robertoapaneque · 10 months
Estoy leyendo en las redes sociales sobre un grupo de médicos y sanitarios de Bayamo que han sido enjuiciados en el Tribunal Provincial de Granma, acusados de una presunta negligencia en la atención a un joven que se accidentó en 2021. Hospital Carlos Manuel de Céspedes de Bayamo, Granma. No conozco los elementos de ese juicio, por lo cual no puedo emitir una opinión; pero de lo que sí estoy…
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minnesotafollower · 3 months
More Cuban Comments on J11 Anniversary
Michel Suarez, a journalist for Los Puntos a Las ies, offered the following comments on the third anniversary of J11.[1] “Three years after the historic protests of July 11 and 12, 2021 in Cuba , the living conditions of imprisoned protesters have worsened, in a scenario of blackouts, lack of food and more repression , activists and journalists denounced in the program Los Puntos a las Íes , from…
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belascoainyneptuno · 1 year
Variaciones sacrílegas sobre el himno nacional (y una coda) (VII)
Foto: 14ymedio En el oprobio y la afrenta en que está el pueblo sumido —por órdenes del Partido, esa maquinaria cruenta que a fines de los cincuenta trajo su afán de matar—, no se puede prosperar. Basta ya de represión. Es más letal que un ciclón  esa junta militar.  *** Compatriota: Te invito a que recuperes la palabra “compatriota”. Y a que escribas tu propio himno. Aquí va el mío, a manera…
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kingdomofmatanzas · 1 year
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The Royal Family of Matanzas have formally announced the engagement of Prince Ariel, The Duke of Bayamo and Ms.Chiara Cardona, The Minister of Commerce, with photos taken on the grounds of the Palace Del Sol Royal Gardens.
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The engagement took place in September during a holiday to Covadonga for the couples 2 year anniversary. Prince Ariel and The Royal Family jeweler designed the ring together. The ring features a gorgeous 5-caret round center diamond surrounded by a cluster of 14 solitaire diamonds set in white gold.
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The wedding will take place in the Spring of 2024 at Basilica de Santa Maria la Real de Bayamo with further details to be announced.
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nightsidewrestling · 8 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Triana Santos-Marino (2021)
Billie’s Little Angel Triana Santos-Marino
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The third of Billie’s children, half-Cuban half-Mozambican, Triana is her Mama’s little angel and a source of annoyance for her two older siblings.
“When I’m all grown up, I wanna be as beautiful as my Mama.”
Full Legal Name: Triana Rosângela Santos-Marino
First Name: Triana
Meaning: From the neighbourhood in the city of Seville, of uncertain meaning.
Pronunciation: TRYA-na
Origin: Spanish
Middle Name: Rosângela
Meaning: Combination of Rosa (From Latin ‘rosa’ meaining 'rose’) and Ângela (Portuguese feminine form of 'Angelus’ derived from Greek 'Angelos’ meaning 'messenger’)
Pronunciation: ro-ZAN-jeh-la
Origin: Portugese
Surname(s): Santos, Marino
Meaning(s): Santos: Means 'Saint’ in Portuguese and Spanish, ultimately from Latin 'Sanctus’. Marino: Derived from the given name 'Marino’ which itself is the Italian and Spanish form of 'Marinus’. 'Marinus’ comes from the Latin word 'Marinus’ meaning 'of the sea’
Pronunciation(s): SAN-tos, ma-REE-no
Origin(s): Portuguese, Spanish. Italian, Spanish
Alias: N/A
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Tri, Rosa, Angel
Titles: Miss
Age: 12
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Dual Nationality, Cuban-American
Ethnicity: Mixed. Half-Hispanic/Latino, Half-African
Birth Date: August 14th 2009
Symbols: N/A
Sexuality: N/A
Religion: Catholic
Native Language: Spanish
Spoken Languages: Spanish, English
Relationship Status: N/A
Astrological Sign: Leo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Billie’s Phone): 'Angel’ - Sarah McLachlan
Voice Actor: N/A
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Current Location: On the road / Asheville, North Carolina, USA / Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba / Springville, Concord, Erie County, New York, USA
Hometown: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba / Springville, Concord, Erie County, New York, USA
Height: N/A (Hasn’t finished growing)
Weight: N/A (Hasn’t finished growing)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: N/A
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Olivia Nye, Daisy Lum, Paz Marino, Casilda Ibarra, Hadley Winter, Bethany Turner, Uliana Winter, Owena Pritchard, Paige Rhydderch, Zella O'Sullivan, Velda Rhydderch, Macy Rhydderch, Eartha O'Hannigan, Xavia O'Hannegan, Naomi Rhydderch, Idalia McFarlane, Easter McFarland, Xaviera Rhydderch, Calla Rhydderch
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Florencia Marino
Mentor: Bienvenida Marino
Significant Other: N/A
Previous Partners: N/A
Parents: Donato Santos (36, Father), Bienvenida Marino (38, Mother)
Parents-In-Law: N/A
Siblings: Emperatriz Romero-Marino (18, Half-Sister), Antonio Huerta-Marino (15, Half-Brother), Zaire Santos-Moulin (11, Half-Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: N/A
Nieces & Nephews: N/A
Children: N/A
Children-In-Law: N/A
Grandkids: N/A
Great Grandkids: N/A
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Nothing of Note so far
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February 1st, Bayamo to Baracoa
Breakfast at 7:00, while presentation and service was very nice, fruit was papaya only, juice, watered down papaya and no butter for the small pieces of bread, only mayoand eggs. Shared my P.B. 😉
Hopped into a horse drawn carriage and were given a 45 minute tour of the city. It was really nice. Saw the 1st convent in Cuba, and the homes of the first two presidents of Cuba, the first being Carlos de Cespedes. The first sanctioned outdoor burial ground of the leaders of the revolution of 1868. Previously all burials were in churches. We travelled along a road where all trees had been destroyed by the last big hurricane, all the trunks have been carved into animals and they line both sides of the street. Last a monument to all of those that have died in the revolutions.
Left the beautiful state owned hotel, to get on the road. They were not able to supply us with the box lunch of ham sandwiches as they have a shortage of bread. Plan on stopping at roadside vendors to get fruit etc for lunch.
In the eastern part of the island still lots of old cars but mostly European or Russian models as opposed to North American. We did see what appeared to be a Cuban military base and they seemed to be initiating some new recruits. 
Stopped at a roadside stand a bought a large bunch of bananas for 100 pesos and a string of clementines for 200 pesos. Later again, we stopped in a small town and purchase small cheese 8” pizzas/tacos for 50 pesos each.
As we drove along, country fences are now made of different kind of cacti planted so close together that animals can not pass through. Brilliant idea.
In the last few days I have tried to summarize what I think I heard from our CEO and signage I’ve seen, however, due to no internet I have not been able to fact check, so I hope I am recording the proper facts.
So, during our ride today, we talked about the revolution again where Cuba revolted against Spain. The first revolution lasted 10 years from 1868 to 1878 and was not successful. Again they attempted in 1895 led by Matta, by 1998 they were actually seeking help from the Americans. The Americans came to their aid and there was a big naval battle that ended the revolution and occupation of Spain. Cuban thought they had gained their independence but the Platt clause from the US Government, was that if Cuba wanted to be an independent country, they had to allow a army base and that the US could intervene if Cuban leadership became questionable. Thus the Guatamanno Bay base. 
Takes a long time to get anywhere as you share the road with bicycles, horses and carts, rickshaws, motor bikes and cars and trucks. Flagged down by a police officer today, and when we stopped he was trying arrange a ride for his grown nephew on our bus. Answer was no.
We stop for our lunch at 2:30 p.m. at a beach on the Caribbean Sea where we had our pizza, pineapple, tomatoes and bananas. No sand on these beaches just polished rock and pieces of washed up coral. Proceeded to travel on a winding road through the mountains to Baracoa, for several hours. All S curves.
Arrive at our Casa around 5:30 p.m., Casa Elvira. Larry and I are on the 3rd floor and have an outdoor patio area on the roof. It is a  very interesting home and we are going to enjoy our few days here. The place is owned by Elvira and Alfredo. We joined our group for a short walk around the city, but it was dark already, so we headed to our dinner place which was a private house dinner. The chef was amazing. We started with bread and papaya juice and cream of pumpkin soup, then tomatoes, cucumber, yams, plantain and coconut milk mixed and green beans. A curry coconut sauce was provided with the vegetables. Main course was sword fish, chicken deep fried jams and another root vegetable. Dessert was sliced papaya and marinated glazed orange peel with cinnamon served with espresso coffee. Could hardly walk and all for 1440 pesos each. Walked back to the Casa, showered and to bed. Big day tomorrow.
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robertoapaneque · 1 year
Lamento profundamente el fallecimiento de Pablito Milanés.Hoy me levanté con esta triste noticia, a las seis de la mañana, de que había fallecido aquí en Madrid a la edad de 77 años, pues había nacido en 1945.A Pablito le conocí en mi casa de Bayamo en 1968, cuando David Rodríguez, un periodista bayamés amigo suyo, mío y de mi familia, lo llevó para que conociera y saludara a mi padre, Robert A.…
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prensabolivariana · 21 days
BAYAMO, Cuba – De un día para otro, cientos de personas de la comunidad rural de Las Mangas, ubicada en provincia de Granma, en el este de Cuba, comprendieron algo que ya sospechaban: que el agua que habían bebido durante décadas no era precisamente cristalina, sino más bien “saladita”, como dicen. Continue reading Un pueblo de Cuba mejora calidad del agua al eliminar su salobridad
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cuba-redh · 2 months
El 26 de julio, la propuesta política más revolucionaria. Por Ariel Pazos Ortiz
Las acciones del 26 de julio de 1953 significaron un cambio de época en Cuba. Más allá de sus repercusiones inmediatas, fueron el inicio de una nueva etapa de lucha para el pueblo. Con el asalto a los cuarteles Moncada, en Santiago de Cuba, y Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, en Bayamo, jóvenes de la que se inscribió en la historia como Generación del Centenario rompieron con la práctica de promover el…
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belascoainyneptuno · 1 year
Variaciones sacrílegas sobre el himno nacional (y una coda) (VI)
Foto: 14ymedio Basta de echar la carrera a las armas, compatriota. Y basta de que la bota de esa junta pendenciera —que reprimió en Caimanera al pueblo que fue a gritar— nos siga hundiendo en un mar de violencia y represión. No digas “Revolución”. Dile “junta militar”. *** Compatriota: Te invito a que recuperes la palabra “compatriota”. Y a que escribas tu propio himno. Aquí va el mío, a…
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todocubaonline · 2 months
"Granma vs Las Tunas: Tercer Juego de la Semifinal del Béisbol Cubano"
Granma vs Las Tunas: Tercer Juego de la Semifinal del Béisbol Cubano...
Granma vs Las Tunas: El inicialista Guillermo Avilés conectó tres jonrones y remolcó cinco carreras en el partido del viernes, liderando la victoria 7×3 de los Alazanes de Granma sobre los monarcas defensores, los Leñadores de Las Tunas, en la fase semifinal de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol. Avilés hizo vibrar a la multitud en el estadio Mártires de Barbados, en su natal Bayamo, al pegar sus…
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viagginterstellari · 7 months
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Sunday walk - Bayamo, 2016
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minnesotafollower · 3 months
Cuban Reactions to Anniversary of 7/11/21 Protests
“There are still hundreds of participants serving sentences despite calls from democratic governments, the Vatican, the UN, Amnesty International and other international organizations, and in the midst of a political-economic context much worse than the one that caused that outbreak.”[1] Yet “protests in Cuba do not cease. The last year has left other large-scale demonstrations in Bayamo, Granma;…
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nightsidewrestling · 8 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Hortensia Marino
Urbano's Wife Hortensia Marino (2020)
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The wife of Urbano, sister-in-law of Bienvenida and daughter-in-law of Yago and Florencia, Hortensia. She works as a bartender and pole dancer, as well as a part-time wrestler.
"I get more bruises than my husband does at work."
Full Legal Name: Hortensia Zoraida Marino (Née Lozano)
First Name: Hortensia
Meaning: Feminine form of the Roman family name 'Hortensius', possibly derived from Latin 'Hortus' meaning 'Garden'.
Pronunciation: or-TEHN-sya
Origin: Ancient Roman, Spanish
Middle Name: Zoraida
Meaning: Perhaps means 'Enchanting' or 'Dawn' in Arabic.
Pronunciation: so-RIE-dha
Origin: Spanish
Surname: Marino (Née Lozano)
Meaning: Derived from the given name 'Marino' which itself is the Italian and Spanish form of 'Marinus', 'Marinus' comes from the Latin word 'Marinus' meaning 'Of the sea'. (Lozano: Means 'Healthy, Exuberant, Lively' in Spanish.)
Pronunciation: ma-REE-no (lo-SA-no)
Origin: Spanish (Spanish)
Alias: Miracle
Reason: Work name & Ring Name
Nicknames: Sia, Zora, Raida
Titles: Mrs, Ms
Age: 35
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Cuban
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Birth Date: July 10th 1985
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Catholic
Native Language: Spanish
Spoken Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Theme Song (Ringtone on Billie's Phone): 'Pony' - Ginuwine
Voice Actor: Anabelle Acosta
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Current Location: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Hometown: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Height: 5'7" / 170
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 4
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Wanda Ott, Genesis Winter, Rosaleem O'Sullivan, Oneida Rhydderch, Haf McFarlane, Olwen McDermott, Gertrude Rhydderch, Llinos McConnell
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Urbano Marino
Mentor: Hilaria Lozano
Significant Other: Urbano Marino (34, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Ramiro Lozano (55, Father), Hilaria Lozano (56, Mother, Née Nieddu)
Parents-In-Law: Yago Marino (57, Father-In-Law), Florencia Marino (58, Mother-In-Law, Née Palomo)
Siblings: Iris Nicci (32, Sister, Née Lozano), Jazmín Lozano (29, Sister), Luna Lozano (26, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Sancho Nicci (33, Iris' Husband), Bienvenida Marino (37, Urbano's Sister), Judith Ibarra (31, Urbano's Sister, Née Marino), Xavier Ibarra (32, Judith's Husband), Quirino Marino (28, Urbano's Brother), Natividad Marino (25, Urbano's Sister), Macario Marino (22, Urbano's Brother), Rosaura Marino (19, Urbano's Sister), Isaac Marino (16, Urbano's Brother)
Nieces & Nephews: Emperatriz Romero-Marino (17, Niece), Antonio Huerta-Marino (14, Nephew), Triana Santos-Marino (11, Niece), Casilda Ibarra (11, Niece), Zaira Nicchi (12, Niece)
Children: Lorenzo Marino (14, Son), Paz Marino (11, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: The Underworld
Trainer: Sabas Marino, Yago Marino, Tercero Marino, Ramiro Marino, Pastor Marino, Olegario Marino, Nicanor Marino, Jair Marino, Heliodoro Marino, Gonzalo Marino, Facundo Marino, C.R.C Wrestling School
Managers: Urbano Marino
Wrestlers Managed: Urbano Marino
Debut: 2005
Debut Match: Miracle VS Oneida Rhydderch. Miracle won via pinfall
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Grappler
Stables: Los Marinos (2006-)
Teams: Los Marinos
Regular Moves: Big Boot, Diving Clothesline, Swinging Neckbreaker, Diving Crossbody, Sitout Rear Mat Slam, Electric Chair Drop, Electric Chair Facebuster, Flapjack, Half Nelson Bulldog, Inverted DDT, Missile Dropkick, Spinning Heel Kick, Somersault Senton Plancha, Sharpshooter, Sitout Powerbomb, Crossface, Spinebuster
Finishers: Leg Hook Reverse STO, Spear, Lifting DDT, Standing Arm Triangle
Refers To Fans As: The Watchful Eyes
Trivia: Nothing of note
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alisaint · 6 months
The population of Santiago de Cuba protests shouting "electricity" and "food"
Havana / Thousands of Santiago residents took to the streets this Sunday afternoon shouting "electricity and food", "freedom", "homeland and life" and "we are hungry" after several days of long blackouts and delays of weeks in the distribution of food from the basic basket. The agglomeration was concentrated on Carretera del Morro, close to several popular and humble neighborhoods such as Vista Hermosa, Van Van, Dessy and Altamira. After the first images of the crowded demonstration appeared on social media after noon, the Cuban regime chose, as has been customary in these cases since July 11, 2021, to restrict communications and cut the internet signal on cell phones in the island. The independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, born in Santiago de Cuba and resident in the United States, shared several images that the followers of his Facebook page sent from the city, and that show a strong police operation that includes uniformed officers guarding part of the protest and several patrols at the scene. The secretary of the province's Communist Party, Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, recently appointed to the position, arrived at the site. In a video that Mayeta published, the woman is seen along with other people on the roof of a house trying to talk to the crowd, but those gathered there do not allow her to speak. Dozens of people, mainly women, insult the PCC leader and other officials, and protest against the military presence used in these cases to repress the people. In the images you can see a truck loaded with soldiers, also shouted down by the crowd. Then they chant “homeland and life (patria y vida)” and, finally, while applauding, “freedom.”
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In the same video, a soldier from the Ministry of the Armed Forces with the rank of lieutenant colonel appears among the protesters and other materials show dozens of police officers in the place but at the moment there are no reports that the security forces have intervened in the protest. In other material, which apparently records the moment when Johnson arrived at the site, people shout “no queremos muela,” in reference to the fact that they did not want to listen to the excuses that the regime always gives to the people to justify its bad administration. Residents of Santiago de Cuba told this newspaper that this Saturday, March 16, in some areas of the city "they began to distribute in the warehouses only three pounds of rice" out of the seven they receive each month, in addition to the coffee that corresponded to January. “Everything is expensive, hunger has us suffocated, and add to this the blackouts, which don't even let you cool some water or preserve the little food you get,” said a resident of the town of El Caney. In another of the videos that circulates on networks, you can mainly see women of various ages, mothers with their children in their arms and young people in the street shouting “electricity and food” while uniformed men and men in civilian clothes try to make them quiet but the protesters shout louder their claims.  Likewise, another resident of the place shouts "down with communism", "down with Díaz-Canel" and shortly after several women are shown applauding and shouting "electricity and food."
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In the city of Bayamo, in the province of Granma, there were also demonstrations this Sunday. Videos circulating on social networks show a crowd in the streets, some people walking and others moving on bicycles, tricycles and electric motorcycles. Also some photographs published by the independent press indicate the presence of police and trucks loaded with soldiers ready to repress.  On the other hand, after 7 pm, a report arrived at the 14ymedio editorial office stating that, in Holguín, where several protests have been registered in recent days , some of the main parks such as Calixto García, Las Flores and José Martí have been militarized. “There are dozens of motorcycle officers, plainclothes agents, and patrol cars, as well as cars loaded with avispas negras (black wasps, special forces) ,” describes a city resident. “They expect something or fear repercussions in Holguín from the Santiago demonstrations,” he adds. “It seems that it was an urgent 'shock' to the provincial authorities, a large part of the center is militarized and with many civilian security personnel,” says the same source, who assures that due to surveillance, photos cannot be taken. In other provinces such as Sancti Spíritus you cannot make calls nor does mobile data work.
Article was translated from its original language (Spanish) using Google Translate. Be sure to click the link for videos and more.
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jadacubalitblog · 9 months
A small amount of gold was found in Cuba, and indigenous people worked mines at La Mine (Close to Havanna) and near Bayamo. (P.142)
Clifford L. Staten
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