urbanchristiannews · 1 year
CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST AND FORMER BLACK PANTHER ANGELA DAVIS, WHO TEACHES THE U.S. WAS BUILT BY RACIST WHITE COLONIZERS AND HAS DEMANDED REPARATIONS FOR BLACKS BECAUSE OF THAT, WAS FLABBERGASTED TO DISCOVER BOTH SIDES OF HER FAMILY WERE WHITE AND THAT HER MOTHER'S ANCESTORS WERE SLAVE OWNERS. THE GENEALOGY SHOW "FINDING YOUR ROOTS" REVEALS HER WHITE PURITAN ANCESTORS ARRIVED IN AMERICA ON THE MAYFLOWER. THIS SHOCKING REVELATION HAS SPARKED CALLS FOR THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MARXIST UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR TO PAY REPARATIONS HERSELF. We at Blackchristiannews.com (BCNN1.COM) find it hard to believe that Mrs. Angela Davis, being nearly 80 years old, did not know some of this herself just from curious family history talks and through the family grapevine, particularly since she and others in her family could pass for white if they wanted to. Also, even though we love and respect Dr. Louis Gates and his groundbreaking work, it seems to us that the people who are supposed to be doing the fact-checking behind him should be made available long after the show for detailed questioning to make sure that they are not producing a show for shock-value, but it has holes in the research. 
Davis was born in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1944 during an era of segregation and severe racial violence in the South. While studying in West Germany in her youth she was drawn to far-left politics and upon returning to the US became involved with the Black Panthers and the Communist Party USA CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST AND FORMER BLACK PANTHER ANGELA DAVIS, WHO TEACHES THE U.S. WAS BUILT BY RACIST…
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Buffalo Chicken Wraps — BCNN1 WP
Buffalo Chicken Wraps — BCNN1 WP
via Buffalo Chicken Wraps — BCNN1 WP
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onlinechurchawards · 3 years
Pope Francis urges people to get Coronavirus Plague vaccine as “an act of love” | BCNN1
Pope Francis urges people to get Coronavirus Plague vaccine as “an act of love” | BCNN1
Pope Francis said getting the coronavirus vaccine was “an act of love” Wednesday, as the head of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics joined a campaign to boost confidence in COVID-19 shots. “Thanks to God and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from COVID-19,” Francis said in a message for the U.S.-based “It’s Up to You” initiative. Vaccination is a simple way of promoting the…
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blackchurchpost · 6 years
With "A Letter to My Brothers," Prophetess Beth Moore Will be Remembered in Church History With the Likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Billy Graham, Anne Graham-Lotz, and Other Church Leaders
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I think I can speak for many of us when I say we are neither interested in reducing or seducing our brothers. —Beth Moore
Beth Moore came out of her prayer closet one day and wrote a document akin to Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From A Birmingham Jail.” By the grace of God, she showed the courage of Billy Graham, the eloquence of Martin Luther King Jr., and the authority and fierceness of Anne Graham-Lotz.
I long for the day—have asked for the day—when we can sit in round table discussions to consider ways we might best serve and glorify Christ as the family of God, deeply committed to the authority of the Word of God and to the imitation of Christ. —Beth Moore
One of the reasons the letter is so great is because she was extremely careful not to do the whiny, pity-party thing that unfortunately is so common in some women. No, she stood flat-footed, if you will, and delivered with authority what the church needed to hear. Beth Moore, all of the pain you have endured has brought you “to such a time as this.”
Here is the document that will be read in church history books long after Beth Moore has left her death bed.
A Letter to My Brothers
Dear Brothers in Christ,
A few years ago I told my friend, Ed Stetzer, that, whenever he hears the news that I’m on my deathbed, he’s to elbow his way through my family members to interview me about what it’s been like to be a female leader in the conservative Evangelical world. He responded, “Why can’t we do it before then?”
“Because you know good and well what will happen,” I answered. “I’ll get fried like a chicken.” After recent events following on the heels of a harrowing eighteen months, I’ve decided fried chicken doesn’t sound so bad.
I have been a professing Evangelical for decades and, at least in my sliver of that world, a conservative one. I was a cradle role Southern Baptist by denomination with an interdenominational ministry. I walked the aisle to receive Christ as my Savior at 9 years old in an SBC church and exactly nine years later walked the aisle in another SBC church to surrender to a vocational calling. Being a woman called to leadership within and simultaneously beyond those walls was complicated to say the least but I worked within the system. After all, I had no personal aspirations to preach nor was it my aim to teach men. If men showed up in my class, I did not throw them out. I taught. But my unwavering passion was to teach and to serve women.
I lack adequate words for my gratitude to God for the pastors and male staff members in my local churches for six decades who have shown me such love, support, grace, respect, opportunity and often out right favor. They alongside key leaders at LifeWay and numerous brothers elsewhere have no place in a larger picture I’m about to paint for you. They have brought me joy and kept me from derailing into cynicism and chronic discouragement amid the more challenging dynamics.
As a woman leader in the conservative Evangelical world, I learned early to show constant pronounced deference – not just proper respect which I was glad to show – to male leaders and, when placed in situations to serve alongside them, to do so apologetically. I issued disclaimers ad nauseam. I wore flats instead of heels when I knew I’d be serving alongside a man of shorter stature so I wouldn’t be taller than he. I’ve ridden elevators in hotels packed with fellow leaders who were serving at the same event and not been spoken to and, even more awkwardly, in the same vehicles where I was never acknowledged. I’ve been in team meetings where I was either ignored or made fun of, the latter of which I was expected to understand was all in good fun. I am a laugher. I can take jokes and make jokes. I know good fun when I’m having it and I also know when I’m being dismissed and ridiculed. I was the elephant in the room with a skirt on. I’ve been talked down to by male seminary students and held my tongue when I wanted to say, “Brother, I was getting up before dawn to pray and to pore over the Scriptures when you were still in your pull ups.”
Some will inevitably argue that the disrespect was not over gender but over my lack of formal education but that, too, largely goes back to issues of gender. Where was a woman in my generation and denomination to get seminary training to actually teach the Scriptures? I hoped it would be an avenue for me and applied and was accepted to Southwestern Seminary in 1988. After a short time of making the trek across Houston while my kids were in school, of reading the environment and coming to the realization of what my opportunities would and would not be, I took a different route. I turned to doctrine classes and tutors, read stacks of books and did my best to learn how to use commentaries and other Bible research tools. My road was messy but it was the only reasonable avenue open to me.
Anyone out in the public eye gets pelted with criticism. It’s to be expected, especially in our social media culture, and those who can’t stand the heat need to get out of the kitchen. What is relevant to this discussion is that, several years ago when I got publically maligned for being a false teacher by a segment of hyper-fundamentalists based on snippets taken out of context and tied together, I inquired whether or not they’d researched any of my Bible studies to reach those conclusions over my doctrine, especially the studies in recent years. The answer was no. Why? They refused to study what a woman had taught. Meanwhile no few emails circulated calling pastors to disallow their women to do my “heretical” studies. Exhausting. God was and is and will always be faithful. He is sovereign and all is grace. He can put us out there and pull us back as He pleases. Ours is to keep our heads down and seek Him earnestly and serve Him humbly
I have accepted these kinds of challenges for all of these years because they were simply part of it and because opposition and difficulties are norms for servants of Christ. I’ve accepted them because I love Jesus with my whole heart and will serve Him to the death. God has worked all the challenges for good as He promises us He will and, even amid the frustrations and turmoil, I would not trade lives with a soul on earth. Even criticism, as much as we all hate it, is used by God to bring correction, endurance and humility and to curb our deadly addictions to the approval of man.
I accepted the peculiarities accompanying female leadership in a conservative Christian world because I chose to believe that, whether or not some of the actions and attitudes seemed godly to me, they were rooted in deep convictions based on passages from 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 14.
Then early October 2016 surfaced attitudes among some key Christian leaders that smacked of misogyny, objectification and astonishing disesteem of women and it spread like wildfire. It was just the beginning. I came face to face with one of the most demoralizing realizations of my adult life: Scripture was not the reason for the colossal disregard and disrespect of women among many of these men. It was only the excuse. Sin was the reason. Ungodliness.
This is where I cry foul and not for my own sake. Most of my life is behind me. I do so for sake of my gender, for the sake of our sisters in Christ and for the sake of other female leaders who will be faced with similar challenges. I do so for the sake of my brothers because Christlikeness is at stake and many of you are in positions to foster Christlikeness in your sons and in the men under your influence. The dignity with which Christ treated women in the Gospels is fiercely beautiful and it was not conditional upon their understanding their place.
About a year ago I had an opportunity to meet a theologian I’d long respected. I’d read virtually every book he’d written. I’d looked so forward to getting to share a meal with him and talk theology. The instant I met him, he looked me up and down, smiled approvingly and said, “You are better looking than _________________________________.” He didn’t leave it blank. He filled it in with the name of another woman Bible teacher.
These examples may seem fairly benign in light of recent scandals of sexual abuse and assault coming to light but the attitudes are growing from the same dangerously malignant root. Many women have experienced horrific abuses within the power structures of our Christian world. Being any part of shaping misogynistic attitudes, whether or not they result in criminal behaviors, is sinful and harmful and produces terrible fruit. It also paints us continually as weak-willed women and seductresses. I think I can speak for many of us when I say we are neither interested in reducing or seducing our brothers.
The irony is that many of the men who will give consideration to my concerns do not possess a whit of the misogyny coming under the spotlight. For all the times you’ve spoken up on our behalf and for the compassion you’ve shown in response to “Me too,” please know you have won our love and gratitude and respect.
John Bisagno, my pastor for almost thirty years, regularly said these words: “I have most often seen that, when the people of God are presented with the facts, they do the right thing.” I was raised in ministry under his optimism and, despite many challenges, have not yet recovered from it. For this reason I write this letter with hope.
I’m asking for your increased awareness of some of the skewed attitudes many of your sisters encounter. Many churches quick to teach submission are often slow to point out that women were also among the followers of Christ (Luke 8), that the first recorded word out of His resurrected mouth was “woman” (John 20:15) and that same woman was the first evangelist. Many churches wholly devoted to teaching the household codes are slow to also point out the numerous women with whom the Apostle Paul served and for whom he possessed obvious esteem. We are fully capable of grappling with the tension the two spectrums create and we must if we’re truly devoted to the whole counsel of God’s Word.
Finally, I’m asking that you would simply have no tolerance for misogyny and dismissiveness toward women in your spheres of influence. I’m asking for your deliberate and clearly conveyed influence toward the imitation of Christ in His attitude and actions toward women. I’m also asking for forgiveness both from my sisters and my brothers. My acquiescence and silence made me complicit in perpetuating an atmosphere in which a damaging relational dynamic has flourished. I want to be a good sister to both genders. Every paragraph in this letter is toward that goal.
I am grateful for the privilege to be heard. I long for the day – have asked for the day – when we can sit in roundtable discussions to consider ways we might best serve and glorify Christ as the family of God, deeply committed to the authority of the Word of God and to the imitation of Christ. I am honored to call many of you friends and deeply thankful to you for your devotion to Christ. I see Him so often in many of you.
In His great name,
Because of some of the things Beth Moore brought out in her “A Letter to My Brothers,” the president and owner of the parent company of BCNN1, Daniel Whyte III, led by God, took the liberty to change the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.
Baptist Preacher and Gospel Light Society President, Daniel Whyte III, Updates the Apostles’ Creed to Better Reflect Important Details of Jesus’ Resurrection
Daniel Whyte III, who happens to be a Baptist preacher, but who, for nearly thirty years, has read the Apostles’ Creed in family devotions with his wife and seven children, has taken the liberty to update it for the first time in hundreds of years.
According to the Lexham Bible Dictionary, “The Apostles’ Creed seems to represent some form of what the early church called the ‘rule of faith.’ The early Christians were guided by the ‘rule of faith,’ the Holy Spirit working in community and individuals, and the authoritative Scriptures. Before the ‘rule of faith’ was called such, there were general references to the teachings and traditions of the apostles. It is these core teachings that make up the Apostles’ Creed. Signs of these ‘core teachings’ are seen as early as the New Testament book of Hebrews, which speaks of a need for Christians to grasp and embrace the basic concepts of faith so that they can move into deeper parts of their Christian faith, while at the same time realizing how essential it is that they never depart from a core belief in the real and living Christ. The Apostles’ Creed represents a set of uncompromisable core beliefs for Christians. The Apostles’ Creed, like all creeds, functions like a filter for orthodoxy; it indicates what is and what is not ‘Christian.’ It is a public profession of belief in historic Christianity.”
Whyte made the change in the Apostles’ Creed because he believes the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ should be included in the historic Christian affirmation. He states, “Perhaps the most important aspect of the post-Passion record are Jesus’ appearances to His followers. Obviously, Satan and the enemies of Christ did not want news to get out that Jesus had risen from the dead. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:14, ‘If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and our faith is also vain.’
“Thus, all of Jesus’ appearances after His resurrection are important, including His appearances to Mary Magdalene and the other women, His appearances to the disciples, and His appearance to over 500 brethren over the course of the 40 days following His resurrection. The record of these appearances in the Gospels and as recounted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 are important because they are eyewitness proof that Jesus was indeed alive in bodily form after His crucifixion.”
Whyte goes on to say, “The resurrection is a vital part of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the one thing that universally sets Christianity apart from all other religions. We follow a Savior, Master, and Teacher who is alive. We, and the world, need to be reminded of that. A statement describing Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances should be included in the Apostles’ Creed because it is a part of the Gospel message. If we’re going to name Pilate, let’s name Mary Magdalene, the other women, the disciples, and the over 500 brethren.”
He recommends that all parents have family devotions (which used to be called “family altar”) each day. For those who have little children, Whyte urges parents to teach their young ones about the faith using this ancient statement of Christian belief.
The updates to the creed are in red and underlined below:
The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell. The third day He arose again from the dead;
He was seen alive by Mary Magdalene and the other women, the disciples, and over 500 other brethren; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.
– BCNN1 Editors
With “A Letter to My Brothers,” Prophetess Beth Moore Will be Remembered in Church History With the Likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Billy Graham, Anne Graham-Lotz, and Other Church Leaders was originally published on BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network
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canada3sponsor · 2 years
PODCAST: The Rise of the Antichrist, Part 14 (The Prophet Daniel’s Report #733 — In Light of These Things) with Daniel Whyte III — BCNN1 WP
PODCAST: The Rise of the Antichrist, Part 14 (The Prophet Daniel’s Report #733 — In Light of These Things) with Daniel Whyte III — BCNN1 WP
Read more on this developing history https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F1259729653&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&color=ff5500 Welcome to The Prophet Daniel’s Report. This is report #733. My name is Daniel Whyte III here to remind you that Jesus Christ is coming back soon and that…
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ljrsm · 2 years
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Ukraine Christians In Grave Danger of Losing Their Freedom of Religion, Speech and Human Rights — BCNN1 WP
190,000 Russian troops have massed on Ukraine’s border. (photo All Israel News) Please share this post.  Prayer is urgently needed for the people and Christians of Ukraine.  Their human rights and freedom of speech and freedom of religion are at grave risk.  The impending invasion by Russia is not just about NATO or territorial disagreements. […]Ukraine Christians In Grave Danger of Losing Their…
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bijoychetia · 3 years
World Health Organization says Coronavirus Plague omicron variant poses ‘very high’ global risk and is likely to spread — BCNN1 WP
World Health Organization says Coronavirus Plague omicron variant poses ‘very high’ global risk and is likely to spread — BCNN1 WP
LONDON — The omicron variant of the coronavirus is likely to spread further and poses a “very high” global risk, according to the World Health Organization, which warned Monday that surges of Covid infections caused by the variant of concern could have “severe consequences” for some areas. “Given mutations that may confer immune escape potential […]World Health Organization says Coronavirus…
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know4life · 6 years
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RT @bcnn1: Today is #Juneteenth: Many Americans Still Don't Know What it Is. So, Let's Get Them Up to Speed. #Juneteenth2018 https://t.co/2b8fgeV6ZK https://t.co/O7aSqG2EqT
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AME Church Releases Statement On 'Transition' of James H. Cone
The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church has released a statement on the passing of black liberation theologian James H. Cone. The statement, which recalls the upbringing of Cone and his family in the AME Church, was signed by AME President Clement W. Fugh, General Board President Vashti McKenzie, Social Action Chairman Frank Madison Reid III, and the Church's Senior Bishop McKinley Young. The full statement is below, courtesy of Religion News Service. --BCNN1
The African Methodist Episcopal Church celebrates the life, work, and legacy of Dr. James H. Cone. Dr. Cone’s theological purpose and project were to challenge the theological idolatry of white supremacy while encouraging the Black Church to be “unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian.” His classic works Black Theology and Black Power (1969), a Black Theology of Liberation (1970); and God of the Oppressed (1975) powerfully challenged theological, social, political, and ecclesiastical business as usual. His latest publication, The Cross and the Lynching Tree, published in 2012 won the distinguished Grawemeyer Award in Religion. His spiritual autobiography, I Said I Wasn’t Going To Tell Nobody, will be released in the Fall of this year. His powerful and awakening books and writings earned him the title “Father of Black Liberation Theology”. Dr. Cone’s extraordinary skill in the classroom, the lecture hall or behind a local church pulpit, made him a theological prophet, mentor and role model to many. In the 1997 updated and expanded edition of Black Theology and Black Power, Dr. Cone expressed the meaning of his theological work this way: “I wanted to speak on behalf of the voiceless black masses in the name of Jesus, whose gospel I believed had been greatly distorted by the preaching theology of white churches.” The Bill and Judith Moyer Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary, he touched, trained and molded generations of Ph.D. trained theologians and prophetic Christian servant leaders serving in pulpits and ministries around the world. Dr. Cone was truly a hero and shero maker. The African Methodist Episcopal Church was the spiritual crucible in which Dr. Cone met the God of the Oppressed. His memories of songs, sermons and life lessons he learned in the church of his youth run throughout his writings. He stood on the shoulders of some of the most exemplary AME Church servant leaders: Richard Allen, Jarena Lee, Denmark Vesey, Henry McNeal Turner, Ida Wells Barnett and Reverdy Cassius Ransom. Both he and his brother, Dr. Cecil W. Cone, Jr. grew up in the AME Church in Arkansas and were ordained itinerant elders in the AME Church. The Cone family’s commitment to the AME Church was a faith, family and freedom affair. They loved their church enough to never leave it. They chose to challenge their church to keep Richard Allen’s Dream alive by speaking and writing the truth in love. The Cones were proud to be AME members and the denomination was richly blessed by their contributions. Today, we pray for the sons, daughters, family, friends, and students that feel Dr. Cone’s loss deeply. The Connectional AME Church thanks God for the gift the Cone family shared with the world. May God in Christ comfort and strengthen them in their journey through grief to healing and wholeness. Dr. Cone achieved extraordinary academic and theological excellence. Because he knew Jesus and the power of His resurrection the works and witness of James H. Cone lives; his truth is marching on. Thank you, Dr. Cone, for the challenge to be the sons and daughters of the God of life, love, and liberation. The Council of Bishops of the AME Church Clement W. Fugh, President Vashti Murphy McKenzie, President of the General Board Frank Madison Reid III, Chair, Commission on Social Action McKinley Young, Senior Bishop ### Contact Dr. Jeffrey Cooper, General Secretary [email protected] 615-254-0911
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malcolmflynn4 · 4 years
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Donald Trump says he would make Ted Cruz a Supreme Court justice as he unveils new shortlist of 20 candidates including GOP senator Tom Cotton who immediately promises to overturn Roe v. Wade — BCNN1 WP Hoping to replicate a strategy that has long been seen as key to his appeal among conservative voters, President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced he is adding 20 names to a list of Supreme Court candidates that he’s pledged to choose from if he has future vacancies to fill.
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urbanchristiannews · 2 years
THE DEVIL IS A LIE: OFF THE DEEP END -- Now Here Comes Granda and His Publisher Trying to Make Money Off of the Jerry Falwell Jr., and Becki Falwell SWINGING Scandal That is Hurting Liberty University Students and Alumni All Over Again -- BCNN1 Editors Tell . . . 
THE DEVIL IS A LIE: OFF THE DEEP END — Now Here Comes Granda and His Publisher Trying to Make Money Off of the Jerry Falwell Jr., and Becki Falwell SWINGING Scandal That is Hurting Liberty University Students and Alumni All Over Again — BCNN1 Editors Tell . . . 
Giancarlo Granda, the Miami hotel “pool boy” whose accusations of a marital affair helped lead to Jerry Falwell’s resignation from Liberty University TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST/GETTY IMAGES THE DEVIL IS A LIE: OFF THE DEEP END — Now Here Comes Granda and His Publisher Trying to Make Money Off of the Jerry Falwell Jr., and Becki Falwell SWINGING Scandal That is Hurting Liberty University…
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Now WOKEISM is Trying to Do Away With Mother’s Day. Critics Blast Companies For Giving Customers the Option to Opt-Out of Mother’s Day Emails — BCNN1 WP
Flower arrangements at Flowers By Bert & Peg in North Kingstown on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2022. (WJAR) Now WOKEISM is Trying to Do Away With Mother’s Day. Critics Blast Companies For Giving Customers the Option to Opt-Out of Mother’s Day Emails A bevy of major retail companies have been giving their customer bases the […] Now WOKEISM is Trying to Do Away With Mother’s Day. Critics Blast Companies…
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onlinechurchawards · 3 years
Chip and Joanna Gaines Share Secret to Their Long-Lasting Marriage: ‘We’re in it Forever’ | BCNN1
Chip and Joanna Gaines Share Secret to Their Long-Lasting Marriage: ‘We’re in it Forever’ | BCNN1
Chip and Joanna Gaines have stayed busy over the years with multiple renovation projects, growing their Magnolia Network, and raising five children together. The couple agrees that despite the ups and downs, they would never give it up. The “Fixer Upper” stars, who have been married for 18 years, shared the key to their long-lasting relationship during a recent interview with Access…
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compassion99 · 4 years
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Man on Wire ⚜️⚜️⚜️
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mtongorijuma · 4 years
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About 4 Years God Laid Upon Daniel Whyte III’s Heart To Preach A 100 Message Series On Overcoming the Acceptable Christian Sin Of Gluttony and The Effects Of Obesity, Now With So Many Christians Dying From The Coronavirus Plague He Realizes Why God Led Him To Do This — BCNN1 WP Gospel Light Society Podcasts · No Animal Foods, Part 4 (Overcoming The Acceptable Christian Sin Of Gluttony #42) Overcoming The Acceptable Christian Sin Of Gluttony #42 Welcome To The Overcoming The Acceptable Christian Sin Of Gluttony Podcast, A Companion Podcast To The Acceptable Christian Sin Of Gluttony message series.
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