#bc thats a lot of wheatley fans
madame-mongoose · 5 months
Do you also think it's crazy that after Wheatley becomes head honcho of Aperture he desperately tries to prove everyone wrong despite probably knowing deep down in his code that he WAS in fact designed to be a genuine-fied moron, but he has to prove that he is better than the code, that he is above the parameters he was essentially born with but in the process loses the people he could feel that satisfaction of disproving someone and quickly tries to concoct creatures to satisfy these new itches but it never quite satisfying, never quite succeeding and thus just permeates the ideology of him being a moron for trying in the first place?
Goddd yes. All the fucking time dude. His spiral is so fucking captivating to me. Like finally having that power over people. Finally being able to prove himself. Like the dialogue where he signifies how small Chell is. Or calls himself "tiny little wheatley"
Like it's so SO obvious how badly insecure he is. He knows what he is. That's what he was made for, that's what everyone told him. He has such a fragile inflated ego to protect himself. Like not to mention the way he twists events in his head so he has someone to blame. Pushing words and actions onto Chell so he doesn't have to come to terms with the fact that he IS a screw up. God. God fucking damn it drives me up the wall.
That's why people who say wheatley was always a saint or whatever until he was corrupted by the facility drive me crazy. It removes all the nuance and genuine tragedy of his character. He was ALWAYS a bit of a dick. He was always neglectful and never cared much about your well-being outside of your ability to help him. Being given control for once in his life. Not fearing that every little thing he does will kill him. Having power when he once was so powerless. Of course it amplifies his bad traits of course it drives him mad. He's so fucking pathetic it's sickening. I love him
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lunalikespace · 4 years
thoughts on the portal musical
Okay, to preface this, I just wanna give some background. I fucking love portal, and I have for years. I discovered it when I was around 10 y/o because of my older sister, and ever since it has by far been my favorite game ever. Not to say I'm the biggest portal fan because I know I'm not but I absolutely adore this game. Ive played it so many times Ive practically memorized the dialogue. Also, I love musicals. Again, not the biggest musical fan (I mostly know the "popular" ones like hamilton, wicked, heathers, ect.) So you can imagine how excited I was when I found a portal musical. I felt like I struck gold.
However, it kinda sucks.
Now, I'm known to like things that suck, so I listen lowkey listen to it and bop, but it really upsets me too.
So, here's just my general thoughts:
-the music in and of itself is pretty good, I think the lines are funny and clever and I can bop to them. I do really wish there wouldve been an original score. I feel like it wouldve been even more interesting that way. The portal music in itself is very unique, it couldve played off of that
-however,,, some of the singing is just, oof. i dont know a lot about the actors who are actually in the show, but the girl that plays GLaDOS can. not. sing. Like it acutally makes my ears bleed. And that makes me sad because I like "I'm Alive" for the lyrics/music but I cannot STAND the voice. Noah fence to whoever plays her. The guy that plays whealtey sounds p damn good though
-charcaterizaiton is trash. they really just said 'fuck glados' and that makes me sad. She makes the biggest change throughout old Aperture and I feel like they really just brushed over it and focused on Wheatley
-also, HATED the chelley undertones. And listen,,, yes I ship chelldos,, but I dont hate chelley with a burning passion. Both are good, but I prefer chelldos. I just felt like it was just. Too much. Especially when in the games no ships are cannon. Idk, just a pet peeve
-i really did love the flashbacks to old Aperture. I thought it was very interesting and enjoyable.
-also loved the cores, I thought theh were hilarious
-this is just my person opinion, but I wish the musical wouldve encompassed both games. I understand its the portal 2 musical but, I think it wouldve been 10 times coolor to have it start from the beginning. Think of the possibilities. Bring your daughter to work day. Doug Rattman. Killing glaods. The portal 1 cores!! (I love them) Idk I just feel like it couldve been better
Thats pretty much all I have to say. I'm really indifferent about this musical bc I do love it becsuse, I mean, cmon, it's a portal musical, but I feel like the delivery couldve been a lot better and that's on glados
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