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          it’s a question he’s always wanted to ask since they got married --- but they got married so young, fresh out of college, that he didn’t want to scare her away so quickly. so, he waited, and now the question keeps on haunting him again. he turns to sumi with a nervous smile, fumbling with the fabric of his shirt.     ❛ do you . . . want . . . K I D S? ❜   //   @bcnnenuit
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kiingdmcome-blog · 5 years
↪ @bcnnenuit​​ / for riri , based off of this !
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“𝕊𝕆 ... ℍ𝕆𝕎 𝕃𝕆ℕ𝔾 have you two known each other again ?” casual words are a shield, hiding behind them a desire to learn a little too much more about the person the other girl was now ‘ seeing ‘. maybe she’s got no right to pry –– despite, well, everything, they’re only, only friends, after all ! –– but sarang can’t deny her avid curiosity, not even when further answers only lead to the further shattering of her already slightly wounded heart. “they sound ... nice !”
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etastra-moved · 6 years
the hug that ends too soon ( from areum to youngsoo hehe )
@bcnnenuit || celestial embrace || areum → youngsoo !!
19. the hug that ends too soon
     youngsoo insists, once they step out of the tiny restaurant and are met with the dying rays of sunlight setting the sky on fire. it truly feels like a date when he insists, once more, that he should at least walk her partway back to her place, despite the campus being patrolled by security and despite the multitude of lamps lighting up the pathways and sidewalks ( he says ‘it’s a nice night out and a walk will be great’ despite never having been fond of walks ). but it’s easy to convince areum and, before he knows it, they’re at her place and it’s really starting to feel like they just finished a date. all he has to do is shuffle forward a few steps, brush hair over ear, and dip down to skim lips to cheek in a gentleman’s good night ( he remembers doing that after he asked her out that very first time, before he had officially asked her to prom ).
     he does nothing, remains rooted to spot with art materials weighing backpack down and a small smile permanently etched onto features. he doesn’t want to say good night, wants to insist they go for something sweet after all that food, but a new art commission is calling his attention ( and struggling, for once, muse focused more on the woman before him than not ). whatever complaints about assignments that he’d been making in half-hearted tones dies immediately when he sees areum surge forward suddenly ; he half expects her to roll onto tip toes and tug him down into a kiss, and he’s equal parts disappointed and relieved she does do that.
     hearts a suddenly thunderous beat in ears when arms wind ‘round his waist, catching him off guard for all of two seconds before he attempts to wrap arms around shoulders and hold her close - but he doesn’t get a chance to as, as soon as the hug is registered, areum’s stepping away as if flustered and he’s left with arms hanging around invisible shoulders. youngsoo takes precisely one second to register the idiotic position he’s in before arms fall to sides limply and he’s giving areum a tiny smile, a little strained at the edges but no less genuine. the butterflies from earlier are back full force, and he hopes the evening sun has ducked far down beneath horizon to hide the way ears are aglow in a fiery warmth.
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     “i don’t need to say how fun it was hanging out, or that we should do it before finals end, right ?” teasing words coil upon tongue, matching the bright glint to darkened eyes ; though he regrets not giving her a proper hug, at least he can promise another time to ensure he gives her a genuine goodbye, as it’s too late now to step into a hug ( not without coming across as odd, at least ). “you have my number, right ? let me know when you’re next free and i’ll choose where we go out to eat.” he realizes what words sound like and freezes, wonders if he should backtrack and clarify. but areum’s nodding in agreement and calling goodbye so, with a wave of awkward hand contradicting grinning lips, he turns to head back to his apartment, the burning vibrancy of ears registering now that his back’s turned - smooth.
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ycungwings-a · 6 years
@bcnnenuit ♥’d | ft. ?? && GUN
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“IF YOU’RE not gonna do it properly or put your heart into it,” he scowls, “get the fuck out. i don’t need someone who’s half-assing things in here,” gun gestures to the door, his normally amiable countenance absent in times of stress. running a hand through his hair, mumbling to himself as he headed for the computer to rewind the song.
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wistfulreality · 6 years
a starter to claim your ♡ for @bcnnenuit based off this
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long distance relationships were not easy, but ziyuan had felt that pursuing this relationship with her was worth it. despite the fact that she was in korea and he was in china, he tried to call her as much as he possibly could. luckily, with technology to be so high-end these days, it wasn’t hard to do so. plus, they didn’t have terrible timezones to account for, which was a positive aspect as well. “pick up, pick up,” he murmured to himself as he waited for the facetime to connect so he could finally see his girlfriend again.
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creamistries-blog · 7 years
[ @bcnnenuit ]
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“can you just leave me alone?! i already told you that i didn’t want to talk.”
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highstrvng · 7 years
♡ : closed starter for @bcnnenuit.
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    ‘  i don’t know.  ’  bash shrugs, a contemplative look crossing his face before he smirks.   ‘  maybe instead of askin’ why i’m so annoying, we should ask why you’re so damn fun to annoy  ?  ’  the answer’s probably all the same  ---  it all comes down to how cute the other looks with their face all scrunched up and irritated. he’ll maintain until he dies that it’s not his fault.
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gaysols · 7 years
tagging: @bcnnenuit characters: unknown + ji yoonah location: your characters place idk time: evening? afternoon? idk notes: based on the second plot from the top
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“hey-- i know you heard me, and you’re ignoring me and getting ready anyway? that’s just rude,” yoonah said teasingly, hands on her hips as she raised her eyebrow. they’d been planning on going out to see a movie and get dinner, but upon hearing about her friend’s day, yoonah had changed that split second. “i’m serious-- we’re not going. go get your pajamas on. we can watch a movie here instead.”
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tianfcn · 7 years
@bcnnenuit ♥’d | ft. CARINA
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--- “i’m telling you,” she said, words slightly slurred. it’s not hard to see that carina was INEBRIATED ( perhaps, it was a bad idea to have a drinking party with supernatural creatures ). “you’ve got...mm...someone fol...someone following you,” she continued, pointing behind the other with a swaying digit.
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concrvte · 7 years
@bcnnenuit LIKED THIS.
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            ❛ I'm not a VIRGIN I slept with like ... tons of people including my boyfriend. ❜ An obvious lie spoken by under-experienced girl who is ASHAMED of being under-experienced. Kind of.  ❛ Ask me, I know all the techniques. ❜
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commedias · 7 years
closed for: @bcnnenuit
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           the psychiatric unit wasn't for the faint of heart, tasked with monitoring patients' sanity while hardly maintaining your own. even if it was for menial duties, no chance in hell existed of them ever assigning volunteers despite their meager staff. however, new recruits were warmly welcomed into other units of the hospital, allowing jiha to meet kitty when she passed through separate wards of the building. ten years her junior, kitty reminded her of a younger version of her self. it was only naturally that she would want to look out for her best interest. she's invited the other over to assist her in decorating her house for halloween. her hands work deftly at carving a pumpkin, reluctantly handing over a knife to kitty to begin on her own gourd as well, ❛ be careful with it, okay ? you're only supposed to be at the hospital for volunteer work, not pumpkin-carving injuries, ❜ she keeps a scrutinous eye on kitty as if she was watching over a younger sister.
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blccmingdays · 7 years
malai: why can't taking the train be more exciting?
malai: i'm not saying i want a zombie outbreak
malai: but if this was more like train to busan i would feel this bored
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cherrykisscs · 5 years
@bcnnenuit​​​​ liked for a starter ! ╰⋗ ft. jinri & violet     
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          ‘ this is weird, ri. ’ violet snorts as she finishes fidgeting with the jacket. she’s rarely ever modeled things for other people, more inclined to use models herself for the clothes she designs and outfits she coordinates. on the other hand, it’s nice to not have worry about the outfit, the lighting, the pose, the vibe, for once. jinri is one of the only people violet would give up so much power to, a very well-deserved honor, if vi says so herself. ‘ i haven’t had someone else take my picture like this since, like, high school graduation. ’
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blazedfires · 7 years
@bcnnenuit liked for a starter.
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—– ✤✤  “what do people usually buy for christmas? i wanted to try something on my own and bake you christmas cookies but---- i think i need more practice on that.” because his last attempt was a complete fail. he won’t even mention it. “but i’ve heard people buy gifts for christmas! tell me what do you want! --- or was it supposed to be a surprise? oh... well.”
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