#bc i THINK that was the tag I used when chatting negatively about the series (which was all the time)
safyresky · 10 months
TSCS butchered so many things. Honestly, I'm just going to continue to believe that Charlie took over as Santa (because they did my boy so dirty), that Scott was not the first human Santa (wth? seriously), and that this was all just some fever-dream induced vision thanks to the Sandman. Thankfully they cannot take away the weenie whistle away from my sweater-loving fool that is Neil.
And THANKFULLY they stayed very far away from Neil and Laura and Lucy so at least we still have them 😭😭😭 and their sweaters and feeling inventory sessions and general silliness we know and love!!
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
chelleeee!! it feels like so long since we talked (mainly bc foresaken ended 😔)!! i've read that you'll be busy with moving, but how have you been feeling lately?? how is the fam? your horses are lovely btw 💞 if you don't mind me sharing, im a little down and discouraged bc my recent post hasn't shown up in the tags. have you ever experienced this before and if so, how did you cheer yourself up? sending you lots of love!! ❤️❤️ have a good rest this weekend as well! 🥰🤗
I know! I always find it a bit sad when a series ends. The conversations that happen in the comment section are usually so much fun!! 
Yes, moving again. I’m mixed emotions about it. Lately I’ve been really run down trying to manage Mum’s health, sister’s mental health and refusal of school/leaving the house, horses, my own health... it’s been a lot. So knowing I have to still navigate all this plus pack the house and try and finish a work order has me admittedly a little frazzled! But I should be fine. I’ll get through it one day at a time! And we actually were discussing moving already ourselves (but without a time limit) as our house isn’t as suitable for Mum’s ongoing health issues and my need for a private studio space for work. Now we can find a place that we can hopefully get those needs met! 
Thank you! Horses are now all put to bed and fed so I can spend the rest of my night chatting and sorting through things to sell/give up! 
It hasn’t?! Oh boy that’s the worst feeling. It’s already hard enough to get feedback like it used to be for most writers, you don’t need Tumblr preventing your work showing up in the tags as well! I have experienced this and I just try to tell myself “be grateful for all those who turn up on my blog and give thanks when any feedback is received”... but sometimes, that doesn’t feel enough. It’s a hard balance... we want to write for ourselves but we also post because we obviously want to share it with others... and its easy to think negative things when it doesn’t get the attention you anticipated. Try your best to just give yourself grace. Take some time to do something you know will bring a smile to your face. Maybe eat something delicious. Point out the parts of your story to yourself that you personally liked! And try again. Also share it with your friends so it can start circling.
Because I dislike tumblr blocking people from getting their precious words out, I’ve just gone and found your Mark story just now and will link it HERE for anyone else who likes to read Mark Tuan stories! (I’ll also read it in a moment myself!)
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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