#bc she talked w katie about personal stuff then ran to tell me and i interrupted her like hey did
smallboyonherbike · 2 years
just started zoning out and thinking about my relationship with my mom and the wounds that don't heal and some shit my sister told me my mom said about how she felt like i'm mad at her all the time which i didn't think i was feeling or portraying and then i moved on to ruminating on ex friends from high school and like can i just chill out lol
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iantojack · 6 years
What’s the problem with Robron? Just started watching the show so doesn’t really know their history. Why are they bad (aside from being kinda boring)?
oh  BOY ,,
short story
robert has abused aaron extensively throughout their relationship
the Really long story
roberts a general piece of absolute shit. has been since he was a teenager. the homphobia is Rife, he outed lawrence (a gay man traumatised by conversion therapy) in front of his whole family, called him homophobic slurs. paid someone to pretend to be a victim of homophobic violence and assault to try and con more money out of lawrence. this list could go on forever so i wont start
they started as an affair. robert was married to a woman, chrissie, and no one knew he was bi. aaron was a single gay guy. 
robert treated aaron like shit from the start but the main first bad thing he did was push katie through the floor to her death. she had found out abt the affair and aaron was sick of hiding and told her to come at that time and then she had a pic and was gonna tell chrissie so he was arguing w her and pushing her about and the floor gave way and she lit snapped her neck. he called aaron, lied to him about what happened exactly and got him to cover it up with him even though aaron wasnt there. he told him it was his fault katie died bc he called her there and that if they told the truth he’d go down for it, that it was because he was selfish and jealous. aaron literally APOLOGISED at this point and robert was like “if ur sorry u will help me :)”
Also relevant if u just started watching aaron has lots of mental health issues, self harmed on and off since like.. 2011? he is a survivor of childhood abuse and has lots of self esteem/trust/abandonment issues
the guilt from katies death caused a several month long deterioration in his mental health, he relapsed and self harmed. he contemplated suicide. in the end he was literally hospitalised bc of self harm. robert let all that happen and cared more abt him staying quiet than anything else
just b4 that happened robert picked up a rock when alone in the forest w chas and debated smashing her round the head with it
and then after aaron ended up in hospital she said she were gonna tell chrissie so robert HIRED A HITMAN to KILL HER. he ended up running down the street w a bag of cash trying to find the dude to pay him off and tell him not to bc chas took it back 
paddy had also found out about the affair and was threatening to tell chrissie abt it so robert tried to kill him lol casual. he fell in a grain pit and robert turned it on and tried to drown him in grain. someone saves him and robert goes to the hospital and threatens to kill LEO, tiny child leo. 
aaron found out that robert had tried to kill paddy and they go to this lodge and aaron tries to record him confessing to killing katie and shit. robert finds the hidden phone and they fight and robert ends up knocking aaron out by smashing a bottle over his head. he then ties him up to a radiator and leaves him there for overnight. he ends up coming back with a gun and holds aaron at gunpoint. paddy bursts in last second and robert turns around and ends up shooting paddy. they promise not to say anything and robert lets them go
but straight away aaron just goes and tells roberts wife scream legendary and boom roberts marriage is over :)
hes mocked aarons self harm on Many occasions. he called him a “girl” for cutting himself, he called him a failure for not dying when he attempted suicide, called him weak. called him a murderer for helping his paralysed boyfriend to die, said he got a “perverted kick” out of cutting himself. all real fucking bad stuff.
ross shoots robert and aaron literally goes into hospital when roberts in a coma and told him to hurry up and die. was very iconic 
robert and aaron end up getting back together when aarons dad who abused him comes to the village and aaron ends up self harming again and robert was the one who found him and took him to hospital so robert ends up being the person he tells about the abuse.
during this sl about the abuse -> robert talks to gordon when aaron told him not to, believes gordons lies and suggests to aaron he might be making up the memories, paid a false witness to say gordon abused him too
when gordon is in jail he writes a letter to aaron. robert got this letter before aaron and burns it and doesnt tell aaron abt it until he finds out from someone else and by that point gordon has killed himself
aaron inherited money from gordon and didnt want it but robert pressured him into using it to buy the mill
uhh they got engaged?? and around then is when robert starts with his cheating lol!! chrissies sister rebecca moves to the village and robert had history w her and had cheated on chrissie in the past with bex. 
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he kisses her like twice?? aaron is suspicious but robert makes out like hes crazy, he calls him a “jealous queen”, “this is never gonna work if u dont trust me” etc etc robert actually ends up taking off his engagement ring like “well if its not this, it’ll be something else bc u screw everything up because u dont want to be happy”
aaron has another sl where he ends up beating up finns ex-boyfriend kasim and goes to prison, robron get married just before he goes
like 3 weeks after aaron goes to prison, robert sleeps with rebecca. also has a good chunk of a scene before he sleeps with her where he just slags aaron off. 
rebecca gets pregnant, classic. robert threatens her into getting an abortion. she refuses and he threatens her even more. we find out he did the exact same thing to her before when he was with chrissie. and i mean he literally tries to sleep with her again to stop her telling aaron
he has to tell aaron in the end but they dont break up. but it ruins aaron mentally and he starts cutting himself again. eventually he breaks up with robert bc of his mental health and says his marriage is making him miserable etc etc. robert comes out with some nasty manipulative bullshit, literally held glass and was telling aaron to cut him rather than himself [x] (ran out of allowed embedded videos rip)
robert spends his time drugging lawrence now! :-) he is lacing his brandy with sleeping pills for revenge and getting him to sign over the business and shit like that. he also undresses him and puts him in bed and convinces him they slept together which Yikes. actually not even SLeeps together he literally tries to convince him that lawrence raped him. aaron finds the sleeping pills at work and robert lies to him and says hes having trouble sleeping and all this shit bc they broke up, guilting him Again. liv ends up drinking the spiked brandy and ends up in hospital aaron is NOT happy [x]
aaron gets a new boyfriend. robert is GROSS. they have a date in the woolpack and robert literally pulls a chair up to the table and sits there. he keeps calling aaron his husband. its bad. [x] and generally pushes himself into their relationship on multiple occasions 
like 6 months after aaron broke up with robert they have these scenes where aaron speaks to him about how he doesnt want to get back with him and how hes happy moving on. and robert came out w this absolute bullshit about “letting him go” like he was in control of their relationship and he had the final say over whether they broke up or not was Fucked [x]
after a few months aaron breaks up with his boyfriend and gets back with robert and since then its just been what ur seeing right now to be honest
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