Oh? She learned?
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davonne-janelle · 9 years
if my hag Christine gets evicted this week I'll kinda be ok with it
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This has been the craziest Summer of my life due to BB16. It was crazy in a wonderful way, though. Thank you Zankie family. Thank you Frankie, Zach, and Donny stans. Thank you people who don't always hate on Christine, but also thank you people who do because sometime's it's funny. Thank you Zachtoria shippers for being ridiculous and making me laugh all this time. I don't even know. Just thank you, you Frootloop Dinguses <3
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votemeout · 10 years
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asha-alford · 10 years
In all the hype about Zach coming back on Friday, I forgot that this also means more Christine/Nicole airtime. Literally both of their voices make me sad.
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just--like-a-star · 10 years
I'm literally tweeting with Christine's husband Tim about nerding out over Harry potter and I am practically squealing over it. I love that they're from Tucson.
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keviolah · 10 years
Why DID the audience boo Christine?
I thought it was because she got evicted after being betrayed countless times...
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davonne-janelle · 9 years
*still supports Christine even though she should’ve used the Veto*
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perksofbeingapushover · 10 years
Here is tonight's review video.  I discuss my opinion on the Christine eviction.  I kind of feel bad for what she got...
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votemeout · 10 years
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just--like-a-star · 10 years
Frankie is so rude, bashing on Christine's looks and making fun of how slow Victoria was.
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keviolah · 10 years
Can Frankie just stop speaking for the rest of his life?
He does not know what he's talking about!
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bbfanchat · 10 years
Christine getting booed is the single greatest thing this season. https://vine.co/v/Ou6dgY96r9r
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davonne-janelle · 9 years
Austin and Liz are reminding me of Christine and Cody... 
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frootloopdinguz · 10 years
I'm not a fan of Christine but the level of booing from the audience was ridiculous. I fully expected some booing but that was way over the top. She was booed worse than the houseguests from last season with all of their racist and homophobic remarks and that is crazy. Sure she had a bad personality and said some bad things but she didn't deserve the level of booing she got. I know a lot of people have their panties in a twist because she is married and flirted with and petted Cody so much but that didn't deserve that level of booing either, none of us are married to her...that is something she will have to talk to her husband about. I have seen way worse things from houseguests in the past and never saw this kind of reaction and I just don't get it.
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baeandahalf · 10 years
There's a girl in my biology class that looks like Christine from Big Brother and it makes me laugh every time we have class
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