#bc i feel like going back and forth writing new scenes and editing previous ones kinda slows my progress
seiwas · 10 months
when all the ideas come to you faster than you can type but you have to get it down so the doc now looks like chunks of red paragraphs barely cohesive and without punctuation but the Thoughts are there and that’s what matters 🥲
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firethatgrewsolow · 7 years
Mich and Rob - The Christmas Edition
**Hey there, I know you guys probably hate these little asides, but this one is compulsory. :-)  The anon that sparked this vignette likely has no idea what they’ve done.  Take your anti-nausea meds, bc this one’s over the top.  It’s my wildest dream (not in a kinky way, don’t get excited lol).  It breaks the barrier in terms of fluff, sentimentality, and downright ridiculousness, but I loved writing every single word.  A Christmas fantasy … oh, and nsfw.  PS - thank you @ladygrange for being so kind and patient.  You are too good to be true.  And thank you @waywaydowninside for your jewelry expertise!**
Michelle awoke to the quiet rattle of the glass panes beside the bed, her lips curving at what awaited her.  A soft blanket of pearly white covered the ground, and more was gently falling, swirling in the breeze.  Mindful that Robert was still asleep, she slowly eased onto her side, poring over the scene.  Bella will be so happy.  It was exactly the Christmas they’d hoped for, snowy, idyllic, like a fairy tale or a Norman Rockwell painting.  Except I’m in Wales now, she mused contentedly.  The day was reserved for just the three of them, as Robert’s family had left the previous evening, and Melody’s brood wasn’t due until the following afternoon.  Michelle relished the idea of a handful of peaceful hours and perhaps a visitor or two, as the neighbors were wont to do.  The calm before the storm.  Her gaze returned to the endless flakes dancing this way and that.  It was like a fairy tale, but then so was everything else.
Robert admired the arc of her waist, resisting the temptation to trace it with his finger.  Her silhouette was so beautiful in the muted morning light as she watched her white Christmas unfold.  A rare event, to be sure, but he couldn’t imagine it any other way.  He slid behind her, pulling her into him as he wrapped his arms around her.  “Happy Christmas, love.  Or should I say Merry?” he teased, kissing the spot below her ear that he knew she loved.
Michelle smiled at the comfort of his warmth.  “No, happy it is.  That’s the right way to say it, isn’t it?”
“Ah, yes, you’re one of us now.  Down to the proper surname.”  He caressed her cheek, pecking the tip of her nose.  “I knew you’d cave eventually.”  
“Oh, really?  Did you?” she asked, lifting a brow.
Robert cocked his head.  “Yeah, I did.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“You’re right,” he admitted with a snicker.  “And you waited bloody long enough to.”
Michelle ran her fingers through the curls that were dusting his shoulder, taking in the lines of his impossibly handsome face.  The swell in her chest was nearly too much.  “I love you.  Everything about you.”
Robert brushed his lips across hers, words not adequate to relay the depth of what was in his heart.  His was a charmed life, and he knew it, but he couldn’t escape the sliver of insecurity.  What did he ever do to deserve her perfect devotion?  And the angelic little girl that he loved so much.  Christ.  He swallowed back the tightness in his throat, conjuring the closest thing he could find to the truth.  “I am the luckiest man that ever lived.”  He carefully coaxed her on her back, cradling her face as he kissed her again.  Her legs parted, instinctively folding around his waist as she clutched his shoulders.  Their kiss deepened, and she arched against him, his body immediately responding.  He sighed as he positioned himself, her sweet heat slowly enveloping him.  “Oh, baby, I love you so much.  You feel so …”  He froze at the tapping on the door, expelling a tense breath as a tiny voice called out to them.  “Bloody hell, she’s got impeccable timing.”
“So she does,” Michelle replied, chuckling.  “I’m coming, Bella.  Give me a second.”  She tried to wriggle out from underneath him, but he caught her.
“You know, um, if Bella had a brother or a sister, she’d stay more … occupied.”
“Not that again.”  Michelle swatted his arm.  “Get off of me.”
“Just a thought, you know.”  He gave her a little grin, releasing her.
The house was chilly from the long winter night, and Robert set about lighting a fire in the main living area.  He smiled blissfully at Annabelle’s persistent prattle as she trailed behind him, speculating about her presents and when she could open them.  Logs finally blazing, he snapped on the radio, plopping down on the broad sofa across from the hearth.  He helped himself to a few of the biscuits that Michelle had laid out on the tea table, his eyes sweeping over their bountiful tree.  It was draped in a wild mish-mash of delicate, glittering ornaments, coupled with popcorn strands and popsicle stick art buried in gold and silver tinsel.  Three crayon drawings of Strider in Santa hats completed the picture.  It was perfection.  
“Can I open them now?”  Bella posed in front of him with a pout, hands on hips, her scowl looking just like her mother’s.  “I’ve been waiting all day.”
Robert patted the top of his thigh.  “We’ve only been awake for an hour or so, darlin’.  That’s hardly all day.”  He hoisted her up as she climbed onto his lap.  “Besides, your mum gets the final call on the day’s festivities.”
“What’s festivy?”
Amused, he kissed her cheek.  “Fes-tiv-i-ty.  It means, ah, having a good time.  Sort of like a party.”
“Like a birthday party?”
“Exactly.”  Robert breathed in deeply, having fallen under the spell of the magic mix of charred wood and spicy evergreen wafting through the room.  He peered across the mantle, inspecting the array of stuffed stockings one by one.  Four of them.  One for each member of the family, including Strider, naturally.  He gazed back to the majestic Nordmann Fir, holding Annabelle just a little bit tighter.  The moment was precious and pure, and he never wanted to forget it.  He closed his eyes, losing himself in the scents and sounds as Ray Charles sang about Georgia.
Michelle poured some tea, going over the items she’d laid out on the kitchen counter.  They weren’t going to have a large late afternoon meal, as they’d had countless the previous few days with family.  Instead, she was trying her hand at a traditional English breakfast, complete with a few Welsh additions.  She warily cased the laver cakes, unconvinced that local seaweed would be delectable, but Robert had insisted.  Welshman’s caviar, he’d called it, borrowing a quote from his beloved Richard Burton.  She snickered, recalling his near flawless mimicry of the actor’s famous baritone.  Deciding breakfast could wait, she exchanged her tea for something more spirited, puzzled by the quiet in the air.  The soft hum of chatter was conspicuously absent, the only noise being the music from the radio and errant pop of the fire in the living room.  Pouring a second glass of champagne for Robert, Michelle made her way there.  
She spied them at once, savoring the cozy tableau.  Robert had fallen asleep, and Bella lay still and nestled onto his chest, with Strider at their feet.  She recorded the scene, enchanted.  How lucky they were.  A million to one chance that any of it would have ever happened, and yet it did.  She didn’t necessarily believe in fate, but moments like this made her second guess herself.  The collie lifted his head at her perusal, the tinkle of the collar Annabelle had gifted him, and that Michelle was quite sure he loathed, waking the little girl.  “Are you ready, Bella?”  Squealing, the child careened off her perch, racing to the stacks of brightly colored boxes sprinkled around the base of the tree.  
Robert opened one eye, his mouth turning up.  “I guess that’s a yes,” he said drowsily as Annabelle ransacked her treasure trove.
The afternoon passed by like lightning, fueled by an unlikely visit from the Bonham clan, as well as more than a few neighbors.  It was an uproarious, happy day full of good cheer and questionable sweaters.  Laughs abounded, but Michelle had to admit she felt a little grateful as the last guest made their exit.  She dropped onto the couch as Robert shut the door, appraising the space, which was in shambles.  Scraps of wrapping paper and Christmas crackers were strewn about, and toys littered the room.  The adult versions did, too, in the form of various flutes and goblets, most empty or close to it.  She glanced at the clock on the mantle, dismayed to find that it was much later than she thought.  The idea of cleaning up became a bit too daunting, and, instead, she snuggled next to Robert, who’d joined her on the sofa.  “Nice hat.”
“Oh, is it still on?”  His hand glided to the top of his head, straightening the thin paper crown.  “Not a good look?”
“So regal.”
“You’d better be nice, or you’ll move to the naughty list.”  The singer drummed his fingers on the pillow beside him.  “You know, on second thought, that doesn’t sound …”
Michelle quickly cleared her throat.  “Bella and I have one more thing for you.”
“Really?  To what do I owe the honor?”
“At the moment, I really couldn’t tell you.”
“Very cheeky.  I like it.  As it happens, I have one more thing for each of you, as well.”  He leaned into her ear with a tipsy whisper, “Although yours is for a bit later this evening.”
“I can only imagine.”  Michelle rolled her eyes, padding to the tree.  “We’ll go first.”  She rifled through the mounds of crumpled paper until she found a small box, which she handed to Annabelle.  “Give that to your dad.”  She lowered her voice, “It’s the thing you picked out for him.”  Bella took the package, presenting it proudly to Robert.  
“Well, what’s this?  It’s not a new sled, is it?”  He flipped the gift over, shaking it mightily as the little girl laughed.  “I suppose not.  Hmm, is it a puppy?”  He grinned as Bella giggled again.  “No?”  His grin grew as she shook her head.  “Well, then, let’s find out what it is.”  He slowly tore off the paper and opened the box.  In it, lay a long, thin chain.  He lifted it up, the lightning bolt pendant catching a glimmer from the light of the fire.  “Oh, Bella, I love it.  It’s exactly what I wanted.”  He swung the rope back and forth, finally catching the pendant in the palm of his hand.  “Thank you, honey.  Come here.”  He held out his arms, giving her a gentle hug and kissing the top of her head.  “Now, your turn.”
Robert fetched a large package from behind the tree, and Bella ripped through the paper like a child possessed.  Michelle gasped as she plucked her doll from the box.  It was the one he’d purchased for her on their last trip to Montreux.  How he’d kept it a secret, Michelle would never know.  The thought that he’d patiently kept it hidden until Christmas made her fall that much more in love with him.  She glanced back to Bella, noting her downtrodden expression.  “What’s wrong, baby?  Don’t you like your new doll?”  Nodding, Annabelle picked up the tiny figure, holding it close to her chest.  “Why do you seem so sad?”
“Jason got a baby sister for Christmas.”
Michelle exchanged a look with Robert.  “Well, that’s kind of true.  He does have a new baby sister, although I’m not quite sure it was a Christmas present.”
“But that’s what he said,” Bella replied, her brow wrinkling.  “If he got a baby sister, why can’t I have a baby brother?”
Michelle stole another peek at Robert.  Highly suspect.  “It doesn’t exactly work like that.”
“Then how do babies get here?  If they don’t come for Christmas?”
“Well, honey, your, um … dad will explain it to you as he puts you to bed.”  Robert cut his eyes at her, and she shrugged.  “After all, I’ve got to straighten up down here.”
Robert closed the bedroom door behind him, kicking off his boots.  “Well, that was fun.  Thanks for the desertion.”  He tugged his sweater over his head, tossing it onto the floor as he made his way to the bed.
“How’d it go?  Did you tell her all about the birds and the bees?”
“Not exactly.  She did get a pretty good run down on delivery by stork, though.”  He drew back the covers, his dimple deepening.  “Ooh, I see you found the present.”
Michelle ran her hand along the silky camisole of the nightgown.  “How could I miss it?  It wasn’t even wrapped.”
“It’s really my present, anyway.”
“Yeah, I know.”
He eased next to her, toying with the wide, crimson package at her side. “You, uh, said you had something else for me?”
She snapped up the box.  “Maybe you don’t deserve it.  Maybe you’re on the naughty list.”
“That’s okay with me.”  He busied himself with the buttons of her cami, beaming as she slapped him away.
“Good God, you’re insatiable.  Here.”
Robert plucked the gift from her hand, peeling back the paper.  He began his retort, stilling as he lifted the top.  His gaze traveled over the thick, silver links of the necklace that lay inside.  They were sort of rectangular with dark turquoise inlay, and very familiar.  He picked up the chain, surprised by how heavy it felt in his hand.  You know this.  But from where?
“Are you okay?” Michelle asked, jarred by his silence.  “Do you not like it?”
“No, I mean, yes, I like it.  It’s fantastic.  I just think I’ve seen it before.”
“Well, that’s a traditional inlay, probably Hopi.  You have other jewelry like it.”
“I don’t know.”  Robert tilted his head, his eyes narrowing.  “Where did it come from?”
“Well, believe it or not, that crazy little shop in Dallas.  Do you remember the place?”
“Christ, that’s it.  I saw it there when I was with … when did you get it?”
“A few years ago.  That summer in 73.”
“And you kept it this whole time,” he replied quietly, the memories flooding back to him.  
“It felt like you, like a piece of you.”  Michelle glanced away, awash in memories of her own.  “I’d always hoped I could give it to you.”
“I love it.”  Robert studied her features, illuminated by the blush glow from the lamp on the bedside table.  “And I love you.”  He cupped her chin, giving her a gentle kiss.  “You and Bella, my most precious treasures.”
“Did you put her up to all that baby brother stuff?”
Robert shook his head, placing the necklace back in the box and setting it on the table.  “Surprisingly, I did not.”  He skimmed her thigh with his palm.  “But I would have had I thought about it.”  He continued across the peak of her hip, tentatively resting on the soft swell of her tummy.  “She was right there, yeah?”
“She was,” Michelle replied, her mouth curving.  His splayed hand was warm across her belly.
“It’s incredible,” he whispered, marveling at the mystery of it all.  “Did it hurt?  When you had her?”
“Yes.  Babies are big, well, compared to … some things.”  She smiled at the attempt at humor, but he didn’t smile back.
“I’m sorry, Belle.  I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, that you had to do it all alone.”  Robert swallowed, looking into her eyes.  “But I’m going to be there for the next one.  Every step of the way.”  She shifted, her eyes widening as he nodded.  “Yes.  The next one.  The one I’m going to give to you this very night.”  She opened her mouth to respond, and he shook his head.  “No, please, let me finish.  I want to watch your body change, feel a little kick for the first time, all of it.  It’s amazing, and I want to experience it with you.”
“I’m not sure what to say.”
“Say that we’re going to do it.  For Bella’s sake, if nothing else.”
“For Bella’s sake, right.”  Michelle quelled her amusement.  “Robert, I don’t think you …”
“Listen, I make the rules in this house.  Well, when you’re not making them, I mean,” he added hastily, sheepishly nibbling his lip.  “Baby, I love you.  And I can’t stop making love to you.  And it seems to happen when we do …” he trailed off, brushing a lock of hair from her face.  “So, there it is, darlin’.  It shall be done.  Tonight.  A Christmas conception,” he chimed with what he hoped was his most seductive smirk.  “Hey, that’s got a pretty good ring to it, doesn’t it?  Christ, just saying it is giving me a bloody …”
“Everything does.  My God, you talk too much.”  She yanked his head down, grabbing a fistfull of hair as their mouths collided.  She could feel his arousal through his jeans, and he grunted as she gave him a not so subtle squeeze.  She reached for the buckle of his belt, but he was already there, rolling onto his side to dispense with unnecessary garments, which were all of them.  As the pants tumbled onto the floor, she straddled him.  “Did you lock the door?”
“Shit, I can’t remember.”
She pressed against him, delighting in the hard length underneath her and large hands encasing her hips and backside.  “Fuck it.”
In a motion, Robert sat up, effortlessly flipping her over.  “I want you like this.  There are some things I’ve got to take care of.”  His gaze roamed over her body, lingering on her breasts.  “I need you very, very wet for what I have in mind.”  Her nipples were deliciously erect, like they always seemed to be, and he captured one in his mouth through the thin, silk bodice, luxuriating in her little mewl.  He nipped it, grinning as she jerked away.
“Ouch, that hurts!  I’m sensitive!”
“You are, huh?”  He slid the gown off and ran his tongue across the bud, flicking it lightly.  “Would that be everywhere?” he asked devilishly as he inched down her tummy, savoring the soft flesh along the way.  As he reached the top of her panties, he clasped the ties on either side, dispensing with the bows with a flourish.  He parted her legs, transfixed.  “Happy Christmas to me,” he purred, grazing his lips along the inside of her thigh.  “Every time I come tonight … and I intend to do it a lot, honey …”  He moved a little closer to her hot, wet center, delivering a kiss and then another, edging closer still.  “It’s going to be deep, deep inside of you.”  She gasped as he reached his destination, and he gave her a wicked smile.  “Just to be sure, you know.”
Michelle trembled as he gently opened her, spreading wider as she felt the warmth of his tongue lashing her most delicate spot.  She groaned as he did it again and again, her hand creeping into his hair.  “Oh, fuck, don’t stop.  Just like that.”  She shimmied her hips to urge him on, crying out as he slipped a finger inside.   She lifted her head, enthralled by the sight of him in between her legs, only to drop it as he slipped in a second.
There was a hum in the back of his throat as he found the other spot she loved so much.  He kept a slow, steady rhythm against it as he licked and sucked, relishing the moaning, writhing mess he’d turned her into.  “You taste so bloody good, darlin’.  Let me feel you come.”
“Oh, my God, Robert, I  …”  Her legs shook as the tension escalated into a delirious spiral.  She gripped the sheet as it wound tighter and tighter and tighter until she shattered, the rush of the release taking her breath away.  She buckled into the bedding, her pulse racing.  “Jesus Christ, how do you do that?”
“I think the better question is, how could I not?”  Robert nuzzled the slick, tender skin.  “You are … mmm, like a delicacy.  Sometimes I wish I could share you.”
“No, you fucking don’t.”
“You’re right.”  He crawled up the length of her body, framing her face with his forearms.  “You’re all mine.  To do with what I wish.  And, tonight, I think you know exactly what that is.”  He paused, caressing her cheek with his thumb.  “I can’t explain the feeling I have, Michelle.  It makes me crazy.  It’s like …”  He sighed, searching for the right words.  “It’s like I have this need to do it, this urge that I can’t control.  I never felt it before I met you, and I’ve never felt it with anybody else.  Just you.”   
His lips met hers, their tongues lazily entwining.  Michelle could taste herself on him, the slightly sweet and salty mix of both of them.  The kiss was languid and loving, but she knew what he needed, what they both did.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, guiding him as he entered her, the heady pressure giving her chills.  She moaned as he glided deeper, taking his time, carefully filling her until she felt complete.  They felt complete.  
Robert broke the kiss, peering into her eyes and blinking back the moisture in his own.  The thought of sparking something at the center of her very core was just … like nothing before.  They’d made love hundreds of times, maybe more, but never like this.  He’d always assumed he understood the primal nature of it, but, at that moment, he realized he’d never come close.  It didn’t feel right.  It was right.  He kept his eyes on hers as he began to move, her beautiful, wet heat enveloping him.  Fuck, everything about her was beautiful.  Her face, her hair, the scent of her skin.  She was perfect.  They were perfect.  He picked up his pace, breathing a little heavier, and her mouth dropped open as she closed her eyes.  “No, don’t close your eyes.  I want to see them when you come.”  He pursed his lips, exhaling as he felt the tremor.  “There it is.  Christ, I love you so much.”
Michelle clutched at him, desperate for more as he started to move faster.  She was so close.  Again. God, the things he did to her, the things they did to each other.  He grasped her wrists, pulling her arms above her head, thrusting hard, taking everything she had.  Her breath caught, and she bit her lip as he tossed his head back, pushing gently against her wall.  He swayed his hips back and forth, keeping sweet pressure inside and against the swollen, aching bud between her legs.  Over and over … around and around.  Their eyes stayed locked, neither looking away, not even for an instant.  Then she felt it, something different, something deep.  “Oh, Robert, I, this is, I don’t …”  The words disappeared as he kissed her, tangling his fingers in her hair.  Her whole body tingled, her muscles tensing.  Fuck, she was right on the cusp, of what, she wasn’t sure, but she wanted it, that much she knew.  She began to shudder, emitting something between a moan and a sob as she finally gave in to the mountain of current.  She held him as tightly as she could, tears flooding her eyes as the blessed release ripped through her.
He’d never seen anything like it or felt anything like it, either.  Her body was hot, hotter than it had ever been, and she was clenching him wildly.  He kept her close, pressing right against her wall, exactly where he needed to be.  With a groan, he let go, filling her again and again, as lost in her eyes as she was in his.  He laid his forehead on hers, mesmerized by the power of their connection and the flame that they’d surely ignited.  He didn’t know how long they stayed that way.  Time ceased to matter.
Michelle brought her hands to the sides of his face, her brow lifting as she smiled.  “What was that?”
“I’ve no fucking idea, but, Christ, I adore you.”  Robert collapsed onto his back, drawing her into his chest.  “I’ve never come like that before in my life.  Bloody hell, if that didn’t do the trick then I don’t know what will.”
She ran her fingers through his damp curls, her smile broadening.  “I’m not so sure.”
“You want to have another go at it, then?  Not that I don’t already intend to.”
“It wouldn’t matter.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Robert snipped, frowning.  “How would you bloody know, anyway?”
“A couple of reasons.”  Michelle placed a kiss on the dimple of his chin.  “One, women know these things.”
He rolled his eyes.  “Bollocks.”
“And two, you already have.  Done the trick, that is.”
Robert blinked as the understanding washed over him, for a moment, speechless.  “Christ, almighty, are you saying …”
“Yes, I’m saying.”
He expelled a sharp breath.  “Oh, baby, I don’t, I can’t …”  His hand flew to her tummy.  “What if we did something to hurt it?”  
“I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work like that.”
“Bloody hell, woman, when were you going to tell me?”
“I tried to earlier, but, ah, you make the rules in the house, remember?”  She chuckled at the wide, silly grin on his face.  “Are you happy?”
“I’m not happy, Belle, I’m better than that. Fuck, I don’t know what I am,” he whispered, snickering.  “Fucking giddy.”
“Me, too.”
Their eyes met, and Robert cupped her face.  “I love you, Michelle.  And Bella.  And whoever else comes along.”  He traced her bottom lip with his thumb.  “And I will for the rest of my life.”  He folded his arms around her as he lay his head back on the pillow, lost in the rush of a love he never knew existed.
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