a proper view of the flame.
The required temperature of the photocell has to be maintained
It is also very important to protect the photocell from the light that the hot refractory is emitting.
Keen to know the working of an oil boiler photocell?
During the start-up process, the photocell first checks and confirms that there is no stray light coming from the flame in the chamber. Only after this factor is confirmed the PCB allows the system to begin the start-up phase and only after that the ignition will take place. Once the ignition happens then the photocell of the boiler photocell ensures that it continues to remain lit. The burner cannot get additional fuel once the signal of the PCB stops.
The importance of photocell servicing and replacement periodically:
Any deposits on the photocell can result in the glazing of the photocell and it can even burn out. Due to this, the ignition may not happen at all or the boiler may not remain lit. If the fan is running continuously but there is no ignition then even this indicates a problem with the photocell.
If there is a problem with the photocell then there are chances that the burner may switch on and off frequently. In this case, the water in the boiler will heat but there will be more fuel consumption and your bills will keep mounting.
You surely do not want to face such issues and you do not want to shell out more money. In that case, make sure that you get the servicing of the photocell done regularly. Also as and when needed make sure that you replace the photocell as it will help you save a lot of money.
Make sure that you choose the right photocell from the right company:
One needs to choose the photocell depending on the model of the boiler and for this one needs to check different aspects. Make sure that you take expert advice and choose the right photocell from a reputed company like Linear Systems.
Visit:- https://linearsystemsindia.com/
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before-calamity · 8 months
Dzemael Darkhold Exploration
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Time to look at another instanced dungeon. This time, we have Dzemael Darkhold. We've seen the entrance before, now let's go inside. Warning, this is gonna be a long one. I took a lot of pictures.
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Inside, the dungeon is your regular normal cave affair, which...if you've played the ARR version, this isn't much of a surprise, since it starts this way. Although ARR wasn't a complete cave - there were masonry on the walls and such, as well as wooden supports all around, giving it more of a mine feeling than a cave feeling. No purple crystals or anything, since they are all spawns that didn't get loaded in by the server.
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If you've played the ARR version, these gates will be familiar to you. To open them, you and your party had to stand in these little magitek circles to open them up. Same idea here, but because of private server, there are no gates that spawned. No worries, I can nudge my character forward a bit to get into a new place.
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Inside the gate is this room. This is still in ARR - this is the room before the first boss, where you hope the tank knows what they are doing and pull all of the mobs to the light of purple crystal so that the rest of y'all can just down everyone with your AoE attacks and not have to worry about dying. This room used to terrify me when I was learning how to tank in XIV, and now it's just such a satisfying room, seeing everyone's AoE go off.
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And after that room and gate, we come to this room, which in ARR is where the first boss spawns. The giant ahrimen you have to take crystal to crystal to destroy.
You might see that blue object in the corner. What is that?
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Magitek barrier. As we've seen in Aurum Vale and as we we will see in Thousand Maws of Toto-Rok (spoilers!) there are these magitek barriers that you have to have Magitek photocells to turn off. If you've played the old Toto-Rok in ARR, you'll be familiar with this.
Same thing happens in 1.0 as well, unless it's some sort of boss gate (although I don't think that's the case, I think it's a matter of having a photocell or some other key).
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After that gate you'll be in this room which technically exists in the ARR version, although radically different at the same time. This is the area where you have that really tough pull with the frogs. In ARR, I believe it's all filled up with water. That bridge down there is set dressing, it actually doesn't go anywhere and you can't cross it. This was before, of course they actually made changes to this room about the same time they were messing around with Aurum Vale. You used to be able to go down there in ARR, but they removed that entrance.
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See, here is me on that bridge down below. You can't move forward.
And that was really all I could do. There might've been something you needed to activate to actually move forward, or perhaps there was some sort of stair. Whatever it was, I really couldn't move forward. [It occurs to me I could've just nudged my character forward and move forward this way, but I didn't think about it at the time. Plus, I had a lot of other things to take snapshots of, but I might revisit this in the future.] However, on my way back, I spied a barrier. I was curious about it so I nudged forward, and here I found this:
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A door. A rather ornate one too. Kind of an odd deal, since there were no doors here, only those gates we saw before. I had to see what in the door.
Turns out it was a bit of cave and then...
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It's hard to see, but it lead to basically the edge of the map. An out of bounds area. If I walked forward, I'd fall eternally. You can rotate your camera and see the bottom of the map.
Why is this here? Why didn't they just simply closed it off?
My guess is they wanted the dungeon to be bigger, and simply ran out of time, so they put a door and a barrier so no one can pass through, as that could be quicker than changing the geometry of the area.
Still. A bit of a cool thing to see, and next time I fiddle around with the server, I plan on going through more barriers. After this and seeing that cut Nald temple, I'm very curious what else exists.
Any fond memories you have of Dzemael Darkhold? Any predictions on when I can spell it consistently? Leave your thoughts!
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originalsandwichpaper · 3 months
Oakland Automatic Gate Repair: DIY Maintenance Tips for Homeowners
Oakland automatic gate repair is an essential aspect of maintaining the security and functionality of your property. As a homeowner, it is crucial to understand how to properly maintain your automatic gate to ensure its long-term https://storage.googleapis.com/optimizeseo/bayarealionsgate/uncategorized/hayward-automatic-gate-repair-finding-the-right-parts.html durability and efficiency. By implementing some simple do-it-yourself (DIY) maintenance tips, you can save time and money on professional repairs while ensuring your gate operates smoothly.
In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive DIY maintenance tips for homeowners in the Oakland area. We will cover everything from basic troubleshooting to advanced maintenance techniques, enabling you to keep your automatic gate in optimal condition. Whether you reside in Palo Alto, San Mateo, Fremont, San Jose, San Francisco, Pleasanton, Gilroy, Santa Cruz, or Hayward, these tips are applicable to all homeowners seeking to maintain their automatic gates.
Oakland Automatic Gate Repair: DIY Maintenance Tips for Homeowners Why Regular Maintenance is Important
Regular maintenance plays a vital role in extending the lifespan of your automatic gate. By proactively addressing any issues and preventing further damage or malfunctions, you can avoid costly repairs down the line. Additionally, well-maintained gates offer enhanced security for your property and give a polished appearance to your entrance.
Inspecting Your Gate Regularly
To ensure that your gate remains in optimal condition, perform regular inspections for signs of wear and tear. Look out for any loose bolts or screws, damaged wiring, or misaligned tracks. Identifying these issues early on allows you to address them promptly before they escalate into major problems.
Lubricating Moving Parts
One essential aspect of DIY maintenance is lubricating the moving parts of your automatic gate. Over time, these components may become stiff or rusty due to exposure to various weather conditions. Applying a high-quality lubricant such as silicone spray or white lithium grease can significantly improve their performance and prevent unnecessary friction.
Checking the Safety Features
Automatic gates are equipped with safety features to prevent accidents or injuries. It is crucial to regularly test these features, including the photocells and safety edges, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Test the gate's response when an object obstructs its path and verify that it immediately stops and reverses. If any safety features are not working as intended, contact a professional for repairs.
Cleaning and Washing
Regular cleaning and washing of your automatic gate are vital for maintaining its appearance and preventing the buildup of dirt, grime, or debris. Use a mild detergent or soap and water solution to clean the gate's surface thoroughly. Avoid using abrasive materials that may scratch or damage the gate's finish.
Adjusting Gate Opener Settings
If you notice any issues with the opening or closing speed of your automatic gate, you may need to adjust the opener settings. Most modern gate openers allow you to customize parameters such as speed, force, and travel limits. Refer to your gate opener's user manual for instructions on how to make these adjustments safely.
Testing Battery Backup Systems
Automatic gates often come equipped with battery backup systems to ensure functionality during power outages. Regularly test thes
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aesthetispace321 · 11 months
The Importance of Lighting Design in Property Renovation Projects
When renovating or refurbishing a property, lighting is often an overlooked design element. But optimizing your lighting design is crucial for both aesthetics and function. The right lighting design can make a home feel more open, stylish, and welcoming. It can also improve visibility, ambience, and safety. If you're planning a property refurbishment London, consider these lighting design tips:
Choose Fixtures That Enhance Your Design Vision
Today's lighting options go far beyond basic overhead fixtures. Sconces, pendants, chandeliers, recessed lighting, and more allow you to realize your desired aesthetic. Consider:
Crystal chandeliers or vintage pendants for traditional charm
Sleek track lighting for modern spaces
Rustic pendant lights for farmhouse or industrial style
Nautical sconces for coastal themes
Choose fixture styles that align with your overall renovation vision.
Illuminate Every Room Appropriately
Each space requires lighting suited to its size, purpose, and ambience:
Kitchens: Bright task lighting at key surfaces plus ambient lighting for overall illumination.
Bathrooms: Waterproof lighting that provides visibility but minimizes glare. Wall sconces by the mirror are ideal.
Bedrooms: Layers of lighting like table lamps plus dimmable overhead fixtures for coziness.
Living Rooms: Accent lighting to highlight artwork mixed with general illumination.
Tailor lighting to how each room will be used.
Layer Lighting for Flexibility
The best lighting plans incorporate layers of light for maximum flexibility:
Ambient lighting provides overall illumination.
Task lighting spotlights specific surfaces like kitchen counters.
Accent lighting highlights architectural details or artwork.
Natural lighting should be optimized through skylights and ample windows.
With smart layering, you can adjust lighting to suit any activity or mood.
Focal Points Should Be Well-Lit
Certain architectural elements deserve to be focal points. Use strategic lighting to draw the eye, like:
Pendants or sconces framing a fireplace
Track lighting showcasing thekitchen backsplash
Recessed lighting along staircase walls
Chandelier as a dining room centerpiece
Properly illuminating focal features makes them stand out.
Choose the Right Bulbs
With LED innovation, our bulb options keep improving:
LEDs last the longest and are most energy-efficient.
Halogen bulbs also provide bright, white light.
CFLs work well in areas that need lots of continuous lighting.
Incandescents create warm light but aren't very efficient.
Consider light quality, lifespan, and efficiency when selecting bulbs.
Don't Overlook Dimmers and Controls
Dimmers, smart technology, and other controls add functionality:
Dimmers allow you to adjust light levels to match any activity.
Occupancy sensors turn lights on/off based on detecting motion.
Smart bulbs let you control lighting remotely using your phone.
Timers and photocells turn lights on/off automatically on schedules or at sunset/sunrise.
Controls promote convenience and energy savings.
By dedicating time to lighting design, you can transform how your home looks and functions. An experienced contractor can help you execute these lighting tips during your renovation. Proper planning creates an illuminated space you'll enjoy for years.
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lighting-philips · 1 year
What is the smart street light system?
It is more important than ever that we move towards solutions that enable us to save and use the resources more effectively, given the current surge in power demand and the huge disparity between supply and demand. 
One of the actions taken is the shift to a smart city lighting system. One of the key applications for smart street lighting is in smart cities. A technologically advanced metropolis that uses voice activation, different electronic technologies, and sensors to gather specialised data is known as a smart city. To effectively manage assets, resources, and services, that data's information is employed. 
A smart city's infrastructure is its street lights. Street lights are ubiquitous, and often we don't even acknowledge or see them, but in typical cities throughout the world, lighting can make up 10–38% of the overall energy expenditure. 
Due to its strategic significance for the stability of the economy and society, street lighting is especially important for public authorities in developing countries like India. Each year, ineffective lighting costs a substantial amount of money and leads to dangerous conditions. The cost of street lighting can be greatly decreased by using energy-efficient technologies and design. 
One such technology is the smart city lighting system, a smart street lighting control system that employs artificial intelligence (AI) technology to provide automated services. 
What benefits do smart street lighting offer? 
Smart lighting is altering the way communities and electricity suppliers have observed street lights. Cities and communities have an exciting chance to move away from basic LED lighting and towards more energy-efficient, economical options with smart city-led lighting solutions. 
A smart streetlight uses technology, such as cameras, light-sensing photocells, and other sensors, to bring real-time monitoring functions, giving it many advantages over standard LED lighting systems. Some of the main advantages of the smart street light system include the following: 
1) Automated control: Because their light-sensing photocells provide real-time remote monitoring functions, no human intervention is necessary to turn these on or off these smart city-led lighting. 
2) Cost-effective: Because of their lower maintenance costs, smart street lighting not only conserves energy but is also affordable. 
3) Increase energy efficiency: Smart lighting's IoT connectivity enables it to gather, monitor, and send real-time consumption data, which enables civil authorities and city planners to use actionable information to upgrade lighting infrastructure and conserve energy. 
4) Increase security, public safety, and lower crime rates: Well-lit smart cities boost public happiness by guaranteeing a safe living environment. Camera-equipped streetlights can also aid in the investigation of crimes and the prevention of similar ones in the future. 
5) Smart parking control: Without putting any employees on the streets, smart lighting sensors assist in providing parking information on parking spaces in densely populated regions and vehicles breaking parking restrictions. 
6) Emergency response: To direct emergency personnel to specific locations, street lights can be turned on with the help of emergency response operators. To signal emergency escape routes during natural catastrophes like floods and tornadoes, lights can also flash sequentially or change colour. 
IF YOU NEED SMART CITY LIGHTING THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW, INTERACT is the best solution, as it manages, controls, and monitors lighting systems.
https://www.interact-lighting.com/ E-mail: [email protected] Call us: 000 800 050 7777*
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globallabsupply · 2 years
Some popular Industrial Oxygen Monitors
Industrial oxygen monitors help to measure the level of oxygen in industrial environments where gas may become a safety hazard. They are often used to monitor the amount of oxygen flowing through a pipe or tube and can generate alarm levels in case the oxygen level falls below safe limits. These types of monitors may also be used in hazardous locations such as chemical facilities or oil refineries, where there is a high risk that an accidental release could lead to explosions or fires.
Electrochemical Oxygen Sensor:                      
Electro-chemical sensors for Global Lab Supply Industrial Oxygen Monitor are often used in pipeline monitoring applications. They generate a voltage based on the conductivity change caused by oxygen's presence. Sensors of this type may be used to monitor either a dry or humid environment, and people can make various modifications to achieve increased accuracy. The computerized monitoring system for these sensors can also be calibrated to increase their effectiveness.
Electrochemical systems are incredibly delicate and difficult to use because they are sensitive to other gases in the air. Some false positive readings may be caused by a high concentration of carbon dioxide or other contaminants or substances within the air that can enter the sensor. It is why large industrial environments with heavy contamination would not be suitable for electro-chemical oxygen monitors.
Zirconia Oxygen Sensor:                                           
Zirconia sensors are more resistant to false positive readings because they use a different sensing mechanism for detection. However, the sensor is sensitive enough to detect changes in oxygen concentration in the air as low as 0.01%.
Zirconia sensors may also be used when other substances in the air could interfere with electrochemical sensors. They can also be used by people with gases such as carbon monoxide or nitric oxide and oxygen mixtures containing up to 15% carbon dioxide.
Optical Oxygen Sensor:
Optical oxygen sensors are used in industrial environments with contaminants in the air that can cause false positive readings. Optical sensors can also measure oxygen levels when there is a considerable distance between the sensor and the source. If you are willing to buy it, Global lab Supply will be the best platform for you.
A wavelength of light is shined onto the source, which is then directed back by a photocell into an infrared detector. The amount of light that returns to the detector gives a numerical reading of how much oxygen exists in the designated area. It doesn't take long for this type of sensor to display results, and they are also highly accurate and reliable. Optical sensors may be used with both acidic and basic gases.
Clark Electrode Oxygen Sensor:
Clark electrode sensors are the most common type used in industrial oxygen monitors. They are often used to monitor oxygen levels in large manufacturing environments with a high degree of air contamination. The sensor consists of three different electrodes, each placed at specific points to increase accuracy and minimize interference with other gases.
These sensors are accurate and have a long life span, but they cannot give continuous readings as some other types can. Users can calibrate these sensors but cannot generate alarms or point out areas where there may be a gas leak. People may combine electrochemical and optical oxygen sensors with temperature probes to create highly versatile devices for use in various environments and conditions.
Infrared Oxygen Sensor:
The infrared sensor is one of the most sensitive devices used to measure oxygen levels in industrial environments. It has a very long range and can detect oxygen levels from a distance. It can also be altered to detect any other type of gas, such as hydrogen or carbon monoxide. They are often used for continuous, remote monitoring in large manufacturing or refinery areas where there may be several people present and a high volume of pollutants in the air.
Because these systems are susceptible, they may be prone to false positive readings from some types of contaminants in the air. Although they can give accurate readings by themselves, they can be combined by users with other sensors such as infrared carbon monoxide detectors or radiation sensors to increase accuracy and reliability further.
Ultrasonic Oxygen Sensor:
The ultrasonic sensor is another susceptible device that people may use to monitor oxygen levels in industrial environments. They also have a very long range and can be calibrated to detect levels as low as 10%. In addition, because there is no electrical charge, this type of sensor is considered safer than other types of sensors for use in explosive or highly combustible environments.
These sensors are limited by their inability to give continuous readings. Instead, they must be used by people in conjunction with a specialized ultrasonic gas analyzer or computerized monitoring system that can track the oxygen level and give readings based on the data collected.
Since oxygen can be either toxic or beneficial depending on how much is present, an accurate monitor is crucial for safety and reducing the risk of harm to people and animals. If you are considering purchasing an industrial oxygen monitor, make sure you know your needs before looking for products on the market.
Original Sources: https://globallabsupply.blogspot.com/2022/08/some-popular-industrial-oxygen-monitors.html
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newtoilettechnology · 2 years
The Milu Odourless Toilet System
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The fundamental components of an odor free commode system are the sensing unit and also the fan. Both are integrated right into the toilet seat 40. The sensor identifies when a person sits on the seat, and also turns on the fan 90 when he or she does. The sensor consists of a photocell installed in the seat's upper surface area. When the photocell detects light, it activates the follower, as well as when no light is spotted, the photocell switches off and also no fan operation is achieved.
The odor free toilets system is a terrific means to remove bathroom stink. It makes use of a turned on carbon filter to record 99% of bacteria and smells. If you have an interest in purchasing one, you can discover more regarding it below. But before you buy, it is essential to know that it's not affordable. The fan 90 is linked to a chamber 51 that is configured to preserve a low water degree. Water degree in chamber 51 is below the lower end of the trap cover 50. The water seal prevents sewage system gases from getting in the toilet bowl. The fan 90 attracts air from the chamber 51 to the outside.
The air in the chamber is not drawn into the commode bowl during a flush, which is vital for a completely odor-free commode system. The follower can remove smells as well as offensive scents in the bowl of a waterless bathroom. The follower works by drawing air from the commode bowl through a tiny duct affixed to the back. This air then travels through a carbon-nitrogen filter and also is then gone back to the room as deodorized air. This air can also be routed to a duct through the roof covering, comparable to the vents in a standard restroom. In the previous year, Kirby has been creating a model and screening it in his own home.
The smart toilets system contains a hollow bathroom seat, a pump and also a hose with a filter. As the name implies, the un-smelling toilet is designed to eliminate odors from the dish while it is purging. The OCD draws odors from the commode dish with an exhaust system to the drain. The exhaust pipe is secured to avoid sewage system gases from leaking back into the residence. There are also 2 different types of seals that can be utilized, one-way check shutoffs as well as gate valves.
If you are taking into consideration acquiring an odorless toilet system for your residence, you'll rejoice to understand that the most basic waterless bathroom system uses 5 to 10 liters of water per flush, compared to the loads of liters required by older toilet models. Not only is a waterless bathroom much better for the environment, yet it likewise minimizes energy expenses. So if you're thinking about purchasing a brand-new toilet, do not be reluctant to call an un-smelling commode company for a quote on your brand-new bathroom.
If you would like to get more enlightened on this topic, click on this related post: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet#History.
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dusktildawnsensor · 4 years
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Top 3 Types of Dusk to Dawn Lights
Indoor or outdoor, dusk to dawn light provides security, convenience, and energy efficiency. But with various lighting equiped with dusk-to-dawn sensor now, what type of dusk to dawn light should you get? To help so, top 3 types of dusk to dawn light of 2020 is recommended below.
Solar Lights
Dusk to dawn solar lights are widely used especially in outdoor fields. They can be frequently seen on the entrance door, patio, garden, porch, yard, deck, lawn, pathway and driveway, etc. This type of lights is really energy-saving. On the one hand, light sensors within the solar light allow it to turn on/off automatically without manual operation depending on whether light is detected, which avoids energy-wasting during the daytime. On the other hand, rechargeable dusk to dawn solar LED lights are charged by sunlight, and there is no need to plug in and replace batteries for them, so they can save you a considerable amount of money for electricity bill each month. Besides, for most solar lights are used for outdoor situations, they are basically all water-proof and provide longer life in all weather conditions.
Night Light
A night light is a small electrical light fixture, usually used for comfort or convenience in dark areas or in the bedroom, kitchen and hall, etc. at night. Many night lights on the market are actually dust to dawn lights as well. With a photocell sensor embedded, an dusk to dawn night light can smartly turn on when it is dark around at night and automatically turn off in the daytime. If you are seeking for an indoor dusk to dawn light of a wide range of brightness, the night light will be a wise choice. Nowadays, compared to many night lights on the market today are dimmable, allowing you to change its lumen as you like, some night lights are even smarter. They can automatically adjust their brightness slightly according to the environment.
LED bulbs are very similar to regular bulbs in terms of their looks and the feelings they present. And they also fit a standard medium e26 base. If you are looking for dusk to down lights for family use, dusk to dawn LED bulbs would be a good choice. Compared with the traditional LED bulbs, an dusk to dawn light bulb is special in that there is a photocell sensor on them to auto turns itself ON and OFF with the detection of daylight. Reasons for choosing dusk till dawn led light bulbs include that LED bulbs are ultraviolet and infrared free, and they do not contain mercury which is harmful to humans and the environment. Apart from that, dusk to dawn LED bulbs are highly recommendable because of its long lifespan and low frequency of relamping, which makes LED bulbs suitable for areas that need low-maintenance lights. Besides, LED light bulbs possess excellent color consistency. With 80+ Color Rendering Index, lights given out by LED bulbs can make objects be seen in their natural color.
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ledeurodirect · 4 years
How Does Emergency Lighting Could Help?
You may imagine police vehicles and ambulances rushing through town, sirens wailing and lights flashing when you think of emergency lights. But lights attached to official vehicles that signal an emergency are distinct from the notion of lights within fixed structures that can be used when the usual power supply is interrupted for some reason.
This kind of lighting is by definition part of a back-up system; if it were used all the time in everyday scenarios, the whole concept of an emergency would be diluted to the point of meaninglessness. Instead, emergency lighting is used to keep the pace of life moving at as close to 100 percent as possible in critical locations (e.g., hospitals).
What Qualifies as a Lighting Emergency? If you have ever been in a building with a lot of other people and been asked to evacuate, even if you know it is a drill, you may have considered how difficult the task might be in the dark. And if it's dark, it is likely to be a genuine emergency of some sort.
Perhaps emergency lighting's most important function is allowing people to locate the exits of a building that would otherwise be unlit, and allowing for the coordination of rescue and other efforts inside such a place.
Consider the number of places people gather under a single roof: Office buildings, theaters, churches, department stores, warehouses, government installations, industrial facilities – it takes little imagination to picture the kinds of things that could go wrong without a source of illumination when the usual power supply is compromised.
How Emergency Lights Work In order for a seamless transition to an emergency lighting source to happen, first, the backup source must have a guaranteed power source. This is typically accomplished by using a battery that is kept charged continuously by the building's main power supply. If the power goes out, a large, fully charged battery can usually keep adequate power going for long enough to deal with whatever emergency prompted the power outage.
Some larger buildings require more than basic battery power for emergencies, so they have backup generators that can power the primary lights (sometimes to a limited extent) while also keeping all onsite batteries charged as sort of a third layer of protection against gloom.
Are those classic red "EXIT" signs are considered emergency lighting? They are in the sense that they are lit during emergency situations, but they are also on the rest of the time if everything is working correctly.
Parts of Emergency Lights The main components of an emergency light are a housing of some sort (often but not necessarily box-shaped), a battery, a circuit board and a transformer. The battery supplies the power to the bulb or bulbs that emit the light, while the circuit board and transformer serve to recharge the battery since it is no longer being charged by the facility's primary power source.
The advent of longer-lasting batteries such as those made from nickel-cadmium has prompted some changes to the emergency-lighting world. In particular, fluorescent lights are sometimes used. The overall effect is to prolong the battery's potential lifetime to two to three years, which should be long enough so that a routine inspection should signal the need for a replacement.
Testing Emergency Lighting It would make little sense to have emergency equipment that may not work, so inspections are probably more frequent than you might think; one per month is standard for the checking of both emergency lights and exit signs. The lights are tested for 30 continuous seconds, which in most cases is enough to expose a problem that might not be evident with just a brief lighting test.
Original Post: https://sciencing.com/guide-troubleshooting-photocell-sensors-8142366.html
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Tips for Seasonal Garage Door Maintenance
An improperly maintained garage door can cause it to become loud and squeaky. More importantly, a noisy door is a sign that your garage door isn't greased enough, which could lead to more serious damage later on.
Clear the Tracks
Inspect the tracks on both sides of the door to make sure they are free of debris and rust. You can also use a level to make sure the tracks are plumb (perfectly vertical) along their vertical sections. You can make small adjustments yourself, but major track adjustments are a job for a professional technician.
Tighten the Hardware
Because the typical garage door moves up and down many hundreds of times each year, the motion and vibration can loosen up the door and track hardware. Check out the brackets holding the door tracks to the wall and ceiling as well as the fasteners anchoring the garage door opener unit to the framing. Use a socket wrench to tighten up any loose bolts you find.
Inspect and Replace the Rollers
The rollers along the edge of the garage door should be inspected at least twice a year and replaced every five to seven years. During your inspection, replace any rollers you find that are chipped, cracked, or worn. Most of the rollers can be removed by simply removing the brackets holding them to the door.
Warning: Do not remove the bottom roller bracket on each side of the door because these are attached to the lift cables, which are under extreme tension.
Check the Cables and Pulleys
Inspect the lift cables and pulleys that attach to the bottom roller brackets on the door. These provide the connection between the springs and the door to help lift and lower the door safely. Garage doors have one of two different types of springs: Extension springs Extension springs are long, skinny springs that run alongside the horizontal (overhead) portion of each door track. Torsion springs are mounted to a metal rod above the door opening. Both types use cables to lift the door.
Most experts advise that cables and springs should not be touched by homeowners since these high-tension parts can be dangerous. If you spot any broken strands or other signs of wear or damage on the cables, call in a service person for assistance.
Lubricate the Moving Parts
Keeping the rollers and other moving parts well lubricated will reduce stress on the rollers and door openers and prolong their useful lives. Twice a year, apply a high-quality spray lubricant, such as white lithium grease (which is available in a spray can), on the rollers and hinges, then wipe off any excess. If any rollers or hinges seem stuck, spray them with a penetrating solution, like WD-40, then wipe them clean and apply grease.
Also, lubricate the pulleys on extension-spring openers and the bearings on torsion-spring openers. Wipe a little oil on the torsion spring if it is rusty. If the opener has a metal chain or screw, spray white lithium grease on the opener’s chain or screw, but do not use a lubricant on a belt-drive opener.
Test the Door Balance
If your garage door is not properly balanced, the garage door opener will have to work harder, and it won’t last as long. The door should be so well balanced by its springs that only a few pounds of force are necessary to lift it. Test this by pulling the release handle on the automatic opener, then manually lift the door so it is about halfway open. The door should remain in place without your help. If it doesn't, the door is improperly balanced or the springs are growing old and worn. Call a professional for help with springs.
Test the Auto-Reverse Feature
Automatic garage door openers should have an auto-reverse feature that is designed to stop and reverse the direction of the door if it detects an object in the path of the door or it hits an object while the door is closing. This system is activated by a pressure sensor or by a pair of photocells on each side of the door.
Test the pressure sensor by placing a scrap 2x4 board flat on the ground in the path of the door. When the door comes down and touches the board, it should reverse direction and go back up again. To test the photoelectric system that has eye sensors on each side, start your door downward in a closing direction, then just pass your leg in the door’s path. The door should reverse direction and head upward.
Consult your garage door opener instruction manual for directions on how to adjust the auto-reverse function. Older garage door openers that lack this basic feature, which is now mandated by building code in many areas, should be replaced.
Repair or Replace the Weatherstripping
The rubber weatherstripping along the bottom of the door helps keep out the cold as well as water, dust, and dirt. Check it twice a year to make sure it is in good shape. Some weatherstripping fits into the bottom of the door using a flange that slides into a groove in the bottom of the door. Weatherstripping for wooden garage doors is usually nailed in place. Garage door weatherstripping is sold by the foot or in large rolls at hardware stores and big-box home improvement stores.
If your door has weatherstripping along the sides, also check its condition and reattach any loose spots or replace the entire length of stripping if it is badly worn or damaged.
Clean and Paint the Door
Inspect the door itself when you are checking out the other components. If the door is steel, look for rust spots that should be sanded, primed, and painted. Fiberglass doors can be washed with an all-purpose cleaner. Pay particular attention to wood doors, since warping and water damage are common. Remove chipped and peeling paint, then sand and repaint. If you have a wooden door that does not have weatherstripping along the bottom, make sure this bottom edge is well sealed or painted, then install a weatherstrip.
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doexquisite · 5 years
How does roomba work?
Watch roomba for a short time (it's hard not to) and you may suppose it is following a very random pattern. Maximum of the time it's miles! In keeping with one in all irobot's unique patents for the roomba, click here the most appropriate manner for a robotic to clean a room is to apply a combination of two major styles: "wall following" (wherein it moves across the walls of your room, using its aspect-mounted, flailing brush to smooth right into corners) and "random bounce"
(in which it cleans until it hits an impediment, then moves off again in a random course). The unique roombas (like the version 560 pictured here) appear to use numerous exclusive cleansing modes, including sweeping across a room at speed to clean big areas, spiraling outward to cover large areas, and again and again retracing over regions which are specially grimy (there is a flash of roomba's shiny blue "dust stumble on" mild to can help you realize while this occurs).
Simply as human beings use our five senses to interact with the sector, so roomba has diverse onboard sensors to help it determine out what it is able to about your room. Installed on pinnacle of roomba, on the very the front, there is a outstanding infrared beam and photocell sensor. Right away under, there may be a plastic front bumper with a constructed-in contact sensor. The infrared beam detects partitions and limitations so roomba slows down while it gets close to them. The contact-sensitive bumper stops roomba while it simply hits matters. http://fixdreviews.net/ilife-vs-roomba/ There also are infrared sensors installed below, pointing directly downward, so roomba can stumble on what it calls "cliffs" (stairs and steep drops). If it feels its brushes might tangle up on tassels or cables, it stops them rotating immediately and drives itself to safety.
How does roomba recognise while it hits a specially dirty patch? According to irobot's patents, it makes use of a piezoelectric sensor (basically a crystal that generates electrical impulses when matters strike it). When bits of dirt hit the sensor, they generate tiny electric impulses and, presumably, an immoderate number of these impulses triggers "dirt detect," causing the robotic to retrace its steps, cleansing a little bit more slowly and thoroughly second time around. (roomba's designers considered the usage of an optical sensor to measure the dirt being sucked thru the system, but decided that could clog up too fast and prove much less dependable.)
A few roomba fashions include little standalone beacons called virtual wall® lighthouses™, which are like flashlights that send out invisible, infrared beams. Use them in lighthouse mode and that they assist roomba understand wherein one room ends and another starts offevolved, http://fixdreviews.net/roomba-960-vs-980/so it can smooth one room well earlier than shifting to the following; use them in "virtual wall" mode and you can set up limitations the robot is not allowed to cross. Frankly, it's less difficult just to close doors and placed down books or brushes to pen your roomba into certain areas—however in all likelihood now not as an awful lot fun!
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magicclam · 5 years
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The other day I was looking through my bin of dead tubes that I use for steampunk projects, when I came across an unusual looking vacuum tube labeled 918. 
I’d stuck it in the ‘steampunk’ bin because I wasn’t sure what it was for and had no way to test it. Did a bit of research yesterday, and through the magic of Google, found out that it was a Photocell tube.
I guess back in the late 30′s and into the 40′s these were used in theaters to synchronize sound with video (among other applications). Basically, when you shine a light on these tubes, the photocathode emits electrons. I couldn’t find much data on how these were used in-circuit, but I did locate a PDF datasheet for the 918 tube.
Found out that only 2 of the 4 pins on the tube base are connected, and that the tube uses 90v DC on the plate. Went through my parts bins, found a tube socket and a bridge rectifier (converts AC to DC voltage) and built a little test rig out of a busted up wooden box and the parts I had on hand.
Today I setup an experiment to see if the rig would work, and hopefully test to see if the tubes were good. 
I also found out that these photocells were designed for incandescent bulbs (has to do with color temperature), so before I could run my test, I needed to see if I still had a regular lightbulb in my house. Fortunately my wife had a flashlight that was non-LED, so I used that for the experiment.
Hooked up my digital multi-meter to the DC output terminals I mounted in the box (this was to make sure I got 90v for the plate). Then I hooked up another meter to the output of the 918 tube along with the negative side of the DC voltage. 
Theoretically when you shine light on the tube, the analog meter needle should move. 
Turns out... it worked! Had a friend of mine help by holding a flashlight while I filmed the process, and you can see what it does in the video (hopefully). 
Watch the analog meter when she shines the flashlight on the photocell...
So cool!
Stay tuned for who knows what!
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adz · 5 years
hi kit!!! im looking for a film camera & i was wondering if u had any suggestions/ tips? love love love ur photos btw 💗
omg thank you this is so sweet! if you’re just starting out, i’d suggest getting something super cheap from the 70s. you can get something like a Yashica TL Electro X or Canon FT for like $20-$30. look for something sturdy with a built in light meter, hot shoe, and maybe a self-timer but no bells or whistles. this will probably be the easiest way to learn about the different settings, manually dialing in ISO, etc.
antique & thrift stores are also overflowing with point-and-shoot 35mm cameras that are cheap as dirt and a blast to shoot! just looking around my room, I have a Nikon Teletouch and a Pentax IQZoom, each of which was $5. you won’t have to deal with setting aperture & exposure lengths on these, so the learning curve is a lot easier, but be warned that the life expectancy on these things is a lot different than the SLRs. none of mine have lasted more than three rolls of film (maybe i’m just cursed though).
if you’re looking for something a little nicer, i got my current camera (a Canon F1) for around $200, and I absolutely love it. it’s basically a solid brick of metal so you don’t have to be gentle with it, it has a really cool photocell meter, and because it’s from such a popular line, there are a bajillion lenses and accessories floating around online and in shops (although I haven’t bought any cuz $$$ lol). it also looks gorgeous, which is a plus!
here are a couple things that would have really helped me when I started shooting film:
-when you’re loading a new roll into the camera, you don’t have to wind with the back open (wasting a couple exposures) to make sure it’s winding properly. just watch to make sure the rewind knob is spinning when you wind the first couple times.
-don’t get your film developed by CVS! they’ll lose your shit and charge you anyway and they ALSO won’t give your negatives back!! ( ͒˃⌂˂ ͒)
-keep your film fridged before & after you shoot it, let it come up to room temperature for a half hour before loading it, and don’t bother shooting color film that expired 10 years ago (even if you got it for free) unless you want the photos to be super grainy and washed out.
good luck on your film adventures!!!
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Electric Gates Repair : Santa Clarita CA,
Are you planning to install entrance gates in your home at Cork, Ireland? Have you already chosen which design and style would fit your property? Well, if that's the case, the next thing you would need is a reliable and trusted company to complete the job.
The next thing that you have to keep in mind is of an Electric Gates Installation Santa Clarita CA, that will continue to function even if your grid is not up. If you have a trailer, then make sure that it contains at least 60W of stored power.
With all if the new technology in Gates Opener Repair openers, you can get a new opener which requires you to just have a code. This can be very helpful. You just install a keypad outside of the door and enter the code when you are ready to open the door. This can come in very handy especially if you lock yourself out of the house. It requires you to have no key or opener.
My 14 years daughter is exciting with this new system. She likes to store and delete number into the GSM gate opener. She likes to play with the SMS and simply send the phone number that starts with password to the GSM gate opener. This solution only allows the person who knows the password can insert or delete the phone numbers via text messages.
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If your gates are stuck in the open position and won't close, try waving your hand in front of one of the photocells (as above) and you should hear a quiet clicking sound. This can only be heard from one of your photocells, so you may need to test them both. If you can't hear that clicking sound there may be a problem with your safety beam / photocells, or the power to them power to them. It could be that the safety beam has failed because it is broken or it may be full of insects that are blocking the beam, or that it is without power.
Chain link is another very common type of fencing, and it's usually in places where the look of the fence is secondary to its practicality. There's not a heck of a lot you can do to change the look of chainlink. And chain link probably provides the least privacy of any fence, since the whole thing is basically large spaces. You can buy slats that can be woven through the links, however, to improve their privacy.
If you have antiques or expensive wood furniture to store, a climate controlled self storage unit might be best solution. This will protect your possessions from extreme heat and cold and humid conditions. This may also prevent mold and insect damage. Preserving these items off site may end up being a great insurance on your investment.
By doing these very few inexpensive ideas on your door, it will keep you safer from any criminal trying to gain access into your home. The peace of mind of security is worth the effort to look at the security of your door. A person works very hard for the things that they have in their garage and home, items can be replaced, and your sense of security can never be replaced.
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arsenaultriber3 · 2 years
Semi-automatic or fully automatic Doors For Safety And Pleasure
Automatic gates and good safe access control was once two totally different varieties of door access systems. With modern day materials and excellent design it is definitely possible to blend access control in addition to automatic doors without having compromising security, yet still maintaining entry systems which might be pleasing to the attention. When we discuss of security within the same subject as entrances, it often relates to protection and fire just as well as gain access to control. In a lot of places we practically expect doors to be able to open for people since we approach open public and commercial property. Shopping centres in addition to most high street stores right now tend to identify automatically opening doors in a description or perhaps another - basically to make life easy for buyers to the areas. From a commercial level of view they could help determine people traffic numbers and conserve energy. Whilst temperature adjustment plus door entry devices are usually put together it allows the customer into the future in from the British isles weather and encounter an ambient inside, low cost energy automatic doors now enable this luxurious with excellent pay-back results. Automatic very low energy swing gates represent an actual innovation for that automated door industry within the UK, it is the an automatic system for move doors with sizes, weight and selling price closely resembling those of a good handbook door closer. Typically the big difference is definitely that this intelligent low energy golf swing door system offers an internal battery, the Push and Go function will be useful in circumstances where sensors in addition to other detection devices are unsuitable, typically the automatic product is especially suitable for use where disability access is required or perhaps indeed the property are widely-used by folks with mobility problems. It is suitable for a maximum fill of 80 kg, with a front door leaf of multitude of mm and the opening speed associated with 3 to five s in conditions of heavy obligation and for a new maximum weight regarding 90 kg which has a 1200 mm leaf in conditions of light duty. To open the doorway, simply drive the line - the motor does the rest. advanced electronics using the most current generation of microprocessor controls that have an integral intellect which automatically executes the necessary changes and 'teach-in' throughout commissioning. The safety photocell barriers happen to be checked before just about every closing movement. This regular checking involving the door not only ensures that the particular door is functioning efficiently at all times although also means that will the doorway is safer to be able to use. The intelligent folding door offers various applications throughout retail, industrial and commercial areas. Typically the Automatic folding front door is ideal for doorways exactly where there is restricted space for a door to slide or swing. This is often known as "space saver" entrance because it uses up the minimum involving the clear opening and extremely little in depth. This makes it specially suitable for narrow door openings, passageways and where space is restricted. The automated folding door is usually available in a couple of and four foliage versions, it is definitely made to measure for a best fit and offers a range of closes. Revolving doors have often been the particular hub of numerous situation comedy drawings since the day time they were invented. Whilst they might bring reflections from the particular lighter side of life, automatic revolving doors do blend all of typically the comfort of any traditional style automatic entrance along with a listing of energy resource efficiency advantages. They may be set to center constantly at a slow pace so site visitors may enter plus leave, without having to push, perfect for food markets. This ' hands free' automatic revolving door is generally the favourite choice with supermarket giants like Asda in addition to Tesco. They could be built designed to measure to assure in any size to suit all kinds of applications. Take high-traffic locations where added place is required to be able to aid a more stable flow of teams of people who have something from grocery carts to medical emergency equipment. In spite of the without stopping appearance, sensors do stop the spinning mechanism company ending or an article causing a blockage blocks it. From the pretty nature of automated doors, there is an extremely important decision that must be made, that involving which Automatic Entrance Engineer do a person choose to set it up. Because automatic doors offer easy gain access to to anyone, they are popular simply by demand and skill is required to fit them, extra than every other kind of door.
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7 smart ways to get your home holiday ready
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Preparing for the holidays entails more than just purchasing gifts and cooking extravagant feasts.
Whether you’re entertaining visitors or going on vacation, there are a few things you should do to prepare your home for the holidays.
Here are seven tasks to add to your to-do list so you can fully enjoy the holiday season.
Whether it’s decorations, endless rolls of wrapping paper, gift bags, the gifts themselves, cards and letters, crafts, or plates of holiday-themed cookies, the holidays can bring a lot of clutter into your life.
You’ll want to clean out any extraneous objects that have accumulated around your house in recent months before you even consider stringing up a set of lights.
Conveniently, the end of the year is also a fantastic time to give to charity, so you’ll probably be gathering clothing and other household items to donate anyhow. (Remember to obtain a tax receipt!)
Everyone should do some extra cleaning around the holidays—even if it’s only to make room for all those new gifts—especially if you have visitors.
Even if no relatives are staying overnight, your holiday party visitors will need a place to put their coats on, and you don’t want all your extra stuff to fall on top of them the instant they open a closet.
2 Baby and pet-proof decorations.
Holiday decorations may harm children and dogs. Both are drawn to tiny ornaments that hang from the bottom branches of Christmas trees, as well as glistening tinsel and ribbons that can be choking risks. Cats may be enticed to climb your tree, and your dog’s wagging tail might cause havoc as well.
Avoid tinsel and only put shatterproof decorations within reach of small hands and paws to keep your tree safe for pets and small children.Â
Keep in mind that several classic holiday plants, such as holly (especially holly berries) and mistletoe, can be harmful, so keep these out of reach as well. When it comes to lighting seasonal candles, always keep an eye on the open flames.
3 Fireproof your tree.
You’ll need to take a few safety precautions if your Christmas decorations involve a tree. Christmas trees are a major cause of house fires, and these fires are often deadlier than other types of house fires.
Make sure your tree is kept as fresh and well-watered as possible to minimize this risk.
Before putting it in water, cut an inch or two off the bottom when you bring it home. Make sure there’s always enough water to cover the trunk’s base. (You’ll probably need to refill it on a daily basis.)
To keep the tree from drying out, place it away from heat sources and out of direct sunshine. If necessary, use a room humidifier.
4 Mind your outlets.
Long strings of lights, inflatable displays, and other holiday decorations can be taxing on your home’s electrical system. Experts recommend hiring an electrician to build an extra circuit to power your Christmas fantasy if you truly want to go all out.
It’s also an excellent opportunity to install a whole-house surge protector or have your current one tested.
Set timers.
If you’re not careful, your extravagant holiday decorations might wreak havoc on your energy bill—or worse, and you can forget to switch on the lights at all, leaving no one to enjoy your hours of labor.
There are a few options for avoiding either problem. Photocell timers detect sunlight and turn on your lights as the sunsets.
They frequently have various settings, allowing you to program your lights to turn on from dusk to dawn or merely for a few hours after it turns dark.
Smart plugs with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, on the other hand, allow you to monitor your energy consumption and manage your lights from your phone or home voice assistant.
An old-fashioned mechanical outlet timer could also work if you want something basic and inexpensive. You simply want your nightly light to show to be as hands-off as feasible. You may forget to turn on the light, but your timer will never forget.
Before you buy, make sure the timer you’re obtaining is suitable for the application—for example, if you’re planning to use it to light up the Santa on your roof, it must be built for outdoor use.
5 Clean out your fridge.
Whether you’re staying at home or traveling over the holidays, it’s a good idea to clean out your refrigerator. You don’t want to come home to a fridge full of rotten milk and decay food if you’re going to be away from home.Â
Even if you’re not traveling, refrigerator space can be limited around the holidays.
It’s a time of parties and overindulgence for many people, and you’ll probably need some additional space for meal prep (turkeys and hams take up a lot of space), baking projects, and leftovers. Your guests may need to store dishes in your fridge before serving if you’re hosting during the holidays.
6 Secure your house.
If you’re going away for the holidays, make sure your home is safe and secure until you get back. That means hiring a neighbor to pick up your mail and water your plants, lowering the thermostat, and disconnecting superfluous equipment, among other things.Â
You’ll probably want to take extra security precautions, such as turning on pre-programmed or motion-sensor-based lights to deter thieves (those Christmas light timers will come in useful), and possibly purchasing a home security camera to keep an eye on things while you’re gone.Â
If there’s a snowstorm, you’ll also want to make sure someone is available to shovel your walkway. If you have a Christmas tree, be sure you have a way to keep it hydrated or recycle it before you depart.
These are a few things you should do to prepare your home for the holidays. When it comes to lighting seasonal candles, always keep an eye on the open flames. Christmas tree fires are a major cause of house fires.Â
Make sure your tree is kept as fresh and well-watered as possible to minimize this risk. Experts recommend hiring an electrician to build an extra circuit to power your Christmas lights or inflatable displays.
Whether you’re staying at home or traveling, it’s a good idea to clean out your refrigerator. Make sure your home is safe and secure until you get back. If you have a Christmas tree, be sure to keep it hydrated or recycle it before you depart.
Source By: This article has been originally published on allquotes.ca
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