#bastian x sarah
mkorpse13 · 9 months
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Been wanting to draw these three together for a bit, and now I finally have! After BPS Sarah and Ed would have a somewhat better bond than before, also Ed giving Bastian bunny ears is funny yet wholesome
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girlvinland · 2 years
Got tagged by @deluxinn to do this! I feel like it's been a really long time since I did one of these kind so ty! I put it under a readmore tho bc it's just kinda extensive.
17 questions, 17 people (17 is...a lot)
Nickname: Bug
Sign: Pisces
Height: 5′4"
Last thing I googled: someone's ko-fi to try and see their shop
Song stuck in my head: "Love Bomb Baby" by Tigertailz lol
#of followers: 1538 but some of those are absolutely pornbots I've been to lazy to block yet bc it's kind of annoying having to do it
Amount of sleep: I think usually I'm pretty good and get like 7-8 hours a night?
Lucky #: 17 (lol irony)
Dream job: Hm, idk if I have one in the same sense that I used to and tbh some of the work I've done in the past fit in with my "dream job" things I wanted (working with fossils and maps, etc). I just want to find another job that has a healthy and positive atmosphere that's kind of peaceful lol.
Wearing: ACNH sweatpants and a university shirt lol it's lazy today
Movies/books that summarized me: Maybe The Neverending Story (both formats)? Growing up I always felt kind of like I related to Bastian since he was imaginative but also felt a little outcasted. I think a lot of people can relate to that.
Favourite songs: There's too many :x
Favourite instrument: Saxophone, it's fun! I wish I could still play! Cello is nice too, I always wanted to learn it but string instruments are harder for me.
Aesthetic: It's a lot of black and red and flowers and gothic elements but then the flipside is I really like rainbows and tie-dye and there's not an inbetween.
Favourite author: Some I enjoy are V.E. Schwab, Sarah Waters, Lisa See, Peter Watts, and Steven King (I had to think of people I've read a lot of books from lol)
Favourite animal noise: The endless loud cat meow they do sometimes
Random: Today has been a little :(, that's all I got
I don't really feel like tagging 17 people but I'm just going to go through people in my recent notifs til I get tired of tagging unless I know someone has already been tagged elsewhere lol (and no one has to do it if they don't want ofc)-
@badbadsomegood, @kayleighwhatever, @akaranacorridor, @vorpaltoad, @scrawnytreedemon, @cumkills, @that-magical-hair, @extrashinymudkip, @anoett-dreamer, @prithivii, @taroris, @professionaljester, @sarahslolitaportfolio
Ok I did 13 lol. If other people want to do it too, go ahead!
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Acafandom: Unrefereed Manuscripts (i.e. Theses & Dissertations)
Anderson, Chrisha. 2019. “Women in Online Science Fiction Fandoms: Perceived Impact on Psychological Well-Being.” PhD Dissertation, Advanced Studies in Human Behavior, Capella University.
Barone, Tessa. 2019. “Just Go Find Yourself a Nice Alpha: Gender and Consent in Supernatural Fandom's Alpha/Beta/Omega Universe.” Honors College Thesis, Oregon State University. https://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/concern/honors_college_theses/nk322k653
Takamäki, Topi. 2019. “The Road So Far”: Supernatural as an American Road Narrative. MA Thesis, School of Marketing and Communication, University of Vaasa. https://osuva.uwasa.fi/handle/10024/9567
Trudeau, Cassidy. 2019. "Freedom to Fall: Milton's Christ, Supernatural's Castiel, and the Secularity of Choice." Undergraduate Research Awards, Hollins University. https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/researchawards/52
Cantrell, Jacquee D. 2018. "From Fan Fiction to Television: Slash Fan Fiction, the Fandom, and Affecting the Source Material." Honors Theses, Eastern Kentucky University. https://encompass.eku.edu/honors_theses/5177
Chiu, W. [招詠琳]. 2018. The gender politics of supernatural : slash fan fictions and the power dynamic in fan/producers relationship. MA Thesis, Department of Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/265871
Golomb, Liorah. 2018. ‘Let's Go Gank Ourselves a Paris Hilton’ A Textual Analysis of the Dialogue of Supernatural (the First 10 Years). SHAREOK. https://hdl.handle.net/11244/317082
Hatchell, Russ Eugene. 2018. Sci-fi TV in the Great White North : the development of Vancouver as a science fiction media capital. MA Thesis, Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas at Austin. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/72746
Johansson, Emelie. 2018. Up against Good, Evil, Destiny, and God himself. Bachelor Thesis, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Dalarna University. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-27069
Koehm, Diana. 2018. "Revision as Resistance: Fanfiction as an Empowering Community for Female and Queer Fans." Honors Scholar Theses, University of Connecticut. https://opencommons.uconn.edu/srhonors_theses/604
Boulware, Taylor. 2017. "Fascination/Frustration: Slash Fandom, Genre, and Queer Uptake." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, University of Washington. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/40073
Edwards, Elizabeth Rose. 2017. Brotherly Love: Remaking Homosociality and Masculinity in Fan Fiction. MA Thesis, Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture, York University-Ryerson University. http://hdl.handle.net/10315/33523
Fuchs, Michael. 2016. “Supernatural’s Showrunners, Creative Teams, and Fans: Television Authorship in the Age of Participatory Culture.” Unpublished [accepted for Auteur TV, edited by Ralph Poole and Saskia Fürst. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017]. https://web.archive.org/web/20160805175026/http://fuchsmichael.net/index.php/news/47-publication-news/116-supernatural-television-authorship
McKay, Hattie 2017. "Comparing Themes in Supernatural and Left Behind," Relics, Remnants, and Religion: An Undergraduate Journal in Religious Studies: Vol. 2 : Iss. 2 , Article 8. https://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/relics/vol2/iss2/8
Abrahamsson, Beatrice. 2016. "What, so genesis is a lie? Shocker.": en kvalitativ studie om banal religion i TV-serien Supernatural. Bachelor's thesis, Stockholm University. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:933938/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Klungnes, Kristina Mariell Dulsrud. 2016. "Driver Picks the Music" - Supernatural - A Journey With Music as Fuel. MA Thesis, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo. http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-54625
Lietz, Michelle. 2016. "Cannibalism in Contact Narratives and the Evolution of the Wendigo." MA Thesis, Department of English Language and Literature, Eastern Michigan University. http://commons.emich.edu/theses/671
Tammentie, Bastian. 2016. "Fandom as an online support group: a case study of CW's Supernatural." Bachelor's thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Jyväskylä. https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/62954
Yerima, Adam Kem. 2016. "Saving Innocents: Tracing The Human Monster Hunter’s Hetero-Normative Agenda From The 1970s To Today." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, Wayne State University. http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/oa_dissertations/1608
Brownfield, Kristi. 2015. “Veni, Vidi, Vids: Transforming Cultural Narratives Through the Art of Audiovisual Storytelling.” PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Collier, Cassandra M. 2015. "The Love That Refuses to Speak its Name: Examining Queerbaiting and Fan-Producer Interactions in Fan Cultures." MA Thesis, Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Louisville. http://dx.doi.org/10.18297/etd/2204
Genovese, Megan. 2015. "Boys, Girls, and Monsters: Regulation of Normative Gender in Supernatural." Honors thesis, Baylor University. http://hdl.handle.net/2104/9354
Karkanias, Alena. 2015. "And the (Fourth) Wall Came Tumbling Down: The Impact of Renegotiating Fan-Creator Relationships on Supernatural." Summer Research, University of Puget Sound. http://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/summer_research/248
McCurdy, Shellie. 2015. De-Mystifying Fandom: An Ethnography of the World of Supernatural Fangirls. Senior Honors Thesis, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
McGinn, Irene B. 2015. When Becky met Chuck: How the breakdown of the fourth wall is affecting online fandom. MA Thesis, Department of Film and Television Studies, Dublin City University. https://www.academia.edu/3634131/When_Becky_met_Chuck_How_the_breakdown_of_the_fourth_wall_is_affecting_online_fandom
Straw, Amanda L. 2015. “Everybody Hurts: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Hurt/Comfort Fanfiction.” MA Thesis, Department of American Studies, The Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg. https://web.archive.org/web/20191111044037/https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/downloads/4f4752g316
Holder, Laura L. 2014. "Common Christs: Christ Figures, American Christianity, and Sacrifice on Cult Television." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. https://search.proquest.com/openview/705ec356fef9737f7e92061e6876294c/
Karkanias, Alena. 2014. "The Intra- and Inter-Sub-Community Dynamics of Fandom." Summer Research, University of Puget Sound. http://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/summer_research/230
Leddy, Miranda B. 2014. "The women of Supernatural: more than stereotypes." MA Thesis, Department of American Studies, Baylor University. http://hdl.handle.net/2104/9173
Martin, Anna. 2014. Writing the Star: Stardom, Fandom and Real Person Fanfiction. PhD dissertation, Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, Lancaster University. https://www.academia.edu/25285627/Writing_the_Star_Stardom_Fandom_and_Real_Person_Fanfiction
Vermeer, Alicia Suzanne. 2014. "Searching for God: Portrayals of Religion on Television." MA Thesis, Department of Religious Studies, University of Iowa. http://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/4785
Wickersham, Alexandra. 2014. "Mothers, Martyrs, Damsels, and Demons: Women in Western Horror from Romanticism to the Modern Age." ESSAI: Vol. 12, Article 36. http://dc.cod.edu/essai/vol12/iss1/36
Double, Krystalle. 2013. Female Roles and Fan Fiction in Charmed, Supernatural, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. BA honors thesis, Western Michigan University.
Ireland, Brian. 2013. ""All I saw was evil": Supernatural's Reactionary Road Trip." American Studies Today: 14. http://www.americansc.org.uk/Online/Online_2013/Supernatural.html
Fathallah, Judith. 2013. "Changing Discursive Formations from Supernatural: Fanfic and the Legitimation Paradox." PhD Dissertation, Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/id/eprint/58900
Lander, Katherine. 2013. "That's So Meta: Contemporary Reflexive Television and its Textual Strategies." MA Thesis, Department of Media and Cinema Studies, DePaul University. http://via.library.depaul.edu/cmnt/18
Lausch, Kayti Adaire. 2013. "The Niche Network: Gender, Genre, and the CW Brand." MA Thesis, Department of Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas at Austin. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/22453
Macklem, Lisa. 2013. "We're on This Road Together: The Changing Fan/Producer Relationship in Television as Demonstrated by Supernatural." MA Thesis, Department of Media Studies, University of Western Ontario. http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/1748
Costa, Sarah Moralejo da. 2012. Supernatural na web: produção e reprodução audiovisual em suporte convergente. 2012. 100 f. Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/89376
Dubois, François-Ronan. 2012. "Le mythe herculéen dans trois séries américaines: Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer et The X-Files." e-LLA [revue liée à l'Université de Provence].
Burnell, Aaron. 2011. "Nobody's Darlings: Reading White Trash in Supernatural." MA Thesis, Bowling Green State University. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1305054871
Dhalqvist, Ingeborg. 2011. "Competitive Talk and the Three Main Characters of Supernatural." Unpublished manuscript, Mälardalen University. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A511603&dswid=4389
Geary, Ellen Louise. 2011. “A Critical Analysis of Modern Fan Cultures Attached to Television Texts and the Participatory Nature of Their Activities. With Specific Focus on the Fan Culture of Supernatural.” BA Dissertation, Department of Media Studies, Nottingham Trent University. https://web.archive.org/web/20191111032046/https://picklepegg.livejournal.com/35341.html
Hemmingson, Margaret L. 2011. Sex, Family, and the Home: Portrayals of Gender in the Domestic Sphere in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural. BA honors thesis, Elon University.
Richard, Jordan. 2011. "On a Good Day, You Get to Kill a Whore: Narrative Misogyny and Female Audiences in Supernatural." MA Thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Mississippi. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/etd/245
Tovar, Elisabeth. 2011. Supernatural ‘small-town America’ : errance hantée dans les vestiges de l’Amérique industrielle. Métropolitiques. http://metropolitiques.eu/Supernatural-small-town-America.html
Grobisen, Hannah. 2010. “The Winchester Gospel: The 'Supernatural' Fandom as a Religion.” CMC Senior Theses, Intercollegiate Media Studies, Claremont Colleges. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/2010/
Hampton, Darlene Rose. 2010. "Beyond Resistance: Gender, Performance, and Fannish Practice in Digital Culture." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, University of Oregon. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/11070
Handley, Christine. 2010. "'Playthings in the Margins of Literature': Cultural Critique and Rewriting Ideologies in Supernatural and Star Wars Fanfiction." MA Thesis, Department of English, Dalhousie University. http://hdl.handle.net/10222/13027
Boggs, April. 2009. "No Chick Flick Moments: 'Supernatural' as a Masculine Narrative." MA Thesis, Bowling Green State University. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1237564610
Brennan, Joseph Carl Linden. 2009. "I Am Your Worst Fear, I Am Your Best Fantasy: New Approaches to Slash Fiction." Honours Thesis, Department of Media and Communications, University of Sydney. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/5872
Straw, Amanda. 2009. “Squeeing, Flailing, and the “Post-Jared-and-Jensen Glow”: An Ethnography of Creation Entertainment’s March 2009 “Salute to Supernatural” Conventions.” Seminar paper. https://web.archive.org/web/20191111044805/http://www.personal.psu.edu/als595/blogs/amandalynn125/papers/ethnography.pdf
crossposted to: https://justanotheridijiton.dreamwidth.org/34113.html
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sonofhistory · 7 years
Life of Elizabeth Monroe 1768-1785
Also published on my website here. 
James Monroe wrote to Thomas Jefferson that he’d “form’d the most interesting connection in human life” [x], but to whom?
She was a woman of a short stature of five foot, with black hair, a nose that blended into her physically beautiful face, a round, soft chin and large blue eyes. Her portraits display self-curled hair, never submitting herself to the styled wigs or powder of the days, and a sense of fashion. She gives an aura of delicacy and a calm reassuring manner and self confidence. Even later in life, she was described is looking youthful, younger than her actual age [x], in her forties described as “an appearance of youth which would induce a stranger to suppose her age to be thirty.” [x]. When John Quincy Adams met her and her three sisters in 1785, he wrote to his diary that she was “beautiful” [x] more so than her sisters. During her time in France, she would become known as “La Belle Americane.” and would adopt a more French dress. There was no wonder she was considered one of the most beautiful women of her generation [x].
Her most famous dress, is pink with ruffles and silk, white laces out from her neck and her wrists [x]. The dress details a rather beautiful and prideful manner of elegance but not vanity. Another dress of hers is long, to the floor made of tan orange velvet and sleeves ruffled up to her shoulders [x]. Occasionally, she’d dawn a yellow headband that rested behind her bangs. ”Regal-looking”, New Years Day 1825 “Her dress was superb black velvet; neck and arms bare and beautifully formed; her hair in puffs and dressed high on the head and ornamented with white ostrich plumes; around her neck an elegant pearl necklace. Though no longer young, she is still a very handsome woman.”
With the ability for herself and her two older sisters and one younger sister to dazzle any room they were in, and in any company, it was noted one night at the theater with her sisters and Monroe that they “made so brilliant and lovely an appearance as to depopulate all the other boxes of all the genteel male people therein.” [x]. Her charm, beauty and sincerity won the admiration and esteem of all, including her most severe critics [x]. Never one to turn down a challenge or undermine a fear. Adaptable wherever she went, she was dignified, reserved, quiet, to herself but never cold; bold but not flamboyant. In later years, her future husband would say of her “It is a remark, which it would be unpardonable to withhold, that it was improbable for any female to have fulfilled all the duties of the partner of such cares, and of a wife and parent, with more attention, delicacy and propriety than she has done.” [x]
There is very little primary source of her but what is gathered is that she was courageous, well educated and intelligent. Fluent in Latin and French, she was educated in literature, music, dancing and sewing. She also was an artist who drew [x]. She suffered from poor health, something her husband would worry deeply over. In the summer of 1785, Monroe met his ultimate match. It would be a partner to guide him through his entire life, one he would confide to in personal matters and in politics, he would fall head over heels for her as a devoted wife and doting mother, “possessing to the full the domestic virtues then so highly prized–a complete absorption in the affairs of her family and household and a total detachment from the world of politics and business.” [x]. It was rare to find the two ever apart. In seventeen year old Elizabeth Kortright, James Monroe would discover acceptance and a keen, thoughtful listener.
Elizabeth–mostly called “Eliza” by family and friend–was born in New York City on June 30, 1768 to an already well established family.
The Kortright’s (”Cortright”) were sixth generation descendants of Bastian Van Kortryk, a native of Belgium who emigrated to Holland in about 1615, later proceeding to Amsterdam in 1663 [x]. Kortryk, France is the where the earliest known ancestor of the Kortright’s came from [x]. Kortryk is situated twenty-six miles Southwest of Ghent, on the river Lys, in the Province of West Flanders, Belgium. They were pioneer settlers, arriving to America in the 17th century living in rich flat lands called Muscoota, about eight miles north of New Amsterdam, on Manhattan Island [x].
Eliza’s father Lawrence Kortright–nicknamed “Laurens” [x]–was born a few days after his parent’s one year marriage anniversary on November 27th, 1728. He was the eldest sibling of two brothers and four younger sisters [x]. His father, Cornelius Kortright (1704-1745) was a wealthy and prominent merchant and baker [x]. Every morning, Laurens’s father would rise before going down to Kortright’s Wharf, “called so by his name” [x] on the East River, where he had a vessel. His baker's shop resided on Queen Street (now Pearl Street), after his death his third eldest son, also named Cornelius, took over the building and worked it along with his mother, Hester [x]. There is scarce details about his mother other than that she was born in 1706 and that she was very beautiful [x].
Judging by the wealth of his family, Laurens most likely had a rather well off education, raised by a full family. As the eldest boy, he probably received the most attention from his father, more than any of the other children. One day, April 15th 1745 [x] Cornelius went down to the East River, as he usually did [x]. He found that all the crew belonging to his ship had deserted on the Easter Monday. “The wind was blowing very fresh,” Cornelius found the cabin windows “in danger” of being smashed to pieces on the side of the dock. While attempted to secure them and latch them back to the boat, with his head and body being out the window, the brig was driven so violently against the wharf as to “dash his brains out”. Found, Cornelius was taken home as lifeless corpse. Laurens lamented this event “in less than one hours absence from perfect health to a silent, mangled, lifeless corpse!"
The affected Laurens’s mother Hester so terribly, that her health grew steadily worse and she was “in danger” [x]. From this untimely event and being stripped from her husband so violently, she became very melancholy [x]. Her friends, dreading the consequences were she not to prevail, urged upon her to “open a retail dry goods store” [x]. About a year after the old merchant's death, She opened the store, connected with the bakery she kept with her son, and “not only regained her health and spirits, but supported her children in a very genteel way” [x]. She continued to do this business until all her children were grown up, educated and married, without diminishing the property left by her husband [x]. According to her children, she was “devotedly attended to him and his children” [x]. She was a beautiful woman, but for their sake, she rejected “many good offers of marriage” and never married again.
When the French and Indian War broke out in 1754, Laurens enlisted on the British side and was part owner of several privateers fitted out at New York against the enemy [x]. Serving under the crown, he gathered a great deal of fortune to his name financially through these privateers [x]. He had a large interest in Tryon County lands and purchased land tracts in what is now Delaware county, New York. From the sale of this land the town of Kortright, New York, was formed [x]. In later 1754 or early 1755, Laurens met Hannah Aspinwall and they married on May 06, 1755. There is little known about Hannah as well, she was born in 1735 in New York City [x] and lived a somewhat short life. From what is known, we have no description of Eliza’s mother that she spoke of.  The same year they married, their first son, John Kortright was most likely born, although his birth date is unknown; he would be their only son [x].
After John, a girl, Sarah Kortright was born two years after her older brother in 1757 (her birth date is also perfectly unknown) [x]. Another girl, Mary followed in 1761 [x]. During this time it is unknown exactly where the Kortright family resided, other than that it was in New York City around Harlem. In 1768, Laurens Kortright became one of the founder of the Chamber of Commerce [x], the same year his third daughter and second to last child came into the world. On June 30th, 1768, Hannah Kortright gave birth to a little girl whom they would name Elizabeth meaning “oath of god”. Her family was already flourishing when she entered the mix. Raised by a Dutch church, Laurens Kortright identified himself with the Episcopal Church [x]. Their home was in the area east of present-day Amsterdam Avenue near 148th Street [x]
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Above: Harlem in 1765, when Elizabeth Monroe would know it. (Manual of the Corporation of the City of New-York, 1863 [x])
Even with families of high standing, it was uncommon for girls of the era to be educated just as well as boys were, though that was not the case for young Eliza; she would grow into a well educated and intelligent young woman who was fluent in Latin and French, and educated in literature, music, dancing and sewing and occasionally--art, something she would become rather good at [x]. She was said to of been as intelligent as some as the most learned men of her generation [x]. The last child of the Kortrights was Hester born in 1770 [x], a sibling that Eliza would grow the closest to. One of the younger children of four older siblings, in Hester, Eliza found a best friend. While her sisters dotted over her while she was growing, Eliza and Hester formed an extremely close bond as the two youngest of the family. She built an unusually strong bond with her all her sisters. It is documented that the family owned at least four house slaves [x]. Sampson and Kaiser were sold to Lawrence Kortright for 75 pounds each on June 27, 1763 [x]. 
She was only eight years old when the revolution broke out on American soil and the Declaration of Independence was written by. For the entirety of the revolution, despite his past fervency in the French and Indian War, Laurens Kortright would remain quiet at his residence while men fought from both sides on the battlefield. New York housed the largest population of loyalists of any colony--that’s what the Kortrights were; loyalists. It was during this period that their long standing higher social standing declined [x].
On September 18th, 1776 General George Washington wrote in his General Orders, “Genl Mifflin’s, McDougall’s, Heard’s, Wadworth’s, and Fellow’s Brigades, and the Brigades under the Command of Cols. Silliman & Douglass, are to have each a regiment in the Field this evening, by Mr Kortright’s house.” [x]. The home was indeed the home of Lawrence Kortright. “By McCartrights House back of the Lines at 5 O’Clock this afternoon as Piquet Advance Posts the whole to be under the command of Brigadier Generals who are to see thay are properly posted from the North River round to the Encampment above the Road.” [x] Gen. Joseph Spencer’s headquarters was at a house rented by Lawrence Kortright in the area east of present-day Amsterdam Avenue near 148th Street [x]. Being so close to the Continental Army, Eliza would get her tastes of the war, being so near to soldiers from her own porch. 
Late 1776, Eliza’s mother gave birth to another child whose name and sex has never been uncovered. She would never recover from the birth and Eliza would only have her mother for nine of her years. According to the parish records of Trinity Church, New York, Elizabeth’s mother, Hannah, died on September 6th or 7th, 1777, at the age of only 39. The cause of death was recorded as resulting from Child Bed [x]. The unidentified sibling of Elizabeth, “Child Kortright” age only thirteen months, succumbed to flux and fever a few days later and died on September 10th. [x]. Mother and infant were both buried at St. George’s Chapel in New York. At the time of their deaths, Elizabeth was nine years old. Her father never remarried.
Almost a year after the death of Elizabeth’s mother and young sibling, on August 3rd, 1778, their home of the Lawrence Kortright family was half destroyed by fire [x] during a blaze which caused damage and destruction to fifty homes near Cruger’s Wharf in lower Manhattan. The adjoining houses attached to the home where also destroyed [x]. The blaze was caused by the mismanagement of British troops while directing the firefighters [x], “Another fire occurred August 3, 1778, on Cruger's Wharf, and about fifty houses were destroyed. It was said the loss was increased by the ill-advised attempt of the British officers to direct the firemen...” Elizabeth, age ten, with her father and all her siblings, barely survived the fire but managed out unscathed.
1778, partly on Lauren’s security, Judge Fell, then a prisoner in the Provost, obtained his release. December of 1778, some attempted to camp at the home of Lawrence Kortright but to not avail as his house had burnt down months before. “Mr Willing who is some way connected with Lawr. Kirtwright immediatly repair’d to his house, but unhappily found no shelter there, he being a person of Consequence” [x]. After their home was burnt, they moved to a residence on 192 Queen street [x] which was close to her now deceased grandfather’s old bakery where her uncle and grandmother worked. This move would prove one of the most important things to happen to her in her youth. Because of the lack of a motherly figure in young Eliza’s life, her father saddled her paternal grandmother, Hester Kortright who would raise the young girl along with her younger sister who had the same name as her elder. Hester had a reputation of being a strong and very independent woman, who after her husband’s death in 1745 owned and managed her own vast real estate holdings in old Harlem [x]. 
By the wars end, Lawrence Kortright who once held such a standing in his society was now without any money and exhausted of all funds. This was also due to his Loyalist views which even though he’d been quiet during the revolution led to him being pegged as an outcast in society. Her grandmother died on January 13th, 1785 at age 78 years, greatly beloved. Summer of 1785, Elizabeth, living with her father in his home with her sisters, she would meet her maker. It would be her life partner, a beloved friend whom named her his “Venus” [x] and the love her life. Tall, broad chested, and shy, James Monroe.
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mkorpse13 · 1 year
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Bastian and his vampire wife, Sarah.
Drawing Vampire Sarah was so fun! I really want to draw them in more aus since drawing them with different designs is so fun to me!
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mkorpse13 · 11 months
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continuing this comic “Dresses and Dolls for my Rutabaga, and coming back and looking at the first page I realized how silly I drew some of these panels.. 💀
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mkorpse13 · 11 months
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Dolls and Dresses for my Rutabaga Page 2 is here!!! Jesus, once again that took forever.
Due to school, my Halloween art, and the fact that Double Dee is literally IMPOSSIBLE to draw right, this comic was mildly delayed. I hope you guys enjoy this page, despite how short it is. Next page will be out whenever I’m able to get it out.
Previous page: https://www.tumblr.com/shape101/729027785503457280/first-page-for-my-comic-dolls-and-dresses-for-my
You can go to “#Dolls and Dresses for my Rutabaga” tag below and see all the pages. It probably is best you read it again since it’s been a while.. 😅
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