#bc their banter (esp between hiei n kurama) is the best ever and why i love them so much
rouge-the-bat · 10 months
huh. well. i didnt want to keep my hopes up to high for the yyh live action, and thankfully so bc then it ended up being better than i was expecting! itll never be able to live up to the anime, but it was enjoyable enough at least.
unfortunately it was. extremely fast paced. they condensed so much into so little time, giving the characters very little room to banter with each other and show their, yunno. character. at least for kurama and hiei, which are my favorite characters of ever (tied with my two faves from sth). kurama never even got to show any of his dorkiness or love for messing with others, especially hiei! their interactions were so limited... it makes me so sad :( also the fact that kuwabara made a jab at hieis height even though hiei is now only a few inches shorter than him ..........
while the humor was rather limited, im glad that it was there at all (bc i worried it was only going to be super serious), and there were def some moments that really made me laugh! n i liked that hiei was still a little shit to kuwabara lol. and also that keiko got to have some badassery :) the action scenes were all pretty cool too, and i do think it was cool how they made some stuff a lot creepier (like those demon bugs possessing people and like, elder toguro in general lol)
ill also say, while as weird as it was to have so much of the story condensed and altered, it was also kind of interesting how they were able to tie in everything into a more streamlined story. while i way prefer the pace and storyline of the original, it was neat how they made each major plotpoint slide into the next like they did.
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