voluntadfuerte · 2 years
@bcldlygo​ | sending in sexy pictures | accepting
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For Bucky
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“You always looked good wearing my hat.”
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percentstardust · 2 years
❛ halloween is the perfect day to hide a body in plain sight. ❜ Because Maze would say something like this
time to get spooky | accepting | @bcldlygo
"I understand what you are saying, but, also, no." Eve is well aware her wife is a demon, that she is going to say things like this even after being away from Hell for so long. It is in her nature and she would never ask her to change any part of her. She's just trying to process why she has said this. Does she have a dead body stored somewhere? Is she actually being serious or is she joking? She can sometimes never know with Mazikeen, especially with that monotone voice of hers. Still, Eve smiles at her.
"The body would start smelling eventually. You can only do so much. Unless you embalm it. But, then it would not be able to manipulate as much to fit the scene you are going for." Yes, she is making a serious conversation about this just to entertain her demon. "It would decompose as well, bugs would be everywhere." She only knows this information because criminal justice is one of her various degrees. She gets bored and goes for degrees she may never use. It happens when you are as ancient as her.
"So, how about we just stick with the Halloween decorations we have? We could get new ones. The animatronic ones I have seen at Spirit Halloween, even."
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startrekroleplay · 2 years
Directory Updated - November 10, 2022
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* denotes a multimuse blog ^ denotes a canon divergent muse ~ denotes a genderbent muse
Original Series / Alternate Original Series:
Pavel Chekov - @ensnchekov
Leonard McCoy - @lehmccoy
Montgomery Scott - @scottyland
Cabha - @healstars
bcldlygo is now thecavclry
@chaosandprotectors - inactivity
@fbiartist - inactivity
@journeythroughimpossiblethings - inactivity
@notaweaponspecialist - declared inactive
@soughtreasure - inactivity
@strings-have-been-cut - inactivity
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fatalelity · 2 years
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@bcldlygo​ : [ SUBTLE ]  our muses are cuddling,  sender begins to feel up receiver and tease them. From Tom      meme.  accepting
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god, the day has been so long that she can’t even remember what happened.     but god, she’s glad she gets to relax here.    something about tom paris’ arms feels so comfortable & warm that she’s almost certain she would’ve started to drift asleep.    eyes shut comfortably as her muscles relax,    she wanted to say something but his hands started to wander along her body —— this feels nice,    she smiles as a contented sigh leaves her lips.    then, she gasps when his palm touches her skin but the touch isn’t unwelcomed.    addison arches into him,    eyes fluttering open to look at him.    but just before she’s about to speak,    addison lets out a soft whine —— he knows what buttons to push ;    buttons that would drive her absolutely mad.     so palm rests against his jaw before pulling him in for a hungry kiss. 
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evcryopeneye · 2 years
@bcldlygo​​ asked: “ last night was nice.  ” For Feng from whoever you feel like.
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It wasn’t like she could do any more for him right now. It wasn’t like she had a fucking tower to call space with. Though, the idea that she was talking to someone who was from another world hadn’t phased her for a moment. Well, it was arrogant to assume they were alone right? She had eyes, she’d looked up at the sky at night and seen it pained with light. The idea that there was nothing beyond this world was ignorant and stupid. Then again the majority of people on this world were busy trying to either climb up the ranks of the officials, or just trying to stay alive. There was other shit further up their priority list.
So instead, she’d pulled out the plum wine. Home made…of course. Wine and snacks, what could possibly have gone wrong? Or right. Feng Wu would be the first one to admit that once she had a couple of drinks she could get flirty, but she wasn’t ashamed of it. Life was too short to be beholden to everyone elses rules. Plus, this wasn’t her first trip around the sun on this rock. She’d been back, and back, and back again.
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A smile spread across her face, “it was nice.” She agreed, most certainly not in a rush to get up and start the day. There were birds already singing outside, seems summer was in full swing, “I’m just glad I didn’t waste my good wine on someone boring.”
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duefaith-a · 2 years
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          // @bcldlygo​ sent,    ❝ did you want to be alone? ❞    from sam.
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           to cam,  it seems almost a strange question.  does he ever want to be alone?  he,  who had gone out of his way to drag back together a splintered team in order to not be alone.  he who will seek any cause when things go wrong to find himself in company.  and if he rarely wants to speak about what has happened,  that does not then mean he craves solitude.
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          cameron has never done well,  when left to his own mind,  to the depths of reflection and memory.  he offers sam a weary smile instead,  shakes his head and forcibly straightens his posture,  formerly slouched with elbows resting upon knees.    ❛ no,  it’s alright,  sam.  what’s up? ❜    and maybe,  just maybe,  he thinks,  she’s not here out of concern for him.  maybe,  just maybe,  there’s some other problem to be tackled.  the never seem to catch a break,  after all,  their moments to breathe all too short.
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captnjtkirka · 2 years
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❝ No one’s making you get up. ❞ He responds, an arm around her as they’re settled in bed together. Duties could wait. This is the one time Jim decides to be selfish. ❝ We could hide out here all day. At least, just this once. The ship’s not in danger. ❞
"I don't want to move." Una says softly as she curls into Jim. Today is a one of those days where she could be late for her duties and she would care less. She comfortable in the warm bed, so buries her face into his shoulder.   -> @bcldlygo​
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conziergearch · 2 years
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PROMPT :    what do you want?   ――   @bcldlygo​
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                   it would take more than a couple days to make the new home look less sterile.   the flowers chakotay brought were a start and quite beautiful to look at,   but once he settled upon her hard couch,   he looked about as amiss as kathryn herself did.   a small pot of coffee stood upon a small table,   next to a book :   both of which she had gotten from her mother as a welcome home gift.   it felt strange not donning the uniform in his presence,   strands of hair loosely pushed behind her ear.   what do you want,  kathryn?   she had asked herself that question so often since their return.   it felt as though she belonged in a different time,   and then again,   the last seven years had aged her just as they had him.   with her hands clasping to prevent any fumbling,   she walked over to one of the chairs across him.   a weary but content smile tugged on the corners of the captain’s mouth.     “ i want a dog, ”     she said surprisingly.     “ meeting mark again…   molly not recognising me…   i think i want a dog,  chakotay.   and a vacation to captain picard’s family winery.   perhaps a trip to the museum,   see what kind of exhibitions are open. ”     a sigh followed and her silhouette leaned forward a little :   it occurred to kathryn that she would miss him,   should he decide to follow a different path,   a different future.   it was his right,  of course,   she wished chakotay nothing but the best.   still…   when gaze lingered on the wrinkles that had appeared in the outer corners of his eyes throughout the years,   the sudden fear of losing him almost overwhelmed her.     “ and maybe i want to do all that with you.   our friendship has kept me sane throughout our journey back home,  chakotay,    i ――   i think i would miss it if it ended here. ”
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iamselfmade · 2 years
😘 Harry is just gonna cup Hugh's cheeks and kiss him.
Hugh kisses him right back on the cheek and then the nose. “I love you,” he murmurs. He runs his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. “You’re a dork, but you’re my dork. I love you so much.”
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percentstardust · 2 years
bcldlygo replied:
Goddess will encourage it
this is why she is the superior parent and why he likes her better. 
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vulcnlogic-a · 2 years
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❝ You wanted to speak to me sir? ❞   Spock glanced towards @bcldlygo​ and waits. A moment passed  and then another.  ❝ With all do respect captain, I would like to know what was so important? Is there some trouble? ❞
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secretserved · 2 years
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LOCATION     ↳   una’s quarters,  uss enterprise.  
episode based starter call
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overall she’s relieved at having been released from sickbay,   at being back in her own space,  but the concerned look on   (  @bcldlygo​’s  )   face is putting a damper on that.  she’s doing better  —  she’s healing,  sitting up only hurts a little,  and truly it all could’ve been so much worse.
that idea in mind,  a pointed change in direction  —  tragic as it still may be  —  feels called for.  besides,  una’s spent her entire career deflecting attention like this so it makes sense...  right?   “are you gonna tell me how many casualties we had yet?  i haven’t been cleared for duty...  but this is the sort of thing i deserve to know.”   una pauses,  placing a hand on his,   “chris,  come on,  you can’t carry this all alone and i know for a fact la’an has plenty on her mind as it is,”  
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evcryopeneye · 2 years
@bcldlygo​​ asked: “You should see the other one.” Georgiou for Tilly
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“Who left you unsupervised?” The question is posed as humour, though, there might have been a part of her that wasn’t kidding. Tilly may have had a few to drink. Well. They were in space dock for repairs, there wasn’t exactly a lot to do except explore the space dock, the planet below, a few days of hard earned r and r. While everyone had their plans, including meeting up with family - Tilly was trying to avoid hers.
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It might have led to an impromptu night out. Might have led to dancing with a certain tactical officer…Tilly should have known better, while there had been a pang of annoyance at the night being disrupted, Tilly guessed she should really thank the woman.
She wasn’t going to though.
“Do you have like, any chill?”
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becomingsea · 2 years
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@bcldlygo​ ;; pike // sam kirk starter call
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“I’ve got to admit it, Chris. You put a hell of a crew together. Can’t lie; I’m feeling a little outclassed.”
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
@bcldlygo​ said: 😘 Whoever you want | moar kisses
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It isn’t the first time. It won’t be the last. It can’t be. Still, Pris lingers, hand cupping Una’s cheek as she draws the other woman into a too-desperate kiss. A promise, an apology. A bid for more time.
It would never be enough. All too soon, they have to part, and Pris stays close, gaze searching.
“We’ll fix this. I promise.”
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conziergearch · 2 years
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PROMPT :   hi yes chakotay is just gonna come up behind kathryn and wrap his arms around her.   ――   @bcldlygo​
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                    chuckle hitches in the back of a throat,   fading into a breathless laugh when startled fingertips almost pour too much pepper onto the omelette.   kathryn’s no longer used to anyone staying the night,   much less him,   and not like this :   the fabric of a far too loose shirt crinkles underneath his grasp,   head leaning to the side so he can nuzzle his nose into her neck.   there’s stubbles on his chin,   scratching along her shoulder and forcing brows into a frown.   but the grin remains.     “ you should shave.   just because we’re no longer on the voyager doesn’t mean i don’t expect you to look presentable,  number one. ”     setting the spices down,   kathryn turns :   there’s just enough wiggle room to squeeze herself between a barely used stove and her counterpart,   hands gliding over his arms to the nape of his neck,   but if the aim was to kiss him,   she would have to raise herself onto her toes additionally.   poignantly teasing eyes inspect the slight shadow of a beard.     “ i didn’t want to wake you,   not with you sleeping so peacefully. ”
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