#batdr archie
Ok For Archie, How did you and Audrey meet? and after everything you went through, do you have some trust issues? If so with who? would you consider alot of people there friends of yours? -@pikachugirlkailin
Again sorry for this not being a drawing :/ Just feeling kind of drawing for the blog :/ (Also currently Hyperfixating on A Series of Unfortunate Events, lol) Also again, please send questions through the ask box! Just makes things easier for me! ^v^
But onto answers!
Archie: Hm... Well, I was walking around the cycle as a Boris. I was not in good shape... I had an arm and a leg missing, and one of my eyes was also missing, and it was just crossed out. Anyways so Alice had found me, and apparently, she was desperate...? Buddy: Mhm! Alice only would go for perfectly formed toons! Or at least close to it... Archie: Well, Alice was attacking me, and Betty spotted me and saved me! And then I met Audrey and the others. Archie: Alright, next question... *reading question* Hah! Yeah, I just don't trust people in general! Let's just say living on the streets and when your friends abandon you when the police come don't exactly make you want to trust people! But I'd say I trust Audrey, Buddy, and Betty. Don't get me wrong! The Others are nice, but I trust those three the most... Audrey is very kind and never pushes me too much. Buddy and I were the only ones who could understand each other and were the ones to figure out what was actually going on with Tom and Allison!
Buddy: We do make a pretty good team! :D Archie: Mhm! I trust Betty a lot cause she saved my life, she's always worried for me and my health! *In a quieter voice* She also is what I imagine it would be like to have a mom... ._.
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reanimationstation · 6 months
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I'VE BEEN WANTING TO DRAW SAMMY AND ARCHIE INTERACTING FOR A WHILE....technically i already have, but i wanted something more serious. i just think sammy is going to have some Thoughts once he finds someone Like Him.
he's crawling because he's workshopping trying to be less intimidating to new sheep by making himself lower to the ground. its not working. i'm also drawing sammy more realistically to reflect how early in the cycle it is
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new-chanse · 8 days
Dedicated to all audio logs without 3d model appearance
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archer-kacey · 5 months
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I legit found this on accident but here's my take;
I do agree with Meatly in the sense that, yes, if you are introducing a bunch of new characters you have to develop them, and you can't do that while giving attention to your already existing cast.
The problem is...the new guys aren't developed. At all. How are you meant to develop a character over the course of one audio log in some cases? Bendy and the Ink Machine had the advantage of being released chapter by chapter, hence why we had time to speculate and draw gay fanart of the characters between releases. The fandom was able to form a connection to these characters in this way, and most had recurring audio logs, with the exception to this rule mainly being Lacie.
Compare this with the laundry list of characters in BATDR with singular audio logs; Lance, Angus, Archie, Hank, Bill, Grace, Kay, Dale, Jane, and Phil. (Correct me if I'm wrong, there are a lot.)
Single note characters include; Eugene, Hudson, and Telly. (Again, correct me if I'm wrong.)
I don't think I'm hurting many feelings by saying that nobody knows who the new human cast is, and that they are the most unnecessary part of BATDR story-wise. This is the exact inverse of BATIM, where we got invested because of the human cast amidst the cartoons.
Sure, Wally's presence was still in BATDR, and Grace even mentioned Norman by name. But the majority of veteran Bendy fans were hoping to see more of the old cast that we were already in love with. The new human characters rolled off incoming Bendy fans like hot sand, which kind of proves that they aren't needed unless they're fleshed out properly in future installments.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 3 months
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It's been a little over a month since I read FTB and I wanted to do (and say, I think) a few things related to it. So here, take this. FTB stuff I was wanting to share.
Including some drawings/my designs for some characters (the ones above), some separate sketches, and giving some long thoughts on the book. (This post is looong so I'm going to put everything under the curtain. Enjoy!)
Starting: Rose, Evan and Archie. They are the ones that, I admit, are what I wanted to draw/design most while/after I read the book. Now, at least, if I want to make something involving one of these three one day, I have designs ready to go! Hooray! Evan is the only one of the three that I actually had to design from scratch. With Rose I had made a sketch 1 year ago conceptualizing the idea for her design, and it was only recently that I came back to this idea to finally solidify it. And I had already done Archie's design last year while I was doing my designs for the human cast of BATDR, so I was already prepared without even knowing it.
Also,Ink!Archie!! The poor guy got screwed pretty badly. First two designs in the first image are based on the events in the book. The one on the left is him seen mostly in the book (alive) and the one on the right is when he is in the Ink Realm, post-death. The design in the second image was supposed to be a stylization/variation of his Cycle design. I tried drawing him with a visible mouth/teeth similar to what I did with Sammy in a recent drawing and in some sketches that I didn't post here. I'm not sure about the beard tho. I think I exaggerated it. Next time, remember to draw less beard in this design. (And maybe, for the design that is more "close to canon", don't draw the ends of the hair and beard in the Cycle design)
Any other character in the book, either I don't have a design and I don't plan on making a design for them now, or I do but it will take a while to show them. (I promise I'll show Dot one day)
I also have some additional sketches. So if you want to take a look at that too, here it is:
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Ollie Sorenson. This wasn't quite the way I had imagined him when I was reading the book but 1. the hair I tried to draw for him before didn't work out well, so I went another route and 2. Ollie isn't particularly a character in this book that I'm going to I think a lot in comparison to the others (he's still cool, tho) and I doubt I'll make another design for him, so let's go with this one. Not a bad design,so,eh.
Rose. Sketch on the left was made last year. I'm almost certain it was done after the book synopsis was revealed by Kress. The sketch on the right was made last month when I was reading the book. I took the idea from the sketch on the left and tried to solidify her design better.
Evan. Some other sketches made when I read the book. I had just completed his design and wanted to test it a little more to, you know, see if I can actually draw him. Verdict? I think I can.
And now uhhhhhh what I thought of the book! I previously considered doing a separate text post with these thoughts only but I don't do text-only posts in general and if I were to make a separate post it would take a while and it would come out more than 1 month/probably 2 months since I read the book and it would be kinda awkward. And I'm already writing this post, so why not put it all here now, right?
(Warning: My thoughts on the book ended up being MUCH LONGER THAN I EXPECTED TO WRITE. You don't need to read them if you want, they are just more additional and optional things. But if you are going to read them, be warned)
(Spoilers: I may have strayed a little off topic when I started talking about Archie. Don't mention how long his paragraph is, tho)
But yeah, Fade To Black. That was something else, I tell you (and I mean that in a positive way). Probably reading this book after all the fuss that happened about the books a while ago wasn't the best idea possible. But even with…all that in mind, I still wanted to read this for a long time, and I'm glad I went ahead with it. I had a lot of fun with the book! And thinking about it a little over a month after finishing it, I think I can say that this book is up there as, like, one of my favorites of the Bendy books that have been released to date. Before this, I would have considered DCTL my favorite of the books, so I'm somewhere between saying that both of these two are my favorite books in this series and that I like them equally, or that FTB has now become my favorite book of the series, surpassing DCTL. (Maybe I'll have a better idea of ​​this later this year when I reread these books once again)
I really liked the story told, its concept had already interested me since its synopsis was revealed last year - the setting in the 50's, the TV show, the whole 3D glasses thing - so it's no surprise that I was very interested in what this book had to tell. And since I already brought that up: I liked the new concepts it brings to the table,specifically,of course,the glasses and the TV. An idea that,I admit,at first is something I thought was a bit different (and dare i say unusual?) from what I usually see in the Bendy universe (although, it's not something so out of the ordinary from what we've seen before in the series) but I have to say that it's something that I thought was cool even so. 3D glasses that end up transporting your mind into the televised cartoons (and,by all accounts,the ink realm). The jokes I saw that Joey created virtual reality in this book weren't so far-fetched after all lol. But still, it's a concept that I admit to having been interested in, and that it might be cool to play around with in fanon stuff. I also considered this could open doors for other, more "wild" ideas to be explored in the books (as long as they still make sense for a >Bendy< book, of course). I also liked the whole segment taking place in the ink realm at the end of the book, and I hope that this can open up possibilities for future novel stories to take place there, either partially (as in this one) or in full (I accept an entire novel taking place in the cycle,ngl). The additional lore for the ink realm is a nice treat and adds more to what we have in the games. I admit that, at the same time, I feel a little thoughtful about a certain part of this additional lore that - assuming the way I understand it is right - leaves me wondering if this "extended origin" of the cycle coupled with what we already know of its lore would make sense in the games, and how these ideias would be acknowledged in future entries. But at the same time, I may be overthinking this, and the stars may still be aligned, and I've gotten the information wrong. Despite everything, I liked what was told about the ink realm in this book, I appreciate this "extended origin" at the end of the day.
I really liked the cast, both the new ones and the old faces. Rose is great, I really liked her as the protagonist. She's already one of my favorite book characters, I hope we hear from her again in the future. Also, it's good to have a protagonist in these books who survives in the end. Okay, sure, she didn't come out of it 100% unharmed, considering what the ending implies, but still. Again. It's good to have a protagonist in these books who came out of this alive at the end. Evan is also very good. Even though I want to slap him on the back of the head, I also hope to hear from him again, especially considering the way he "exited the story" (is that how you say it?). I talked about the possibility of a future novel taking place in the ink realm, I think that would give a good chance of bringing him back, now as an ink creature. I don't have much to say about Ollie, but I also thought he was cool. The scenes between him and Rose are very nice and the scenes related to the "Bendy Visions" caused by the glasses is another concept that I found very interesting (Tense moments, but cool ones nonetheless) Very happy to see Dot again. I like her character, and I always wanted to see what happened to her after the events of DCTL (TLO had already implied that she was still alive, but I wanted to know more, you know). Her participation in this book is very good, and a chapter that I have to highlight is the one where she meets Rose and they talk in the cafe. Their conversation alone is very good, but the specific part that got me was Dot talking about Buddy, what happened to her after the first book, and Buddy's family. That part was like. A slap in the heart, I'm not going to lie. This chapter made me sad, 10/10. Favorite chapter of the book.
Archie Carter was a big surprise (not really, I already knew he would be here before reading the book), and he is another of my favorite aspects of the book. It's good to see one of the characters from BATDR's human cast ending up being used more in a story. Archie in the game, like other characters we saw in the audio logs in DR, is a "One and done" situation where we only hear from him once and that's it, combined with the fact that he is ultimately just another background character who exists mostly to fill the world and give information that is not necessarily integral to the main things that occur in the game and is more to tell about different things, people and events that were also occurring inside the studio and in the outside world ( those of the lost city and Gent Workshop, essentially) pre-game events. (I really don't know how to explain this properly, but I would say that the "thing" of the information given by the new human cast (with the exception of the Archs) is the same thing as the characters who are giving such information: filling the world. I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying) And while I wouldn't say the information on these tapes is really irrelevant (in Archie's case, he provides some of the most interesting), and in my case, I don't mind the addition of the newbies, I don't blame other people for not being interested, don't get attached to or even dislike these new characters who don't do much in the grand scheme of things in DR and in comparison to the BATIM cast (or at least, the majority of the IM cast). So seeing at least 1 of these newcomers being used more deeply in a story and having their characters expanded is good! And I liked what was done with Archie here. You know the guy who worked at Gent as a test subject and who saw bad things happening at the company? Guess what! Same company screwed up his life and now he's a half-human-half-ink creature guy infected with evil ink and his current situation is not good at all! He's going through horrors unfortunately (especially in the cycle), but I really like what Adrienne did with Archie in this book. Again, he is one of the highlights of this book, and I hope that something similar ends up happening with other DR characters in future stories (manifesting the novel that uses Bill Danton and/or Grace Conway in some capacity 🙌) Plus, I also think it's cool that of all the DR characters to be used, it was the one voiced by SuperHorrorBro who ended up being chosen for this book (I like SHB, what can I say)
Joey (like in the other books) is a standout (and considering what we specifically see of him in this book, he's especially a standout here). More of Allison, even though in the end it's just a small one-scene cameo. Finally, I'm being fed the bread crumbs I craved. And I think now I have another version of Henry to talk about. My collection is growing strong, now I have 3 versions of my favorite old man! Among the new ones, and especially the secondary and tertiary ones, Papa D and Gladys are nice, even though they don't have much time in the story. Oh, and Wilson showed up too. He doesn't do much either, he's just there to be creepy. But I will acknowledge him.
I also enjoyed seeing some of the ideias showcased first in BATDR here (which makes sense, this book came out well after the game finally released). I always found it interesting to see more of Gent in the spotlight, and reading and knowing a little more about the things they were doing after JDS closed is nice. (And I think it's good to see more reaffirmation of what BATDR had already implied. That Gent also had eyes on the Ink Machine even when the studio was still open, and when the studio collapsed, they still continued the ink experiments in their own facilities. Again, this was already something that had been shown in DR, but it's good to see more reaffirmation here) The appearance of the Siverlane Express was something that I really appreciated, even if it was something very short. I ealready talk about Archie in one giant paragraph, and again, Wilson is here too.
There isn't really anything I "disliked" about this book, but at most, I only have a few nitpicks. The Ink Demon appears in the story, but compared to DCTL and TLO, I feel FTB is definitely the book where he appears the least. I mean, yeah, the story isn't about him in the end, but it's still something I managed to notice. I also feel that, in my opinion, this is the least "scary" of the 3. Not that it doesn't have "scary" elements but still, compared to moments in the other books like Buddy in the infirmary, or the TLO trio in the old factory, I don't know if this book would be the most "scary" of the trilogy. However,FTB still has several suspenseful scenes (the Bendy visions, some scenes with Ollie, Archie's pre-introduction, Wilson in the library), which I also like anyway. And I'll admit. While this idea isn't that far out there - and in the context of the story, it makes sense - I kind of raised an eyebrow a little at the whole "using your mind/imagination to get out of the ink realm" thing. It is not bad! And again, with what we saw in the book, this idea actually fits with what we had seen so far in the story. But I can't lie that when we got to this moment I was like "oh, this is something that happened, I guess", you know? But even so, I didn't dislike the idea.
(I once saw someone describe this part of the book as "they canonized no-clipping in Bendy" and you know what? I think that's funny. I think we need to start referring to this idea in the book as that instead of "using the imagination" /hj)
But even so, even with these small "nitpicks", I still had a lot of fun with this book. I really enjoyed reading it, and not only is it now one of my favorite Bendy books so far, I dare say it's one of my favorite things about the franchise in general. Like, if I had to make a top 3 of my favorite things from the Bendy series so far, I'd say it's this book and the first two mainline games. I guess this is to show how much I enjoyed the book!
And with that, my journey with the Bendy books ends. At least, with the books I managed to have access so far. I have no plans to pursue the updated version of the Employee Handbook so far, but from what I've heard and seen so far, I'm not missing anything too important. And the DCTL graphic novel….exists. It's definitely a graphic novel that exists. Dare I say that it is definitely one of the graphic novels of all time, alright. But what have I read so far? It was what I would say, a good journey. I've been interested in the Bendy books for a long time, and it's been a while since I read them, and I'm glad I did, despite recent events. Of course, they have their flaws and problems too, I have things about them that I myself identify as bumps in the road (and that applies to the novel trilogy too btw) But even with them in mind and acknowledging them, I still think that they are worth something. And I hope people still continue to recognize them and give them a chance. Even with its flaws, and with their whole canocity thing that happened a while ago, I still believe that people should check out the books eventually. Give it a chance, you know? If they did, and liked what they read, great! But if they don't like it, that's okay too! In the end, at least they, on both sides, gave it a chance. And that's what I at least want to see. I don't like the idea of ​​discarding these things and pretending they don't exist just because the devs said they aren't canon to the games (because, in my view, just because the books aren't canon doesn't make them without value or that you can't have fun with them after all)
WOW, this is getting long, I think I got carried away. I think that's all I had to say. To conclude everything, here is my list of the Bendy books that I like the most and the ones I like least:
Fade To Black (I've already talked a lot about this book)
Dreams Come To Life (hand in hand with FTB being in first place. It has its flaws, some that may have already been mentioned before, but I still found myself liking it in the end. For a first novel, it worked out fine)
Crack-Up Comics (Really liked the comics. It's good to see more things related to the cartoon characters, and I like some of the characters introduced. Pretty fun stuff)
The Lost Ones (it's not a very "Bendy" focused book compared to the others, and I don't blame those who didn't like this one because of the lack of many Bendy elements, but I confess that I still liked it as much as the other 2, and I loved the protagonists of this one. Even so, of the trilogy, it is the weakest book)
The Illusion of Living (In itself, it's an interesting read. It's really cool to see more of Joey from a deeper angle, and see more of his past. But I confess that it's not my favorite read, and I still prefer the main novels. Not bad, tho)
JDS Employee Handbook (2019) (For the first Bendy book overall, it's not bad, and I like the lore tidbits it has. But compared to the rest, it's actually the weakest)
The TL;DR is: Fade To Black is fun and my favorite, I liked its story and characters. I liked the books. Check them out if you want. If you liked them, cool. If you didn't like them, that's cool too. Read in general.
And if you've read this far: Thank you! And at the same time, I'm sorry! Have a good day/afternoon/night everyone. Peace.
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cloverchats · 1 year
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350 a week.
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supr3m3-dark-angel · 8 months
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Archie Carter Drawing from BATDR and the books my version of what he looks like
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rainbowspinch · 2 years
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Did some designing last night using Insta requests!
Batdr designs 3/5
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never-ending-studio · 2 years
BATDR theory 9.5 (joke)
Bendy and the dark revival refers to the fact that the whole franchise is getting a dark revival like Riverdale was to Archie.
(meme under the cut)
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mickeys-malarkey · 10 months
Random thoughts as I write out my FTB analysis/theory and finally get around to translating the BATDR Archives into a list of reading comprehension questions to celebrate no longer feeling like I'm on death's doorstep:
I can't believe I didn't notice sooner that most of the Easter eggs in BATDR are from firmly inside the two timeframes I estimated BATIM & BATDR are actually taking place (1978-1991 and 1974-1992). 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm ashamed. But at least my parents’ 1960s-1990s nerdoctrination did eventually kick in and has served a useful purpose roflolol (*found a list of BATDR secrets while looking for a screenshot of BATDR Borkis & got distracted reading* “…wait a second— Back to the Future? Mystery Science Theater 3000—? Come here, Google. I need to check some things”).
Rose experienced Joey's window story in reverse on multiple levels and I adore it so much.
Everyone realizes that Archie Boy was never actually a real-world human, right? Cause he fricking spells out that he's a Child of the Darkness/Machine for us out loud with his mouth multiple times and Evan did not react to him the way he should've if the Real World Gent company was actually doing what he claims they were. 😝
Nathan Sr. 100% saw Evan as a threat for multiple reasons and failed at getting him killed, succeeded at getting him fired, and then purposely caused his death in the most traumatic-for-Joey way possible.
I love you, Wilson. I love you so much. You were trying so hard for almost the entire duration of this story but Rose just wasn't paying enough attention.
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inky-evergreen · 2 years
Finally finished watching Superhorrobros gameplay of batdr and it was good 👍
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Question from @viccywiccybiccy (please use the ask box next time please! Makes things easier for me :D)
So where does everybody like live and stuff?Do they have their own money to pay for houses and stuff or are they staying somewhere else??
Answer: most of the younger people are living together
Haven't decided Henry yet- He probably has a cheep apartment near by Audrey's idk- anyways y'all can ask other characters more questions not just the ones I drew! I'll even let y'all ask a ghost Joey questions or whatever lol legit y'all can ask anything and I'll probably give a response from the character lol seriously XD
Edit: Thomas, Allison (and I think Ally) have a house already and it's super cozy :3 Edit two: I messed up on Sammy's text he was meant to say, "I'm sharing an apartment with these two till they can move out."
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reanimationstation · 5 months
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hiiii so ive drawn this (and more) over the past week because i'm simply obsessed with her and this game. i love it. featuring my headcanon that Sammy's the silhouette in the psychologist's office and ergo her guardian after her parents die. and also featuring my baby boy the bendy mascot
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secondtolastbatim · 2 years
Mild spoiler but I’ve decided Archie Carter is my new blorbo with Grant
Why him? I don’t know, British man go brrrrrr
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archer-kacey · 5 months
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some BATDR cast sketches and Archie Carter's most famous and real line
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Archie Carter REAL!?
Yes, Real.
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I don't think I have ever mentioned that I might be this man's biggest fan. Like I actually. Just as of yesterday gave him a tag on AO3 (YOU'RE WELCOME!) Does like anyone even know who this dude is? He's also in BATDR. He's going to be in the fanfic, and not just a random one-time appearance. He's kind of important. I LOVE YOU BENDY NOVELS
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