#at least its not as bad as when i passed out in class and took a 10 min ambulance ride that somehow cost $700
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ugh. i wasted a lot of time and money today#bc my leg was suddenly hurting a lot more today and it kinda freaked me out so i went to urgent care#and then they had me get an x ray. luckily my hip looks fine and like i thought i probably strained or tore like an adductor muscle#so all that for something i already knew. but she said i should just chill for like 3 weeks and let it heal#at least nothing worse was wrong but its really annoying. i want to run 😫#wtf am i gonna do to dispel energy??? ugh. and i was supposed to go to thr post office today to send stuff#ill have to go tomorrow. bleh. its so annoying#part of it is just that i hate having to interact with people. like talking to people. like im sure i come across as v young#bc im so anxious and hesitant and im like zero eye contact. so idk it just feels kinda embarrassing#i wanna b like. bro i promis im not stupid. i have 2 advanced degrees in biology and im going for a 3rd. u can talk to me like an adult#its probably just me projecting. my perception is distorted from being made fun of by my sister lol#whatever. at least its just 3 weeks. tho it does remind me i havent been to an actual doctor in like 5 years#...probably should do thst before i move. or idk maybe ill just wait a month and go before school starts#ugh. fuck the American Healthcare system. they looked at me for like 5min and to go to urgent care was $125 with my insurance#thats just to b seen. like i can afford that but what r u supposed to do if u cant?#unrelated#at least its not as bad as when i passed out in class and took a 10 min ambulance ride that somehow cost $700
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captain-hawks · 4 months
till one of us caves
atsumu miya x f!reader
In which Osamu asks his brother to keep you company while you're closing the shop alone one night. And it wouldn't be an issue...if Atsumu wasn't the bane of your goddamn existence ever since your stupid drunken hookup years ago.
wc: 3.7k
c: 18+, smut, enemies to lovers speed run, the complete and utter defilement of onigiri miya (sorry osamu), miscommunication, fingering, unprotected p in v, atsumu is down so bad and also he's an idiot, protective!atsumu, miya twin banter, best friend!osamu
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“Absolutely not.”
Osamu pauses in the middle of counting cash at the register and glances up to follow where your narrowed gaze is focused—a head of blonde hair on its way through the front doors of Onigiri Miya. 
“I didn’t want ya closin’ alone,” Osamu replies, returning his attention to the stack of bills in his hand. 
“Hey dickhead, I hope yer feedin’ me for this!”
Instant headache. 
Instant fucking headache. 
You let out a long-suffering, exaggerated sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You’re only leaving an hour early. I can handle this alone, Osamu. I promise.”
Osamu closes the register, turning around to look at you with his arms crossed. “It’s a Saturday night. I don’t like you dealin’ with the drunk stragglers by yourself.”
Glancing around, you pick up the only vaguely threatening object within arm’s length—a plastic spork. “I know self defense.”
Raising an eyebrow, Osamu glances from your face to the small utensil clutched between your fingers. “Wouldn’t be the first time Tsumu’s been stabbed with a spork,” he mutters. 
“Fooooooooooood,” said twin dramatically whines, plastering himself across the counter like a fainting Victorian maiden. 
“Get yer sweaty ass offa there,” Osamu grunts, snapping a rag against Atsumu’s arm. 
He yelps, muttering something under his breath before finding a normal sitting position on the stool. 
“Alright, now get outta here so you’re not late for your date,” Atsumu chides, running a hand through his hair. 
It’s obnoxious, actually—the way he still manages to look infuriatingly attractive even with his sweaty bleach-blonde hair sticking up in every direction, his face still flushed and voice a little hoarse from practice. At the very least, he had the decency to toss on a clean black tee with MSBY emblazoned in large gold letters across the back. 
You hate Atsumu Miya and his stupidly perfect face. 
And his calves—who the fuck has calves that nice. 
You also hate Osamu, your best friend and boss, for unceremoniously dumping your least favorite Miya into your lap at 8 o’clock on a Saturday night. 
“It’s not a date,” Osamu yells from the office, walking out with a jacket slung over his shoulder.
“Looks like ya showered for once today, dirtbag,” Atsumu shoots back, mouth full of rice. “Sounds like a date to me.”
“Choke,” Osamu deadpans as he heads for the door, “…but not in here. Don’t have time for all that paperwork.”
Atsumu salutes his brother as you stand in the middle of the shop with your hands wrapped around the broom. 
“Can’t promise what kind of paperwork you’re gonna have to do after leaving us alone together,” you mutter. 
Osamu leans in, patting the side of your face. “Just promise me you’ll mop up the blood.”
You’ve known the Miya twins for years now, though it was Osamu that you first became friends with after a shared class in your second year of university. 
Atsumu was more like the miserable cold that you accidentally bring home from vacation. 
The miserable cold who you’re instantly, stupidly attracted to from the moment his brother introduces him to you. Who you end up drunkenly making out with in bed after a party one night. 
Who passes out midway through and disappears before you’re awake the next morning.  
Who had a fucking girlfriend at the time, unbeknownst to you. Knowledge courtesy of Osamu, who nearly undeservingly took a textbook to the head when he told you. 
Who, to this day, three years later, has never even acknowledged that it happened. 
It wouldn’t have been so bad if you hadn’t been harboring a stupid crush on him for months. And if perhaps you’d been a little more drunk, enough to forget the taste of his lips, the press of his fingertips into your hips. But naturally, that little hiccup drove an irrevocable wedge between the two of you, leading you to regard the blonde Miya in a perpetually antagonistic manner until the end of time. 
Such is life.
“I think you might rile ‘im up better than even I can nowadays,” Osamu had observed once, after Atsumu balked in aggravation when you returned from picking up everyone’s fast food orders and handed him a kid’s meal instead. 
Atsumu, never one to back down from a challenge, met your piss poor attitude in spades, going so far as to barge in on your dates on occasion, plopping right down at the table and obnoxiously stuffing whatever appetizer was in front of him into his mouth like you’d invited him. 
Surprisingly, despite the restaurant’s minimal square footage, the two of you manage to avoid one another for the next forty-five minutes—Atsumu quietly sits at a table watching game replays on his phone while you wipe down the counters. 
You almost forget he’s there, until the bell above the door dings to announce what’ll probably be the last customer of the night. 
Osamu kicked this guy out last week when he wouldn’t take no for an answer after you refused to give him your number. 
“Hey pretty girl,” a tipsy voice slurs as the man settles down at the counter. 
“Sorry, we’re about to close,” you tell him, not looking up from the pile of receipts you’re sorting on the other side. 
“S’not why I’m here,” he chuckles. 
Take a hint, buddy. 
“We’re closing soon,” you repeat firmly. 
A hand grasps your wrist, and you yelp as he murmurs, “What’re you doing after this?”
“Get your fuckin’ hands off of her, and get the fuck out,” a cold voice interrupts. 
A hand clamps down firmly on the man’s shoulder, and you watch the pain flit across his face as fingertips dig into his collarbone. 
“Now,” Atsumu adds, his voice so harsh it brokers no room for argument. 
You may call yourself an expert in Miya antagonization. But as you look at Atsumu’s stormy, furious expression, the tense set of his jaw, you realize that you’ve never seen him truly angry. 
Not like this. 
The man quickly gets up from the stool, putting his hands up in front of him as he stumbles backward and says, “I didn’t mean anything by it, man.”
“I don’t give a fuck,” Atsumu replies, his voice low. “I’m sure my brother was a real nice guy when he told ya to leave last time. I ain’t nice. Don’t fuckin’ come back here.”
The silence is deafening when the front door swings shut, broken only by the sound of Atsumu twisting the lock into place and flipping the sign to CLOSED. Your heart, meanwhile, is frantically pounding in your chest. 
Atsumu wasn’t even here when that happened last week, which means Osamu must have told him for whatever reason, and…
“You alright?”
Atsumu interrupts you from your thoughts, and you glance up to find a disarmingly concerned expression burrowed into his features. 
“Yeah…thanks,” you exhale, quickly turning around to busy yourself with anything but staring at the downward curve of his lips. 
You have all of ten seconds to yourself before Atsumu comes to stand beside you behind the counter, idly tidying a pile of napkins as he explains, “Samu was worried that creep might come back, so he was gonna cancel his plans tonight so you wouldn’t be alone if he did. I told him I’d come make sure ya were alright.”
You’re not sure why, but suddenly, you’re angry. 
You’re really fucking angry.
Maybe it’s because you’re a little raw in the wake of the adrenaline rush from that uncomfortable encounter, a little shaken by the stranger’s boldness and the way Atsumu stepped in without a second thought.   
Maybe you swear it looked like Atsumu was about to reach out to you afterward, his hand falling back to his side in an aborted gesture between one breath and the next. 
“Since when do you care if I’m alright, Atsumu?”
Atsumu startles beside you. “The fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, you led me on years ago and nearly fucked me at a party—you probably would have, if you didn’t pass out in my bed halfway through taking off your pants. You disappeared the next morning, failed to inform me that you had a girlfriend, and then conveniently acted like it never fucking happened.”
He stares at you, mouth slightly agape. “I’m sorry, I what now?”
You turn to face him fully, crossing your arms, an incredulous look on your face. “You’re joking, right?”
“Was that…oh….” Atsumu scratches the back of his head, trailing off. “That’s the night I blacked out.”
“I mean yeah, you were kind of trashed.”
“No, like that’s the night that made me realize I had to cut back on drinking. I’ve got no memory of what happened. Zero. Haven’t drank that much since.”
“So was it not concerning that you woke up in my bed?” you ask, brows furrowed. 
“I hardly knew ya back then. Didn’t even know that was your dorm room, and you were hoggin’ all the covers. Couldn’t even see yer face before I panicked and crawled my hungover, half-dead ass back to me and Samu’s.”
Well, this is certainly news to you. 
“…and Osamu never told you.”
Well, why would he, after you spent two hours bitching to him about it and then threatened to never speak to him again if he made the situation even more embarrassing by telling Atsumu you were upset. 
“Nope,” he replies, popping the p for emphasis before sobering a bit as he says in a more serious tone, “I’m sorry. For doing that to you, and for forgetting that it happened.”
You reach out, punching Atsumu in the shoulder. 
“The fuck was that for?” he exclaims. 
“So why have you been such an insufferable jackass all these years?”
Atsumu raises his eyebrows, looking affronted. “You haven’t exactly been a ray of sunshine either, sweetheart.”
Well, true. 
But still. 
(You try to ignore what the stupid pet name does to your heart, which is currently in the midst of a traitorous backflip inside of your chest.)
“At least I didn’t barge in and ruin your dates for no reason,” you glare. 
“That was like, twice,” Atsumu defends himself. “Maybe three times.”
You stare at him. 
“The fourth time doesn’t count, that guy was a dickhead. Samu wanted to punch ‘im, too.”
“You ate an entire basket of breadsticks.”
Atsumu shrugs, taking a step closer to you. “They’re bottomless for a reason.”
You’re not sure when it happened, but you’re pressed up against the prep counter in the back of the shop, and one of Atsumu’s hands is resting on the cool metal surface beside your hip. Not quite touching you, but you swear you can feel the heat of him all the same. 
“You ruined my dates for breadsticks?” you ask quietly, holding his gaze. 
Atsumu’s thumb twitches, and you feel the featherlight touch through your jeans. “I ruined your dates because I was jealous.”
Blood rushes in your ears, your mind struggling to comprehend the rush of emotion flooding through you. Embarrassment, elation, shock, annoyance—and something else, something with a darker, richer edge. 
Something that has the next words tumbling from your lips before you can stop them, “Did you think doing that was going to make me take you home and fuck you instead?”
Atsumu has the decency to flush, but he only further closes the gap between your bodies, his nose brushing against yours as he replies, “I hated how much you hated me. And I hated how much I still wanted you.”
“You’re an idiot, Miya.”
He laughs. 
He laughs, and it’s a low, rich sound that dances down your spine and curls up low in your belly.
“Yeah, yer probably right,” he exhales, his breath hot against your lips. “I should probably find another tactic.”
“I’ve heard drunken hookups work wonders,” you sigh, voice tinged with sarcasm. 
His free hand comes to rest on your other side, effectively caging you in. “I’d have to be a fuckin’ idiot to fumble the bag with you twice.”
“Who said I’m still interested?” you reply, putting an inch of space back between your mouths, if only for the sake of your own sanity. 
Atsumu hums. “I do have eyes, ya know.”
You don’t miss a beat, “Maybe I’m secretly dating your brother, and I just objectively like the look of your face, as his twin. Like a natural, biological reaction.”
“Yer not datin’ Samu,” Atsumu replies evenly. “He couldn’t handle ya.”
You glare at him. “The fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
Atsumu smirks at your indignation. “You’re outta his league.”
“And what exactly is my league?”
“Some stupid, sweaty pro volleyball player whose got it pretty damn bad for ya, who would settle for a hate fuck at this point if that’s all ya wanna give him.”
You know Atsumu clocks the way your breath hitches in your throat, the slight widening of your pupils that you can’t disguise at the bald, shameless truth of his words.  
The look on his face is so ridiculously endearing, you want to kiss it right off. 
Pushing yourself upward with your palms, you sit up on the counter, and Atsumu shifts forward to stand between your legs.
“Osamu would kill us.”
His nose caresses yours again, and he rests one hand on the side of your face. “For doing something other than fightin’? He’d throw a party.”
“For turning Onigiri Miya into a house of ill repute.”
Atsumu chokes.
“But there’s just one little thing, Atsumu,” you continue. 
“What’s that?” he asks carefully, each word a huff of warm air dancing across your mouth. 
You exhale, shuddering at the feeling of Atsumu’s other hand idly tracing the exposed sliver of skin between your t-shirt and jeans. “Can you handle me?”
Atsumu’s thumb skirts across the bottom of your chin before he leans in, mouthing his next words against your lips, “Have I ever told you how hot it is when you’re mean to me?”
Your answering laugh is swallowed by a kiss, an all-consuming kiss that has you gasping into Atsumu’s mouth as he licks his way into yours. 
There’s no preamble for the way Atsumu’s tongue dances across your own, the thorough way he tastes you—the groan that rumbles in his throat as you take his bottom lip between your teeth.
Kissing Atsumu Miya is like setting a wildfire loose in your chest, all the oxygen swallowed up by his greedy, hungry heat. Your nerves thrum, the vibration rattling to the tips of your toes, and you’re helpless to resist the urge to pull him closer.
The second one of your legs begins to hike up around Atsumu’s waist, he grabs both, urging you to wrap your thighs around him, and he groans into your mouth as you find yourself flush with the solid proof of his arousal.
“Ya have no fuckin’ clue how bad I’ve wanted you,” he murmurs, drawing a keening noise from your lips as he hotly mouths his way down the side of your neck.
On the court, Atsumu Miya is an indomitable force. He’s unwaveringly confident and effortlessly sure of himself as a setter, always in control.
The crowd falls quiet, the ball follows his trajectory.
It’s a practiced dance, and he’s the conductor.
But here, pressed up against the counter in his brother’s restaurant, with your fingers tangled in his hair and his warm, soft hands sliding up beneath your shirt to clutch your waist, there’s a lawless, frantic edge to him. For every precise, focused move—like a kiss to the sensitive spot behind your ear that he somehow just knows will make you gasp, and the dizzying way he cups the back of your head when he kisses you deeper—you can feel the wild, barely-restrained desire in the unfiltered chorus of groans you’re not even sure he’s aware are falling past his lips.
It’s slipping—his control.
And you don’t want him to stop.
“Atsumu,” you whine into his mouth when he finally, finally slides a hand up under your bra, cupping your breast and teasing at your sensitive, pebbled nipple.
“Yeah?” he pants, kissing his way around the curve of your jaw, only pausing to help you in your endeavor to take off your shirt.
He wastes no time in unclipping your bra, his deft fingers making quick work of the clip, and his expression is nothing short of lustful reverence when he takes in the sight of your naked breasts before him.
“Fuck,” he murmurs quietly, taking a breast in each of his palms while he leans in to press a kiss to your sternum, and whatever you were going to say promptly exits your mind a beat later. Wet, hot heat engulfs your nipple, and you glance down, nearly choking on your own spit at the sight of Atsumu sucking on your breasts.
Rocking your hips into him, you let out a breathy whine at the feeling of his hard cock pressing into your cunt, the fabric of his athletic shorts doing nothing to hide his thick, throbbing insistence. 
Atsumu moans against your tits, and the filthy, wet sound of him shamelessly lapping at them sends a fresh gush of arousal between your legs, your underwear now soaked with it. You reach between your bodies, doing your needy cunt no favors at all when you feel just how thick Atsumu is as you wrap your fingers around him.
“God, I’m gonna fuckin’ come if you keep doing that,” he lets out a low, ragged sound caught somewhere between a moan and a laugh.
“I’d rather you come somewhere else,” you tell him, pulling down his shorts and boxers to let his flushed, leaking shaft spring free.
Atsumu takes your face in both hands, kissing you hard and filthy as he unbuttons your pants, sliding them off along with your underwear and leaving both in a forgotten heap on the floor. And when you wrap your legs back around him and rub your slick folds down the length of his cock, you’re already dangerously close to coming from that alone, too. 
He slides a finger into you, muttering a string of expletives under his breath when he feels the sopping squelch of how wet you already are for him. One digit soon becomes two pumping in and out of you, and while it’s still not enough to quell the greedy desperation he’s ignited, he’s barely begun rubbing circles into your aching clit when you’re already shaking in his arms and moaning in the throes of your climax. 
And then he’s stroking himself, groaning softly, like he thinks this is what he has to do now to take care of his throbbing cock. 
Like you’re satisfied already, as if you’ve somehow had your fill of him.
As if two fingers between your legs would ever be enough to encapsulate all that you want of Atsumu fucking Miya. 
(And really, it’s a lot, quite frankly. Now that you’re finally ready to admit it to yourself.)
“Fuck me, Atsumu,” you plead.
He pauses, chest heaving, voice rough as he asks, “Are you sure?”
“Please,” you exhale against his lips, and his mouth slots against yours as he notches his shaft at your entrance and sinks his cock into you.
Still sensitive from your first orgasm, you’re reduced to moans and whimpers while he stretches you open as your entire body floods with pleasure, your mind hazy with desire. Once he bottoms out, you feel so full you want to cry. You want to keep your legs wrapped around his waist and cockwarm him all night. You want him to fuck you stupid. You want to ride his cock until you both can’t move.
“You feel so good,” he murmurs, hips rocking as he thrusts in and out of you, your walls fluttering with pleasure at the rhythmic push and drag. “Wanna take you home and do this again and again.”
“Me too,” you tell him, and you can feel the way his cock throbs inside of you at your admission, his fingertips tightening around your waist.
“Good, ‘cause I’m not gonna last much longer,” he admits, grinning against your mouth. 
The pleasure is rapidly building up inside of you again, the filthy slide of Atsumu’s tongue in your mouth only further fanning the flames, one hand trailing back up to tease at your hard nipples.
And you want to tell him, “Same,” because you’re dangerously close to the edge already, years of studiously ignored desire all spilling over into a crazed, insatiable need that’s making your pussy throb.
But instead what you whine is, “Harder.”
Atsumu groans, the noise nearly as lewd as the continuous sound of his cock pumping in and out of your soaking wet cunt, the only warning that he heard you before he picks you up off of the counter, plunging right back into you the moment you’re lying flat on the floor.
With the ground beneath your bodies for purchase, Atsumu begins to roughly pound into you, the fingers of one hand tangling with your own as the other trails toward your clit.
You moan his name repeatedly, like some fucked up carnal prayer on the floor of Onigiri Miya, and as he rubs circles into your swollen clit and whispers your own name just as desperately, you come so hard everything goes white, every sensation in your body drowned out by the sheer downpour of pleasure that you’re uncontrollably shaking with. Atsumu follows suit a moment later, pulling out of you and furiously fisting his cock until hot, thick spurts of cum are splattering all over your chest, groaning as he watches his seed paint your tits.
And just because you’re fairly certain what it’ll do to him, you reach down and swipe a glob off of your nipple while you both try to catch your breath, holding eye contact with him as you lick the cum off of your finger and swallow it. 
Atsumu’s lips part as he stares at you, eyes widening a little bit before he looks down at his cock, which is already twitching again with interest. 
Later, when you’re both lying tangled in Atsumu’s sheets, his phone lights up on his nightstand—
Samu: congrats Samu: there is literally a security camera in the shop Samu: also you’re disgusting you own a whole fuckin apartment to fuck in Samu: die slowly
likes, comments, & reblogs are appreciated<3!
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hellfirenacht · 1 year
Dress Code
Summary: It's too damn hot to be wearing your Hellfire Club shirt, unfortunately the rest of the club disagrees. One Shot. Reader x Eddie if you squint
Tags: @ali-r3n @crocworkships @maxstecc
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Summer in Hawkins wasn’t usually terribly hot, at least it wasn’t as bad as it could be when inside. You had hoped that school would have given you some relief from the heat, but to your dismay (and to the dismay of many other students at the school, there were certain classrooms that were now without a/c, and of course your classes coincided with a fair bit of them. Great. 
It was Friday, and on Fridays you were required to be in uniform. That was hardly ever a problem, Eddie wasn’t terribly picky. As long as you were wearing the Hellfire Club shirt he was happy, or at least wouldn’t say anything. But today the cotton fabric irritated your skin, and only served to add more insulation to your already uncomfortably hot body with its longer sleeves. 
By the time lunch rolled around, you had given up the shirt, stuffing it in your bag and changing into a lighter weight t-shirt you kept in your locker for emergency situations.You grabbed your lunch and made your way over to the usual table where your club would sit, taking a seat across from Gareth who’s eyes flicked to your shirt and then to your face. There was a smirk on his smug little mouth that made you roll your eyes. 
“Not a word, Emmerson.” you grumbled, picking at your food. Maybe if you stayed at the end of the table away from Eddie, he wouldn’t notice your betrayal of the club. Not that you were afraid of Eddie, but he could admittedly make you, perhaps, just a little nervous at times. And that totally did not have anything to do with the attraction you felt for him. Totally not. 
“I give it three minutes before he notices.” Gareth replied as Zack and Jeff made it to the table. Zack sat next to you, while Jeff took his usual seat next to Gareth. It wouldn’t be long before Eddie showed up now, taking his place at the end of the table. 
“You’re out of uniform.” Jeff said, looking over at you. “And you look like shit.” 
“Shut up, Jeff.” 
You wished you had a jacket or something to throw on, but that would also defeat the point of now wearing your Hellfire shirt. It was too damn hot and you have no idea how the others were able to wear theirs without burning up. You’d felt like shit all day, and even looking at your lunch was making you lose your appetite. 
A thump at the end of the table made you jump as Eddie dropped his lunchbox. You leaned back a little bit to gauge his mood. There was a frown on his face and his brows were furrowed as he opened his lunch. Shit. He looked pissed today, and Gareth had a shit eating grin as he glanced at you. 
“Don’t” you mouthed to him and shook your head. He simply shrugged, already knowing that you were gonna be caught. This was such bullshit, you were getting all worked up and worried about getting in trouble for a club that the school liked to pretend didn’t even exist! 
You felt for the guy, most of his classes were a moot point, and he really only needed to pass three more to graduate in May, and Ms. O’Donnell’s science class was known for being one of the hardest teachers in school. Eddie swore up and down that Principal Higgins put him in her class on purpose to flunk him and make him drop out. You suspected that he was right. 
“You okay, Eddie?” Jeff asked while you angled your body behind Zack so that it was less noticeable what you were wearing.
“Ms. O’Donnell has it out for me, I swear.” Eddie grumbled. “I swear, she’s a drill sergeant with all these damn pop quizzes she keeps springing on us.”
“You should get a tutor.” Zack suggested as Dustin and Mike showed up and dropped their trays on the other side of you. You met Mike’s gaze and his eyes went wide and he immediately looked away. Jesus, these freshmen were so dramatic. No one looked up to Eddie more than Mike and Dustin, the kids loved him. It was cute. Sometimes. 
Dustin had the good sense to just give you a normal greeting, knowing better than to point out what was already known to everyone in Hellfire except for Eddie. Actually, the tension for this was starting to build up as Eddie ranted about how he’s tried tutors but no one would give him the time of day anyway. 
If you were better at science, you’d offer but you already know that you and Eddie would be at each other's throats trying to figure out whatever O’Donnell was teaching. You already butt heads enough during Hellfire. 
You kept quiet as Eddie ranted for a few more minutes. You pulled a book out of your bag, pretending to read as your lunch went untouched. There was the beginning of a headache starting to make itself known, and you were heavily considering skipping gym next period. Normally you’d ask if you could crash in Eddie’s van for an hour in cases like this but you had a feeling that you’d have to either go to the nurse's office or find another place to hide this time. 
If this was a better day, you might have been able to keep your head down and avoid Eddie’s attention, ironically being the opposite of what you would have considered to be a good day. But it was not a good day, because it was a million degrees out, the a/c was busted in all your classes, you felt tired and gross, and Gareth just loved to stir the pot. 
“Hey Zack, can you throw this away for me?” he asked, handing over his empty soda can to the man beside you. If looks could kill, he’d be a pile of ash and dust as Zack got up to toss the garbage into the nearest trash can. 
You wished that you could shrink and disappear into the chair, but no such luck. It was at this time that Eddie finally noticed you, and you watched as his neutral expression of greeting shifted to one of annoyance. Usually, you found his expressiveness funny and endearing, but not this time. The energy of the table immediately shifted as all eyes were on you and Eddie. 
“Where’s your shirt?” Eddie asked, his large brown eyes boring into you. He was already in a pissy mood, and normally you’d stop yourself from pushing his buttons, but the pounding in your head was growing more insistent. 
“In my bag.” you replied in the same short tone as him. The rest of the club didn’t move, except for Zack who went back to his seat, looking around and wondering what happened. 
“You’re supposed to be wearing it. It’s Friday.” Eddie leaned over to look at you and Zack leaned back, not wanting to be the wall between you two. 
“I’ll wear it at Hellfire, Eddie. It’s fine.” you sighed, not wanting to fight about this right now. 
“Everyone else is wearing theirs, why aren’t you?” He wasn’t going to let this go. He flunked a pop quiz and had to feel some form of control. It was written all over him. 
“Because, Edward, it is a million degrees out and I feel like I’m melting.” Your eyes narrowed. 
“Yeah, but the rest of us still managed to wear ours!” Eddie looked super annoyed now, the frown lines on his face accentuated by the comically deep frown he was wearing. He hated being called anything other than ‘Eddie’, ‘Eds’, or ‘oh great and powerful DM’. You liked to use the last one when you were about to do something stupid in the campaign. 
“Eddie’s right, you know. We’re all wearing our shirts.” Gareth smirked and you almost threw your uneaten sandwich at him. 
“Well, you see, I was worried that if I wore mine all day I’d end up at club smelling like you and I didn’t want to suffocate everyone while playing.” you snapped. From beside you, Dustin snorted and Eddie gave you a warning look. 
“You know the rules, you agreed to them when you joined us.” Eddie reminded you. 
“Edwin it’s 90 degrees outside and most of my classes don’t have a/c!” you looked at him, feeling more exhausted by the minute. “If I put my shirt on, I’ll die of heat stroke before 7th period.”
He might have caved, he really might have if you hadn’t called him that. Eddie wasn’t an unreasonable guy, but as the leader of Hellfire he had to maintain some sort of order to keep his “little sheepies” safe. One of the perks of Hellfire was the protection that came with it. It didn’t stop all the bullies, but at least most of them would avoid messing with you all too much because they were convinced Eddie might snap one day. 
But you called him Edwin, and were challenging him, and you were fighting with Gareth again, and he already flunked another pop quiz. 
The two of you locked eyes, holding each other's gaze intently. The pounding in your head only grew worse, but you didn’t feel like backing down. This was so stupid, it was just a shirt! Yeah, this club was important to you, it was important to everyone here. So why did you have to-
“Can you just put your shirt on?” Mike finally said, and you and Eddie looked at the freshman, and he rubbed his face. “The a/c’s working in here, you’ll be fine.”
You honestly started to feel like you could cry from the stress of being ganged up on like this. 
“Yeah, but I’m so hot she might still get pit stains” Gareth jabbed with a smirk and you made a disgusted face. 
“Fine.” you finally grumbled and pulled the crumpled shirt out of your bag. You gave it a shake and threw it over your head like a scarf, not pulling it on all the way and leaving your arms out. “Happy?” you shot at Eddie. 
He wasn’t, you didn’t think anyone was happy with this honestly. But you were still burning up, everyone was staring at you like you were a kid throwing a tantrum, and as much as you loved Eddie, you were pissed that he didn’t even hear you out. 
But he was done arguing and leaned back in his chair. At least now he’d leave you alone about the stupid shirt. You leaned back in your chair as well, grabbing your book and tried to read for the rest of lunch. You couldn’t focus though, finding yourself reading the same lines over and over again while your head ached. If today had been different you’d be able to ask Eddie if he had anything that would help, but no such luck. 
“Are you gonna eat that?” Jeff asked, pointing to your lunch. When you shook your head and pushed your lunch box towards the center of the table, everyone reached out to lay claim to your forgotten lunch. 
You could feel Eddie’s eyes on you, and you angled your body away from him. By now, you were starting to heavily consider finding a sub for the game and going home to just sleep. You found yourself with your forehead resting against the cool wood of the table until the end of lunch when the bell rang, and you decided to just head towards the nurse. You only bothered saying bye to Dustin and Zack, who had been the only ones to mind their own business. 
You missed how Eddie’s expression had softened when you left the cafeteria.
It took the nurse all of three minutes to declare that you were running a high fever and that this wasn’t just a headache caused by the lack of a/c. Well, that explained a lot. Being old enough, the nurse said that you were free to go home and get some rest. Looks like you’d be missing Hellfire after all, and you wouldn’t even be able to tell them why you couldn’t show up. Maybe that would piss Eddie off so much he’d go full sadistic DM. 
Maybe he’d even kill off Gareth the Great. 
No, you’d never actually be that lucky. 
You slumped your way back to your locker, haphazardly grabbing books that you think you might have homework for and shoving them in your bag. The weight of your backpack only added to the exhaustion and fatigue that was quickly gaining up on you. You always got sick like this; perfectly fine until you weren’t. 
As you made your way to the parking lot to your car, the heat of the day was at its peak, beating down on you. You groaned and made your way to the car, throwing your bag in the back seat. 
“Running away?” Came a voice from behind you, and you didn’t even fully register it until there was a shadow behind you. You slowly turned around to see Eddie looking down at you with his head tilted. 
“Eddie?” your voice was quiet and exhausted. You’d already used the last of your energy of the day fighting with him and you didn’t have it in you for another round. 
“Jesus, what happened to you?” he reached out and pressed a hand to your forehead. You couldn’t help but lean forward at the touch, somehow his hands felt like ice in this heat and it felt good. 
“Overheated ‘cause I had to wear a dumb shirt.” you grumbled, and his hand dropped. You looked up at him, and he looked as though he’d been slapped, Guilt washed over his features and it was a little bit satisfying. “Kidding. Nurse said I have the plague and to go home before I infect the school. Says she’s never seen anything like it, and it’s probably a new virus that’ll probably kill me by the end of the weekend.”
Eddie always looked cute when his head tilted in exasperation. “Are you good to get home?” he asked. 
You gave a shrug. “Not like I have a choice. Also, why are you out here? You should be in class, Edmond.”
He ignored the name, knowing that this wasn’t a hill to die on today. “I’m skipping.” he said simply. “It’s just class presentations, and I wasn’t in the mood. I won’t be missed.”
“I’d miss you.”
Oh, you hadn’t meant to say that out loud with your actual mouth. That was supposed to be an inside thought. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, neither of you sure what to say. 
Eddie’s laugh broke the silence, “You’d be the first to care if I was at class or not.” he said.
“Yeah well, at least when you’re around I have someone to talk to.” You relaxed a bit, rubbing your face. 
There was another moment of silence and Eddie reached out towards you. You stared blankly, wondering what the hell he was doing before he pulled the Hellfire shirt off your shoulders. 
“I was a douche.” Eddie finally said, looking at you. “I was pissed and I took it out on you. I should have dropped it. I’m sorry.”
You hadn’t expected an apology from him. At least, you hadn’t expected one so soon. 
“The a/c’s out in the B wing.” you said as Eddie handed you back your shirt. 
“Yeah, I could smell it all the way from the library.” he gave you a half smile. He was fidgeting, moving from one foot to the other. He never could stay still, even if his life depended on it. 
“Smelled like Gareth in second period.” you laughed. 
Eddie’s arm wrapped around your shoulders and grabbed the back of your head, rocking it back and forth for a moment before dropping at your shoulder again. 
“Let’s get you home.” he said. “I’m not letting you drive like this. You’re gonna get yourself killed if you pass out behind the wheel.”
“I think my driving is still marginally safer than yours.” you laughed, leaning against him. “Seriously, how did you even get a license?” 
“Trade secret.” He led you to his van and you hopped in the passenger side and buckled up. You left your books in your own car but at this point you didn’t give a shit. 
“You’ll need to take me to school on Monday if I’m leaving my car.” you slumped into the seat. “Assuming I don’t die to death.”
“You can still talk, so you still have hit points. You’ll live.”
In a nicer fantasy, this would be a pleasant and relaxing drive home. Eddie would effortlessly get you home safe, while you dozed in the passenger seat, and he'd and carry you inside and lay you in bed. But this was not your day dreams, and Eddie will always be Eddie. He drove like a maniac down the street to avoid any teacher or truant officers from telling you to not leave school grounds, even though you two were legally adults. You were jostled around as he took sharp turns and your headache returned with full force at the loud music he was playing. You normally didn’t mind his heavy mental mixes but Jesus, he was not reading the room right now. By the time he pulled up to your place, you assumed it was a miracle that you were still alive. 
“You ran that last stop sign.” you said.
“It’s only illegal if you get caught.” he smiled wide at you. 
“Okay, well I’m going to contemplate my own mortality.” you snorted, opening the door, but his hand gently grasped onto your arm. 
“Are we good?” he asked, and you slowly nodded. “Yeah. I- we’re good. I’m not mad at you anymore.”
“Good. Good.” Eddie nodded. “Well, feel better okay? I need to go not-be-missed in seventh period.”
You turned and leaned over, hugging him close. “Give my germs to Mike and Gareth.” you whisper just as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“Jesus Christ. If you get everyone sick I’m taking away every magic item you have.” Eddie groaned and you responded by kissing his face, feeling the faint prickly stubble on his jaw. “Hey!”
You turned back and opened the door again, flipping him off as you walked towards your door. You turned to look at him before you stepped inside, seeing him laugh and shake his head. He flipped you off too before tearing off back down the street to get back to school. 
A week later, you would arrive in the cafeteria again where the boys all had their shirts lazily thrown over their heads, only resting on their shoulders.  
Part 2
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Deadpool x GN!reader where they’re both sparring/training together but the reader passes out from exhaustion from not taking care of themselves. Rest of the fic will focus on wade Wilson helping and taking care of them (whilst slightly scolding them for not doing a better job with their own health and mental health.)
no rush, take your time ^^
Take a Breather
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The training room at the X-Mansion echoed with the sound of fists meeting padded gloves, heavy breathing, and the occasional quip from Wade. The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting stark shadows that mirrored the intensity of the session.
“Come on, Y/N, keep those hands up! You know the bad guys won’t wait for you to catch your breath,” Wade teased, though his tone was just light enough to keep you motivated.
You forced a smile, wiping the sweat from your brow with the back of your hand. “You’re enjoying this way too much, Wade.”
“Hey, if getting punched by you counts as fun, then I’m living the dream,” he shot back with a grin, his mask pulled up just enough to reveal the curve of his lips.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t deny the small rush of adrenaline his banter gave you. The past few weeks of training with Wade had been grueling but effective. Despite his often flippant attitude, he was a hell of a teacher—at least when it came to fighting.
But it wasn’t just the combat training that had you worn down. Between teaching your classes, grading assignments, and being a mentor to the younger mutants, your days had been packed from dawn till well after dusk. You were exhausted, but you couldn’t afford to slow down. The kids needed you. The team needed you.
Wade, of course, noticed. He always noticed. But you were good at deflecting, and he was good at letting you. Until now.
“Alright, let’s go again,” Wade said, holding up his hands in a defensive stance, ready to block your next strike.
You took a deep breath, trying to summon the energy to continue. Your muscles were screaming for rest, but you pushed them forward, delivering a series of quick jabs. Wade easily parried, his expression shifting from playful to concerned as he noticed the sluggishness in your movements.
“Y/N, you’re slowing down. What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you lied, even as your vision began to blur around the edges. “I’m fine. Just need a second.”
But you didn’t get that second. As you went for another punch, your knees buckled beneath you, and the room spun wildly. You heard Wade call your name, but it felt distant, like he was speaking through water. Before you could comprehend what was happening, darkness closed in around you.
When you came to, you were lying on something soft. A bed, maybe? The familiar scent of the mansion’s infirmary hit you first—sterile, with a faint hint of antiseptic. You tried to sit up, but a firm hand on your shoulder gently pushed you back down.
“Whoa, easy there, Rocky. You’re not going anywhere just yet.”
Wade’s voice, though laced with its usual sarcasm, was softer than you’d ever heard it. You blinked up at him, your vision clearing enough to see him sitting beside you, mask off, a look of genuine concern etched on his scarred face.
“What… What happened?” you croaked, throat dry.
“You decided to play the hero and forgot that even heroes need to eat, sleep, and maybe, just maybe, take a damn break once in a while.” His tone was half-scolding, half-worried.
You groaned, closing your eyes as the memories of the past few days—or maybe it had been weeks—came flooding back. The late nights, the skipped meals, the relentless pace you’d set for yourself. It had all caught up to you in the worst way possible.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, not really sure what else to say.
“Don’t apologize to me,” Wade said, his hand still resting on your shoulder, grounding you. “Apologize to yourself. You’re the one who’s been running yourself into the ground.”
You opened your eyes again, meeting his gaze. “I just… I didn’t want to let anyone down.”
“Yeah, well, you’re no good to anyone if you’re passed out on the floor. You ever think about that?” His words were blunt, but the concern in his eyes softened the blow.
You nodded slowly, the reality of the situation settling in. “I guess I haven’t been taking care of myself.”
“No kidding,” Wade muttered, but there was no malice in his tone. “Look, I get it. You’ve got a lot on your plate, and you’re amazing at what you do. But you’re not a machine, Y/N. You need to take care of yourself, or you won’t be able to take care of anyone else.”
You sighed, the weight of his words sinking in. He was right, of course. You’d been so focused on everyone else that you’d forgotten about your own needs.
“Okay,” you said after a moment. “I’ll try to do better.”
Wade’s expression softened, and he gave you a small, almost shy smile. “Good. ‘Cause I don’t want to have to carry your ass back to the infirmary again. You’re heavier than you look.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, the sound surprising you with how light it felt. Wade grinned, clearly pleased with himself.
“Now,” he said, leaning back in his chair, “you’re gonna rest. No more training, no more classes, no more anything until you’ve gotten some actual sleep and eaten something that’s not a protein bar, got it?”
“Yes, sir,” you replied with mock seriousness, though you couldn’t help but feel touched by his concern.
“Damn right,” Wade said, crossing his arms over his chest. “And if I catch you skipping meals again, I’m personally gonna cook for you. And trust me, you don’t want that.”
You chuckled, the tension in your chest finally easing. “Deal.”
Wade nodded, satisfied, and for a moment, the two of you just sat there in comfortable silence. Eventually, though, he spoke again, his tone more serious.
“Y/N… you’re important to a lot of people around here. But you’re important to me, too. Don’t forget that, okay?”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you gave him a small, sincere smile. “I won’t. Thanks, Wade.”
He gave you a playful wink, then got up from his chair. “Get some rest, kiddo. I’ll be around if you need anything.”
As he walked out of the infirmary, you felt a warmth in your chest that hadn’t been there before. Wade Wilson might have been a lot of things—crude, sarcastic, and more than a little crazy—but he was also someone who cared. And as you drifted back to sleep, you knew you were in good hands.
That night, you slept better than you had in weeks. And when you woke up, you found a plate of breakfast on the nightstand with a note that read, “Rest up. We’ve got more ass-kicking to do later. – W.”
You smiled, knowing that with Wade around, you wouldn’t have to go through this alone.
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fatkish · 4 months
Hii,could you do a part 2 of Aizawa x suicidal child? Please :)
Maybe they did hurted themselves or just confort
Father Aizawa x Suicidal Reader Pt.2
I’ll Never let you go
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You and your dad went to the hospital the next day to get your mental health evaluated. Turns out it’s shit. The doctors suggested that you should be on suicide watch and be put in the psychiatric ward for the mean time until they deemed you safe for the partial hospitalization program. While you were in the psychiatric ward the doctors suggested that you see a therapist and create a safety plan. So you asked if you could bring an instrument or at least a pen and paper to write with so you could write songs and journal.
It took some time but you got settled and your dad visited you every day. As the days went by you were writing and journaling. Things didn’t seem that bright right away but that was fine.
(Play the song)
You light a candle just to see in the dark
You're only running on a fuse, and it's been falling apart again
I'm by your side, I hope at least that helps
And life sucks sometimes, it's feeling more like hell
When your dad would visit he would tell you about your cats at home, the mischief his students got into, etc. sometimes Uncle Hizashi would come with him and you two would pretend to jam out to music he’d play. But even though you smiled and laughed there was still a darkness lurking beneath the surface of your mind.
And all the walls around you are turning to ashes
And the flames surround you when everything crashes
Don't hold your head, 'cause it'll all work out
And don't let go of my hand, I won't let you down
The silence is deafening
Keep fighting, you're trembling
But it's fine, it'll be alright
See the pain in your eyes, but we still survive
As you talked to your therapist about the reasons why you feel like dying the relief of getting it out in the open was momentary before the weight of your feelings would come crashing down. You and your therapist would talk about how your dad found you as you were planning to end it all. You talked about how your dad would feel if you went ahead with it and he was too late. How it would affect him and others and how they would feel if you died.
Just don't forget about me
When you feel like you're drowning
I know it's hard to try
If it gets rough, I'm by your side
As the days passed and you talked to the doctors they eventually saw that you were ready for a partial hospitalization program. This program would have you visit the hospital and have a certain amount of hours you would need to spend in the classes at the hospital. These classes had other people in them and was a sort of rehab program for many different people. The classes were about a bunch of different topics that focused on mental health.
When everything
Is falling apart, put your head on my shoulder
Don't cry, just another bad night
You'll make it out alive
When everything is taking its toll, I'll pull you a little closer
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go (never let you go)
You learned a lot of different things like how different mental disorders affected the brain and its functions. You took art therapy and music therapy classes where you would draw something based on the prompt or you’d share a song and explain how it made you feel. All in all, it was very enlightening and helpful.
If your clouds are grey then so are mine
Your smile faded but still you shine
Got my path again into your soul
It's a place that I call home
I can feel your fingertips, they're burnin' my skin again
But I still take your hand
And we'll run away from this mess
I'll bury my heart in the hole in your chest
Your dad would talk with you about your classes and what you learned. You’d show him your notes and he loved seeing the art you made even if it sucked. He found the techniques for panic attacks very useful and decided to have you teach them to him so he could teach his class.
Just don't forget about me
When you feel like you're drowning
I know it's hard to try
If it gets rough, I'm by your side
You spent more time with your dad and he took more time to focus on you and your mental health. He put time aside to make sure to spend with you. You guys would cuddle on the couch and you’d help him grade papers. Sometimes you’d need his help to understand what someone wrote. Apparently you read the students bad handwriting better than your dad. You decided to write feedback on some of the papers like ‘practice your handwriting on separate paper. Heroes need legible handwriting’ or you’d make small corrections and show them how to fix it for next time. Overall, grading papers with your dad was fun.
When everything
Is falling apart,
put your head on my shoulder
Don't cry, just another bad night
You'll make it out alive
When everything
is taking its toll, I'll pull you a little closer
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go again
You told your dad that you still have bad thoughts but now, every time you did, you’d follow your safety plan and talk to him or Hizashi. You’d find someone who you trust and talk to them. Your dad would let you snuggle up to him with your head on his shoulder as you told him everything you needed to.
You don't have to cry alone
And I'll hold this weight above you
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go
Some of the best things you learned were to just live day by day. You don’t have to worry about tomorrow and you don’t have to be hopeful about tomorrow either, it’s enough to just be curious about what’s next. You decided that you wanted to see your friends become heroes and that you had to see if Bakugou became the next number 1. That was enough for both you and your dad. And he promised that he would always be here for you and he’d never let you go.
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blitzyn · 2 years
holy- the zhongli request is 🥹💝✨✨✨ idk if its possible but hoping for part 2 maybe when reader purposely didn't pass the exam. i love every word you write 😭🫶 have a nice day/night and stay safe!!
a different method pt.2
teacher!zhongli x m!reader
Synopsis: You were not expecting to end up on your knees when you failed the test.
part 1 | part 3
a/n -> HELP I THINK I GOT COVID AGAIN??? anyways super sorry this took an eternity to get out! also thank you all for 600 followers!
wc -> 1.8k
cw -> facefucking, shoe humping, semi-public, not proofread
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"What am I going to have to do to make you take this class seriously?"
You blinked owlishly. It would be a lie to say you were completely expecting such an inquiry. Slightly tilting your head, you pondered your teacher's question. There wasn't much, really. But all of those options weren't significant enough to motivate you.
Reaching a quick conclusion, you shrugged your shoulders. "I dunno. A million Mora?"
He was not amused. With a sigh, he turned away from you and held your test. A somewhat large "40/100" was written on the top of the page in red ink. It obviously wasn't enough to improve your current grade, and might have even dropped it even further. If an F- was a thing, you were positive you'd have it. But, hey, at least it wasn't a zero! There was some effort.
"Did you even try?" Zhongli knows he's not supposed to ask questions like this because everyone learns at their own pace. But you made it nearly impossible for him to teach you. It wasn't even a hard test, either. Everyone managed to acquire a passing grade except for you.
"I mean. Kind of," you replied. You answered the questions you knew off the top of your head and left those that needed you to think. You were sure you could've passed if you put in a bit more effort. It truthfully was an easy test, but who actually tries in a class they don't even like? Not you, that's for sure.
"I noticed that the grades for your other classes are higher. Is there something you don't like me doing?" He seemed genuine. It almost made you feel bad.
"No. Everything's just so boring here." You shook your head. Crossing your arms, you looked around the room to curb your growing impatience to leave.
He hummed. "You're fidgeting quite a lot. Are you expecting something?"
You peered at him with a confused expression. But despite your bemused guise, yes, you were. You swallowed nervously. Was it really that obvious?
Maybe he doesn't know, yet.
"No?" you finally spoke. You mentally cursed the uncertain tone in your voice. Fuck.
"Really?" He beckoned you closer to him. As soon as you were within arm's reach, he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and pulled you to him. "It seems to me you haven't forgotten about what happened two weeks ago. You purposely failed, didn't you?"
You tried to jerk away from him in a surprised panic. "What? No, I didn't!"
He had such a tight grip on your shirt you were briefly afraid that he might tear it. "Do not deny the blatant truth." His eyes flicked downwards. You followed his shameless gaze, surprised to see yourself hardening within the confines of your pants. You were too caught up trying to defend yourself you hadn't realized the intensifying warmth traveling through your veins.
Your mouth was left agape, mind blank and unable to forge an excuse. "I..."
Zhongli raised an expectant brow, waiting for the waterfall of words to pour out of your mouth in a futile attempt to save your dignity and pride, even when he knew it was unlikely. Perhaps that was your attempt?
He kept you at arm's length as he studied your heated face, which only made you squirm further. You could barely stand to look him in the eyes, locking gazes every so often before it was promptly broken to look elsewhere.
It's pitiful, he thought. But he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy your distress. With yet another hum, he used his free hand to pull you to your knees. You stared at him with a surprised expression as if this wasn't exactly what you wanted.
"Well? Go on," he said, leaning back against his chair. Nodding nervously, you removed his belt and unzipped his pants to pull out his cock. You could feel your mouth involuntarily watering at the sight. You flattened your tongue and gave a lick from base to tip. You gently sucked on the head before moving lower, stopping just before he reached your throat.
You relished in the deep groan he emitted, using it as encouragement to go faster. He was thick and made your jaw slightly ache, but he had yet to completely harden. You used the saliva that leaked through the corners of your mouth as a lubricant to jerk off what you couldn't get.
You softly moaned at the taste of his precum, the vibrations of your voice making his cock twitch. You hollowed your cheeks over the tip to gather more of it, but quickly dipped your head back down. You repeated the cycle a few more times until Zhongli deemed himself wanting more.
You looked up at him through your lashes when you noticed his arm rising toward your hair. The weight of his hand could have been mistaken as comforting if it weren't for the fact that his fingers tightly curled around your hair. You could feel your chest buzzing. It was a mix of anticipation, fear, and excitement.
You gagged when he pushed your head down, forcing you to swallow more of his cock. You instinctively tried to pull away, chest beginning to strain from your gags and the sudden lack of air. No matter how much you seemed to persist, it felt as if your strength was nothing compared to his.
You quickly realized this, and made yourself relax as much as you could. It was exhilarating to let him have his way with you, using your mouth without any regard toward your own comfort. You snaked a hand across your neck and lightly squeezed, cock throbbing within the confines of your pants when he let out a groan.
"This is what you're good at, isn't it?" His voice sounded strained. "Is this your way of raising your other grades? Letting your teachers use your mouth as they see fit?"
Of course not! You made a few sounds (though you mostly choked and gagged) in an attempt to reply. A mildly annoyed expression crossed over his face.
"You still don't know how to be quiet even when you're sucking my cock?" He pushed your head down as far as possible, your nose pressing against his pelvis. He held you there until your chest began to burn, desperate for air. The black spots that collected in the corners of your vision faded with each deep inhale. The tip of his cock rested on your tongue, though you sealed your lips around it every so often to swallow his precum.
You could feel him throb rhythmically when you held him in your hand again to lightly tap the head on your tongue. You peered up at his flushed face with a slight grin, and he had the mind to shove you back down. You began to jerk him off fervently as a heat swelled in his abdomen.
He tightly gripped the armrests of his chair and held himself back from thrusting into your fist. The flame of ecstasy intensified further and further until it finally enveloped him completely, hips lightly jutting upwards as cum spurted from his cock. He let out a long, deep groan as he tossed his head back.
You moved back over him to gather his cum in your mouth, gently using your tongue to help him prolong his orgasm and coax out more of his semen. It wasn't until he began to tug you off of him did you back away, licking cum off of your fingers.
You were briefly aware of the ache in your knees as you stared up at him expectantly, which prompted an eyebrow raise from him.
"What about me?" You frowned. You couldn't help but squeeze your thighs together in hopes of stimulation.
"You don't deserve it," he said. He internally smiled at your expression. "Especially not after your test score."
He shifted, trying to stand up to fix his appearance when you held onto his leg. His amber eyes met yours so full of ill-concealed desperation.
"Wait-!" You swallowed hard, surprised by your own need. "I-I'll do good next time. I promise! Just... just please let me cum. I'll take this class seriously."
"Tempting offer," he said, tilting his head in thought. He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy treating you like this, but the main reason he was so irritated with you was because you refused to let him help you towards a better grade. He's not one to give up very easily, so he's willing to take your word for it just this once.
"Very well, then." He sat down on his chair and leaned back, pushing one of his legs towards you so his shoe pressed against your throbbing cock. You jolted at the sensation, completely underestimating just how horny you were. Electricity flowed through your body and left your skin feeling tingly and hot.
You felt like you could burst right then and there as you quickly began rubbing your clothed dick against the hard material of his shoe. Oh how pitiful you looked, trying to pull him closer to you as you thrust harder.
"Look at you." He had an amused undertone in his voice. "Grinding against me so desperately. You're just like a mutt in heat, aren't you?"
You had no will to retort, simply focused on reaching your orgasm. You bit your lip to stop yourself from moaning too loud, nearly breaking skin. You were very sensitive from ignoring your own pleasure earlier, and you were sure you weren't going to last much longer.
You let out a strained whimper when he straightened his foot, rubbing you with enough force for it to slightly hurt. You mumbled out curses and pleas towards no-one in particular and steadily grew louder the closer you got to your peak.
"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck..." You cut yourself off with a moan, trembling as the burning sensation of euphoria overcame your senses. Your hips jolted with each pulse of pleasure that ran through you.
With a shaky sigh, you fell back onto your ass and steadily regained your breath. Good lord, that took more out of you than you thought. You grimaced when the patch of your cum slowly cooled, leaving an uncomfortable sticky sensation that you were going to have to walk home with.
You peered up at Zhongli when he spoke, "I expect you to abide by your promise. I do not want to see any more F's in the immediate future."
You wearily nodded. "Yes, sir."
He studied you for a moment longer. "You seem to be driven at the thought of an orgasm."
Now, that caught your attention. You refocused and nearly broke out into an excited smile when he continued.
"Maybe if you pass the next test with a B or higher, I'll reward you."
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luverz-exe · 2 years
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Yandere Scp 049 × Female Reincarnated S/O
Thank you for over 100 followers! I'm honored to make a bunch of you happy with my writing, and I'm excited to show you all what else is to come! This is as you can guess, the first one shot in the whole blog! It didn't sit well with me to just leave it as a few headcanons, so here we go!
I took the security part of the request and went with it, I hope you don't mind! If you have any qualms about it, I can always redo it. And FYI for anyone else who wants to request a oneshot, it might take longer than what a headcanon might be, so if it doesn't come at the expected time then I'm sorry.
I am so sorry for the wait, a lot happened in my life, and I had to deal with it. But hey, I found out what I'll write for the surprise! And while I can't say what I have In mind now, I just hope you'll enjoy it in the (hopefully) near future.
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"Are you sure? It's your first week on the job, don't you think escorting a Euclid class should be saved for.. later? You know, try and get some work experience beforehand?" Your cousin asked, trying to coax you out of what they thought was a death sentence. "I mean, think about it..."
You walked down the empty halls of the foundation, checking all of your gear making sure it was in proper condition as they tried to convince you to pick an easier job for today. It was supposed to be a 6 to 12, a quick shift, for foundation standards at least, but you took a bit extra to spend a little time with your cousin who worked the shift right after yours. Now you kind of wished you hadn't, with them nagging you about your decision, about your choice for the extra shift.
But you knew they meant well, they always did. And while you admired the fact they careed about you enough to tell you when they thought you were making a bad decision, you were a grown woman who could make decisions by herself. "I've gotten training for this, it's not like they send us in blind, I know what I'm doing. Besides, it's not like I'm doing it alone, there are other trained professionals working on it too. Don't worry about me."
You could hear them mumble something about you being too stubborn, unwilling to admit that you were right. "Besides, I've done my research, we will just be moving the Euclid SCP to a testing room, then back to its cell, easy." You sigh "Look, I'll be sure to contact you about it afterwards if it's such a concern of yours, if that makes you feel better."
The two of you walked down the hall, passing containment area after containment area, as they slowly start resting their hand on your armored shoulder. "But you haven't worked here as long as I have, I know what it's like. It's scary, your first few months. Hell, It's dangerous if you aren't 100% focused and on point, you-"
You interrupt "Then it seems I'll have to be 100% focused and on point then." You smirk, your cheeky grin causing a small smile to appear on their face. "Besides, I'm older than you, haven't you heard that wisdom comes with age?" You teased, now invoking a slight chuckle from them.
"Well, be sure not to die before the wedding, I'll surely be needing that old person wisdom of yours." They winked, patting you back before making a sharp turn to the left, making their way to prepare for their shift.
You look around the hall, making sure that no one is around before shouting "Lord knows you're gonna need it!" And as you continue walking down the hall, you can hear faint laughter from them, some footsteps fading even further away, and a door closing, ensuring that you are all alone with nothing but your thoughts. You slowly gain your composure back, making sure you can do your job without a grin. Had to make a good impression to your new co-workers after all.
You sigh wistfully, before getting out your key card and continuing to walk down the hall, swiping the key card to open the door in front of you. And as you slowly walk towards the future ahead of you, you could feel the slightest bit of pride in your new life. It was going good.
Your movements sync with your team, and you follow each step of theirs to the single second. Left foot, your eyes stare down at the floor, making sure your movements are timed to perfection as the single file line continues on. Right foot, you don't dare to let your thoughts linger until the task at hand is finished, you have a job to do. There was one person behind you, two in front, you couldn't mess up your synchronization. Left foot, you know you are safe with these experienced members of the foundation by your side. Right foot, so why is your heart beating so rapidly?
...Left foot, you slowly move your gaze from the floor to the back of the person in front of you's helmet. You were now in sync, and with that a newfound sense of ease ran past you. Left, right, left, right, they did not speed up nor did they slow down, leading to perfect synchronization of your unit. How calming for a worrying mind, left foot. You slowly felt more at ease than ever before In your job. No need to think about the danger or the risk, all you needed to do was stay in perfect synchronization with your group.
Right foot, you no longer even had to keep track in your mind, you feel into the pattern naturally. Left foot, you walked passed corridor after corridor, one containment area right after the next, you could feel the pattern slipping away from your mind. It was now an instinct. As it should be.
Your group came to a halt, still standing at attention, single file line in front of a door. Your squad's leader got out of formation from the front of the line and slowly moved towards the end of the line, where a small clipboard was. He picked it up, and slowly started reading the information about the SCP. You heard him mumble "049."
He then put it down, scanning the group still standing single file. "All of you, fall in." Quickly, you now all stood horizontally in front of him. He then continued "Procedure states we must sedate him, now do any of you know how to do that, or did they not go over it in training?" He looked around your squad, seemingly looking for any sign of yes.
The others didn't say much, and if they were anything like you, there's sweat slowly falling down their face. Still standing at attention, you didn't move your head to look at the person that took a step forward towards the squad leader. "No sir." The voice spoke, lighter than expected "They did not go over sedation. Only transferring the SCP from one place to another. They said special cases like this would be taught later on the field."
He sighed at this, and you could swear you could vaguely see a frown under the shaded visor. The voice stepped back in formation, then he began to speak once more. "Well, luckily for you all, I'll teach you." He then went to the opposite side of the hall, opening the door with a keycard, and entering, leaving your group outside.
The soft voice that spoke to the squad leader, now spoke to you. "Hello." They raised their hand for you to shake "It's nice to meet you." You shook their hand, a smile now creeping up upon your face "My name is Jenny, what's yours?" You say your name, and how glad you are to meet them as well.
"That's Rocky, he doesn't talk much" they say, pointing at the final one in the line. "Absolutely a sweetheart though, me and him have been through thick and thin, his story has touched me in a way no one else can." Even from here and the black transparent visor, you could see a big grin coming up on Rocky. "And even after all these years, he's never told me his real name."
You could see Rocky roll his eyes, Jenny quips back without even looking at him "Don't you roll your eyes at me, mister. Some of us don't like that attitude. Every time I ask, you keep changing the name you give me!" As soon as they had finished talking, Rocky approached them, pulled up his visor to show his beautiful dark eyes, and then very dramatically rolls his eyes in front of them. "Rude." Jenny mumbled, still with a smile on their face.
Rocky slowly put his visor down, and got back in formation. He poked Jenny, and she did the same. So, you mimic their movements, making sure your heels were lined up with their own as if you were in the military. That's when you heard the footsteps of your leader, getting ever so close. "Rocky also has good hearing" Jenny whispered to you, as soon as they had stopped to get back in position, the door started to open.
Out came the squad leader, who now stood in front of you "Attention!" He called out, and you all made sure you were in position. You noticed he was holding both a needle and a collar of some kind. "This," he held up the collar, chains falling down as he held it up "is a Class 3 Humanoid Restriction harness. It has a lock, which I have the key to at the moment, and these," he pointed at the chains now hanging off of the harness "are the extension restraints."
"Now, this is what you need to focus on, this is what you sedate him with." He now held up the needle, handing it to you with one hand. "Be sure to get it in his neck," he then looked at Rocky and Jenny "And you two soon after better put that on him and lock him in." He hands Jenny the key, while Rocky gets the harness. "Not very hostile, but don't put your guard down." He said, and slowly got out another keycard.
"Never put your guard down." He whispered, more to himself, and swiped the card. Access granted, the key pad said, and you heard the door unlocking. It then opened, revealing a small cell. You couldn't see who was inside, everyone was crowding at the door, but you could hear a voice. A calm, metallic sounding voice, something resembling a humans speech.
"Ah, good evening. I hope that all has gone well for a fine day, yes?" The voice asked, but to no response. "I see, tough day. Well, let's move this along shall we. Everyone is waiting for what will happen, and we mustn't dawdle." You can hear the rumbling of footsteps, hard walking shoes against the cold hard floor. "Well, come along now, we haven't got all day."
You carefully scoot your way inside, making sure that not a single drop of the sedation would fall. "Ah, good evening, how's your day been thus far?" He asked of you as approached him, preparing to make the needle go inside his skin. You couldn't mess this up, you wouldn't mess this up.
"My day's been fine, how about yours?" You responded, adding leeway for the conversation to continue with the SCP.
"Ah, what a lovely voice, so good to have a chat. I take it's your first time sedating, now isn't it?" You heard laughter coming from it "Well not to worry," they moved a bit of his cloak to get a better view of where the mask ended and where the neck would be, but it was covered in cloth. They pointed to a spot, assumed to be where its neck is "just insert it here."
You saw as the needle approached, it slowly dropped its hand, now sure you'd put it in properly. As you pumped it into him, and brought out the needle, it asked "What is your name, I do not see a name tag of any kind on you."
"Name tags are always removed before entering a SCP's cell now, basic protocol. My name is (Name)." You couldn't tell if the drug was kicking in or it was shock, but you could see SCP 049 tense up. You slowly move out of the way as Jenny and Rocky put on the harness of his, with the squad leader telling them how to properly put it on it.
You couldn't focus on the conversation however, as there was a more pressing issue in your mind. Despite you ending the conversation then and there, the SCP still stared at you with the same shocked and tense expression, its eyes scanning yours for something unknown. "What was that?" Jenny asked the creature "You're mumbling, you know that right?"
049 looked at them and mumbled an apology, but as soon as possible they looked back to you. Eyes now locking with yours. "Alright, stand up" the squad leader asked 049, and they complied. "(Name), hold one of the harnesses, you two do the same." Great, now you'd have to get closer.
As you picked up one of the harnesses, 049 started to speak, but it sounded more like mumbling to himself "Is that really you, my dear? You look so different.." his eyes never left yours.
"That doesn't knock him out, but be sure to take anything he says with a grain of salt," he said to the group "now move out, we haven't got all day!" Slowly, your group started to move. Once out the door, your group's pace quickened.
"Do you remember me?" They asked "It was such a long time ago, it must feel like a faded memory, I bet you hardly remember it at all." He got a bit close to you "But I did. I remembered." You saw Rocky tug on the harness, trying to get them away from you, and they slowly moved back closer to the middle. "How could I forget?"
"Wow, he must be really loopy, huh? Guess that drug was more effective than thought." The leader said, "Just ignore his ramblings, once he gets back to normal he'll apologize."
While the drug limited how loud and fluently they could talk, the SCP spoke once more "They treat me like an animal (Name), only referring to me as a person when it's convenient, when I'm near. But not you, no, I'm a person to you, I always have been." It sounded drunk, almost as if the drug was nothing but alcohol.
Jenny giggled at the little speech it just gave, and it only gave them a side eye, then turning back to you. "You- You look... angelic. I- my goodness. A dove for an angel. That's the best way to describe us right now, correct? None of these dark, vile, crows could be a dove, yes?"
It sounded religious, like a prayer, an erratic saying of devotion. "I missed you, I missed you being near, and by my side. I miss-"
"My apologies," you interrupt "but we've never met before. Perhaps the name is similar to someone close, but sadly, I am not. Perhaps when this drug wears off, we can have a nice civil chat, I'm sure your interviewer might allow it." You try and be nice, but you don't want to say you don't see 'him' as a person. Not yet, it will have to earn the title.
"...Yes, we can talk." They said with a cheery attitude, almost ignoring most of what you had said. "Yes, you must hear of how lonely I was when you went, oh how the night before we had danced the night away. Hand in hand. Sleeping in the same bed, but the next morning, you were not there. And while we can no longer dance the night away, perhaps we can chat it away, my dear."
How dramatic, sounds like something straight out of a play. Testing room after testing room, after a few more minutes you had finally met your destination. "No, I am not ready to go. Not yet. My dear, no..." His mumblings and his rambles made all three of you uncomfortable, but the leader just stood with a poker face.
"Don't worry, Loverboy, (Name) will still be here when you finish. Now go on and get inside." He then yelled out to the interviewers and researchers "AND SOMEONE GET THIS DRUG OUTTA HIM.*
They looked confused, one even tilted their head. "But, with all due respect, what did you give him?"
It was now his turn to be confused "What do you mean? I gave him CO-491, the standard protocol sedation tool for 049! Did you all change it, cause now he's all loopy and talking about (Name) as if she's its lover!"
He pointed at you, and you could see all heads turn "What the sedation is, is a mix of lavender and a few more chemicals to calm him down. This has been done time and time again.*
"He's fully sentient and aware of what he's saying and doing." The researcher then looked at you "Would you mind telling us what happened?"
You saw one interviewer come out with a frown "He keeps asking for a (Name). Says he won't talk unless (Name's) there." All eyes turned to you "Well are you coming?"
"... Alright." You looked through the one way window, 049 looked calm, but you couldn't tell whether it was because he was alone or because he had asked for you. The interviewer brought out their key card and swiped it, opening the door.
"Here they are 049, as requested." The interviewer said. You walked through the door, and you could feel his cold gaze on yours.
"My darling (Y/N), please, have a seat. There is much we must discuss."
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suugarbabe · 1 year
hello!!! i love your theo fics and since my obsession with him somehow can’t seem to pass, i thought i would request something if its alright :) so i had this idea where the reader is a hufflepuff and she’s great at herbology and she’s terrible at potions and this year she has potions with slytherin and theo notices her struggle and he’s like a genius at potions and also bad at herbology and also has a big fat crush on the reader so they and up tutoring each other and long story short falling in love in the process 🤭🤭 sorry if thats too specific, hope you like the request or something hahah have a nice day
we love little studious theo with other wholesome intentions
“Y/l/n! Hey! Y/l/n!,” you were being beckoned. After turning to see the caller, you were surprised to see one Theodore Nott lightly jogging to catch up with you. You slowed down your walking so he could catch up and walk beside you to your next class, that you coincidentally had together. 
“Everything okay, Theo?” You were genuinely curious. While you and Theo didn’t have any problems outright, you really didn’t talk to each other outside of class. Some would chalk it up to you being in Hufflepuff and him being not only in Slytherin but one of the Slytherin boys, but really you two just didn’t have a reason to hang out. 
At least, that’s what you thought. Theo scratched the back of his neck lightly, seemingly searching for the right words. “So, I’ve kind of been struggling in Herbology lately,” Theo looked at you with a shy smile. 
“Really? I hadn’t really taken notice,” you were lying. Theo was horrible at herbology, somehow always breaking pots even on the simplest of tasks. 
Theo smirked at you slightly, “Yeah? Well I also haven’t taken notice of how awful you are at potions.” You took a whack at his arm causing him to giggle, “I’m just suggesting that maybe…we help each other out.” 
You were a little skeptical, “Why would you want to do that?” You missed the way Theo blushed, stuttering slightly to find a good enough answer, “Just because I’m Slytherin doesn’t mean I’m all bad, I can want to be helpful too. Besides, you’re helping me just as much, hopefully anyway.” 
It was your turn to blush now, feeling slightly embarrassed at making assumptions, “Okay.” 
Theo’s smile grew two times, “Okay like you’ll help me?” You nodded, stopping short of the potions classroom door, “I’ll help you, Theo. Meet me in the library tomorrow after classes.” 
So meet you he did. Theo met you in the library every other day for two weeks, then it became daily, and you found yourself growing fonder and fonder of him. You found it cute how well he paid attention to you when you tutored him, like you were the only person in the library and he was hanging on every word. 
That’s because to Theo you were the only person, or at least the only person that mattered. He fancied you when he first asked you to tutor him, in truth he could’ve just asked Enzo, it would’ve been easier. But this way, he got to spend nearly every day with you without anyone else questioning it. 
And with those days he found him noticing more and more things he liked about you. Like the way your tongue would stick out ever so slightly when you were concentrating, or the way you picked at the feathers of your quill when you were trying to intently listen, often causing him to stumble over his words. 
He fancied you before, but now; now he thought he might love you. But that was okay, because you were pretty sure you were falling for him too.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Without Me (Steddie X You)
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A/N with warnings: This is not a warm fuzzy story. This is riddled with angst and feelings. This version of Steddie aren't bad men they...they just have extremely toxic behavior due to their trauma. Steve struggles with alcohol and Eddie with drugs while the female readers drug of choice is them. She does try to stay away from them but they do not make it easy. An accident involving drunk driving is mentioned with the reader getting hurt and ending up in the hospital. They belittle her and try to make her jealous and reader mentions how their behavior has affected her. There is talk about their fears of losing her and insight into why they are the way they are.
SMUT is present closer to the end. She is a willing participate! I want that clear. It may seem like she's not but she talks about how she needs them to fight for her. Some spit play, slight edging, use of the stop light system (yellow), aftercare.
I was listening to "Without Me" by Halsey and this just flowed from me for like 2 weeks. Its not my normal stuff written wise so again I say ENTER WITH CAUTION! I will still love you if you don't read this. <3.
Word Count: 10,596 ( seriously didn't realize I typed this much)
“They’ve been asking around for you.”, you friend whispers into your ear before blowing out the smoke from her cigarette. 
“Well, they can keep asking but the answer will always be no.”
She softly grins as she takes your hand. “I’m really proud of you.”
“For what?”, the new guy you had been seeing jumped on the bench behind you, pulling you tightly to his chest.
“For finally getting my ass up for physical therapy this morning.”, you reply as you beam up him. 
“About time.”, he chuckles. “Even though I’m totally fine with you moving like an adorable little sloth.” You roll your eyes as you smack his arm playfully and he leans down to kiss your lips. “Come on. Let me walk you to your class.”
He tangles his fingers with your own as you both head back towards the building. Glen was a good man and the past month you had officially been together had been incredibly easy. That was honestly the best way to describe it. He was kind and gentle with you, always making sure you were alright. When he took you on dates, he pulled out your chair and listened intently to anything you had to say without even a squeak to interrupt. 
He didn’t smoke a pack a day or do any kind of drugs that left him so stoned you literally had to lift him from the floor on to his bed. The few times he drank in your presence, it was sips and he rarely finished the can in his hand. He never drank to the point that he slurred his words or passed out and left you to carry him into his house to get him to at least the sofa. Glen never called you names or made you feel guilty about not sharing a vice with him. He never left you crying alone in your room because he was too busy doing something else he shouldn’t be. He never hurt you or broke your heart…
“Hey Y/N.”
The man’s voice hit you like an arrow to your chest. You hadn’t heard or seen him in over two months…either of them. 
“She’s not talking to you.”, Glen growled immediately coming to your defense. 
Steve stood up straighter as he made himself seem taller. “What the fuck are you going to do about it?”
Without hesitation he stepped forward, bumping the other boy’s chest.
“Hey, hey, hey.”, you reach out to grab your new boyfriend’s arm. “It’s ok. I’m alright.”
His eyes tear away from Steve’s to meet your own as he touches your cheek with his palm making your ex huff. 
“I’m going to be right there, ok?”, he advises as he points towards the lockers on the other side of the hallway; kissing your forehead when you nod.
Steve’s eyes glare at Glen until he leaves, turning his attention towards you and promptly softening his demeanor.
“Where’s your attachment?”, you ask as you try to appear nonchalant, placing books in your locker. 
“Eddie didn’t want to overwhelm you. He thought us both talking to you might…scare you.”
“Why would I be scared of you two?”, you scoff. “Is that why neither of you came by the hospital or to my house after?”
His jaw tightens as he looks down at his sneakers. “No. We just…we thought your parents wouldn’t want us there.”
“This coming from the boy that used to sneak through my window when he was drunk.”, you chuckle sarcastically to yourself as you slam the locker closed. “You’re still such a terrible fucking liar. Stay away from me; both of you.”
“Y/N, wait—”
“Don’t touch her.”, Glen warns as Steve tries to reach for your hand. 
The man watches as your new boyfriend wraps his arm around your waist and guides you towards class as you slightly limp along the way. Angrily, he reaches into his pocket for his always present flask and takes a long swig.
“Wow, you really suck at this.”, you giggle as Glen misses another ball on the pool table. 
“Look, I’m sorry I’m not as cool as you Miss Suave who can shoot with the stick behind her back.” You grin as he gestures for you to take your turn. What he didn’t know was Eddie taught you that on one of his more sober nights. When the three of you were just able to hang out and have fun. It was hard being here as the cigarette smell reminded you of the nights after they would make love to you or when he would cheer you on while you played arcade games with him and the other Hellfire kids. 
It also reminded you of when he snorted to much of his stash and fell asleep with his cigarette in his hand almost burning down his uncle’s trailer. Or when he would light up in the middle of a fight he started with you because some guy smiled at you a little too long.
Shaking your head out of the memory, you make your shot and it promptly slams into the hole in the corner pocket. 
“I will never be as cool as you.”
“Oh, I think you’re plenty cool.”, you grin as you crane your neck just enough for his lips to meet you halfway. 
“I’m going to run to the bathroom real quick and then I can take you home, ok? Do you want to wait here or…”
“I can wait by the car. Some air would feel really good right now.”
After handing you his keys, you gradually make your way towards his car trying to cover the fact that you were gripping your side. This cold weather was killing your injury. The doctor said that would be normal especially on days it rains. What he didn’t explain was that it would affect everything else like your mobility. Every step you took shot a pain straight through you side and it was like being stabbed. 
“Hey sweetheart. Need some help?”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You turn around meeting Eddie’s concerned gaze. “I guess Steve didn’t talk to you yet."
"No, he did. I just needed to come check on you myself.”
“Welp, I’m fine, Eddie! Now leave me alone.” He flinched slightly at your sarcastic filled tone as you try to continue heading for Glen’s car. 
“Why, um, why are you limping?”
You chuckle as you turn on him, throwing your hands in the air. “Oh, I don’t know. That happens when you’re involved in a car accident! But you wouldn’t know anything about that would you?!”
Your boyfriend appears in front of you, blocking you from the metalhead’s sight. “Get the fuck out of here! You and Harrington need to leave her the fuck alone! Come on, baby.” Without any hesitation, Glen lifts you in his arms and carries you the rest of the way. 
Eddie watches with jealous eyes as he stomps towards his van and searches for the powder that will numb the pain.
For the next week, you did everything you could to ignore them but you felt their eyes on you constantly. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss them. You thought about them every day even after what they had done but you knew what you had with them wasn’t healthy. 
“Baby are you alright?”, Glen asked as you both share your lunch. 
“Yeah, I’m just exhausted. Mrs. O’Donnell isn’t playing around this year.”, you giggle but your smile tapers off when he doesn’t laugh with you.
“You know, it’s ok that you miss them. They were your best friends.”
If only he knew… What would he think of you if you told him the truth? What if you told him that, yes, it had started as a grade school friendship but escalated to something more? What if he found out how much you loved them and why you kept them around for so long? Why you tried so hard to save them…
A loud crashing startled you back into reality as Eddie jumped on to the table and walked to where you and your boyfriend were sitting.
“Well, hello gorgeous…and Glen.”, he mocks as he turns his head towards him sarcastically. 
Steve slides into a chair beside you as the metalhead jumps down and sits across from him. 
“Can we help you, gentlemen?”
“YOU can’t.” You cringe as Steve slurs his words. You can smell the bourbon wafting from his lips as he speaks. “We just want to have one conversation with our friend. Is that too much to ask?!”
Glen breathily laughs as he faces both boys. “It’s funny. Y/N never talks about what happened. Anytime anyone including her doctors ask about the accident she says all she remembers is something darting across the road and flipping the car. I admire the fact that she’s still so loyal after what you did.”
“What are you implying?”
“I’m implying that real men own up for their mistakes especially when it almost gets their supposed best friend killed.”, he spits. “Come on, baby.”
You don’t move; you CAN’T move. Memories are flashing through your brain and the two people you want to comfort you most are the two people who are responsible for your pain. 
“Stevie, baby, maybe you should let me drive.”
“Pfft, I can drive, honey. I’m barely even drunk.”
Eddie’s arms wrap around you from behind as he tenderly kisses the nook between your neck and shoulder. “Come on, princess. You can sit in the back with me.”
“Y/N, it’s ok. I got you.”, Glen coos as he reached for your arm.
Shakily, you stand pausing for a moment as you turn towards them. 
“Stay the fuck away from me.”
The loud blaring of your phone beside your bed shook you from your peaceful slumber as you sleepily reached over to answer it. 
“Steve? What…what’s wrong?” Turning your clock, you sighed as you read 2am and slammed your head back onto the pillow. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I wanted to stay with you but I was so fucking scared and Eddie said you’d be okay.”, he cried tearing your heart in half. 
“Steve, why don’t you call him, ok?”
“Please, Y/N. Can we see you?”
“It’s two in the morning. Go to bed.” He sobbed harder and you heard what sounded like him hitting the wall. “Um, where-where are you right now?”
“I’m at home.”
“Ok, I’ll be there in 20.”
The entire short drive to his house, you knew you were making a mistake. You made yourself boundaries and promises when it came to them that you were already breaking. It was so hard for you though when they broke. There were many a night like tonight where Steve had cried in your arms after his father had hurt him in some way and downing half a bottle of whatever strong liquor was in the house. 
With Eddie it took a lot more for him to get to that place but when he got there it was heavy. Sometimes he would frighten you as he tore his room apart, angrily trashing the things around him or saying anything he could think of to start a fight with you. The few times he cried were the moments he thought you were asleep, pulling you tightly against his chest as he sobbed.
Afterwards, you would do anything you could to make them feel better whether it was making them laugh, going to dinner, or letting them vent their pain on to you in bed. You didn’t mind it at the time especially since they knew every little way to make you cum. It was a blessing and a curse to be in love with two men who were passionate. On good days, the spoiled you, making you feel special as they wined and dined you and afterwards playing your body like one of Eddie’s guitars.
On bad days, they demeaned you and made you feel worthless. They made you feel like nothing you did was enough and then fucked you like a whore. 
You should have left them a long time ago but there was a part of you that held on to hope that one day the boys you met all those years ago were still in there.
“Hey, Y/N. Thank you. Thank you for coming.”, Steve sighed in relief as he opened the door for you and you pushed past him to get inside. “I called Eddie. He’s, um…”
The metalhead waved from his spot on the sofa.
“Yeah, well, I’m here. Now talk. You have five minutes.”
“Ok. Ok, ok, ok…um…” You rolled your eyes as Steve tried to collect his thoughts. “Honey, look, we know we fucked up. What we did to you is completely unforgivable.”
“We never would have left you if we thought you were really hurt.”
“Hm, gee, define ‘really hurt’, Ed. Because apparently metal slicing open my side doesn’t count.”
“We had no idea.”
“I’m not surprised, Steve, since you were so wasted you didn’t realize you had swerved to the right and hit a fucking parked car so hard that it flipped yours over!” You felt the tears burn the corner of your eyes. “This was a mistake.”
“Wait, wait! Please.” Eddie reached out to grab your hand and you yanked it away.
“Don’t you fucking touch me!” Your body shook as you began to cry. “You left me…After everything I’ve done for you. After everything I ignored…after cleaning you up after you threw up and passed out.” You gestured towards Steve before turning to the metalhead. “After treating your cuts after someone knocked you on your ass when you snorted your drugs and yelled at a guy in the parking lot because you thought he was hitting on me. After all the fucking bullshit I was there for…when I really need you…you left me! You didn’t even come to the fucking hospital to make sure I was ok. YOU DIDN’T EVEN FUCKING CALL!”
“Y/N…I…we…fuck!”, the metalhead shouted in frustration as threw something against the wall, shattering it on impact.
“There has to be something we can do.”, Steve whispered making you laugh again. 
“Nothing, Steven. There is nothing either of you can fucking do. I’m never going to do bullshit like this again. You two are on your own now. Leave me alone and let me be fucking happy with Glen.” As you turned to leave you paused, hearing Eddie snicker behind you. When you shifted back around there was a sinister look in both their eyes you had seen numerous times. 
“Speaking of ‘everything we’ve done’…”, Eddie addresses you with that slick tone that tells you he’s angry as he plops back down on the couch, digs in his pocket to produce his white powder, and pours some of it on the glass table in front of him. “You think that asshole can take care of you as well as we can? After all the gifts, dinners, and making you cum till you couldn’t move… we’re just trash now, huh? Is that it?”
You slowly stalk to him as rolls up a piece of paper nearby and snorts the contents in front of him. 
“Yes.” He turns to glare at you at your response. “You think everything positive you’ve done wipes away the negative? You think just because you were able to fuck me till I couldn’t walk straight, it will make up for the fact that I literally can’t walk straight because of a car accident you two caused AND RAN FROM?!”
“If we’re so bad then why did you stay?”, Steve countered. “Fuck, Y/N, why are you even here?!”
“Because I’m a fucking idiot! I’ve always been an idiot! If I could go back in time and stop that little girl from befriending those two heartbroken little boys I would.” Tears flooded down your face as you hugged your arms around yourself. “Why, Steve? Why wasn’t I enough? Why did you both have to turn to drinking and drugs? I loved you. I loved you so much.”
Strong arms suddenly wrap around you and you angrily push at his chest. Steve steps forward again, allowing you to hit him knowing he deserves it. Collapsing in his embrace, he holds you as you cry, lifting you up, and carrying you to his bedroom where he lays you in the middle of the mattress, pulling you to his chest after he climbs in beside you. Eddie follows soon after, his limbs circling your waist as he rests his cheek in your hair.
By the time they woke up that next morning, you were gone and to their dismay you weren’t at school. They tried so many times to be sober especially after they started dating you but everything just seemed to get worse. Steve was always terrified you’d realize how much of a pathetic man he was (or at least that was what his dad told him) and you would leave but…you always stayed. So, why did he feel like trash 24/7? Why did he think it was inevitable? Why was he scared all…the…time? The alcohol helped suffocate a lot of that but in turn it amplified the worst versions of himself. For a while he thought that was an ok trade. Being an asshole sometimes is better than feeling like you were nothing but on nights when he’d listen to you cry or hear you beg him to stop drinking, he knew he needed to quit…he just couldn’t. Steve didn’t want to feel those feelings he’d buried in the back of his mind. 
Eddie was more or less the same except he was pretty confident someone was going to take you away from them. That you would discard them like his parents had and run off to be happy with someone else while they suffocated without you. That’s why he needed to show you and any other man that dared to come between you guys that you were theirs. Even if he had to fight all of Hawkins he would. Unfortunately, it was a double edge sword. While he knew he would fight for you, like Steve, he felt like it was inevitable that you would leave and he took that out on you constantly by screaming, throwing things, and belittling you. If he could villainize you now, at least when you left maybe it wouldn’t hurt as bad. 
Like Steve’s alcohol, Eddie used drugs to dull his pain and the rage that coursed through him. Weed used to be enough to calm him down but after a while it wasn’t so he upped his game. There were days he would snort so much that he could barely move let alone think and he was fine with that. 
You had asked them why you weren’t enough and the truth was you were more than enough; you were too good for them and they knew that. 
When they first met you, they knew instantly you were special. In the beginning, you were like their vices. You made them feel good, listened to them, and made them laugh. They often wondered what they did to get so lucky to have you in their lives. The first time Steve drank and Eddie did drugs, you knew something was off, heartbroken that they didn’t feel comfortable confiding you. Instead, they distracted you with a kiss, sending you down that path of becoming involved in that way. 
What you didn’t know was at the start of your relationship they used intimacy to distract you from what they were doing. After you would fall asleep with a smile on your face, one or both men would sneak away to do what they needed. When they fell in love, that’s when everything got worse and their fears amplified. 
Now, what THEY didn’t know was that they were YOUR drug. You thrived on making them happy which you didn’t realize until after accident. Even as you laid in the hospital staring at that stupid, bland white ceiling, you missed them and felt the withdrawals of not having them near you. By the time you were discharged and sent home, you felt clear headed and purged of their toxicity. When you met Glen and he made you smile, you felt like you were finally free of them and headed in the right direction. 
The biggest mistake was thinking you could avoid them forever which is why you set your boundaries and told yourself to stay away. You vented to your date on the phone and he cheered you on constantly boosting your self-esteem while offering anything he could to help make things easier for you. 
For your sanity and theirs, you needed to let your boys go. You prayed maybe if you stayed away, it would convince them to start healing. That’s all you ever wanted for either of them…for both Eddie and Steve to be happy. 
“Hey, Y/N. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing alright, thank you. Is everything ok?”
“Um, no. I just wanted to drop by and see if my nephew is here or if you’ve seen him at all these past two days?”
“No, Wayne. I’m so sorry. We don’t talk very much anymore.”
Eddie’s uncle scans your face as he nods before backing away from your front door to head back to his truck. 
“If you hear from him, can you let him know to call me? I’m worried.”
You promise him you will as you close the door and lean against you, sighing. You have an idea of where he might be but you knew if you told Wayne and he caught Eddie with drugs again he would follow through with his promise of calling the cops and have him arrested.
“Now, Edward, I already dealt with an alcoholic brother. He never listened to me and I couldn’t force him to go to rehab but I can with you! You’re my responsibility, goddamn it! You deserve better, son. Get your life together…”
Gnawing on your nail, you grab your jacket as you run out the door. 
You spotted them immediately when you pulled up to Hawkins Public Swimming Pool. They were so out in the open, you were surprised no one had reported them already. Even though Steve had a pool, they always seemed to like to hide out here. Usually, it was just the two of them, both toxicities bouncing off each other as they vented about things. 
The first time you found them here was before you even started dating. Steve’s dad had screamed at him about not making the varsity basketball team his 7th grade year and told him he was a failure. He didn’t show up for school the next day so you got on your bike, riding around until you found them both swimming. From that point forward if you lost one of them and were worried, it was the first place you searched. 
“Well, well, well.”, Steve slurred.
“Long time no see, princess. Came to check on your trash?”
You scowled at him as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Wayne is looking for you, Ed. He says you didn’t come home last night.”
“What do you care? You don’t love us anymore, right?”
“Just because I’m furious with you doesn’t mean I stopped caring about you.”
“Not in our experience.”
“With me, Eddie, or bullshit people from you past?”, you growled. “One of our MANY problems. You both comparing me to your parents which fucking hurts. I don’t know if you realize that.”
Steve stood up from the chair he was leaning back on and came to stand in front of you. He was so close the bourbon smell was making you feel a little drunk but it was more so due to the cologne smell underneath that always had you clinging to him when you three went out. You loved his signature smell, his and Eddie’s, but hated that it was normally obscured by other things. 
“Do you remember when we were kids and we used to swim in my pool at like 2am? You weren’t the best swimmer but with my help you got better.”
A blur suddenly swished passed you as Eddie ran and jumped into the pool behind you. You turned right as his soggy frame came back up for air with a huge, toothy smile on his face. 
“Eddie, oh my god! It’s cold out here. You’re going to get sick.” You try to suffocate the smirk that wants to be seen. You loved seeing them genuinely smile like the metalhead was right now. 
“Oh, calm down, mom. I’ll be fine and so will you.”
“Steve, no.” Right as you spun around to warn him, his palm connected with your body and shoved you into the water. While you were underneath you heard another splash as his lanky frame came into view. As you popped through the surface, your arms promptly clung around the metalhead’s necks as you gasped. 
“I got better! It doesn’t mean I actually can.”, you laugh as he obnoxiously swims around you two. For a moment, you forgot what happened. You forgot about the accident and that you were angry with them. You forgot all your boundaries you had set in place for yourself and for just a moment felt like everything was how it used to be.  
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I got you.” Eddie’s palms gripped your thighs as he wrapped your legs around his waist and held on to you as they floated around. 
“Why do you both come here when you want to hide?”
“Hmmm… reminds us of an easier time, I guess. Plus, no chance of our parents coming in and berating us.”, Steve sighed. 
“Wayne would never berate or belittle you, Eddie.”
“Yeah, I know, but I hate seeing that disappointed look on his face. Hey, Harrington, did you see that new Tom Cruise movie coming out? The three of us should go see it.”
You exhaled at his deflection as the reminders came crashing back down. 
“Glen isn’t really a fan of his.”
They both grumbled at the mention of his name. “I don’t think when Munson said three he meant us and your bitch boyfriend.”
You chuckled sarcastically at his words as you tried to pull away but Eddie clung to you tighter. “Let me go, please.”
“Oh, please. Did you hear that, Stevie? Our girl has manners now. Did he teach you that?”
“No, he showed me respect and what being loved is really like.”, you spat as you continued to try and push away from him. “And I’m not your girl. Not anymore.”
“You think we don’t love you?”, Steve asks as he swam to your sides. 
You stop moving then as all previous memories with them flash through your mind. They see you disassociating as the boy beside you brushes your hair away from your face, a little sigh of pleasure escaping when you don’t flinch away from him. 
“I’ve always found it amusing that you two are afraid of becoming your parents, yet you ended up becoming exactly like them.”
Thrown of guard, their eyes slowly darken in anger as you continue. 
“Steve, when your drunk and having a bad day, you call me whore and tell me I’m worthless. There was one night, you told me I’d never measure up to being good enough for a Harrington so I should feel lucky you even bother with me. Eddie, when your high and having a rough day, you throw things and squeeze me kind of like you are now. You’ve never hit me but you’re not gentle with me either. One night, I was taking you home from The Hideout and some guy held the door open for me as I carried you. The entire ride home, you screamed at me because I thanked him and said I had your permission to go back and fuck him like the slut I was.”
“You hurt me like they did you and I allowed it because I loved you so much. I changed things in my life to be there for you but you guys could never do the same. Then, like your parents, when I really needed you, you left me. If you love me…why do you insist on being the way you are?”
They stared at you for what felt like forever and it killed you. Not because it made you uncomfortable but because you would give anything to wrap your arms around them and laugh with them as you continued to swim. You didn’t want this, you never wanted this.
“Loved? You don’t love us anymore?”, Steve asked. 
Your jaw clenched as you held your resolve. “No. I don’t.”
“I don’t believe you.”, Eddie growled. 
“Well…that’s you’re problem. Not mine.”
“Say it then. Say the entire sentence. If you do, we’ll leave you alone and you’ll never hear from us again.”
“N-No, Steve and Eddie.”, your voice cracked as you said their names. “I don’t…don’t…”
The metalhead’s forehead fell on yours as your tears began to fall. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I met you, baby.”
Slowly, his lips move forward to land on yours. When you don’t pull away or stop him, he grows bolder until you’re reciprocating and your arms are around his neck. 
Your heart abruptly catches up with your brain as you push him away with all the energy you can muster and climb out of the pool, running to get to your car. Just as you open the door, a heavy palm slams it shut and you’re forcefully turned around as Steve’s lips crash to yours. Your arms circle around him as he lifts you up by your thighs and presses you against your vehicle. 
“I love you to—mmm—so fucking much, Y/N. I-I-we can be better.” He groans as his lips trailed down your cheek to your neck and your fingers gently tug on his hair. “I’ll stop drinking. I-I’ll do whatever you want, baby. Please.”
Pushing him back, he drops you to your feet as you smack him. 
“The problem is, I don’t believe you. How many times have you promised me that, Steve?! Eddie?!” You turn to the boy you was now leaning against the hood of your car. “This is the last time I’m saying this. Stay away from me.”
You open your car door but he slams it again. 
“Who do you think you are, Y/N?!”, Steve screams as he steps towards you sandwiching you between himself and the car. “We didn’t ask you to fucking come here. YOU showed up! You showed up at my house! You can’t keep getting mad at us for not ‘leaving you alone’ when you don’t fucking stay away! You obviously still fucking love us so why are you making this so fucking complicated!?”
“Obviously, I’m not like you. It’s harder for me to stay away when someone I care about is hurting.” You take off your shirt and toss it in his face. “THIS is what loving you two got me!”, you shout as you point to the massive wound on your stomach. Their eyes widen as they look you over. 
“It’s been over two months and it’s still healing. Can you fucking believe that? I was in surgery for twelve hours after the ambulance brought me in. Some metal from your BMW sliced into me and I lost a lot of blood. The doctors said the only reason I didn’t fucking die was because it had managed to miss all the major veins and arteries. I was out for almost three days and when I woke up apparently the first thing I asked about was you two. When they told me I was the only one found, I didn’t believe it. ‘No. They’ve done some fucked up shit but they would never abandon me.’”
“I waited for you…every…day…I waited. It took a while for me to really lose hope though. When I had my first physical therapy session to help me walk normally again, I thought ‘This will be the day. I want to get back to normal as quickly as possible so when they come see me I can show them how well I’m doing.’ When they discharged me, I considered maybe then I’d hear from you since no one would be constantly checking up on me. I even left my window unlocked thinking you might sneak in. Nothing… but do you know who did check in on me? Glen.”
“Glen called me every other night to talk to me while I cried about my pain. He came over and watched movies with me while I was stuck in bed. He held me when I woke up from nightmares after falling asleep because of my pain medication. Glen, someone who I met only a year ago was there for me when my BEST FRIENDS who I’ve known since we were kids and supposedly love me DID NOTHING.”
“So, get a good look, boys, because next time you call I won’t be there. You finally get to live your fucking lives without the one person who actually gave a damn!”
“Babe? Are you alright?”
“Huh? Yeah, baby, I’m fine.”, you grin as you lean against Glen’s shoulder at your lunch table. 
It had been almost a month since that night at the public pool and you were proud you were able to stick to your guns. They had called a couple of times and each time you ignored it. You had seen Steve stumble out of the locker room after school giggling with a girl as he buckled his pants and kept walking as she practically carried him to her car. You caught Eddie passed out at the arcade on the pin ball machine and left him there as people around him chuckled. Every time you were able to let them go, you felt yourself getting a little stronger but that didn’t mean this wasn’t killing you. 
“Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t we go see a movie tonight? That Tom Cruise movie is playing.”
“Oh, sweetheart, we can watch something else. I know you aren’t a big fan—”
“Y/N, you like him so I don’t mind. Seeing you smile is all I care about.”
“Aw.”, you coo as you pull him in for a hug. “That’s so gross.”
Glen laughs as he leans down to kiss your lips. 
“Well, holy shit.” Your eyes squeeze shut at the sound of Eddie’s voice as you and your date walk up the stairs in the auditorium. “Stevie…STEVE! Look, its Y/N and her idiot.” The metalhead mocks as he tugs Steve off of his date he was already heavily making out with. A twinge of jealousy pierced your heart but you suffocated it as you glared at them both. 
“I thought you hated Mr. Cruise, Glen.”, he slurred as he laughed. 
The girl beside the metalhead kept sucking on his neck as her hand rested on his upper thigh.
“Come on, honey.”, your boyfriend grabbed your hand and pulled you towards your seats. “Jesus, how could you tolerate being their friends for so long?”
“They weren’t always like that. When I first met them they were shy and sweet. Steve used to make me little cards for valentine’s day and Eddie would sing me some random love ballad.”, you giggle at the memory until your eyes glaze over with his sadness. Glen tenderly pets your head before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you to his side. 
Throughout the movie your eyes kept shifting their way as the continued to make out with their dates. They were doing this on purpose, they were trying to hurt you. Normally when you three went to the theater together Eddie would lift your legs over his lap as you leaned back against Steve. They would tenderly run their palms against your skin as they watched whatever film was in front of you. They rarely if ever were sexual with you here and honestly you never really thought about it. You just enjoyed the tenderness of these moments when you had them. 
You noticed the parallels in the movie immediately and so did Steve as you watched him disconnect from the girl he was kissing. A football star from a small town wanting to get out and make something of himself while not being ‘good enough’ for the people around him. Halfway through, he stopped paying attention to his date all together as he focused his eyes in front of him. You wanted to hold him and tell him everything would be ok. That he deserved to be happy; they both did. Curling your body into Glen’s side, he wrapped his arm tighter around you as he kissed your forehead. 
“You know, I must say that wasn’t too bad. ‘We didn’t quit! You did!’” 
You giggle at his enthusiasm as you guys head for his car. 
“So, does that mean you’ll see his next one with me?”
“If you come watch a Clint Eastwood movie with me.”, he laughs as you stick out your tongue in disgust. “As long as I’m with you, baby, I don’t care what we see or do.”
Glen’s lips lean down to kiss yours as you wrap your arms around his neck. As his kisses grow more passionate, he carefully lifts you up, and places you on the hood of his car. Your brain began to wonder as his mouth did the same down to your neck. Your boyfriend was a good man and a really good kisser. You hadn’t been intimate with him sexually yet and with everything going on you were okay with that but that was just a double edge sword. BECAUSE with everything going on, you desperately wanted to be fucked. 
Your exes were phenomenal at that. When you felt low (usually because of them), they pounded into you till you were begging them to stop and even then they didn’t. You guys had a safe word but you had never used it. Oddly enough they had never crossed that line in bed. As you felt Glen’s lips suck on your skin, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had it in him to fuck you like that.
The sound of screeching tires brought you both back into the moment just in time to see Eddie’s van just inches from your boyfriend’s vehicle. 
“Have you lost your fucking mind, you fucking freak?!”, one of the girls screamed as she punched his arm. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Through the windshield you could see them both glaring at you but especially Eddie. You saw that look so many times but this was the first time he had ever actually seen you kissing someone else. 
“Babe, get in the car, ok?” As Glen reached for your hand, the boys finally moved. The metalhead opened his driver’s side door and stomped to the back, flinging open the doors. 
“OUT! Get the fuck out!”
“Fine! We’d rather walk then spend any more time with you two.”
“Y/N, look at me. Get in the car.”
The sound of the skidding tires thrust you into your memory of that night; the tires screeching, glass breaking, metal crunching… them shouting at each other…
“Eddie, let it go, man.”
He barely heard his friend as he came around the car and grabbed Glen’s shoulder, flipping him around, and shoving him against it. His fist was raised in the air but as it hovered your boyfriend grabbed his collar.
“Do you really want to do this now? After you scared her half to death? I guess it’s not enough you two almost killed her. You have to keep twisting the knife, huh?”
“You keep saying bullshit like that but what proof do you have?”
“Beside my fucking brain? Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that I have a nose and can smell the drugs and bourbon. Maybe, because I’ve smelled it on you and still watched her get in a car with you. Speaking of, where’s your BMW, Steve?” Glen pushes Eddie off of him and faces them both, gesturing towards you. “This isn’t the first time she’s shut down like this. When she does it’s hard to get her back but she does mumble. Do you know what she says every single time? ‘Please don’t leave me.’” He shakes his head in disgust. “Neither of you deserved her friendship.”
Reaching for your arm, he guided you to the passenger side and opened the door. 
“Probably why we were more then just friends.” Your bag fell as Eddie spoke, your wide eyes turning towards him. “Oh, let me guess. You didn’t tell Captain America here that you were fucking us to, did you?”
Glen looked you up down as his body froze.
“Give me a fucking break with that pathetic little girl routine. She’s a wild one, Glen. Definitely too much woman for one man.”
“Stop it.”
“Stop what? Telling him the truth? Trust me, bud. The stories we could tell you about her.  Fuck me…”
“…There were times we didn’t even have to ask. You could just push her into an empty classroom and fuck her tight little pussy till she cried and she would still beg for more…
“…Oh and wait until she sucks your cock. She can take it so far down her throat—”
“STOP IT!” You charged at him, screaming and crying as you smacked his chest. “WHY?! Why can’t you just let me be happy!? I hate you! I hate you! I…”
Strong arms held you back and pulled you away from the metalhead as Steve moved to his friend’s side. 
“I hate you both.”
“Come on, Y/N. There we go.”, Glen soothes in a gentle tone as he guides you into his car. He flashes them one last cursory glance before climbing into the driver’s side and speeding away. 
You and Glen sit in silence as he turns off his car outside of your house. 
“Is it true?”
Closing your eyes, you heavily exhale before you answer. “Does it matter?”
“Jesus.”, he sarcastically chuckles as he turns his head to glare out the window. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“Nothing to say.”
“It would explain why you’re so protective over them.”
“No. I WAS protective over them because I used to love them…even before we became intimate.”
“Psh was.”
“I don’t love them anymore.”
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you go to the station then and tell Hopper who was really driving that night. Let them experience the consequences of what they did without the safety net of you getting them out of trouble.”
“You don’t understand.”, you whisper.
“You’re right. I don’t.”
“Glen…”, you pause as you try to gather your thoughts. “When I met them, they were both in a bad place even as kids. Eddie had just moved in with his uncle after his dad was arrested. His body was splattered with bruises. It…”, your voice cracked at the memory. “Steve wasn’t at the king status he is now. He hid any chance he could so no one would notice he was crying because his dad had told him he was worthless that morning. I remember our first in-depth conversation he looked at me and asked me why I was even talking to him because he wasn’t someone worth being friends. They needed me. Someone who would listen to them and—”
“Use?”, he interrupted making you sigh again. “Y/N, MAYBE, in the beginning you were exactly what they needed but now…now you’re like another drug to them. You realize that right? They use you whenever they need to feel better, take advantage, and then leave. They aren’t little kids anymore, sweetheart. They are grown men who know what they are doing and they know every time you’re going to bail them out.”
“Thank you for the movie. I’ll see you tomorrow at the party.”, you mumble as you start to open the door, now physically exhausted from this whole evening. 
“Y/N…Maybe we should take a break.”
You laugh under your breath as you get out and slam his car door, stumbling inside of your house as you sit at the base of your stairs and cry. 
They watched you from a far as you danced your way back to the punch bowl for the fifth time that evening. You had shown up to the party that Saturday alone and as soon as you walked in you began drinking which was something they would normally do but not you. This was wrong. You couldn’t be like them. You had to be better than they were especially since you were their angel, their saving grace. 
Steve huffed, having enough of the sight before him as he stomped to your side and grabbed your wrist. 
“Y/N, stop. You’ve had enough.”
“Oh, really Steve Harrington? You’re telling me when I’ve had enough?”, you cackle as you yank your arm back and dip the cup into the bowl. Before it can reach your lips, he pulls it from your grasp making you whine. “Jesus fucking Christ. Isn’t this what you always wanted? Me getting wasted with you while the freak gets stoned.”
You continue to drunkenly laugh making them both glare at you. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, I’m warning you.”, he growls as you reach another cup and fill it. 
“What are you going to do, Stevie? Ruin my relationship? Your partner in crime already did that. Accidently almost get me killed? We can check that off. Break my fucking heart…” You raise your glass in their direction. “Done and done.” After chugging back the liquid, you feel your body begin to sway. “Steve…” Suddenly, it feels like your legs no longer work as you fall into his arms. 
Effortlessly, he lifts you up against his chest and carries you out the door. Your mind drifts in and out as things happen around you. You feel quick movement that you assume is a car driving. 
“No! No!”, you grumble as you fight against something holding you. 
“Y/N, calm down. We’re in Eddie’s van. Everything’s ok.”
Your head violently shakes before your eyes get heavy and you feel yourself fading. “Don…don leave…don’t leave me again.”
When your eyes open once more, you’re being carried again and you smell cigarette smoke in the air. You mumble something but your struggling to form words as you feel your body being laid flat on something soft. 
“No sweetheart. You’re at my trailer. Just sleep it off, ok?”
“Are they ok?”
“Who, honey?”, the other boy asked.
“Steve and Eddie. Did they…get hurt?”, you start to drunkenly sob. “Please…are they safe?”
“Y/N, go to sleep, baby.”, Eddie soothed as you felt his arm wrap around you and your mind finally shut off as you passed out.
“We’re assholes.”
You wake up a few hours later but keep your eyes closed when you hear their gravelly voices on either side of you. 
“What’s your point?”
“Munson, look at her!”, Steve hisses. “She’s never been like this. She’s never been so…angry.”
“Well, what the fuck should we do, Harrington? We love her and she loves us to. I know she does. It’s good that preppy fucker is out of the picture.”
“I don’t like this…”
“Oh? Then tell me, Steve. Why did you let Olivia Samuels suck your cock in the locker room last week? Or make out and fucking grind on that girl you brought to the movies? Why are you still drinking alcohol like its fucking water?!”
“Really, Eddie? You want to lecture me right now? You were the one that always flipped out anytime anyone would even look at her! I’m surprised you even fucking noticed with how many times you’re so fucking high on that blow you pass out wherever your body lands.”
They both become silent but you can feel the heated energy between them. 
“Look…”, the metalhead sighs. “We can do better. We can be what she needs. We just…”
“What do I need?”, you mumble as your eyes finally open. “What do I need, Eddie?”
“You need us to stop idiots, to give up our vices. You need us to love you the way you deserve.”
You shake your head as you sit up and rub your eyes.
“You’ll never understand. I gave up on trying to make you a long time ago. I need to go home.”
As you try to slide of the bed, Steve’s palm grips your arm and pulls you back down. “Explain it to us then.”
“I need you to actually love me.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, Y/N? We do.”
“Flush your stash.” Eddie’s eyes search yours as you glare confidently back at him. “Flush your stash and tell Wayne what you’ve been doing. Let him help you get clean.” You shift your gaze towards Steve. “Throw away the flask in your back pocket and pour out all the booze you have hidden around your room. Come clean about the accident and tell Hopper you need help getting sober.”
Neither boy moves or says anything and you laugh as you slide out of bed searching for your shoes. 
“What does that have to do with loving you? Huh? We can give up all that crap without us having to get in trouble.”
“It’s accountability, Eddie! That’s what I need! I need you to take responsibility for your vices and the damage they fucking caused. You say you love me and I don’t doubt that. I really don’t. But the truth is and always has been, that you love that stuff way more then you ever loved me!”
You feel the tears start to surface but you refuse to let them see as you suffocate them down. 
“Glen was right. I’m just another drug for you two to use and, honestly, you’re like a drug to me but unlike you I’m strong enough to let you go.”
As you reach for the door, a strong hand grabs your arm and shoves you against the wall. 
“Miss high and mighty over here. You want to play that game? You’re weak just like us according to you. ‘I’m strong enough to let you go.’” You cringe as Eddie mimics your tone. “If you’re so fucking strong then follow through, little girl. Say you don’t love us. My offer still stands from the pool. Say you don’t love us anymore and we’ll leave you the fuck alone.”
“Even if I do say it, you won’t. With the way things are now, you two can barely function without me.” You giggle as his eyes darken with anger. “Seriously. For the past 3 months you haven’t notice you have gotten worse? And not just with the booze and drugs. Steve…Olivia told everyone that you came early.” As you laugh harder, you can see them getting angrier but at this point you don’t care. “She said…that’s why she stopped at a blow job because she didn’t think you could make her cum even though you offered. And you Eddie, did you know they have private Hellfire meetings without you? Dustin is their Dungeon master now.”
Steve abruptly comes from the side and throws you over his shoulder as he carries you back to the bedroom kicking and screaming before tossing you back on the mattress. 
“Say it. Say our fucking safe word and I’ll take you home so you can continue sitting up there on your self-righteous pedestal.”, he growls as he straddles his body on top of yours.
“Fuck you!”, you shout as you spit in his face. You push against his hold on you but he’s stronger, keeping you down with one hand as he uses his other to wipe off your saliva. 
“Open. OPEN YOUR MOUTH, Y/N!” When you don’t do as he commands he pinches your cheeks between his fingers forcing your mouth to pout open before spiting between your lips onto your tongue. “Swallow it. We both remember how good you are at swallowing things.”, he snickers. “Eddie, can you help me?”
The metalhead, who had been watching the whole thing unfold thus far, climbed onto his bed so he could unbutton your jeans and pull them down. 
“5 bucks she’s dripping.” Eddie pressed his fingers against the fabric of your panties between your legs. “Oh, yeah. What’s wrong, sweetheart? Fucking boy scout hasn’t been taking care of you?”
“Believe me, he has. He’s made me cum harder than you both ever did. Probably because he was actually fucking coherent.” You wiggled enough to get Steve off of you and push Eddie backwards as you ran into the hallway.  The metalhead was faster, catching your arm, and shoving you against the wall. Holding his palm against your chest, he pinned you against it as he tore off your underwear and sunk down to his knees.
You gasped when his mouth wrapped around your clit as his tongue worked its magic. This is what you needed and they knew that; it was something they were good at. For a while you thought maybe it was the roughness that allowed you to relieve some of the stress you always built up especially when it came to them but after not having them for so long you realized it was so much more than that. You enjoyed the idea of them needing you. Of doing whatever possible in the moment to make you stay and make you theirs. 
Lifting your leg over his shoulder, he pressed his face further into your cunt making you moan as you clung to his hair on the back of his head. 
“Why do you fucking lie to us?”
“Mmm…I don’t.”
“Yes, you do, honey. First you say you don’t love us and then you claim that your boyfriend is better in the sack than we are. Come on, baby.”, Steve coos as he leans on his arm by your side.
“I-I—fuck—I don’t…he is better.” Just as the coil was about to snap, Eddie stopped and abruptly rose to his feet. “No! No, please.” Your hands cupped his face as his fingers took over and he pushed two inside of your entrance, moving them so fast the sound of your arousal filled the hallway. “Please.”
“Don’t lie. Tell us the truth.”
“Why do you get to lie…but…but I can’t!”
“Because you’re better than us.”, Steve answered. “We all know that.”
You whine as he cuts your pleasure short again and as you begin pushing back against them, Eddie holds you still with this shoulder as he straightens his arm and moves his fingers again to build you up. “Please…”
“Say it, Y/N.”
“I’ve—mmm—I’ve never slept with him! We haven’t even done anything besides kiss.”, you cry as your arms circle around his neck. “Please, Eddie. Please.”
“You can cum, sweetheart. That’s it. Use my fingers to cum.” Your hips grinded against his hand as you clung tightly to him. “There you go. Come on, pretty girl. I can feel you squeezing me.” Your body shuttered as you came and his free arm promptly caught you as your knees buckled.  
You crashed your lips to his, humming at that familiar cigarette taste as his tongue grazed your own. Your fight wasn’t as forceful this time as you pushed him to get away. Falling to the floor, Eddie wrestles with you, pushing you onto your stomach, and holding you down with his palm between your shoulder blades as you listen to him unbuckle his belt and jeans. 
“One lie down, one more to go. Tell us you love us, princess.”
“I hate you.”, you grumble into the carpet below you. 
“Did you hear that, Stevie? She fucking hates us!” Your body trembles as he runs the tip of his cock between your folds. “You should tell that to your pussy honey because it’s just sucking me in.”
You both groan as he guides himself fully into you and you force down the tears of happiness that try to push free. They always felt so good inside of you, knowing exactly what you needed and how to get you there. As Eddie thrust into you roughly, you felt fingers brush your hair away from your face and you opened your eyes to meet Steve’s who was lying beside you.
“Say it, baby. We know you do. Why do you keep torturing yourself?”, he murmured as he continued to pet your head. “I mean look at you. How long as it been since anyone made you feel good like this?”
Lost in the feeling of you, Eddie pushed you further into the carpet causing you to squeak and wince as you grabbed your side while the other boy’s hand shot out to grip his friend’s arm.
“Y-Yellow. I’m sorry.”, you cried and the metalhead shook his head as he pulled out and slowly turned you onto your back. 
“No reason to be sorry, sweetheart. You’ve never had any reason to be. Unlike us assholes.”, he softly chuckled as he laid on top of you making sure most of his weight was on his forearms. “Is this ok? Am I hurting you?”
Wrapping your hand around the back of his neck, you tug his lips to your own. Reaching between your bodies, you grip his cock and guide it back into your core. 
“I love you.”, you whisper as his glassy eyes quickly scan over your face trying to get a read on you. “I love you, Eddie Munson, so much.”
His head fell beside yours as he thrust his hips into you, panting into your neck as your nails ran down his back and into his hair. 
“I love you to, Y/N. I’m sorry, princess. I’m so fucking sorry for everything. For—fuck—for what I said at the theater. For yelling at you and being jealous all the time. Oh my god… For leaving you there that night.” You mewled as he pumped into you harder, his cock repeatedly hitting that spot inside you that had you suffocating the screams of pleasure that wanted to escape. 
“It was my idea, Y/N. I told him we should leave. I-I told him you’d be fine. I’m so sorry.”
You barely heard him as your legs wrapped around his waist. It was all things you had heard before and he still wasn’t mentioning what you really needed from him, what you had mentioned before about flushing his stash. He wasn’t even acknowledging that the drugs were part of why he did the things he did. 
“I know, baby. Make me cum, Eddie, please.”
Pushing up on his hands, his hair tickled your face as he picked up his pace, groaning as his eyes squeezed shut. 
“Say it again, sweetheart, please. Tell me that you love me.”
As you closed your eyes, flashes of the boy you met all those years ago passed through your mind. The boy who made you laugh, who wrote songs for you to strum on his uncle’s guitar which was a bit too big across his chest. The man who took you to concerts and danced with you in the aisle at the movie theater as you waited for it to start. 
“I love you, Eddie.”
Arching your back, your hands gripped his forearms as you came. The metalhead grunted at the feeling as you tightened around him, slamming into you till you felt him warm your insides with his release. 
Collapsing to the side of you, he tried to catch his breath as you turned to find Steve starring at you with those beautiful but needy eyes.
“I love you to, Steve Harrington.” 
He exhaled heavily in relief as he delicately slid you closer to him and placed his lips on yours. It didn’t take long for his kisses to become passionate and he spun you on to your side till your back was against his chest. He fumbled with his belt and pants before pushing them down as much as he could, lifting up your leg by your thigh, and guiding himself into your entrance. 
His heavy breathing filled you ear as you lean back into his warm chest reminding you of the boy who held you close to him while you three would swim in the lake. The boy who pretended not to be scared by horror movies but always jumped and pulled you closer after any scary scene. The man who showed up with flowers randomly because he said he was just thinking about you and wanted to get you something nice. 
“I love you, baby. I’m…I’m sorry to. I shouldn’t have left you and we shouldn’t have stayed away. I’m a fucking coward, honey.” Your arm looped around his neck as you kissed his lips. “I don’t know what we would have done if we lost you, Y/N.”
“You did.” His rhythm slowed as he looked down at your face. “You haven’t had me for months. Did things better?”
Steve’s jaw tightened as he wrapped his arms tightly around yours and began pumping into you slow and deep making you groan. 
“Things will get better, Y/N. I promise. I don’t care what I have to do. Fuck my dad, fuck these people, fuck this town!”
Eddie’s worried eyes met his as your face scrunched and your nails dug into his skin. 
“Am I hur—”
“No. No. Harder, Steve. Please.”
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the trailer as he did what you asked. 
“Is that what you need, baby girl? Fuck…I’ll give you anything.”
As his fingers reached down to play with your clit, his other hand gripped your throat as you tilted back moaning his name as you came. His own face scrunched in pleasure as his mouth fell open and with a few more rough thrusts came inside of you as well. 
You laid on your back staring at the ceiling as you tried to control the urge to cry. There was a part of you that wished you could back to before the accident when you were still slightly ignorant to their behavior. When they would scoop you up and give you a bath, curl up with you in bed, and talk about different things. 
That was always just an illusion though and it was now completely shattered. Eddie lifted off your shirt as Steve carried you to the shower, turning it on for you, and held your hand as you stepped inside. As he sat on the counter, from behind the shower curtain, you heard his heavy sigh before the quiet clinking of his flask pushed through the silence. 
When you stepped out, he softly smiled and handed you a towel as he led you back to Eddie’s room. The boy quickly wiped his nose before grinning in your direction and handed you his clothes you used to sleep in but his smile faltered when you hesitated. 
“I’m sorry. I just assumed you would sleep here like you used to.”
It was your turn to smile but it didn’t stop the tears that began to flow. They reached for your hands and pulled you between them, whispering promises they could never deliver as the comforted you. 
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tobiasdrake · 30 days
We go from the best fight in the X-Men filmography thus far straight to Charles Xavier sitting in a room, looking into the camera and explaining the plot. Okay guys. XD
One of the main jobs this film has is to bridge First Class, which became more or less a reboot, with the original trilogy. So they can go in new directions and do different things with the characters without outright saying, "The original movies up through Origins: Wolverine aren't canon anymore, sorry."
Days of Future Past is what's commonly referred to as a soft reboot, where continuity gets to start over from scratch but with an explanation offered in-universe that connects it to the previous continuity.
Time travel and multiverse shenanigans are often the go-to for carrying out soft reboots. The Chris Pine Star Trek films, for instance, take place in an alternate timeline created when Spock and a bad guy traveled back in time and messed up the series canon.
The Marvel multiverse is basically designed to allow Marvel writers to make continuity-free re-imaginings of the Marvel universe and then go "That one is Universe 42069, it has its own canon somewhere out there in the multiverse unrelated to the mainline comics."
DOFP intends to do that for the Foxverse, liberating the cast of the newer X-films from the shackles of the old canon and letting them spin out in a new direction.
But before we can do that, Charlie Boy needs to explain the plot that will get us there.
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Magneto chimes in to explain Mystique's powers, like Bobby and Kitty don't already know her. XD
Actually, come to think of it, Kitty only formally became one of the X-Men in Last Stand, the movie that took Mystique's powers away. And Bobby wasn't really an X-Men X-Man until that same movie, despite being present for the whole trilogy. They actually might not know who Mystique is.
Huh. Objection retracted.
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Then again, Colossus recognizes her. And he was no more involved in X-Men Stuff than Kitty was.
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Xavier goes on to assert that he, too, has watched First Class and thought it was pretty sweet. Don't let the face of Patrick Stewart fool you; Despite this personal history having never come up in the original trilogy, it is still an important part of the two characters' relationships with one another.
As an artistic note, I love how she shapeshifts into a human form when he says, "I knew her as Raven." A subtle call-out to their conflict from First Class - or, at least, what it was supposed to be in First Class even though the film doesn't convey it well.
We're told, in the film, that Xavier never appreciated her natural mutant self and preferred that she try to pass as human. They kinda botched their attempts to show it, but it was the clear intent. In a subtle reference to it here, when Magneto talks about her we see her in her true form, but when Xavier reminisces on how fondly he remembers her, she shifts into her human guise.
These two men both fondly remember Mystique, but they have very different memories of who she was.
(Where is she, anyway? Did the Sentinels get her? Is she still mutant-cured?)
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Yeah, Xavier's good at that. Remember that time he was losing a tense negotiation with Magneto and Jean so he just started throwing punches, basically forfeiting the argument and pushing Jean into Magneto's arms as hard as humanly possible? Not so different from what happened with Mystique when you think about it.
Xavier offers a sanctuary for mutants on the run from the dangers of the world, and that's great. But his powers of persuasion leave much to be desired.
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Logan gets all sad and grimly reports that Mystique killed again after that. Bit of a weird moment. Like, it's performed as if he's referencing the death of another character that was important to him. Something we would instantly recognize and be like, "Oh, fuck, my heartstrings."
I have no idea who that might be, though. He didn't even know her in her youth to be sad about who she became. One time she beat him up and then he stabbed her, and then another time she tried to trick him into having sex with her under false pretenses. That is the entire extent of their relationship.
Why are you so sad about Mystique killing people, Logan? Who did she ever kill that could be haunting you like this? Don't you have enough ghosts already? Do you really need to borrow Charlie's?
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The Sentinels are using Mystique's powers to acquire Sunspot's heat powers and Colossus's steel plating and Iceman's cryokinesis.
Meanwhile, poor Mystique can't do any of that. It sucks when people steal your powers and then get whole new abilities you didn't possess out of them.
You know, you'd think in the decades she was hanging out with Magneto, the two of them would have done something about this. Did the fact that humans captured her and performed invasive experiments to steal her powers just... slip Mystique's mind?
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"Less than 50 years." My dude, that is a long-ass time to be working on one project. XD These things were in production hell for half a century.
Xavier's like, "When Mystique killed Trask, it convinced the world that they needed his program. And then the humans stayed mad about it for FIFTY YEARS."
FIFTY YEARS. Two generations later, it was still just Trask that they were mad about. Nothing else that happened in that time, nothing in the entire original X-Men trilogy, ever moved the needle one way or the other. It was always about Trask. They were very slowly building the Sentinels the entire time and nothing else mattered.
Senator Kelly's entire anti-mutant career was pointless because humanity already had made up its mind to kill mutants with Sentinels. Trask is the one and only bullet point of history that matters. XD
I understand why this is so janky. Stopping the assassination of Trask is meant to be the emotional goal of the film. We have to stop Mystique from becoming a murderer, because that sets her down the road to being evil.
But "We have to stop her from killing the man making Genocide Machines" wouldn't be a compelling narrative on its own. Because. Like. Fuck that guy. Mystique did nothing wrong.
So the assassination also needs to be the apocalyptic cornerstone around which the fate of the universe revolves. Killing Trask has to directly cause the creation of the Sentinels, but the film also wants to be set in the 70's and has to account for the fact that none of this was a thing in the original trilogy.
So. The humans just. Stayed mad about Trask for fifty fucking years while working on the slowest weapons development project in the history of the arms race. Which has the knock-on effect of meaning that none of the mutant-human relations stuff from the original trilogy mattered, 'cause the humans were building the Sentinels behind the scenes that whole time.
That is an incredibly bleak revision. @_@
Nobody tell Charles, but if there was enough hatred towards mutants to sustain a fifty-year grudge over Trask's death, it wasn't really about Trask's death.
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foxgangfoxgang · 1 month
Parasite (Yandere!Best Friend! Wooyoung x Reader) Short Story
WARNING: Mentions of murder, graphic descriptions of dead bodies, violence, kidnapping, implied stalking
Wooyung knew everything about you, your favorite color, your favorite book, how many phones you’ve broken, how you check your pulse in the morning, where you hide your stash of candy cause you can’t have them, when you’ve started taking birth control. Wooyoung had to know he was your best (and soon to be only) friend, you two met during elementary school and were joined at the hip since then. You both are now in college and you started to drift apart much to Wooyoung’s dismay. You began to hang around  other people who knew nothing about you, not like Wooyoung, you even started to talk to this boy on campus...Wooyoung is the only man you should be talking to. 
Jealousy and hatred bubbled like a hot cauldron in Wooyoung as he couldn’t stand not being around you all the time, the final nail in the coffin was when Wooyoung over heard your friends talking about him in the school library. “I don’t understand why Y/N hangs around him?” “Her...more like him, he’s like a lost puppy with her” “I’m surprised he doesn’t go to the bathroom with her” “Please it’s like his apart of her, like a parasite” ...parasite? Wooyoung scoffed he’s not a parasite, a parasite is creature that latches onto its victim and ruins them for its own benefit, that’s not Wooyoung, he’s not a parasite. They are, those new friends of yours they’re the parasites, they wormed their way into this pre-existing friendship and have been taken you away from him.
Wooyoung would storm out of the library his anger peaking as all he could do is think about getting rid of the parasites around you. He knew he had a bad feeling about those friends, they loved to party and be out at insane hours of the night, that wasn’t you. You’re a introvert, who likes to stay inside, watch a kdrama or anime, read with a cup of tea or the occasional coffee next to you, you like to stay to yourself.  Ever since those friends came along you’ve been going to clubs and parties, drinking cocktails and shots like its water, wearing revealing skimpy clothes, drunk flirting with random men and women. None of that was you.
Days would pass as you began to worry for Wooyoung, he usually calls and texts you everyday, or at least comes to your apartment. He’s been radio silent and what’s worse is that one by one your new friends started to disappear, at first you thought they were busy with classes and after school clubs, but soon rumors began to spread, rumors about a potential serial killer kidnapping people. You worried for your friends as they all weren’t picking up text or calls, you started to struggle sleeping, your mind wondered on if your friends were okay, you couldn’t eat due to the twisting knots in your stomach, you felt tired, drained, nothing could soothe you as you wondered about the whereabouts of everyone. 
Finally after two months your tension would break when Wooyoung called you to go on a night drive, something you both enjoyed. You happily took the offer as you needed the comfort as well as missing your best friend, the time spent was relaxing you didn’t think about your missing friends or the rumored murderer. It was just you and Wooyoung. Wooyoung was driving the car as the radio played quietly, the two of you enjoyed the silence and the night sky filled with stars. “Y/N” Wooyoung called out, you acknowledged him “Am I your best friend?” he asked. You were taken aback, where was this coming from, true you two had slowly started to drift apart but that was natural when you go off to college.
“Of course, we’ve been friends since elementary school” you answered curious about his question. Wooyoung smiled, it wasn’t his usual smile, this smile was off. “Good, I just had to make sure” he said, you nod your head looking back out the window nothing but the dark forest being your view. Silence would take over again until Wooyoung pulled off onto a dark dirt road. You notice the change of direction and look to your best friend, that same off putting smile on his face. After about 20 minutes Wooyoung stops the car. 
He climbs out and you quickly follow not wanting to be separated, Wooyoung confidently walked ahead as you stumbled trying to keep up. “Um woo, where are we going?” you ask, Wooyoung doesn’t say anything and keeps walking till he reaches a small shack. Wooyoung turns to you, “I hate your new friends” he says. You furrow your eyebrows, “What?” you say confused by the sudden statement, Wooyoung’s smile drops his gaze darkens “I hate those fucking rats you call friends, they’re awful Y/N, snobby little party tricks who’ve poisoned you, who changed you, you were never a party type and you still aren’t” a sense of dread began to leer over you, “I heard them one day at the library, they were talking so bad about me...they called me a parasite” Wooyoung clenched his teeth hissing out the last word.
You felt uneasy at Wooyoung’s behavior, “Do you think that about me? Do you think I’m a parasite” Wooyoung asked, you weren’t one to tell half truths, Wooyoung was super clingy and he was very suffocating, when you both went to college you had hoped you and him would find new friend groups to be around. Wooyoung loved to dance and he was very good at it, you had hoped and tried to influence him to join the campus dance team ‘Ateez’ but he complained it would be too time consuming and he’d miss being around you. 
“N...No Woo, I don’t think....where is this coming from, Wooyung why are we out here” you hadn’t notice at first but from the shack, a horrendous smell was emitting from the area, the smell of rotting flesh. In a flash your heartbeat dropped. “We’re out here so you can see who the real parasites are” Wooyoung grabs your hand and opens the shack door, the smell punches you in the face as you gag and hold your nose. Wooyoung drags you inside, a scream rips from your throat as there in the shack laid the bodies of your friends. The sight was out of a true crime podcast, bodies were dirty, holes in some of your friends arms and legs as maggots crawled in and out of them, some of your friends were missing their eyes, one was missing their entire lower jaw, dried and dead leaches rest on and around some of the bodies, dried blood decorated the floor. 
You felt vomit rise from your stomach and out of your mouth as the sight burned itself into your brain. Wooyoung rubbed your back and shushed you gently, “It’s ok, it’s fine, you don’t have to feel pity for them” Wooyoung said. You felt tears run down your face as you look to your “best friend” in horror. “What did you do” you asked shaking. Wooyoung smiled again “I got rid of the problem, these low life bitches were toxic, and you always talk about how toxic people need to cut out of our lives to have a healthier mindset” Wooyoung explained grabbing your hands. It felt like he was lighting you on fire just by touching you. 
“Wooyoung you killed them, you sick bastard, you’re a murderer” you cried trying to pull away. “I’m not the bastard they were, they tried to steal you away from me Y/N, you’re my best friend, MINE” Wooyung gripped your hands tighter, “They called me a parasite, me a parasite?!” Wooyoung would crush your hands if you didn’t free them soon. The tears on your face were hot as you couldn’t look at neither Wooyoung or the horrific scene near you, “you are” you whimper. Wooyoung felt his world stop, he didn’t hear you right. “Say it again” he said, you sob as you felt like fainting “You are, You are a parasite Wooyoung, you’re a PARASITE” you scream at him. Wooyoung felt his heart stop, you think he’s a parastie, you agree with those bitches.
Wooyoung stared at you for a moment before letting your hands go. You fall to your knees sobbing harder. Wooyung doens’t say a word he simply walks away from you and to his truck, you’re stuck on the floor as you hear rustling for a moment then silence. Wooyoung returns with a shovel in his hand, you look to Wooyoung who has an unreadable look on his face, he grips the shovel tightly as his eyes bore down at you. “Woo-” before you could finish his name Wooyoung swung the shovel at you and struck you out cold. 
Wooyoung stares down at you as he begins to laugh as he goes and starts to drag the dead bodies out of the shack, “If that’s what you all think then fine...I am a parasite” 
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kltira · 2 months
Lmao was cutting up a pork roast for tamales before I then cut my finger. I practically bled everywhere before I bandaged it up. Then I almost legit passed out which hasn’t happened to me b4 w/ blood. Can I get Nagito hurt/comfort where I’m his gf/fiance & he comfort’s me after I cut my finger?
┊₊˚{☁️}  “Band-Aids” ₊˚꒦。
꒦꒷︶꒷ ꔫ Requested by...꒱꒱ @oceanmoonlune ( #cutiekittysender : oceanmoonlune )
ꔫ Fandom꒱꒱ Danganronpa
ꔫ Genre ꒱꒱ Fluff {100% sfw}
ꔫ Type and pairing꒱꒱Oneshot ( Nagito x Reader )
ꔫ Pronouns꒱꒱ She/Her, fem reader
ꔫ Content Warning(s)꒱꒱Blood, pet names, nagito self degrading himself, danganronpa spoilers, swearing
ꔫ Summary꒱꒱ Making food is more difficult than it seems. Before Nagito got home from class, you were only attempting to prepare him some lunch, but it appears that your cutting abilities aren't as strong as you had assumed. You got reckless and cut your finger very badly. Fortunately, Nagito arrived home in time to rescue you from your injury.
ꔫ Author note(s)꒱꒱OUCH! I hope you're okay! <333 Yes, I would be honored to write this request, especially since I have a huge crush on Nagito hehe.
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In your relationship, Nagito was adamant about spoiling you rotten; ‘you were his whole world and gave him so much hope it was the least he could do’ he would always say, like it was the simplest thing in the world and didn’t cause your heart beats to speed up and time freeze around you. Nagito wouldn’t let you lift a finger if he could help it, and thus he would often happily cook for you both. Nagito’s cooking was surprisingly delicious, even if he doubts that claim. Today you had an idea while Nagito was still in class: you wanted to return the favor and cook something for your loving boyfriend to eat when he returns. Here you are making a basic bento box, which you thought you could manage since it does not require much culinary expertise. You continued to tuck bits and pieces of the meal into the little box, humming a tune along the way. However, you wanted to add one more ingredient. Seeking a specific sharp object, you eyed the kitchen counter, and soon after, you found it, removing the knife from its holder. The knife glittered in the sunlight, showing off how sharp it was. You took the handle, gripping it firmly and eyeing the cucumber in its entire form. With a confident hand, you began slicing through the cucumber, the blade gliding through its skin. Lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice how your grip on the knife tightened with each cut, until, with a swift motion, the knife slipped, and you felt a sharp pain shoot through your finger, and before you could react, a trickle of blood ran down your hand, dripping to the floor.
Your movements halted abruptly, a jolt of fear coursing through you as you instinctively attempted to shield the injury with your other hand, a surge of panic gripping at your chest. The cut appeared more substantial than you initially thought, the sting of pain reverberating through your nerves, a reminder of your heightened sensitivity. "shit, shit, shit!!" you hissed through your teeth as you cupped your hand under the dripping blood, a sloppy attempt to not make a mess.
Luckily or unluckily you didn’t know, but you heard the creak of the door opening and your certain loveable white haired boyfriend walked in. You questioned the time as he appeared unexpectedly early, unless you simply lost track. You idly shake your head, clearing your thoughts. It wasn’t the time to worry about that, though, as you were still bleeding everywhere. You looked over to Nagito as he entered with a widened expression. Nagito dropped all his things and rushed to your side without a word. He looked with gentle eyes at your injury as he took your finger into his hand releasing a deep breath out in relief. "...I somehow feel my bad luck caused this, how could you ever forgive me my love?" Nagito frowned. You shook your head putting your uninjured hand to his soft cheek in a comforting manor "Koma, I just cut myself making you food. By no means is this anyway your fault by your mysterious luck cycle or whatever." Nagito pouted at this but knew better than to insist on his self deprecating behaviour. He seemed to have turned around back to his bag he dropped unzipping the front pocket and taking out bandaids he kept with him for such unfortunate accidents. "...You made made food for me?" Nagito questioned as he delicately wrapped the bandage around the small wound on your finger giving it a small kiss before looking back at you for a response. Your face heated up as you flexed your now bandaged finger "Y-yeah! It's...It's not much, but I wanted to do something for you!" Nagito's eyes glimmered while he looked into yours with nothing but love and admiration. "...I love you so much, my hope" he says cracking a smile; soon enough before you could mutter an 'i love you too' he was leaning in and kissing your soft lips his hands brushing a strand of your hair away from your face. He kissed you with pure bliss until you both ran out of breathe and needed to separate even if your whines suggested other needs. The white haired boy eyes darted behind you to the almost finished bento box that he now knows was for him, it made his heart flutter just thinking about how generous you were even if it was just a simple act. "Well, my hope, how about we finish making the bento box together?" he tilted his head and gave a blushed over smile before going over behind you and putting his hands around your waist holding you close to him.
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jkoo-njoo · 2 years
College crush - 1
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summary : college au | when the frontier between a crush and an obsession blurs, how can you draw the line ? 
pairing : shy n clingy bf! jk x black fem! reader
genre : fluff, soft yandere | headcanons
word count : 956, on going
warnings : light stalking, fixation
author’s note : I have loooots of unfinshed drafts that have been pilling up and this is one of them !! This is my first time trying out headcanons AND a multiple part fic!!! Also this story is going to feature some yandere/oblivious type of reasoning. The summary is kinda dramatic but nothing immoral or out of pocket will happen I swear. hope u enjoy ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
next / masterlist
1 / the loving bird & the shining gemstone
Jungkook couldn’t be more bored while walking around campus going to his next class ; but when his eyes landed on the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, it was as if a thunderbolt hit him right at the top of his head.
- Him seeing you for the first time
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing,,, he was completly starstruck
You had such soft features. Your gorgeous almond eyes holding that fierce gaze of yours, your cute round nose and your beautiful plump lips were all so mesmerizing to look at.
You were sprinting around the campus, looking as absent minded as him, with your head in the clouds
Yet you had so much confidence in your walk, your long braids bouncing on your back with each step you took with assurance
He was so struck on you that he didn’t even notice how he stopped dead in his track in the middle of the pathway, starring at you with wide eyes and an open mouth
He felt so light-headed, like he just witnessed the apparition of an angel right in front of him 
Entering one of the doors leading to the campus’ library, you disappeared from his sight
He went on with his day, but he never stopped thinking about you. Even if he tried, he couldn’t get you out of his mind
He longed the feeling you gave him, in his stomach
It was... so sudden, yet so impactful..?
He absolutely needed to see you again.
- Longing you
A few weeks passed after the first time he saw you
And he has started to see you literally everywhere : in the hallways, in lectures, at the cafeteria, and even at the convenience store near the dorms
At the begining it was pure coincidence, or dare he say luck
But after sometimes, it was more so his doing, simply because he couldn’t go a whole day without trying to see you at least once.
You were fascinating to him. He was growing fond of all your daily habits and your little quirks
Like your favorite spot at the library ; or the one snack you take every single time to eat during your studies (triple chocolate fudge cookies - you need to eat more fruit >:() ; or even the way you run late to your classes sometimes and he thinks that’s it’s impossible to look this gracious while running around the campus
He wanted to know more, like your favorite fragrances so he could buy you 10 bottles of it,
Or your favorite flowers so he would fill your desk with fresh ones every weeks
Or which hoodie of his do you prefer so he can give it up for you to wear because you would look so good in them and he would melt knowing that you were wearing his clothes  
He craved more of you in his life so bad ; but right now, he just felt like a stalker.
And the fact that you lived in the building right next to his did not arrange this feeling, because he has to take the same route as you to go home  
Now, he wasn’t complaining, at all
At least he could make sure that no one followed you and that you could go home safe
And if anyone ever tries to harm you in any way he will be there to protect you
Also its ok because he never followed you right in front of your door step ; that’s going too far. He’d never want to make you feel unsafe
Nevertheless, he had to find a way to get in contact with you.  
Now, it was easier said than done : he’s always been a very shy guy, not very comfortable socialising or making new friends
Talking to you and keeping you close would be one of the biggest challenge he’ll have to face since he started his college life ; 
But you can’t get nothing unless you get out of your comfort zone, right..? 
- Anticipation and hope
He had a plan.
A long-time plan. He had to be commmited for it to work
And oh was he ready
So, he remarked that you were in a photography club on top of your law studies
This was an incredible find by the way because he didn’t even know this club existed and he absolutely loves photography himself
He already contacted the head of the club and they said that the applications to enter the club for the year would close soon
And that it was welcoming to any level of photographer
This was the perfect pretext to slowly and smoothly enter your social circle and eventually your life
Just thinking about being close to you while doing something he loves gave him chills
While in the club, he’d just have to wait until they plan a group project or something so he’ll introduce himself to you ; then you do the project together ; then you fall head over heels in love for him ; then you get married
What do you mean it’s not realistic.
It’s absolutely feasible. 
He even looked up researches in psychology that prove that love at first sight exists. 
He even looked at techniques on how to make anyone obsessed with you
He will provoke it by becoming a constant & familiar occurence in your life, so you have no choice but to choose him.
So, it’s set : tomorrow, he will go and apply to enter the photography club ; and the plan will begin
He was so excited at the idea of seeing you more often, and mayhaps sitting right next to you
Just thinking about the possibilities made his heart race
After calming himself with deep breathes and a solid journal entry, he fell asleep
That night, like most these days, his mind was filled with fantasies of you, and his face adorned the most content smile of all 
He finally had you at the tip of his fingers
And he will not let you go.
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thatbigbisexual29 · 1 year
Getting Pushed Off the High Horse (Haikyuu!!)
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Soooooooooooo... hi everyone! It's been a while since I've posted a fic, and I deeply apologize! Life has been busy so hoping on the computer and writing is kind of a hard task, I'm sure some of you can relate. And don't worry, I'm still working on that lee!Hobie fic, but after that's posted I might stop with the Spiderverse fics for a while. I still love the movies, but I've ran out of tickle fic content for that certain fandom. So I'll try posting something new! Hence this fic! I've been a fan of Haikyuu for a while and started watching it again *shoves down at least 50 animes I've been putting on the back burner* Okok I've been rambling now, so here you go! Enjoy! :3
“Hell yeah! That spike was even better than my last one! Eat my dust Akaashi! Woo!” was what Bokuto was currently shouting at his teammate.
It was very uncaptain-like, but his friends knew him well to know that this was a common occurrence. Whenever the team practiced together, Bokuto’s gloating personality shone. Akaashi didn’t mind the showboating, he honestly didn't. But today was not the day.
First, he woke up 30 minutes late to school, had to make up an exam in his first period, spilled his lunch all over himself, read a passage wrong in his English class and got laughed at, found out he failed that first period exam, got a C on another exam, got fussed at for sleeping in class, and accidentally packed his dirty uniform rather than a clean one for practice, so he stunk really bad. Out of all the days the gods wanted to test him, this was the day. And Bokuto was no help. In fact, he was the one that caused Akaashi to spill his lunch. He apologized… but not after he cackled like a lunatic! He even threatened to make ‘soup crotch’ his new nickname. A ‘don’t you fucking dare’ look ended that threat quick and Bokuto even offered some clean clothes he had. Which was surprising since… well, since it’s Bokuto. 
And now, after that extra mean spike Bokuto just served, Akaashi’s anger was near its boiling point. He glared at his captain from the other side of the next, wanting so badly to wipe that smug smirk off of his stupid face. Bokuto caught on and had some shit to talk.
“Oooh, is someone mad he can’t block my spikes? You should have gotten used to it by now~ Isn't losing to me your strong point? Since you’ve been losing to me ever since we met, I thought you would have rolled over and accepted your fate already~” Bokuto purred, snickering when Akaashi’s glare grew sour. The ravenette responded with a quick, “Shut up, owl.”
“Don’t let him get in your head!” Konoha shouted. Akaashi shook his head and tried to focus. But today’s events just kept piling up every time he looked at Bokuto’s stupid, annoying face. He took a deep breath in and exhaled in an attempt to calm himself. As soon as these practices were over, he could go home. He just wanted to go home.
Washio served the ball and the game was in motion. After the back and forth tosses, Bokuto took his stand.
“Pass it to me!” he called. Akaashi kept eyes on his friend, watching the ball spin in the air towards him. He watched as the ace readied himself then ran to the net, Akaashi right in front of him. They jumped at the same time, Akaashi ready to block. Bokuto had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, one his best friend could spot a mile away. Then, there was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“Take THIS, soup crotch!!!” Bokuto’s scream echoed across the gym as the sound of the ball slamming on the court followed suit. When they landed, Akaashi struck. He immediately ducked under the net and tackled the older boy to the court. Surprised, Bokuto let out an undignified squeal before bursting into maniacal laughter. He guarded his head as Akaashi attempted to collide his fists to the other’s shitty hair. He wasn’t trying to seriously injure, he would never go that far, but a few bruises wouldn’t kill the ace.
“I! Told! You! To! Shut! Up!” Akaashi growled between blocked hits. Bokuto just laughed and laughed as he grabbed Akaashi’s wrists and held them up.
“Hahaha! Looks like soup crotch can’t take the teeeasiiiing~” Bokuto just had to keep it up. Akaashi’s eyes burned bright with a murderous fire. Without knowing what else to do, Akaashi ripped his arms from Bokuto’s grip and shoved them into his armpits. That probably wasn’t the best idea since his pits were extremely sweaty, and because Bokuto decided to show everyone his best rodeo bull impression.
Bokuto proceeded to shoot his arms to his sides and hug his chest, cackling hysterically as his friend attacked a particularly bad spot. Their teammates watched on with exasperated yet understanding smiles. And plus, they didn’t dare intervene. Not when Akaashi’s face looked like he was happily skinning his prey alive.
“Yeah, yeah! Nothin’ to say now, huh? Huh? You were all big talk not one second ago, where did that talk go? Where did it go Bokuto?! You shut up real quick when someone gets a few tickles in, don’tcha? Come on, tease me again! One more jab, one more mock, one more word I dare you!” Akaashi bellowed with a sadistic smile on his face. Bokuto howled with mirth as he rocked side to side, kicking his feet to try and lessen the tickly feeling somehow.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! A-AKAASHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! EHEEHEEHEE- GAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” screamed Bokuto. He could never handle tickles well, his friends knew this. Even a squeeze to his side would send him through the roof. But this was plain ol’ mean. Akaashi knew his weak spots better than anyone, and how to tickle just right so Bokuto ends up crying.
“Oh nuh-uh! You deserve this, you bastard! How are you able to read the court, but not your friend?! Why do you have to be so. Damn. Annoying?!” Akaashi growled as he now focused on Bokuto’s ribs, alternating between his massaging technique and his clawing technique. The poor ace finally managed to roll onto his stomach, but somehow, not being able to block out the tickles from behind made him even more ticklish. 
“REEHEEHEEHEEEEE!! AKA-AKAAHAHAHAHAHAHASHI! SAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRY! I’M SAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IT'S JUST- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IT’S SOHOHOHOHOHOHO EHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEASYYYYY! REEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEE!” Bokuto cried. He attempted to crawl away, but Akaashi kept him down by laying his shin over the small of his back. The rest of the Fukurodani team, who decided to take a water break since this might take a minute, laughed from the sidelines.
“Oh my god, he sounds like Scooby Doo!” One of them remarked. The others cracked up even louder, joined their voices with Bokuto’s in the echoing gym. Akaashi himself couldn’t stop himself from smiling earnestly either. Bokuto was a dummy, that fact wasn’t to be argued with. But at least he was a loveable dummy. Even when he’s more aggravating than sin. All the teases and jabs he made to Akaashi were all friendly. He didn’t have a sinister bone in his body. He probably thought that he was cheering up the setter, so no harm was truly intended. Such a moron, Akaashi thought to himself.
“Apologize! Or else!” Akaashi demanded, pausing the tickling and placing his hand on the back of Bokuto’s thigh. Bokuto flipped himself on his back with a panicked scream.
“I’M SORRY!!!! I’m sorry for calling you soup crotch! And for making you spill the soup! And for hitting those nasty spikes! Please please please please have mercy Akaashi!” Bokuto begged. Akaashi smirked and stood up, putting his hands on his hips.
“That’s right dumbass. Learn to cheer your friend up in different ways.” Akaashi was about to walk away when he felt Bokuto’s weak hand clasp his shorts. The ace panted heavily and gulped a few times, wanting to say something but unable to get it out just yet. Akaashi rolled his eyes fondly and waited.
“Aka- *gulp* Akaashi… *pant pant pant* Let’s stop by a store… *pant pant* and get… *gulp* meat buns? I’ll *pant* pay…!” Bokuto asked. The setter looked at him surprised, then smiled and nodded.
“That’s fine with me. Now get up and drink something before you pass out.” He pulled the ace to his feet and pushed him towards the bench. After practice, Bokuto kept to his word and bought them each five meat buns from a local convenience store. Akaashi didn’t need that much, but it was the thought that counts. He reflected back on today while walking home with Bokuto, who wouldn’t stop talking, and smiled. Eh, today wasn’t so bad, he thought. 
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animestsstuff2 · 7 months
•Sickly sweet•
Bakugou katsuki x vampire reader
Content warning: nothing lol! Not much going on
Part 2
You gripped your bag strap tightly, peering up at the school before you, U.A. Where people become heros. You were a bit late but when you live with someone who practically sleeps at least 23hours out of the day its something to be expected.
You walked in, seeing what looked like seniors littered the hallways. You passed the entrance exam, not that you actually needed to but you did anyways, placing 3rd. You sighed. Aizawa told you that you were in his homeroom, class 1-A. You walked up some stairs, eventually finding the large door and pushed it open. There were lots of kids. They looked over curiously, probably wondering who was coming in so late and if it was their teacher. You looked over them all and your cheeks heated up as they stared before they went back to their chatter, some giving me warm smiles.
You looked around for a seat and spotted one in between a boy with cream blonde hair and a guy with red hair. You walked over to the seat inbetween them.
"I-Is this seat taken?" You asked quietly, he turned to me and your eyes widened as his crimson ones met your own and he grunted.
His eyes are like yours, exactly like yours.
He turned back and face forward and you stood there awkwardly until a ruff, almost scratchy voice came from behind you. You turned and looked at the red headed boy. His sharp teeth grinning at you.
"No its free! Sit down" he smiled and you thanked him before sitting down.
You took your bag off, placing it on the ground and facing forward, wondering where your teacher was. It was your dad after all. He’s notoriously late but he was also working late last night. You turned feeling a tap on your shoulder to see the red haired boy looking at you.
"Hey. Im Ejiro kirishima, whats your name?" He asked and you smiled. He was seemed nice.
"Yuri" you answered. He nodded, saying your name once over.
"So whats your quirk, where you in the entrance exam?. I dont think i seen you" he asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah i placed third. My quirk is pretty average” You mumbled, it wasnt really a hero quirk.
"Oh hey! It cant be as bad as mine. I mean i can only harden my body" he grinned and You watched as he hardened his arm, You watched amazed. He would make such a great hero.
"No way! Is it actually fully hardened?" You asked, completely amazed. You reached your hand out not asking Kirishima if you could touch him but he didn’t protest, though his cheeks did flush slightly as you repeatedly ran your hand up and down the now jagged surface of his arm. You both however failed to notice a small purple grape boy who stood beside yous, watching.
"Hey hottie, hows about you feel me up" the nasally voice piped up behind you and you pulled away from kirishima who finally let out a breath and turned to the small purple boy behind you.
"Excuse me?" You asked, taken aback by how forward he was.
"I said hows about you fee-" you cut him off.
"No no. I heard you but why would you say that. I dont want to feel you up. Thats such a random thing to say to someone, what a pervert" you grumbled, glaring at him. Your crimson eyes peering into his own as he became flustered and annoyed.
"I-I'm not a pervert! Youre the pervent feeling that guy up!" He yelled and some classmembers looked over at the commotion.
"I am not. Kirishima was showing me his quirky which is pretty cool by the way. Youre the pervert asking random girls to feel you up!" You snapped, glaring at him. His eyes widened, feeling intimidated by your blood ones.
"O-Okay im sorry" he shot out and you nodded, sticking your tongue out.
"Yeah you better be. I was just admiring Ejiros awesome quirk" you grumbled, turning back to Kirishima and rolling your eyes as you both chuckled at the interaction
"Did you mean that?" He asked softly and you tilted your head slightly, confused. "About my quirk. I mean"
You nodded immediately, smiling at him. He blushed again.
"Yeah of course! Your quirk is awesome, your gonna make a great hero one day" you grinned and he smiled back, his confidence growing at your statement.
"Really! Thanks!" He grinned and then paused "hey! You never told me what yours is"
"Oh, um. Its not good. Its like a villain quirk if im gonna be honest. I can manipulate my blood" you mumbled and Ejiro eyes widened slightly. “It sounds like such villain quirk”
"No! Its pretty cool. I guess if it was other peoples blood that you could only use would be bad haha, how does it work" he smiled, leaning forward wanting to learn more.
"I, um. I can control just my blood and turn it into things but thats it, if I loose focus it’ll just turn back into liquid” you explained, fiddling with my fingers. You never really got good responses from others. They were always afraid id take their blood..
"Can you show me?" He asked, not one bit weirded out. You made him feel good about his, it is a manly thing to do to make someone feel better
You looked at him, slightly surprised. All the kids you went to school with thought you were a freak. Albeit you are not natural in the slightest. You brought your index finger to one if your fangs, biting down and pricking it. You watched as blood dripped out and stared at it. You watched as it moved upwards, before contorting it into a small circle.
"Woah! Thats so cool! You can practically make anything" he looked at the little ball blade. "Does it harden or stay liquid?"
"It hardens, look" you pushed the ball around in your palm, it left no trail but soon it disappeared.
"Hey, what happened?" He asked and you looked up at him.
"It does that, the small ones i make dont stay for very long" he nodded in acknowledgement and a peaceful silence took over but it really didnt last long until a slightly tired and almost bored voice spoke.
“Welcome to U.A hero course. I suggest you shut up. If you are only here to make friends I suggest you leave now” the class fell silent and everyone turned to stare at the black haired man who was taking a yellow sleeping bag off at the front of the room. You couldn’t help the small smile edge onto your face at your fathers antics
“My name is Shota Aizawa. Your teacher” he continued.
“Now everyone put these on and follow me outside”
You were now outside in your gym uniform. You all stood as Aizawa explained that he wanted to gauge you strengths and whoever gets the lowest is being expelled. The sun was pretty bright today.
"Bakugou, you scored highest in the entrance exam, why dont you go first" Aizawa stated and bakugou stepped up, taking the ball and stepping into the circle.
"DIE!" He yelled as he threw the ball using his quirk. The ball flew out of sight and aizawa recorded the score.
He got 705.2 metres.
"Yuri, youre next" he stated and you stepped forward as you were handed a ball.
You stepped into the ring and took a deep breath, concentrating and feeling your body prickle. The birds chirped louder and everything felt sharper. You pulled your arm back and threw with all your might. The ball soared into the sky becoming nothing more as the blue swallowed it. You didn’t think youd do as good as Bakugou. It was sunny and the sun causes weakness in your senses.
Aizawa turned the phone and you saw your score 706. You smiled and turned round seeing kirishima giving you a thumbs up and a smile. Bakugou however growled as you walked back he grabbed your wrist. Aizawa turning away as his phone rang.
"What the hell! You’re just a small weakling!" He snapped as he glared down at you and you swallowed thickly.
"Its just part of my quirk. I can increase my strength with my blood" you whispered, feeling very intimidated by the seething blonde over you.
“Bakugou, leave her alone. She beat you that just means shes working harder than you” Aizawa muttered and Bakugou grumbled, tossing your wrist aside and stomping back over to where he previously stood. You walked back to kirishima who gave a soft smile and patted your head making you giggle. You watched as everyone took turns before feeling someone nudge your arm and you looked to your right.
You moved on with the next exercise. It was a timed sprint. You watched as bakugou used his quirk and fired himself forward. Iida obviously excelling at this task with his engines on his calves. There was a girl who tapped her feet and watched as she rang across but she looked weightless.
It was now your turn and you were against tsuyu. She had frog like qualities. That was common, something similar to you. You smiled again as you got ready, when you were told to go before anyone could even comprehend what happened you stood at the finish line. Tsuyu cane fo the end also, hopping her way. She smiled at you and congratulated you. You walked over to the girl with short brown hair and smiled at her. Her quirk seemed cool.
"Hey whats your name?" You asked and she looked at you nervously. "Mines is Yuri”
"Oh its Uraraka Ochaco" she smiled. You smiled back, asking her what her quirk was.
"Oh! Its called zero gravity. I can make things float by touching them and making them weightless but it does make me feel sick!" She explained "whats yours?"
"I have heightened senses-" she cut you off
"Yeah i seen that! You practically teleported, it was so cool!" She grinned and you blushed slightly not used to compliments
"Th-Thank you! Your quirk is also super cool! I mean making things float that would be so helpful in rescuing people!" You grinned and she nodded, hearing aizawa state the next exercise. The day went on, one after one everyone competed and you did pretty good.
Izuku broke his finger. You gauged that he maybe has super strength and his body simply cannot handle it. He isnt very built when you look at him so that may be it.
The leaderboard appeared. You placed fourth. You smiled as you all entered back into the changing rooms. You took your clothes from your locker and walked out, seeing the bathroom straight ahead some boys were already done changing. One was kirishima.
"Hey Yuri. The changing room is that way" he stated nodding his head in the direction you came and you nodded.
"I know but i dont like getting changed infront of people" you mumbled, slightly embarrassed, looking as Kaminari, mineta and bakugou stared at you.
"O-Oh. Wait! Dont be embarrassed. That's completely normal" he stammered out and you say as mineta appeared beside him, so not manly of him to make you feel embarrassed!
"If you need any help Yuri. Ill certainly be of good assistance" he smirked, raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively.
"Ugh! You freaking PERVERT!" You shouted at him and he backed away, glaring at the purple pervert.
"Ok-okay! Geez, offer a woman some help and they act like that" he grumbled ready to turn around but you felt yourself grow angrier at his words. You reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back as you leaned down closely to his face.
"Excuse me! Why would i want a boy to help me get changed. Im perfectly capable of changing myself! You're such a PERVERT Mineta! Who do you think you are saying those things! Ugh! im gonna kill you" you growled at the boy who paled at your face. Your sharp fangs were on display and your crimson eyes glowered at the boy.
"Geez! What are you Bakugous girlfriend, getting so hotheaded!” He cried, pulling away from you and running behind kaminari.
You rolled your eyes, turning and going to the bathroom to get changed. When you exited. Kirishima invited you to join them for lunch. You were pretty hungry.
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toastnpretzels · 15 days
relationships: albert wesker x reader
word count: 3,963
warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral sex, smut, female reader, no happy ending (sorry), angst (im a slut for angst)
author's note: i posted this on ao3 last night while running on pure exhaustion so i didnt proofread this. i also wrote most of this while sitting in my ethics class lol. i took a long break from the star wars fandom altogether, but im not attempting to bring myself back by rewatching the bad batch (im in agony). expect some clone writing to be back very soon.
also sorry if you feel like this may be ooc for wesker, it definitely is but its how i wanted to write it. timeline is probably off as well.
thank you for any likes, comments, or reblogs. i love seeing them <3
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"Albert... please."
"No. You had your chance to run. This is it for you."
He grabs you by the throat, lifting you into the air. Your last breath is going to be stolen from a man you once called a friend. A man that was once your lover.
Grasping at his wrists, tears streaming down your face, you can feel your head getting fuzzy.
For a brief moment, there's a look in his eyes that says that he might let go, a smaller glimmer of the love he has for you. You pass out believing that you are dead, believing that he did not love you anymore.
A long time had passed since the days of S.T.A.R.S. The BSAA had been set on finding Wesker and anything left of Umbrella. After all of the pain he had caused, he needed to be stopped. Chris, Jill, and yourself had been looking for him for quite some time. You tried not to get too involved, knowing it would only cause you pain.
When you had met Wesker, you thought he didn't like you. Wesker was someone that always came off as cold and uncaring, but somewhere deep down he did have a heart. He rarely showed it, knowing that people would only see it as a way to exploit him. It didn't take very long after your first day at S.T.A.R.S. for Wesker to make a move on you. Looking back on it now, you are surprised he even did. He couldn't help himself. There was something about you that made him bend his own rules. He chose not to see anyone, knowing he wouldn't have time anyway with half of his time being dedicated by Umbrella and the other half dedicated to S.T.A.R.S. Caring for someone other than himself also gave himself another weakness, which he couldn't afford. Which is exactly why he suggested to keep it casual between you both. Something mutually beneficial. You knew it was a bad idea, that things like this only go wrong, but you agreed anyway. Wesker was attractive and you were lonely. What you didn't expect is just how much you would end up feeling for him, and just how much he would end up hurting you.
Everyone had suspected something was going on between you and the captain, but no one had any proof. Wesker didn't want anyone to know. Neither did you, honestly. It was bad enough that you were fucking your boss, it would have been much worse if everyone knew as well. They caught glimpses of conversations that seemed too personal for work, or small arguments that should have never even happened in the workplace. They never saw you two touch. That was kept only for in private. Whatever the team saw had only scratched the surface.
You couldn't call whatever was going on between you and Wesker a relationship. It had never progressed passed casual sex. There was no commitment between you two, at least not vocally. Wesker knew you were fully committed to him, but he was committed to Umbrella. He couldn't let go of that. He knew that if you were in a relationship, you would inevitably find out about his involvement with Umbrella. You were smart enough to figure it out, but he didn't want to risk that. Not that soon at least. It eventually came out anyway. You were there when the Arklay Mansion incident happened. Wesker had tried to make you stay at the station, but he knew it would draw even more red flags if he had forced you to. You wished you had stayed.
For months after, you had felt like Wesker had played you. It felt like you were just some part of his bigger plan. That's why he would never commit, he didn't truly care about you. You were just a means to an end. You still felt like somewhere down the line, you and him were friends. Nonetheless, the betrayal of the entirety of S.T.A.R.S. weighed heavily on you. He had betrayed everyone, people that thought they were his friends. You went to his memorial. Even though he had betrayed everyone, you still cared about him. He was dead. Or so you thought.
After Chris went to Europe, you quit police work altogether. It felt hard to trust anyone in Racoon City anymore. You didn't trust most of the people at the police station anymore, so the only option was to leave. It was then that you decided that moving out of the country might be a good idea. Amsterdam had always been a dream of yours, so why not make it a reality now. It was good you had left when you did, you just wish some of the others had left at the same time as you. Seeing what they had done to Racoon City a month after you had left had left an even bigger hole in your heart.
It took a little while to get fully acclimated in Amsterdam. It took a lot of time to attempt to heal the mental wounds Racoon City had left on you. You had cut contact with everyone from there. You had wanted to get your life back on track instead of dwelling on the past. The destruction of Racoon City was what made Amsterdam permanent. Chris and Jill were the only ones that knew you were there. Although you had cut contact with them for the sake of your mental health, you still sent them updates once in a while and vice versa. That's how you found out that Wesker was alive. It had hit you head on when you read the email from Chris. You didn't leave your house for almost a week. The same man whose memorial you had went to was alive this entire time. You had mourned someone who wasn't even really dead.
It had been almost 10 years since you had stepped foot in Racoon City when he showed up.
It was no shock how he found you. Wesker might have been one of the most intelligent people you knew. He knew this was your dream. He knew you all too well.
It was almost 3 am when he showed up. You had just fallen asleep. It was never easy to sleep after everything that had happened. Your house alarm was what woke you up. Just as soon as it had started, it had stopped. Still groggy from sleep, you weren't even fully sure if you had actually heard it or if was just a hallucination. Nonetheless, you reached for the gun tucked under your bed frame, just in case someone did decide to break in. Even though you had quit police work, you still tried to keep up with the training you were doing before your departure, just in case. Still in sleep shorts and a shirt, you stood behind the door and listened to see if you could hear anyone rummaging around your stuff. When no noises came, you slowly opened the door, trying to make the least amount of sound possible. You slowly walked out of the bedroom, making your way to the living room, gun still at the ready. Coming around the corner, your heart sank.
There was no way he was here.
Standing at the fireplace, Wesker observed the framed pictures on the mantle. Some were of family or friends. There was one of the entirety of S.T.A.R.S. The one that caught his eye was one of you and him, one you had taken a few days prior to the mansion incident. You both looked happy. Wesker didn't want to take a photo, telling you that it was stupid and we were sure to get caught if you carried it around, but after badgering him for so long about it, he gave in. What you didn't know was that Wesker took that photo with him everywhere, even to this day. He picked up the frame and continued to look at it.
"Albert," you whispered. He didn't turn around, but you knew he heard you.
He looked different, but also the same. He looked slightly taller and more muscular, but he also still looked like the same person he was 10 years ago. The differences were so small that you're not sure Chris or Jill would even recognize them.
"You need to leave," you said when he still hadn't turned to face you.
After almost another minute of silence, he turned around. You didn't expect the pit in your stomach to grow bigger. He had to have known how much this was hurting you.
"You look good," he said with a slight smirk on his face. "You have really built a life for yourself here."
There was a pain in your heart that only he could cause. He was tearing open a wound that you had long worked to heal. All it took was a few words for it all to come crashing down again like it had so many years ago. Sadness and fear plagued your heart, but so did the love you once felt for him.
"Are you going to kill me?" you whispered.
His lip quirked up. He thought this was funny. Of course he did.
He turned back around to put the photo back on the mantle. "No."
You felt some weight lifted off of you. You walked towards him slowly, afraid that at any moment he would change his mind. You had seen what he had done to others, you weren't so sure you could even trust his word anymore. You stopped about a foot away from him.
"Albert, why are you here?"
This was all starting to feel like a dream. A nightmare really. He kept looking at the photo of you and him.
"I am not sure," he whispered. It wasn't like him to do something on a whim. You knew he had a reason to be here. But you also know he isn't good at talking about his feelings.
He touched the photo frame one last time before turning. "Why did you keep this?"
He could read you like a book. You didn't need to answer, he already knew the real reason. It was like he still knew everything about you, like it had only been a few days since you had last seen him instead of a few years. He reached towards your wrist. You knew that you shouldn't let him touch you, but your heart craved his touch. The same hands that had caused so much destruction. You couldn't find it within yourself to make him stop.
"I have found myself wanting to see you every day since our last," he said. This was new for him to be so vulnerable. "I have missed you," he whispered. You could see the fear of rejection present in his eyes. Something was wrong. This wasn't the same person you had known all those years ago. This was someone who was pleading with you to see him. He had never once admitted to missing you before, so why now?
He rubbed his thumb over your wrist. You're sure he can feel how fast your heart is beating.
"Come with me."
Those three words had shattered you. If he would have asked years ago, before his betrayal, you would've gone anywhere with him. But now, you aren't sure you know who he is. Albert was never emotionally vulnerable; he kept his deepest feelings close to him. You weren't even in an official relationship with him. Your feelings were real the whole time, he knew this. But never once did he admit to his own. Not until now. But is it too late?
You turn around, making him drop your wrist. It's getting hard to hold in your tears.
"You can't do this." Your voice is soft. You know tears are about to fall. It feels like the same heart break he had caused with his betrayal.
He puts his hand on your shoulder. He turns you around so he can see you. He brings his hands up to wipe the tears from your eyes, tugging at the strings that you thought had long ago been severed. You lean into him. Your heart is begging for him, but your brain is telling you to run. Your brain is losing this battle. Your lips touch his in what your brain deems a moment of weakness. His lips are surprisingly soft. He brings his hand to cup your head, your hands reaching towards his perfect hair. It feels like all of your pent-up emotions are being released into this singular kiss. The kiss gets more heated, both of you having waited so long to feel each other again, even when your brain is telling you it is wrong.
His hands move down to your hips, grasping hard as if to make sure you were actually there. He reaches down further past your ass to lift you. Your brain is screaming for him to put you down, that he is only going to leave you a heartbroken mess, but you don't care anymore. He lifts you with ease, carrying you towards your bedroom, his lips not leaving you once.
He sets you down softly on the bed, reaching to take off his jacket and shirt. He removes his sunglasses, knowing you can’t see his eyes in this lighting. He’s sure all of this would stop if you got one real good look at him.
He definitely was more muscular than before. He looked so different, yet still the same. He throws his clothes on the floor, then reaches for your own shirt. His fingers trail your stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Your body feels like it is on fire. He pulls your shirt over your head, throwing it towards his own clothes. He leans down to kiss you again, letting his hands map out your body once again. It's as if he is relearning all the curves to your body.
You wrap your legs around his waist, hands tangling in his hair once again. He breaks away to kiss at your neck, gently sucking and biting. You reach down towards his belt, attempting to loosen it, but ultimately failing when he bites down harder than you expect. You let out a soft moan at this, causing him to sit up.
"I didn't think I would ever hear that again," he says with a smirk on his face, "don't hold back on me."
He takes off his belt for you, adjusting to pull his pants off. He is immediately back on you, kissing down your stomach. His hands grasp at your exposed thighs, kneading the skin. He leaves a kiss on each thigh before hooking his fingers in the waistband of your shorts and panties. He pulls them down slowly, watching your every reaction. You whine at how slowly he's moving. He throws them with the rest of the clothes in the room without looking away once.
He leaves a kiss on your inner thighs, spreading them slowly and lightly blowing air on your folds.
"Albert, please," you whine. Your body is begging for him to do anything. You'll take anything he is willing to give you at this point.
He chuckles slightly. "Only because you asked so nicely."
He kisses your clit before bringing his tongue out to lick slowly through your folds. It seems to possess him because after one taste he can't hold back anymore. His tongue swirls through your aching folds, getting wetter at every movement from him. You reach down to tangle your hands in his hair, messing up his pristine hair style. You grind yourself into his face, feeling yourself get closer. He grabs at your thighs hard likely leaving bruises for you to discover in the morning. He can tell you are getting close by how hard you are pulling his hair. He groans into you, the vibrations almost sending you over the edge. One of his fingers prods at your weeping hole, pushing in half way only for him to pull it back out. By now you’re a whining mess, begging him for more, but he wants to savor this for as long as possible.
He pulls away from your pussy, replacing his tongue with his fingers rubbing over your clit. He looks up at you, seeing your head snap up at the loss of his tongue. He rubs slower, making you whine a plead more, before stopping all together.
"Your first orgasm of the night is going to be on my cock," he says as he leans back down to kiss you.
You grab at his back, his neck, anywhere you can get your hands on. You are desperate to feel him after all these years. You reach for his boxers, pulling them down as far as you can in this position. You reach for his cock, rubbing your thumb over his leaking tip. He groans into the kiss, biting down onto your lip. He releases your mouth to help you get his boxers all the way off. He leans back down to suck at your neck, seeing the marks he had already left. You twist his cock slowly, trying to tease him the same way he had to you, but you aren't sure you will be able to wait.
He reaches down to your hand to stop you, grabbing his cock and sliding it against your clit. You're so wet that it glides across with ease. He repeats this a few times before letting it slip down to your aching hole. He slides the tip inside and leaves it, sitting up on his knees. It takes everything in him not to slam into you and fuck you into oblivion, but he wants to savor this. He needs to feel everything. It had been too long.
"You feel so good," he says with a strained voice. He continues to push inside, feeling you squeeze him like a vice with each inch. Once he is fully seated inside you, he leans back down to suck on one of your nipples. You let out soft moans while you adjust to his length. He switches to your other breast, letting his hand knead the other, pinching at your nipple. He feels you clamp down hard.
Deciding he had waited long enough, he moves up to kiss you again, pulling himself almost all the way out before slamming back in. You moan into his mouth. He sets a fast pace, trying to make up for lost time. Your nails grip into his back, causing him to let out a moan, only adding to the wetness that he had already created. It gets hard to kiss him, your mouths not being able to keep up with each other with the pleasure you're both feeling. He leans up slightly to look in your eyes, finding the love he had once felt from you. Your hands grab at his shoulders, holding on tight as if to not lose him. His hand comes down to rub at your clit. He knows he is close; he can feel you are too from how tight your walls are gripping him.
"Please cum for me," he begs. You've never heard him beg for anything in his life.
Your body shakes at his words, just hearing him bringing you over the edge. You squeeze him in ripples, nails digging into his shoulders. Feeling your walls squeeze him cause him to let go, pouring himself into you. You are both spent, left panting with him on top of you. He leans down to kiss you again, silencing the fight between your brain and heart. You had decided to let your heart win for the night.
He pulls himself out slowly, his cum dribbling out of you. He gets up and runs to the bathroom quickly to get something to clean you up. He comes back with water and a warm wash cloth, helping you sit up. He wipes you down softly, making sure not to cause you anymore overstimulation. He makes sure you drink enough water before taking a sip himself and setting it down on the nightstand next to your bed.
He gets into bed next to you, pulling the blankets over you both. He wraps himself around you, the feeling of his bare skin on yours bringing warmth to your heart.
"Albert," you whisper, not sure what you want to say, but knowing that a discussion needed to be had.
He pushes your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your neck.
"Shh. Just sleep. We can talk in the morning."
He wraps his arms around you tighter. Your brain is quiet, shutting down all the questions and anxiety about what is next. It is quiet for a while before you fall asleep.
"I still love you. I never stopped."
There was no discussion in the morning. He was gone. No note, no message. You waited days to see if he would come back. He never did. A month later, you got a call from Chris explaining what had happened to Jill. You didn't believe she was dead. You wanted to find her, but more importantly you wanted to find Wesker. He had done all of that before showing up at your home. You didn't tell Chris that you had seen him, but you did tell him that you would help him in any way possible. For the next three years you looked for any kind of lead on him, most of them coming up short. It wasn't until Africa that you had found something that had actually led to him.
Chris, Sheva, and yourself had found Jill and Wesker. Wesker tried to avoid attacking you personally, but that didn't stop Jill. You were already weak from her hits when you had attacked him. He knocks you to the ground, causing the air to rush from your lungs. He drags you toward him, lifting you by the throat, crushing your windpipe.
"Albert... please."
"No. You had your chance to run. This is it for you."
Your last breath is going to be stolen from a man you once called a friend. A man that was once your lover.
Grasping at his wrists, tears streaming down your face, you can feel your head getting fuzzy.
For a brief moment, there's a look in his eyes that says that he might let go, a smaller glimmer of the love he has for you.
You pass out believing that you are dead, believing that he did not love you anymore.
You wake up on the helicopter with Jill next to you. Everyone is silent. Your head is pounding. Jill hands you water, allowing you to sit up from where you were laying on her lap. You can feel how bruised your neck is and how hard it is to breathe.
The memories of what had happened prior to you passing out come rushing back. It hurts your heart to even think of him, to think of that night. How you believed that all of those whispered promises of love might have been a lie.
He could have killed you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t, not when he still loved you. He never lied, but he couldn’t stay either. It takes a while for you to realize this.
"Where is he?" You attempt to force the words out, but it hurts so badly.
Chris and Jill look at each other for a moment. Neither of them spoke, but you could tell what had happened. You could see it in Chris' eyes. Wesker was gone.
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