#batman beyond is a good snapshot of the end of the 90s
lazlolullaby · 9 months
Terry's place in the "modern" Batfam, or rather, his incompatibility, an essay
TL;DR: some JLU episode "Epilogue" discourse is missing some at the time context.
Also, if anyone tries to redo the same story: "Amanda Waller, why do you think the ideal of Batman is going to die? Have you seen his imitators? Have you seen his actual proteges? The dining room full of his kids???"
It was technically one of Terry's Birthdays this year. (either June 27th or August 18th of 2023/2024, yes i love you DC and you're inability to commit) and I've been thinking. His canonical DCAU origin.
Amanda Waller and her Cadmus Project "Batman Beyond" and her big fandom-enraging decision of making a "Son of Batman" to carry out the Batman name.
Maybe it was because "the only assistant that can deal with his job and his intense boss" relationship was actually kind of nice and different from the sidekick thing. and the JLU episode "Epilogue" took that concept and tainted it by saying "he had to be Batman, it's in his blood".
But the text of the episode genuinely refutes that and it just makes it...tonally messy and bittersweet? idk i ain't mad which is why I've picked at this tangled ball of yarn to get at this story.
Maybe it's not the making an heir to the Bat was enraging, as you realize, Cassandra Cain was introduced in 1999, the literal incarnation of Scary Fighter with Soft Side. Damian Wayne was retooled in 2006 and we all love a little Murder Child getting Growth, and Duke Thomas from 2013 is shaping up to be a great all rounder for the title of both Scary and Great Detective.
Even skipping Dick being Batman for a year and it sticking, the other Robins could wear the cowl as well. Maybe it was something else?
Currently, in the Modern!or Comics!DC, Terry is redundant because of all of the Batfam that have been introduced before and after him. And because of Fandom Telephone Fanon, it's hard to interpret older canon as fairly.
With how the Batman Beyond story is structured, Bruce has to be isolated, old and alone in order to trust Terry with the cowl. It's an escapist fantasy and it's a redemption for both of them. It's implied that the Justice League is not as strong as it used to be. The Age of Heroes is over. there was a "near apocalypse of '09"
Especially looking at Wayne Family Adventures, it's hard to imagine all of the Batfam just goes their own ways and doesn't check in.
Terry's origin and start as Batman is fundamentally incompatible with modern canon. It does not work with the concept of the "Batfamily" and even the "extended Batfamily".
Because of that we have to step back in time to 1999 where Terry was created and we also have to completely disregard the comics. Because he was created specifically for the streamlined DCAU.
At this point in the DCAU, the New Adventures of Batman wrapped up. There's Nightwing, Barbara Gordon (only Batgirl, not Oracle, even though the incident that put her in a wheelchair was written in 1988, the DCAU didn't adapt it), Tim Drake (who was combined with Jason Todd, taking over his outfit and backstory). that have been in the BatFamily. Three people who could try to take the cowl.
And then we get into the incident from the Return of the Joker, which was alluded to in series but never actually described. Where the Batfam Blows Up. and Bruce just carries on and isolates himself from Everyone.
Yeah, making a new incarnation of Batman sounds like a pretty good option at this point.
What I'm trying to say. the "Batman Beyond" project, at the time both in universe and out of it, made sense. but like all "future worlds", time catches up and eventually surpasses it.
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