#bc my leg was suddenly hurting a lot more today and it kinda freaked me out so i went to urgent care
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ugh. i wasted a lot of time and money today#bc my leg was suddenly hurting a lot more today and it kinda freaked me out so i went to urgent care#and then they had me get an x ray. luckily my hip looks fine and like i thought i probably strained or tore like an adductor muscle#so all that for something i already knew. but she said i should just chill for like 3 weeks and let it heal#at least nothing worse was wrong but its really annoying. i want to run 😫#wtf am i gonna do to dispel energy??? ugh. and i was supposed to go to thr post office today to send stuff#ill have to go tomorrow. bleh. its so annoying#part of it is just that i hate having to interact with people. like talking to people. like im sure i come across as v young#bc im so anxious and hesitant and im like zero eye contact. so idk it just feels kinda embarrassing#i wanna b like. bro i promis im not stupid. i have 2 advanced degrees in biology and im going for a 3rd. u can talk to me like an adult#its probably just me projecting. my perception is distorted from being made fun of by my sister lol#whatever. at least its just 3 weeks. tho it does remind me i havent been to an actual doctor in like 5 years#...probably should do thst before i move. or idk maybe ill just wait a month and go before school starts#ugh. fuck the American Healthcare system. they looked at me for like 5min and to go to urgent care was $125 with my insurance#thats just to b seen. like i can afford that but what r u supposed to do if u cant?#unrelated#at least its not as bad as when i passed out in class and took a 10 min ambulance ride that somehow cost $700
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iwajima · 4 years
don’t hate me. (akaashi keiji x m!reader)
summary: you push your feelings down for akaashi for so long that you’ve forgotten every loving memory of him. until, he reminds you.
a/n: this is so bad bc i didn’t edit this at all and theres probably a lot of typo’s but (*´꒳`*) i felt like writing a self indulgent soft fic before sleeping
warnings: nothings really, fluff and anxiety(?)
status : unedited / 1.9k
You honestly didn’t know when your love for Akaashi bloomed in a romantic way. After all these years of being his close friend, you both shared moments that an average person would label as romantic, but to you both it was just friendship. From sleeping together cuddled in the same bed to gifting each other on special days to sunset picnics after practice. Either you two were oblivious or the world was too strict on defining what romance is.
But now you know, you love Akaashi. Seeing him be confronted by a girl with a love letter in her hand made your heart prick with jealousy. Your eyes couldn’t stop glaring at the girl, the thought of her having a chance with him bubbled anxiety that you pushed down and denied. You didn’t even notice that your face was strewn with furrows when Konoha slaps your back.
“Oi, y/n-chan what’s that look on you face?” He looks at your ridiculous expression before following your eyes, when he sees who they’re set on he puts two and two together.
Konoha whistles before snickering at you. Despite Akaashi’s faint body language of disinterest, you still believed in the possibility of him reciprocating the girl’s feelings.
“This is some entertaining shit, don’t tell me you like her–“ You roll your eyes at him, ignoring his teasing, he clearly lacked awareness of how much his words could have affected you.
When you turn around, trying to get away from the scene before you, Konoha follows suit and babbles on about other things. You didn’t blame her, Akaashi was growing into his features and that brought a lot of attention from shallow girls. You just didn’t like the idea of him sharing his love. In your little fumbled head, that meant you weren’t important enough for him to give all his love to.
You spend the day almost ignoring him, which was stupid of you considering if you were losing him you should be trying to win his attention again. But you needed some time to let your brain think.
The rest of your classmates file out as the day ends and you’re left with Akaashi, who’s on cleaning duty with you. Had you not been jealous of the girl due to the entire situation that morning, the atmosphere wouldn’t have been uncomfortable and awkward, at least for you.
“Hey, y/n I haven’t seen you all day, are you okay?” He speaks up when the last student leaves.
He approaches you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You had your head resting on your arms as your face was nuzzled into the inside of your elbow. When you don’t respond, he moves to the other side to place himself in your line of view. You had your eyes closed, but Akaashi had a suspicion that you were well awake.
“Alright then, I guess you’re going to leave me to do all the cleaning.” He laughs, gently patting your shoulder.
You felt guilty, letting him do all the work, but that kinda meant he’s stuck with you a little longer and you were fine with that. The sounds of his soft humming almost made you fall asleep. His voice was soothing, it almost made you cry. Your sudden yearning for his touch confused you, why were you suddenly crushing on Akaashi?
The constant thinking had actually made you fall asleep. The last thought made you fall asleep to a comforting feeling. You had thought of Akaashi and that was bound to make you get a good nap. Just as you were beginning to float to dream land, you were woken up by a hand stroking your hair.
“Y/n, we gotta go now, it’s getting late.” He smiled at you, you looked so peaceful sleeping.
It took you a second to realize you had fallen asleep, but the drowsiness soon left when you see Akaashi looking at you, his proximity a little closer than you thought.
“You owe me one for making me clean everything, luckily the room wasn’t as messy as it usually is.”
You both silently walk home together. Luckily, volleyball practice wasn’t on, so you were able to go home and drown in your sorrows. Your overthinking was broken by Akaashi’s voice slicing through the quiet.
“Hey, are you still sleeping over tonight? we’re still going to the city tomorrow right?” He asks, eyeing your fatigued expression.
“Oh shit– I completely forgot.” You say with wide eyes, realizing you should’ve packed for a sleepover.
“You dumbass, you can borrow my clothes remember? I got extra towels and a toothbrush too. Where has your head been? you seem off today.” He says in worry.
You brush it off, saying you didn’t have the best sleep because you were up too late. He was right, usually you weren’t this… awkward. All your manoeuvres were hesitant and your demeanour was not the usual chill guy he knew. You curse at yourself for not being able to mask your emotions.
But man it felt nice to be sleeping in Akaashi’s bed again. Everytime you inhaled, all you could smell was him. You could almost doze off from it alone, but you wanted to stay awake a little longer to bask in his company. He was curled facing you, one of his legs was resting above yours. You weren’t sure if he was asleep or not. You were face to face with him, noses a few inches away, you didn’t want to stare too long just in case he opened his eyes but you couldn’t.
Your eyes travel from his long lashes, to the tip of his cute little nose, before settling onto his smooth lips that were slightly pouting. You were so close you could kiss him, but that would be weird. Your thoughts fought with each other as it raced with scenarios that could happen.
What were you saying? You can’t keep thinking about this, Akaashi’s your friend and has been since you were in kindergarten. You didn’t even know if he liked guys. Right… if you were to tell him, he would probably call you a freak and a stalker.
The thoughts keep flooding and some hurt more than others. You turn to face the wall, letting a few drops of tears fall. You tried your best to not let out a sound but you couldn’t stop yourself from sniffling. Just as you were about to fall asleep, a voice erupts from behind you.
“Y/n are you jealous of Keiko?”
You freeze. Why would he be saying that? Did he see you stare? Or were you really that obvious? You didn’t know how to respond, you didn’t even want to move. The sound of your heart was beating so loud in your ears that it made you panic even more.
“If you’re wondering why I’m asking you, I’ve known you since we were 4.” His voice was quiet, only loud enough for you to hear, and it sent chills up your spine.
By now your eyes were wide, tears streaming down even more. You bite your lip to prevent your breathing shake. You really couldn’t come up with a response. He continues when you don’t reply.
“It’s been a year, you seriously think I wouldn’t notice?”
Akaashi knows when you gaze at him, but he never meets your eyes. He notices the hugs that were a little longer than usual. He notices your touches grow more and more frequent each time you meet whether it be a faint brush of your fingers when you pass him something or you placing a firm hand in his shoulder as you great him when you arrive to class in the morning.
A year? Had it really been a year. Were you really in love with him this entire time, did you forget or were you oblivious by your own feelings that you couldn’t see how you were acting around him? You wanted to turn and see the look on his face, it was probably disgust. You can’t tell if he’s upset or not, his speech was affected by his tiredness.
“You don’t remember do you?”
Akaashi did feel a tinge of disappointment when he saw your lack of response. Maybe you were mad at him because he let that girl Keiko talk to him longer than needed. Maybe you were mad at him because maybe you do remember and he wasn’t showing signs of what he swore he felt. He just wanted you to talk to him.
“I know I should stop letting these girls give me love letters, but I hoped you would’ve stepped in for me and say that I'm not interested. Is that strange?”
He sighs, you haven’t moved an inch. He was hesitant, but he moved closer to you, close enough to feel the heat radiate off your body. Maybe he shouldn’t have confronted you about this, it felt like wrong timing.
“Remember that night you stole alcohol from your parents? You were pissed drunk, maybe they weren’t true words but you said…”
You felt shame creep up to you, a frown settled on your face at your failure to remember. You knew you shouldn’t have drunk most of the bottle.
“You told me that you were in love with me.”
Maybe you did remember. You probably shoved that memory down subconsciously to prevent yourself from being embarrassed, you remember, it was a clear small chunk of memory. You also remember the amount of girls you hooked up with to prevent yourself from falling for Akaashi even more, but it obviously didn’t work, you only wanted him even more because those girls weren’t him.
“Do you… you know what nevermind. I’m sorry if you found this weird, forget I said anything–“
You finally turn, eyes slightly red from crying. He was so pretty under the moonlight, his upturned brows and wide worried eyes made your heart skip a beat. You would be lying if you didn’t want to suffocate him in a hug right then and there.
“Tell me what you said that night.” Your voice was stern, but you could tell that you were trying to hide a cry.
“I’m sure you remember–“
“I want to hear you say it again.”
You pull yourself closer to him, eyes never leaving his as you search for something within. You cup his cheek, inching your face closer and closer. Akaashi feels his cheek heat up. Luckily, you couldn’t see his blush under the blue tones from the night.
He hesitates, but says it clearly. The words replayed in your head over and over, you have to make sure you heard it correctly and you weren’t hallucinating. Instead of heartbreak, you felt relief. It wasn’t what you expected for him to feel.
“I love you.”
You wasted no time in pressing your lips against his. And oh how it felt so good to finally be able to do so. Every single memory of your display of affection towards him flashed in your mind. You had been practically hinting at it, but you denied your feelings and called it friendliness.
If you could have a moment you could replay on a loop when you died, it would be this one. You lay almost on top of him with your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. Your leg was placed across his thighs as your arm was resting on his chest, your hand tangled in his hair.  
This was the intimacy you craved, and so did he.
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lumin3xe · 4 years
"Campus." Yamaguchi Tadashi x reader
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Letter 💌, hello again it's me again!! so I just wanted to say thank you for the support on my last post !! It's not a lot but thank you so much!! anyways that's all for now! Now please remember to take care of yourself and youre amazing!! 😌💖💖
P.S, so again this is my first time writing with a character like yamaguchi so I heavily apologize if he's a bit OOC and I apologize if he's a bit starstruck- it's just that your so amazing 🥺👉👈
ALSO! this place takes in Karasuno highschool where the first years are second years and the second years third years :)) (ALSO JUST IMAGINE THE ACTAL CAMPUS IS THE ENTRANCE HSUVYBI8
Has been edited but if any spelling errors, grammar errors or if anything doesn’t make sense, please DM me!
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
Warnings, fluff LOL
Song, “Campus" By Vampire Weekend.
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“I wake up, my shoulders cold”
Yamaguchi sat up on his bed, waking up to the sound of his alarm clock beeping as he looked over to it as it says “6:29 AM” letting out a sigh as he got up, letting the cold hit him. “I’ve got to leave here, before I go” lifting his legs over another to get off the bed then walking towards the bathroom- grabbing a towel and some clothes aswell, as he walked to the bathroom he then closed the door behind once he was in. Setting the towel on the counter then turning on the facet on towards hot- the water was warm but not to hot, he then let the water spring out of the shower head as he stared to get undress. (I’m sorry I can’t HSHSGVG- DUDE MY FACE IS TO RED RN I CANT HAHA- I cannot write yamaguchi showering I’m sorry my mind is not okay HSGSGNHHASH-) after he was done- he turned the facet the downwards to turn it off, as he got out of the shower he then grabbing the towel on the counter, putting the towel around his waist, and then soon drying himself and getting dressed. (How do guys get dressed please tell me bc I have no idea-)
“I pull my shirt on, walk out the door” Yamaguchi walked out of the bathroom and made his way to his room, soon then he checked the time “6:54 AM” it read. “Drag my feet along the floor” He then started to hurried to his room pulling out one of the drawlers, looking to see if he can find a sweater he could wear- he then grabbed his volleyball  sweater, Putting it on—he aswell grabbed his bag, then walking out of his room, to put on his shoes to leave for school. “I pull my shirt on, walk out the door” Walking out of his house, closing the door behind him as turned around to lock it. “Drag my feet along the floor” When he was done, the green hair boy turned around to see a familiar blond with glasses walking by, (this was of course Tsukishima lol) then yamaguchi shouted out his nickname for the blond as the green haired boy was waving to him aswell. Soon a few minutes went by with just silence. Soon enough they had made up to his collage. “Then I see you,” Something had caught Yamaguchi eye while walking with his friend, he then looked to the mysterious figure that bypassed him. “You’re walking cross the campus” He stoped, like actually stopped, he really just laid eyes on the cutest person he’s ever seen. L/N F/N. And if on cue the wind suddenly blew making L/N hair flow elegantly as long with the outfit that L/N was wearing. Everything just so slow when he looked at them. (If your hair is really short then just imagine a slight breeze hitting your or sm LMAO-) “Cruel professor” Yamaguchi looked at them with his face red and with legit heart eyes as he stared at them just memorized just how L/N looked. “Studying Romances” As L/N walked farther and farther Tsukishima turned back seeing his friend just randomly standing there with a red face, he curiously asked his friend if he was coming “You coming Tadashi?” “How am I supposed to pretend, I never wanna see you again?” “Oh uh y-yeah!” Yamaguchi stuttered, well now his friend knew, tsukishima just starred at him wondering if he was okay, a few more seconds had passed and tsukishima was kinda worried “Are you okay?” The blond asked while the green hair clenched his backpack straps as he ran up to then blonde.
“You sick or something?”
Yamaguchi noodled no and apologized while he tried not to think of you. “How am I supposed to pretend, I never wanna see you again?” But he couldn’t stop. “Walk to class in front of ya” As Tsukishima and Yamaguchi made there way to there classes, Tsukishima was nice enough to give Yamaguchi a carton of milk to make him calm down a bit since yamaguchi was THAT red (he just can’t resist that you look so cute LMAO-) When he was making his way to his classes with his friend, he was so caught up with looking at the floor and him siping on the straw that was poked in the milk carton, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you. He couldn’t get his mind off-
“Tadashi watch out-“
“Huh tsuki?-“
“Spilled kefir”
Yamaguchi wasn’t paying attention and that caused him to bump into L/N.
“On your keffiyah”
The milk carton had somehow opened and just spilled over L/N shirt, the liquid slowly leaking into the fabric of the shirt, thankfully L/N weren’t wearing a white shirt that day.
“You look inside and turn to the door”
Yamaguchi looked at L/N quickly realizing that was the person he was staring at earlier and that made him so flustered then he couldn’t even think straight. “Ah shoot! I’m so-“ L/N saying before yamaguchi cut her off apologizing frantically
“Oh my I-“
“Tadashi shut up, it’s fine.” Tsukishima sternly said while the blond put his hand on yamaguchi’s shoulder trying to reassure that it was fine.
L/N then smiled to yamaguchi “what he said, it’s fine don’t worry about it!” L/N smiled once more “you don’t need to buy me a..new shirt? I can just wash mine later” they smiled once more, yamaguchi felt even more embarrassed as he watched them move.
“Drag your feet along the floor”
L/N held on to their bag strap while walking in to there classroom “now I gotta get to class, but maybe I’ll see you around!” “Wait uh!-” L/N turned back towards Yamaguchi waiting for him to say something “your shirt- I uh-” Yamaguchi took off his bag setting it besides him and started to take off his sweater and handled it to L/N, Yamaguchi was VERY red, he was looking off to the ground, he didn’t want to speak because if he tried to, he would sure he would make a fool out of himself.
“Oh! are you sure I can take this?”
Yamaguchi nodded as L/N took the sweater putting it on, smiling—they let out a small giggle that made yamaguchi heart skip a beat. L/N thanked him and soon the sound of L/N shoes were gone and soon weren’t hearable, while yamaguchi heart beat was very hearable and still there.
Yamaguchi looked onto the floor once more as they began walking. 
“Then I see you,”
Yamaguchi was still embarrassed about what happened earlier, heck he even gave L/N his own sweater, sure he was still red but goodness when you smiled? And when you laughed???? He would absolutely do anything just to see them smile or even laugh again, to be honest he could honestly feel how red is face right now. Just thinking about L/N made his head hurt and his heart beat fast. Wait a minute did he just hear his heart? There was no way his heartbeat was THAT loud, Yamaguchi head titled upwards looking for something, maybe someone?
“You’re walking cross the campus”
Not even a minute later yamaguchi saw L/N figure walking closer to him, L/N was there with phone in their hands.
“Cruel professor”
L/N probably didn’t notice Yamaguchi just freaking out, what was he supposed to do? Say hi to them? Ignore L/N to wait until they notice him???
“Studying Romances”
As if he wasn’t fast enough L/N was already almost there with Yamaguchi freaking out, he desperately looked around, why was he looking around???
“Tadashi are you sure you’re okay?” Yamaguchi quickly looked to his blond hair friend, Tsukishima was looking ahead of them while Yamaguchi was about to say something but the blond beat him to it “You seem out of it today. Is it because that person we met today?”
“How am I supposed to pretend, I never wanna see you again?”
“W-what no of course not-“ He fiddled with his fingers frantically, was it because of L/N? Who knows- well Yamaguchi knows and possibly Tsukishima does aswell.
“How am I supposed to pretend, I never wanna see you again?”
Tsukishima waited for his friends response, knowing that yamaguchi straight up lied to him. (Lets just pretend he’s okay with this one lie but remember y’all, lying isn’t okay, no matter what situation your in.)
“Well..I don’t think so?” “You don’t think so? Every time you look at them your face is red” Yamaguchi was surprised- ‘wait so he knew the whole time?’ Yamaguchi thought while Tsukishima continue to talk, “don’t think I haven’t noticed, you said you wanted to buy them a new shirt even if they could wash it, and you gave them your sweater too.”
“Tsuki yeah but-“
“In the afternoon, you’re on the stone and grass,”
Yamaguchi was suddenly on the floor and L/N was on the floor aswell while Tsukishima was standing there with a concernd face for both of the two.
“And I’m sleeping on the balcony after class”
Yamaguchi rubbed his head, confused on what just happened, wasn’t he just talking to Tsukishima? Why was he on the floor?
“In the afternoon, you’re on the stone and grass,”
“Oh my goodness are you okay?” Yamaguchi looked up to see L/N holding out a hand, ‘they look so much cuter up close-waitwhtaamI-’ He looked at them with heart eyes and blinked causing him to realize what just happened, he then took L/N hand while L/N pulled yamaguchi up from the ground
“And I’m sleeping on the balcony after class”
“Are you okay?” Yamaguchi shyly responded “yeah.. um- look I’m sorry-“ L/N cut off yamaguchi while bringing his hand close to there chest holding yamaguchi hand.
 “no I’m sorry really, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Yamaguchi was probably the definition of a tomato “I- uh it’s okay- you-“ yamaguchi was a stuttering mess while L/N just laughed it off
“So.. are you okay?”
Yamaguchi nodded while L/N smiled 
“Well that’s a relief haha”
L/N giggled as Yamaguchi face grew redder, L/N continued to talk.
“So.. my name is L/N F/N what’s yours?”
“Oh um- my name is Yamaguchi Tadashi..”
“thats a nice name” they smiled once more
“Well it’s nice to meet you Yamaguchi”
Yamaguchi face was a tomato right now, like he’s the definition of it because of L/N, Yamaguchi then blinked and stammered out
“Y-you to L/N!”
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OH MY GOSH THAT LITERALLY TOOK HALF THE DAY I AM SO SORRY HAHBSE- Anyways thank you for reading this mess! and I hope y’all had a nice day and pls take care of yourself 🥺🥺💖💖💖 also I’m sorry if the ending seemed like it was rushed, it kinda was but I wanted it to seem kind of nice lol!
Also part two of “treehouse”  is coming tomorrow so keep an eye out tomorrow!!  Also tsukishima was nowhere to be found after this LMAO-
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