#batman became an urban legend and jason became a fable
roseworth · 2 years
jason wasn't close to many other heroes before he died, and most of the ones he was close with told stories about him as a cautionary tale. he became a story filled with half-truths about his life that was passed down to new heroes to tell them about the dangers of being a hero. bruce and dick knew him best but they're emotionally closed off and don't know how to talk about the good things. even cass only knew him as the robin that died for years.
do you think that there are people that didnt think he was real? new heroes that didnt know a lot about batman and robin hearing that there was a robin before the current one that was killed, and they just assume its a made-up story to scare them? when batman and robin became an urban legend, jason did too. he stops being a hero that wanted the best for the people he loved, and instead became a horror story about what happens when you don't listen.
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