#bc im finally gonna have someone to be into ut with me
be-good-to-bugs · 10 months
in another life id of done wrestling
#the bin#literally always wanted to. maybe cause im a lesbian lol#but alas i have joint disorder and also other disorders so its not possible :(#its fun. i did some once and it was fun and i always wanted to do more but didnt have the opportunity#literally i dont think anybody would guess this about me based of how i am usually bc of my demeanor but like#ugh. it makes me sad#i have like 0 interest in most wrestling stuff bc theres just. so many issues with it (misogyny for the most part) but womens wrestling is#cool a lot of the time. idk. wrestling that really puts the performance part into it. cause its like. not just ppl beating each other up#tho it is that too (and thats fun also lol)#i dont talk abt it much anywhere but i should more i think#my sisters sort-of-ex-boyfriend/current best friend is really into wrestling and its made her interested so ive been thinking abt it more#bc im finally gonna have someone to be into ut with me#like. just LOOK at womens wrestling and tell me its not cool. u cant. its gr8#and the clothes are super cool like wow#also its like so fucking gay like oh my god#why does god hate me and everything i wish to do and be?#me as a child deciding not to do wrestling bc my body is in constant pain for some reason and i feel dizzy a lot so itd a bad idea#and then doing gymnastics instead which just fucked up my joints real bad#well. at least i didnt get to do ballet. i wanted to so bad but itd of messed me up even worse 4 sure#tbh the main reason i didnt do wrestling is bc i knew my mom wouldnt get it and would prob say no and think its weird cause she had#expressed that she didnt get it before. but i guess in the long run its good#ugh whyd my childhood crush have to do gymnastics. my being gay only made my joints worse! noooooooo
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foreverxdaydreaming · 4 years
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#delete later#jj.tagvents#havent been on in a phat minute hope everyone's doin alright l#just poppin in to inform yall I'm even LESS social than before now apparently so like.. yikes#will i be at neet status soon.. god only knooowwss 😎🤘🏻#finished ghost stories and arifureta and started noragami s2-#like im so bad at binging shows i tend to get hooked more on interactive shit like games#look ive been semi productive i actually cooked yest and my depression is shit as always bc im never motivated but#hey at least im gonna to make mozzarella sticks and paint my nails (and finally wash my goddamn gross ass hair..ihope🙃)#ah yes the latest faith from apple ihope- ignore me Ghost Stories and its fucked up jokes keep getting to me#i forget being a bit of an asshole isnt a full on personality trait sometimes (and yes im joking im just a cynical bitch on occasion or w/e)#look just..lemme vent in peace herE PLEASE 🥴✌🏻#anyway wtf was i eveb saying anymkre uts like 8am and its been a long day or night or whatevrr rf#look time is a social contrust or whatever and we make shit up all the time evrtuthing eveb langyages nothing matters a& we all die the end-#wow great positivity there folks lmao but anywat tiss whatbism nlkknown for uuhhmm where tf was i hold up#anyway yeah just been binging a bitch of abime lately bc j have no life and near no r3ason to leave my room adnwhatnot so fick it#im not drunk my nails are too long and I'm toolazy to fix thus shit#bunch of anime** lmfaaaooo rip. can't wait to cit these fucksers tomorrow. auto correct is off and im roo lazt to swtpe so were qll ficked#godr belss anyone ssoul who tried to read thus shit 💀💀💀💀💀 i prob qont wven refognize it tmrw like im so FUCKING tired bro.#i havent held an actual conversation w/ someone besides my parents in a fat minute and its obv my fault for locking myself up but like...#quarantine has me feeling like my alr non-existent social akills just got so much worde like idk if i even wanna interact & embarrass myself#jfc i feel so gucking pathetic lately. I'll be doing basic shit minding my own business but feel like i need constant validation-#-in the sense that like i never feel like im doing anything right and i constantly have to keep asking if it's ok and just....bro#when you start to annoy yourself thats just how you KNOW...... ugh I'm so fickint uselelesss#but anyway i kinda maybe wanna satrt pallaying the new alter ego mobile game it looks interesting??? all i do lately is play spsrtsmtown-#-and log in to a few other shit (dont even play just log in for the bonus and go.. like im tHAT latzy) &then just sit around or watch shit..#its so poetic.. truly.. havent written or bothered with art or done anything i said i gaf about working on in so long..#think ive just kinda given up on most of my hobbies...like I'll dance a lil everu now snd then but like..wheres the quarantine thriving me??#the me who took up working out and like 2 languages and kept up w/ all her msgs and actually fuckijg tried at anything ever im- .....jaysusj#anyaway take carr sndstay safe yall see ya when isee ya (notthatanyonecareslbrherehaha) but anyway best wished everyone & pls take care!! xo
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
request! hannah trying to teach mark an english accent only to fail miserably 🤧 - eri (gl with ur reqs, ate c 🥺💚)
awwww thanks eri 💖💚
here’s hannah trying to teach mark her geordie accent bc why not?
disclaimer: im not trying to mock anyone please dont fight me aksjdjfj
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“Say it with me. Potato.”
“Honestly, Mark, do you want to sound like me or like Tom Holland?”
“There’s a difference?”
Hannah sighed. Mark had bugged her to help him perfect his fake accent ever since that one vlive he did with Johnny. Now, she was trying to teach him, but he kept sticking to the accent he heard from Johnny. Not the best example if you ask her.
“He sounds like what you Americans think we all sound like,” she explained. “My accent is more Geordie because I kinda grew up in Newcastle.”
“Then teach me how to sound like you,” he said while shaking her shoulders. “I need to know how to talk like my sister.”
Hannah smiled slightly at Mark calling her his sister. She’d never tell him how happy she always got when he calls her his sister. She got an idea. She pulled out her phone and called someone. She put her phone on speaker, and eventually a familiar voice spoke.
“Hello?” A sleepy voice answered. Perfect. Her accent was always stronger when she was sleepy.
“Hi, babe, what are you doing?” Hannah asked.
“I was napping,” Yoonmi replied, “but you woke me up, so I guess I’m gonna go read a book or watch a film after this.”
“Favor,” Hannah began while looking at Mark and pointing to his ears then to her phone. “Can you tell me when the station we did together was released?”
“It was early 2018, wasn’t it?” Yoonmi asked. “That was the most random question ever.”
“Okay, now say a long sentence.”
“Okay, uh, Jisung called me the other day. He told me to play Call of Duty with him, but I told him no and that I’d stick with watching superheroes instead.”
“Wanna go out for dinner later?”
“Sure. Just text me!”
With that, Hannah hung up. She looked at Mark who sat there with a fond smile on his face. Hannah rolled her eyes.
“It’s so cute how she says filem instead of film.”
“That’s the only thing you got from that?” she asked him.
When Mark nodded, Hannah facepalmed. She could only shake her head as his laughter grew louder. She sat at the foot of his bed and began her explanation.
“Basically, we have a more glottal sound than people from like the south or central England. And don’t drop the Hs, I swear to God.”
Mark raised his hands up in surrender. Maybe the only thing consistent in his fake accent was how he’d always drop the h when he tried. If he was trying to copy her and Yoonmi’s accent, then that wasn’t the way to go.
“Do you know my favorite British group?”
“Little Mix.”
“Name me one of their songs.”
“Shot ut tyu mah exah.” Mark’s exaggerated accent made him laugh. That was overkill for sure. Hannah groaned.
“Now you’re just doing it on purpose!”
Hannah threw a pillow at Mark’s face. He caught it and set it down next to him on the bed. She covered her ears while Mark tried a few more phrases in his experimental accent. While he was doing this, she opened up her laptop and looked for Little Mix videos. She sat next to him on his bed and forced the laptop onto his lap.
“We are watching Little Mix interviews,” she said with a tone of finality.
“Why can’t I just listen to you talk?”
“Because I want to see Leigh-Anne’s gorgeous face.”
Hannah pressed play and watched as Mark gave all his attention to the screen. He looked so focused that she throught he’d manage to pick up on the accent. She thought wrong. Ten minutes into watching interviews, Mark pointed out Jade.
“She sounds just like Miya,” he said in realization.
“That’s cause she has a Geordie accent,” Hannah told him. “If you can remember my accent and Miya’s accent enough to point that out, you should be able to imitate it. Even Jisung’s starting to sound like us!”
“He calls you and Miya for English practice all the time!” he exclaimed. “I talk to Johnny hyung everyday.”
“Excuses.” Hannah waved her hand. “Now say this sentence. Mom, I want to invite Spiderman over for dinner someday.”
“Mum, I wont tyu invait Spaidahmun ovah fa dinnah somdi.”
“Oh my Jesus, I give up.”
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originlist · 4 years
bron thots and hcs 99% harvested from rambling i sent to charri and didnt wanna retype yet
thinking about avicebrons workshop as i write. it is... a nice place to be i think. in my terms of nice. avicebron keeps it comfortably warm bc he likes it better that way. it smells like earth. warmly lit. there are various comfortable chairs because he used to just have one or two for himself and then he realized people kept coming by so hes just [sighs and adds another good chair and someone else drags in a bean bag or some shit]. hes got a bookshelf full of things. theres clutter but its an interesting kind of clutter and he knows where everything is anyways and the floor is cleared so ur not gonna trip over anything except maybe a golems whos keeping it tidy. its a chill place to read a book and if u ask nicely u can use some of the clay he keeps to makes lil figures with for fun. thonk bron: im going to make a place i like being in as a workshop narrator: this means other people will also like being there and sometimes hang out with you, which means you will be forced to acknowledge The Existence Of Other People bron: fuck. ive played myself
one day i will reread my source on kabbalah and itll be the end for everyone bc ive been interested in it since freshman year but its hard to find sources. and i have Thots about his golems but ill properly phrase them once im able to look thru my other primary source, for now i just ramble but basically his current golems except Adam arent like True Golems and even Adam is iffy because its moved past what a golem is
so proper golems are entities made thru certain specific magical rituals, and they are beings created generally by rabbis with a background in mysticism in order to help the community. a proper golem is highly autonomous and able to think on (almost) human level on its own, somewhat similar to a homunculus in proper homunculus lore but also, not. dont worry about it. i dont have the time to get into it. but one day. thats a threat. the final piece to animating them is writing on either them or an amulet they are given, which they can be returned back to earth by erasing the first letter they are, specifically, made to either help or protect which is why the reactor core thing is [singsong] bullshiiiiiiit
avicebrons golems are quickly made things that are more like basic familiars, as they possess a lower level of thought and dont follow ritual, the handoff of being less autonomy in exchange for being able to make a lot of them very quickly and easily so he doesnt count them as Proper Golems but he also classes them as More Useful For Our Situation Than A Proper Golem they can do chores and they will keep u safe but they also dissolve after a few hits
look the man’s disabled and he uses golems to make up for the fact, he doesnt need them to be durable or fully sapient he just needs them to do chores when he cant move his arms all the way and his back hurts
adam however (his NP) is a Proper Golem Plus Some. im ignoring the part where its like 'in fgo he also would need a mage or high level reactor to be its core' because thats stupid a proper golem doesnt need a core it just needs mystic words and some other stuff, but in exchange ill say he writes life into it using some part of his own magic plus whats drawn from his master, and the rest of Adam's unique reality marble ability is that it can pull mana from the earth directly quickly made familiars have mineral cores in order to like..... cores are the equivalent of when u pull back a ball on those clacker desk toys, where they keep going back and forth for longer than they should? the core jump starts the mana conversion procedure allowing it to create energy to move bc gems in fate are a good prana conduit
he can still do the thing of like. fuck i forget the word for it. earthbending. like he does in apoc where he just kinda draws shapes out of soil, but its only for various kinds of dirt. cant rly fuck with gems or metal but hes got bigass clay jars in his workshop full of dirt and clay and Various Rocks to make stuff ut of that he can control with a hand wave. it makes his life easier. bron vc do i LOOK like i can lift anything. i thought not.
uuhhhh other random bron infodumps bc i made other posts and then deleted them
no legge, prosthetics start at the hip ball-and-socket joint. arms yes. the second pair of arms is removable and attached to a thin plate that he can attach under his shoulders. the secondary shoulder joint is technically hypermobile and its easier to dematerialize/rematierialize them instead of putting them on and off. theyre usually not out unless he needs them for something. he is ambidextrious with all four of them and will show off in the name of efficient multitasking.
got a lotta facial scars from having acne as a young adult. pockmarks and the like. on top of his whole body being fucky.
does not like the cold!! makes both his physical and prosthetic joints feel stiff. will not mention it but will just [slowly recedes further into his cloak]
his hair is not as fun as it looks (to me). he hates having a body in general and so he will intentionally refuse to care for any non-prosthetic part of himself properly for it until it gets bad, so his hair is generally kinda dry and messy. its not Bad bad but its not great.
he takes better care of his fake legs than he does the parts of his body he cant replace and u should yell at him for it.
his cloak is also not as heavy as it looks like it should be. its carefully balanced. he can and will however bonk you with the pointy bits if you stand too close to him. forcibly mandated 4-ft personal bubble.
THIS MAN CLICK CLACKS WHEN HE MOVES AND I DONT CARE WHAT APOCS LACK OF SOUND EFFECTS TRIES TO IMPLY. this man WILL go click clack between his feet and the metal decoration thingies on his cloak bonking each other.
people who know shit about golem lore feel free to tell me all my books are packed but thoughts ping like ping-pongs
actually just tell me about folklore in general from any of u i like legends and mysticism 
if u have read this far tell me about some of ur folklore
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bleusidemv · 5 years
how do i: ask you everything on the ateez ask without it being too much lmao 😘
Im sorry Im only aswering this now 5 years later but I keept it save for lonely night like tonight Im so sooooorry but thanks for giving me something to do to distract me ily.
Who is your bias in ateez? Decisions who? I cant decide but Id say...Hongjoong propably...but like...the others aswell...uhm yeah
Who was your very first bias? Hongjoong thats why Im sticking to him.
Why is your bias your bias? HAVE YOU SEEN THAT DUDE??? He is so precious like he csn be such a cute lil babyboy being all sweet and caring and he tries so hard and he gives so much and he looks out for the members like they are his actual kids and he is so damn talented in anyway wether it be rapping, singing, dancing, writing, composing like boi leave something for the rest of us ok? No but for real he is a whole package and I would propably die infront of him.
How long have you been an ateez stan? Ever since the very first dance cover video back when they were still kq fellaz and you couldnt see their faces bc of the snapbacks. Watched their mini series and couldnt wait for their debut then it finally came and gave me an instsnt kill.
Why did you become an ateez stan? I saw the video and I was curious as to what they looked like and when I saw they started a show I watched it and I really waited in front of my phone every week for the new episode to drop and they were all so naturla and honest and funny in the show so they captured me from the first second on.
What was your fave era? Uhm there havent been that much by now haha but I really loved the debut era bc it was so different then anything Ive seen before and they were like my little secret that not a lot of people knew of. Ofc Im happy they get the fame they deserve but ut was also nice to know something others didnt.
Rapper line or vocal line? Rapper line
Hyung line or maknea line? Hyung line
Ateez or memeteez? I dont really know that that means but I like memes and they always deliver so Id say memeteez
Fave titel track? Pirate king
Fave sidetrack? Twilight, My Way, Desire ,Light and From
Share an unpopular opinion on anything relared to ateez: I like the mullet. Yeah sometimes the extensions were to obvious but other then that I like it. It suits him well. But I miss his mixnine red hair ugh
Share your fave meme:
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Favorite ateez mv? Treasure or HALA HALA short version
Fave ateez moment: I just recently saw something where a choreographer was talking to them and said with others he had to struggle with who could do which moves but with them he knows they all can do everything and they all looked so happy and satisfied and that made me weak in my knees.
Who do you ship? I dont ship at all.
Name one member who isnt your bias but: Jonghos vocals??? His dancing?? His looks? He is so smoll and cute but like so hot aswell and strong as heck and I like his style in clothing and he is so funny...yeah...hes that ONE ONE.
If ateez was on a deserted island who would be the first to go and why? Woosan Id say. Like you cant seperate them anyways and they are both drama queens so I feel like they would give in the easiest and just leave together.
If you could tell one member one thing what would it be? Id tell Jongho not to worry about his wait and looks too muuch bc he is the cutest already and his chubby cheeks are the most adorable thing ever and will keep him young in the future so he should be proud of them eventho I know its hard(sister over here feeling the same lol)
Write a poem about ateez: I lov smoll bois. I lov toll bois. I lov all ateet bois.
Say one thing about ateez you wanted to say but never did: okay so I hate saying stuff like "someone gonna be the next someone else" and I dont like comparing but I feel like they could be the next bts in the way that they are from a small company and that they have to work super hard and do everything themselves but keep it real and achieve stuff bc they really just are that talented and deserving of it. So yeah I feel liek they will definitly be the ones on tv and international shows and everything in the future.
Did you watch kq fellaz content pre debut? Yes I did
Fave variety they have done? I really loved the whisper challenge they did with heyitsfei. They were so cute and funny and their english killed me
Treasure or pirate king? Pirate king
Say my name or hala hala? Hala hala
Desire or promise? Desire
Stay or twilight? Twilight
Fave dance mv? Pirate king
Fave choreo? Also pirate king
Fave mv concept? Treasure
Tag your fave ateez blogs:
@yunhos-gf @yeosangkang
Do you share a sign with anyone in ateez? Nope no pisces boy for me
A quality you and your bias share? We are bothe very caring and fond of the people we love around us.
Are you the same age as anyone in ateez? Yunho and me are only 19 days apart.
That was a long ride but it was so much fun ahhh I lov u honey
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survivor-ingary · 3 years
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At the last tribal, Toph was voted out. During the past round, Keith found an exile ticket in the idol hunt and is in exile this round. The individual immunity this round is a 'chop the rope' style of Touchy Subjects. It will be followed by an instant tribal council.
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ANNA OU- the execution of the vote was an absolute mess this is embarrassing y'all... i'm really starting to not trust ellie more and more considering the way this vote went! the way we were originally gonna vote toph but all this mess led to us flipping votes to brayden, which was a fail cuz he played the idol to himself and not toph LOL and not babs giving the idol to ellie cuz she would've gone home tonight!!!!! thank god the end results were still in our favor, getting rid of toph, but raffy is pissed once again lmao. this twist is very interesting, because i knew ahead of time that keith was gonna poof this round but i played dumb and whateva! it's kind of concerning cuz it might actually be a 4-4 split this time which SCARES ME so the extra vote consideration might be even higher. I really wanna win this Touchy Subjects challenge so the votes don't pile onto me (even though I fully believe it'll be either Dennis or Ellie lol)
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my bestie toph just went home and im so sad :( he was literally my closest ally in the game and i am literally sooooo sad that he’s gone. but i did use my idol on myself which ended up being good bc if i didnt i would have gone to jury. just like everything is going wrong for me at this point and im on the bottom pretty much with raffy and anastasia. we needed to flip 2 people to have majority, BUT KEITH LEFT TO EXILE ISLAND AND HE WAS THE MAIN OPTION WE WANTED TO FLIP, so now that leaves kenneth and babs and we have to flip both of them or we are out of here. so we have our work cut out for us, but i really think we can flip babs because like they would just get like 6th place without us, and i just gave i think a pretty good pitch to kenneth so i really hope he considers it and doesn't just run and tell his majority alliance like he did with anastasia. anyways the challenge is touchy subjects and im nervous and i kind of am wishing i voted kenneth for biggest goat but i think i put riley and i regret ut. i hope someone says kenneth as biggest goat or something so it opens his eyes and he realizes he is literally number 4 to a solid 3 and should flip and be number 4 in our not at all solid 3. anyways i really hope i live this round
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Captain Exile's log, Entry #58. I have been on exile island for an hour. it seems like forever... my mind is slowing turning into mush. I fondly remember the days I would plot Raffy's demise. Those days now seem like a lifetime ago.
I wonder why the 3 time keeping hosts have forsaken to this island, making me a fool by calling it a vacation. I also will never forgive them for not having an exile island hidden immunity idol. I should have asked Jay to send her cat to keep me company. . opportunity missed.
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my favorite hobby is writing checks i can't cash
raffy realllllllly seems to trust me
babs realllllllllyyyy trusts me
ellie reallllllllly trusts me
kenneth realllllyyyyyy trusts me
keith reallllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy trusts me and i trust him right back
a+b do not trust me so im gonna have fun with this.
i love that idols just naturally attract themselves to ellie.
i love that keith and i are doing an amazing job as undercover kings and it makes me laugh that raffy completely believes that keith is perfectly in his back pocket. king of delusion.
i stirred up a lot of paranoia but its believable that ellie is the one thats mainly on dat.
excited for touchy subjects would love to win
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I'm too nice for orgs. I reload video games when I accidentally select the mean dialogue options because I don't want to hurt any character's feewings. Which... is NOT the same as genuinely thinking everyone is a pleasant person.
Well, as the only person playing this live challenge sort of "remotely" ahead of time I feel like I'm in a really weird position. I guess I'll wake up tomorrow to... something? A clusterfuck most likely.
Brayden round 9 is already over but im pretending im writing this while its round nine
hey everybody its round 9. i played my idol to save myself which was so cool but im sad that i had to do it bc now im really vulrunable and have no protection in this world. my only alliance left is anastasia and raffy and i dont even know if i can actually trust raffy bc he just voted toph off, but like i have no other options. also i jut realized i thimk i actually did send a confessional this round but its ok. the challenge is touchy subjects and i know i have pretty much no chance of winning but i hope i get asked whos a goat so i can say kenneth and maybe he’ll flip. the plan is to go for riley this round since they arent a huge player and hopefulyl anyoen who flips would be fine voting them. i really really really hope tonight isnt a hands up tribal bc that would be really bad ;)
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GUESS. FUCKING (freaking for the kids). WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT A SUPER IDOL AKJSDNKSJANDKJSANDJKNASKJDNAKSJ I HONESTLY ALMOST LOST HOPE ON GETTING SOMETHING FROM THE SHOPS AT THIS POINT... The only other time I got something from the shop was my first ever purchase which led to an extra vote! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE because I feel like I have more options moving forward now, and I can make risky, but game-changing moves!! I will absolutely be saving the super idol as much as I can, hello?!?!?! I wanna make it to FTC so bad and ensure my spot in Final 5, so I just have to hold on until then!!!
soooo who's callin' me the fourth wheel to Ellie, Dennis, and Riley? oh? it's Brayden? okay king, step up then <3
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holy fuck I hope I can explain this mess to Brayden kljfjkdlsahjkb WHY AM I LIKE THIS
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Who is that girl I see?
Staring straight back at me
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside
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I was completely over Toph's vote out. Like, it just is another demonstration of my "allies" not trusting me. They thought that I told Toph all about the plan to vote him instead of Brayden. They think I ratted to Anastasia and Brayden about the whole deal. It was incredibly frustrating to wake up from a nap with my allies not trusting them. And then they wanted me to vote for Brayden which would have landed Ellie in the jury house. Like, the plan was perfect, but Dennis, Babs, and Ellie just talked themselves into a paranoid mess. After the vote, I managed to talk myself into the good graces of Brayden and Anastasia after voting out Toph. What I said was "If y'all still want to work together, I'm down, but I didn't necessarily trust Toph. Additionally, I was approached like last minute to vote him because of Ellie's idol (they told me about it just before the vote). And I didn't want Brayden to go (didn't know about your idol)." They seemed to buy it?
I went on call with Dennis afterwards and basically asked for Riley to get voted out this round because they are Ellie's immoveable ally. They will never want to work with me. That's dangerous. It could give Ellie a lot of power in this game. Dennis seemed to agree. I also realize that Dennis has a crystal clear view of my game. He knows the type of game I am playing. That scares me. I need to play this game with the knowledge he can turn on me at any time.
My current position is in the middle. I am working with the heads of both sides in this game. I am working with Ellie, Dennis, and Babs on one side. And Anastasia and Brayden on the other. Kenneth is on the Ellie side, but I think my avenues with him are currently closed. What's the most frustrating is that Anastasia and Brayden are so misted by Babs that they can't see that they are LYING. Straight to their faces! Talking about wanting to be allies. Like, I need them not to spill to Babs about anything cause then I would be exposed.
Pray for me y'all.
Kenneth uh this tribal was... literally not in our favor at all... riley was gone the whole time and we didn't throw raffy under our bus when we should have... rip well riley wasnt in my end game plan anyways but its still pretty unfortunate to not have them around for the next couple of votes... i wouldve pitched for raffy harder but it didn't even matter because riley already submitted the vote for brayden :/// just a lil' unfair but it's SURVIVOR i guess!
Keith I woke up to a surprise. I was expecting to be another day on this island but it wasnt to be... This was a round came with a surprise tribal after the challenge. So yayyyy me.... bye bye Exile.
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dabondiggity · 6 years
thing about me
i was tagged by tricia @ribbonsandinkwells!
how tall are you? 5′6″ or 5′7″ idk
what color are your eyes? brown
do you wear contacts and/or glasses? i have big ol glasses and contacts that i almost never wear because i dont blink enough and my eyes dry out 
do you wear braces? nope, i got lucky and had straight teeth. 
what is your fashion style? futch? soft butch? lots of jackets and moderately dark lipstick.
when were you born? 1998
how old are you? 19
do you have any siblings? yes i am the family babby, i have an older brother and sister. overall 7.5/10 ,would keep, minus .5 bc they dont ever cook, minus 2 because they used to push me out of trees :/
what school/college do you go to? ut austin. go cows! horn them! okay okay okay!
what kind of student are you? tired. im better with project based classes than test based ones because im very bad at time management for studying but ok at time management for projects
what are your favorite subjects? animation and programming have been my favorites of the semester but im always a slut for biology and history
what are your favorite movies? pacific rim, the wind rises, kubo and the two strings
what are your favorite pastimes? video games and art are my big ones but on a more chill level origami and baking
do you have any regrets? haha for sure, but mostly smaller things
what’s your dream job? semi-realistic: indie game dev. daydream tier 1: a librarian or small bookstore worker. expanding mind meme final image: off the grid rancher who lives in a tiny cabin in the woods of colorado with my livestock and (maybe) a small family, practically a cryptid.
would you like to get married? maybe, but not anytime soon.
do you want kids? how many? i would like to adopt or foster someday, maybe 2, max 3 kids. frankly, being pregnant sounds horrifying and i dont want it
how many countries have you visited? 7 over the course 2 weeks but no other time
what is your scariest dream? someone i care about is in danger and i have to help/protect them. when i was a kid i had a lot of nightmares, but now it generally tops out at like “hectic” or “stressful” but i do still have very vivid dreams
do you have a significant other? haha no
put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping put the first 15 songs.
i just have a lot of small playlists for specific Moods but uhh ill try my spotify saved
carnival - gorillaz
i am all that i need / arroyo seco / thumprint scar - fleet foxes
rugla - amiina
animals - baths
impossible - lyla foy
third of may/ odaigahara - fleet foxes
reflections after jane - the clientele
forest child - skinny child
st. louis blues - john fahey
i fall in love too easily - min chae
the sound - dr dog
bushel hyde - jessica pratt
someday - dr dog
sun gonna shine in my backdoor someday blues - john fahey
unfucktheworld - angel olsen
+ bonus = let me out - gorillaz (to bring this very strange mix back around)
im taggin @graveexcitement and @gdisonder so i can compare siblings with complete efficiency. also literally anyone can do it and say i tagged them go out there and Love Yourself.
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etherealskeletons · 6 years
this is just one big ole vent about everything thats been going on and tbh? i wouldnt even bother reading it, its all over the place and everything that comes outta my mouth is absolute garbage anyway so..
anyway —
i hate my family for a variety of reasons, but im starting to realize that they legitimately treat me like im less than human and some kinda servant
i told them i cannot become my grandmothers 24/7 caretaker. mentally and physically, i cannot do it. if im forced to do it, i know for a fact that i will have a huge mental breakdown and my ass is gonna get hospitalized for doing God only knows to myself
but they guilt me. guilt trip, after guilt trip, after guilt trip. my uncle followed me around the damn house telling me that if i left, i would have my grandmothers death on my hands, bc im apparently the only person thats keeping her alive at this point. “she doesnt have much to live for these days, yknow” - “well, who else is gonna take care of her?” - “we’re family, so you have to do this. dont you care about your family?”
you would never guess that my aunt is a registered nurse, one of my cousins is a CNA, another one works in hospice, and my uncle already cared for someone in my grandmothers current state for over 20+ years, with the way they speak to me. they act as if im the nurse with 20+ years of hospice work. but im not! im just some severely depressed bitch that draws and writes occasionally - and i cant even do that anymore!!
im just so stressed and distraught all the time. i cant sleep, i can barely eat without feeling sick, i always feel like im gonna cry.. everythings just so overwhelming, i barely find anything enjoyable anymore, and sometimes i dont even see the point of living since its just work work work until you finally get the guts to kill yourself or seriously harm yourself
they also get so fucking insulted if i ask to get compensated for the years ive spent here, they tell me to forget the 10 years ive spent. just forget about it! its in the past! just forget about the late nights of doing medical or cleaning duties, forget the appointments you had to miss because your family comes before you do, forget about all the emotional and mental games they would play, forget all the money youve spent on them, forget all the bills you had to pay.. i could go on, but forget about it! its in the past!! youre family, so ofc you had to do all of this!! b ut then theyre allowed to get compensated for all the “hard work” theyve done, and they just.. they dont do anything? they havent done anything to help my grandparents??
noone else had to do all the things i had to do, and noone else had to go through all the shit ive gone through. everyone in my family lives like teenagers, going to concerts and having a blast! while im stuck taking care of the elderly because “thats what family does” its not fair! its just not fair! i give everything up - and they say that everything ive done is nothing, and tell me i need to do more for this family because im not doing enough
this woman shouldnt even be coming home! she cant stand up, shes on an oxygen machine, she needs to be lifted to go to the toilet - i jus.. mmmmmMMMMMMM
then they have the audacity to tell me to stop going to counseling, theyre saying its making me worse when thats not even true? for once in my life i have an amazing counselor that actually listens and offers advice! but they want me to stop going so i can devote myself 24/7 to them and to this house and their weird shenanigans and fucked up mind games and hhhhh
my dad says that weve done all we can and that enough is enough. that were actually gonna move out, get a place somewhere down south. we can change our names and start completely over and never talk to this family ever again. ive been yearning for this day to come for so long im jus.. im excited! but im also terrified. because i feel like its gonna get snatched away from me. this dream of running away and starting over as someone new.. God, everyones promised me this, and everyone whos promised me this has always snuffed it in the dirt and left me in the dust
if my dad doesnt follow through, i dont know what im gonna do
i just dont know
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junker-town · 6 years
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, Texas is just hopping mad
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Texas leads a wide-ranging tour of the angry college football internet after Week 9.
Welcome back to THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, your weekly rocket ship ride through the most infuriated regions of the college football galaxy. Last week, this page focused exclusively on Ohio State, because that was the only logical choice. This week, we’re taking a journey around a small handful of furious fanbases on the internet.
Texas lost to Oklahoma State, knocking the Longhorns out of the top 10.
Though they remain in the thick of a chaotic Big 12 race, it’s a disappointing moment for Tom Herman’s bunch. Said one Longhorn fan afterward:
I don’t want to watch football anymore
That was the title of a message board thread. This was the profound body:
And there you have it.
A former Texas linebacker got into a fast-escalating online beef with a current Texas cornerback, who’d been suspended for the first quarter.
Ex-Horn Emmanuel Acho initially defended the suspended Kris Boyd, because Texas sitting down a starting cornerback had the side effect of helping OSU get lots of yards:
I understand all the, “teach your players a lesson” tweets, but YALL understand, if Saban benched players everytime they violated team or American laws, Bama might not have a single national title.
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
But then Acho — who’s now an ESPN analyst — got rougher.
Bruh, you can’t be late to meetings THEN come out here and get mossed. Your team needs you. #Texas #OkState
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
And then he used the “trash” word ...
I can’t watch this dude play defense anymore. It’s actually trash. If you know. You know. #Texas
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
... and said he wasn’t talking specifically about Boyd, but, uh:
Naw I feel u, and I didn’t say I was talking about Kris, I would never put nobody on front street like that... but anybody who feels that tweet applies to them should probably step up. I played hella trash games in my day lol. U grow and move on u feel me
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
How’d Boyd respond? Aggressively.
Boyd going straight after Acho on Instagram. Smart. pic.twitter.com/0LuqqMGzl4
— Burnt Orange Nation (@BON_SBNation) October 28, 2018
Fortunately for Boyd, INSTAGRAM ASSAULT is not a violation of team rules.
One fan had a spicy take about what should be done to the game’s officiating crew: They should all be handed over to the mob.
Refs are screwing us again
The offsides on that 4th down was f%<*¥ing criminal. Somebody send the mafia to threaten the refs to pay these dickheads back for 2015.
Texas fans were livid at the officiating in 2015’s OSU-UT game, when a few apparent officiating errors went against the Horns. Every other Big 12 fan in the universe thought it was deeply ironic to see Texas fans upset about refs.
(Texas actually had a legit beef about that offside call, yeah. Oklahoma State sent a bunch of guys in a “motion” that looked a lot like emulating live play, and refs didn’t call a false start, but instead penalized the Horns for jumping off. The Horns also probably got away with a penalty in their end zone later in the game. Either way, Sicilian crime families must get involved.)
This Horns fan was MAD and only got MADDER when nobody wanted to join in being EXTREMELY MAD.
User TexasHorn started this thread on the team’s 247Sports message board before Texas’ body was even cold, while it was still the second half:
Dan Neil, we have our answer, NO, Texas is not mature enough to handle success
Being destroyed on national television - not sure if the Horns can recover before next week because wvu has a better team than osu
Nobody responded, so they added:
Sorry for being honest - where am I wrong guys, seriously?
Any one thrilled with this performance?
Still, nobody responded, so they added again:
Explain the off sides guys - want to argue the complete joke comment?
So tired or posting without any response - gutless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, someone replied:
We’re playing scared like a bunch of pussies. Coaches and players.
Persistence always pays off.
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE is usually about fans, but Tom Herman is now the second head coach to make an appearance, thanks to the end of the game.
This is the sort of sprinting velocity that can only be generated by pure anger.
Recap of Tom Herman & Mike Gundy in the late scrap, their postgame handshake and Gundy's interview explanation pic.twitter.com/CMzJpKwzpw
— CJ Fogler (@cjzer0) October 28, 2018
(Herman and Mike Gundy are fine.)
Herman joins Jeremy Pruitt, who kicked a whiteboard and was thus included by rule:
Hey Knoxville... how's it going? #UFvsUT pic.twitter.com/HxplOn0uRQ
— Mike Gillespie (@MikeABCColumbia) September 23, 2018
Washington lost to Cal as a disappointing season became a total failure.
The Huskies are not even making a New Year’s Six bowl in Jake Browning’s senior year, two years after getting to the Playoff with him as a sophomore.
In some corners of the web, faith’s running short in Chris Petersen.
At HardcoreHusky.com, someone started a thread: People you have more faith in than CP, reflecting the fanbase’s growing impatience with Petersen, whose job titles are head coach, Guy Who Won a Million Games at Boise State, and Guy Who Got Washington to the College Football Playoff.
This was the only thing there:
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Photo by Stephen Chernin/Getty Images
This was another fan’s measured response:
Someone urged this poster to say calm:
Stay positive! Fuck Petersen!
But this blunt response to the loss pretty much summed it up:
We lost to cal
Lol I’m done. Fuck Husky football. Fuck Petersen. Fuck Browning. Fuck Haener. Fuck everything. Roll tide.
Maybe that sounds harsh, but UW fans have wanted Bama since early in 2016:
Settle down, Washington pic.twitter.com/4lnFCfcJ4i
— College Football by SB Nation (@SBNationCFB) September 3, 2016
Miami lost to Boston College, which means it’s time to look at how Hurricanes fans responded to the team’s official Twitter account in real time.
When Miami loses, checking Twitter’s important, because Canes fans are always the most direct in college football. The classic of this genre:
I’m gonna jump off a building
— Heat 3x (@Jbazo5D) September 3, 2018
As Boston College put a thumping on the Canes, fans responded well. Just follow along with various score updates and quarter breaks.
1. After the first Boston College score:
Already with the bs
— Howard Webster (@TbearCane17) October 26, 2018
2. After, um, a Miami score:
— Carlos Marante (@ItsACanesThing5) October 27, 2018
3. After another BC score:
Is this a retweet?
— Tucker McFall (@RealTuckMcFall) October 26, 2018
4. End of the first quarter!
— Brandon English (@BEnglish007) October 26, 2018
5. After some ostensibly good news?
Way to look at the bright side.
— Brandon English (@BEnglish007) October 27, 2018
6. After an actual good play:
Throw the ball in front of the receiver and it could've been 6
— Christopher Gray (@Barclayallday26) October 27, 2018
7. After a touchdown by Miami:
How on Gods green earth do you have a -5 yard punt return, inside the 10-yard line, with not one but TWO blocks in the back on the return? That's piss poor
— Tucker McFall (@RealTuckMcFall) October 27, 2018
8. After a defensive stop by Miami:
We must be trying to run the clock out....ridiculous
— umcane (@umcane26) October 27, 2018
9. Halftime!
Yes a dogfight with BC! Proud day for the Canes.
— Bryant Jensen (@Bjensen630) October 27, 2018
10. After another good play by Miami’s defense:
BC knows our QB can’t hit the side of a barn further than ten yards so they playing up on the line
— solidlifefitness (@solidlifefitnes) October 27, 2018
11. A little later:
This guy is worse than Jacory Harris
— The Bad Hombre (@jbjammin34) October 27, 2018
12. Things getting desperate:
Get Jimmy Johnson out of retirement
— John Bennett (@DirtyBirdz19) October 27, 2018
13. The Turnover Chain is out! This is good for Miami!
This is the most remedial offense I've ever seen
— The Bad Hombre (@jbjammin34) October 27, 2018
14. End of the third quarter!
Social Media dude.. let Coach know Malik ain't it. Thanks boss.
— Joey Inza (@JoeyInza) October 27, 2018
15. Game over.
— Nick Alvarez (@NicksTake22) October 27, 2018
I’ve said it before, but Miami fans are the overprotective relative who will roast you all day but threaten to burn down the house of anyone else who criticizes you.
I respect and fear them in equal measure.
Ultimately, it was best to just step away.
recap, 3 stars, good, bad, and ugly up on https://t.co/W9gmsOyW7d i have nothing else to say. i'm going to play #RDR2 bye.
— StateOfTheU.com (@TheStateOfTheU) October 27, 2018
Florida lost to Georgia, ending the Gators’ dreams of winning the SEC East.
Gators fans were actually pretty reasonable about it. I don’t have jokes. I’m just making the note here so that you know I was as disappointed to learn this as you were. I checked.
In all kinds of weather, y'all, and go Gators pic.twitter.com/jTaaNcXnvS
— BUM CHILLUPS (@edsbs) October 27, 2018
And TCU lost to Kansas, thus earning automatic inclusion as the last team on this list.
Things are dark in Fort Worth.
Is this how Baylor Feels?
For the first time I am embarrassed to wear my TCU gear in public.
The last spot in this list is now just tradition, devoted to any team that might lose to Kansas in a given week.
In Week 3, a Rutgers fan asked after losing to KU: “What stage of grief are you in?”
They have grinded me down into not caring about college football at all just like the Knicks and the Mets have done in basketball and baseball respectively. In a way it’s good. I can enjoy my kids without having to give a hoot about the scores on Saturdays.
Before that, in Week 2, a fan of the MAC’s Central Michigan wrote this:
Fire Bonamego
I know I’ll hear a lot of the usual “it’s too soon in the season” and “MAC play hasn’t even started”, but I’ve been a die-hard supporter of the football program and I EXPECT us to compete against the power teams every year. There’s no reason that we can’t be like Boise State or better. We need to strive to be better and we shouldn’t settle for mediocracy.
Again, that was a MAC fan distraught about losing to a Big 12 team.
Congrats to the Horned Frogs and their fans on joining this prestigious club.
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fansalvatore · 6 years
Random thought sept 10th
i wonder why is it so easy for you leaving me. but you cant do it to him. why you can never be FAIR with me these whole time..
why you never love me and just me.
why its always be him ...
is it that hard for you just to love me alone?
what cant i give to you? igave you all of me. everything. my love, attention, everythingg i tried my best just to make u happy.. but you never once feel that i am enough... you never appreciate all the shit ive been through just to be with you...
what do i do wrong in the first time princess?
i always accompany u whenever u need me. i always try to keep up with u. i always stay up late all night just to vid call with u. i lose my sleep in the afternoon just so i can accompany u through ur break time..
i always taking care of you like you r the best thing that i have ever had. i dropped cute message everytime u fall asleep just so you can read that messgae and smile in the next morning.
i always gave u long message just to remind you how much i love you. AND how much i want you to BEAR with me bcs i can be hard to handle. and how i want you to never give up on me. on Us!!
i always told you how i will accept ur past as long as you never bring ip ur past into our relationship.. am i wrong?
i always told you how much you mean to me and i want FOREVER ... but it seems like forever is just too long for you to be with someone as useless as me.. im sorry for everything.
i tried my best to make you happy. but one thing for sure i fail. i cant be him......
even i put myself second bcs i just want to make sure that you are happy.. i always MAKE time for you. i always prioritize you over my friend. i always want to spent our limited time together. but evry weekend u lied to me to go to college when u just go out with him.and u never make time for me to enjoy ur weekend together. almost never..
its been 8 months after u left me. and u easily moving on after u left.. but me? even after these whole 8 months, i still cant move on from you.. have u ever wonder how much i love you? despite all of the shit youve ut me through?
have u ever just once regret that you never loyal with me? maybe our forever will still exist after all...
i just ask you to give me one favor.... you broke my heart so much.. i just want you to be happy as much as you can.. so it will worth my broken heart princess..
PLEASEEE... BE HAPPY.. be really happy... i know he is ur real happiness. im sorry i took that away as long as we are together.
sorry from july 2016-jan2018..
sorry for wasting ur precious time just to be with me..
i know you never once love me as a lover.
eventho you do.. you never really love me enough to STAY... to fight for us.. never...
thankyou for coming into my life and never have an intention to stay. it broke me till i dont even know what is happiness anymore.
the day you left. is the day i lost everything.. the love of my life.. thw purpoae of me being alive. the whole plan i've planned for us in thw future.. everything.. i lost everythinf especially my happiness.
i thought being loved by me. make it harder for you to feel love by another person. but turna out im wrong..
you left me so easily that make me believe it was never love...
thanks for the lesson that i cant depend my happiness and future so much to a person i love the most.
bcs i thought you love me as much as i love you. turns out, the love you used to have for me not even close as the love i have for you... but yeah.. when people love you and like you so much.. they will never ask for return.. they just love, love, and love.. till they cant love you anymore.. thats how much i love you .. i will always love you till the day i die.. no matter whoever will come and stay in my life. believe me they will never have my heart as much as you do.... bcs i dont think i have a heart that could love others anymore..... it always been you.. since 2011... you were there. and you will always there.... maybe not this time my love. i hope we meet again in another life.. ad im gonna make sure we will have our forever....
i cant wait till the day i die and i finally said. i did it. i keep my promise to myself...
thanks for the good time we had ever made vie.. i will never forget it...
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