#bc yknow. they both abbreviate to S S D C
bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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(pls forgive how cronched this is) a lil doodle of the Space AI Trio i did in a recent magma! where i played a lil bit w one of the themes of the Space AI Trio's dynamics/motifs (abandonment/being replaced)
(what i mean by that under the cut:)
Eclipse was the rough, morally sketchier prototype of what Sun and Moon came to be a few generations later. When Eclipse's project went awry, his ship (Starcluster Seeking Discovery Cruiser, often shortened to SSDC, iteration 404) was evacuated and all evidence of it purged, leaving it to be lost to drift through the vast nothingness of the unfound spaces, waiting for a relief crew that was never coming and no one to remember it even existed to begin with. Sun and Moon's ship started development years later, Eclipse's existence far from anyone's minds: easily replaced when no one recalls that you once filled that void.
When Sun and Moon have their Big Drama Moment with Pilot-Reader, Reader is quick to bond with Eclipse and goof off , joke around, and simply spend time with said android, instead of spending as much time with Sun and Moon as they had BEFORE the Big Drama happened. Sun and Moon are, of course, quite upset that Reader was using this older-brother-they-never-knew-they-had as a rebound someone to confide in, almost as though they've been,, replaced. (Play stupid games win stupid prizes, boys, ya played urselves)
(basically Sun and Moon replaced Eclipse's ship/purpose, and later Eclipse 'replaces' Sun and Moon in their relationship with Reader lol)
Reader and Eclipse: bonding, figuring out how to communicate, dancing, perhaps kissing on one or two occasions, just bestie things Sun and Moon:
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