#bc he definitely told them that when i missed rehearsal last month
baladric · 2 years
not to be dramatic but i should be paid workers comp for the number of panic attacks this choir job has given me in the last 2 years
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mysticmikalla · 7 years
If it's not too much of a problem, could I request a small fic for Saeran? For example him leaving the Mc without saying anything because he still feels insecure about himself and coming back a few years later to make things up only to find out he has a child? I'm sorry for this roller coaster I just want some angst...
You want angst? You got angst!
Ps, this “small” fic ended up getting quite long bc I got a bit carried away lolol
Pss, shoutout to my girl dahlia for helping me overcome my writer’s block and giving me tons of inspo♥️
Psss; this is the first piece i publish that im nervous about so pls bare with me as i edit and rewrite this over and over lol
The mind of Saeran Choi was a hectic place.
Thousand of paradoxical thoughts and fears circled in his head, clashing and colliding into each other, taking form of his worst nightmares or most desired daydreams. It was a never-ending battle for dominance over the boy’s emotions between hope and despair. He’d take several pills for his intense headaches just so he could rest, and he took them much so that it became routine.
His world had always been dark and fuzzy, people taking form of shapes and noises instead of individuals, making it hard to care for someone, or allow them to care for him. He had shut himself in a world of darkness, despair always winning.
Ah, but then there was you. You were an amber in his ashen world, the moon peaking through clouds on a dense night. You came into his life so unexpectedly, and, in the shortest amount of time, because his most precious. You were his one and only treasure in life, the one who could make him feel normal. Who could make him feel human, rather than two opposite sides fighting for dominance.
You alone were able to silence most of the noise in his head. Most.
Despite popular belief and what you read in romance novels and fairy tales, love couldn’t cure all. It couldn’t magically make all of his life-long scars disappear, no matter how much he wished it.
Which is why he left, why he felt like he needed to leave with nothing but a light kiss on your forehead as you slept a note where he scribbled a quick ‘I’m sorry’.
With only a small bag of his belonging and a heart full of hurt, Saeran Choi disappeared from your life.
Your breath was knocked out of your body as the realization that he left, that he left you all alone and wouldn’t come back. Your body shook with broken sobs, your mind raced and hurt with unanswered questions, and your heart broke with what you thought was unrequited love
A tear-stained face became your norm for weeks, the cold space in bed beside you and the loneliness the absence of the love of your life becoming too much for you to bear.
After a few weeks, you started feeling sick in the morning and your cycle was unusually late, the ground of your stability started shaking, and when the little plus sign on the pregnancy test confirmed your fears, it sunk all together.
You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t do this alone. You could barely manage to pull yourself together after Saeran left, how were you supposed to take care of a child?
You begged his twin brother to locate him and bring him home, to at least find out if he was okay. You were a mess, thoughts running wild with worst case scenarios of Saeran being hurt, of you never being able to find him again.
Saeyoung was reluctant  at first, knowing that his brother must have had a good reason for leaving you, the one he loved the most, behind.
But after you told him about the baby, the red-headed hacker felt like he had no choice but to tell his brother about him. He could see the deep circles underneath your eyes and how your skin was paler than usual, and he felt as if owed it to you , in behalf of his brother, to help.
It was an old feud, hacker versus hacker, in which Saeran always won. He hid his traces and whereabouts so well, it was as if he never existed. In your insomniac nights filled with delirium, you wondered if he ever did exist in the first place.
Weeks became months, and months became years without him by your side. You desperately tried to recall what his voice sounded like, what his touch felt like against your skin. The galloping of your heart whenever you kissed him was now nothing but a distant memory, a foreign feeling. The only reason you still remembered his face was because of his twin brother who was there to keep you grounded.
Thoughts of him, which before occupied your mind every second of the day, became more scarce as the years went by, until they were a rarity. Your daily life went on, and you couldn’t waste time wondering about your former lover, not when taking care of your child came first.
With Saeyoung and the rest of the RFA supporting you, for the first time in a while you felt as if you weren’t alone.
Saeran’s heart pounded against his chest, so aggressively he though he’d might pass out before he reached for the doorknob of your previously shared home. How long had it been? He couldn’t recall at the moment. If felt like only seconds since he had last been here, but the agonizing longing in his chest made it seem like a millennia all at once.
He debated on whether to just open the door and walk right in like nothing had happened, or to ring the door bell and wait outside like a stranger would.
He settled for the latter, hearing the all too familiar bell echo throughout the house. When he heard footsteps coming closer, he felt as if he would collapse. He had dreamed about this moment for the past three years, and now that it finally arrived, he wondered whether or not he could handle to mixture of excitement and nervousness in his chest.
“Coming!” Nothing had ever sounded so melodic as that one word he heard your voice say through the closed door. The longing on his chest was suddenly so unbearable, he had to hold on to the door frame for support.
The door swung open, and his heart stopped.
There you stood. You were already in your pajamas, getting ready for the night. He noted your hair was different, and you looked thinner than you had before. He wanted to embrace you as soon as he saw you before him, but he restrained himself.
How would you react, he worried.
With widened eyes, you took the sight of Saeran in. You could almost mistake him for his brothe now, as his hair, which previously had been bleached white, was now bright red. It was also the first time you saw him without his blue contacts, his amber eyes bright and burning.
“Sa-Saeran?” You sputtered in disbelief. It was you who needed support now, feeling your body grow weak.
“MC,” He breathed, your name rolling off his tongue as if he had been waiting all this time to finally utter it, “I-I’m back.”
Your mind raced to find the right words, to decipher what you were feeling right now at this shocking sight before you, but all you could do was gap at him. The person you loved, dreamed about and ached for all these years stood right in front of you. The man who broke your heart and left you all alone with no explanation was back, and you didn’t know what to feel about it. Rather, you couldn’t just pick one emotion, seeing that you were feeling them all at once.
He couldn’t find the right words, either. He didn’t know how to express how much he missed you, how sorry he was for leaving you alone, how beautiful you looked and how many times he had dreamed of this.
“MC, I think we ran out of diapers, I think I will-” Saeyoung’s voice was cut off at the sight of his brother standing in the doorway. The three of you were frozen in place.
As he took in the sight of the red-headed baby girl in Saeyoung’s arm, Saeran’s jaw dropped and his head spun. He glanced at you, then back at his twin with the girl, and then back at you, incredulous.
Out of all the scenarios he had played out in his head, this was definitely not one of them.
“MC…Is this…” He opened and closed his mouth over and over, unsure of what to say, “You and him…?!”
“Saeran, it’s not-” Saeyoung began, but the boy already fumed, fists clenching beside him.
“You don’t have the right to be angry right now, Saeran.” You finally spoke. They were tranquil and soft, but Saeran felt an intimidating resemblance with a calm before the storm.
He ran a hand messily through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh, telling himself to calm down. But the hurt in his chest wouldn’t allow it. He was already more agitated than he would have like to be on the first time you two met again.
You and Saeyoung? Together? Thoughts of you and him tortured his mind, being close, being intimate, falling in love…
He wanted nothing more than to stick a needle in his ear and poke them all out with his brain. It hadn’t been that long since he left, and all that time you were the only thing in his mind. How could you have moved on so fast? With his twin, of all people?
“Hey, Saeyoung, can you give us a second?” You pleaded to the red-haired man behind you gently. You could tell Saeran was angry and unsettled at his presence.
“Are you sure?” He asked, eyeing you, your daughter and then his twin nervously. What Saeran couldn’t wrap his mind around was why his own brother was trying to protect you, the love of his life, his MC, instead of him. He should be the one protecting you, not him, never him.
He would never hurt you; not before, and especially not now. Not now that he’s come so far and worked so hard to get better. For you. It was all for you.
“I’m sure.” You smiled up at his eyes behind glasses, touching his arm lightly and reassuringly. The small action made Saeran want to throw up. How did it get like this?
Saeyoung left with the baby, and you and Saeran were alone again. You motioned for him to come it, still dazed by his sudden presence. You still didn’t know what to say, no combination of letters and words sufficing to express how you felt.
“MC…” He began, trying to remember what he had rehearsed in his head a thousand times over. He wanted to explain everything, to let you know how sorry he was for leaving and that he missed you. But deep down he knew there was no way to make up for it.
You shook your head, “Why did you come back?”
He knew you were angry. Your furrowed brows, arms crossed and your lips tugging downwards was more than enough to tell him so, but the words still felt like salt in his already wounded heart. He expected you to be at least a bit happy in seeing him after so long, but you only seemed troubled and hurt. Despite the situation and his worried expression, his heart was almost bursting with happiness at seeing you again. It was the happiest moment of the last three years for him, and he was hoping you’d feel the same, at least a little.
“MC, please let me explain-”
“Explain how you left me?”
“I swear I didn’t mean-”
“How you disappeared for three years without a word? How you left me here all alone, with just a fucking note?!” You raised your voice, heat flushing your cheeks as your anger took over. All those sleepless nights came rushing back, your broken sobs echoing in the back of your mind.
“I had to, MC…” He stood across from you, desperately wanting to close the gap between you and have you in his arms again, “I had to leave. For your sake.”
“I don’t understand,” You shuffled backwards, “I don’t understand! How could that have possibly been for my sake?!”
You were angry. You were furious.
Out of all the times you dreamed of meeting him again and confronting him, never did you imagine he would say he did it for you. You almost rolled your eyes, how cliché.
“That’s why I’m trying to explain it to you!” He was getting frustrated at your own frustration, his voice rising up to match yours, “MC, I wasn’t…I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t half the man I knew I could be. You deserved someone who could have given you everything, and I-”
“But you did give me everything! I was happy with you!” You exclaimed, “I loved you, Saeran, why couldn’t you just see that?!”
“But you deserved-”
“It’s up to me to know what I do and don’t deserve,” You objected, “And I know that what I didn’t deserve was being left alone like that. Nobody deserved that.”
“I know, MC…I fucked up. I know now that what I did was wrong,” He steadied himself, lowering his voice again and regaining the composure he tried so hard to achieve, “That’s just proof of how immature and unworthy I was… It’s why I had to leave, I couldn’t drag you down with me. Everyone was right, I couldn’t make you stay by my side and take care of me. It’s not what you wanted, and I was holding you back-”
“But that’s what I meant when I said I loved you! It meant that I’d stay by you through anything and everything. It meant that I would never leave. But you left, and I thought-” You choked on the words, built up pain from these last few years resurfacing, “I thought that when you left, it meant you didn’t love me enough. Not even enough to say goodbye.”
That old, familiar aching in your chest sparked up again, and soon your tears salted your tongue.
“That’s what you thought?” His eyes softened, his chest squeezing at the sight of you so sad
“What else was I supposed to think?”
“MC, I never stopped loving you.” He took a step towards you, attempting to grab the hands he missed so much, but being met with rejection as you backed away.
“You’re lying. If you loved me, walking away shouldn’t have been so easy-”
“Leaving you that day was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Please believe me, MC!” He cried, his eyes desperately searching for yours.
You bit your lip to keep from sobbing, the ache in your chest upsurging with each word he spoke to you.
“You won’t believe me, right?” His body deflated, “I can’t make you understand, not after everything I put you through…But just please answer me this…How long did it take…For you and Saeyoung to get together after I left?”
You furrowed your brows in confusion, “Huh?”
“How long it it take for you to to move o-on?” His voice broke, and now his own tears stained his cheeks.
“Saeran, I don’t-”
“That girl looks to be around three. How many months did you wait before you replaced me with him?” You expected his tone to be angry when he asked you these things, but they were sad, hurt and empty. Broken. Saeran looked tired and defeated, and for the first time since you saw him again, your facade started to break.
God, it still hurt. The whole in your chest was still there. You were a fool for ever believing anything could ever fill it.
“Sae, please listen to me,” You muttered softly, taking a few steps in his direction, his gazed fixed on the ground in refusal to meet yours, “It took exactly nine months for her to be born after you left. She isn’t Saeyoung’s.”
When he finally met your eyes, they were filled with confusion and…hope?
You let out a small laugh in between your tears, “She’s yours, Saeran. She’s ours.”
His brain buffered, not quite comprehending the words you had just spoken. He stuttered, trying to formulate words but none would come to mind. He…had a daughter.. With you. The gorgeous red-haired girl he had seen previously is half his, and half the woman he loves. No matter how hard he tried, his brain couldn’t process it.
A child? A daughter? He had a daughter…?
You stepped a bit closer to him, lightly caressing his arms. Your touch brought him back from his momentary daze, and he wished you’d never let go. He could never find the right words to tell you how much he missed your skin on his, “There has never been anybody else, Sae. Just you. It was always you.”
While your words meant Heaven and Earth to one brother, the other listened quietly behind closed doors, his heart stuck on his throat. He was happy, truly, that his twin had come back. He knew how much he meant to you, how you missed him everyday during his absence, even when you refused to admit so.
He knew that empty, far away look in your eye would finally disappear now that he was back, but Saeyoung was hurting with each syllable you uttered.
Despite the girl who slept in his arms not being his, and the woman far from his reach never truly seeing him, he felt happy. He found a family through you, helping you raise your baby and being there when his own brother failed to do so. He was helpless as he felt you two slipping away from him and into the arms of his brother. He felt sad and nostalgic at the thought of not being the one you relied on anymore. He even felt a little bit enraged at how easily Saeran had waltzed in your life again.
Saeyoung knew he shouldn’t be having these thoughts. They were wrong, selfish. The two most important people to him were finally happy, so why wasn’t he?
“MC…I’m sorry, I had no idea…!” Saeran finally spoke, the thought of you, all alone while pregnant with his child haunting his mind. Did you cry often? How many times had you cursed him, wishing none of this had ever happened, probably wishing you had never met him?
How could you possibly still love him after that?
“If I had known you were carrying a child, my child…I would have never…Oh God…” His knees grew weak, and he had to slump back on a chair to keep from sinking to the ground. His heart started racing and hands were shaking. He took a shallow breath at a time, his face buried in his hands.
Not again, he thought, not now.
He couldn’t lose control in front of you now. He wanted to show the person in front of him that he had changed, that we was becoming a better man for you. That all of this had been for something. But right now he felt as if he were back to square one, the fucked up little boy who couldn’t even control his emotions.
You rushed to his side, patting his back gently, comfortingly, “Shh, hey. Sae, look at me, please.”
He shook his head, refusing to meet your eyes, “I understand now. I understand why you hate me.”
“I don’t hate you,” You cooed, moving your hands up from his back to his hair, stroking it in the way you used to whenever he was upset all those years ago. You had tried convincing yourself that you did, you hated him. You insisted on the thought that he no longer had a place in your heart and you would be fine without him. While these thoughts were comforting to you back then, they were false. “I could never hate you, Sae. And you couldn’t have known.”
“But you were alone. I was so selfish, I’m sorry. You must have been so angry-”
“I was angry, yes,” You sighed, “I was pissed, and I was hurt. You weren’t here when I needed you to be, and it hurt because I thought you didn’t love me anymore.”
“But you’re here now,” You went on. The anger that previously clouded your judgement dissipating as soon as you felt his touch again. There still obvious lingering feelings of hurt within you, and they wouldn’t disappear so soon. But they didn’t seem important now.
The man weeping in your arms, the father of your child being back in your life was most important at that moment. Him and Saeyoung being right there with you, as your family, was what you craved the most, and you couldn’t let go of that because of past hurts. There would still be plenty of time to fix what was once broken, to heal what was wounded, but right now you two needed each other. You needed him so desperately it was almost physical, as if your bodies and souls were calling out to each other.
“C-can I see her?” He asked, wiping away at his tears and finally glancing at you.
You smiled reassuringly at him, trying to contain your own tears, “Of course. She’s yours, too.”
Yours. He would never get used to hearing that word.
The redhead finally took the courage to pull you close and wrap you in his arms, the familiarity of the smell of your hair, of the way you clung to his shirt as you hugged him was so overwhelming that a string of tears dropped on your shoulder.
“MC…” He breathed through his sobs, “Thank you. I love you, I never stopped. I know I can’t ever make it up to you, but I want to spend the rest of my life trying. So please, if you’ll have me, I’d like to come home. Please,” He cried harder and hugged you tighter, “I want to come home.”
It was hard to talk when your heart was at your throat and your chest bared to him, but you managed to choke out a whisper anyway, “Welcome home, Saeran.”
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heartbreakdolan · 7 years
Beautiful Things (G.D.)
based off Tori Kelly’s song Beautiful Things. HIGHLY RECOMMEND listening to it while you read this. It’s such a beautiful, sad song.
I’ll probably go back and edit this later bc I’m not 100% happy with it, but I wanted to get this up.
Summary: Graysons been away for months, and both him and his girlfriend worry things won’t be the same when he gets back.
Warnings: just some angst, and it’s kinda sad
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You woke up, rolling over to check the time on your clock.
You groaned, wanting to still be asleep. Huffing, you reached over to check your phone. Turning it on, you saw no new notifications and you sighed, placing it back down.
Grayson would be in London today.
You didn’t know why that was the first thought you had when you woke up.
You groaned and pouted, pushing your face into your pillow. It’d be great if Grayson didn’t invade your mind every waking minute. You hadn’t spoken in three weeks. With all the shows, travelling and exploring he was doing, you probably didn’t cross his mind half as much as he did yours. If he even thought of you at all.
Dating Grayson was the best thing that ever happened to you. You brought the best out of each other and complimented each other in a way no one else had before. It also helped that you were both madly in love with each other, heads over heels, completely whipped.
Some of the only negative things that came along with dating him were things he couldn’t control, so you felt guilty complaining about it or even mentioning it. Especially to Grayson. He couldn’t help fans gawking and interrupting you every time you went out, he couldn’t stop people sending hateful tweets, and you knew he felt guilty that you had to experience it. And that he was the reason for it. Complaining about it or being upset about it in front of him would just make everything worse, so you brushed it to the side, and it became a kind of bump in your relationship.
You rarely spoke about it, and when you did, it would result in at least one of you feeling guilty or annoyed or defensive and it never ended well. It created a rift and you could feel it growing bigger everytime the issue resurfaced.
Grayson spent the night before he left Europe, for tour, at your house. His flight was the next night, but he’d still have to leave early the next morning. That day you’d gone out to the mall, holding hands as you walked around, until fans came up and asked Grayson for pictures. You didn’t mind, returning his sympathetic smile as he let go of your hand to take the photo, but he was about to leave and you wouldn’t see him for months. You just wanted uninterrupted time with him. You folded your arms and focused on clothes on the rack beside you until he was done.
As he walked back to you, he kissed your cheek. “I’m sorry.”
You smiled up at him, “It’s okay, babe.”
He gave you a small smile, but you knew he felt guilty. “Let’s go home.”
You’d been lying in bed together for hours, just relishing in each other’s presence before hundreds of miles of ocean and different time zones would separate you.
You laid half on top of Grayson as he was on his back. His arms folded around your waist, as you ran your hand through his hair, faces only inches apart, memorising each other in that moment. Taking one last good look. It was dark now, the only light coming from the fairy lights strung across the wall, and the light down the end of the hallway still on. Your joint playlist, that you’d been adding to since you started dating, played softly in the background.
“I’m gonna miss you,” he said softly, breaking the silence.
“I know. I’m gonna miss you too,” you replied. He was only going to be away for two months, so you didn’t know why this was so painful. You shuffled down to rest your head on his shoulder and put your arm around his waist. You could feel his heart beating, a little harder than usual, but you didn’t say anything like you usually would. It didn’t feel like the right time.
“We’re gonna be alright,” Grayson suddenly said, but he sounded unsure himself. Like he was saying it out loud simply to reassure himself.
You nodded, but didn’t answer. You couldn’t. Because you didn’t know.
Grayson had been without you for six weeks, and hadn’t made any form of communication in a month.
You probably thought he was such a dick.
Truth is, he was being being a dick to you. He should’ve texted you, or called you. Any decent boyfriend would. But he hadn’t. He was just busy, and couldn’t deal with getting responses hours after he sent his texts, when he was asleep half the time, because of time differences. He couldn’t keep up with the scattered conversations, and about nothing, because there was no time to actually develop a proper conversation. So he just stopped. The longer he went without texting you, the more awkward it was going to be when he eventually did. But he hoped you’d understand.
It was 2am, and he had to be up for a flight at 7, but he couldn’t sleep. You kept playing on his mind. How you made him laugh until tears were streaming down his face and he couldn’t breathe. How you held him when he was anxious or upset and always knew what to say. How you told him when he was being a dumbass. How completely gorgeous you were. He missed sleeping next to you. He missed waking up with you in his arms and your face being the first thing he sees. He craved your touch and your lips. He missed you so much.
He loved being on tour more than anything, but he wished he’d shared it more with you. Now it was coming to an end, and it was too late.
Grayson crept out of bed and onto the balcony of their hotel room, careful not to wake Ethan as he slid the glass door open and closed, and took a seat outside.
He sighed, closing his eyes and shaking his head. What was he doing? He knew he wasn’t doing the right thing, but he didn’t know what the right thing was. He’d messed up by not talking to you for a month, but even before he left, things hadn’t been the same.
Lying in bed with you the night before he left, despite the countless ‘I love you’s and ‘I’ll miss you’s, he still worried you’d realise how unproblematic life was without him while he was gone.
“We’re gonna be alright,” he had said, but he heard the waver in his voice as soon as he said it. Like it was a question, not a comforting reassurance like he intended. And when you didn’t answer, his heart fell. He simply hugged you tighter and left it at that. After how isolated he’d made himself while he’d been away, not reaching out to you or seeing how you were, he deserved to have his heart broken. He wouldn’t blame you if you hated him and he’d understand if you never wanted to speak to him again. It had been a long time. Too long.
He stared at the moon, a deep sadness settling around him as he realised how small he was and how alone in this very moment. He needed his girlfriend. He needed you.
“Spoken to Gray lately?” Your best friend asked you from across the table as you ate lunch.
You picked up a fry and bit it as you spoke. “What do you think?”
She sighed. “Maybe you should text him.”
You shook your head. You’d considered it, but it had been five weeks. If he wanted to talk to you, by this point, he would have. “No, I’ll just leave it. He’s obviously busy. And he’ll be home in a week anyway.”
It’s a strange feeling when you’re both eagerly awaiting someone’s return, while simultaneously wanting to avoid them at all costs.
You could tell your friend was biting her tongue, and thought that your lack of communication was crazy. But she wasn’t about to make you feel any worse than you already did. She’d been on the receiving end of all your teary and angry texts and phone calls, so she knew how painful this was for you.
“I know,” she said. “It’s just, I bet he feels the same way you do.”
Your sunglasses hid how your eyes had glassed over with the painful tears pricking at your eyes.
You’d followed Grayson and Ethan’s tour online, smiling at hundreds of fan photos, videos and experiences all gushing about your boyfriend. The boys were all smiles, tanned skin and muscle in every photo and you felt a sense of pride knowing that was your boyfriend making so many people happy. But you also knew they would have been flat out, and with the hundreds of girls they were meeting on the daily, along with shows, rehearsals, meet and greets, Grayson would hardly have time to wallow in his self pity and obsess over this like you had been.
You blinked and wiped a tear that slid down your cheek. “Can we just not talk about this?”
Your friend sighed, giving you a sympathetic smile. “Sure.”
As she proceeded to change the conversation, your mind drifted to Grayson again. You’d call him, but he was definitely asleep at this point.
You missed him so bad, but things had to work out. You’d be alright, he said so himself.
But a lot had changed since then, and you just weren’t sure.
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legxllyblxndc · 4 years
bonfire night ( @foreverwednesday )
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Annabelle wasn't used to her and Gabe not being on totally great terms but she was still a little annoyed at him and how he had talked to her. And that he had told Link and, in tern, Emilie, about the guy she was seeing. They had made up but it still wasn't the same, she didn't think. "How is the boys new place?" She hadn't visited yet. She had been a little caught up in spending time with the boyfriend when she could. What Gabe had said to her was definitely going round and round in her brain but she didn't know what to do about it. She enjoyed being around Patrick - even if he wasn't who she should be with. She thought that being someones mistress was the least that she deserved.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link chuckled as he looked over at Gabe. They were running late, something that was pretty often now that they lived together. He was loving being out of his parents house. He felt a sense of freedom that he hadn't felt before. "Gabe, I swear to god you better hurry up otherwise we're gonna be seriously late and Emilie will have our heads!" He laughed. Even though they had decided to not be together right now, he was excited to see her. He didn't think that, that would go away. He had taken a little bit of something while he was waiting for Gabe so he felt really good.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Theo smiled as he saw Edie. He had been waiting outside her out and he was glad that she was finally there. It was colder than he had thought that it would have been and he was regretting coming out in just his jumper and not a coat. "Hey - you look really nice." He nodded his head and took her hand. Theo was becoming a little more confident when it came to Edie now and he liked that a lot. "You ready to get going? Are we meeting everyone there?" He asked.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Florence had been in two minds as to if to go to the bonfire night celebrations or not. She knew that Tommy and his friends would be there and she hadn't seen him since just after the wedding. She didn't think that she really wanted to see him. Things had been pretty final with them the last time that they had spoke and Florence knew that it was needed. They were never going to be what the other wanted them to be. She had told him that she loved him and he said that he could never love her back. Florence didn't know if her heart would ever recover. She sighed as her friend shoved a shot in her hand but she drank it anyway.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: It was a rare night that she and James were both free and while things weren't completely okay with them - Marissa thought that she owed it to him to have a chance to make things up. She didn't really know if she would ever be able to forgive him for what had happened but she really, really wanted to. She looked around them as they got to the bonfire. "I'm so hungry." Marissa laughed. "Can we get hotdogs?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah couldn't stop himself from being excited to see Joshua. It had only been a couple days since they had last seen one another but he never got tired of it. He wasn't sure where the two of them were - he didn't think that Josh would be ready to admit his feelings for him fully but Elijah thought that he could deal with that. He wanted to deal with that. He smiled as he spotted Maddie and quickly walked over to her. "Hey - you look lovely. I love your coat."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy really enjoyed spending time with Miles. She found him a lot of fun and she thought that the two of them being exclusive was pretty much exactly where she wanted to be right now. She didn't want to have to commit to something, fully. She was glad that James didnt' seem to mind that. "Fuck me - did it get colder as we walked here?" She asked him. Cassidy didn't live far and she had said that she would meet her friends there. She smiled as she spotted Josh, "I'll be back in a sec." She chuckled to him, as she realised that he had spotted someone that he knew too. "Hey!" She beamed as she wrapped her arms around her friend.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Dev had heard about the bonfire and he was never one to miss out on an event - especially one where it seemed like he could have a lot of fun. He had gone on his own. He found it more fun like that, at least that way he didn't have to worry about someone else. But he smiled as he spotted Miles, "Mate!" He called over to the other. "I didn't know that you were going to be here."
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: Emilie felt like pretty much everything had changed so much in the month since the wedding; she'd learned a lot about her friends, including just who Annabelle's new boyfriend was and she'd had to make her peace with that, as well as the fact that she and Link had decided to be together. On top of that, she'd also broken things off with Ezra - so she hadn't had a lot of time to be going to events, this was the first one in a while. "It's fine - I mean, it's nice. But Gabe lives there, so it's already messy." She rolled her eyes. She was glad the boys had somewhere to be, though.
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: Gabe was having the time of his life living with Link - even though he'd loved being at home, living alone was a new kind of freedom and he was really enjoying getting the opportunity to do pretty much whatever he wanted. "It'll be fine, we're not gonna be that late!" He laughed as his friend spoke, shaking his head. He hadn't even got dressed yet, he was still sitting on the couch in his underwear - although he knew it wouldn't take him too long to get dressed, so he wasn't worried. "God, it's so cold - it's gonna be freezing standing outside all night." He was excited to go to the bonfire, but he didn't really want to see Annabelle. They had made up, but he still wasn't happy with her.
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: With Annabelle getting ready at Emilie's, Edie had quite liked just getting the house to herself for a couple of hours - she had declined the invitation to get ready with her friends, seeing as Theo had already offered to come and pick her up. It had meant she didn't have to hide what she was doing, so she'd already had a little drink and taken something - so she definitely felt ready for the night ahead. She hadn't even realised that it was a few minutes past the time Theo had said he'd be outside, so she rushed to the door, smiling as she saw him. "Hi - thank you, it's freezing. Didn't you bring a coat?" She smiled, grabbing her own off the hook before she closed the door behind herself. She thought he looked pretty adorable in a jumper, though. "Yes, yeah - Emilie and Anna got ready at Em's and the boys are walking from their house." She smiled. She was excited to see her friends, but more excited to spend time with Theo. She squeezed his hand gently as they started walking.
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: Tommy didn't even go to one of the uni's that had organised the event, but he wasn't one to miss out on a party and he always enjoyed the events the girls brought them along to - and even though he'd been putting on a bit of an act since he and Florence had officially ended things, he still felt like he needed something to cheer him up a bit. He would never let onto that fact, but he missed her; he thought he was going to miss her for quite a long time. He'd agreed to meet everybody there, coming from a bit of a late rehearsal. He put a message in his, Gabe and Link's groupchat saying that he was setting off.
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: James hadn't had a weekend evening free in quite a while; he was usually at a late rehearsal and if he wasn't, he couldn't get a babysitter for Katie - but things had worked out well tonight and he was really looking forward to the opportunity to give Marissa the best night he could. He was spending every minute at the moment trying to make up for what he'd done. "We can do whatever you want." He smiled, nodding his head. "Hot dogs are one of the best parts of a bonfire night party - but I like the baked potatoes too." He smiled, raising an eyebrow as he looked around. He was only twenty three, but he still felt a lot older than a lot of people there.
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: Maddie absolutely loved bonfire night, it was one of her favourite times of the year - so she was more than excited to spend it with her friends. She had just been pouring herself a drink when she saw Elijah heading over to her. "Hey!" She beamed, wrapping her free arm around him in a quick hug. "Oh thank you, it's so nice and cosy - I can't believe how cold it is, I hope the bonfire warms us all up soon." She laughed, shaking her head. "I'm so excited for the fireworks, are you?" She always relished any opportunity to spend time around Elijah, she thought they got along so well.
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: Although he wouldn't let himself admit it, Joshua was always excited to see Elijah - even just the times where they could grab five minutes of conversation sometimes made his day and he refused to focus on what that meant. "Jesus Christ, I can't believe how cold it is. Who had the bright idea for an outdoor party?" He shook his head as he looked to Finley. They had walked there together and even though he was in a jumper and a coat, he was cold. He laughed as he heard Cassidy, hugging her tightly. "Hey! Are you alright?" He smiled.
AM EH AM SD BC GCH WAL MS AG: Miles loved getting to spend time with Cassidy and her friends and he could never turn down a party, so he was pretty excited for tonight - especially with there being a bonfire and fireworks. "I think it's literally getting colder by the second, I'm really regretting thinking I was cool not wearing a scarf and gloves." He laughed, raising an eyebrow. He definitely hadn't expected it to be this cold, but he wasn't going to let it ruin his night. A smile spread across his face as he recognised Dev and he gave him a little wave as he spotted him coming over. "Alright!" He laughed, starting to walk over himself. "I didn't know you were going to be here! I came with my friend Cassidy, I dunno where she went but I'll introduce you when she comes back. What are you doing here?!"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Annabelle hated being at odds with Gabe. He had been her best friend for such a long time and she couldn't remember the last time that they hadn't spoke every single day. She wished that she could say something which would fix things but she thought that he was pretty pissed off at her. She knew that she had said a lot of bad things to Gabe and she felt awful for it now. She really, really wanted them to be on good terms again. Annabelle laughed as she nodded, "That's what he does best, right? Wouldn't be Gabes place without it." Like Emilie, she was really glad that they had somewhere and each other.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link had thought that it had been a long time coming for him and Gabe to move out - he just wished that Tommy had joined them. He thought the three of them living together would've been a ball! He shook his head slightly as he listened to his friend but sat down in the chair next to him. "You know what'll make it warmer? If you actually get dressed." Link laughed though. He didn't really mind if they were a little bit late. He was hoping that things would feel a little more like normal, sooner rather than later.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Theo would do anything to be able to spend more time with Edie. He hoped that it wouldn't be long before the two of them were back together again - properly. He loved her so much and he hoped that she loved him too. He thought that she did. They spoke every single day and he spent so much time at the house. She had even come over to have dinner with his parents a few times. Theo laughed as Edie spoke to him and he shook his head, "I didn't realise that it was this cold!" He laughed as he shook his head slightly. He was regretting it but he thought that he would ignore that now that he was next to her. "Alright, great." He nodded with a smile before he started towards where the bonfire was.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Alright, alright!" Florence laughed as she shook her head slightly, "Alright, we need to get going!" She smiled at her friends. She was glad to be spending a little more time with them. Florence was terrible when she and Tommy were together. She got completely wrapped up in him. She wondered if she would ever get over Tommy. It hurt. She laughed as she grabbed her coat. Her friends were a good distraction but she knew that it would be harder when she got to the bonfire.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Marissa really wanted to forgive James - that was why she was here. She thought that she would never forgive herself if she didn't at least give him a chance. "Well you can grab a baked potato. But i'm having a hot dog." Marissa laughed as she nodded her head. She looked around them as they made their way to the queues for the vans, "I think Joshua is going to be here tonight - we should say hi to him later." Marissa had always been pretty close to her cousins - especially Josh. "The girls will be alright, right?" She asked him. They had just used the same babysitter - it made the most sense.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah smiled as he wrapped an arm around Maddie quickly. "Oh me neither. I thought it was meant to be the start of winter." He laughed as he shook his head. "Isn't that the main reason we're all here?" He beamed. He always loved watching fireworks. Elijah was so glad that he and Maddie got on as well as they did - he wondered if it would continue when she found out about whatever was going on with him and joshua. He really, really hoped so. Elijah just knew that it wasn't his place to tell her. When Josh was ready, he would. He hoped that it wouldn't be long, though.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Like with most parties recently, Finley had been in two minds about if he was going to go to the party or not. He had no idea what would be easier for him - but he wasn't going to say no to Joshua when he had asked him to go with him. Finley laughed as he listened to his friend and he shrugged his shoulders, "i mean - that's kinda what bonfire night is, isn't it?" He smiled as he looked at him. He was excited to see Maddie though - he was always excited to see Maddie. Finley was coming closer to the realisation that the feelings he had for her were more than just friendship but he refused to acknowledge it.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy loved bonfire night. It was a lot of fun and she got to spend time with her friends - what more could she want? Cassidy smiled as Joshua spoke to her and she nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm great, thank you! How're you?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow. She was having such a good time and she was glad that Miles was there with her.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Miles was one of Devs closest friends in London so he was definitely glad to see that the other was there too. Dev chuckled as he listened to Miles, "She's the one you talk about all the time, right?" He nudged him. Dev wasn't sure what was happening with the two of them but he liked seeing the smile on his friends face by any means. "I just heard about the party so thought i'd head on over." He laughed as he shrugged his shoulders.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Emilie didn't think the feud between Annabelle and Gabe would last much longer; she was pretty sure they would miss each other too much and get over everything just for the sake of being close again. "You're not wrong, but it's a fucking pain." She laughed, rolling her eyes. "I basically just spent all the time I was there picking up after him." She was really happy that Link was out of his parents house, though - that he had somewhere he could actually feel was home.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe had always known Tommy wasn't going to end up moving in with them, but that didn't mean he wasn't sad about it - he thought the three of them should at least live together for a while, for the stories... But he understood why Tommy didn't want to. "You might have a point there." He laughed, nodding his head as he got up. He felt so relaxed and at home in the apartment already. He walked into his room, leaving the door open as he pulled on jeans and a jumper, walking back into the living room to put his shoes on. "You think the girls are already there?" He really missed Annabelle and he hated that he felt awkward to even message her and ask.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Edie thought that by this point, she and Theo were pretty much together - she would never dream of seeing anybody else, not that she would want to and she hoped he felt the same. She just didn't want to bring it up and risk ruining everything. She still loved him so much, she'd never doubted that for a second. "You'll warm up when we get near the fire." She smiled, shaking her head. She was glad they didn't live too far away. "It's probably still warmer out here than inside." She chuckled - the heating was off again, so hers and Annabelle's house was absolutely freezing.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Even though she'd only just started, Charlotte was already loving university - or at least, the partying side of it. She hadn't been paying much attention in her classes, but she was sure she would be fine - she always was. She was supposed to be meeting Emilie and the others here, but she'd ended up coming early with some girls she'd met earlier in the day. She was excited to see what happened; she was a party girl through and through and she always made sure she was having the most fun, no matter what.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "You think I can't manage both?" James laughed, raising an eyebrow. It wasn't just that he was making the effort for Marissa to forgive him, he genuinely wanted them to have a good night... It wasn't often they got to spend all of this time together, even before everything happened. "Of course! He goes to one of these unis, right?" He nodded his head. He always liked to support the unis events, that's why they were there - he'd almost forgotten that Marissa's cousin went here. "Of course." He nodded as she asked about the girls. His sister had agreed to look after the girls and he knew they'd be absolutely fine.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Maddie laughed, nodding her head. "Me too! At least we came prepared." She smiled. She didn't really mind it being cold when it meant she could wrap up nice and warm, winter was her favourite season. "It's definitely the main reason I'm here! I have some sparklers, too - it's not a proper bonfire night without them. Although I should probably hand them out before people have too much to drink." She laughed. She was really glad that Elijah had confided in her, to tell her that he was gay - and she was still curious about who the boy was, but she wasn't going to press him on it.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh was always going to include Finley in everything, even if he didn't think he would want to go - he never wanted his friend to feel left out because of the decisions he had to make. "I suppose so, I would much prefer to watch the bonfire from inside, though. Preferably somewhere with heating." He laughed, shrugging his shoulder. He was never good when he was cold. He smiled as Cassidy spoke, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, I'm good - just bloody freezing. Where's Miles?"
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Miles rolled his eyes as Dev spoke, but he was laughing. "I've mentioned her occasionally, you're just a drama queen." He grinned, nudging his friend back. He was really happy with the point he and Cassidy were at and as long as she was too, Miles thought they would be just fine. He didn't need any kind of proper commitment just yet, they knew what they were. "Of course you did." He chuckled. Dev was one of his closest friends and he loved how easily he came about things; he thought the reason they got on was because they were both so chilled out. "I think it's gonna be good, these two unis have events together all the time. It's always a laugh." He smiled.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Annabelle was already at the point that Emilie thought the two of them would get too. She missed Gabe. And while she wished that he hadn't told their friends about the guy she was seeing - she missed him too much to stay mad at him. She hoped that he felt the same way about her and all of the terrible things she had said about him. "Well if you're just going to pick up after him then he'll just keep doing it, won't he?" Annabelle laughed. She never minded the mess. She thought that if that was how Gabe felt comfortable, then she would go along with it.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Although there was definitely an adjustment period to moving in to a place on his own, to living with Gabe, he was starting to get there. Link had gone from a place where he had people doing everything for him. Cooking, cleaning, shopping for him - to having to do all of that for himself. He didn't find it hard to do all of that for himself - it was definitely just an adjustment. "I'm full of smart ideas." Link laughed as he shook his head. He sighed as Gabe asked about the girls. He wished that he and Annabelle would sort out whatever was happening. "Yeah, probably. Or definitely almost there anyway."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Theo had never and would never sleep with anyone else. He was still completely head over heels in love with her. He just didn't know how to bring up the conversation of the two of them being exclusive. "You guys still don't have heating?" He asked her. Theo wished that he could do more to help Edie and Annabelle. He hated the thought that the two girls just had to make do. "You can stay at my house tonight, if you want?" He didn't like the idea of her having to go back to a freezing cold house - especially if Annabelle wasn't there.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Florence was well aware that Charlotte would be at the party. Her parents had told her as much. It almost made her not go. Although she and Charlotte hadn't really spoke, she didn't want to like the other just on principle. She didn't like the idea of being forced to be friends with someone just because her parents wanted her to be. But she was having a good night with her actual friends - at least so far. She hadn't seen Tommy yet.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "I think you probably can and that's quite frightening." Marissa laughed. She was really trying to make things as normal as possible. Although she didn't think he would - Marissa was afraid of James making her look like a fool. She was scared that she would forgive him and then he would go and do it all over again and she would look like a complete idiot. She really didn't want that. She didn't know if her pride was bigger than her love for him, though. "Yeah, he goes to Uni off." She smiled. Family had always been huge to Marissa, so she was looking forward to seeing Josh. "Okay - good." She nodded.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah nodded his head with a laugh. "Yeah, exactly. i don't think some of these guys know what dressing warm is.." He wasn't judging anyone, he just didn't understand how they were able to be out in the cold for as long as they were, wearing what they were wearing. It was completely mad to him. "Oh you do? That is the best party of a bonfire night!" He laughed as he nodded his head. Elijah had no idea how Maddie would react if she knew that it was Josh and as much as he wanted to tell her - he knew that, that wasn't his thing to tell.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Finley knew that Josh was just doing whatever he could to make him feel more comfortable and he really did appreciate that. He had worried about how they were going to be once he got out but it felt good to know that they were okay. That nothing had even changed between the two of them. "Yeah, well you're shit out of luck." He laughed as he shook his head slightly.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy was in her safe place whenever Josh was nearby - and she liked that Miles understood that. She didn't think that she would ever be able to be with someone who was jealous of the relationship she had with her best friend. He was practically another brother to her at this point. "He saw one of his friends. He's around." She laughed as she shrugged her shoulder.s
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Dev shrugged, though there was a smirk on his face, "Whatever you say, mate. I think I've heard her name more times than I've actually heard us play but that's neither here nor there." He laughed. He liked that his friend seemed to be in a good place with his relationship though. He thought that that was really good for Milo. "I always find the best spots, right?" He smirked. Dev liked a party. He rarely spent a night in and he liked it that way. He nodded as he listened to the other. "Guess time will tell, right?"
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Well, I'm not there all the time - I'm hoping to set a good example." Emilie laughed, rolling her eyes. Even though she seemed so cold to the people who didn't know her, she would always go the extra mile to look after her friends - even though they were more than capable of looking after themselves. She was just glad that she and Annabelle had been fine the day after their fight, because she valued her best friend a lot. "Who's Tommy coming with tonight? I hope it's not that fucking annoying girl from before." He had been through a series of girls since he and Florence had broken up and each one had annoyed her more than the last.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe still wasn't the best at being a fully functioning adult - he got by well enough, but his life was pretty similar to that of a university student; lots of microwave meals, noodles from a packet and he hadn't the first clue how to make an actual meal that wasn't pasta. He did his share of the cleaning, although he was fairly messy. "How did I never know before?" He chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "We probably should get going, then. And Tommy will be angry if he gets there before us." He laughed. He was really excited to see everybody, he just hoped it would all be better than it had been at the wedding.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Not yet, but the landlord says he's on it." Edie sighed, rolling her eyes - they had what was possibly the worst student landlord in the world and he'd been saying he was going to sort things out since they'd moved in. It wasn't like they could afford anywhere else though, not really. She smiled as he asked her to stay at his, nodding her head. "Yeah, that would be really nice - if Annabelle isn't at home, I don't want to leave her on her own if she is." She was just assuming that Annabelle would be going back to her boyfriends after the party and she always felt so happy and comfortable at Theo's house.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "It's not even that much food!" James laughed, shaking his head. With the amount of physical movement he did at work, he had a big appetite and he could usually pack away a fair amount at any time. He never wanted her to look like an idiot - in fact, he was doing everything possible now to try and make sure she didn't. "What does he study again?" He asked with genuine curiosity, a little smile on his face. He thought Marissa's family were all so kind and he was looking forward to seeing Josh.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I think you might be right - everybody looks really nice, but I think they might have frostbite by the end of the night." Maddie chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "I think so too! Sometimes I just think we have the same brain." She laughed, shaking her head - of course, she didn't know the true extent of their similarity. "My dad always used to get them when I was a kid and we would write our names. I thought it was so cool. Still do." She smiled. "Who did you come with? Do you want to come and find the others with me?" She asked. She thought Elijah deserved better friends and she knew how much hers liked him.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh laughed as Finley spoke, nodding his head. "Yeah, looks like I am." He chuckled. He had been so worried about his friend and he still was, but he seemed to be opening up more and he thought that had to be a good thing. He smiled as he heard Cassidy; he thought she and Miles were a really good match, he liked him. "Sorry, I'm just starting to prefer his company to yours these days." He teased, nudging her gently. He knew Cassidy would know that he was joking.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Now you're bringing the band into this? A risky decision mate, we'll end up having a scrap." Miles laughed, shaking his head. He knew his friend was joking and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't care - he would love Cassidy to meet his friends, he knew how well she'd get on with them all. "That you do! Have you met any friends yet, or do you want me to introduce you to everyone?" He thought that if he fit in well with the others, Dev probably would too.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "He'll live in squalor till you go round again. It will be a never ending circle." Annabelle laughed then. She didn't think that Gabes mess was that big of an issue. She thought it could be pretty fun, if she was honest. She loved that Emilie wanted to look after them all though - and she hoped that Emilie would be able to have her kids. She really, really thought that Emilie would be the most amazing mother, better than any of them. "God - I didn't think he could find girls more annoying than Florence but he's only gone and done it." Annabelle rolled her eyes.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link wasn't exactly the best cook but he was trying. He was just glad that Emilie brought the two of them food over all the time. He didn't think that they would have survived without it. Link didn't take much pride in how their flat looked, if he was completely honest. He thought that both he and Gabe had other things to do. "Because you don't pay attention enough." He laughed. "That's true. Has he said who he's bringing yet?" Link wished that he could do something to get through to Tommy when it came to Florence. He couldn't understand why his friend was happy to live in misery when he had a girl that loved him right there.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Didn't he say that last month?" Theo was over exaggerating but he thought that it was disgusting. He didn't understand how people could be so willing to let people suffer, like Edie and Annabelles landlord seemed to be. It was going to be the middle of winter soon, they needed heating. He really wanted to suggest both girls move into his family home but he didn't think that his mum and dad would really appreciate that. They would say yes though, he knew that. "Yeah, yeah. Of course." He nodded. Theo liked that she felt comfortable at his place though.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "It is quite a lot of food for a normal human." Marissa nodded her head. Though she knew that he was always going to have a big appetite with his job. Marissa had always struggled with her eating habits. She would either eat too much, or she would eat nothing at all. She had never had a good balance. "Journalism." Marissa smiled. She had a bad relationship with her father and a strained one with her brother - Josh was the best kind of relationship she had with her family.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy felt so comfortable with her friends around her. She had been a little unsure about going to the first uni party. SHe didn't know anyone there but her friends. She didn't go to either of the universities. She was just glad that she got to spend time with Josh and the other two. "Oh yeah, course you are." She rolled her eyes. "Tell you what, keep talking like that and you'll see neither of us." She laughed though, it was clear that she was just playing with him.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Isn't that what all of the best rockstars do though?" Dev asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. He loved playing in the band. It was a lot of fun. And he got to spend time with people that he really, really enjoying being around. He couldn't wait to meet the girl that he had been talking about though. "I'm game for introductions." He smiled. "Lead the way, my friend!"
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "You're probably right. I've already been there five nights this week to drop off food for them. I didn't even stay for most of them, I'm just scared they'll starve to death if I don't." Emilie laughed, rolling her eyes. She just didn't like the idea of them being hungry or ordering takeout every single night, she'd much rather cook for them. She really wanted to be a mother; she was young, but she already knew it was one of the things she wanted most - but she wasn't going to admit that to anybody, not when she knew it might not even happen for her. "I know, it's like he challenged himself and fucking won. The last one was the most unbearable, the one with the red hair. If she's here, I might have to push her into the bonfire." She laughed, raising an eyebrow.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe absolutely loved getting their dinner delivered by Emilie most nights; it meant he didn't have to cook and it was always good food, so he had absolutely no complaints. "That is also a very fair point, I do need to start paying more attention." He laughed, grabbing his keys and heading out of the door. He didn't think they were too far away, so they wouldn't be long. "You know, I don't even know if he's going to bring anybody - the girls were so mad at the last girl, I don't know if he'd risk it again." He chuckled at the memory, shaking his head. "I hope he doesn't." He enjoyed himself most when it was just the six of them - and Theo, who he pretty much saw as a part of the group now.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "He's said that since we moved in." Edie laughed, shaking her head. It was getting close to them deciding where they were going to live next now and Edie wondered, if she and Theo were back together by then, if they would live together. She thought she would love living with Theo. She would never leave Annabelle without somewhere to live, though. "Wow, look how big the fire is - I can barely see." She laughed as they neared the event, squinting slightly at how big and bright the fire was. She shielded her eyes slightly. "Did you used to come to stuff like this when you were a kid?" She smiled.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "It's definitely not, you're just tiny." James smiled, leaning over to kiss the top of Marissa's head. He was well aware that they still weren't okay, but just being here with her meant a lot to him and he was going to make that known. "Of course. I bet he's good at that." He laughed. The few times he'd met Josh, he'd come across as pretty smart - and quite opinionated. He wondered if Marissa had told her cousin what he'd done and he found himself hoping not.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Charlotte was well aware that her mother wanted her to find and befriend Florence tonight - she'd only mentioned about a thousand times that they were going to the same university, that a friendship would be great for anybody involved, but Charlotte hated the idea of a forced friendship. She thought it sounded so awkward. She walked over to get herself another drink, laughing to herself quietly as she saw that Florence was the other person at the table. She considered not saying anything, but she knew that would be rude. "Hi - Florence, right?" She smiled, raising an eyebrow.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Tommy had arrived at the party and was instantly annoyed that Link and Gabe weren't there; he'd sent them about ten messages demanding that they arrive soon, but they hadn't responded. He'd had to appease himself with talking to some girls that had approached him, but they were pretty boring and he wasn't paying much attention at all to what they were saying. He couldn't help but notice Florence over by the drinks, watching her for a second before he turned back to the girls. He really, really missed her.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "I guess I'll start being nicer then - I don't want to miss out on spending time with my new best friend." He chuckled, raising an eyebrow. He liked that Cassidy pretty much just came along to all of their university events now; they had always been a group and that group was four of them - it wouldn't be the same if Cassidy wasn't there. He could definitely see Miles becoming an extension of that, too.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "You're right, man - it would be great for our image, but maybe we need to wait until we're a bit more well-known first." Miles laughed, shrugging his shoulders. He loved being in a band - the boys were pretty much his best friends by this point and he knew how dedicated they all were. "Okay, perfect! Over this way, then." He smiled and started to lead the way, tapping Cassidy on the shoulder as he reached the group. "Hey! I just wanted to introduce you to Dev, he's in my band."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Of course you have. You should give them some cooking lessons, so you don't have to go over as often." Annabelle shrugged, "Although then Gabe might burn down the apartment block so who knows." She laughed as she shook her head. She was really looking forward to seeing her friends now - especially Gabe. She just wanted them to be okay now. Nothing else mattered. Annabelle nodded, "That's literally it. It's fucking ridiculous. Why does he even need to bother?" She raised an eyebrow. "He only really wants to be with Florence. It's annoying that he's being so stubborn about it." Annabelle thought that if Tommy was going to settle with anyone, it would be with Florence. She hated that he hadn't and that it didn't seem like he ever would.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link smiled as Gabe spoke to him and he nodded his head. He shrugged though, as Gabe said that he didn't think Tommy would bring someone, "Yeah, but Florence is almost definitely going to be at this one. He's not going to turn up alone, is he?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He didn't think that Tommy would ever risk not having a date while Florence did. He had no idea really, though. "I really hope not though. He's better when he's not." He chuckled.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "It's ridiculous. You guys can't live there next year, Edie." Theo sighed. He knew that he couldn't tell her what to do but he wanted to make sure that she was okay - and he didn't think she and Annabelle would be if they stayed in the apartment they currently lived in. He would ask her to live with him, for the two of them to find a place, if he knew what Annabelle would do. He didn't think she would have anywhere else to go. "It's mad, isn't it? I can feel the heat from here!" He laughed as he shook his head. "Do you know where the others are?" He asked her. "Oh, yeah. Well - It was mine and Barneys thing when he was old enough to take me on our own."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "And you're ... not? Is that what you're saying? Because I think differently." Marissa laughed. She wasn't sure how she felt about the physical contact right now. Every time he kissed her like that, she thought about he and Aubrey together. She was really, really trying to stop though. She let it happen now - she thought that, that was a step in the right direction. "Yeah, he is. I've read a few things he's written. He's good." She smiled as she nodded her head. "What do you think the girls will wanna do when they're older?" She asked him.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Florence was just trying to do anything to keep herself away from Tommy - which is why she distracted herself with the alcohol table. She thought that, that would be the best thing for her to do. Florence noticed Charlotte too - but she wasn't going to say something. She loved her parents but she absolutely hated the idea of a forced friendship. She didn't understand why her parents were so hell bent on it. Florence raised an eyebrow, though, as she heard Charlottes voice and she nodded. "Yeah, that's me. Charlotte, right? Char?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "We just have to hope that they're not going to be out here that long, don't we? Because I do not want to see the frostbite." Elijah laughed as he shook his head. He was really glad that he and Maddie were friends. He thought that she was just like him. He nodded his head, "You have no idea." He gave an almost nervous laugh then though. He really hoped that Maddie would still like him if she found out that he was having -- something, with Joshua. "Writing your name is the best bit about them." He nodded his head. "Oh yeah - just a few of my friends. I'm not sure where they are. So yes, I'll come and find the others with you!"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "I think you just offended both me and Finley, honestly." Cassidy laughed as she shook her head. She had been friends with Joshua for as long as she could remember, Maddie since she had started school and Finn not long after that. They were a four. They always would be. And she loved how much they accepted and brought in Miles too. She had no idea if they were going to be something serious - but she hoped so. "Oh- so you're who he abandoned me for." She laughed, "Hi! This is Josh and this is Finn." She smiled, indicating both boys as she said their names."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Maybe we should. We'll table this conversation for later down the line then, right?" Dev asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. Although Dec really hoped that he and the rest of the band would make it somewhere - he was happy just playing with them. He liked that the others were also as passionate about it as he was, though. "Nice to meet you guys." He smiled. "What's she doing with you though, Miles? She's far too good for you." He laughed, clearly teasing.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "But then how would I make an excuse to go over and keep an eye on them, make sure they're not living like they're homeless?" Emilie laughed, raising an eyebrow. She quite liked that the boys needed her, she liked having the excuse to be around them - especially Link. "But you're right, he would absolutely set fire to something and then I'd feel responsible." She laughed. "He does not only want to be with Florence, do you even hear what you're saying? If he wanted to be with her, he would be. He prefers his life like this." She did think Tommy had feelings for Florence, but she didn't think he wanted to be with her - because he wouldn't be doing all of this, if that was really true.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe shrugged his shoulders; like Link, he thought it was pretty unlikely that Tommy was going to turn up on his own, but he could hope - their friend was always a lot more fun when he was on his own and not trying to make an impression on some girl. "Yeah, me too." He nodded his head. "He didn't mention anything when I spoke to him before. Maybe he's really not gonna bring anyone." He shrugged.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I know. There's not really anything else we can do, though. It'll be fine." Edie smiled, shrugging her shoulders. She didn't like thinking about how bad the house was, because it reminded her that they were pretty much stuck there - the rent was already a lot compared to what little money they had. She and Annabelle were constantly getting ill because of how cold and damp it was. "You should be glad, you won't freeze now!" She laughed, squeezing his hand gently. "Anna and Emilie are already here, but I'm not sure where." She shook her head. She smiled slightly as Theo talked about his brother, she always liked hearing about him. "That's really sweet, I can just imagine how cute the two of you looked."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I'm not as small as you are." James laughed, shrugging his shoulders. He had no idea how Marissa felt about the physical contact, but he was starting to gather that things weren't going to be the same for a long while - and he totally understood that. He knew he was just going to have to try. "Oh really? You'll have to show me some, I'd be really interested." He smiled. He definitely wanted to support her cousin. "I don't think there'll be any prizes for guessing what Katie wants to do, will there?" He chuckled. Katie had been dancing since she could walk, it was her biggest love. "I could see Frankie following in your footsteps."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Charlotte hated the idea of any awkwardness, especially when it came to her parents forcing her to be somebody's friend - and she'd already heard a lot about Florence from Emilie, but it felt weird to ignore her. "Either works, just not Charlie." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders - she didn't think she could think of a name that suited her less. "We're future best friends, according to our parents." She laughed sarcastically.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "We'll have to go around and make sure everybody is keeping warm." Maddie laughed, shaking her head. She wasn't planning on drinking tonight, but she was sure people would be keeping warm in their beer jackets. She was being completely serious when she said she didn't have feelings for Josh anymore - if she knew he was the boy Elijah liked, she would be so happy for both of them. "Perfect! I'm not sure where they are, actually. How cool are all of these food vans?" She smiled as she started to walk, looking for her friends. "I definitely want to get a hot chocolate later, it smells so good."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh laughed, nodding his head. "No offence meant - I'm just trying to be honest." He grinned, before he shook his head at his friends. "You guys know you're my best friends - and Mads, wherever she is." He had a feeling she was with Elijah and he really hoped they came over soon, because he really wanted to see him. He smiled as Miles introduced his friend, holding out a hand to him. "Josh." He smiled, nodding his head. "Do you know where Maddie is, actually?" He asked Finley, raising an eyebrow. He was getting to a point where he missed Elijah when he wasn't around him, but he wasn't about to ask where he was.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Miles laughed as Cassidy spoke, shaking his head. "Momentarily - I just wanted to make sure he was going to behave once I introduced you." He laughed. "Shut up, you." He grinned as Dev spoke, rolling his eyes. "He's trying to start a fight with me, he thinks it'll up our street cred as a band." He chuckled, looking between them.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Ah, of course that was what it was. I should've known that." Annabelle laughed. She loved Emilie so much. She loved how complex her best friend was. She put up the cold front but Annabelle didn't think that she had ever met someone so caring. She knew that when it came down to it, Emilie would always put the five of them before herself and she loved that. "And Link would be out of a lot of money." She laughed as she shook her head. She couldn't believe sometimes, that Link had bought that place for him and Gabe. Annabelle shook her head, "I think that's it though - I think he wants her, he just doesn't want to want her. Does that make sense?" She laughed. If she really thought about it, she thought she was the same about Gabe. She didn't think she was good enough so she was trying to just ignore it.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link didn't know what they could do to get Tommy to just calm down for a little bit. He wished that his friend could just spend time with them and not worry about girl or the rest of it. Though he wouldn't admit it to him, Link thought that Tommy was really hurting. Link shook his head, "if he's not bringing someone - he'll end up with someone so it's the same difference, isn't it?" He sighed. They weren't far off now and he was getting really excited to see the girls.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "You guys are gonna get ill though, that's what I'm worried about." Theo muttered with a shake of his head. He wished that there was more that they could do. She and Annabelle were constantly ill. He didn't know how someone could be happy to let people suffer like that. It was mad to him. "You guys should just live with me or something next year." He shrugged. It was the first time he brought it up but he thought that it made sense. "Which is definitely nicer isn't it?" He laughed as he shook his head. "Alright - well we should find then." He smiled and squeezed her hand, "Don't let go, okay?" Theo tried not to get sad when thinking about his bother but he missed him so much. "Yeah - it was fun."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "That is true." Marissa laughed, as she nodded her head. She wished that she could make it easier for him. She wished that she could forgive him easier than she did but she didn't know how. Her brain was working about a million miles per hour, tugging her in a million different directions. She didn't know how to slow it all down a little bit. "Yeah, I will. I'll get him to send me some over." Marissa smiled. That was one thing she loved about James, he really did seem interested in her family. "Oh, no. Of course not." She laughed as she shook her head. She couldn't wait to see Katie shine on stage one day. "Oh, you think so?" She smiled.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Florence wanted to be able to make her own opinion up about Charlotte - or anyone - she never liked being told what she should do. She thought that a part of that had been why she was so interested in Tommy, in the beginning. And she had definitely noticed him tonight. She hated that he didn't seem to care, that he was already moving on to about a million different girls. "Not Charlie. Got it. I can't see you as a Charlie." She laughed as she shook her head slightly. Florence nodded as Charlotte spoke, "You seem about as convinced on that as I am?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "That's what we're here for, right? Designated mum and dad?" Elijah raised an eyebrow. He felt so comfortable around Maddie. Usually, when he was the only one not drinking, his friends would take the mick out of him. It never seemed to be the case when he was around Maddie and her friends. She rarely drank as well and he liked that. "I'm sure we'll hear Cassidy soon." He laughed. "But yeah - they're really cool. And they smell amazing." He loved going to places like this. The atmosphere was electric. "Oh you can't say no to hot chocolate at a place like this, can you?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Finley smiled as Dev was introduced to them and he nodded his head. He always felt a little on edge around new people. He still wasn't completely 100% around Miles. He didn't know how to be with them. He worried that they would be able to see straight through him. He shrugged his shoulders as Josh spoke to him, "I think she might be with Elijah but I'm not sure." He smiled. He wondered why Josh asked him where Maddie was. He hoped he didn't see how he felt about her. He thought he would freak out a little bit.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy shrugged her shoulders, "So we're supposed to just know that now? Because two minutes ago you were talking about how much you love Miles more than us." She smirked though, she was clearly playing with her. Cassidy rolled her eyes as Miles spoke and then laughed as she heard Dev, "Oh, he can stay." She laughed as she nodded her head. She wrapped her arm around Miles' waist. "You'd look hot with a black eye, though."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Dev smiled and shook Joshs' hand as he reached out to him. "Nice to meet you. All three of you." He smiled. He liked meeting new people. He thought that they were all pretty much just an adventure waiting to happen. "I'm not trying to start a fight with you. But it would bring up our street cred." He laughed as he looked at the others, "Have you heard this guy sing?!" He asked the other two, figuring that Cassidy had already.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Emilie laughed, shrugging her shoulders. She wasn't going to deny it when it was the truth, Annabelle knew her better than that - she would always look out for her friends and she knew they would do the same for her. "Fucking hell, I know. I still can't believe he just straight up bought the place." She shook her head. She didn't know if she thought it was the right decision, but she wasn't going to say anything on it - which was rare for her. She rolled her eyes as Annabelle spoke about Tommy. "I think you're romanticizing it. I love him, but when it comes down to it - he's just a typical man. He likes her, but he wants to keep his options open more than he wants to be with her. It's why they suck." She shrugged her shoulders. She really thought that Tommy was pretty obvious to read.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe wished that Tommy would let his guard down a little bit more with them - although he confided in the group, especially he and Link, about a lot of things, he never quite managed to let go of his pride and Gabe thought that was sad. There wasn't really anything he wouldn't tell his friends, because he trusted them so much. "You're right, it's the same difference. I just can't be bothered with anymore Florence drama." He laughed. He thought as soon as Tommy left the girl alone, that drama would be out of their lives. He hoped, anyway. "Oh, look! The fire!" He beamed as they got close enough to see the orange light, speeding up the pace a little bit.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Edie didn't even know how to argue what Theo was saying, because he was totally right - she and Annabelle were always getting colds and coughs, it was a horrible place to live. She raised an eyebrow as he spoke about them living together. "You, me and Annabelle?" She smiled. She loved the idea of living with Theo, but she didn't think Annabelle would like that. She thought it was definitely something she would discuss with her friend, though. "I won't let go." She promised him with a smile, squeezing his hand back. Edie hated knowing how much Theo was still hurting over his brother and not being able to make it better, but she loved hearing about the stories he had. "I bet. Did the bonfire seem even bigger, when you were a kid?" She smiled.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: James was never going to ask Marissa to forgive him more quickly, it had never even entered his mind - he knew he was massively lucky that she had decided to forgive him at all. "Yeah, that'd be great! We need better journalists." He laughed, shaking his head. He smiled as she spoke about Katie - he was endlessly proud of his daughter. "Yeah, absolutely. She looks up to you so much, Riss. It really wouldn't surprise me."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I'll take that as a compliment. Charlie is not a pretty name. Reminds me of the dad from Twilight." Charlotte laughed, shaking her head as she poured some wine into a plastic cup. "I just don't like being told who I should be friends with. No offense, of course." Her mum had always liked to tell her what to do and Charlotte had always been pretty good at ignoring her, so she didn't see any reason to decide to stop that now. She found it funny that Florence seemed to think the same, though.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Absolutely! I love that." Maddie smiled, nodding her head. Her friends had never made her feel bad for not drinking and she knew they didn't even think anything of it now, but she was still happy that she seemed to have found a kindred spirit in Elijah. "I think you'll be right about that." She smiled as he spoke about Cassidy. "Oh, I know - everything smells so good, I can't figure out what I want most." She laughed. "Of course not! I want the full works, as much as they'll give me." She smiled. She'd always had a sweet tooth and she was absolutely going to give into it tonight.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh could tell that Finley felt a little bit uncomfortable around new people, which was why it seemed like a pretty big deal to invite Miles into the group - which was probably why it hadn't properly been done yet. He didn't blame his friend, though; he'd been through so much, it seemed natural to have a small circle of people you trusted. "Yeah, I thought so..." He nodded as his friend spoke about Elijah. He really wanted to see him, he just didn't ever want to be obvious about it. "It's weird, not having them - her, around. They're probably coming to find us." He nodded his head. He wondered if Elijah thought about him, as much as he spoke about Elijah.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Miles smiled as Cassidy's arm went around his waist, resting his own around her shoulders - he felt really happy with where they were at and he liked this casual intimacy. "I would look hot with a black eye. And it would bring up our street cred. You're both right. I'm seeing more pros to this fight than cons, honestly." He laughed, shaking his head. He had known the two would get on instantly. "I haven't sang in front of her yet, actually - she's a musical theatre student, she'd put me to shame." He laughed, shaking his head.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Annabelle laughed as she nodded her head, "Fucking mad, isn't it?" She asked her friend. She didn't think that she would be like Gabe and move in with someone who had literally bought a place. She thought that she would be relying too much on the other person for her to feel comfortable with. She shrugged as Emilie continued to talk about Tommy. "I guess we'll see, right? Where is he anyway?" Annabelle and Tommy had been spending more time together recently. Edie was always with Theo, Emilie and Link were always together and she and Gabe weren't on great terms - which left each other. She had been enjoying it much more than she thought she would've.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link thought exactly the same as Gabe. He thought that it would do his friend some good if he could just properly confide in them. There wasn't anything that Link wouldn't tell his friends so he couldn't quite understand why Tommy felt like he couldn't trust them 100%. He shrugged as Gabe mentioned Florence, "Yeah, I don't think that's over." He muttered. He didn't think Tommy would leave Florence alone as long as she kept letting him back in - and he thought that she wouldn't stop letting it happen. "Now he picks up the pace! You're like a moth."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Theo shrugged as Edie questioned him, suddenly thinking it was probably a crazy idea. "I mean why not? You guys need somewhere decent and I could do with getting out of my parents house so it's a win, win, right?" He loved being around his parents all the time but he didn't think that it really did him any good. He thought that he needed to step out on his own for a little while. Theo smiled as she said that she wouldn't let go and nodded at her question, "Oh yeah, it seemed huge"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Part of Marissa really, really wanted to get things but the other part of her worried that if she rushed this, then they wouldn't be in a good position. She wanted them to be happy. And she thought that they were maybe getting there. "Well, he's almost ready for the world so hopefully it'll be better soon." She laughed as she nodded her head. Marissa smiled widely as they spoke about Frankie, "She'd be so good at it - if she did."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Florence laughed as she listened to Charlotte and nodded her head "That's very fair." She shrugged at the girls next sentence though, "No, me neither. So none taken." She sighed before she shook her head slightly, "Though I don't particularly like being told to do anything by my parents so.." She shrugged her shoulders slightly before she sorted herself out another drink, "Did you want one?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah smiled. He really did feel like he had a friend for life in Maddie. She was a kindred spirit and it honestly felt like he had been waiting for a friend like her for forever. He felt so grateful to have that now. "It seems the most obvious thing." He laughed as he nodded his head. Elijah hadn't eaten before he came so he definitely thought that it wouldnt' be long before he got something to eat himself. "You've got to have a hot dog at a bonfire though, no?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: From what Finley had seen, he liked Miles. He just wasn't sure how to be around him. Mostly because he didn't know how much Miles knew about him and he didn't want to do something which would lead to awkward conversations. Finley wasn't sure how to be himself just yet - he was still trying to find it - but it was even harder with new people around. "Probably. i'll text her."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy couldn't remember this time she felt so comfortable with a guy. It had taken her a long time to properly be ready to open to something and she was glad that it was with Miles. Cassidy laughed as she listened to him and nodded her head "Honestly, I just think it need to be done." She shrugged her shoulders, clearly kidding with him. She rolled her eyes as he said that she would put him to shame, "I highly doubt that. I can't wait to see you guys."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Name a time and place and I'm there, mate." Dev chuckled. He was having a lot of fun tonight and the night had barely even gotten started .Dev raised an eyebrow as Miles explain that Cassidy was into musical theatre and nodded his head, "Yeah, she probably would then." He laughed. "I'm gonna get a drink, what do you want?" He asked the two of them.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Really fucking mad." Emilie agreed, nodding her head. She didn't think she would ever be able to live somewhere that totally belonged to the other person; she would always want an equal share, she wouldn't want somebody to have that control over her. "Yeah, we'll see." She laughed, raising an eyebrow. "I have no idea - look for wherever the biggest group of girls is and he'll probably be around them." She rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling. She knew Annabelle and Tommy had been spending more time together recently, but she didn't really think anything of it.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe shrugged his shoulders, sighing softly. "Maybe not. I guess we'll just have to find out." He nodded. He didn't think Tommy's life would ever be free of drama, he loved it too much. Even though Florence had broken things off for now, he didn't think it would last very long - it never did. He laughed loudly as he heard his friend, shaking his head. "That's rude! I'll start running if you're not careful, then you'll be left behind." He chuckled. He was so tall that it would only take a few big strides to be far ahead.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Edie absolutely didn't think it was a crazy idea; at least, not for the two of them - she just didn't think Annabelle and Theo would really enjoy living together and she didn't want them to have to do it for her. "Do you really want to leave your parents house?" She asked curiously. She thought he seemed so happy and secure there. She would love to live with him, but she didn't want to feel like he was just suggesting it because he felt bad for her and Annabelle. Especially because she thought living on your own was a pretty big deal. "I bet - it still seems huge now." She laughed, shaking her head.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: James smiled, raising an eyebrow. "Everything felt like it was a lot easier when you were in uni, didn't it? I remember thinking it was going to last forever." He chuckled. He thought that was how Marissa's cousin and his friends must feel right now, like it was never going to end. He'd really enjoyed being that age. "She would. She's so caring, she'd be great." He smiled. He thought of Frankie like his own and he thought she would be excellent at what Marissa did.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Charlotte laughed, nodding her head. "It's good we're on the same page. Although I think our mums might have a combined aneurysm." She laughed, rolling her eyes. "I'm with you there - even though mine seem to really enjoy telling me what to do, so it's a pretty lose/lose situation." She giggled. She shook her head at Florence's question, holding up the cup she'd just poured. "I've got one, thanks. I had no idea what they'd actually have here, so I just brought my own. Everytime I've been offered a drink by a boy at uni party so far, it's been beer that is way too warm to consume and still feel safe." She laughed.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Are you going to judge me if I say I don't actually like hot dogs?" Maddie laughed, raising an eyebrow. She wasn't vegetarian, but she didn't really enjoy a lot of meat - she could be a little bit of a picky eater sometimes, she liked to know what she was eating. "I wish I did, because people always seem to enjoy them so much - and they fit right into the fairground vibe here." She smiled, nodding her head. "Do you want to get a drink before we go over? I think I'm going to get a lemonade or something, I'm really thirsty." She smiled, nodding over to one of the vans.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "You don't have to, I was just wondering." Joshua smiled slightly, shrugging his shoulders. He knew that sooner or later, if he actually wanted anything to come of he and Elijah, he would have to tell his friends - but he just didn't want to think about it. He didn't want them to see him differently, he didn't want their opinions of him to change. And he knew that Elijah and Maddie were friends, he didn't want to cause any problems there. "This is pretty cool, right? The party?" He smiled admiringly as he looked around them. He liked that drinking wasn't a necessity here, that not everybody was doing it - he hoped it made it easier for Finley.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I'll organise it properly, the way all cool fights are done. There might have to be some singing and dancing - like West Side Story." Miles laughed as he looked over at his friend, shaking his head. "She absolutely would. You absolutely would." He smiled, looking to Cassidy. "I mean, I still haven't heard you sing, so - it's got to be an even game." He chuckled. "Just a beer for me please, mate."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "It's also so Gabe too, don't you think?" Annabelle laughed, "To only move out when he has someone else to look after." She smiled. She missed Gabe more than she could ever really say. She loved him so much. He was her best friend. She wished that the two of them could fix whatever was going on. Annabelle nodded. "Okay - that's fair." She laughed as she shook her head slightly. She knew that Tommy was never going to stop but she thought that, that was one of the reasons why they loved him. He was unapologetically himself.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link nodded his head, "Yeah, we will." He loved knowing that, whatever happened, the other five were always going to have his back. They were his family and he knew that they were going to be friends for the rest of their lives. He thought that, that was probably the most commitment that Tommy could manage. And he liked that they were that for him. "I'm just speaking the truth. We both know it."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Theo thought that the fact that Edie hadn't just laughed the idea away, was a good sign. He really, really wanted the two of them to have that. He thought that he would be more than happy to move out of his parents house, was if he was going to move in with Edie. He nodded, "Yeah, I think so. It has to happen sometime, right?" Theo asked. And maybe he hadn't thought things through properly but he thought that it would all be okay. He wasn't saying it just because he felt bad, even if it was a little part of it. "That's because you're tiny, Edes."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Marissa nodded her head as James spoke. It was the second year of university when she lost the baby - but she didn't see the point in mentioning that, in bringing the whole thing down. "Yeah, it does feel like it would last for forever. It was fun though, right?" She raised an eyebrow with a smile. Most of Marissas teenage years were tainted with bad memories. She was just trying to enjoy her twenties instead. "She's a good kid, right?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Florence nodded her head, "At least we both know where we stand right? Wouldn't it be tragic if one of us genuinely couldn't wait and thought they'd met like their platonic soulmate." She rolled her eyes before she laughed. Though she wouldn't admit it just yet, Florence was actually really enjoying her conversation with Charlotte. "That's what mums do best, right?" She raised an eyebrow. Her mum had an opinion on literally every aspect of her life. Florence laughed as she listened to Charlotte and nodded her head, "That's very fair actually. I don't see how they think that's gonna impress us."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "I would never judge you." Elijah smiled. He was someone who always tried to make sure that people felt comfortable around him - that included not judging people. "Though it is a little weird." He chuckled. Hot dogs were basically tied up with all of his bonfire night memories. He knew that he would have to get one by the end of the night. "They're okay. A little plastic-y but I think it's the nostalgia of it, you know?" He raised an eyebrow. "Oh sure." Elijah nodded his head with a smile. "I didn't even think about getting a drink. Yes. Perfect."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "I just sent her a text." Finley chuckled as he nodded slightly. He was looking forward to seeing her, that was for sure. He had no idea what he was thinking with all of this - with whatever he was feeling for Maddie. He would never do something which was going to ruin things. Joshua was his best friend. He was one of the few people that Finely felt like he could be himself around. He was his anchor. He couldn't do something to mess with that. Finley nodded his head as he looked around "yeah, it's good, yknow?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy laughed as she listened to Miles. She was almost relieved at how well she and Dev got along. She hoped that it would be the same with his other friends too. "Maybe then i'll finally be able to hear you sing." She smiled. Cassidy shrugged her shoulders then though. She definitely wanted Miles to be at the final showcase that year, she was just a little nervous about him seeing her. She didn't want to disappoint him. "You'll hear soon enough, I'm sure." she laughed as she shook her head slightly. "Gin and lemonade please!"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Oh shit but then you know you're gonna win if it includes singing." Dev laughed as he shook his head ever so slightly. He nodded his head as he listened to what the two of them wanted. He nudged his friend, giving an approving nod before he moved over the queues for their drinks.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "He's always going to need somebody to look after him." Emilie laughed. She loved Gabe, but she didn't think she could ever be with anybody like him - he was so co-dependent, she sometimes wondered how he'd survive on his own. She looked around the space for Tommy, unable to help laughing as she saw she'd been right. "Told you." She smirked, nodding over to him and the group of girls. "He could not look any less interested in whatever they're saying if he tried." She laughed.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe had no idea what it must be like for Link, or for Edie or Annabelle, for their little group to be the only family they had - because he had such a prominent family life and he hated that they didn't, but it just made him determined to make it as good as possible for the others. "Can you see the girls anywhere?" He asked, scrunching his nose up slightly as he started to look around. He didn't think they'd be hard to spot, but the place was pretty busy. He still had no idea how it would be with he and Annabelle, but he was almost a little bit nervous and he didn't like that at all.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I guess it does. Maybe I'll speak to Annabelle." Edie smiled, nodding her head. She thought that meant really good things for them, if Theo was thinking about things like moving in together - it meant they were on the same page and she felt really happy about that. "I'm not that small!" She laughed, shaking her head. "There are definitely people smaller." Because Theo was also pretty small, she never felt that tiny and she liked that. She liked the way they looked together. "I can see Gabe, he's over there!" She laughed as she saw her friend bounding about, pointing across the space to him.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "A lot of fun." James smiled. So much had happened in between university and now, that it felt like it had been so much longer than a couple of years since they had graduated. "She's the best kid, Riss. You've done an amazing job." He smiled. He thought she was such a natural mother and Frankie was one of the sweetest kids he'd ever met. He loved how well she and Katie got along, he thought it was amazing.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Charlotte giggled as Florence spoke; she was already different to how Emilie had described and she was glad she'd actually spoken to her. "Tragic isn't even the word. That would be so embarrassing." She laughed, shaking her head. "Apparently they do. Mine's an absolute nightmare, you'd think I didn't already have friends the amount she's pushed this. I didn't even want to come to university in the first place." She laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "Neither do I - and it always tastes like crap, too. I am not a hard person to impress, it really doesn't take much - these boys are low on their game." She chuckled, shrugging her shoulders.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I know you wouldn't." Maddie smiled - that was one of her favourite things about Elijah, she always knew where she stood with him and she knew he would never judge her. She knew a lot of people thought she was boring, but she never felt that with Elijah. "Plastic-y? That doesn't sound like something you should enjoy." She laughed. "I do like toffee apples though, we should get some of those!" She heard her phone buzz and looked down at it, smiling as she saw a text from Finn. "And then we should find the others, I think they're missing us." She chuckled. She was so glad that Finley had decided to come tonight, she really loved spending time with him.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "If the first time you heard me sing was in our big dance battle, I think - actually, I think I'd love that. What a cool debut." Miles laughed loudly. He loved the fact that Cassidy and Dev got on well; now they both liked each others friends and he thought that was important. "I hope so, I've been dying to hear it since literally the first night we met." He chuckled. He couldn't wait to hear Cassidy's voice. "Thanks mate!" He smiled as Dev moved over to get their drinks.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh smiled as Finley said he'd sent a text - he sometimes wondered about how close the two of them were, he had even when he and Maddie were together, but he was sure his friend would tell him if there was anything more than friendship there. He didn't know how he'd feel if there was, though and he thought his friend would probably know that. It wasn't that there were still feelings there, it would just be strange for him - their relationship had still meant a lot. "It is. I like it when they do events that aren't just in clubs, there are less idiots." He laughed, shrugging his shoulders.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "That's true. His wife is gonna have her work cut out for her." Annabelle laughed as she shook her head. She couldn't wait to see who her friends ended up with. She loved Gabe and she thought that she might always wonder what would happen if the two of them didn't try something - but she was just trying to ignore that. She was trying to pretend like she wasn't all too aware of how she felt for him. She didn't think it was possible to be in love with someone if you didn't admit it but she thought that it could become that - if she let herself. "Oi! Tommy!" Annabelle shouted over to him, waving. "Fucking hell - you'd have thought he was in his element."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link didn't know if it was entirely healthy for him to be like he was with his friends but he didn't think that he had any other choice .They were everything to him and he loved them so much. Link shook his head as he looked around. "There's like a million people here." He muttered with a sigh. "Oh - There's Theo and Edie though!" He smiled.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Let me know if you do." Theo nodded. He was already excited about the idea of moving in with Edie. He loved her so much and he didn't see a reason why they shouldn't. He wondered if they needed to have a proper conversation about the two of them before that though. "You are a little bit." He laughed. He loved spending time with Edie. She made him feel whole, like he didn't have the hole there that his brother had left. "Oh yeah, hey!" He waved over to them with a smile.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Marissa hoped their kids had a better time off it than she had. She wanted to make sure that the two of them always had things good in their life - even though both of them had, had a difficult start to their lives. Marissa wondered if Frankie would struggle with how she lived in the beginning. She hoped that she would be able to do enough to fix all of that. "Thank you." Marissa smiled. "You have too. With Katie."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "I don't think I would ever live that down." Florence laughed as she shook her head. She was having a lot of fun with Charlotte but her mother was never going to know about it. "Does she try setting you up though? Because that is the most embarrassing thing ever. Mine hates my taste." Florence laughed. She thought that her mum might have a point with her taste in men but it wasn't like she was going to change. "You didn't? Why did you?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow. "I can not say the same thing." She laughed.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah smiled as Maddie did. He liked that she knew him as well as he knew himself - and he thought that it was the same the other way around. He thought that he knew what she was thinking all of the time and he really liked that. "I know it doesn't but I absolutely do." He laughed. He was having such a lovely time already. "Oh yeah! They're perfect for bonfire night." He smiled at her. "That's sweet, okay." He could feel the butterflies in his stomach, just thinking about being able to see Joshua.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Of course you would love that. I wanna see you properly, though. I wanna see you in a bar with my friends and you guys are up on stage!" Cassidy laughed. She wanted Miles to hear her properly too. She didn't want it to be some little thing - not when they both wanted this to be their careers. Cassidy smiled before she nodded slightly, "I really hope that I don't let you down.."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Finley really didn't want to muddy the waters. He didn't think that he had properly dealt with what had happened with his wife and daughter. He didn't think it would be healthy to think about something else. He just could never get Maddie off of his brain. He thought that she was the most wonderful person there was. "That's true." He chuckled as he nodded his head. "We'll have to hope for more of these."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "That's for fucking sure. What kind of person do you think everybody is going to end up with?" Emilie asked with a laugh. She often thought about this, where they were all going to end up... But her friends worried her sometimes and she knew she would do whatever it took to make sure they were all, always okay. Even though she knew she would never say it, even to Annabelle - there wasn't really anybody else she could see herself ending up with, other than Link. "I know, he looks like he wants to set himself on fire." She laughed as she saw Tommy, waving him over with a grin.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Tommy looked up slightly as he heard Annabelle's voice, laughing as he saw the girls faces. He and Annabelle had been spending a lot more time together recently, because everybody else was so wrapped up in each other and he'd genuinely been enjoying it - he sometimes forgot how much fun he and Annabelle had together. He quickly excused himself from the conversation he was having and headed over to the girls, rolling his eyes. "You've got a voice like a fucking foghorn." He laughed, obviously playing with her. "Thanks for saving me, though."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe's parents were always willing to take in anybody that didn't have a family of their own and he thought a lot of that had rubbed in on him too; his friends really were a second family to him now and he wouldn't have it any other way. "I know, I can't believe it's this busy!" He laughed. Sometimes Gabe regretted not going to university, but he had no idea what he would even study and he didn't think it was totally for him. "Oh yeah! Hey! Edie!" He called over, waving over-exaggeratedly at the pair as he saw them. He thought they looked so cute together and he really liked being around them, he thought they were just so calm as people.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I will. We haven't really spoken about where we're going to live next, so I guess it's time for that conversation anyway." Edie smiled, squeezing Theo's hand - she loved living with Annabelle, but she knew it couldn't last forever. She was already smiling at the very idea of living in a house with Theo, of coming home to him every single day. She loved him so much. "I'm a little bit little?" She laughed, shaking her head. She didn't think there was a person on earth that was kinder than Theo was. "Hi!" She laughed as she heard Gabe, waving back at he and Link and starting to walk over.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: James often thought about how both of their girls hadn't had the best start in life and it just made him way more determined to make the rest of their lives as good as he possibly could; he would give them any opportunity he could, any head starts necessary. He had started saving for Katie as soon as she was born. "Thank you. I think so too." He chuckled, nodding his head.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "If it was me, I just wouldn't admit to it. As soon as you said something, I'd just pretend I felt the same to save face." Charlotte admitted with a giggle, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "Oh god, the set ups. It wouldn't be as bad if my mum had any taste at all, but she always picks the most boring boys ever. The future bankers and accountants of the world." She pretended to gag, shaking her head. "My mum wants me to. She didn't think I was taking life seriously enough - I mean, I can't say she was wrong, but - we're young, you know? What's there to be so serious about?" She raised an eyebrow. She laughed as the other spoke, nodding her head. "You give off that vibe. It's probably the best way to be, though. I should learn some things from you."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Maddie was a massively friendly person, she was kind towards everybody - but she had quite a small circle of actual close friends and Elijah was absolutely a part of that now. "Well, that's all that matters then! If you enjoy your plastic hot dogs, then I enjoy you enjoying them." She laughed, nudging her friend gently. "Right?! I used to have braces, so I could never have them when I was younger - so whenever I see them now, I want to eat as many as I can." She chuckled. She quickly sent Finley a text back saying they were on their way and headed over to the drinks truck, ordering them both a drink and handing Elijah's over to him. "Here you go!"
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "You will! You've been busy everytime we've played so far, I don't think the gods want it to happen yet." Miles laughed. He was definitely excited for Cassidy to see the band; it was something he was so passionate about, something he put so much time into and he knew he would really value her opinions. It was why he was so excited to see her too, he knew how much it all meant to her. "You could never. I know it's going to be incredible." He smiled, squeezing the arm that was around her shoulders slightly.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh wanted Finley to be happy, he wanted him to have good things - but he had always been just a little bit selfish and he had never even considered how he would feel if anything were to happen between he and Maddie, even though the two of them had always been close. "I'll see if there's a feedback box anywhere." He laughed, raising an eyebrow. "They're taking their time, aren't they?" He knew he sounded a bit impatient, but he was just so ready to even just see Elijah now. He'd missed him.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Oooh, okay." Annabelle laughed and thought for a second. "You'd need someone chill, you know? Someone who doesn't kick up too much of a fuss and goes along with your crazy." She nudged her friend with a laugh. "Gabe will 100% end up with someone hilarious. Could you see him without someone like that? Edie is with Theo - right?" she smiled. She thought the two of them were so sweet. Annabelle turned her attention to Tommy then and shrugged her shoulders, "You cannot complain and tell me that I saved you at the same time. Pick a lane."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link genuinely thought that Gabe was the nicest person around. He loved his friend like a brother and he thought that he was one of the most selfless people. He wished that he could be more like his friend. He didn't think that he was anywhere near that. Link still had no idea what he was going to do with his life. He had no idea what he was passionate about so university was never one for him. "Hey!" He smiled at the two of them. "How're you guys doing?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Okay, alright. Yeah, that sounds good." Theo smiled as he nodded his head. He hoped that it actually happened. Theo had never really thought about moving out very much. He knew he would be allowed to stay at home for as long as he wanted but he thought that he needed to move out. He needed to get some time on his own, he thought. He needed to grow up a bit. "Yeah, that's what I said." He laughed as he nodded his head. "Hi." Theo smiled as he looked up at the other two.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Marissa really liked how she and James were with the kids. They took things incredibly seriously and Marissa thought that if Frankie hadn't gotten so attached to James, she might have not given him a chance for forgiveness. If this had happened when they were teens, Marissa didn't think she would have ever been strong enough to forgive someone for something like this. But Frankie adored James. And Marissa had to think about her daughter. "Okay - no more kid talk." She laughed as she shook her head slightly.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Oh you are a much nicer person than I am. I'd have 100% just tried to get out of there as soon as possible." Florence shook her head slightly. She was pretty sure that Charlotte was friends with Emilie and she wondered what the other had told her about her. "Literally the most boring people in the world! At least pick someone with a personality for god sake." Florence rolled her eyes, but there was a smile on her face. "And why does she think that Uni is gonna do that for you? Literally the place where people are renowned for getting drunk 24/7." Florence raised an eyebrow, "I think I'll take that as a compliment? But you should."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah was kind of like Maddie - though he thought that he might be a little too forgiving. He knew that his friends probably shouldn't be his friends anymore. They were rude and a little harsh but he wanting to forgive them. They were people that he cared deeply for, despite their faults. "Thank you. I enjoy you enjoying your toffee apples." Elijah laughed. He thought Maddie was actually a true friend, one that he knew would have his back at all times. "Ah okay, that makes a lot of sense then." Elijah smiled as he nodded his head. "Thank you.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "The gods are definitely not in our favour with this but we will make it happen." Cassidy nodded her head. She thought that it would be a lot of fun to see someone she cared about up on stage, doing something he loved. She wondered if that was what her friends thought when they went to see her in a musical. She hoped so. "We'll see, right?" Cassidy laughed.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Finley smiled slightly as he saw Maddies text back. He was looking forward to seeing her, that was for sure. If he knew exactly how his friend would feel about his feelings towards Maddie, Finley knew that he would do whatever it took to nip it in the bud. Finn didn't have many people looking out for him, his friends were it. "Yeah, i'm sure there's one somewhere." He said sarcastically. "Maddie said they're on their way.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Emilie laughed as she listened to Annabelle, raising an eyebrow as her friend described her perfect partner. "I am not crazy. But yeah, I wouldn't deal with anybody who was as dramatic as I am." She laughed, rolling her eyes. "He needs someone funny, that's for sure. And somebody that doesn't mind having to actually keep him alive." She shook her head. "The kind of men that you love, you're going to end up with somebody like fucking Tommy if you're not careful." She nudged her friend, finishing speaking just as Tommy came over. She laughed as he spoke, rolling her eyes.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I definitely fucking can. You saving me doesn't change how loud your voice is." Tommy laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "Where the fuck is everybody? I thought we were all supposed to meet here?" He raised an eyebrow. He assumed Gabe had held Link up, because that was usually what happened. He wanted to spend time with his friends, though; he'd decided not to bring a date tonight, because he actually wanted to see them all and now they weren't even here.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Gabe didn't think they were old enough to need to know what they were wanting to do yet, he thought that it was still totally fine for he and Link to be a little in the dark about what they were going to do with their lives. He wasn't going to let it stress him out. He beamed as they finally reached Edie and Theo. "Hey! We were just looking for the girls but we have no idea where they are, do you?" He smiled, raising an eyebrow. He really liked seeing that the two of them had come together, he thought they were pretty perfect for each other.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Edie smiled, nodding her head. She really thought that this could be something good, if they wanted it to be - there were a lot of boundaries to overcome, mostly money wise, but she was sure they could do it. "Hi!" She smiled as she looked up at the boys. "We're good, I can't believe how many people are here. How about you? Gabe hold you up?" She laughed as she looked at Link, raising an eyebrow.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: James loved being a dad - he hadn't expected to become one quite so early, but he had done what he could and he was pretty proud of how well he and Katie had coped with everything they'd been handed. He laughed as Marissa said they couldn't speak about the kids anymore, nodding his head. "Okay, what would you like to talk about instead?"
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I think it just makes me a liar, at least you'd be honest and just leave." Charlotte grinned, raising an eyebrow. She was surprised at how different Florence seemed to the things she'd heard and she was actually really enjoying talking to her. "I know, but my mum seems to think the less personality, the less trouble they can cause. Which absolutely makes them ten times more boring." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "Who knows? I mean, being here isn't the worst thing in the world - but I don't really know what she's hoping to get out of it." She was smart enough, but she wasn't the hardest worker - she just wanted to be having fun right now and she thought at nineteen, that was okay. "I'll try!" She laughed.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Maddie had only ever met Elijah's friends a couple of times, but she hadn't really liked them when she had - she thought he deserved better, she thought he deserved friends that appreciated how good of a person he was. She would never say so, though - she knew he cared about them a lot. "Oh, I will! I won't eat them here though, I'll take them home - they're too messy to eat in front of people." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "No problem! Let's go, I think they're over there by the fire." She smiled, taking a sip of her drink as she headed over to where she thought the boys were.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Of course we will. We have a gig in another couple of months, I'll get the dates and times properly and then we can make sure we get you there." Miles smiled, raising an eyebrow. The band were doing well with bookings at the minute and he was really happy about it; they had gone through a bit of a dry spell when they'd first gotten together, so it made him happy to be doing well now. "I guess we will! But I already know it's going to great." He smiled.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Me too. If not, I'll send a few emails." Josh laughed, raising an eyebrow. He and Elijah had been spending more and more time together recently, although they never actually talked about what they were, they talked lots about other things - they were really getting to know each other and Josh knew that he was falling deeper and deeper, but he didn't really want to stop it anymore. "Okay, good."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Annabelle shrugged her shoulders, "You say dramatic, I say crazy. It's the same difference." She laughed. She was clearly just teasing, though. Annabelle thought that Emilie was one of the most impressive people and she didn't think that, that opinion was ever going to change. She wished people saw more of her than she did. Annabelle raised an eyebrow as Emilie said she would be with someone like Tommy. she didn't think that, that was necessarily a bad thing. "Fine. I won't use it to save you next time if you're complaining." She rolled her eyes before she shrugged her shoulders, "I think they're on their way." She quickly texted Edie, to tell her where they were."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link wasn't sure he was ever going to figure out what it was that he was supposed to do. He had never really been good at anything and he wasn't passionate about anything, particularly. He thought that was a recipe for disaster. And he wondered if anyone else his age, of his wealth, felt the same. He had never had to want for anything so why would he think he actually had to do something?
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: *continued* He chuckled as he listened to Edie. "course he did. He wasn't even dressed till about ten minutes ago."
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Although he definitely felt like the group were warming to him, it definitely still felt like he was an outsider. Theo shook his head at Gabes question. "No, we haven't seen them tonight. Sorry." He chewed on his lip. Theo really liked Gabe. He thought that he was so friendly and open and while he considered all six of them a friend now, Gabe had been the first one of the group to properly welcome him.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Marissa had always thought that she would be a young mum and after the miscarriage, it seemed like a forgone conclusion. She wanted a baby. She though that meeting Frankie a few months later had been fate. She shrugged her shoulders at James' question. "I have no idea." Marissa laughed as she shook her head. "Honestly I never thought I would be one of those mums." She chuckled.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Oh is that so? I'll watch out for that, then." Florence was having a much better time with Charlotte than she thought she would have. If her mum just had a similar taste in the boys she set her up with, as the friends, she thought they'd be golden. "Oh absolutely." Florence laughed. "We're barely adults. We want a little bit of trouble, no?" She raised an eyebrow. it was like her mum had forgotten how she was at her age. And Florence had heard stories from her dad. "Least you get her off of your back for a bit." She shrugged her shoulders.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah was someone that once he was involved with them, he was all in. And that was definitely the case with his friends. he had been a part of the same friendship group since the start of Secondary School. The idea of cutting them off now just because sometimes they weren't exactly the nicest people - that was too scary for him to think about. "Are you serious? Live your life, Maddie! You want a toffee apple, you have that toffee apple!" Elijah nodded before he followed after Maddie.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "You'll have to book me in. I'll put it in the calendar." Cassidy laughed with a nod of her head. SHe thought that it was amazing that James and his band were getting bookings a lot. "Do you want to be famous?" She asked him. "I mean - with the band and stuff - do you want to make the big time or are you just happy playing?" She didn't think that she had ever actually asked him that before. She wasnt' sure what she hoped would be the answer .
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Yeah, you'll be fine." Finley muttered with a nod of his head. He had no idea about Josh and Elijah but if he did - it would make him sad to think that Josh didn't think he could tell him about it. Joshua was his best friend. All he would ever want for the other was happiness and if that was what this gave him, he'd be completely there for the other. "Oh - I see Maddie!" Finn called, pointing her out for his buddy.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "If I'm crazy, you belong in a fucking asylum." Emilie laughed, rolling her eyes - it was obvious she was joking along with her friend. She didn't think there was much they could say to each other that would ever be unforgivable - even the things they'd said at the wedding had just been automatically forgiven, because they knew each other well enough to know that when they got into that place, they said things they didn't even mean. She raised an eyebrow as Tommy spoke and got out her phone, texting Link to ask where they were. Even though they weren't together, she still wanted to be around him.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Edie laughed as she listened to Link, nodding her head. "I knew it. But hey - you made good time to say he didn't have clothes on in the last half an hour." She chuckled. She loved that the boys were living together now, she thought it made perfect sense. She thought she and Link were two sides of the same coin; their families were so similar and so they both knew how it felt, to feel like you didn't have anybody. She was glad they had both found their real family and that he was getting to be away from his parents and live with somebody as wholesome as Gabe now. She looked down at her phone as it buzzed. "That's Annabelle, they've found Tommy."
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "Ah, that's okay - there are so many people here, I guess it would be kind of weird if you'd managed to spot two not very tall girls so quickly." Gabe laughed, shrugging his shoulders. If he was honest, he was a little bit relieved - he missed Annabelle, but he didn't want things to be awkward tonight and he thought they might be. It wasn't like they could avoid each other forever, though. "Looks like we've found them." He laughed as he heard Edie.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: James smiled as Marissa spoke. "I think I could've told you that you were going to be one of those mums, Riss." He chuckled softly. It was obvious he didn't think it was a bad thing; he loved how much Marissa cared for both girls, how much she loved them and did for them. It was one of his favourite things about her.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Charlotte had never gotten along with somebody her mum had liked so much this well before, ever. She was very pleasantly surprised and she hoped Florence thought the same, even though they hadn't originally wanted to speak to each other. "Absolutely! I'm nineteen, that's just - I still feel like I have loads of trouble making years before I need to settle down and start being sensible." She giggled, shrugging her shoulders. "That's a definite pro - and this isn't the worst place to be. The parties are amazing." She smiled.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Maddie laughed, shaking her head. "You don't understand! It's the messiest thing ever, you wouldn't want to be associated with me. I'll enjoy them way more at home, where there's nobody to judge. The smell will get me by for now, I promise you." She chuckled. She had a sip of her drink as they walked towards the group, smiling widely as she saw them standing together. "We finally found you!" She laughed, giving the boys a little wave as she and Elijah reached them.
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: "I absolutely will." Miles smiled. He'd already put the dates for Cassidy's end of year concert in his phone, there was no way in hell he was going to miss that. He considered her question for a few seconds; he found it very interesting. "Not particularly. In fact, not at all really. If there was a way we could get around the world and play music without anybody actually knowing who we were, I would do it." He chuckled. Fame had no draws to Miles whatsoever, it was all about the music for him. "Do you want to be famous?"
EH GS TM EC MH JA MS JR: Josh looked up as Finley said he had seen Maddie, knowing that Elijah would be with her too. Even at the thought, his stomach started fluttering and as he looked over and saw him, he couldn't keep the little smile from his face. He liked him so much, he had given up on denying it now - at least to himself. "Hi!" He smiled as they came over, nodding his head to their cups. "What have you got to drink?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "Only if you'll be my cell mate or whatever it is." Annabelle smiled at her friend. She thought that her best friend would be right there with her if they were to ever have something like that happen - and she loved it. She thought that it was fun to have someone like Emilie around her. She would always be there by Emilies side, no matter what. "Is our company not good enough for you?" Annabelle asked, raising an eyebrow at Tommy before she laughed. She loved being with her friends. They were everything to her, if she was completely honest.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Link laughed as he nodded his head, "But he has such long legs he could've made the walk in about two steps, you know?" Link felt really lucky that he had Gabe. He was always the person that put a smile on his face, even if he was in the worst mood. Gabe always cheered him up. "Oh, awesome." He smiled as he looked down at the phone and saw that it was Emilie. He texted her back to tell her where they were before he turned his attention to Edie. "What's going on with you two now anyway?" He asked, mostly just to be nosey.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: "And I'm also a not very tall boy so there's like a 2% chance that I'm gonna be able to see them, you know?" Theo asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. He really did think that Gabe was one of the kindest people. He was so happy that the group had welcomed him back in as much as they had done - especially Gabe. He was so, so grateful. "Oh yeah?" He asked as he looked at Edie.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Marissa smiled as James spoke to her and she raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Why? i mean - How so?" She asked him. She had always known what she had wanted for her life - the main thing being that she wanted to be a mother. She wanted to be a good mother. She was glad to hear that, that was something that James thought of her as well.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Florence wondered if she hadn't gotten along with the people her mum wanted her too because she wanted her too or because they were as dull as she thought that they were. She was definitely pleasantly surprised with Charlotte, though. Florence laughed as she nodded her head, "Absolutely you do! I'm sure there's plenty of trouble you could cause." Florence nodded. SHe wondered if she would actually settle down right now, if Tommy said he wanted too. She was pretty sure that she would, even at twenty-two. "Aren't they just?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Elijah laughed before he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm pretty sure that you could do nothing that would make me not want to be around you, you know?" He raised an eyebrow with a smile. "But alright - if you're happy with that." She was almost nervous as they walked towards Josh. He was really, really looking forward to see him. And he smiled as he heard the others voice, the butterflies instantly getting ten times worse. "Oh - Hot chocolate of course." He smiled.
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Cassidy really liked that she and Miles were planning things for the future. She thought that, that was a really good sign. She didn't know when she would ever feel comfortable enough to actually enter a proper relationship with him - one where they called one another boyfriend and girlfriend but she didn't think that it would take that long. "That's good though. It's a healthy way to look at it, you know?" She raised an eyebrow. Cassidy couldn't help but laugh at Joshs' question. "If I wanted to be famous do you really thinkg I would have picked musical theatre?"
AG LC TC FM EL CG FM DS MH: Finley instantly felt more comfortable with Maddie there. She had always been his safe space, that was why he didn't want her to go and see him in prison. He didn't think he deserved that familiarity when he was inside. "You did!" Finley laughed as he nodded his head slightly. He was really glad that she was there. "Have you got your toffee apple yet?" Finn asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He thought that he knew her pretty well, after all.
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luobingmeis · 7 years
questions that are multiples of 4?
4. Are you easy to get along with?
yeah i would say so
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
my best friend who’s taking me to prom12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
ease, for him, lost boy, youth, and wild -all by troye sivan lmao i’ve been binge listening to him
honorable mention to kiwi by harry styles16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
um maybe??? idk just bc it was the friend who is taking me to prom. not bc it was bad or awkward just bc i obvi don’t have romantic feelings for him. but i mean. platonic kissing is cool ig20. Do you like your neighbors?
yeah ig i personally don’t have a problem with them24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
tbh i love doing my makeup it’s really simple but i just love it28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my friends, for the most part32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
oh boy idek im really not into any celebrities rn, at least not in that way36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yeah40. What do you want to do after high school?
live a comfortable life, find a wife, be happy in my future career44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
bottom of the ocean if it was definite that i was gonna live48. Have you ever been drunk?
yeah twice. the second time i got super sick and hungover so. never again.
i still can’t drink iced team or lemonade without feeling extremely nauseous. it’s been three months.52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my eye color. ironically, i also wish i could make myself happier with myself overall. 56. Favourite colour?
green60. Ever won a competition? For what?
nah lmao64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
it was in the musical and during dress rehearsals and i was freaking out over??? something and i was like to my friend “hey lets talk and go somewhere else” and our faces were close together and he was like “i could have kissed you then” when we were walking and i was like “you can if you want” so he did. in the next minute i would be crying on him. iconic.68. Twitter or Tumblr?
both72. What colour are your towels?
black76. What colour is your underwear?
bright pink80. What colour pants?
black w/ reindeer on them84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls, partly bc i’ve never seen 21 jump street88. Last person you talked to today?
my dad92. In a fight with someone?
nope96. Favourite actress?
i don’t really have one100. How are you feeling?
tired. my stomach kinda hurts.104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
yeah ig108. What should you be doing?
sleeping probably. or writing.112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
it might have been my friend who i kissed who is taking me to prom??? i hate crying in front of people but i do it all the time lmao116. Are you listening to music right now?
surprisingly no120. Are you afraid of the dark?
yeah. not as much as i used to be, but still yes124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
i believe in attraction at first sight, like “hey that person is really cute” or “hey i wouldn’t mind banging that person”, but not love128. Would you change your name?
nah i like my name132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
idk. maybe my mom??? idk136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed140. Summer or Winter?
summer144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk or dark148. What’s your favourite quote?
i have a couple
“the head is too wise, the heart is all fire” the raven king, maggie stiefvater
“fight because you don’t know how to die quietly, win because you don’t know how to lose” the kings men, nora sakavic
“did you know i’ve never been skiing?” the kings men, nora sakavic
“secrets and cockroaches- that’s what will be left at the end of it all” the dream thieves, maggie stiefvater
“dream me a solution” “don’t have to. nature already gave you a backbone” the dream thieves, nora sakavic
also the entirety of the song of achilles by madeline miller
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ephemeralharmony · 8 years
1-150 answer all the damn questions, bitch
Honestly? Thank you
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? Dennis (from drama club)
2. Are you outgoing or shy? generally outgoing, unless spicy boys are involved
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? MY BROTHER TOMORROW
4. Are you easy to get along with? I sure hope so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Probably, I mean he cried when I was in the hospital which might sound a little extreme, but is still a good indicator
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? just boys idk
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? lol probably not, but I’ll keep you posted
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Sofia Klug bc she dumb thicc
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? NOPE LOL
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Ryan and Riley after rehearsal
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “no"
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? “Waving Through a Window” from Dear Evan Hansen, “Can’t Stay Here” by Matt Doyle, “Happy” by Marina, “Right Here” by Alex Wyse, and “No One Else” from the Great Comet
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? depends on who, in all honesty
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? I don’t NOT believe
15. What good thing happened this summer? that’s a very good question
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Y E S
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? of course
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? nope
19. Do you like bubble baths? I love them
20. Do you like your neighbors? they don’t talk to me
21. What are you bad habits? liking shitty boys and sneepsnopping too often
22. Where would you like to travel? literally anywhere
23. Do you have trust issues? kind of
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? sleep
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? probably my chest? I still have some stomach muscles and the difference in definition is weird to me
26. What do you do when you wake up? 6:10, generally
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? maybe a little darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around? probably you and Emily
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? no lol but one of them told Colin that he would still talk to me
30. Do you ever want to get married? yes 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? nope
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? RYAN STEELE AND MATT DOYLE
33. Spell your name with your chin. RDNXE (yikes)
34. Do you play sports? What sports? lol
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I already live without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yeah
37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing, I like to test them
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? A boy who likes me back 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? forever 21 and five below
40. What do you want to do after high school? go to school in Chicago 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on what they did and how they react
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m either pissed off or tired
43. Do you smile at strangers? yes!
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Ocean, space scares me a little
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? crushing expectations
46. What are you paranoid about? people liking me
47. Have you ever been high? no
48. Have you ever been drunk? no
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? I wish
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Royal blue
51. Ever wished you were someone else? not in such terms
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? the fact that my legs literally won’t go straight??
53. Favourite makeup brand? idc
54. Favourite store? see #39
55. Favourite blog? @yourmutualfriends
56. Favourite colour? pale blue
57. Favourite food? just pizza
58. Last thing you ate? cheese sticks from Arby’s
59. First thing you ate this morning? a peanut butter biscuit 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? first place for jazz band bois
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope
62. Been arrested? For what? nope
63. Ever been in love? still am, unfortunately
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? well my first ever was for less than a second in the back of a band room, my first with a guy was the second time I ever met him in the back of a skeezy you movie theater lol
65. Are you hungry right now? no
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? no, about the same
67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? no
70. Names of your bestfriends? Bee, Emily, Emily
71. Craving something? What? dick tbh
72. What colour are your towels? I use my family’s pink or white ones
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 30?
75. Favourite animal? Yellow labs (:
76. What colour is your underwear? blue and black plaid
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? birthday cake
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? gray
80. What colour pants? green
81. Favourite tv show? glee 
82. Favourite movie? the perfect wedding
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? original 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? mean girls 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Gretchen. a truly deep character tbh
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Nemo’s mom. true hero
87. First person you talked to today? my dad
88. Last person you talked to today? Alex
89. Name a person you hate? nick pizzino
90. Name a person you love? go into my tags search and look at #3
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? not actively
92. In a fight with someone? don’t think so 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? like 4 that I actually like to wear
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? probably 30
95. Last movie you watched? Bye bye man
96. Favourite actress? Octavia spencer
97. Favourite actor? idk I have a bias for cute boys
98. Do you tan a lot? no
99. Have any pets? no
100. How are you feeling? anticipatory (does that make sense as an answer?)
101. Do you type fast? yeah
102. Do you regret anything from your past? yeah
103. Can you spell well? yeah
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? kind of 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yeah 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? too many /: I’m taking my karma tho trust me
107. Have you ever been on a horse? no
108. What should you be doing? sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now? not really
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yeah :/
111. Do you have trust issues? see #23
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Riley
113. What was your childhood nickname? jimmy neutron /:
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yeah 
115. Do you play the Wii? I wish
116. Are you listening to music right now? no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food? no
119. Favourite book? DONT LET ME GO JH TRUMBLE
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Y E S
121. Are you mean? I can be a bitch
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? for a while
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? not 100%
125. Do you believe in true love? I believe in true loves
126. Are you currently bored? not actively
127. What makes you happy? music
128. Would you change your name? maybe to Jake, that’s kind of sexy
129. What your zodiac sign? Aquarius
130. Do you like subway? hell yeah bois
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? apologize
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? see #10
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “someday I’ll reach the place where I won’t have to run. there, I won’t be afraid to say that I am done.”
134. Can you count to one million? I don’t have the patience
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I’m straight 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5'4"
138. Curly or Straight hair? mine is just wavy but I like curly
139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette
140. Summer or Winter? summer
141. Night or Day? night
142. Favourite month? October
143. Are you a vegetarian? nope
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? YES
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers 
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Happiness can always be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? yes
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line “Do not take no for an answer.”
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