#baudeku fic
deiitaelric · 3 years
bkdk split up - part 3
*you know, unedited, and English it’s not my fist language so, sorry for the mistakes that are going to be made*
Some classmates entered the room at that moment and found Teen Kacchan there, who was still near the door, all angry. Kirishima went straight to him.
“Hey, Baku-bro, where have you-? Wait! What?” The redhead stopped dead when he were just two feet apart from the other. “You have rejuvenated!”
“Who the fuck are you” Teen blurted.
Original Kacchan rolled his eyes on the couch. “I’m here, man”
Kirishima turned to look at him, as well as all the other students there, and blinked in confusion.
“There are too many Kings Explosion Murderers in here” Kaminari said, walking toward the couches with a playful and curious face.
“What happened?” Uraraka asked, approaching Izuku. The kid between Izuku’s arms pulled apart a little at the sound of her closer voice. The girl looked at his spiky blond hair. “Is that a baby Bakugou-kun?” She sat beside Izuku.
Izuku nodded, smiling, and mini Kacchan stared two seconds more at the older blonde before pulling back to turn and look at her. 
“Hi, I’m Uraraka”
“I’m Katsuki” The little boy responded, looking at her with his enormous red eyes. She glanced at Izuku, smiling with a little blush and he smiled back. The kid looked at Izuku, putting a hand on the side of his chin, like asking to look at him instead of her. “Do you know her?”
“Yes. She’s our classmate. They are too” He added, pointing to the other boys who were talking to the other Kacchans. Mini Kacchan looked at them for a few seconds until deciding they didn't matter. He locked eyes with the girl.
“He-He’s staring at me” Uraraka whispered to Izuku, without breaking eye contact with the kid.
“Kacchan, don’t be rude. Why do you keep looking at people like that?” Izuku placed a hand on his spiky hair and the kid smirked at Uraraka. She tilted his head in confusion, why was she feeling like having some kind of competition?
More classmates entered the room and quickly they all were making questions and wanting to talk to them, especially the little one. The kid seemed pleased with the attention, but he would come back to Izuku once in a while. He would do that especially when one of his two stare-adversaries, that is to say Older Kacchan or Uraraka, were around Izuku.
The young adult was aware of this and grabbed Izuku aside when one of the teens was showing the kid his quirk. Izuku felt nervous immediately because of the intensity of those crimson eyes looking at him.
“Wha-What do you wanna talk about?”
“How’s our relationship right now?” The blonde asked right away.
“I mean, with your me?”
“My you? Oh. You mean my timeline’ Kacchan? It’s… I don’t know. Better, that’s for sure”
“Are you friends?”
“Well, that depends on who you ask” Izuku laughed nervously, scratching one cheek and looking away.
“I’m asking you”
“I- Yes. I think we’re friends” Izuku looked back up at him. He was a bit taller than his Kacchan, and thicker. Izuku gulped hard.
“Probably he would say the same” Katsuki inquired. “Well, not say, you know, but… I think he felt the same way” The young man glanced back at the room, at himself-past version.
“You think? Don’t you remember?” Asked Izuku, curiosity palpable in his voice.
“Hm, I don’t know where exactly I am”
“That matter?”
“Yeah, it matters a lot” He glanced back at Izuku. “I- You know how I am. I’m not good at feelings”
“I know. How’s our relationship in the future, anyway? Are we good friends?”
Older Kacchan smiled and Izuku’s heart warned him he couldn’t take another of those, or he would stop working correctly. “You can say so” And he said it with that husky voice in a way Izuku couldn’t handle, either. His face grew red and his heart started racing like crazy. Older Kacchan, obviously, noticed everything and smirked, raising a hand to pinch one of Izuku’s cheeks. “You are too cute for your own good”
“Whaa-chan…? Wha-What are you sa-saying?” Izuku hid his face with both hands and heard Katsuki laugh. It was just too much. Izuku let his back rested against the wall and slid slowly until his butt reached the floor.
“Did I break you?”
“…y-yeah” Katsuki laughed again, a little louder this time.
“Hey, the fuck are you doing?” Izuku looked up at the sudden change in the mood. But that wasn’t Older Kacchan’s question, it was Original’s. Izuku looked at him between his fingers. Original Kacchan was striding towards them, a deep frown on his face and a hand ready to attack. The young man rested his hands on his hips without saying a word. “You okay?” Original asked, glancing only a second towards Izuku, who stopped hiding his face.
“He’s okay, right?” Older Kacchan said, looking at Izuku and moving to offer him a hand. But Katsuki put himself between them.
“Get up” Katsuki said without looking back at Izuku, but the latter did. The blonde teen turned and grabbed Izuku’s arm without taking his eyes off the older one and started walking, dragging Izuku with him. When they were some feet apart, Katsuki released Izuku and turned to face him.
“What happened?”
“Don’t ‘huh’ me! Was he being a bitch to you? Why were you on the floor?”
“N-No. He was being nice, I just… It’s nothing, really” He shook his head and Katsuki sighed.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, he’s you, Kacchan” Izuku said it like it was some final statement.
“That just why, stupid”
“Wha- Kacchan!” Izuku scolded him. “You are not like that, and you won’t be”
“Fuck, Deku, I was like that” The blonde blurted, looking away. Izuku looked at Teen Kacchan, who was half flattered with the attention, half pissed off.
“But you aren’t, and you won’t, okay? I can handle him” Izuku indicated to the teen with a movement of his head.
“Tch” Katsuki only crossed his arms.
“What? I could handle you back then, I can handle him right now” Katsuki’s brows furrowed and Izuku found himself smiling. “Are you worried about me?”
“I’m not! But you always get yourself in trouble, it’s fucking annoying!”
“Well, thanks for coming save me even if I didn’t need saving”
“Whatever, nerd, just don’t get yourself in trouble”
“I won’t. Mini Kacchan is prepared to protect me, and the older one…” He glanced a moment at the said and received a half-side smile. Izuku flustered. “Well, maybe I should keep distance with that one”
“Why? Seriously, what happened?”  
“Nothing, it’s just… He’s from the future, you know, I kinda want to ask him a ton of questions and I shouldn’t” Izuku excused, though it was true.
“He’s not gonna answer, either way” Katsuki diverged his view toward his older self. 
“I know, he’s you, after all, but…” Izuku caressed his cheek where the young adult had pinched him and smiled slightly. He then felt a tug on his sleeve and found the kid with his arms crossed, looking at him. “Hey, what’s it?”
“I’m hungry”
“Sure. I’ll go make something, okay?”
“You know how to cook?” Inquired the little blonde.
“Of course!” Izuku assured.
“No” Denied Katsuki at the same time.
“What? I do” Izuku looked at him, frowning. Katsuki rolled his eyes and knelt in front of the child.
“Make sure someone else helps him or you’re gonna regret it, trust me” At which Mini Kacchan nodded without hesitation.
“Hey! What happened to that about protecting me? You two are just being mean” Izuku pouted.
“The fuck? I never said I was going to protect you” Katsuki said, standing up and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’ll protect you but you’re not good at doing things” Added the kid, shrugging.
“Oh, well. Okay. You know what?” Izuku just started walking away, right towards the young adult. “Hey, would you like to help me make dinner? The other three are not being very nice”
“Sure. I’ll be nice” Izuku smiled at him and turned his face to let out his tongue at the other two, who frowned at once. When the young adult dedicated them a smirk, Katsuki tilted his head, annoyed, and the kid let out a little “Fuck”
“Language, brat” Scolded Katsuki. “But yeah. Fuck”
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