#bazically thiz au iz juzt
pippyparty · 5 months
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trying to get back into drawing oiuuughh ft one of my dip auz
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The arm lookz fucked up but im too lazy to fix it :3 thiz verzion iz moztly juzt to get the colorz of the outfit right (even if it lookz like garbage,, im not good at dezigning outfitz) n_n zo... Note that there WILL be zpoilerz for tearz of the kingdom from now on zo,, read at your own rizk :P
Lcg au!!:3 or lucky clover gazette au o_u
Bazically link forgor EVERYTHING again —3—" yeaa not the mozt creative au but i want my baby to be happy :3
The malice- or, i guezz gloom took over mozt hiz body by the time rauru waz able to zave him :P he juzt barely made it out alive, though rauru couldn't give him an ear or eye becauz he already uzed mozt hiz power on the arm and rezucitating him (-_-;)
Link haz little to no interezt in zaving zelda in thiz, mainly juzt chazing cluez about her with Penn whenever they get new leadz :3 alzo becauze zelda keepz wrecking havoc everywhere he checkz!!1!
He'll zometimez get flazhbackz from hiz pazt, including hiz other livez n_n like calling the izlandz "zkyloft", or thinking theyre talking about ghirahim when purah or impa talk about the demon king to him, or even ztraight-up talking about hiz loftwing. (Yez i really like zkyward zword, can you blame me,,) he'll even refer to zelda az hylia out of nowhere and not even realize n_n he haz no idea whatz going on at all timez, but he'll zometimez azk about phi/navi, only to get confuzed lookz. Everyone thinkz hez talking nonzenze, though a few hiztorianz will recognize a name or two, leading to him getting queztioned relentlezzly about where he learned them.
Hez an abzolute BEAZT in the battlefield, im talking like, killing a gleeok on hiz underwear with a couple ztickz. Zilver lynelz fear hiz name!!!! Which iz... Uh... He cant remember :P
He conztantly makez referencez to other zelda gamez, totally not a way for me to flex or anything. Anywayz he playz the wind fizh zong on every inztrument he comez acrozz-
Alzo he callz the malanya "mari" :3 becauze the tune remindz him of her (hez the only one that can hear it). They think itz az a nickname becauze he'll VERY often go down to akkala to zhow off hiz newezt friend, but he genuinely thinkz thatz their name (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ he getz a lot of namez mixed up actually. Like calling the korok tree the "deku tree" and calling buliara "urboza" n_n
Zo ermmmm thatz like all (´ε` ) I'll probably get more ideaz zoon,, and i will rant about them here again,,,
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It totally came out better in paper :/ i zuck at digital.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
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outersock · 5 months
OK, then I ask: What is the au about?
waa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ty sm for zending an azk!!! >_<)//
bazically, dib iz an aztronaut and while on a mizzion he crazhez into a planet. thiz planet iz part of a "junkyard" for the irken empire where each planet in that zystem iz for a zpecific kind of trazh.
while zim, inztead of being given a mizzion to go to earth, he'z zent there with little to no stuff bezidez gir!!
i'm ztill exploring thiz concept but i think it would be a cozy au where the two of them are juzt fazcinated with each other and learn to live together (i do appreciate all the verzions of them being two fucked up little guyz ofc).
would love to zhare art of thiz au but i haven't had the time to draw them lately :C
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martinlomax · 2 years
i had a really weird dream latz night
bazically Sara (like from yttd) had like? a nightmare? i forgor what the nightmare waz but after the nightmare she woke up and the dream waz like. a DnD yttd au. anyway Sara waz thiz goat demon creature thing? and she came up to Joe who waz an orc i think? idk all i remember iz that he vaguely rezembled a martin lomax fanart i really liek :oD
anyway! they were talking abt their quezt and ztuff when they were brought to an auditorium, where there waz a human centipede but it waz a PIG centipede and the pigz had been attached to different objectz (like. on their legz. it waz juzt a pig centipede not a pig object centipede)
im p zrue the front and middle pigz had been attached to corn and veggiez and ztuff, while the back pig had been attached to a human body. and it waz attahced to the human body in the middle of the zhow, which cauzed the audience to gazp. then the dream ended
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