#bc I know germans love to complain but the truth is that no one in this country would be unable to afford food if the prices rose a little
wedefyauguryy · 2 years
economics is the worst subject to have as a leftist
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artsy-hobbitses · 5 years
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Because my nostalgic ass had been wanting to do this for a SUPER long time, have some Humanized!Mighty Ducks! It’s funny to see how far I’ve kinda come, because I had a strong love for this and most other anthro shows back in the 90s bc they looks excellent but also because I couldn’t draw humans worth a god damn and ended up anthro-ing all the humans, but now I can human the anthros :’B Also because I have no self-control, actual human names and backgrounds below. I might actually have to write this AU at some point. 
Canadian (Eh)
Half-brother to Nate Fletcher (Same father, different mothers). Despite this, they have a generally good relationship with each other.
It doesn’t mean they don’t have their issues however; Will believes his father chose Nate as the man stayed with Nate and Nate’s mother, while Nate believes Will is the favorite because they never hear their dad stop comparing their accomplishments as a troubled teen to straightlaced Will.
A decorated ice hockey player in his youth, won several state championships.
Formerly a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, did a security stint in Afghanistan from 2009-2014.
Returned to Canada, opened a youth hockey camp to leave behind his old life before the Saurian threat at which point he was called up by his absentee military father to help spearhead a team of saboteurs.
Initially reluctant, however the death of his best friend and former army comrade, Connor Tiberius, during a rescue of captured citizens spurns him to accept on his terms in which he picks the team members.
Responsible, dependable, good-natured, more bookish than his size and stature might suggest, some self-esteem issues and very much a wary but bleeding heart. In his baby brother’s affectionate words, a “Major Dweeb”.
Trilingual; Canadian-French, English (fluent), Pashto (intermediate).
His codename ‘Wildwing’ came from Connor, who affectionately gave it to him as he was the best ‘wingman’ a soldier could ask for on the field and his habit of going from bookish to ballistic when faced with any injustice. His civilian outfit includes a bomber jacket with wings decorated over the back to commemorate his best friend.
Literally the only member of the team to actually be associated with ice hockey. The others picked it up gradually as a way to bond with each other and discuss battle tactics.
Half-brother to Will Fletcher, unofficially the ‘team baby’ which is something he tries hard to break out of.
Seen as a delinquent in his youth and battling with ADHD, his father strongarmed him to enlist with the Air Force when he was 17 to try and ‘shape him up’ and while he absolutely bucked under the chains of command, he proved to be a natural at flying which both amazed and frustrated his officers when he would ace their flying exams but often break out to fly the planes when he wasn’t suppose to.
Due to perceived attitude problems, he was dismissed much to the anger of his father, but was quickly roped into the same role by Will who saw his potential in combating Dragaunus’ forces.
Hotheaded, impulsive and immature but also loyal, gregarious and friendly to a fault.
Will not stand for anyone badmouthing Will. That’s his brother and only he’s allowed to joke about them.
Codename ‘Nosedive’ was chosen because of the stunts he used to pull in the plane and also as a take-that moment to his father who would often complain about how everything good they tried to do for ‘this kid’ would ‘nosedive into shit’.
Oscillates between loving Will as the only family member to have really given a damn about him and see any potential in him at all and resenting Will for in his eyes, being everything he felt he couldn’t be.
Often in charge of flying the team jet.
Bilingual; English (fluent), Canadian-French (beginner. For Will, he’s trying).
A former cop who idolized her Sergeant mother who was killed helping to defend NYC from Dragaunus’ marauding forces.
She knows Will as a good friend through Connor Tiberius who was an old boyfriend prior to his death.
Has been tracking Duke’s movements for some time prior to the invasion, dead-set on bringing the jewel thief to justice. Not particularly enthused about his way of life, but does care for him in her own way as it was during their little chases that she would have conversations she couldn’t have had otherwise with someone she believed would have no role to play in her life outside of prison time.
When he consoled her after the death of her mother and she had to tend to him after he was gravely injured during a rescue, a strained friendship grew as they defended NYC together for a while with her banding together the remaining cops of the Central Park precinct and him putting together a coalition of small-time criminals who turned their tricks to beat off the alien invasion until Will called her up as a member of his new saboteur team.
In a spur of the moment, she asked Duke to come with her, vouching for his set of skills to Will and despite their back-and-forth snarking (mostly snarking from her, mostly teasing from him), they work with each other the best out of the team.
Her hatred for Draganus is strongest out of all the team and of all of them, she’s the most adept at hand-to-hand combat.
Has no use for code names—-the people she loves are dead or on the same team as her so she sees no point to it.
Pugnacious, Black-And-white view of the world and judgmental but also confident, decisive and fiercely determined. If she has her mind set something, she’s Terminator levels of terrifying to see it through.
Speaks only English but understands Arabic and French to an intermediate degree even if she can’t trust her tongue to speak it, if only to understand what Duke is saying at times (as he unwittingly tends to jump between his three ‘fluent’ languages in conversation).
A renown jewel thief (simply known as the ‘Duke’) with a knack for stealing blood diamonds from diamond barons to channel their proceeds back to the communities they were pilfered from. Actually thinks the diamond industry is a huge joke, but it’s a joke some morons pay insanely dangerous amounts of money for. Prefers other jewels on a personal basis (fond of rubies and amethysts)
Ran his own gang back in France called the Brotherhood of the Blade, got caught up in the invasion when he decided to work his heists in New York.
His codename came from the inability of people to properly pronounce his name in his youth and so ‘Dulq’ became ‘Duke’ in due time. ‘L’Orange’ was what happened when having to come up with a surname on the spot during a heist in the States, he blurted out the first vaguely-French word he could remember which was ‘L’Orange’ ie. ‘duck a l’orange’ which was what a former target of his ordered and when his gang brethren found out, it amused them so much they talked him into keeping it as a full part of his nom de plume. He keeps it, because it helps his remaining family stay safe that no one knows his real name and he prefers it that way.
He and Mallory had something he likes to describe as a ‘dance’, with her continuously tracking him down and him escaping her clutches at the last moment. He’s absolutely tickled that they’re now on the same team.
Cares for the team the deepest due to having run his own back home and missing the brotherhood and his own family, always aware of everyone’s emotional and physical condition to the point he disregards his own at times.
Seriously, hurt his new family and you die.
The most streetwise of the team and adept with any form of blade-play and stealth/subterfuge.
Lost his eye and gained the scar on his face fending off ‘Wraith’ for as long as he could from a geologist with knowledge of Beryllium crystals.
The cybernetic eye he hides behind his eyepatch was given to him by Mallory who came across it while evacuating scientists (Including Tanya) from a lab under siege. She obtained it as willing ‘payment’ from them and had them help install it on Duke, claiming that he was only as much use to the rebellion as the clarity of his depth of field. (In truth, was well aware of how shaken he was from the loss of his eye). Cybernetic eye has x-ray and heat-seeking capabilities.
Fond of Mallory (who he may or may not be harboring feelings for but is also aware that he’s greying, a criminal and damaged, like who’s he kidding), Tanya (something of a younger sister to him especially since she’s the scientist who helped install his new eye) and Will (who he treats like a little brother he gotta teach the workings of the streets to).
Egoistical, questionable morals and unconcerned with ‘the big picture’ of global invasion but also surprisingly compassionate, open-minded and does his best to see the good in everyone (He’s a thief eh?)
Something of an omniglot due to his background and the different people he ends up having to work with; Fluent in French, English and Arabic, intermediate in Mandarin, Spanish and Italian, beginner in Japanese and Russian.
A scientist working mostly with cyberkinetics who also made use of Beryllium crystals (the same the Saurians are coveting) in her technology and upon the invasion, her entire lab and research became a target.
She was rescued by Mallory and has since then tagged along with the fiery redhead who sees her as a sister, augmenting her gear and weapons where needed and even providing Duke with his energy sword.
Absolutely not a combatant, has no field experience and is most often found back at the base playing her role as Command central or guarding the ship while the group go on their recon missions.
Sees herself as deadweight sometimes though her comrades will always attest that they’d probably be dead out there if not for her tech and in-depth knowledge.
Meek, easily terrified and a bit of a pushover, but also innovative, multi-talented in diverse sections of science and always eager to help.
Speaks English and German, understands intermediate Japanese due to most of her lab co-workers.
Originally a pro-wrestler working the circuits, he was caught up in the Saurian invasion and captured as a test subject in order for the invaders to figure out the biological weaknesses and breaking point of humans at their prime.
Was the subject of multiple experiments, but strove to keep up the spirits of his fellow prisoners by way of story, meditation and keeping a genial facade.
Was among the prisoners Conrad attempted to free before they died, led the prisoner rebellion and immediately joined up as a member of Will’s team upon finding out that he was Conrad’s best friend—-paying off his dues, as it were.
Unfortunately for the Saurians, their experiments had been in the midst of testing out how much augmented strength a human body could take before breaking, which left him with well, augmented strength to go with an extremely high pain threshold from both his old job and his ordeal. That said, the strength comes with a caveat that prolonged use of it could lead to organ failure due to the strain he has to put on them and thus he’s only able to work with it for short bursts of five to ten minutes depending on the task.
Despite his size, is generally the pacifist of the group more concerned with keeping people safe than facing down Dragaunus’ hordes—he leaves that to the actual soldiers. If you pissed him off in some way, you have fucked up super bad.
Bonds with Will and Nate quickly, rather like a stable older brother or uncle figure who realizes these two worlds-apart siblings have issues and are way over their head with these new responsibilities and tries his best to keep them grounded.
Hesitant, tendency to shy away from confrontation and almost on an emotional lockdown but also amicable, stoic and uncannily perceptive.
Speaks mostly English with a strong smattering/understanding of Jamaican Creole.
The codename ‘Grin’ came from his tendency to ‘grin and bear it’ when it came to punishment or altercations.
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rikkupyon · 6 years
I took a huge step at work today, and I need to write to sort all my thoughts out about it (IE: this has nothing to do with cosplay, dancing, bunnies, or cute things so just keep on scrolling if you need to)
I’ve been at my current job for 4 years. I loved it.  Key point, past tense, “loved” I was doing something that I’ve always been passionate about, I was able to use my German degree quite a bit, I learned so many new skills and new hobbies like embroidery that I now adore even in my spare time. I would have never thought I could make miniature decorations or hand sew an entire outfit or cook an entire meal over a fire.
Yes it was stressful at times, especially when we were busy at the holidays, but my coworkers and bosses were the best and that kept me there for so long.  But over time, I started to get really worn down and depressed. It effected my life at home, my energy level, my relationships with my boyfriend and my friends and family, even my general view of the world. But because I was so attached to the place, it took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I needed to move on to another job. 
Until earlier this year, I was still barely making above minimum wage and there was no room to move up. Most of the people I worked with were older individuals who had either already retired and were just looking for something to do and some extra pocket money, or their spouse made enough to support their family so this was something they did on the side to get out of the house and give back to the public in a way. There were very few people my age. And those of us that were there didn’t stay long. At one point it seemed like the “new generation” of 20-30 somethings was coming in and the torch was going to be passed, but financially and mentally, not many of us could do it. For most of us, it wasn’t even what we went to school for, we just kind of...found ourselves there. I kept making excuses for why I was staying; ‘I shouldn’t leave without another job lined up,’ ‘why leave something so secure?’ ‘I ultimately love what I’m doing, even if the pay sucks,’ and then the best one--- “I don’t want to leave everyone high and dry, we’re about to enter a busy season and we’ll be short staffed and I can’t just leave them like that.”  “I know the boat is sinking but I want to make sure I help everyone else on board build a raft to float before I save myself” <------ This phrase was said WAY too much. My attitude towards things changed just after Christmas 2 years ago when we got a new president of the company. And all hell broke lose. Mind you it wasn’t all at once (at least at first) and things started small, mental chaos and confusion about the way he wanted things here and there. But more and more it would get bigger and bigger and the things he wanted us to do made less and less sense to me. A good chunk of people left. Partially for other reasons like moving or other jobs but still, it left us short handed. I should have gotten out then.  At the beginning of this year, he took the organization like a snow globe and shook it around. Everything was completely re-organized from management to policies to punch-in systems to special events and ultimately to my position. I was basically promoted and got a raise. Which I know probably sounds like “why are you complaining?” but hear me out: The people who had been there for YEARS, who were talented beyond anything I’d seen before, and who’d taught me everything and supported me through all my health problems and stress were demoted to my position, pay cut included. People with 20+ years of experience are now making the same as me, which is still barely living wage for this area. I was put as what I would consider in any other job an assistant micro-manager. At the same time, part-timers got scheduled less and less which put more stress on us full timers, and the workload didn’t equal the pay increase by far. The scheduling was what allowed them to give us raises in the first place (as well as laying off a ton of people in positions that, tbh I don’t know what they were for) but it wasn’t worth it to earn more money that way.
He continues to put more changes and “improvements” into place. Our numbers fell drastically but he basically lied and said we were doing better than ever. We raised prices, promoted things that we do every day and have been doing every day for years as “special events” (after the person who had coordinated all the special events which were huge money-makers left (20+years of working there)) Decisions are made without consulting any of the people who are supposed to be in charge and actually understand how this should work. He puts up a smoke screen for the public so that no one outside really knows what’s going on. He ignores us when we try to reason with him and compromise. It all got to be way way too much.  I’d been saying “I’ll leave xx month” or “I’ll be gone by xx season” for 2 years. And I never did it. Today I did. I met with my bosses (who are wonderful and understanding) and told them that as soon as I know how many paid days I have left up that I’m going to use them and then leave. And I cried. Because I love what the place used to be, what my job used to be. But the truth is, I can’t make a living from it. All it’s doing is making me stressed and tired and feel trapped. 
The people I work with day to day continue to be the best of the best and I still love them all with all my heart. I’m so scared that the woman who works directly with me everyday is going to feel like I’m wimping out or giving up or leaving her alone or that she did something to make me leave but none of that is true. I don’t have a new job lined up yet, and it may be a while before I find one. For a while that was the scariest thing to me. But I have to have faith that I’ll find something. For now I have enough saved up to be a medical cushion so I can survive and afford my medications without insurance (which was basically doing nothing anyway bc my deductible was so high I had to pay for my colonoscopy out of pocket 100%). I am very fortunate and privileged to be able to just quit like this, I know that. And at the same time, if I don’t leave, my health is just going to get worse. I’m almost 27, I need to be living. And what I’ve been doing for the past few years...I don’t know if I’d categorize it that way. Sure I’m physically existing, but at what cost? My mental health and my physical health for one, my relationships and home life for another.
I may struggle for a bit. And I know I will get frustrated with the job hunt. But I’m going to better myself. And I’m going to come back from all of this stronger than before.
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tired-girlstudying · 7 years
Tag thing
Tagged by @study-with-daisy (had to do another post bc the other one was long af)
Thanks, girrrrl👑
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
@vivianastudies @2016-2020 @tuani-studies @illbestudying-ifyouneedme @julia-journals @scorpio–studies @eliza12gamer idk @svtstudying
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
I’m 5'6, idk
I wear glasses, I can’t see far away or that shit.
I’m pale af
I have small hands
Got short legs
I’m chubby
I have light brown hair
Brown eyes 👀
I’m shy af but once you talk to me I’ll never shut up
I’m really anxious
I can feel very depressed one moment and incredibly happy the other.
I’m passionate abt what i do
I’m funny
Very sarcastic girl
I’ll always tell you the truth face to face idc.
I can give you a good advice
…. lmao idk
Just… learning, idk. Still finding myself.
Listening to music.
Going outside.
Complaining of being outside.
Going back inside.
Wtf? Wym?
Uhmm… idk. I went to Paris when I was 14.
I tried to learn French, nah.
I’m learning german
I moved to Spain
I tried to kill my self when I was 15
I only consider 3 people my best friends (Nallely, Michelle and Roberto💖 the last one is my bf)
I struggled with depression and anxiety since I was 12.
I’m still with medication, I’m much better now.
I live in Spain now.
I have a long distance relationship 💖💖💖💖.
I hate math
I’m not good at studying
I like buying stationery
I like reading
I like chocolate
I love ice cream
I love pizza
I love my boyfriend
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chanelvenus · 7 years
92 truths
i got tagged by the babe @beebeecee !! thank uuu
im nt tagging anyone but if u wanna do this go ahead and tag me so i can read it !
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water stay hydrated kids 2. Phone call: my bf when i freaked the fuck out on saturday lmao 3. Text message: my roommate i complained abou howt amazing this one masters program is and how i need around 27000€ 4. Song you listened to: bang yongguk - yamazaki 5. Time you cried: don't drag me but i shed a tear when i said goodbye to my bf last time i visited bcs im not used to not being around him 24/7.......... HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yah kinda 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah 8. Been cheated on: god no  9. Lost someone special: no? im blessed 10. Been depressed: nothing diagnosed 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nah LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: black pink red IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: oh hell yeah 16. Fallen out of love: not really 17. Laughed until you cried: last week actually 18. Found out someone was talking about you: maybe i don't remember  19. Met someone who changed you: YAH 20. Found out who your friends are: i guess? i really love the friends i have rn 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yah
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i recently cleaned it lmao so everyone 23. Do you have any pets: nah  24. Do you want to change your name: my name is cool ok  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: NOTHING it was lit 26. What time did you wake up: 8:30am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching memes on youtube i think 28. Name something you can’t wait for: having a new job aka €€€ and the new semester !! im gonna have some lit classes  29. When was the last time you saw your mom: mid July  30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: id love to have more cash lol literally all my problems right now are money related 31. What are you listening right now:  ........ german battle rap bye insight job (<3) vs emmax  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yah 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my bank account  34. Most visited Website: youtube Tumblr asos
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: a few 36. Mark/s: ??????? 37. Childhood dream: being a lawyer by e 38. Hair colo(u)r: platinum blonde 39. Long or short hair: shorttttt 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Keanu reeves ! always ! currently its 2017 Keanu but soon it'll change to late 80s again i can feel it 41. What do you like about yourself: i have many different interests so i can talk to all kinds of ppl ?  42. Piercings: ears two holes on each side, wanna get two more tho 43. Bloodtype: ask again when i donated blood in a few weeks  44. Nickname: none really 45. Relationship status: taken  46. Zodiac: LEO 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show:  i like Brooklyn99 ? sex and the city??? 49. Tattoos: im planning a few  50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: at the beginning of august i got nose surgery ?  52. Hair dyed in different color: yah i bleached this shit out of it 53. Sport: used to do swimming badminton n shit 55. Vacation: im planning Paris rn  56. Pair of trainers: i literally collect sneakers what u want from me. my favorites are my reebok insta pump over branded in black/white?? i want airmax 95??  MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: just had toast 58. Drinking: still water 59. I’m about to: eat something chocolate-y and do the dishes 61. Waiting for: the exams to be over, the semester to start ?? 62. Want: money 63. Get married: ya 64. Career: i am a philosophy and art history student do u really think i got any career plans... WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: depends 66. Lips or eyes: lips 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: both is ok as long as its not too dramatic 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms 71. Sensitive or loud: ???? what 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: what kind of question is this
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nah 75. Drank hard liquor: nooo 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nah 77. Turned someone down: ya 78. Sex in the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: i hope not ? 80. Had your heart broken: kinda??? 81. Been arrested: omg no 82. Cried when someone died: i always cry. 83. Fallen for a friend: yeah DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: sometimes a lot sometimes not at all but overall i know ill be fine 85. Miracles: ya 86. Love at first sight: yes :( 87. Santa Claus: hfjskhfkjsdf 88. Kiss in the first date: do u really have to believe in this... 89. Angels: something like that ya OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: i don't do the best friend thing 91. Eyecolor: muddy green 92. Favorite movie: OH BOYYYYY ?? maybe ?? fight club the social network tasm2 ?? BILL AND TED??? the devil wears Prada????? idk !
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