#bc nokia arena
theflyingfeeling · 5 months
#i've never had a job in my own field that i've liked as much as i've liked my current one#the semester is ending soon and today i heard my contract will not be renewed bc the person i'm substituting will return to work after all#i've been feeling so tired and a bit poorly after the nokia arena show and i probably should have called in sick today#as i was absolutely useless today#and then after my only class today my students came to me with a gift?? 😭#a pink enamel moomin mug and some chocolate and a paper on which they had written nice things about me + a drawing of a dachshund 😭#and i burst to tears right there in front of them because i was so touched (and also because i'm just really really tired and emotional)#i'm so tired about having to apply for new jobs and having to start all over again#i'm so tired of having to do shitty short-notice substitutions again#i feel like i deserve better than that but on the other hand i fee like life's giving me exactly what i deserve and maybe this is it#i'm dreading the summer because idk if i'll have a job to go to in the autumn#and even if i did find something it won't be like the job i have now#also. it's may day eve and the weather's lovely#and i'm hiding in my apartment with the curtains closed so i won't see all the people going out and having fun with their friends#for me may day eve has never been like that. i've always felt so very excluded from those celebrations#on top of that i got yelled at by a bus driver and i'm the worst friend that ever existed#i'm trying to quit on whining about my sad little life but it gets so lonely#please know i'm not writing this for attention or pity. i know y'all have problems of your own and i'm just being a dramatic crybaby
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omppupiiras · 3 months
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never give up on your dreams kids, this year i went from seeing johannes from far far away at UMK (and taking half a pixel potato picture of him for whatever reason 😂) to being able to witness that small swoop of hair in all its glory in person 😍
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ifidiedinadream · 5 months
dating one of the bc guys and since they only have couple of days home before leaving for tour again;
imagine how much sex and how many rounds of it you two would need to squeeze into those couple of days. Like of course first there's the welcome home sex after not seeing each other in person for weeks and you're both really desperate and needy
BUT because you both know he has to leave again soon you would make sure to have lots of sex now that you have the chance. What if in the morning of the day they are leaving you're trying to get it going one last time (...again, pun intended lol) but you're both so spent, that it's not really working out even though you both try really hard, so eventually you just laugh it off and decide to cuddle and make out to compensate.
+ what if you leave bunch of hickeys on his body as a reminder of you
ngl ive been thinking about this specific concept a lot lately 😅
like ive been imagining having sex with ale from the moment he left the nokia arena afterparty to the moment he left for the states this morning. bc of course. and wouldn't you make sure he has the best sex of his life after nokia arena??? i absolutely would, if only to show him how proud i am 🥰🥰🥰 he deserves it so much
im also a big fan of being horny but too tired which results in failing to have sex, idk it just feels so intimate to me
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mairem · 5 months
What a wonderful experience this was! Saturday evening at Nokia Arena, Tampere, Finland with Blind Channel Exit Emotions tour final.
The first and last clips are from me, the others from BC ig stories.
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Joonas' hair didn't catch fire this time, but...
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Niko got to be two days at home before flying to the US with the rest of the band. Awww photo by @minnaino/ig
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exitemo · 5 months
I hope there'll be any livestream 🙏 I need to see BC live at Nokia Arena.🥹
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sparfloxacin · 10 months
Olli and Allu walking together in the background of BC's latest IG story (filmed on the Nokia Arena ice) siiiiiiiiiiiiigh are they attached at the hip or what 🙄🤲💕
I didn’t even notice so I went to check and aaaaaaaaa!!! 💞😭 they definitely are 🤧
I will never get over the fact that they apparently spend every possible moment together?? 😭 like… they always went to stroll around new cities on tour, Allu has been to Oulu not once but TWICE after their US tour and has spent time with Olli there and still they spent every minute together in Tampere, watched the game together and all 🤧🥺💖💗
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johnnyporko · 1 year
ticket to bc nokia arena show ✅️
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catboyolli · 6 months
omw to suck the dick/pussy of whoever filmed that BC promo video for Nokia Arena because damn. DAMN
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kaunisbaby · 10 months
listen teenage fangirls annoy me as much as the next person but im also thankful they exist bc they have this habit of filming every moment of interaction they have with their fave so i get to see close ups of aleksi's stunning face while he signs postcards inside nokia arena <333333
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
I think you should talk about your favourite live moments because I just think we should all listen to them live more often
oh no im gonna get crucified on 5sos tumblr for this but i. dont. listen to. live recordings of songs.
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hhtnews · 5 years
Hamburg.  Demarcus Holland ist jetzt endgültig in Hamburg angekommen. Am Wochenende konnte er aus seinem Hotel in eine möblierte Wohnung in Hamm umziehen. Seinen Spind bei den Hamburg Towers hatte der US-Amerikaner schon vor acht Tagen bezogen. Am Sonnabend (18 Uhr, edel-optics.de Arena) soll er gegen den Tabellenzweiten Riesen Ludwigsburg sein Debüt beim Basketball-Bundesliga-Aufsteiger geben. „Ich bin bereit“, sagt der 25-Jährige.
Die ersten Trainingseindrücke bestätigen dies. „Demarcus könnte unser letzter Baustein zum Klassenerhalt werden“, hofft Cheftrainer Mike Taylor. Weitere Nachverpflichtungen sind in dieser Saison nicht mehr möglich. Der 1,92 Meter große Spielmacher soll hauptsächlich die Verteidigung stabilisieren helfen. Im Abwehrverhalten hatten Taylor und Sportchef Marvin Willoughby die größten Defizite des Teams ausgemacht. Im Testspiel gegen Kooperationspartner Rist Wedel (2. Bundesliga Nord ProB) erfüllte Holland seine zugewiesenen Aufgaben in der vergangenen Woche bereits zur vollsten Zufriedenheit des Coaches.
Holland ist anpassungsfähig
Die Integration ins Team lässt zudem keine Wünsche offen. Das überrascht nicht, ist doch Holland auch wegen seiner Anpassungsfähigkeit geholt worden. Mit Towers-Center Prince Ibeh ging er in Texas zur Schule und aufs College, die Familien sind befreundet. „Demarcus ist höflich, bescheiden, ein äußerst angenehmer Typ“, sagt Towers-Sprecher Rupert Arthur Fabig. Ehrgeizig ist dieser dennoch. „Die Towers sind der nächste Schritt in meiner Karriere“, sagt Holland. Wo sie einmal enden könnte, lässt er offen. Selbst die nordamerikanische Profiliga NBA habe er nicht abgehakt: „Ich bin erst 25, da habe ich hoffentlich noch viele gute Jahre vor mir.“
Vergangenen Sommer wurde Taylor bei der NBA Summer League in Las Vergas auf Holland aufmerksam. Sie kamen ins Gespräch, die Hamburger nahmen von einer sofortigen Verpflichtung Abstand, weil dem Kandidaten die Europa-Erfahrung fehlte. „Der europäische Basketball ist physischer, stärker auf das Zusammenspiel ausgerichtet“, sagt Holland. In der NBA-G-League, einer Art Nachwuchsklasse – Holland spielte von 2017 bis 2019 jeweils ein Jahr in Los Angeles für die Farmteams der Lakers und der Clippers –, gehe es vor allem darum, seine persönlichen Stärken zu zeigen, die eigenen Mitspieler würden dort eher als Konkurrenten wahrgenommen.
Holland lobt fantastische Stimmung in der Halle
Holland unterschrieb stattdessen vergangenes Jahr einen Vertrag beim finnischen Erstligaclub BC Nokia, derzeit Tabellensiebter. Vor drei Wochen meldeten sich die Towers bei seinem Agenten, dann ging alles ganz schnell. Sein Trainer Greg Gibson sagte: „Wir wollten ihm keine Steine in den Weg legen. Die Towers dürfen sich auf ihn freuen.“
Bei den Wilhelmsburgern ist Holland bisher nicht für die Starting Five vorgesehen, wenn er aufs Feld kommt, soll er gegen den besten gegnerischen Spieler verteidigen. „Ich bin ein Defensivspezialist, kann aber auch der Offensive Impulse geben“, sagt er. In Nokia gelangen ihm 11,6 Punkte im Schnitt und fünf Rebounds. Auf das Spiel gegen Ludwigsburg freut er sich: „Ich habe mir Videos von den Towers angesehen. Die Stimmung in der Halle ist fantastisch.“ An den Klassenerhalt glaubt er, seine ersten Eindrücke seien positiv: „Die Mannschaft hat sich stark entwickelt. Es sind kleine Details, die entscheiden. Wir haben zuletzt oft knapp verloren. Zwei, drei Stopps von mir hätten da den Unterschied ausmachen können.“
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/booze-investors-want-apps-gadgets-and-biotech/
Booze investors want apps, gadgets and biotech
Archaeological facts show human beings were making alcohol seeing that at least 7000 BC. We figured out wine greater than 6,000 years in the past. By the time the historical Egyptians entered the scene, brewers were making at the least 17 forms of beer.
Despite the fact that, it appears we aren’t executed innovating.
Booze-related startups, which usually account for a noticeable however not huge bite of task funding, endured to rack up investment within the past yr. A Crunchbase evaluation of the distance located that as a minimum dozen agencies with liquor-associated business fashions raised a round of $1 million or greater due to the fact the start of ultimate yr. Altogether, boozy groups raised more than $280 million in that duration.
If we had protected every craft brewery and microdistillery to raise capital, investment totals might be better. But the listing makes a specialty of businesses that raised angel, mission and, in a few cases, crowdfunded rounds. The majority of booze startups funded underneath those terms typically had a revolutionary generation or commercial enterprise version.
Where traders pay for the rounds
Choosing wine is a complex venture, developing a call for from drinkers and wineries alike for gear to fit a wine lover to the maximum appropriate bottle. Vivino, which operates a famous wine-rating app, established wine curation might be an appealing marketplace for traders. The agency, which claims extra than 22 million app users, closed on $25 million final 12 months. In a comparable vein, Wine Ring, a set of a rules-pushed app that matches drinkers with wines that meet their options, raised $three.Eighty-five million in angel funding last April.
Many people also want to get booze while not having to visit the shop, and startups are catering to them. The most important funding round for a liquor-associated business enterprise ultimate yr went to China-based Liquor Easy, a provider of 20-minute alcohol delivery service, which reportedly raised $61 million from Legend Capital. U.S.-based totally Drizly, meanwhile, these days closed on almost $17 million to make bigger a booze transport provider working in multiple cities. Meals shipping carriers also are edging into the gap, with Postmates trying to broaden its alcohol options.
There are also startups looking to follow advances in chemistry and biology to the art of wine creation. Ava Winery, a San Francisco-based totally startup that analyzes great wines at a molecular level and tries to chemically recreate the taste without grapes or fermentation, raised almost $three million in seed funding to make true on its promise. Biome Makers, which applies DNA sequencing to enable winemakers to identify microorganisms of their soil, grapes, and wines, closed on just over $2 million.
Booze-associated gadgetry was every other popular subject matter. Coravin, the developer of a tool for accessing a bottle of wine without pulling the cork, raised a $22.five million round in November, bringing general investment to greater than $60 million. The Burlington, Mass.-primarily based organization markets its $500 Coravin Device as a manner to enjoy a glass of wine without committing to the complete bottle. In craft beer-loving Seattle, in the meantime, PicoBrew, which sells an $800 brewing Device for making artisanal beer at home, closed on a $10.6 million Collection last spring.
If all these startups succeed in meeting their wildest expectancies, we might be searching for a future Wherein a synthetically engineered copy of a $10,000 bottle of wine is custom-decided on thru an app, added in a few minutes and uncorked, one glass at a time, for optimum consuming delight. The days, while humans have been satisfied going to the shop to buy a six-p.C., could start to look pretty primitive.
A way to Make a Mobile Phone App . The clever Telephone industry is booming. One in Individuals owns one and it is reputation is developing exponentially, as is the pill markets. Because the introduction of the iPad in 2010, Apple has bought over 25 million devices. Cellular gadgets have ended up critical elements of lives and are continuously in use for one of a kind obligations. There are differences in what they may be used for in wonderful components of the sector, in Japan browsing is greater, not unusual, while inside the United states of America humans tend to text greater and play loads of video games on them, but apps are equally popular global.
Software program applications have been firstly meant for productiveness, such as checking emails, the weather, GPS etc., but due to call for both their variety and the sort of functions rose, now there are about 500 000 apps to be had for iOS based totally devices alone. The maximum normally used structures are iOS (Apple), Blackberry, Android, Home windows, Amazon and Ovi (Nokia), these all have their very own specifically designed apps.
Because the introduction of packages, the web market has essentially changed. Having an enterprise on-line doesn’t just suggest that there is a website that can be promoted or determined through search engines like google. It’s far a huge advantage if a business or brand appears in equipment clients use on a daily basis.
Making an app
developing an app is distinctly simple and would not eat a lot of time or money either; after it has been sprung to lifestyles there may be a monthly fee that needs to be paid for website hosting, the rate of this could variety from about $10 to $100, but considering the charge of different varieties of advertisement, it can be known as a good deal. Apps for apple are probably the easiest to create, however Blackberry and Android are near at the back of.
Chillingo’s Most modern Zombie games Attack the App Store
Brace yourselves, zombie killers! You may subsequently do greater monster-smashing, zombie-bashing experience along with your reachable app gadgets after Chillingo unveiled its four Latest zombie-themed games. Test out what those games, particularly Monster Mayhem, Zombie Wonderland, Seasoned Zombie Football, and Zombie Escape, have in Keep for you.
As the keeper of the graveyard, Monster Mayhem challenges you to guard your castles from the undead that, when removed, drop coins which You can use to buy new guns, improve them, buy ammunition or even nukes which could eliminate all of the nasties in case the gate is in determined danger. Monster Mayhem is a fun-filled game, one that is addicting with creepy-lovable little zombies. Make sure to train your arms first earlier than shopping for this game because it’s the only way to win their assaults.
Providing you with an appealing 3D residence with top-down perspectives, you will be playing as Chuck, a workaholic blue-collar guy who does duties in the sport before sunup: shield the Niceville residents in a residence by shooting zombies coming from all guidelines, and clean-up the monsters guts. In case you won’t crack at gunpoint and you discover mopping flooring is just as exciting as mopping zombies, then Zombie Wonderland is for you as It’s far a time-control sport with fast and furious undead.
Pro ZOMBIE Soccer
the game name itself marks it as one of the coolest zombie games in town. With a magical Football ball, you have to throw that perfect kick to break a large wave of zombies. Seasoned Zombie Soccer has interesting storyline with wonderfully designed gameplay that gives a completely unique, spanking new way of ripping the heads of the undead. If you’re into hardcore mode, a Crystal integration is brought to ensure that your rankings are recorded, plus you will get hold of craft achievements primarily based on your in sport overall performance.
ZOMBIE Getaway
A line-drawing zombie sport, Zombie Breakout offers a one-of-a-kind fashion of saving the humankind from the Attack of the mind-consuming monsters. You do not ought to manage the individual, however instead, the arena is beneath your manipulate, except the villains – zombies, of course. Your undertaking is to store as many humans as You may with the aid of line drawing them to the helicopters. every existence stored offers you rating But the panic right here is while the helicopters are already full, they fly away and you have to look forward to the following one to reach. right here you may need to perform a little zombie-bashing through the usage of bombs to explode zombies for the protection of the humans. Zombie Escape is set to be out this month, so maintain an eye on the App Keep for this, or you will omit this one-of-a-kind zombie game.
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theflyingfeeling · 5 months
so we went to the Nokia Arena show and it looked so cool and it sounded so cool and I was dancing and singing and screaming and Niko played a medley on the piano and brb I'm gonna paint red BC logos on my piano too and he also rapped in Finnish ("kun mä huudan havuja te huudatte PERKELE") and they dressed in white and played the Backstreet Boys cover and it was so much fun and we went to the offical after party and they came to say hi there too (minus Niko) and Samy was there and I talked to him and Tommi walked right past us when we were about to leave and I said "hi" and he said "yeah pls leave me alone" and a lot of fun was had in the form of laughing and dancing and singing and I love you all can we do this again immediately pls pls pls I don't wanna go back to living my boring life 😭
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
well said, Niko 👏
so I went to exit my emotions in Germany last weekend, details below:
we went to the shows in Berlin & Leipzig, with a VIP experience for the latter
and guyyyyyyyyssss let me tell you, BC really did not lie when they said we were there to Exit our Emotions 😩 the shows went straight to the very top of my personal BC shows list, the energy was amazing and all the new songs sounded incredible live, even the ones that weren't necessarily my #1 favourites, like Where's the Exit and Wolves in California. Especially the former sounds sooooooooooooooo good live 💖
and because I was there mainly to enjoy myself and to exit the fuck out of my stupid useless emotions, I barely took any videos or pictures (I never take pictures anyway, how do y'all manage to take such amazing shots at shows?!) despite having relatively good spots to do so. I kinda wish I had more so I could think back to the shows afterwards, but on the other hand I felt like I got way more out of the show when I put my undivided focus on it, and besides indoor shows are always challenging on that regard due to the flashing lights etc. and I felt like every time I was going to film the lighting was not appropriate so in the end I just couldn't bother 😅
I don't really have much else to report from Berlin other than that the venue was great, I had an excellent view and had the best time ever 🥰
not least because I met so many BC tumblr friends!! it was so nice seeing everyone, please come to the Nokia Arena show y'all, we'll be your host it's hocus pocus 🥺
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and then there was Leipzig 🥴
I mean, this is my initial reaction immediately after it (written in my drafts):
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but yeah, as you can see from this post, @exitemotions and I had bought some silly little gifts to give the guys (rock hand glass markers not pictured), and we were so incredibly chill about the whole thing, like, NO ONE has ever been as chill as we were in advance of the VIP experience, I'm tellin' ya 💅
(we were so chill in fact that when we came back to the hotel room afterwards, we noticed we had forgotten the ceiling light on. you know, because that's how chill and zen and calm we had been upon leaving for the venue 💅💅💅💅💅)
the acoustic set was fucking cute, almost like a little campfire hangout 🥺
about giving the gifts and having our pictures taken: I feel like I was working on some kind of autopilot and can barely remember much anything 🙃 which I'm kinda mad at myself about lol, but I guess the guys liked the gifts (Olli said the glass markers were important, as my foreword for them was that they'd no longer have to fight about which glass/cup was whose, and I remember Tommi saying that socks are always useful. the others are owners of feet as well, so I suppose they agree 🧦)
we had made all sorts of grand plans for our individual pictures with the band but ended up with having "regular" ones after all, because while there was no feeling of rush per se at the m&g, everything was still happening relatively fast and sort of in their own course, and if we had wanted to do any funny poses or whatever, we should've been faster and in a little...sharper mental state to ask for them 😂😭
but we were chill though, I promise 💅
(I'm just cringing at myself so hard because I look like a fucking teacher standing for a class photograph 😂💀 it's funnier if you know I'm actually a teacher lol)
during the show we were on 2-3 row because we kinda missed our cue to run and reserve our spots before the acoustic set. personally I blame Santeri the tour manager for this (and also the fact that there were so many people there who had already been to VIP on this tour before, so they knew what to do 🤷‍♀️ meanwhile we were just left standing like "...wat 🧍‍♂️")
the show was just as great as the Berlin one, I honestly can't put them in order because they were both amazing and really made me forget about my sad little life 🖤
Rock Band From Hell was also alright. the one with no shirt on was hot
Ghost Kid was cool too. the one with no shirt on was hot
...so hot in fact that I already fell in love with him at the Berlin gig, and so when we were on our way to the merch booth after the Leipzig show, we ran into him and I flirted chatted with him a bit and had my picture taken with him 🥰 he was soooooo sweet and funny and I hope he'll stay true to his promise and keep the thing I said to him ('the drummer of BC could never [swirl the drumstick in his fingers in between every beat like you do]') "just between you and me" 🤭
from the merch booth I bought the XOXO longsleeve which looks super nice (sadly the quality isn't as super though dfgdgdsdh)
the next day it was time to return home, and as @kraeuterhexchen was seeing me to my platform at the railway station, I broke into tears in the middle of an escalator and didn't stop crying until boarding my plane lol
it's just that I was really nervous about travelling back to the airport from Leipzig because I had two changes of trains and the horror stories I've heard of Deutsche Bahn always being late were only adding to it, and that stress somehow triggered some sort of emotional meltdown in me and I realised the trip that I had been waiting for 6 MONTHS was now ending?? there had been so much talk about how we'd "do this and that when we go to Berlin/Leipzig and see BC" and now it's all done and gone and ?????? how does one move on after that 😭
but mostly I've been crying about the gift I gave to Olli 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
some of you have already heard about this, but I had made Olli this pin cushion ring:
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...because I wanted to "support his sewing hobby", as I told him then sdhfhdfhfhfh
he seemed to really appreciate it, and as I demonstrated how handy it was (because you can wear it and easily put the pins there while sewing instead of having to reach to a pin cushion further away on the table), he told me he only had this huge pin cushion ("a brick" he called it, the one you can see on this video), and aaaahhhhh I'M SO ANGRY AT MYSELF for not remembering much else or barely daring to even look at him to see his reaction 😭 I do remember he got very excited when he heard he was getting a sewing-related gift though ("yessss" he said, if my memory doesn't fail me too bad) 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
and I'm so sad I didn't even get a picture of him with it, because Joona the photographer was in the possession of my phone at that moment 😔 and I also forgot to tell him I had made it myself, though I believe it's self-evident. but, you know. still 😭
and the reason why I've been so emotional about it is because I had made the ring weeks ago already, shortly after the album release event, and since then I have admired it every day (because hellooooo is it not the cutest?!) and I had imagined all the scenarios in which I'd give it to him, what I'd say about it and how he'd react to it (I wondered if he'd even know what it was, but of course he immediately recognized it as a pin cushion when I showed it to him 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭), and yesterday it just suddenly hit me that when I'd be back home, the ring would no longer be there on my table for me to admire and hold in my hands, because Olli has it now? it's OLLI'S now, as intented, and yeah idk why but even now, two days later, I'm still literally crying about it as I'm writing this because I had grown strangely attached to that silly trinket and now I'll probably never see it again 🥺😭 (I guess I should just make one for myself too lol, my old one that I made almost 17 years ago is a wee bit shabby)
anyway, if anyone sees him, can you please tell him to take good care of it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
the world's biggest thanks to everyone who I hung out with on this trip, but especially to @kraeuterhexchen whose stunning art I can now admire in calendar form on my kitchen wall every month of the year (yes I shall keep you updated):
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...and to @another-sun the organizer extraordinaire, as well as to my travelling companion @exitemotions (thanks for all the laughs with a touch of chaos in between <3)
here's me with BC again, the only other picture that's not blurry af lol
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in conclusion, 🎵 never again, never again 🎵
...until next time 👀
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
so yeah, I went to the BC signing session at Nokia Arena today, because what else would I, a full-grown adult with a respectable dayjob, do on a wintery Saturday if not stand in a queue freezing my toes off surrounded by sugar-high teenagers for hours, just to exchange a few words with some band dudes? 🤡
(wrote this for me as to remember at least something about it afterwards, but you may read this as well <3)
The queuing part was every bit as shitty as it always is when queuing to any BC event really, but I was in high spirits and great company who were polite enough to laugh at my shitty amazing jokes 🥰
Niko was so soft and nice and aaaaaaaaaa the way he laughed so heart-warmingly at the silly (practiced) thing I said?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I want to put him in my pocket <3
So when I was a kid I used to collect stickers (this is relevant, trust me), especially dog stickers because dogs are cute, and I happen to have a full page of dachshund stickers that look exactly like Rilla, so I thought I'd give Aleksi a couple of those, and the other day I jokingly checked my local supermarket's sticker selection to see if they have any more fun stickers I could give him, and lo and behold I actually found some cool Spider-Man ones, and naturally I JUST couldn’t help myself 😂 and awwwwwww the way his entire face brightened up and he went "NO WAY!! 🤩" when he saw the dachshund ones aaaaaaa 😭💞😭💞😭💞😭 he said he'll put them on his laptop where he has also collected other stickers 🥺💞 I gave them in a Minigrip bag so that he hopefully won't lose them before he gets home (see the picture below for the stickers)
Aleksi’s hair looked super fluffy btw 🤲 you're welcome for this crucial information
The last time I saw Olli at a signing session I was so blown away by his beauty that I could barely speak a word to him, so this time I was determined to actually have some sort of a conversation with him, and I did succeed, even if we only talked about the weather (my go-to conversation topic) 😂 it's difficult to translate the Finnish word tarjeta, but basically I asked him how's the weather been in Oulu, and he said it's been cold ("Mites Oulussa on tarettu?" "Kylmä on."), but apparently he actually likes cold weather, my reply being "well I don't you fucking weirdo &lt;3"
Joonas heard this intellectual exhange of opinions and put in his two cents as he told me how they had recently visited Oulu and that it had been significantly colder than in Helsinki 👍
Also, as you may have seen from pictures by now, he was wearing no shirt under his blazer and yeah, I may have taken a good look at his rug while he was signing my totebag 👁️👄👁️ In my defence, he had it out for everyone to see, so where else was I supposed to look? His eyes? 🙄
At that signing session I went to in Stockholm last year (see the link above) I didn't manage to say a damn thing to Tommi lol (I blame Joel and Olli), so that was my other goal for this time and yaaaay, success! I didn't say much to him though, just "hi" and "ah darn, is that bloody marker not working? and here I thought I had bought a good one" ("Olin ostavinani hyvän tussin")
For context: I had brought my BC totebag (which I bought exactly 2 years ago tomorrow and have used maybe twice during all this time) with me for them to sign, and as I wasn't sure if they'd have fabric markers, I had gone and bought one for the purpose myself, and I had tested it (on paper) at home, but I guess the cold weather had affected the ink, so it was working quite poorly. They all did manage to scribble down their autographs though, and the extra time it took for them to do so offered me some extra time to chat with them, which was nice actually 🤭 (hehe sneaky meeee)
To Joel I said the new song is great ("Helevetin hyvä se uus biisi"), which he was pleased to hear. He gave me back my totebag but not my marker, so I had to ask for it lol, to which he said his brain was not working properly anymore (felt 💀), to which I said that at least he hasn't been standing in the freezing cold for hours, to which he said: "yeah, you're the actual heroes here" and hell yeah we are lol, I wouldn't do this shit for any other band 😌
Then he tried to give me the autograph card of the next person in line dfdggdgdgddd poor Joel, I guess his brain really wasn't working
Afterwards my mouth was SO dry from talking so much in such a short time lol, but I was happy I got to say most of the stuff I had wanted to say to them. I was planning to show Aleksi a picture of our family dachshunds like I had done in Stockholm, but with all the hassle with the marker I kinda forgot about it (I kept grumbling about the shitty marker to literally all of them except Joel), and anyway I didn't want to slow down the queue any more than I already was 🙈
After the signing session we had pizza and went to the local Christmas market that just opened today and I bought some organic coffee beans for my brother for Christmas, so all in all I had a lovely day (ignoring the cold-as-balls weather) 🥰💞
here are the stickers I gave to Aleksi:
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and here's my freshly-signed totebag (why is Olli's autograph so cute 🥺)
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(I know it looks like there are some strange stains on the tote but there really isn't, as I said I've barely ever used it, so I guess it's just the fabric doing a weird thing in that lighting)
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
"#(i'm gonna be sooooo disappointed if their nokia arena setlist is practically the exact same as their tour setlist but with more pyros 🙄)" YES EXACTLY! I'm going to be mad if the only special thing at Nokia Arena will be the supports and a ton of pyros and flashing lights 🙈 Sure I guess they kinda have to play the Exit Emotions songs (🙄) but please let there be a good amount of older songs too 😭
You get it 😭 Like, naturally the focus will be on their new songs, but from what I've understood, the Nokia Arena show will also be a sort of celebration of their 10-year anniversary, so I'm totally gonna expect it to be at least a little more special also in terms of the songs they play, even though I know it might be in vain 😔
I have sooooooo many opinions of their setlists anyway, gonna put them under a read-more in case someone's not up for seeing (minor) criticism lol (not even that tbh, just some constructive feedback / ideas, as if I know anything about how the music business works and how setlist for rock shows/tours are built)
I feel like they've for the past 2 years been playing pretty much the same setlist at shows, which is a huge shame imo because they have sooooooo many great songs in the catalogue, which would allow more frequent rotation in setlist. Obviously I understand they can't make a new setlist for every show, and that's not what I mean to say anyway, but it would be nice to hear different songs from time to time, you know? Sure, some songs get dropped when brand new ones are taken in, but I think the "base" setlist has stayed pretty much intact for two years now. I do understand why they keep such songs as Over My Dead Body and Died Enough For You in their setlists, because hey, they are fan favourites and solid live songs, and also in a way "prototype examples" of Violent Pop, right?
This is why I think they should, instead of using pretty much the same exact setlist for their shows both in Europe/Finland as well as in the US, they could very easily, with the fanbase they already have in Europe, include more older/unknown/non-single songs in their own headline shows, vs. the supporting act slots they play in the States (or at random heavy metal festivals in Europe) to audiences of which only a few have ever even heard of them, in which they could focus on new-ish singles as well as these "prototype Violen Pop" ones such as OMDB and DEFY. Because there's definitely a difference in between playing a show in front of an audience who only just heard about the band five seconds ago (to put it bluntly lol) vs. playing a show in front of an audience who knows the lyrics to ALL their songs, not just the few singles they've maybe heard on the radio/tv. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious here lol, I don't mean to assume y'all haven't already thought about this yourselves, I'm just writing down my own thoughts 😅
That being said, of course I don't know what it takes to rotate multiple different setlists instead of using just one setlist tour after tour 🤔 I don't know how much they have to practice their setlists before the go on tour? Naively I assume they know how to play their own songs (not counting the brand new ones they've never played live 😅). In any case, the reason I was low-key disappointed with the ice hall show was very much because of the setlist, which was the exact same as at the cruise the day before and at Pakkahuone the day after. Pakkahuone, in my opinion, was "just" a regular club show, i.e. not a special one like one expects a goddamn ice hall one to be, so the ice hall one didn't really feel as special as it could've been. Sure, the visual effects were cool and Robin was there which was definitely not expected lol, but in therms of the songs they played it was more or less like any other BC show. But idk, I wonder if the hassle with the bankruptcy of their booking agency maybe had some effect on how the show turned out? 🤷‍♀️
The Nokia Arena show is said to last for about 1½ hours. Now, if their headline shows on the spring tour last about 60 minutes, I really hope that the extra half an hour at the Nokia Arena show will not be filled with just some more light shows, pyros and other visual effects, but instead with actual music! I'm not expecting them to play some of their reaaaaaaaally old songs like Naysayers or whatever (unpopular opinion: not a huge fan of their super older stuff lol sorry), but even some less-played songs from Violent Pop? One of their recent setlist decisions I really can't understand is that Timebomb was dropped to give room to newer songs, because not only in my own humble opinion but also objectively speaking I think that song is one of their best ever. It's such a fucking masterpiece and definitely among the top 5 best songs they've ever made. Obviously any artist/band is in love with their newest songs and thinks that every new song they drop is the "best song we've ever made!!" but honestly I doubt that the 12 songs on Exit Emotions are going to be the best 12 songs they've ever written 😶 (because, again, in my extremely subjective opinion, all of the singles from LOTSAD alone have been better than any single from the new album, excluding maybe Die Another Day. not saying I hate the new songs, but none of them are going to my personal top 10 of BC songs. but yeah, obviously BC's not making music with my personal preferences in mind lol, just stating my opinion again 😂 I have more opinions on their new music, but that's another post entirely)
Still, I'm excited for the Nokia Arena show and I'm sure it'll be fun 🥺 the Irish pub we went to after the Pakkahuone show is right next to it btw, so maybe that's our afterparty location settled, eh? 🥰
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