#basketball has been making me suffer for YEARS and now im finally winning
dianasprnce · 5 months
this still feels like a fever dream
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atakportal · 6 years
Burn The Fat Body Transformation System - Tom Venuto
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Burn The Fat Body Transformation System - Tom Venuto
Product Name: Burn The Fat Body Transformation System – Tom Venuto
Click here to get Burn The Fat Body Transformation System – Tom Venuto at discounted price while it’s still available…
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Hi, Im Tom, and in a moment, you’ll hear the story of how I went from being a chubby kid who was humiliated in gym class, to burning every last ounce of fat off my body, and winning my first bodybuilding championship at the age of 21…
This is also the same fat-burning system I still use today to stay in shape after age 40…
More importantly, you’ll see how these little-known secrets of all-natural bodybuilders and fitness models are the key to burning YOUR most stubborn fat and getting the body YOU want…
Read this page to the end, and I’ll also give you all the details about the unusual system that hundreds of thousands of people have already used – instead of dieting – to transform their bodies forever…
And for the first time ever, I’ll unveil the new 7-Day “quick start” that gets you going faster than ever before.
Before reading on, let me point out that this fat-burning system was originally developed by the leanest, most muscular athletes in the world, but it has now been re-engineered for regular people (non-bodybuilders)…
It works whether you are a man or a women, and it works regardless of your age. In fact, if you’re over 40, this could easily take 10 years off your biological age.
It even works for people who felt like they’d tried everything and were just “destined to be overweight”…
BURNED: 75 pounds of fat (from a size 22 to a size 6) while working two jobs and caring for her autistic son
– Audrey Eickwort
BURNED: 41 pounds of fat (from 274 pounds to 233 pounds and lost 19 inches off his waist at age 56
– Tim Amyett
BURNED: 122 pounds of fat (starting weight: 296 pounds)
– Brian Nordberg
You probably noticed that none of them look like stereotypical bodybuilders…
Yet every one of them… even formerly “photo-shy” people who told me they used to “hide” under their clothes, avoid mirrors, or secretly cringe when their photo popped up on Facebook…
… every one of them used what’s been called, “the most powerful fat burning system ever created” to achieve the same confidence in their appearance that bodybuilders feel every time they step in front of a camera.
And no matter how long they had struggled, Audrey, Tim, Brian and thousands of others achieved these startling transformations with these same “bodybuilder and fitness model” secrets.
Now, there’s one key factor that everyone who follows this system has in common with the most successful, photoshoot-ready bodybuilders and fitness models alive.
I have to warn you, it’s a story that’s a bit embarrassing to share…
Yet it’s a story you absolutely need to hear, because many of my clients tell me it gave them an “a-ha moment” that quickly allowed them to burn more stubborn fat than they imagined possible before…
…and I certainly wasn’t winning bodybuilding contests or getting praised by Oprah Magazine as “honest” about what it really takes to lose weight.
Heck, first I had to be honest with myself…
You see, I was never seriously overweight as a kid, but by the time I was a freshman in high school, I was getting pretty chubby around the waist…
Worse still, I was embarrassed to take my shirt off in public because I had what I thought was the worst affliction a warm-blooded male teenager could have: “Man boobs” – a fat saggy chest.
…and when we played basketball in gym, I prayed I’d be called for “shirts,” not “skins” so nobody would see my “moobs” and ab flab jiggling up and down the court.
At 14, I started lifting weights (those guys in the magazines didn’t seem to have an ounce of fat on them), and by senior year, I’d packed on about 25 pounds of muscle… yet the whole “getting ripped” part kept eluding me:
I still couldn’t take my shirt off in public without wishing I would disappear… let alone see the abs trapped under my belly fat.
Perhaps you can relate to this feeling of feeling trapped inside a body that’s just not doing what you want, no matter what you try… and thinking your frustration just can’t get any worse…
I went away to college, and quickly discovered I wanted to become a fitness major… but I also discovered beer, pizza, and cheese burgers and went hard at work on the classic “freshman 15″…
I just laughed at myself right along with the guys who were making fun of me, even though the truth is, I was silently humiliated.
It wasn’t until my buddies at the gym made me commit to stop just “talking” about being a bodybuilder and train for a contest that I finally put down the texbooks and the magazines… and got serious about figuring out what these guys were doing right…
Because they certainly were doing something to get lean and ripped that I wasn’t – one of them had just won a “Mr Teen America” title, and had a body just as impressive as that title sounds…
So I started eating and working out in a certain way – and it was pretty clear I was finally onto something…
… because this “contest training” was by far the most effective program I’d ever tried. It worked SO well, I even placed in my very first contest… and WON my second contest the very next year, at just 21 years old.
Beer belly? Gone. “Moobs?” Nowhere in sight…
It felt like redemption.
Maybe you’ve seen that old ad where the skinny kid gets sand kicked in his face by a muscle-bound bully, then gets in shape and beats the bully up? That’s kind how I felt…
Because not only was I now truly “ripped” for the first time in my life..
It was like getting to tell the whole world, “Remember that kid from gym class with the manboobs? Well, have a look at this!”
Now, I’m NOT telling you this story to brag or hold myself up as some kind of “poster boy.”
There are literally thousands of my client’s stories that are more inspiring than mine…
Stories from ordinary men and women who have no interest in entering a bodybuilding contest, yet used this same “bodybuilder science” to achieve massive results…
People like Bonnie and Mike…
“My Goal Was To Be a “Hot Mom At 40,” And I’ve Achieved It. I lost 23 Kg’s and 12.5% Body Fat!”
“I’m a 40 year old mom of 3, ages 11, 6 and 4. Before, I was 85 kg and 36.5% body fat, size 40. I was fat and miserable. My family life and relationship were suffering. My husband knew someone who did Burn The Fat and it changed his life, so I tried it too. I lost 23 kg’s and kept it off ever since!”
– Bonnie VanNiekerk, Burn the Fat Client
“I Lost 137 Pounds! It Changed My Entire Life!”
“I used Tom’s BURN THE FAT program to lose 137 pounds, but it also changed my entire life and the life of my family. The goal-setting and mindset part of the program also helped me achieve emotional, physical and financial goals I never thought possible.
– Mike Ogorek, Burn the Fat Client
Rather than “smaller versions” of the same old body shape – their bodies take on a whole NEW shape…
And it’s because the one thing all these stories have in common with mine is the one secret hardly anybody besides natural bodybuilders and fitness models knows, or will tell you, about getting a lean, sexy body…
It’s the difference between struggling to “diet away” unwanted fat… and quickly, efficiently burning it.
Here’s why holding onto your muscle while you burn fat is so important, even if you have zero interest in looking like a bodybuilder:
Even though “diet gurus” and popular diet-industry books and magazines will never clue you in about it…
…it’s lean muscle that gives a great body its shape – a shape with all the curves and cuts where they’re supposed to be, and the stamina to do all the things you want it to do.
Just take a look at these bodies side-by-side and tell me what you see:
Pretty big difference, right?
It’s the difference I see all the time between “dieters” and “burners” who might look similarly “skinny” with their clothes on:
Yet the “burners” look great in a swimsuit (I’ll get to how in just a minute, so keep reading)…
… while the “dieters” still end up hiding under their clothes because even though they “lost weight”, they look soft and mushy with their shirts off.
This is exactly what you want to avoid… working your butt off to get thin… then having no butt… or worse, a droopy butt that looks even worse than when you carried more weight.
So why do you see so many more “skinny” people who look like the guy on the left, rather than the lean and toned guy on the right?
It’s not that the “lean and toned” folks pumped iron and packed on lots of extra muscle like a competitive bodybuilder would… The REAL difference is…
Yes, that means that if you burn fat the right way, you can “expose” the firm, toned-looking physique you already have, hidden beneath a layer of unwanted fat… if “dieting” doesn’t get to it first.
And this also means that if you lose fat the wrong way… the “diet industry” way… you might eventually become one of the “lucky” ones who manage to suffer through the torture and get “skinnier”…
But… to show you how bad it can get. I’ve had clients come to me for personal training who at a glance looked thin… BUT their body fat percentage turned out to be what you’d expect to see in somebody who’s visibly overweight, even obese.
One woman I tested was about 5-foot-7 and weighed 121 pounds on the scale… sounds good so far, right?
Then we got to her body fat: It measured an astonishingly high 28% – that’s 34 pounds of pure fat!
Now, I want you to imagine for a second, an arm bone with a one-inch pad of fat surrounding it, kind of like foam insulation around a pipe. That’s what her arm felt like… only the “insulation” was pure fat!
If you grabbed the back of her (very “thin”) arm… it was just one giant fat fold! Literally no palpable muscle at all, just bone and fat.
The fitness slang for this condition is “skinny fat”… and it’s gotten so common, there’s even a medical name for it:
Doctors call it “normal-weight obesity”…
and when they look at DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorpitometry) results or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans like the one above…. they’re horrified!…
… because this means we have not one epidemic…
We have TWO EPIDEMICS: The obesity epidemic and the Muscle loss epidemic!
And the older you are, the worse the effects, because the older you are, the easier it is to lose muscle. Most people don’t know this, but losing muscle is one of the fastest ways to accelerate the effects of aging.
Because diets cause muscle loss, it’s not a stretch to say that dieting ages you faster.
With each new fad “diet”… you “diet away” lots of lean muscle, and just a little bit of fat. That’s the basic problem with “diets”: Every one you try is like taking one step forward and two steps back… so even if you “win” and “drop some weight”, you still lose!
And dieting danger goes beyond just looking “skinny fat”… because as bad as that sounds, ending up with the skinny-fat metabolism that goes with it is even worse.
As hyper-committed as bodybuilders are to burning fat… they avoid “diets” like the plague, and it’s not just that diets cannibalize muscle… they also damage your metabolism, making it harder and harder to burn more fat off, and keep the fat you’ve already burned from creeping back on.
That’s because typical calorie-slashing diets can’t fool your body… and the body’s response is automatic and unavoidable:
Decreased metabolism, hormone imbalance, sluggish thyroid, gnawing hunger pangs, low energy and “brain fog”… sound familiar?
Then, after a few encouraging pounds come off… just when you think all the suffering might have been worth it… you hit the dreaded, inevitable “plateau” where it just “stops working” and you end up gaining it all back just like the rest of the 95% of dieters who fail.
That’s right – if you’ve been trying to burn fat, one of your main enemies is… your very own bathroom scale.
You see the hypey claims every day: “LOSE 30 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS!” … “LOSE 10 POUNDS IN 10 DAYS!”…
These claims get people so focused on “moving the needle” on their scale… that if they don’t measure up on their daily “weigh-in”, their whole day is ruined!
Yet these “scale-watchers” never seem to manage to get rid of all their unwanted fat.
That’s because muscle weighs more than fat…
… and “diets” that pressure you to blindly “lose weight” without knowing where the loss is coming from trick you into sabotaging your figure and your metabolism.
So rather than putting your body through dangerous fads, body-wasting starvation diets, and frustrating “plateaus,” you get to look forward to a lean, firm, fit-looking body that’s strong in every way, and looks it too.
How can I promise you that? Let me properly introduce myself…
For the past 25 years, I’ve been involved in almost every aspect of fitness – personal trainer, nutrition consultant, fitness model, gym manager and best-selling author.
I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of clients in person, plus tens of thousands more online in the last 10 years alone.
In that time, my email inbox has never stopped flooding with incredibly inspiring stories from regular folks from every background, age and fitness level who have discovered the life-changing difference between “diets” that promise you’ll “lose weight”… and the way bodybuilders and fitness models burn fat.
And these same “ex-dieters” have continued to make all the Burn the Fat programs bestsellers every year, while countless “diets” and weight loss fads come and go, for no other reason than… The Burn The Fat System just plain works.
I’ve seen men and women aged 50 and older do it…
I’ve seen busy executives and soccer-moms do it…
I’ve seen people who were 100 pounds or more overweight and convinced “fat runs in their family” do it…
I’ve seen people in the worst, harshest conditions do it…
All of them are regular people with “average” or even “worse than average” genetics, not “genetic freak” bodybuilding fanatics, or celebrities with chefs and personal trainers.
And now that you know preserving your body’s lean muscle and metabolism is the biggest success secret bodybuilders use to burn fat while “diets” fail…
You’re probably wondering exactly how the thousands of everyday “Burners” who’ve discovered this system use it to strip off ALL the unwanted fat on their bodies, and feel great doing it…
So let’s dive into the specific “how to do it” tips I have for you today….
And this First Element has nothing to do with food or workout programs…
… yet if you’ve struggled to burn fat, this lesson will change your life so much that when it’s over, you’re going to want to share it with every person you love or care about.
Because the most successful bodybuilders, fitness models and athletes will tell you that the foundation of all your results comes from training your mind first.
That’s why the First Element of Burn The Fat has always been MINDSET…
I’m not talking about any kind of woo-woo “think-yourself-thin” mumbo-jumbo here… far from it.
I’m talking about “the science” of setting goals … and the psychology of achieving them.
I’m talking about reprogramming your mind for success, so that instead of fighting against cravings or forcing your self to the gym, your new healthy behaviors turn over to “auto-pilot” mode and all the healthy eating and consistent training that once seemed so hard is as effortless as tying your shoes or brushing your teeth.
I’m also talking about the power of visualization and re-making your self-image. You’ll never out-perform your self image. If you want to change your body on the outside, you must first change the image you hold of yourself on the inside…
Olympians, weightlifters, golfers, and other elite athletes have been hip to “mind training” since the 70’s, when the Soviets first revealed how they used these techniques to dominate in so many sports.
Bodybuilders are masters at this, and if you could get inside their thought process, you’d learn more about body transformation than you ever would by looking at their nutrition journal or training plan.
Countless clients and readers have told me that until they mastered their minds, they could never stay focused, stay motivated or stick with their program. After they mastered it, they were unstoppable!
Without fail, those who gloss over this at first and fail to get results, eventually realize the paradox that the biggest secret to physical change is mental change.
The Second Element of Burn The Fat is your right nutrition.
You might have heard the expression, “You can’t out-train a lousy diet”… and that’s 100% true.
Without the right eating plan that accounts for your individual needs and goals, everything else falls apart.
I’ll cover all the specifics and details of putting this plan together with minimum fuss in just a few minutes with you… so keep reading…
First, here’s a crucial tip about how bodybuilders and fitness models eat to get lean…
And it’s one of the most important tips I can possibly share with you, because it’s the total opposite of what every “diet” tells you:
Cutting calories is NOT the best way to burn fat.
That’s why, if you watch bodybuilders, one thing you’ll notice about them is that they always seem to be eating.
You see, while “dieters” eat as little as they can stand trying to get thin…
“Burners” eat early and often, because they know it’s the key to restoring and ramping up your metabolism into a fat-burning machine.
They simply follow the simple formula to determine how many calories their bodies need daily to maintain their current weight (the amount they’d eat if they didn’t want to drop or gain a pound)… and then cut that number by a modest 20%.
That way, you never unintentionally over-eat and store food away as unwanted fat… and you also never trigger your body’s “starvation response” by eating too little, so you never feel hungry.
In fact, many people tell me they eat more with Burn The Fat than they’ve ever eaten… yet they get leaner than they’ve ever been before (and some who under-ate before find themselves eating up to 50% more without storing an ounce of it as fat)…
After depriving themselves on diet after diet, they’re eating without guilt and feeling full, without the hunger pangs, cravings and “brain fog” they’re used to.
Now, you might be wondering… if bodybuilders use food to fuel their metabolic fire, where does the final FAT BURN come from?
Well, that’s where the final two Elements of Burn The Fat come in as a “deadly duo” to melt fat off your waistline…
… and those are your right cardio and strength training.
You see, “diets” do get one thing right: You DO need a “calorie deficit” in order to burn fat… in other words, you still need to use up more calories than you eat.
The difference is, with Burn The Fat, the “deficit” comes from exercise rather than food alone.
Unlike the “diet” strategy that tries to starve the fat, the bodybuilder strategy is to BURN the fat with increased activity.
Think of the third element – the right cardio – as a Fat burning ACCELERATOR…
But Burn the Fat is unlike any other program you’ve ever seen, because Burn The Fat Cardio doesn’t lock you into one type of exercise…
You don’t have sweat on a treadmill every day… you don’t have to jog… you don’t have to sit on a hard bicycle seat for an hour… you don’t have to do boot camps… unless you like them.
You see, the Burn The Fat way is not about what type of cardio you choose, it’s about how you do the cardio of your choice.
It’s a simple formula of duration X frequency X intensity combined with weekly micro-adjustments, that lets you dial your fat-burning UP or dial it DOWN (if you want to stop losing weight), with whatever type of cardio that makes you happy.
Couldn’t you lose fat, without cardio, with the right nutrition alone? Yes, but… that’s the long, slow, hard way, and there’s no telling how much muscle you’ll lose along with the fat if all you do is diet and you’re not using the fourth and final element…
The right strength training also burns calories and increases metabolism, so adding this fourth element is like getting a double boost in fat-burning, but here’s the real reasons to strength train:
Strength training is how you avoid getting “skinny fat” … or losing muscle when you’re in a fat-burning calorie deficit.
And remember – it’s lean muscle that gives a great body its shape – with all the right curves, and the strength to do everything you want your body to do.
Don’t worry – I’m not going to make you “pump iron” like Arnold Schwarzenegger or spend half your life at the gym – remember, this is designed for ordinary people with lots of other demands on their energy and time.
That’s why I’ve built perfectly balanced routines for every goal and level of fitness into the Burn The Fat Program, based on 25 years of experience training hundreds of clients in person and thousands more online.
Don’t worry about getting “bulky” or “too big”, either – believe me, there is no way you will ever wind up looking like a competitive bodybuilder by accident. It just doesn’t happen – not even for men, and especially not for women…
Of course, just like nutrition, there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” exercise plan, so I’ll show you exactly how to put your plan together and even adapt a workout you’re already doing if you want to, so please keep reading…
Alright, that was a lot to cover… You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed, and that’s okay. Basically, this means that..
PATH 1: Take the information I’ve given you in this fat burning tips report and try to “go it alone”… And who knows? You may see some success from this alone if you took really careful notes…
PATH 2: It’s what the vast majority of people who read this fat-burning report until the end choose… and it’s the quickest and smartest path to the body you desire and deserve…
Path 2 is one that’s been tested and proven again and again with clients at every level of fitness… whether they had a goal of losing a stubborn “last 10”, or 100 pounds or more.
The system I teach in Burn The Fat is the system I personally use, and it’s the ONLY system I know of that doesn’t try to put everyone in the same “box”…
And the main reason the original Burn The Fat has stood the test of time as a 10-year-straight bestseller while dozens of “diets” have come and gone is NOT because of me…
The credit for Burn The Fat’s continued success belongs with the over 300,000 clients, members, readers and customers in 152 countries who have succeeded with it… and proven over and over that Burn The Fat just plain works…
I’ve personally used it to stay as lean and “ripped” in my 30’s and 40’s as I was in my 20’s…
And many fellow “Burners” have even overcome disabilities as serious as being “handicapped with two bad hips, two canes, and bone on bone arthritis” to put these principles to work for them, like 61-year-old John Deegan…
BURNED: 34 pounds of fat, with two canes and bone-on-bone arthritis
– John Deegan, Burn the Fat Client
So even if your fat loss and fitness goals are nowhere near a world record… even if you’re competing with nobody except yourself… just by putting even a fraction of these hard-won secrets into action, you’ll start seeing results that will make you feel like stepping up on a stage and getting a medal.
I’ll take you inside The NEW Burn The Fat Program in some detail in just a minute, but first, I wanted to share with you…
These successful “burners” (below) followed the program during our 49-Day “Burn the Fat Challenge” contest that we run every year for our members (as a Burn the Fat member, you’ll be invited to these challenges too, if you want the extra motivation…)
“I shredded down to 4.3% body fat in 49 days”
“When I hit 30, I found myself with a belly for the first time in my life. I followed the Burn the Fat program and entered the 49 day Challenge; I had no idea how much it would change the whole rest of my life.
Staying in frequent contact with people in the Burn the Fat community, who were all heading in the same positive direction, made staying the course absolute. I will never have a belly again.”
– James Mauck, Burn the Fat Client
“I Achieved The Body I’ve Always Wanted! I’m Now 128 lbs At 17.7% Body Fat!”
“I learned an AMAZING thing: I love the feeling in my muscles, I love the burn, and I love the progress. The more my muscles popped, the more addicted I became to the training.
Another thing stood out to me: Food is integral. Don’t try to starve the fat. Fuel your body properly and it will perform better. It was like my body turned into a fat-burning, muscle-building machine.”
– Amanda Andrews, Burn The Fat Client
“My advice to anyone thinking about doing Burn the Fat is to make a commitment to yourself in writing and list all the benefits you will receive as a result of reaching your goal.” Don’t try to reinvent the wheel – the information and resources you need are right here, and the Burn the Fat community is amazing!”
– Gary Vollhoffer, Age 50, Burn the Fat Client
“I Lost 14 lbs, built some nice muscle, and went from a pant size 7/9 to a size 1! My husband and children can’t thank Tom enough for his healthy, natural, clear-cut program. If a home-schooling mom of five kids all under the age of eight can do it, anyone can!”
– Cynthia Cardenas, Burn the Fat Client
The Newest Burn the Fat program that you can get today is still based on the same bodybuilder-inspired nutrition and training strategies that I developed for personal clients, who expected, no – demanded – success, and those clients have been achieving success with these principles since 1989.
Only now, it’s even better…
In the early days, the only way to learn my system was to hire me in person, to train you one-on-one, in the gym.
Next came Burn the Fat private coaching, where hundreds of people did the program with me in person or long distance by phone or email.
Then tens of thousands more found this system though my Burn The Fat Inner Circle…
… And in the last 10 years, the Burn the Fat Program exploded, with over 300,000 people reading my Burn the Fat books.
A New, increasingly authoritative Burn the Fat Program has been fully updated and released in a never-seen-before online program.
This includes the new Burn the Fat Program together with the Burn the Fat Inner Circle, for total immersion in the community, and for online coaching from me.
The NEW Burn the Fat program delivers you the same fat-burning techniques my clients have used for years, and delivers it in 7 short and simple lessons.
I’ll get to the price (plus a crazy set of bonuses), in just a minute…
First, take a quick look at some of the fat-burning secrets you’ll learn in each lesson.
And that’s just a fraction of the step-by-step, actionable strategies included in the all-new online edition of the Burn the Fat Body Transformation Program.
When you order, you get instant access to ALL the Burn the Fat materials the moment you join, and I’ve broken the course into 7 steps in 7 days, so you’re not overwhelmed and I can walk you through each lesson, one day at a time.
The Burn The Fat 7 Day Body Transformation Program is just one piece of the total package. Now let me tell you about all the other bonuses you’ll get as well…
All the tools you need to make the program easy to follow are available at the click of a mouse: workout trackers, meal planner sheets, calorie calculators, protein, carb and fat calculators, Burn the Fat food data base, Burn the fat shopping list, Burn the Fat Progress chart Burn the Fat Goal Planners and more.
Amazing push-button software creates and saves your customized meals, daily meal plans, and recipes… lets you save foods, meals, daily meal plans and recipes as favorites… lets you add your own custom foods, and you can mix and match your custom meals and recipes into an unlimited number of daily meal plans, quickly and easily.
Forget about bland “rabbit-food” diets. Now you can enjoy our delicious, original recipes, all created and taste-tested by me first, before they were shared with our whole community of burners. Fast to make for busy time-strapped lifestyles, and no previous cooking experience is required. Who knew that eating clean and lean could taste so good?
To be absolutely certain that you will lose pure fat and not lean muscle, you’re also getting the e-book (New 2nd edition), “How To Measure Your Body Fat in The Privacy of Your Own Home.” Discover the simple 2-minute test to measure your own body fat at home and see why your body FAT is so much more important than your body WEIGHT.
With so much UNIQUE fat-burning truth packed into one single system, enough to shortcut years of struggle, you might think the New Burn The Fat program would be priced at a premium, and in all honesty… It really should be.
But my goal from the very first day I made this New Burn The Fat system available to the public online was to make it available to as many people as possible… people I knew could benefit from the rare information it contains, yet couldn’t get it from me in person.
If I priced it too high, I realized that would leave many people with body-wasting “diets,” potentially health-ruining “supplements,” and outright scams as their only refuge…
And that’s not what I want for you.
I’ve seen what this system can do for so many people in person… seen its effects in the emails and photographs sent in by people I’ve never even gotten to meet face-to-face… and I deeply believe you deserve better.
I want you to have the best, and I want you to experience it now, today…
To get started now, just click that yellow button below that says “Add To Cart” for instant access to the program (And of course, 100% of your investment is risk-free starting today – I’ll explain in just a second).
Get started now and as an extra bonus gift, I’ll include access to the entire Burn The Fat Transformation Success Secrets library.
These audios will be available in the Burn The Fat members area and you can listen to them online or download the MP3’s to your ipod or music player so you can listen in your car, while you work out, or anywhere
In these audios you’ll hear me as well as dozens of the Burn the Fat Transformation Champions – some of the men and women you saw right here on this web page – reveal their secrets to their remarkable before and after photos.
All together these audios contain more than 40 hours of motivation, education and inspiration that you can listen to any time, anywhere.
Again, this bonus gift is absolutely FREE.
And like I mentioned a minute ago,
In just 7 days, you will know all the secrets of the leanest people in the world. Then, all I’m asking you to do is put what you’ve learned to use. Try the system for up to 60 days.
If you don’t experience everything I’ve told you about and more in those 60 short days…
If you dont see your first results in your first week, and then keep burning off fat each week after that, week after week, I’ll gladly refund every penny you paid. No questions asked, no hassles.
Look below and click on the yellow button that says “Add To Cart” to start the 7 day program and claim all your bonuses now!
PS. Remember, the next 7 days will quickly come and go, and at the end of them, you can either be feeling just as unsatisfied with your body as you are now, or just as confused and overwhelmed about the right way to start, or…
The choice is simple. Still… I’ve noticed that nearly everyone I meet has a reason they want to put it off:
They’re waiting until New Year’s when the holidays are over, or after the kids start school, or the first day of the month, or after final exams are over, or whatever – there’s always some excuse to procrastinate. PLEASE don’t wait!
If you know you’re ready…
… if you’re at that point where you want to start the rest of your life today so that you can be a new person… leaner, healthier, full of energy, full of life, more fun, looking good, getting compliments…
… if that sounds good to you, then click the “Add To Cart” yellow button below, and let’s get you started now!
Q: Do you really answer questions and give personal coaching on your site? How do you find the time?
A: Yes, I really answer your questions on the Burn the Fat private forums and I spend many hours doing it. I don’t spend much time on social media, so I have more time for our members. However, I can’t guarantee this forever. This program is new and once word spreads, and it gets super busy, I’ll either have to cap membership, raise the price, or have Burn The Fat certified coaches take over for me. So if you’re interested in getting personal advice straight from the program creator (me), now is the time to get onboard.
Q: Do I have to take any supplements?
A: No. Most supplements are scams, some can be dangerous and the few that have scientific support have such a small effect, you would get more results just by doing a better job with your eating and training. You don’t need any supplements to burn fat or build muscle and you’ll never see ads or promotions for supplements in our members area (I don’t endorse or sell supplements and never will).
Q: Do I have to join a gym or buy any equipment?
A: You DO need some kind of resistance training because that’s the key to revving up your metabolism, sculpting lean muscle and keeping the muscle you already have. But you don’t need expensive machines and you don’t have to join a gym – you can work out at home if you prefer. The beginner workouts can be done with nothing but free weights (like dumbbells) and your own body weight as resistance.
Q: I’m not a bodybuilder – will this program still work for me?
A: Yes. The program was developed BY a bodybuilder, but it’s not just FOR bodybuilders. Think of it this way: Bodybuilders are the leanest, most muscular people in the world, so if you want to get leaner or more muscular, who better to learn from? I designed the program so you can use bodybuilder and fitness model techniques to reach your own personal goals, whether that’s building muscle or just toning up, losing 100 pounds or the last 10 pounds, getting ripped or just getting leaner than you are now.
Q: Does the program work as well for women as men?
A: Yes, in fact our membership is now more female than male (53% women and 47% men in our last survey). Women have different needs and the program gives you the exact calculations for the female metabolism (there are separate calculations for men). The workout programs work equally well for men and women (women need muscle too, most women simply want muscle tone, not muscle bulk).
Q: I just turned 54. Am I too old to start this program? Please be honest Tom.
A: Honestly, you’re too old NOT to get started. The science shows that college-age kids don’t have to worry about hormone levels and muscle loss – getting in shape is easy for them. From your 30’s to 40’s and beyond, when hormones and metabolism start to change, if you don’t eat the right food and get the right exercise, your muscles (and bone density) disintegrate faster with every passing year, while fat goes on easier. Age 35-55 is our biggest member demographic and more people are joining us after 55 than ever because that age group is finally discovering how crash diets accelerate aging while training and feeding the muscle reverses aging.
Q: I can’t eat wheat or any products with gluten. Can I still follow the nutrition part of the Burn the Fat program?
A: Yes. Gluten intolerance is common and you can easily work around it. The food choices are flexible and substitutions are easy.
Q: I’m lactose intolerant. Can I still do the Burn the Fat nutrition program?
A: Yes. Lactose intolerance is even more common and it’s also easy to work around it. Dairy products are optional on this program.
Q: Will this work for vegetarians?
A: The program is very easy to adapt for semi-vegetarians who eat dairy, eggs and or fish (no meat). The program was not designed specifically for vegans but can be adapted for vegans as well, as long as you’re able to customize your own meal plans based on which foods you eat.
Q: Will this work in my country? I’m worried about not having the foods required where I live.
A: Yes. We have thousands of members in over 150 countries and you can adapt the food choices to work wherever you live.
Q: How can I be sure it’s safe to order online from your website?
A: Our checkout page is on a secure server, we are a Verisign-trusted site (confirming our identity, location and virus-free status), we’re A+ rated by the NJ Better Business Bureau and our Burn the Fat company has been trusted online since 2003 with a reputation for integrity.
Q: How do I log in to the member’s area and how soon will I be able to start after I order?
A: Just click the “ADD TO CART” button below. You’ll be directed to a secure order page. After you submit your payment details, you’ll be forwarded to the new member registration page on the member’s-only (Inner Circle) site, where you’ll be asked to choose your private user name and password. You can then log in to the Burn The Fat members area and start just minutes from now. You get instant access to the member’s area. Click the yellow ADD TO CART button below to get started:
HOW PRODUCTS ARE DELIVERED: This is an all-digital (internet) product. Burn The Fat Inner Circle is a private membership website that you access online with a user name and password that you’ll choose on a registration page after you sign up. All the products, services and bonuses are delivered in the member’s area. No physical products will be shipped. You get instant access to the website right after you order.
* TESTIMONIALS AND RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Results shown in our testimonials may not be typical. Photos shown on this page are among our best case studies and transformation contest winners. Typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. In overweight individuals, weight loss of up to 1% of total bodyweight per week is more common. Faster weight loss in the first 1-2 weeks is common but is usually water weight loss, not body fat. Faster fat loss is possible, but not likely. This is NOT a fad diet or rapid weight loss program. Burn the Fat is a healthy lifestyle program and a long term approach to body fat reduction and maintenance. Permanent weight loss requires long-term lifestyle change and cannot be guaranteed. [More info about typical results and Burn the Fat challenge results]
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mceproductions · 6 years
November 2018 Blurbs
11/1/18 In Novembers Gusty Gale...The one baby song that sticks with me is that line from Chicken Soup with Rice... The fact that I know that and can sing falsetto really sets a tone. Rice Lake run today as Scholarships needed answering somehow the fact that i can only qualify for one and yet still can deal with classwork is a mystery. Eli in 2 Weeks and hoping Basketball at the Vikings Stadium at months end. Mom said shed go with on Saturday to St. Paul but in case not contingency is the Queen Movie. Stinks about Nutcracker being lousy Grinch remake for Christmas Movie it is. 11/2/18  Patti and the Bravada im trying to buy. Something tells me thats got to answer itself very soon. Ellen wasn't going to St. Paul either so contingency may now be in place. Work at least had benefits being sorted out. Also Lego Harry Potter man that game was fun, glad for the port, now they just need to port other lego games. 11/3/18 Bravada is now mine thanks to mom. More crucially Queen Movie was luckilly in town, at theater that is now only open weekends. Confusing yes, just hoping this isn't premant closing like Bruce. Movie was near perfect as Rami Malek Crushed It, a term I almost never use. Andrew fried microwave after 18 years. It was overdue but man it stinks that its gone. ReLife Anime...If episode 17 had me tearing up, the other 15 1/2 should be just as interesting. Unlike that other show A Sister Is All You Need, a premsise about slice of life, authors and drinking that wears dull quick. 11/4/18 So begins a short week, mainly due to assurance needed for initial plans. Just wish they could have called me in for one more day, i have assurance but still could have used it. Pete Davidson is really hurting based on this weeks SNL no matter his mindset and well wishes, he's hurting. Packers more so...and Ricks final Walking Dead, what a cop out...So glad I'm done with the show, no matter how interesting teenage Judith looks. One more detail, just when I thought 2018 had used up all its anime...Rapping Zombies on a Show that really should be used by the ZombieLand Sequel coming out next year, they can spit licks. 11/5/18 Remember Remember...An annual watching of V For Vendetta and its poigancy highlights today. Bravada is now officially mine just have to get it al registred and isured without it breaking my bank. Also never trust pictures for all purchases on Ebay, miffed on that count. Very long day tomorrow, even work may be overshadowed by this, could have used this 2 years ago on that fateful night. 11/6/18 The Blue Wave of election day. Unlike 2 years ago when that blowhard of president peeved off the country, this made me glad i was working. Plenty of distractions. But Walker is gone from Wisconsin and the Blue Wave crested at the house. Not the complete washover those wanting Trump gone hoped for but still great. 11/7/18 Those 2 dopes i call younger brothers...Somehow they dont get it. Only thing they do get, is how awesome Red Dead Redemption is and how i wish to high heaven it came out for the Switch. 11/8/18 This time of year when the cold comes out, the stuff you like to do seems impractical. I have a vehicle that I cant use until i get it titled, and a nephew coming in 1 week who may not even see me a bunch. Lone thing giving me some solace, the black Friday Ads popped up today. So many possibilities. 11/9/18 Winter has shown in full force, proof being, those 2 dopes stuck here. Me having to suffer through it until I head to work. Holding off on Grinch until next week, possibly seeing it with Mom and Eli. 11/10/18 RWBY Continues to astound. Salems storied history with Oz, wholly molly. Christmas season always seems to bring out the best when it comes to treats. Lately my favorite seems to be those nougats. Fresh and gooey all in one sweet package. Badgers sure do stink. That guy getting revenge on Pete Davidson especially the Ariana Ringtone that was worth it to see during SNL, Liev Schriber sure is not funny though. 11/11/18 Vets, heroes who give thier daily lives to defend all that we hold dear and sacred. Also fitting its the centiniel of said remeberence. New guy on Cap 2 Tristan, I'm really liking, seems to hold his own quite well. 4 days until Eli comes looking forward to it. 11/12/18 Why does family make the easy things so difficult, once again those 2 dopes. Store had Black Friday stuff being assembled today. Be glad to use debit card tomorrow when i get bulk of my funds back. Last few days have been rough. 11/13/18 GameFlip, an app ive been using to buy mainly Amazon cards is really having it both ways with me. Great to find digital codes for almost nada, but this one guy who i bought a card from on Sunday has been really screwey. Really miffed on that front. Said digital codes allows me to rewatch The Meg during work lunch. 11/14/18 Final Project for class has me creating a full training seminar. Stinks knowing that I have to do it on too broad a subject issue. Mobility in the workplace, having to do with wheelchairs and other devices. Wow city this is hard. Christmas box has been dug out, begining decorating tomorrow before Eli shows up. Hunters at play this weekend. Also glad store discount expands to food for rest of year. 11/15/18 Dad is 60 feels weird to say that. Well Eli, a little bit intimidated by me, but we have a week to fix it. Got A debt collection thing from WITC On the same day i finaly knocked off tuition. I know i wanted to not have autopay on tuition but this is ridiculously overkill. Likley watching Fantastic Beasts Saturday when we get back from Rice Lake, glad like the Queen movie this is in town. 11/16/18 Nora and Eli, weird combo that sends him into his Grandmas arms. Glad thats occuring while im not at home. At least my and Erics Grandma got to see him, just not sure how much longer that will be a possibility. One week to Black Friday and the trucks for delivery have tripled. The sales will be worth it but the work on the other hand, wish that just came faster. 11/17/18 Stags day, the first day of hunting season a little less crowded around the area. Went with mom and Eli to see Grinch but showing ended up being sold out. Eli for being 4 is just a near ball of energy, even if we never gave him sugar Wish he could calm down, mom somehow seemed chill with it, might have to take her advice on this issue. Cute when he has to be, bullet like mom put it on all other fronts. As for Fantastic Beasts, it seemed overstuffed for its own good a two hour episode like youd see on Netflix or somewhere else. Though Depp did win me over as Grindlewald. 11/18/18 Eli was better today, and we managed to actually get some stuff done. He ended up being major help with placing ornaments on my tree. Work however was a mess, misinformation abound. Thursday outside better not be a bigger mess. Oh wait its the Black Friday sale yeah it will be. 11/19/18 The thanksgiving week is always wacky, Monday somehow is wackiest. Eli went with Mom to meet Rafe while I mainly spent it finishing decorating the room. Green Light Strand isnt working will have to replace it. Cayedn surprsingly got a deer and Eric is really helpful on that front. Work meanwhile was nuts, this time however, with Split Pants. May have to get new ones before Thursday Night. Glad this week a lot of stuff on Itunes and Amazon is on sale. Will likely take big advantage of this. Andy possibly thew wrench in plans, hopeful that i dont have to cancel. 11/20/18 Lone day off this week has me stopping at WITC to finish work i have assigned since i have no class tomorrow. Had to pick up pants as my others split. Will hold off on game or blu ray until thursday night after work. Mom and Skillet cookies glad she makes them but could wonder what else around here might break as stove is going. Our turkey is set for tomorrow as Eric and compay leave before parade on thursday. Hopin to get Eli once more to do craft project, want to surprise mom on that count. 11/21/18 The day before, aka the busiest travel day of the year. Made rudolph feet with Eli, a lot bigger than i pictured him to be. Had to wear split pants as replacements didn't fit. Turkey was good, unexpectedly tried Moms squash that was really tasty for some odd reason. Back outside for carts tomorrow, first time since the summer and i get thrown to the wolves on the big one. Colder than usual i will admit. 11/22/18 Eli seemed sad to leave us, but at least i got him the ornament he made ready before he did. Another thanksgiving the parade in full glory. Lions crappy game, Cowboys decent game, and Wal-Marts annual 6pm sale. Cole really needed to be slapped. He must think im dumber than i look. Best part is always the low price movies and tv shows. Annual pickups of Flash, Arrow and Big Bang Theory. Handmaids Tale DVD counts too this time along with Jumanji and a film i personally wanted to see but heard crap about, Assassins Creed. Not looking forward to the rain tomorrow. 11/23/18 Quieter than usual actual Black Friday. Couple that with Rain that washed away snow, pretty off day all around. 11/24/18 Plans for Basketball with Andy and Carynn are officially scrapped, could remedy that in another surprise way. Something about today that just felt so much more off than usual. Lingered at Library, lingered at Store, even lingered at McDonalds stuff i would not normally do on a day like this. Ralph Breaks the Internet I'll hold off on for now. Really still want to see Grinch. Badgers finally lost the Ax after 15 years, really makes you think. 11/25/18 Finally got Wolfenstien 2 downloaded for Switch, will look forward to play something else besides Zelda for a bit Smash Bros awaits in the wings. Christmas gifts are starting to take abit of idea form. UCF continues to climb, will need upsets by Texas and Northwestern to have a shot at Playoff but without QB is risky. 11/26/18 Mom threw out her back, not sure if it was from picking up Eli but she seemed more out of sorts than usual. Other replacement for Cap 2 joined, liking him so far. Small issue with Chyenne who was on phone for nealry 15 minutes in the middle of the aisle, and nobody said a peep. If it was me, would have been fired. Privelege indeed. Guy at McDonalds may be homeless, was tempted to report him but with all the white calling blacks for doing normal stuff no way id risk it. 11/27/18 This day always seems to be the quietest when it comes to stuff coming out, almost nothing. One movie I wanted to get for Eli when he was here finally showed up. Wrapped up DVD's as gifts for Eric and them. 15% extra coming Thursday. Not sure what itll be used for. 11/28/18 Rare Wednesday I had store duties as well as class. Got extra 15% card for the even 25%. Glad ill be able to use it this time. Unlike what I originally had intended for The 30th. Could use some more snow around here. 11/29/18 25% discount thankfully goes 2 days so held off on that. Visited WITC the Christmas decorations are great as usual. Visited Menards but the so called enchanted forest seemed lacking. At least I was able to get bulbs and another set of blue lights. Sold ticket, hopeful Andy can get in tomorrow and enjoy himself. 11/30/18 Contigency Plan #2: Animated Grinch, OK Cumberbatch was excellent and Pharell ups Anthony Hopkins but the movie was just simply Ok. 25% got used well for Moms clients and Connor and Amber. Andy and Carynn got in and enjoyed themselves. Also got thier save the date and details on the  Weddding. Looks like a fun 4 day trip next May. Last Part of Year begins, lets see if this can finish strong. Never  figured at start that id be blogging this but just goes to so. 334 Days down 31 to Go.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Wladimir Klitschko:’ This may sound pretentiou, but I am like Mount Everest’
The 41 -year-olds training camp in the Alps looks like the give for a fright movie and he tells Sachin Nakrani he is in the mood to give Anthony Joshua a scare when they meet on 29 April at Wembley
Stanglwirt is a sprawling bio-hotel located in the Austrian Alps and which at first glance looks like the lay for a slow-burning, creepy-crawly repugnance movie. With its mountainous background and somewhat kitsch interior heavy lumber panelling, stripy sofas it brought by storages of the Overlook Hotel from Stephen Kings The Shining. Walk through the foyer, past all staff members garmented in lederhosen, and it feels like only a matter of time until a clock goes off, a bozo springs out and a form falls down the stairs.
But on this spring visit there is no fright to be had. Instead, amid the restaurants sector and bars, the spas, saunas and swimming pool, resides a legend of atonement. Or, as Wladimir Klitschko introduces it, fulfilling an obsession.
The heavyweight is here to prepare for his contest with Anthony Joshua at Wembley Stadium on 29 April. Stanglwirt has been his pre-fight base since 2003 and a target he describes as a home away from dwelling. It is easy to see the are calling for all its Heres Johnny! characters, the complex , now more than 250 years old, is a beautiful lieu to expend some time. Pristine, picturesque, heated, friendly and with slew to do and exhaust. For Klitschko it is somewhere to get his sentiment and mas right, which now now more than ever is important for a boxing great who, as he acknowledges, is about to take over a career-defining challenge.
Klitschko has not fought since his shock defeat to Tyson Fury in Dsseldorf 17 months ago. It was an outcome that is not simply deprived the Ukrainian of his WBA, IBF and WBO deeds but also of his coat of near-invincibility. Dr Steelhammer, a fighter who had locked 53 of his 64 success across a 27 -year career by knockout, was outgunned by a man who dressed as Batman for one of their pre-fight press conferences. Fury was a joke, hitherto after a unanimous parts decision on 28 November 2015 he was the one laughing.
Much has happened to Fury since that night and one of the consequences has been Klitschko missing out on a rematch that would have him with a chance to prove he is no busted even after a fourth defeat since growing professional in 1996. Unfinished business, as he sets it. Now, finally, comes the chance for him to go again against a British fighter.
Wladimir Klitschko and his physio Aldo Vetere at the Stanglwirt hotel. Photograph: Johann Groder/ AFP/ Getty Images
Joshua, the IBF champion, poses a different menace to Fury a year younger at 27, stronger and more deadly. Then there is the establish: a stadium Klitschko has never fought at, in front of a 90,000 sellout gang. He goes there on the back of his longest period of immobility since first lacing up a pair of gloves, and having just changed 41. Little wonder this most assured of men is full of questions, full of suspenses, as he spoke at Stanglwirt.
This fight is 50 -5 0, Klitschko said. Can the younger guy make it? Has the older person still got it? Doubt differentiates are making this event really interesting. Ive never had a pause for a year and a half. Is it bad? Is it good? Will I have rust? I require the answers myself.
One thing I believe is I dont feel my age. Its not empty words. I am get in best available chassis of “peoples lives”, physically and mentally. I dont read Im stuck and not improving, even in a athletic Ive been involved with for so long. Thats what interests and excites me.
Klitschko certainly seemed well as he spoke, flanked by his administrator, Bernd Bnte, and his tutor, Johnathon Banks.
The body persists imposing and defined, his look chiselled and those sides continue to look like destruction weapons. Requested to predict how the fight with Joshua will go, Klitschko developed his fists and nodded towards them in turn. Funeral or hospital? Hospital or funeral? I dont need numerous punches to knock a person out.
That was a uncommon minute of trash-talking bravado from the ex-serviceman( alongside the moment he claimed Joshua get confidence from his muscles and is better suited to bodybuilding ).
Generally Klitschko was respectful of his opponent, suffer partly out of the fact Joshua goes into their fight on the back of a perfect professional record 18 wins from 18 contends, all attained via knockout and partly because of the respect Klitschko developed for the man from Watford, having invited him to be a sparring partner in November 2014, before taking on the Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev.
He affected me with his attitude, Klitschko says. He was in the background and learning. Sometimes you need to be quiet and are watching, and he was seeing everything. He could also container, so I yielded him credit and I was there in the realm when he prevailed golden[ at London 2012 ]~ ATAGEND. Every medallist in the super-heavyweight discord at the Olympics has to be considered successful. He has a lot of possibilities and so far has done good.
Unlike Fury, Joshua is likely to engage with Klitschko from the first bell, looking to flora his hoofs and unload projectiles as frequently as possible. On one mitt that provides the challenger with a countenancing target not to mention a supposedly susceptible chin but on the other it entails he will have to engage himself, something Klitschko did simply in the 12 th round of the Fury fight when his uncharacteristic hesitancy against a moving target had given him no choice but to go for snap. Ultimately it was too little, too late.
Klitschko contends he has learned from his mistakes and will be fully prepared for the challenge by the time he arrives in London on 26 April. Until then it is a example of working on and standing focused, something that was there to verified at Stanglwirt.
The scene was a converted tennis courtroom in the bowels of the inn. In the middle held a reverberate while at one surface were three punchbags hung in ascending order and at another a basketball cyberspace where, at around 8am, Banks filmed hoops with another member of backroom team as Klitschko went through a series of pulling efforts. Two television screens had been put in picturing Joshuas previous battles, everything taking place to the music of Motown classics. It was a tighten start.
Banks and Klitschko eventually underwent some pad work inside the ring. It was, in keeping with the humor of the morning, a comparatively soothing seminar but the announce of thudding fists carried enough of an repetition to remind onlookers of the capability coming Joshuas way later this month. The 27 -year-old is the favourite with most bookmakers but contentment would be preposterous against a husband who has been there, done that, and is enrolling the ring not because he requirement the money but because he is determined to prompt the world he remains one of “the worlds largest” sturdy heavyweights and, yet again, has what it takes to be a champion.
Wladimir Klitschko was uncharacteristically hesitant against Tyson Fury in 2015. Photo: Kai Pfaffenbach/ Reuters
Failure is an experience and Im coming after a defeat[ against Fury] with a quite different outlook, Klitschko says. I learned more about myself, about boxing, through that win. Regrettably I cannot change it, or got a second shoot like in golf theres no mulligan for me. But Im not a destroyed man.
This may sound arrogant but I am like Mount Everest. You can clamber it during a certain period of time during 2 week in April I guess and say: I suppressed Everest. Then youve got to run down because its going to take you down if you miss the time.
Some make it back but a lot of beings expire, so is Mount Everest demolished? No, its still here and its going to take another life this April.
Sky Sports Box Office just goes to show Joshua v Klitschko alone live on 29 April. To notebook going to see www.skysports.com/ joshua
The post Wladimir Klitschko:’ This may sound pretentiou, but I am like Mount Everest’ appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Wednesday Morning Roundup
It’s finally time.
The Sixers play a meaningful game tonight. More meaningful than any game in the past few years. Joel Embiid, Ben Simmons, and Markelle Fultz will all play with each other tonight against the Washington Wizards.
Embiid, who sported cornrows yesterday, will be on a minutes limit which he isn’t happy about, Simmons will be making his NBA debut, and Fultz, who will also make his NBA debut, is still working on his shot.
There’s still problems with the team, but the expectations for many are a fighting chance for a playoff spot.
We’ll have more Sixers coverage later today. But for now, Kevin Kinkead was at practice yesterday and writes that you shouldn’t expect Simmons guarding John Wall tonight.
Embiid also did a funny video with DraftKings pranking fans.
The Roundup:
The Flyers’ offense continued to stay hot, as they took care of the Florida Panthers 5-1 behind a four-goal second period. Sean Couturier stayed hot, while Nolan Patrick added an assist on a Dale Weise goal. Wayne Simmonds did leave in the third period with a lower-body injury. He’s day-to-day.
Michal Neuvirth got his first win of the season and was awarded with the team’s Ric Flair robe as player of the game:
Ric Flair robe given to #Flyers’ player of game. Tonight, it was Neuvy. http://pic.twitter.com/6EtvRUT1ZE
— Sam Carchidi (@BroadStBull) October 18, 2017
Anthony SanFilippo takes you inside the team, and he discusses how Robert Hagg is making Shayne Gostisbehere better this season.
The Eagles had their first practice since Thursday night’s win over Carolina. Lane Johnson and Wendell Smallwood returned to practice.
From an awful start to training camp to being one of the best corners in the league, Patrick Robinson has regained his confidence:
His rough training camp threatened to send his confidence sinking again, his lamentations over his poor play becoming a daily ritual throughout late July and August. He was hard on himself but maintained perspective.
“It’s never as bad as you think it is,” he said, “and it’s never as good as you think it is.”
Of course, he and his coaches would acknowledge it’s much better now.
“He never lost his confidence, and we never lost our confidence in him,” Eagles defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz said. “He’s been through the ringer, so to speak, and he understands, and he has the maturity and the confidence and the experience to be able to deal with those things. He understands the business.”
Carson Wentz has been unbelievable against the blitz. Take a look at these stats:
Carson Wentz is the MOST blitzed QB in the NFL! Blitzed on (39.3%) of his dropbacks!
Wentz has thrown 5 TDs & 0 INTs vs blitz#JawsStats
— Ron Jaworski (@jawsespn) October 17, 2017
He and Ertz are also one of the best connections in the NFL this year:
Consider these numbers from ESPN Stats & Information: Their 34 completions this season is the most of any quarterback-tight end duo through Week 6. They have six red zone hookups, second only to Carson Palmer and Larry Fitzgerald (7) to this point in the season. Wentz has targeted Ertz eight times in the red zone, which is even with Brady-Gronkowski, while their four red zone TDs is the most of any QB-TE combo.
This isn’t a brand new development. Since Week 8 of last season, Wentz-to-Ertz has connected 101 times, again the most of any QB-TE duo.
Malcolm Jenkins was part of a group of players that joined yesterday’s NFL owners meeting.
Remember when you wanted Marcus Mariota? So do I, because I wanted him too. Glad we didn’t get him? I am.
Could Giancarlo Stanton nix a deal that could send him to the Phillies?
Some inside the Marlins clubhouse suggest they doubt Giancarlo Stanton would approve the Phillies due to their rebuilding state – though they have some very good position prospects and are deep-pocketed enough to pay big this winter (or afford Stanton).
An early honor for Villanova’s Jalen Brunson:
Villanova's Jalen Brunson has been named Big East Preseason Player of the Year, per release.
— Jon Rothstein (@JonRothstein) October 18, 2017
A surprising rumor involving the Union’s United Soccer League affiliate:
Ok, so that rumor led immed to a 2nd UNCONFIRMED late night rumor. One source says Bethlehem, Sounders2 also out. Union to aff w/ Rochester.
— Brian Straus (@BrianStraus) October 18, 2017
Philadelphia’s new NLL team name is down to three finalists. Well, the eventual winner and two other names:
The @PhillyLax18 naming contest is down to the final 3 names. Do your job and vote at https://t.co/R07x3G1p5i to make sure they're the Wings http://pic.twitter.com/RWDQ4s4y0A
— Jordie (@BarstoolJordie) October 17, 2017
Vote for the Wings.
In other sports news, the NBA season opened up last night. The Cavaliers edged Kyrie Irving and the Celtics 102-99. But the biggest moment came early in the game, when Gordon Hayward went down:
Gordon Hayward with one of the worst injuries I’ve ever seen http://pic.twitter.com/O3g8yUQzMw
— Eric Rosenthal (@ericsports) October 18, 2017
It was on par with the Kevin Ware and Paul George injuries. Hayward suffered a dislocated ankle and a fractured tibia. He’ll undergo surgery later today.
In the other game, the Rockets escaped Golden State with a 122-121 win. The Warriors also got their NBA Championship rings:
Warriors unveil 2017 championship rings (h/t jasonofbeverlyhills/Instagram) http://pic.twitter.com/VIAHJe4KHp
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) October 18, 2017
We said goodbye to the NBA offseason last night, but we got one more unbelievable story out of Chicago. Bulls forward Nikola Mirotic is out indefinitely after suffering fractures to his upper jaw and a concussion after a fight with teammate Bobby Portis:
The players had been talking trash to one another in practice, going back and forth before those exchanges escalated into a physical encounter, league sources told ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski. Mirotic charged at Portis twice before Portis threw a punch and connected with Mirotic’s face, league sources said. Mirotic dropped to the floor and lay there for several minutes before getting up, league sources said.
Portis was battling Mirotic for the team’s starting power forward spot. Looks like he got it?
In Game 4 of the ALCS, the Yankees beat the Astros 6-4 to tie the series at two games apiece. Game 5 is this afternoon.
In Game 3 of the NLCS, the Dodgers dominated the Cubs with a 6-1 win. They look for the sweep tonight.
Ricardo Allen with what could be the Twitter takedown of the year:
This is a hell of a Twitter exchange between a Falcons fan and Falcons player. http://pic.twitter.com/USRoDaqG8F
— Michael David Smith (@MichaelDavSmith) October 16, 2017
Former Louisville basketball head coach Rick Pitino is suing Adidas, Louisville’s current athletic apparel partner, for damaging his reputation. In the suit, Pitino says…get this…he has nothing to do with Adidas and has no knowledge of the situation.
De’Aaron Fox thinks In-N-Out Burgers are overrated. I’m fine with that statement. But this:
“Honestly, for me, I don’t count Chick-fil-A, because it’s way too good to be considered fast food,” Fox replied. “So I’m gonna say Wendy’s. Fat Burger in L.A. is better than In-N-Out. My fans know I keep it real. I’ve told so many people I hate In-N-Out, it’s funny. Now everyone can read about it.”
It’s way too good to be considered fast food. That’s the worst excuse I’ve heard regarding your favorite fast food. By the way, Jake’s Wayback Burgers are the best.
In the news, a freight train derailed in North Philadelphia and caught on fire.
Teens in Colorado broke into someone’s house and had a party. Someone at the party recorded it on Snapchat. Phones can be bad sometimes.
M&Ms are Pennsylvania’s favorite Halloween candy. Skittles is second, while Hershey mini bars are third. Skittles are the favorite in New Jersey, and Delaware loves Life Savers. My top three: Skittles, Hershey mini bars, Twix.
A bull was on the loose in Brooklyn yesterday afternoon.
Same http://pic.twitter.com/xHxHYDzICs
— Agent of NBA Chaos (@World_Wide_Wob) October 17, 2017
Finally, college can be weird:
just another Tuesday at Temple University http://pic.twitter.com/xt8pQpcgaZ
— Barstool Temple (@BarstoolTU) October 17, 2017
Enjoy the Sixers. Trust The Process.
Your Wednesday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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itdisneymatter · 7 years
Day 09 - Seaworld & Universal
TLDR: Seaworld this morning. Lunch pretty much inside a Shark aquarium. Amazing experience! Hit a few Roller Coasters including Manta which we've done before and Kraken which we haven't. Met some penguins and seen Killer Whales and Dolphins do all sorts of clever stuff. Finished up in Seaworld. Started Universal Studios. Done some Simpsons stuff, Robert won a ball, I won MIB (again) and we rounded things off with Escape from Gringott’s and buying wands in Diagon Alley. Absolutely packed day but it was excellent!
It seems like as time goes on, it's a little more difficult to wake up each day, especially sleepy-head Grace who proclaimed she was awake during the night and only got ONE minute of sleep! :P What I will say is even with the 17hr days, the weather and the rest does make a difference and makes you feel a whole lot better in general - I've been suffering from intermittent headaches of late, but haven't really had any since I left.
We're just on our own today for Seaworld so no pickups required (which means no coffee unfortunately :( ) , and as Seaworld is not far down the road, we were in the park within about 30 minutes of leaving the room. We picked up a big litre cup with unlimited refills for around 20 bucks when we got in the park. Not only does it do free refills but it does free Icee refills (which is kinda like Iceblasts) so for this alone I would pay double. The cup had lots of facts and figures on it too like Mako, the longest and fastest roller coaster in Orlando, to reach speeds of 73mph and heights or around 200ft... :| Yeah I'll maybe pass on that one thanks.
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We were a littler later to the park that intended so we headed for the Sharks Encounter, the restaurant we had booked for lunch. This place had a huge aquarium on the far wall filled with loads of sharks! And Ann got us a table right at the side of the tank - awesome! We got carried away watching the sharks and other fish and taking loads of photos that we forgot at times we were in there to have lunch. And what do the serve at a restaurant which has sharks literally swimming around it? Seafood! When we finally did order, I went for the Lobster Bisque which was a pretty damn good soup (and the best thing I had in there), and some tempura prawns with sticky rice. Ann went for the mussels and then Seafood pasta. Food was pretty good in general - though the kids didn’t seem to have an appetite (well except Patrick I don’t think there is any time he doesn’t have an appetite). The kids still loved it though, due to the amazing views.
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Coasters, Cuties & More Coasters
So we had Manta next, which after a huge (HUGE!) lunch, was probably not the best thing to be doing. Patrick & wee GG weren’t in for it so Ann had to take Roller Coaster Robert first, while I waited with the kids then did Child Swap when they returned. It meant Robert go to go twice which he loved (though Patrick was getting bored and may have regretted his decision NOT to ride Manta). I've been on this one before and its brilliant but just as were due to board we were hit with technical difficulties and they had to stop the ride, which when you have a full stomach of seafood, doesn’t fill you with the greatest of confidence. Last row when we finally did board which Robert said was the fastest, and it certainly did go fast, but it was still awesome!
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In stark contrast we then visited the wee baby Penguin Puck over at Empire of the Penguin. Easy going ride even if we chose the wild side, and is one of Gracie's favourite rides - she even brought her own wee Penguin cutie (our name for TY Beanies) along for the ride. Nice ride but the highlight is when you finish and you get to meet real life penguins in their own environmental conditions (which is freakin' freezing!).
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Now here’s another comparison photo from today...
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And fours years ago (on the exact same day as it happens)...
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Ain’t she just the cutest??? :D Anyway, The Kraken next, the one I was waiting for - a 3D VR experience on a huge roller coaster (or under the sea in the VR world). Me and Ro on this one and Ann was feeling too well and the other weren’t interested. Essentially all you see and hear is what's on the VR headset you are wearing while at the same time riding an actual coaster through big drops, banks, turns and loops (running at a top speed of 65mph according to my cup). We have a less than used PS VR at home and I love it, so this was going to be fantastic! Or at least I thought. Unfortunately my visuals reset their orientation so I was going one way but being shown another, very disorientating and not a very pleasant experience at all. A little disappointed but Robert had a good time on the ride which is all that matters really.
Its Showtime!
After that we had to run to the other end of the park to reach the Orca show - this one being Ann's pick of the day. A number of Killer Whales doing all sorts of things and really good to see a big push on education about care and conservation of these mammals within the Seaworld programme. Gracie loved this and she was shouting and screaming whenever the Orca and I think she couldn’t have stayed in the same spot for the next few shows.
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And once that was done we then crossed to the other end of the park (AGAIN) to catch the the last Dolphin show of the day. Show times really screw with your park flow at times! Slightly different from before as there wasn’t really any birds or high wire stuff to speak of - they just really concentrated on the Dolphins and there were quite a few of them. This time, the family wanted to sit in the Splash zone, which they did, though I opted for a higher vantage, not to avoid the water, well just to avoid the water getting on to my camera. It turned out they didn’t really get soaked which Gracie wasn’t too happy about and she wanted to do it again so she could get bigger splashes!
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Homer & Harry
It was late afternoon at that point and we did all of the things we wanted to do, so decided to call it a day. We missed a few animal encounters and one or two of the later shows but as we have free parking ticket we could pop down for a quick visit one evening if we wanted to. We though at that point it would be a good idea to head to Universal Studios (to catch up on a few of the rides we missed the other day), for the last few hours instead of turning in early. It was exceptionally hot today though (over 100 degrees) and no rain for the first time in a while, so we popped back to the hotel room, which was on the way, for a quick shower and change. It was just after 6pm so no parking fee - result, we might just need to do this more often! We got into the park relatively quickly, though there were still loads of folk going in, and went the opposite direction to the way we normally go to hit The Simpsons first. We stopped by Doc Browns train for a quick pic before getting to our destination.
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When we go to The Simpsons ride it started raining!!! That's like the third time in a row (including the last visit two eyars ago), when it started raining when we get to this point in the park - its bizarre! The Simpsons sheltered us from most of it which was good as we were only packing my camera and left the rainjackets at the hotel room to save carrying an extra bag. The Simpsons though even though it replaced my most favouritest ever ride - Back To The Future - you cant fault it, hysterical family fun.
With the rain not really coming to anything, though we still had to occasional claps of thunder, we stopped to grab the boys a bite to eat in the form of a Krusty Burger, while I took Grace on Kang & Kudos, a wee fairground type ride going round and round and up and down in spaceships. We were travelling in a spaceship called Citizen Kang (they all had punny names), and Grace was the primary pilot on this one. I also took a nice wee video and a few photos on my phone but got reprimanded while I was on the ride so had to switch it off :(
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Before we left The Simpsons land, Robert wanted to have a shot on the Basketball stall. He LOVES basketball and is pretty good at it, even having inherited both his parents shortish genes. Shooting 1-3 hoops got you a specific prize, and he wanted a new Basketball, which was two hoops. BAM! First one went in right off the rim. That's a winner right there! Next one he missed. It was all down to the final ball to get him his preferred prize. We told him to take it calm and line up the shot (like my advice on Basketball is any good, but I need to try). It went up.... and IN! Woot! Well done Roro, he got the ball he wanted and was all happy with himself and so he should be!
Next one was one of my faves, Men In Black! A shooting game were you score points by shooting aliens and win enternal glory among your family. After Toy Story the other day I had this one in the bag though Ann seemed to think she was going to give me a challenge. Well let the scoreboard do the talking shall we? :P
GG: 209,875 (ka-POW! :P)
PG: 20,750
Roro: 19,725
Ann: 11,525
Wee GG: 7425
Our final area was Diagon Alley and we didn’t have a lot of time left before the park closed so managed to get on to Escape from Gringotts which had a low wait time due to the time it was. We were waiting to go in and at that moment the Dragon on top of Gringotts sent out a fireball and Gracie literally jumped out her skin. It was really funny but she didnt think so (Im pretty sure shell laugh at it later ; ) This ride is great and the journey to getting on the ride is equally as great, through the bank, passing goblins and moving painting along the way, getting to see Bill Weasley give a wee intro and then down a huge elevator before putting on the required 3D glasses and boarding the minecart. Special effects match that of Forbidden Journey with a few extra characters inc luding Bellatrix and Voldemort thrown in. A definite ride we will be returning to when we visit the park again in the next few days.
We had been planning to pick up some Harry Potter wands and we had a few minutes before heading home to pop into Ollivander’s which was pretty quiet (its usually not). The kids picked interactive wands this time, and allow they didn’t get an opportunity to use them this evening, well bring them back and do a full afternoon of Harry Potter goodness. We have a few wands already so Gracie opted for Ginny's, Robert her brother Ron & Patrick picked Snape's (without missing a beat). They all got they own wee wands bags and they skipped out of the shop and down Diagon Alley to head for home.
In preparation for a late night blog update (its been a long day), I picked up a Starbucks Toasted Coconut Cold Brew (which tasted real good), as the others popped into Transformars for the last five minutes in the park (I think they were the last ones on for the day).
Still not satisfied with getting to the exit without doing anything else we popped in a wee cult classics shoppy to look at the comics and memorabilia. I opted for Harley Rebirth Vol.1 and Patrick, The Killing Joke Noir  - a really really nice book and Patrick go into a Joker lore conversation with the attendant who was even geekier than me. Exhausted we finally reached the exit and through Citywalk and as we passed the Cinema, Robert asked if we could go see the new Despicable Me movie as we missed it the other night. 10:30 at night and he wants to go to the pictures! LOL!
Tomorrow well have our first real water park (finally, say the kids) before heading off to Magic Kingdom in the eve for some Fireworks fun. And Patrick don’t impart any of his wisdom on us today so Ill make sure he gives us double for tomorrow's update! :) See ya.
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atakportal · 6 years
Burn The Fat Body Transformation System - Tom Venuto
New Post has been published on https://click.atak.co/burn-the-fat-body-transformation-system-tom-venuto/
Burn The Fat Body Transformation System - Tom Venuto
Product Name: Burn The Fat Body Transformation System – Tom Venuto
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Burn The Fat Body Transformation System – Tom Venuto is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Hi, Im Tom, and in a moment, you’ll hear the story of how I went from being a chubby kid who was humiliated in gym class, to burning every last ounce of fat off my body, and winning my first bodybuilding championship at the age of 21…
This is also the same fat-burning system I still use today to stay in shape after age 40…
More importantly, you’ll see how these little-known secrets of all-natural bodybuilders and fitness models are the key to burning YOUR most stubborn fat and getting the body YOU want…
Read this page to the end, and I’ll also give you all the details about the unusual system that hundreds of thousands of people have already used – instead of dieting – to transform their bodies forever…
And for the first time ever, I’ll unveil the new 7-Day “quick start” that gets you going faster than ever before.
Before reading on, let me point out that this fat-burning system was originally developed by the leanest, most muscular athletes in the world, but it has now been re-engineered for regular people (non-bodybuilders)…
It works whether you are a man or a women, and it works regardless of your age. In fact, if you’re over 40, this could easily take 10 years off your biological age.
It even works for people who felt like they’d tried everything and were just “destined to be overweight”…
BURNED: 75 pounds of fat (from a size 22 to a size 6) while working two jobs and caring for her autistic son
– Audrey Eickwort
BURNED: 41 pounds of fat (from 274 pounds to 233 pounds and lost 19 inches off his waist at age 56
– Tim Amyett
BURNED: 122 pounds of fat (starting weight: 296 pounds)
– Brian Nordberg
You probably noticed that none of them look like stereotypical bodybuilders…
Yet every one of them… even formerly “photo-shy” people who told me they used to “hide” under their clothes, avoid mirrors, or secretly cringe when their photo popped up on Facebook…
… every one of them used what’s been called, “the most powerful fat burning system ever created” to achieve the same confidence in their appearance that bodybuilders feel every time they step in front of a camera.
And no matter how long they had struggled, Audrey, Tim, Brian and thousands of others achieved these startling transformations with these same “bodybuilder and fitness model” secrets.
Now, there’s one key factor that everyone who follows this system has in common with the most successful, photoshoot-ready bodybuilders and fitness models alive.
I have to warn you, it’s a story that’s a bit embarrassing to share…
Yet it’s a story you absolutely need to hear, because many of my clients tell me it gave them an “a-ha moment” that quickly allowed them to burn more stubborn fat than they imagined possible before…
…and I certainly wasn’t winning bodybuilding contests or getting praised by Oprah Magazine as “honest” about what it really takes to lose weight.
Heck, first I had to be honest with myself…
You see, I was never seriously overweight as a kid, but by the time I was a freshman in high school, I was getting pretty chubby around the waist…
Worse still, I was embarrassed to take my shirt off in public because I had what I thought was the worst affliction a warm-blooded male teenager could have: “Man boobs” – a fat saggy chest.
…and when we played basketball in gym, I prayed I’d be called for “shirts,” not “skins” so nobody would see my “moobs” and ab flab jiggling up and down the court.
At 14, I started lifting weights (those guys in the magazines didn’t seem to have an ounce of fat on them), and by senior year, I’d packed on about 25 pounds of muscle… yet the whole “getting ripped” part kept eluding me:
I still couldn’t take my shirt off in public without wishing I would disappear… let alone see the abs trapped under my belly fat.
Perhaps you can relate to this feeling of feeling trapped inside a body that’s just not doing what you want, no matter what you try… and thinking your frustration just can’t get any worse…
I went away to college, and quickly discovered I wanted to become a fitness major… but I also discovered beer, pizza, and cheese burgers and went hard at work on the classic “freshman 15″…
I just laughed at myself right along with the guys who were making fun of me, even though the truth is, I was silently humiliated.
It wasn’t until my buddies at the gym made me commit to stop just “talking” about being a bodybuilder and train for a contest that I finally put down the texbooks and the magazines… and got serious about figuring out what these guys were doing right…
Because they certainly were doing something to get lean and ripped that I wasn’t – one of them had just won a “Mr Teen America” title, and had a body just as impressive as that title sounds…
So I started eating and working out in a certain way – and it was pretty clear I was finally onto something…
… because this “contest training” was by far the most effective program I’d ever tried. It worked SO well, I even placed in my very first contest… and WON my second contest the very next year, at just 21 years old.
Beer belly? Gone. “Moobs?” Nowhere in sight…
It felt like redemption.
Maybe you’ve seen that old ad where the skinny kid gets sand kicked in his face by a muscle-bound bully, then gets in shape and beats the bully up? That’s kind how I felt…
Because not only was I now truly “ripped” for the first time in my life..
It was like getting to tell the whole world, “Remember that kid from gym class with the manboobs? Well, have a look at this!”
Now, I’m NOT telling you this story to brag or hold myself up as some kind of “poster boy.”
There are literally thousands of my client’s stories that are more inspiring than mine…
Stories from ordinary men and women who have no interest in entering a bodybuilding contest, yet used this same “bodybuilder science” to achieve massive results…
People like Bonnie and Mike…
“My Goal Was To Be a “Hot Mom At 40,” And I’ve Achieved It. I lost 23 Kg’s and 12.5% Body Fat!”
“I’m a 40 year old mom of 3, ages 11, 6 and 4. Before, I was 85 kg and 36.5% body fat, size 40. I was fat and miserable. My family life and relationship were suffering. My husband knew someone who did Burn The Fat and it changed his life, so I tried it too. I lost 23 kg’s and kept it off ever since!”
– Bonnie VanNiekerk, Burn the Fat Client
“I Lost 137 Pounds! It Changed My Entire Life!”
“I used Tom’s BURN THE FAT program to lose 137 pounds, but it also changed my entire life and the life of my family. The goal-setting and mindset part of the program also helped me achieve emotional, physical and financial goals I never thought possible.
– Mike Ogorek, Burn the Fat Client
Rather than “smaller versions” of the same old body shape – their bodies take on a whole NEW shape…
And it’s because the one thing all these stories have in common with mine is the one secret hardly anybody besides natural bodybuilders and fitness models knows, or will tell you, about getting a lean, sexy body…
It’s the difference between struggling to “diet away” unwanted fat… and quickly, efficiently burning it.
Here’s why holding onto your muscle while you burn fat is so important, even if you have zero interest in looking like a bodybuilder:
Even though “diet gurus” and popular diet-industry books and magazines will never clue you in about it…
…it’s lean muscle that gives a great body its shape – a shape with all the curves and cuts where they’re supposed to be, and the stamina to do all the things you want it to do.
Just take a look at these bodies side-by-side and tell me what you see:
Pretty big difference, right?
It’s the difference I see all the time between “dieters” and “burners” who might look similarly “skinny” with their clothes on:
Yet the “burners” look great in a swimsuit (I’ll get to how in just a minute, so keep reading)…
… while the “dieters” still end up hiding under their clothes because even though they “lost weight”, they look soft and mushy with their shirts off.
This is exactly what you want to avoid… working your butt off to get thin… then having no butt… or worse, a droopy butt that looks even worse than when you carried more weight.
So why do you see so many more “skinny” people who look like the guy on the left, rather than the lean and toned guy on the right?
It’s not that the “lean and toned” folks pumped iron and packed on lots of extra muscle like a competitive bodybuilder would… The REAL difference is…
Yes, that means that if you burn fat the right way, you can “expose” the firm, toned-looking physique you already have, hidden beneath a layer of unwanted fat… if “dieting” doesn’t get to it first.
And this also means that if you lose fat the wrong way… the “diet industry” way… you might eventually become one of the “lucky” ones who manage to suffer through the torture and get “skinnier”…
But… to show you how bad it can get. I’ve had clients come to me for personal training who at a glance looked thin… BUT their body fat percentage turned out to be what you’d expect to see in somebody who’s visibly overweight, even obese.
One woman I tested was about 5-foot-7 and weighed 121 pounds on the scale… sounds good so far, right?
Then we got to her body fat: It measured an astonishingly high 28% – that’s 34 pounds of pure fat!
Now, I want you to imagine for a second, an arm bone with a one-inch pad of fat surrounding it, kind of like foam insulation around a pipe. That’s what her arm felt like… only the “insulation” was pure fat!
If you grabbed the back of her (very “thin”) arm… it was just one giant fat fold! Literally no palpable muscle at all, just bone and fat.
The fitness slang for this condition is “skinny fat”… and it’s gotten so common, there’s even a medical name for it:
Doctors call it “normal-weight obesity”…
and when they look at DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorpitometry) results or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans like the one above…. they’re horrified!…
… because this means we have not one epidemic…
We have TWO EPIDEMICS: The obesity epidemic and the Muscle loss epidemic!
And the older you are, the worse the effects, because the older you are, the easier it is to lose muscle. Most people don’t know this, but losing muscle is one of the fastest ways to accelerate the effects of aging.
Because diets cause muscle loss, it’s not a stretch to say that dieting ages you faster.
With each new fad “diet”… you “diet away” lots of lean muscle, and just a little bit of fat. That’s the basic problem with “diets”: Every one you try is like taking one step forward and two steps back… so even if you “win” and “drop some weight”, you still lose!
And dieting danger goes beyond just looking “skinny fat”… because as bad as that sounds, ending up with the skinny-fat metabolism that goes with it is even worse.
As hyper-committed as bodybuilders are to burning fat… they avoid “diets” like the plague, and it’s not just that diets cannibalize muscle… they also damage your metabolism, making it harder and harder to burn more fat off, and keep the fat you’ve already burned from creeping back on.
That’s because typical calorie-slashing diets can’t fool your body… and the body’s response is automatic and unavoidable:
Decreased metabolism, hormone imbalance, sluggish thyroid, gnawing hunger pangs, low energy and “brain fog”… sound familiar?
Then, after a few encouraging pounds come off… just when you think all the suffering might have been worth it… you hit the dreaded, inevitable “plateau” where it just “stops working” and you end up gaining it all back just like the rest of the 95% of dieters who fail.
That’s right – if you’ve been trying to burn fat, one of your main enemies is… your very own bathroom scale.
You see the hypey claims every day: “LOSE 30 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS!” … “LOSE 10 POUNDS IN 10 DAYS!”…
These claims get people so focused on “moving the needle” on their scale… that if they don’t measure up on their daily “weigh-in”, their whole day is ruined!
Yet these “scale-watchers” never seem to manage to get rid of all their unwanted fat.
That’s because muscle weighs more than fat…
… and “diets” that pressure you to blindly “lose weight” without knowing where the loss is coming from trick you into sabotaging your figure and your metabolism.
So rather than putting your body through dangerous fads, body-wasting starvation diets, and frustrating “plateaus,” you get to look forward to a lean, firm, fit-looking body that’s strong in every way, and looks it too.
How can I promise you that? Let me properly introduce myself…
For the past 25 years, I’ve been involved in almost every aspect of fitness – personal trainer, nutrition consultant, fitness model, gym manager and best-selling author.
I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of clients in person, plus tens of thousands more online in the last 10 years alone.
In that time, my email inbox has never stopped flooding with incredibly inspiring stories from regular folks from every background, age and fitness level who have discovered the life-changing difference between “diets” that promise you’ll “lose weight”… and the way bodybuilders and fitness models burn fat.
And these same “ex-dieters” have continued to make all the Burn the Fat programs bestsellers every year, while countless “diets” and weight loss fads come and go, for no other reason than… The Burn The Fat System just plain works.
I’ve seen men and women aged 50 and older do it…
I’ve seen busy executives and soccer-moms do it…
I’ve seen people who were 100 pounds or more overweight and convinced “fat runs in their family” do it…
I’ve seen people in the worst, harshest conditions do it…
All of them are regular people with “average” or even “worse than average” genetics, not “genetic freak” bodybuilding fanatics, or celebrities with chefs and personal trainers.
And now that you know preserving your body’s lean muscle and metabolism is the biggest success secret bodybuilders use to burn fat while “diets” fail…
You’re probably wondering exactly how the thousands of everyday “Burners” who’ve discovered this system use it to strip off ALL the unwanted fat on their bodies, and feel great doing it…
So let’s dive into the specific “how to do it” tips I have for you today….
And this First Element has nothing to do with food or workout programs…
… yet if you’ve struggled to burn fat, this lesson will change your life so much that when it’s over, you’re going to want to share it with every person you love or care about.
Because the most successful bodybuilders, fitness models and athletes will tell you that the foundation of all your results comes from training your mind first.
That’s why the First Element of Burn The Fat has always been MINDSET…
I’m not talking about any kind of woo-woo “think-yourself-thin” mumbo-jumbo here… far from it.
I’m talking about “the science” of setting goals … and the psychology of achieving them.
I’m talking about reprogramming your mind for success, so that instead of fighting against cravings or forcing your self to the gym, your new healthy behaviors turn over to “auto-pilot” mode and all the healthy eating and consistent training that once seemed so hard is as effortless as tying your shoes or brushing your teeth.
I’m also talking about the power of visualization and re-making your self-image. You’ll never out-perform your self image. If you want to change your body on the outside, you must first change the image you hold of yourself on the inside…
Olympians, weightlifters, golfers, and other elite athletes have been hip to “mind training” since the 70’s, when the Soviets first revealed how they used these techniques to dominate in so many sports.
Bodybuilders are masters at this, and if you could get inside their thought process, you’d learn more about body transformation than you ever would by looking at their nutrition journal or training plan.
Countless clients and readers have told me that until they mastered their minds, they could never stay focused, stay motivated or stick with their program. After they mastered it, they were unstoppable!
Without fail, those who gloss over this at first and fail to get results, eventually realize the paradox that the biggest secret to physical change is mental change.
The Second Element of Burn The Fat is your right nutrition.
You might have heard the expression, “You can’t out-train a lousy diet”… and that’s 100% true.
Without the right eating plan that accounts for your individual needs and goals, everything else falls apart.
I’ll cover all the specifics and details of putting this plan together with minimum fuss in just a few minutes with you… so keep reading…
First, here’s a crucial tip about how bodybuilders and fitness models eat to get lean…
And it’s one of the most important tips I can possibly share with you, because it’s the total opposite of what every “diet” tells you:
Cutting calories is NOT the best way to burn fat.
That’s why, if you watch bodybuilders, one thing you’ll notice about them is that they always seem to be eating.
You see, while “dieters” eat as little as they can stand trying to get thin…
“Burners” eat early and often, because they know it’s the key to restoring and ramping up your metabolism into a fat-burning machine.
They simply follow the simple formula to determine how many calories their bodies need daily to maintain their current weight (the amount they’d eat if they didn’t want to drop or gain a pound)… and then cut that number by a modest 20%.
That way, you never unintentionally over-eat and store food away as unwanted fat… and you also never trigger your body’s “starvation response” by eating too little, so you never feel hungry.
In fact, many people tell me they eat more with Burn The Fat than they’ve ever eaten… yet they get leaner than they’ve ever been before (and some who under-ate before find themselves eating up to 50% more without storing an ounce of it as fat)…
After depriving themselves on diet after diet, they’re eating without guilt and feeling full, without the hunger pangs, cravings and “brain fog” they’re used to.
Now, you might be wondering… if bodybuilders use food to fuel their metabolic fire, where does the final FAT BURN come from?
Well, that’s where the final two Elements of Burn The Fat come in as a “deadly duo” to melt fat off your waistline…
… and those are your right cardio and strength training.
You see, “diets” do get one thing right: You DO need a “calorie deficit” in order to burn fat… in other words, you still need to use up more calories than you eat.
The difference is, with Burn The Fat, the “deficit” comes from exercise rather than food alone.
Unlike the “diet” strategy that tries to starve the fat, the bodybuilder strategy is to BURN the fat with increased activity.
Think of the third element – the right cardio – as a Fat burning ACCELERATOR…
But Burn the Fat is unlike any other program you’ve ever seen, because Burn The Fat Cardio doesn’t lock you into one type of exercise…
You don’t have sweat on a treadmill every day… you don’t have to jog… you don’t have to sit on a hard bicycle seat for an hour… you don’t have to do boot camps… unless you like them.
You see, the Burn The Fat way is not about what type of cardio you choose, it’s about how you do the cardio of your choice.
It’s a simple formula of duration X frequency X intensity combined with weekly micro-adjustments, that lets you dial your fat-burning UP or dial it DOWN (if you want to stop losing weight), with whatever type of cardio that makes you happy.
Couldn’t you lose fat, without cardio, with the right nutrition alone? Yes, but… that’s the long, slow, hard way, and there’s no telling how much muscle you’ll lose along with the fat if all you do is diet and you’re not using the fourth and final element…
The right strength training also burns calories and increases metabolism, so adding this fourth element is like getting a double boost in fat-burning, but here’s the real reasons to strength train:
Strength training is how you avoid getting “skinny fat” … or losing muscle when you’re in a fat-burning calorie deficit.
And remember – it’s lean muscle that gives a great body its shape – with all the right curves, and the strength to do everything you want your body to do.
Don’t worry – I’m not going to make you “pump iron” like Arnold Schwarzenegger or spend half your life at the gym – remember, this is designed for ordinary people with lots of other demands on their energy and time.
That’s why I’ve built perfectly balanced routines for every goal and level of fitness into the Burn The Fat Program, based on 25 years of experience training hundreds of clients in person and thousands more online.
Don’t worry about getting “bulky” or “too big”, either – believe me, there is no way you will ever wind up looking like a competitive bodybuilder by accident. It just doesn’t happen – not even for men, and especially not for women…
Of course, just like nutrition, there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” exercise plan, so I’ll show you exactly how to put your plan together and even adapt a workout you’re already doing if you want to, so please keep reading…
Alright, that was a lot to cover… You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed, and that’s okay. Basically, this means that..
PATH 1: Take the information I’ve given you in this fat burning tips report and try to “go it alone”… And who knows? You may see some success from this alone if you took really careful notes…
PATH 2: It’s what the vast majority of people who read this fat-burning report until the end choose… and it’s the quickest and smartest path to the body you desire and deserve…
Path 2 is one that’s been tested and proven again and again with clients at every level of fitness… whether they had a goal of losing a stubborn “last 10”, or 100 pounds or more.
The system I teach in Burn The Fat is the system I personally use, and it’s the ONLY system I know of that doesn’t try to put everyone in the same “box”…
And the main reason the original Burn The Fat has stood the test of time as a 10-year-straight bestseller while dozens of “diets” have come and gone is NOT because of me…
The credit for Burn The Fat’s continued success belongs with the over 300,000 clients, members, readers and customers in 152 countries who have succeeded with it… and proven over and over that Burn The Fat just plain works…
I’ve personally used it to stay as lean and “ripped” in my 30’s and 40’s as I was in my 20’s…
And many fellow “Burners” have even overcome disabilities as serious as being “handicapped with two bad hips, two canes, and bone on bone arthritis” to put these principles to work for them, like 61-year-old John Deegan…
BURNED: 34 pounds of fat, with two canes and bone-on-bone arthritis
– John Deegan, Burn the Fat Client
So even if your fat loss and fitness goals are nowhere near a world record… even if you’re competing with nobody except yourself… just by putting even a fraction of these hard-won secrets into action, you’ll start seeing results that will make you feel like stepping up on a stage and getting a medal.
I’ll take you inside The NEW Burn The Fat Program in some detail in just a minute, but first, I wanted to share with you…
These successful “burners” (below) followed the program during our 49-Day “Burn the Fat Challenge” contest that we run every year for our members (as a Burn the Fat member, you’ll be invited to these challenges too, if you want the extra motivation…)
“I shredded down to 4.3% body fat in 49 days”
“When I hit 30, I found myself with a belly for the first time in my life. I followed the Burn the Fat program and entered the 49 day Challenge; I had no idea how much it would change the whole rest of my life.
Staying in frequent contact with people in the Burn the Fat community, who were all heading in the same positive direction, made staying the course absolute. I will never have a belly again.”
– James Mauck, Burn the Fat Client
“I Achieved The Body I’ve Always Wanted! I’m Now 128 lbs At 17.7% Body Fat!”
“I learned an AMAZING thing: I love the feeling in my muscles, I love the burn, and I love the progress. The more my muscles popped, the more addicted I became to the training.
Another thing stood out to me: Food is integral. Don’t try to starve the fat. Fuel your body properly and it will perform better. It was like my body turned into a fat-burning, muscle-building machine.”
– Amanda Andrews, Burn The Fat Client
“My advice to anyone thinking about doing Burn the Fat is to make a commitment to yourself in writing and list all the benefits you will receive as a result of reaching your goal.” Don’t try to reinvent the wheel – the information and resources you need are right here, and the Burn the Fat community is amazing!”
– Gary Vollhoffer, Age 50, Burn the Fat Client
“I Lost 14 lbs, built some nice muscle, and went from a pant size 7/9 to a size 1! My husband and children can’t thank Tom enough for his healthy, natural, clear-cut program. If a home-schooling mom of five kids all under the age of eight can do it, anyone can!”
– Cynthia Cardenas, Burn the Fat Client
The Newest Burn the Fat program that you can get today is still based on the same bodybuilder-inspired nutrition and training strategies that I developed for personal clients, who expected, no – demanded – success, and those clients have been achieving success with these principles since 1989.
Only now, it’s even better…
In the early days, the only way to learn my system was to hire me in person, to train you one-on-one, in the gym.
Next came Burn the Fat private coaching, where hundreds of people did the program with me in person or long distance by phone or email.
Then tens of thousands more found this system though my Burn The Fat Inner Circle…
… And in the last 10 years, the Burn the Fat Program exploded, with over 300,000 people reading my Burn the Fat books.
A New, increasingly authoritative Burn the Fat Program has been fully updated and released in a never-seen-before online program.
This includes the new Burn the Fat Program together with the Burn the Fat Inner Circle, for total immersion in the community, and for online coaching from me.
The NEW Burn the Fat program delivers you the same fat-burning techniques my clients have used for years, and delivers it in 7 short and simple lessons.
I’ll get to the price (plus a crazy set of bonuses), in just a minute…
First, take a quick look at some of the fat-burning secrets you’ll learn in each lesson.
And that’s just a fraction of the step-by-step, actionable strategies included in the all-new online edition of the Burn the Fat Body Transformation Program.
When you order, you get instant access to ALL the Burn the Fat materials the moment you join, and I’ve broken the course into 7 steps in 7 days, so you’re not overwhelmed and I can walk you through each lesson, one day at a time.
The Burn The Fat 7 Day Body Transformation Program is just one piece of the total package. Now let me tell you about all the other bonuses you’ll get as well…
All the tools you need to make the program easy to follow are available at the click of a mouse: workout trackers, meal planner sheets, calorie calculators, protein, carb and fat calculators, Burn the Fat food data base, Burn the fat shopping list, Burn the Fat Progress chart Burn the Fat Goal Planners and more.
Amazing push-button software creates and saves your customized meals, daily meal plans, and recipes… lets you save foods, meals, daily meal plans and recipes as favorites… lets you add your own custom foods, and you can mix and match your custom meals and recipes into an unlimited number of daily meal plans, quickly and easily.
Forget about bland “rabbit-food” diets. Now you can enjoy our delicious, original recipes, all created and taste-tested by me first, before they were shared with our whole community of burners. Fast to make for busy time-strapped lifestyles, and no previous cooking experience is required. Who knew that eating clean and lean could taste so good?
To be absolutely certain that you will lose pure fat and not lean muscle, you’re also getting the e-book (New 2nd edition), “How To Measure Your Body Fat in The Privacy of Your Own Home.” Discover the simple 2-minute test to measure your own body fat at home and see why your body FAT is so much more important than your body WEIGHT.
With so much UNIQUE fat-burning truth packed into one single system, enough to shortcut years of struggle, you might think the New Burn The Fat program would be priced at a premium, and in all honesty… It really should be.
But my goal from the very first day I made this New Burn The Fat system available to the public online was to make it available to as many people as possible… people I knew could benefit from the rare information it contains, yet couldn’t get it from me in person.
If I priced it too high, I realized that would leave many people with body-wasting “diets,” potentially health-ruining “supplements,” and outright scams as their only refuge…
And that’s not what I want for you.
I’ve seen what this system can do for so many people in person… seen its effects in the emails and photographs sent in by people I’ve never even gotten to meet face-to-face… and I deeply believe you deserve better.
I want you to have the best, and I want you to experience it now, today…
To get started now, just click that yellow button below that says “Add To Cart” for instant access to the program (And of course, 100% of your investment is risk-free starting today – I’ll explain in just a second).
Get started now and as an extra bonus gift, I’ll include access to the entire Burn The Fat Transformation Success Secrets library.
These audios will be available in the Burn The Fat members area and you can listen to them online or download the MP3’s to your ipod or music player so you can listen in your car, while you work out, or anywhere
In these audios you’ll hear me as well as dozens of the Burn the Fat Transformation Champions – some of the men and women you saw right here on this web page – reveal their secrets to their remarkable before and after photos.
All together these audios contain more than 40 hours of motivation, education and inspiration that you can listen to any time, anywhere.
Again, this bonus gift is absolutely FREE.
And like I mentioned a minute ago,
In just 7 days, you will know all the secrets of the leanest people in the world. Then, all I’m asking you to do is put what you’ve learned to use. Try the system for up to 60 days.
If you don’t experience everything I’ve told you about and more in those 60 short days…
If you dont see your first results in your first week, and then keep burning off fat each week after that, week after week, I’ll gladly refund every penny you paid. No questions asked, no hassles.
Look below and click on the yellow button that says “Add To Cart” to start the 7 day program and claim all your bonuses now!
PS. Remember, the next 7 days will quickly come and go, and at the end of them, you can either be feeling just as unsatisfied with your body as you are now, or just as confused and overwhelmed about the right way to start, or…
The choice is simple. Still… I’ve noticed that nearly everyone I meet has a reason they want to put it off:
They’re waiting until New Year’s when the holidays are over, or after the kids start school, or the first day of the month, or after final exams are over, or whatever – there’s always some excuse to procrastinate. PLEASE don’t wait!
If you know you’re ready…
… if you’re at that point where you want to start the rest of your life today so that you can be a new person… leaner, healthier, full of energy, full of life, more fun, looking good, getting compliments…
… if that sounds good to you, then click the “Add To Cart” yellow button below, and let’s get you started now!
Q: Do you really answer questions and give personal coaching on your site? How do you find the time?
A: Yes, I really answer your questions on the Burn the Fat private forums and I spend many hours doing it. I don’t spend much time on social media, so I have more time for our members. However, I can’t guarantee this forever. This program is new and once word spreads, and it gets super busy, I’ll either have to cap membership, raise the price, or have Burn The Fat certified coaches take over for me. So if you’re interested in getting personal advice straight from the program creator (me), now is the time to get onboard.
Q: Do I have to take any supplements?
A: No. Most supplements are scams, some can be dangerous and the few that have scientific support have such a small effect, you would get more results just by doing a better job with your eating and training. You don’t need any supplements to burn fat or build muscle and you’ll never see ads or promotions for supplements in our members area (I don’t endorse or sell supplements and never will).
Q: Do I have to join a gym or buy any equipment?
A: You DO need some kind of resistance training because that’s the key to revving up your metabolism, sculpting lean muscle and keeping the muscle you already have. But you don’t need expensive machines and you don’t have to join a gym – you can work out at home if you prefer. The beginner workouts can be done with nothing but free weights (like dumbbells) and your own body weight as resistance.
Q: I’m not a bodybuilder – will this program still work for me?
A: Yes. The program was developed BY a bodybuilder, but it’s not just FOR bodybuilders. Think of it this way: Bodybuilders are the leanest, most muscular people in the world, so if you want to get leaner or more muscular, who better to learn from? I designed the program so you can use bodybuilder and fitness model techniques to reach your own personal goals, whether that’s building muscle or just toning up, losing 100 pounds or the last 10 pounds, getting ripped or just getting leaner than you are now.
Q: Does the program work as well for women as men?
A: Yes, in fact our membership is now more female than male (53% women and 47% men in our last survey). Women have different needs and the program gives you the exact calculations for the female metabolism (there are separate calculations for men). The workout programs work equally well for men and women (women need muscle too, most women simply want muscle tone, not muscle bulk).
Q: I just turned 54. Am I too old to start this program? Please be honest Tom.
A: Honestly, you’re too old NOT to get started. The science shows that college-age kids don’t have to worry about hormone levels and muscle loss – getting in shape is easy for them. From your 30’s to 40’s and beyond, when hormones and metabolism start to change, if you don’t eat the right food and get the right exercise, your muscles (and bone density) disintegrate faster with every passing year, while fat goes on easier. Age 35-55 is our biggest member demographic and more people are joining us after 55 than ever because that age group is finally discovering how crash diets accelerate aging while training and feeding the muscle reverses aging.
Q: I can’t eat wheat or any products with gluten. Can I still follow the nutrition part of the Burn the Fat program?
A: Yes. Gluten intolerance is common and you can easily work around it. The food choices are flexible and substitutions are easy.
Q: I’m lactose intolerant. Can I still do the Burn the Fat nutrition program?
A: Yes. Lactose intolerance is even more common and it’s also easy to work around it. Dairy products are optional on this program.
Q: Will this work for vegetarians?
A: The program is very easy to adapt for semi-vegetarians who eat dairy, eggs and or fish (no meat). The program was not designed specifically for vegans but can be adapted for vegans as well, as long as you’re able to customize your own meal plans based on which foods you eat.
Q: Will this work in my country? I’m worried about not having the foods required where I live.
A: Yes. We have thousands of members in over 150 countries and you can adapt the food choices to work wherever you live.
Q: How can I be sure it’s safe to order online from your website?
A: Our checkout page is on a secure server, we are a Verisign-trusted site (confirming our identity, location and virus-free status), we’re A+ rated by the NJ Better Business Bureau and our Burn the Fat company has been trusted online since 2003 with a reputation for integrity.
Q: How do I log in to the member’s area and how soon will I be able to start after I order?
A: Just click the “ADD TO CART” button below. You’ll be directed to a secure order page. After you submit your payment details, you’ll be forwarded to the new member registration page on the member’s-only (Inner Circle) site, where you’ll be asked to choose your private user name and password. You can then log in to the Burn The Fat members area and start just minutes from now. You get instant access to the member’s area. Click the yellow ADD TO CART button below to get started:
HOW PRODUCTS ARE DELIVERED: This is an all-digital (internet) product. Burn The Fat Inner Circle is a private membership website that you access online with a user name and password that you’ll choose on a registration page after you sign up. All the products, services and bonuses are delivered in the member’s area. No physical products will be shipped. You get instant access to the website right after you order.
* TESTIMONIALS AND RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Results shown in our testimonials may not be typical. Photos shown on this page are among our best case studies and transformation contest winners. Typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. In overweight individuals, weight loss of up to 1% of total bodyweight per week is more common. Faster weight loss in the first 1-2 weeks is common but is usually water weight loss, not body fat. Faster fat loss is possible, but not likely. This is NOT a fad diet or rapid weight loss program. Burn the Fat is a healthy lifestyle program and a long term approach to body fat reduction and maintenance. Permanent weight loss requires long-term lifestyle change and cannot be guaranteed. [More info about typical results and Burn the Fat challenge results]
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Click here to get Burn The Fat Body Transformation System – Tom Venuto at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Burn The Fat Body Transformation System – Tom Venuto is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Wladimir Klitschko:’ This may sound pretentiou, but I am like Mount Everest’
The 41 -year-olds training camp in the Alps looks like the give for a fright movie and he tells Sachin Nakrani he is in the mood to give Anthony Joshua a scare when they meet on 29 April at Wembley
Stanglwirt is a sprawling bio-hotel located in the Austrian Alps and which at first glance looks like the lay for a slow-burning, creepy-crawly repugnance movie. With its mountainous background and somewhat kitsch interior heavy lumber panelling, stripy sofas it brought by storages of the Overlook Hotel from Stephen Kings The Shining. Walk through the foyer, past all staff members garmented in lederhosen, and it feels like only a matter of time until a clock goes off, a bozo springs out and a form falls down the stairs.
But on this spring visit there is no fright to be had. Instead, amid the restaurants sector and bars, the spas, saunas and swimming pool, resides a legend of atonement. Or, as Wladimir Klitschko introduces it, fulfilling an obsession.
The heavyweight is here to prepare for his contest with Anthony Joshua at Wembley Stadium on 29 April. Stanglwirt has been his pre-fight base since 2003 and a target he describes as a home away from dwelling. It is easy to see the are calling for all its Heres Johnny! characters, the complex , now more than 250 years old, is a beautiful lieu to expend some time. Pristine, picturesque, heated, friendly and with slew to do and exhaust. For Klitschko it is somewhere to get his sentiment and mas right, which now now more than ever is important for a boxing great who, as he acknowledges, is about to take over a career-defining challenge.
Klitschko has not fought since his shock defeat to Tyson Fury in Dsseldorf 17 months ago. It was an outcome that is not simply deprived the Ukrainian of his WBA, IBF and WBO deeds but also of his coat of near-invincibility. Dr Steelhammer, a fighter who had locked 53 of his 64 success across a 27 -year career by knockout, was outgunned by a man who dressed as Batman for one of their pre-fight press conferences. Fury was a joke, hitherto after a unanimous parts decision on 28 November 2015 he was the one laughing.
Much has happened to Fury since that night and one of the consequences has been Klitschko missing out on a rematch that would have him with a chance to prove he is no busted even after a fourth defeat since growing professional in 1996. Unfinished business, as he sets it. Now, finally, comes the chance for him to go again against a British fighter.
Wladimir Klitschko and his physio Aldo Vetere at the Stanglwirt hotel. Photograph: Johann Groder/ AFP/ Getty Images
Joshua, the IBF champion, poses a different menace to Fury a year younger at 27, stronger and more deadly. Then there is the establish: a stadium Klitschko has never fought at, in front of a 90,000 sellout gang. He goes there on the back of his longest period of immobility since first lacing up a pair of gloves, and having just changed 41. Little wonder this most assured of men is full of questions, full of suspenses, as he spoke at Stanglwirt.
This fight is 50 -5 0, Klitschko said. Can the younger guy make it? Has the older person still got it? Doubt differentiates are making this event really interesting. Ive never had a pause for a year and a half. Is it bad? Is it good? Will I have rust? I require the answers myself.
One thing I believe is I dont feel my age. Its not empty words. I am get in best available chassis of “peoples lives”, physically and mentally. I dont read Im stuck and not improving, even in a athletic Ive been involved with for so long. Thats what interests and excites me.
Klitschko certainly seemed well as he spoke, flanked by his administrator, Bernd Bnte, and his tutor, Johnathon Banks.
The body persists imposing and defined, his look chiselled and those sides continue to look like destruction weapons. Requested to predict how the fight with Joshua will go, Klitschko developed his fists and nodded towards them in turn. Funeral or hospital? Hospital or funeral? I dont need numerous punches to knock a person out.
That was a uncommon minute of trash-talking bravado from the ex-serviceman( alongside the moment he claimed Joshua get confidence from his muscles and is better suited to bodybuilding ).
Generally Klitschko was respectful of his opponent, suffer partly out of the fact Joshua goes into their fight on the back of a perfect professional record 18 wins from 18 contends, all attained via knockout and partly because of the respect Klitschko developed for the man from Watford, having invited him to be a sparring partner in November 2014, before taking on the Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev.
He affected me with his attitude, Klitschko says. He was in the background and learning. Sometimes you need to be quiet and are watching, and he was seeing everything. He could also container, so I yielded him credit and I was there in the realm when he prevailed golden[ at London 2012 ]~ ATAGEND. Every medallist in the super-heavyweight discord at the Olympics has to be considered successful. He has a lot of possibilities and so far has done good.
Unlike Fury, Joshua is likely to engage with Klitschko from the first bell, looking to flora his hoofs and unload projectiles as frequently as possible. On one mitt that provides the challenger with a countenancing target not to mention a supposedly susceptible chin but on the other it entails he will have to engage himself, something Klitschko did simply in the 12 th round of the Fury fight when his uncharacteristic hesitancy against a moving target had given him no choice but to go for snap. Ultimately it was too little, too late.
Klitschko contends he has learned from his mistakes and will be fully prepared for the challenge by the time he arrives in London on 26 April. Until then it is a example of working on and standing focused, something that was there to verified at Stanglwirt.
The scene was a converted tennis courtroom in the bowels of the inn. In the middle held a reverberate while at one surface were three punchbags hung in ascending order and at another a basketball cyberspace where, at around 8am, Banks filmed hoops with another member of backroom team as Klitschko went through a series of pulling efforts. Two television screens had been put in picturing Joshuas previous battles, everything taking place to the music of Motown classics. It was a tighten start.
Banks and Klitschko eventually underwent some pad work inside the ring. It was, in keeping with the humor of the morning, a comparatively soothing seminar but the announce of thudding fists carried enough of an repetition to remind onlookers of the capability coming Joshuas way later this month. The 27 -year-old is the favourite with most bookmakers but contentment would be preposterous against a husband who has been there, done that, and is enrolling the ring not because he requirement the money but because he is determined to prompt the world he remains one of “the worlds largest” sturdy heavyweights and, yet again, has what it takes to be a champion.
Wladimir Klitschko was uncharacteristically hesitant against Tyson Fury in 2015. Photo: Kai Pfaffenbach/ Reuters
Failure is an experience and Im coming after a defeat[ against Fury] with a quite different outlook, Klitschko says. I learned more about myself, about boxing, through that win. Regrettably I cannot change it, or got a second shoot like in golf theres no mulligan for me. But Im not a destroyed man.
This may sound arrogant but I am like Mount Everest. You can clamber it during a certain period of time during 2 week in April I guess and say: I suppressed Everest. Then youve got to run down because its going to take you down if you miss the time.
Some make it back but a lot of beings expire, so is Mount Everest demolished? No, its still here and its going to take another life this April.
Sky Sports Box Office just goes to show Joshua v Klitschko alone live on 29 April. To notebook going to see www.skysports.com/ joshua
The post Wladimir Klitschko:’ This may sound pretentiou, but I am like Mount Everest’ appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Wladimir Klitschko:’ This may sound pretentiou, but I am like Mount Everest’
The 41 -year-olds training camp in the Alps looks like the give for a fright movie and he tells Sachin Nakrani he is in the mood to give Anthony Joshua a scare when they meet on 29 April at Wembley
Stanglwirt is a sprawling bio-hotel located in the Austrian Alps and which at first glance looks like the lay for a slow-burning, creepy-crawly repugnance movie. With its mountainous background and somewhat kitsch interior heavy lumber panelling, stripy sofas it brought by storages of the Overlook Hotel from Stephen Kings The Shining. Walk through the foyer, past all staff members garmented in lederhosen, and it feels like only a matter of time until a clock goes off, a bozo springs out and a form falls down the stairs.
But on this spring visit there is no fright to be had. Instead, amid the restaurants sector and bars, the spas, saunas and swimming pool, resides a legend of atonement. Or, as Wladimir Klitschko introduces it, fulfilling an obsession.
The heavyweight is here to prepare for his contest with Anthony Joshua at Wembley Stadium on 29 April. Stanglwirt has been his pre-fight base since 2003 and a target he describes as a home away from dwelling. It is easy to see the are calling for all its Heres Johnny! characters, the complex , now more than 250 years old, is a beautiful lieu to expend some time. Pristine, picturesque, heated, friendly and with slew to do and exhaust. For Klitschko it is somewhere to get his sentiment and mas right, which now now more than ever is important for a boxing great who, as he acknowledges, is about to take over a career-defining challenge.
Klitschko has not fought since his shock defeat to Tyson Fury in Dsseldorf 17 months ago. It was an outcome that is not simply deprived the Ukrainian of his WBA, IBF and WBO deeds but also of his coat of near-invincibility. Dr Steelhammer, a fighter who had locked 53 of his 64 success across a 27 -year career by knockout, was outgunned by a man who dressed as Batman for one of their pre-fight press conferences. Fury was a joke, hitherto after a unanimous parts decision on 28 November 2015 he was the one laughing.
Much has happened to Fury since that night and one of the consequences has been Klitschko missing out on a rematch that would have him with a chance to prove he is no busted even after a fourth defeat since growing professional in 1996. Unfinished business, as he sets it. Now, finally, comes the chance for him to go again against a British fighter.
Wladimir Klitschko and his physio Aldo Vetere at the Stanglwirt hotel. Photograph: Johann Groder/ AFP/ Getty Images
Joshua, the IBF champion, poses a different menace to Fury a year younger at 27, stronger and more deadly. Then there is the establish: a stadium Klitschko has never fought at, in front of a 90,000 sellout gang. He goes there on the back of his longest period of immobility since first lacing up a pair of gloves, and having just changed 41. Little wonder this most assured of men is full of questions, full of suspenses, as he spoke at Stanglwirt.
This fight is 50 -5 0, Klitschko said. Can the younger guy make it? Has the older person still got it? Doubt differentiates are making this event really interesting. Ive never had a pause for a year and a half. Is it bad? Is it good? Will I have rust? I require the answers myself.
One thing I believe is I dont feel my age. Its not empty words. I am get in best available chassis of “peoples lives”, physically and mentally. I dont read Im stuck and not improving, even in a athletic Ive been involved with for so long. Thats what interests and excites me.
Klitschko certainly seemed well as he spoke, flanked by his administrator, Bernd Bnte, and his tutor, Johnathon Banks.
The body persists imposing and defined, his look chiselled and those sides continue to look like destruction weapons. Requested to predict how the fight with Joshua will go, Klitschko developed his fists and nodded towards them in turn. Funeral or hospital? Hospital or funeral? I dont need numerous punches to knock a person out.
That was a uncommon minute of trash-talking bravado from the ex-serviceman( alongside the moment he claimed Joshua get confidence from his muscles and is better suited to bodybuilding ).
Generally Klitschko was respectful of his opponent, suffer partly out of the fact Joshua goes into their fight on the back of a perfect professional record 18 wins from 18 contends, all attained via knockout and partly because of the respect Klitschko developed for the man from Watford, having invited him to be a sparring partner in November 2014, before taking on the Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev.
He affected me with his attitude, Klitschko says. He was in the background and learning. Sometimes you need to be quiet and are watching, and he was seeing everything. He could also container, so I yielded him credit and I was there in the realm when he prevailed golden[ at London 2012 ]~ ATAGEND. Every medallist in the super-heavyweight discord at the Olympics has to be considered successful. He has a lot of possibilities and so far has done good.
Unlike Fury, Joshua is likely to engage with Klitschko from the first bell, looking to flora his hoofs and unload projectiles as frequently as possible. On one mitt that provides the challenger with a countenancing target not to mention a supposedly susceptible chin but on the other it entails he will have to engage himself, something Klitschko did simply in the 12 th round of the Fury fight when his uncharacteristic hesitancy against a moving target had given him no choice but to go for snap. Ultimately it was too little, too late.
Klitschko contends he has learned from his mistakes and will be fully prepared for the challenge by the time he arrives in London on 26 April. Until then it is a example of working on and standing focused, something that was there to verified at Stanglwirt.
The scene was a converted tennis courtroom in the bowels of the inn. In the middle held a reverberate while at one surface were three punchbags hung in ascending order and at another a basketball cyberspace where, at around 8am, Banks filmed hoops with another member of backroom team as Klitschko went through a series of pulling efforts. Two television screens had been put in picturing Joshuas previous battles, everything taking place to the music of Motown classics. It was a tighten start.
Banks and Klitschko eventually underwent some pad work inside the ring. It was, in keeping with the humor of the morning, a comparatively soothing seminar but the announce of thudding fists carried enough of an repetition to remind onlookers of the capability coming Joshuas way later this month. The 27 -year-old is the favourite with most bookmakers but contentment would be preposterous against a husband who has been there, done that, and is enrolling the ring not because he requirement the money but because he is determined to prompt the world he remains one of “the worlds largest” sturdy heavyweights and, yet again, has what it takes to be a champion.
Wladimir Klitschko was uncharacteristically hesitant against Tyson Fury in 2015. Photo: Kai Pfaffenbach/ Reuters
Failure is an experience and Im coming after a defeat[ against Fury] with a quite different outlook, Klitschko says. I learned more about myself, about boxing, through that win. Regrettably I cannot change it, or got a second shoot like in golf theres no mulligan for me. But Im not a destroyed man.
This may sound arrogant but I am like Mount Everest. You can clamber it during a certain period of time during 2 week in April I guess and say: I suppressed Everest. Then youve got to run down because its going to take you down if you miss the time.
Some make it back but a lot of beings expire, so is Mount Everest demolished? No, its still here and its going to take another life this April.
Sky Sports Box Office just goes to show Joshua v Klitschko alone live on 29 April. To notebook going to see www.skysports.com/ joshua
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