#bb lawrusso
gjdraws · 2 years
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angy kids hours
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oceluna · 2 years
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
How do you think Robby would react if Daniel actually became Johnny’s boyfriend? I think maybe he might like it? Like Daniel spending time with him and helping him with his homework would probably be a first from a parental figure, and he could make even live with Daniel and Johnny because Daniel would be able to afford somewhere nice?
oh I think it would be lovely!!! I personally have this hc that Robby is in love with Daniel, because I love the thematic weight of Johnny being in love with Daniel and then his own son falling in love with him too. Plus I think it's so obvious that Robby imprints on Daniel in the first season because Daniel is the first adult in his life to validate him and give him positive attention and affection without wanting anything in return, which, combined with having a crush on him, would be really intense for Robby. So in that sense I think it would be really hard for Robby to see Johnny and Daniel actually dating.
But I think if I put that to the side and just focus on like "canon" Robby, or a Robby who moves past those complicated feelings for Daniel and sees him more as a parental figure, that it would be really good for him. I've always hoped that Daniel would become the bridge between Johnny and Robby. That by forming bonds with both of them, he'll then become the channel that brings them together and helps them heal their ruptured relationship (the show has done away with that path which I hate, but in my head this is what would happen). So I love the thought of Johnny and Daniel living together and asking Robby to move in with them. To finally give him a normal, healthy home life where he belongs. And while I think it would take a long time for Johnny and Robby to have a strong relationship, and for Johnny to prove to Robby that he's sorry and he won't let him down again, it would develop over time. And I think being in this kind of warm, caring family dynamic where he has structure and support would just be so good for Robby generally.
It's so sad because I think Robby is the most tragic and neglected out of all the teens. He deserves so much love and never really gets it, or always comes second to someone else, so I yearn for him to have this kind of life where he feels loved and wanted!!!!
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miyagifangdo · 3 years
This is 10% luck, 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will 5% pleasure, 50% pain And a 100% reason to remember the name
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ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
thanks, bb! this is from the Lawrusso Vampire!AU that I've been working on, titled Heads Will Roll.
"You want me to work with you?" Daniel's eyebrows jumped up into his hairline. "You're either the craziest son of a bitch I've ever met, or the stupidest."
Johnny flicked a match and lit a cigar. He took a deep drag and looked at Daniel, icy eyes never leaving Daniel's surprised ones as he blew out the smoke. "What if I told you I'd make it worth your while?"
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klovenhooves · 3 years
Daniel Larusso + Johnny Lawrence + Jimmy + Kumiko + uh Jake 0:)
(obv you don't have to do all of these, whoever seem most fun)
Daniel LaRusso
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship thoughts: LAWRUSSO but also Daniel/Jimmy and Damiko and Johnny/Daniel/Amanda.
general thoughts: He’s doing his BEST and yes he’s bad at it sometimes. Also please go to therapy for your trauma bb.
Johnny Lawrence
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship thoughts: LAWRUSSO. Also Johnny/Bobby, Jali, Jamanda, Johnny/Daniel/Amanda
general thoughts: Please please give him some goodness. Therapy, AA meetings, strength to make amends with his son. I desperately want him to have some good things in his life and the knowledge that he deserves it.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship thoughts: Jimmy/Daniel and Jimmy/Laura. Honestly, I wouldnt say no to Jimmy/Shannon or Jimmy/Amanda.
general thoughts: Angel boy!!!! Give him more lines!!
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship thoughts: DAMIKO soulmates
general thoughts: Knowing how hard Tamlyn worked to get real Okinawan dialect and representation into CK makes me a little wary of them including her later. I hope if they do, they consult her about it.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship thoughts: JAKE CAN DIE ALONE
general thoughts: Seriously how does one write a protagonist more supremely unlikable? He’s so narcissistic, so up his own ass, how? How did that movie get made? I didnt even really like Joanne and she deserves so much better than him! All of them do!
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oceluna · 3 years
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''Do you recognize me? Well, it's been a year It doesn't surprise me.''
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oceluna · 4 years
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oceluna · 3 years
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oceluna · 3 years
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oceluna · 3 years
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oceluna · 3 years
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oceluna · 3 years
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oceluna · 3 years
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oceluna · 3 years
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oceluna · 4 years
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