bastionbibi · 7 months
every time i got upset at something online, i just remember that keanu reeves meme when he was like 'i actively avoid arguments, If someone said 1+1=3 then you're right sir have a good day' and i instantly forget about it, thank u john wick
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bastionbibi · 6 months
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I love how they keep tugging at each other, a literal back and forth
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bastionbibi · 7 months
I love how so many grown Shinichi fanart depicts him as a future FBI agent like the damn bureau fighting tooth and nail w the PSB to get this kid in their institution first shoving the green card into his hands and all that
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bastionbibi · 6 months
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I just wanna talk about this very specific scene.
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bastionbibi · 6 months
Yall dont know the groan i let out whenever ghoso adds another romance and its YET another childhood friend like bro i dont remember a single soul from my elementary school tf u mean these 30-40 yr old guys remember that ONE GIRL they met at the road or smthng.
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bastionbibi · 4 months
I know that detco has a problem with plots outside of creating creative murder methods, but I want them to at least have 1 episode where the main character sees / have things happening out of their control that make them question their believes.
It doesn't have to be anything heavy. For example, since Heishin and basically all the other detectives are skeptical of the supernatural, maybe have an episode where the culprit tries to put a blame on a ghost and yup, the ghost is fake, but maybe, just MAYBE. They saw a glimpse of what seemed to be the real ghost roaming around but not being hostile as the culprit made them to be.
Maybe even have the ghost help them solve the case by subtly pointing out different clues or finding the murder weapon because either its a benevolent entity, or the ghost just wants them nosy ass people out of their territory like go home.
Either way, I want something that can actually make the protags go a bit "???" but still have their usual deduction show.
I mean, for now we'll probably just going to get a case where conan finds a rotting body at macys bathroom or smthng, but a plot similar to the above might be fun.
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bastionbibi · 4 months
I'm going to write a whole essay about how despite being attracted to women Furuya has never had a real crush because his first love aka Elena was so perfect in his eyes that he subconsciously set the standard way too high for any girl to compare.
We never got any detail about Rei's nuclear family but it's probably safe to assume that he wasn't in the best place and he was living a rough life, bullied for his skin and forced to fight for himself and then this really sweet lady came around, practically yelled at his face saying that there is nothing wrong with him. A protective, caring figure that fits everything his brain wanted, and he fell in love with her, and he fell hard because FIFTEEN YEARS LATER he was still in love with her and that love was the thing that jumpstarted his whole career into law enforcement only to realize that the Organization he infiltrated was the very entity that murdered the first and probably only woman he ever loved.
Anyway, his childhood love is so innocent and bittersweet and become such a prominent driving force in his life that it's just one more reason why he's Like That.
On another note. We really need to stop letting Freud win guys
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bastionbibi · 6 months
Detco really needs to focus on cases and basic character development and stir away from nuanced topics. Because what do you mean life is precious and you cant kill yourself because it doesnt BELONG to you? What do you mean killing your abusers that almost killed you is the wrong thing to do? What is wrong with you???
The only thing a person have from their birth is their life and they try to go and make it deep and steal it from them.
Like how conan always stop ppl from commiting suicide etc despite himself being the one that pushed them to that point and he KNOWS it. He's a really selfish guy, stopping people from ending their misery because it makes him feel like a villian, and im fine with that but when i see fans agreeing with it it just makes my skin crawl because like. To rob someone of the only thing they have in this world, their choice to continue to keep it or end it. How cruel.
One of my inspiration for my Forsaken fic is how lives aren't precious actually. It's just is. It's just. Is. Life exist, precious or not is a matter of perspective.
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bastionbibi · 8 months
Love how half the people Akai's shipped with basically hates him to the bone and wants to kill him.
Like, Akemi is so bittersweet and soft, while on the other hand you have Furuya and Gin who would throw a grenade into his car.
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bastionbibi · 4 months
u know akai and gin fuck nasty and it wouldve been a show bc imagine how wet and messy their hair would be like ok muscle rapunzel
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bastionbibi · 5 months
Gosho rlly be doing everything for these childhood canon ships BUT giving them a good plot. Like oh my goooooooooooooddddd give them SOMETHING i beg u im on my damn knees pls these girls can do better than pout, blush, or hide their feelings im so tired bro
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bastionbibi · 4 months
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Said i was gonna make the uniqlo tshirt into a pillow and so I did
Throw pillow
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bastionbibi · 4 months
M24 was really THEE movie for the most random list of reasons like. Ofc we have akai madness, but we also get coai being a meta human tag team again while working together ("lol finally theres smthng u dont know" "cut me some slack damn")
And we have that weird ass promotional pic where they just shoved furuya next to him OUT OF NOWHERE and then didnt even show him in the trailer/movie like that shits hilarious bitch what are u DOING there icnaifjajf Do they just treat akam as a package now or something?? Like theyre just gonna put his face there for no other than bc its the factory setting for these characters or??????? but then why not show akais face in 25 too????? was he supposed to be in 24 but they simply cut it bc of runtime or what?? ugh so many problems in that movie i love it so much
also i feel like we deserve another akai movie bc this one drops in the middle of the fucking pandemic but then again some peeps might not like that ifykwim
nevertheless what im trhing to say is that im watching the scarlet bullet again and its fun
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bastionbibi · 5 months
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bastionbibi · 7 months
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This page is so adorable because they're going over the same case having the exact same reaction at the exact same time.
Like Akai's just as crazy smart as Conan is and its CUTE.
All im saying is conan as Akai's son is an excruciatingly superior concept.
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bastionbibi · 8 months
I wonder how furuya's character design planning went like. Did gosho just sat down and think "lets give the whores what they want" or "lets give them alphabet kids the biggest gender envy of their lives" or what
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