lokutofu · 2 days
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World’s Greatest Detective fails to correctly identify his children 😭
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jbharts · 2 days
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It's called fashion, Bruce
another repost from my Instagram in 2021
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ditzybat · 2 days
dick: you need your license revoked, your driving is absolutely heinous, jay
jason: that’s fair, i’m pretty sure my permit is expired
dick: i’m almost scared to ask… permit?
jason: not much time to learn how to drive in between dying and being resurrected
dick: oh my god
jason, literally seconds away from hitting bruce with his car: you’re looking at a man with exactly one shitty walmart parking lot driving lesson under his belt
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spicy-apple-pie · 3 days
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I'm with you Jay, newborns are funky looking.
Commission Info / Kofi
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wickedbats · 3 days
Bruce: I need to bond with Damian more. What else should I do?
Jason: You used to put me on your shoulders and run around the house. That was fun.
Dick: No! Absolutely not!
Bruce: Dick, it won’t be like that time.
Jason: What happened?
Dick: He nearly decapitated me with the ceiling fan.
Jason: … So you’re telling me, I could’ve had my head chopped off by the ceiling fan.
Bruce: Of course not. I made sure they were off at that time.
Jason: What the fuck! That doesn’t make it better!
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liart-ez · 2 days
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I have a cara account, if you’re interested I have the same username :)))
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amorkuku · 14 hours
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ohno-its-sucrose · 3 days
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something something timsteph something something batbros
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incorrectbatfam · 2 days
❌ The batkids tearing apart the Manor the moment Bruce and Alfred are gone
✅ Dick putting the rooms on Airbnb
✅ Harper auctioning autographed bat-merch
✅ Jason listing the Batmobile as a rental car
✅ Cass holding dance classes in the ballroom
✅ Duke renting out the Batcave as a party room
✅ Steph opening a drive-thru at the kitchen window
✅ Damian starting a doggy daycare in the yard
✅ Barbara giving historical tours
✅ Tim selling popcorn in the home theater
✅ Profit
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cricket-moth · 2 days
kon: the first problem with gotham is that the entire city has seasonal depression.
kon: and the second problem is that the ‘season’ is the entire fucking year.
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yaderyngoch · 1 day
Tim, getting impaled with a spear: Which ass-backwards motherfucker is running around Gotham with a spear??? Are you a god damn caveman???
Jason, frantically trying to stop the bleeding: Tim I think you have other things to worry about right now
Tim: Yeah, like how poorly this spear was designed. I mean if you're gonna use a spear at least make it a good one. The wood they used is a terrible choice, the spear head is incredibly impractical
Jason: Well considering it's going through your abdomen right I think it's doing it's job. I think it hit some vital organs. Probably your spleen
Tim: Oh that's not possible I don't have one of those
Jason: ???????
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merletka · 1 day
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gffa · 2 days
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I love it when Cass gets to be shit your pants level terrifying with just a single creeper stare over the ledge of a building AS SHE SHOULD.
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arttuff · 3 days
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thank you to NScwub on twitter for donating to the dc gotcha for gaza event!!! the prompt was for cass and babs angst
get your own pic by donating to the dcforgaza fundraiser! Info found here: dcforgaza.carrd.co
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GCPD Officer: You’re under arrest for attempting to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Jason Todd: Damn, Bruce is gonna kill - wait, three?
GCPD Officer: Yes, three.
Dick Grayson: Oh my god.
Tim Drake: Damian fucking fell off.
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batladss · 1 day
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thanks Dick you ruined it 😔
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