chicchanmooshy · 2 years
Christmas symbolism – Spider
While the brothers were decorating their Christmas tree, Ishtar sat on the other side of the living area. She was in two minds. On one hand she didn't like decorating the tree, just the plain decorating activity. But on the other hand she thought the symbolism behind it was very beautiful. That symbolism was still known amongst witches and pagans. 'Never to be forgotten', she thought.
“Hey Ishtar, do ya wanna help us decorate the Christmas tree?” called Raphael. “No, not necessarily. Besides, you guys are doing a fine job yourselfs.”
Ever since Ishtar was a little kid, she liked the tree, the lights and eating together. But the whole Christmas-thing around it, not so much. As an adult she had never put up a tree in her own home. She thought it was too much fuss. Needles everywhere, the tree that needed to be watered but eventually still dies. So, rather not a tree in her home.
In her early twenties she became interested in witchcraft. Doing magic, making her own potions, learning about the origins of paganism.. Now that she lived with the brothers, she still performed some magic sometimes, but not in plain side. It's more about focusing energy than waving around with a wand.
“But I did make an ornament that would be nice in our tree.” “That's cool. We've kept some space for you, so bring it!”
Everybody was curious what she had made, but when Raphael saw it, he turned three shades paler.
“What the FUCK ISHTAR!?!?! Are ya fucking kidding me?!?! You're really gonna put a bug in the tree?!?! I HATE BUGS!!!” he yelled while jumping away from Ishtar. “Keep that bug away from me!”
“It's a Christmas Spider..” Ishtar said reassuringly. “It's not a real spider Raph, just a fake one. It's about what he represents..”
Donnie muttered something under his breath “... technically not a bug..” “I know Donnie. Shut up, you're not helping here”, whispered Ishtar to Donnie.
“Everyone, come sit with me. I will tell you the Legend of the Christmas Spider.
“A long time ago in Germany, a mother wa cleaning for Christmas. Spiders fled up to the attic to escape the broom. On quiet Christmas Eve, the spiders slowly came down for a peek. “Oh, what a beautiful tree!” In excitement, they scurried up and out along each branch. They were filled with happiness as they climbed amongst the glittering beauty. But alas! By the time they were done, the tree was shrouded in their dusty grey web. When Santa came with gifts for the children and saw the tree covered with spider webs, he smiled because he saw how happy the spiders were, but knew how heartbroken the mother would be of she saw it covered in dusty webs. So he turned the webs to strands of silver and the tree was even more beautiful than before. That's the story of tinsels on trees and why every tree should have a Christmas Spider in it's branches.”
“Wow, now we know why tinsels are put in the tree, besides just as beautiful decorations”, said Leonardo.
“Yes, Christmas is full of symbolism. I might tell you about the other symbols as well, soon...”
@turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @roxosupreme @leosgirl82 @mysticboombox @rheawritesforfun @angelcatlowyn 
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