#bc like for One Piece Mermaid AU i was like it's OP they're sailing it's bright tropical seas let it SHINE!
yukipri ยท 9 months
How did you come to find your art style? I've followed you for a while and adore your art ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Thanks for liking my work!
And as for "style," idk, I never really tried to find a "style"? Idk how long a "while" is, but if you've followed me for years, you've probably seen me go through multiple fandoms. My art has changed and grown, I've gone from not being able to do lineart to working so hard to be able to do clean lineart, I can't really NOT do lineart anymore? I went from doing flat color/generic lighting, to thinking gee that's boring everything I draw looks the same, and now i often do more dramatic lighting on most things I draw? ^ ^; Every art I draw, I try to draw what I like, try to improve parts I don't like, and slowly it shifts. Sometimes I go back to doing things I left but decided I actually like after all. I constantly vary how painted/flat I want my colors to be.
So yeah, idk if I really have a "style," what you see is just the accumulation of that constant ongoing exploration! I like to think I'm a wee bit more consistent about some things now, at least compared to before, because I pick at it less if I'm happy with what I've drawn. But it's still constantly evolving!
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