#bc you know how tunglr and twitter discourse can be but anyway anyway
killbaned · 2 years
apologies for Being All Over and OffTM rn my brain is still kinda firing rn despite me being tired going into my last day of work, it’s like tired but adhd in full swing.
have thoughts, no have ability to make thought coherent.
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danicoro · 6 years
being in the mc/c/ree tag for the next 2 weeks is going to be heinous, innit. i just wanna fuckin’ see hi-def gifs of my dumb cowboyfriend but y’all gotta be goblins and bring The Discourse™ into this house
“mc/c/ree was wh*tewash3d!!” allow me to assist
“wah my mc/ha/nzos!! my YOWEEZ!!” ?????
“bli/z/ard where is my black woman!!” tbh considering what @$he IS i’m actually really glad they DIDN’T make her black or otherwise w/o/c bc the last thing we rly need is the first black woman in the game bein’ an internationally notorious criminal :))
like some of the arguments i’ve seen are valid but ur not gonna make any changes by yelling about it on the blue hellsite. if all u do is “yell on tunglr” abt this shit ur just yelling into an echo chamber
and tbh, nothing that bli/z/zard has ever said or did has made me back off from my headcanons, and esp now that they’ve completely fucked their own canon, “g@ng chapters” or no, i’m just here like
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first of all, bli/z/zard can’t even fuckin’ make sense of their own damn canon, and if toy/ias saying @$he is his ex-lover at a panel only to have c/hu debunk that on twitter on the SAME DAY isn’t enough to exemplify to u just how bad this team is at maintaining a consistent lore then idfk what is, but seeing that honestly who the fuck cares what’s real and what’s not at this point??
if u wanna write the thing, write the thing. if u wanna draw the thing, draw the thing. curate ur experience online as much as possible, and learn to move past seeing shit u don’t like—REAL LIFE IS LIKE THAT BUT YOU WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT IF YOU EVER LEFT THE BLUE HELLSCAPE THAT IS TUNGLR/TWEETR
like, DAMN bitch, life is too short to get mad abt fictional fucking characters on the internet. none of us are getting out alive, and we’re all gonna shit ourselves in the end anyway. i’m too fuckin’ tired to go thru this shit again lmfao like god damn some of y’all really could stand to GO OUTSIDE
also bli/z/zard has done precisely nothing to destroy anyone’s HEADCANONS because ur headcanons are always gonna be a thing and literally no one, not even the shitheads at bli/z/zard can take those away from u, but ur headcanons are never gonna be CANON, that’s why they’re HEADCANONS... so like, it sounds like some of y’all need a ladder to help u get over this fact, and i mean... i got a spare...
also like, stop looking at BLI/Z/ZARD of all the companies u could look to for ur “representation” or whatever for that rep, they barely gave us an inch making tra/cer a l3sb*an almost two fuckin’ years ago and they’ve been radio silent ever since, but some of y’all still really be outchea actin’ like they saved lg/bt like shut up
also her being a Certified Gay™ never stopped the s/f/m comminuty and a male character bein’ ‘‘‘‘‘str8′’’’’ in canon NEVER stopped u fuckin’ fujoshits before  so like, just shut up and enjoy what you like, and block what u don’t. ur life will get infinitely less stressful and u won’t feel the need to yell about a fuckin’ pew pew shooty shoot fps game with fake lore on the fuckin’ Internet...
take their shitty characters and make ur own representation, or shut the fuck up about it lmao
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